HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-07-30, Page 4HELP WANTED MALE ARTICLES WANTED .......„.......,.................. .2: INCYCIZS, Girl's i?4".: boy's 26 or 28". Apply Beaker's Trailer .Court, trailer Na, 40. .„. WANTED — LIVE PIGEONS, 85o. each Phone .Collect Lam- beth 652-3283 days and London 432-8531 evenings. .1.4tfb. CARDS OF THANK I wish to thank my fiend neighbors arid relatives :fox cards, flowers and kindne Nstile a patient 'in Clinton., Pub lie hospital,. Special thanks iNfr. Morrison, Dr. 'Oakes, Addison for their services; also the nurses, and hospital staff —MRS. GLADYS PECK. 31 REAL ESTATE CARDS QF. THANKS I wish, ..to thank my filendS, neighbours and relatives for flowers, -cards and treats .While a patient in .-Clinton Public Hospital. — MRS, LAURA SAUNDERCOCK.. 31b Classified Ads LARGE MOUSE, suitable for family or has income possibil- ities. for retired couple, ill health reason for selling, priced for quick sale. Write to Box .Clinton320, News-Record, '.slb • MEN WANTED for Factory Work Apply Highland Shoes, Seafoeth. 31-2b **, Page NEIVS-Record,Thurs., July 30, 1964 ARTICLES FOR;SALO ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT LOST and FOUND I would like to thanls all my friends who sent cards, gifts, and flowers while I was a p4t- jebt Clinton Hospital 'and Victoria hospital,. London. —NELSON .1VICCUNCHEY, I would like to. express my appreciation for the many acts of kindness and .expressions of sympathy extended by relatives and TORAds during the recent loss of my dear mother, — DILEDNCLARK. Sip MODERN 3-BEDROOM RED- wood house, spacious Wtchen. and living area, built-in oven and stove; dining area, four- piece bath, full basement, extra. lot. Reasonable' down payment. Phone 4827626, 8tfb. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 4-BEDROOM HOUSE on high- way, all inpdern conveniences, oil furnace, close to schoel. Av, atlahle now, Phone 482-3251. 28tfb AUTOS FOR SALE CAMPING 'MAILER, 3 YrS, old, •$65,00. Phone 482-786,1 30-lb STRAYED—SMALL DOG with long. white -hair.. :Should have hespeler tag and collar. Phone 482-9114 or- 48-3443. 31p I wish 'to thank my blend. and neighbours far gifts an flowers,, as well As. the mans kind acts, both to myself my wife, while, I was ill.. Sp ecial thanks are due 'to Pr, L P, Walden, Dr, F. Newland and the nursing staff of Firs' Floor of the Clinton Publi Hospital,—J. D, THORNDIK 31 We wish 'to express „our heart felt thanks and appreciation our neighbours, relatives an friends for their cards, flower• and 'thoughtfulness upon ith recent loss of our son. Specie thanks to Rev. Charles Lewis Rev, Robert Meally, the Ar thur funeral home, B'ainton Ltd and staff, and LOL 932. WILLIAM and RETA DODD . . 31b The nerds, flowers, 'treat and Visits of my •friends, rela dyes and neighbours while was 'a patient In Clinton an. Vlatoria. Hospitals made a sun ny spot in each day and W. deeply apprediated.. My than also to Dr. Oakes, Mrs. Phin- ney and her staff, for their excellent care, Rev. Mr. Pease for his many pleasant visits. —MRS. GEORGE CASTLE,. BAYFIELD. 31b • MOTORCYCLE, Large SD, 1961 No del, 'in excellent .condition. Phone 482-3803. alb 4-ROOM unfurnished Thpart- P1Prit, hardwood floors, self- contained, private bath and ent- rance. Gas heating. 13 Albert St., plume 4$2-9090., 28p-tfb MeCLARY EASY washing ma, chine, one yeAr old. Phone 482- 7355. 30-1'b MISCELLANEOUS MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House, Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 1958 FORD 4-Door, V8 Auto, matic, radio, back up Tights, this 'is a local one owner car, in excellent condition, Phone 482-9331. 31'tfb 1955 BUICK HARDTOP; 1953 Mercury Sedan; 1955 Chev. Sedan, a real nice car. Apply Walter Debold, phone 526-7730, Auburn, 31b BEAUTIFUL 4-BEDROOM red brick home, sun porch; double garage, choice location, in Clin- ton. Full price $11,500; low down payment or willing to ex- change on other property any- where. Contact John Bosveld, Box 353, iVleaford, Ont., phone 428. 22-3tfb COMPLETE Encyclopedia T3r- itanndloa, 24 velnmes; White bottled, never been unpacked. $200. Write to Box 311, Clin- ton News-Record. 31.-2h CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phpne 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb 3 ROOM APARTMENT, heated, furnished, private bath, suitable for couple. Phone 482-9509 or 482-9500. 20p-tfb FURNISHED APARTMENT — Suitable for couple. Apply 93 Huron Street. 10p-tfb We wish to express thanks for treats, visits and gifts for Sarah 'Hussey while she was in Clinton Public Hospiet1 last week, Special thanks to the nurses, and Dr. F. G. 'Thomp- eon.—THE HUSSEY FAMILY 31b FURNISHED APARTMENT; private bath and entrance, available now, Phone 482-8837. 31-2b HALF - HOUSE, unfurnished, suitable for small family, cen- trally iogatedeeompletelY priv, ate. Write .0 Box 312, Clinton News-Record. 31b 29tfb INCOME PROPERTY — 4 self-contained apartments; oil heating, centrally heated. Real investment. Price $11,500, OUTSTANDING VALUE — 3-bedroom ranch style, air con- ditioned; large living room, modern kitchen, 4-pc. bath with built-in shower; recreation room in basement with bar, 2- pc. bath; gas hot air heating and water heater; large room attached (26'x20') could be used as family room, office or store; 2-car car port. This property must be seen to be appreciated. 3 BEDROOM, ranch type; brick veneer; large living room With fireplace, modern kitchen, 4-piece bath, full basement; oil furnace; lot •66'x132'. Immedi- ate possession. Down payment $3,000, balance on mortgage. 3 BEDROOM cottage, furn- ished, situated on Maitland Riv- er (Fernhurst), 2 miles from Holmesville, Ont.; lot 150'x270', spring water supply.. Immedi- ate possession. Price $3,000, $1,000 down, balance on mort- gage. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR older model, 1961 Ford Galaxie. Sunliner Convertible, Excel- lent condition. Phone 482-3291, LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and, jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfa.ctk,m. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter, 20tfb APARTMENTS FOR RENT, Apply 105 Rattenbury Street. Mrs. Florence Elliott, phone 482-9332. 26tfb BOAT FOR SALE, 16 ft. in- board with radio, cigarette lighter, fully equipped, Will trade on smaller model. Phone 482-7613. 31b UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, un- furnished; 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom and kitchen; $55.00 per month. Apartment heated, water supplied. Avail- able now. Located 162 Victoria Street. Phone 482,7212 even- ings, 23p-tfb ' I wish 'to express my sincere thanks to all my friends while a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital, for flowers, cards, let- ters and visits. $pecial thanks to Drs. Newland, Walden and Rev, A. Pease and 'the nursing staff.—MRS. 101-1.ED WATSON. 31.b 1958 PONTIAC Strato Chief- 6 cyl. engine recently overhaul- ed. Will sell reasonable. Phone 80 r 14 Bayfield, contact on weekend, 30-lb ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE unfurnished apartment. Phone 482-9928, Roy Tyndall. 1.7tfb MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, available now, large size rooms. Phone 482-6663 or 482- 9568 after 5:30 p.m. 23tfb 'MIND FOR SALE OR RENT PET STOCK ACCOMMODATION WANTED TIMEX. WATCHES ... Sold and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 lltfb HOUSE for rent or sale; three bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and livingroona downstairs. Ph- one 482-3269. 30-1-2p WALKER HOUNDS, Apply to Leslie Dale, Blyth, 31p ONE BEDROOM uptown apart- ment, furnished, kitchen, bath, $35 per month. Phone 482-6 8tfb 694. 1 IN MEMORIAM TAYLOR — In loving memory of a dear mother, Catherine Taylor, who passed away July 25, 1959, —Lovingly remembered by Retta and Walter. 31b 4-BEDROOM house wanted immediately in Clinton vicinity, pre-school age 'children. Phone 482-7607. 28p-tfb 2 WALKER HOUNDS; steel Ice box. Apply 101 Huron St., or phone 482-7674. 31p EMPLOYMENT • WANTED 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb WANTED TO RENT ONE REGISTERED female Toy Boston Terrier. Phone Bayfield 58 r 41, Don 'Campbell. 31b The sisters and brother of the late Mis's Maud Stirling deeply appreciated 'the floral tribute from the neighbours, and the many acts of kindness and messages of sympathy re- ceived. We extend a 'speclial thanks to the minister for 'his message, to the organist and choir for their music and to the units of the United Church Women for the delicious lunch served to a large circle of rel- atives. 31b FREE — To Hard of Hearing. Thorough audiometric test at our store or in your home any time, day or evening, by Maico audiologist, All batteries and accessories- available. Edward's Pharmacy. 23tfb ONE PRIVATE GARAGE for storing car. Preferably in south end of town or near RCAF Station. Write to box 301 Clin- ton News-Record. 30-lb BABYSITTING by the day or week in my own home, Monday through Friday. References sup- plied. In town: Phone 482- 7329. 28to31b MURDOCH — In loving memory of as dear husband and father, John Robert Murdoch, Who passed away one year ago August 2nd, 1963. "He would not wish for sorrow, He would not ask for tears, But just to be remembered, Through all 'the passing years" Loves greatest 'gift — Remem- brance, —Lovingly remembered by the family. 31b APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms, central location, fur- nished, frig. and stove, suitable for couple. Apply Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb PIANO TUNING HELP WANTED FEMALE ARTICLES FOR SALE YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the eontinued priv- ilege of servicing many of the Instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 4 CYL. INBOARD Boat motor, with Marine clutch and reverse gear, propeller and shaft, quite reasonable; 4 cyl. Ford Thames truck motor, in good condition; 8 foot "Pram" type car top boat, with 5 lep . outboard motor and oars; "English" style riding saddle, good condi- tion; may be seen at Fern- hurst Glen or call 524-6457, Goderich. 30ptfb SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, ground floor, heated. L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High Street, phone 482-6692. 24tfb RANGETTE. Phone 482-9353 after 5 p.m. 31-2-3b OFFICE GIRL wanted, full or part 'time employment. Write to Box 310 Clinton News-Rec- ord. 31b H. C. LAWSON SEE THE NEW fall jewellery at Anstett Jewellers Ltd., ph- one 482-9525. 31b SELF-CONTAINED downstair apartment, heated, one bedroom, large living •room, kitchen and. bath. Available now. Phone 482-7057, Lloyd Batkin. 21tfb I would like to take 'this op- portunity to thank all who were •so kind and thoughtful while I was a patient in Vic- toria and Clinton hospitals. Thanks to the nurses and staff, also Dr. Oakes:, Dr. Addison and Dr. McGlahan, Thanks also to ninny neighbours, relatives and friends for the beautiful flowers, cards, and gifts, also Wesley-Willis Church and the many visits of Rev. C. Park and Rev. MacLean. Sincerely. — MRS. G. W. NOTT. 31b REAL ESTATE INSURANCE PHONE 482-9644 ;31b Commercially speaking, the Douglasu fir is more valuable than any other tree. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ALVIN RUSSELL AUSTIN. All persons having claims against the Estate of Alvin Russell Austin, late of 'the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 18th day , of June, 1964, are hereby notified 'to send in full partic- ulars of 'their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of August, 1964, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 21st day of July, 1964. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 31-2-3b ELECTRIC GUITAR, pickup, case, and amplifier. In good condition. Phone 482-7852 after 6 p.m. 31p AVON CALLING. Agt now. Just one rural 'territory avail- able now. Phone collect, Mrs. Milison, London, 451-0541 to- night. 31b Have An Extra Key For Your Car . . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH IHA Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE CEDAR STRIP BOAT; boat trailer; almost new Evinrude 71/2 h.p. motor, for quick sale. $425. Phone 482-7626. 29tfb FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished, red-brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern conveniences, $75 monthly, on Hwy No. 8, between Seaforth and Clinton. Phone 482-9647. 25tfb GIRL OR WOMAN wanted for part time work, August, Sep- tember and October in local plant. Apply stating age to Box 300, Clinton News-Record. 30tfb 14 FOOT PLYWOOD BOAT, fibre:glass; 25 'lep. Evinrude motor and controls. Phone 482- 9611. 31-2p 1 OR 2-BEDROOM apartments, furnished or unfurnished, heat- ed, with private bath and wash- ing facilities, large lawn and near schools. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5. 26&28p-tfb WOMAN TO babysit 2 child- ren in my home. Monday to Friday. Write to Box 311, Cl- inton News - Record, stating name, address and phone num- ber. 31b FOR SALE 17 CU. FT. FREEZER, $100; chesterfield sofa, $12; buffet, $20; must be sold by Saturday. Apply 41 Winnipeg Rd., RCAF Station, phone 482-7730. 31x • LONDESBORO The WI will meet on August 5th at 8 p.m. The guest speak- er will be Mr. Charles Jack- son of Blyth and there will be a pizza demonstration.. Also a penny .sale, the first half of members on roll donating 'the articles. Members will bring a guest and introduce them in answer to the roll call. • COCKSHUTT COMBINE for sale, two years old, in good re- pair. Apply John Marks, RR 3 Bayfield, phone 57 r 4 Bayfield. 31-2p COMBINE for sale; 6 ft. Case, engine pick-up, straw spreader, scour-clean, good, giving up farming, phone 91r3 Zurich, evenings. 30-1p LARGE 3 - BEDROOM apart- ment. _Centrally heated. 51 Al- bert Street. Available immedi- ately. Phone 482-9752 or 482- 3475 after .5:30 pet. 22tfb BABY STROLLER, 'small crib in fair condition.. Also 'approx- 'imately 5 dozen Crown and Mason canning sealers (quarts and nints). Phone 482-7739. 31p WOMEN and Responsible Girls, openings for management and representative positions with Beauty Counselors in Clinton and surrounding area. For ap- pointment call 9 a.m. 'to 11 a.m. Crediton 234-6467 or write Mrs. Ruth Gaiser, RR 2 Crediton. FOR THE BEST buys in ap- pliances, check with Sutter - Perdue Hardware, your auth- orized Kelvinator Dealer. 30-lb 3 FORAGE racks and 1 O.K. Forage blower with pipe, Ph- one Bayfield 57r3, Bert Dunn. 31b QUANTITY OF LAST YEAR'S mixed grain, barley, oats and spring Wheat. Apply to James Landsboreugh, RR 3 Seaforth, phone 665W1. 31p Notice To Creditors and others, in the Estate of JANET McLAREN DOM. All persons having claims against the estate of Janet Me- Laren Doig, late of the Town- ship of Tuckersmiith, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of March, 1964, are hereby notified 'to send particulars of same to the undersigned 'at 366 Bay Street, Toronto, on or before the 31st day of August, 1964, after which date the estate Will be distri- buted with regard only to 'the claims of which 'the undersign- ed shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any persons of all whose claims they shall net then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 11th day of June, 1964, Guaranty Trust Company of Canada by: Bell and Laughton, Its Solicitors herein. 31-2-3b FOR RENT: 4 bedroom brick home, 3-piece bathroom up- stairs, 2-piece down. Spacious kitchen, large size dining room. Central location in Clinton. Double garage. Apply C. Bur- uma, RR 2, Clinton, phone 482- 3287. 24tfb PIONEER CHAIN SAWS now at summer prices. Save dollars by purchasing or ordering your saw now. Sale ends August 31, 1964. Call 'Robert Glen, 482- 9909 Clinton. 29-01-2p H. L. TURNER GraVity, Grain Boxes, $160.00. New •Bean Knives for all 'types of Pullers at Basil O'Rourke's Welding and Blacksmith Shop, Bruce- field. 31p PHILISHAVE SPEED-FLEX LIVESTOCK FOIL SALE T H E .CLINTON RICT Collegiate Institute Board re- quires a CLERK-TYPIST far the principal's office at Cent- ral Huron Secondary School. Duties to begin immediately. Salary schedule: $2,000 minim- um to $2,800 maximum. State experience, age, marital status, and availability for interview in a written application to D. J. Cochrane, Principal, Central Huron Secondary School, Box 190, Clinton. 31b Flowers PUREBRED LANDRACE Boars, serviceable age. Nor- man 1VIcClinchey, phone Auburn 526-7789. 31-2b $27.95 ANSTETT FREE—Fire Place or Stove Wood. A quantity of trunk and large limb elm pieces, Free for removal from St. Paul's Chur- ch lawn. Contact Bob Camp- bell, 482-9732 or Bill Counter, 482-9612. 31p Telegraphed' Anywhere For Your BAYFIELD APARTMENTS and COTTAGES Furnished or unfurnished Heated Modern facilities Water included in rent Ideal for commuters 10 miles from RCAF Station Clinton Phone Bayfield 803 or Stratford 271-6641 29-30-31b 3 REGISTERED Holstein heif- ers, due middle of August. Ph- one 58r41, Don Campbell, Bay- field. 31b Grain Harvesting Requirements From the New M-M COMBINES To The Continuous Flow M-C GRAIN DRYERS CLEAR VISION COMBINE CABS GRAVITY FLOW STEEL BOXES WAGONS — AUGERS See JEWELLERS LTD. 31b SERVICES DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irvvin's Dry Goods. 23tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect K. C. Cooke AGAIN THIS YEAR — Outside white paint only $2.99 per gal- lon. Telephone orders accept- ed. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, 482-3232. 19tfb TYPIST REAR ARM RESTS and Ash Trays; Back-Up Lights; Wind- shield Washers; Brake Signal Lights; Electric Clock; Mir- rors; Radios; Rear Seat Speak- ers. Fit most '57 to '64 Chev- rolet or Oldsmobile. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS. See "Pere" . at Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. 31b FLORIST Required For Department of National Defence Clinton, Ontario Salary: $2,190 to $2,820 per annum Candidates must demonstrate ability to type at 35 words per minute. A written test will be held. For further information as to residence and qualification re- quirements, apply to the Civil Service Commission at London. Application forms, also obtain- able at the National Employ- ment Service and Post Office, should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 388 Dun- das Street, London, Ontario, NOT LATER THAN Friday, AUGUST 14, 1964. Quote Competition 64-T-713 DARLING 4 OR 5 BUILDINGS to be moved. Could be used for" cot- tages. All kinds of used lum- ber, plywood and gyprock for sale. Contact Sipocz Bros., Wrecking Company, at RCAF Station Clinton. 30-lb Dial 482-7012, Clinton & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 ' 7-tfb MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Unfurnished Kitchen Living Room Dining Room Bath HERE IT IS ! A '63 model Evinrude Outboard Motor 18 h.p. (Ellwood had it away fishing twice). Reg. $495. Extra Special Price $335.00 WANTED VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb HAUGH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT WE REQUIRE additional flocks to supply us with hatching eggs, dual purpose, egg and broiler breeds required. We take broil- er eggs every week in the year, Large premium paid. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 29-31-33-35b AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 1 Mile East of Brucefield 28tfb At Ellwood Epps Sports Shop 80 King St., Clinton-482-9622 31b 7tfb HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc, in stock at all times. John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. favorites in CUSTOM WORK "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. New phone number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialty. 48tfb 31b HELP WANTED MALE CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SWATHING a n d Hay Crimping.. George Cant- elon. Phone 482-3262. SINCE 1889 RAWLEIGH'S HAVE BEEN FAMOUS FOR QUALITY RAWLEIGH DEALERS Own their business. Set their working hours. No fear of lay-offs. Steady work, steady income. Build security for future Expanding population creates need far more dealers in choice districts. Foe information about easy starting plans, write Raw- leigh, Dept. G-169-SPA, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont- real. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 11-41p CUSTOM COMBINING. Self- propelled combine. Reasonable rates. Apply Lloyd Medd, RR 1, Clinton.. Phone 482-9836. Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb SPRAYING For all your spraying require- ments: cattle spraying, crop, brush, barn cleaning, white- washing with the most modern equipment available. MURRAY REID LONDESBORO Dial Blyth 523-4527 Our Weekend Specials We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 FRIDAY and SATURDAY From Our Store Only BANANA CHIFFON CAKE Reg. 49c ea. SPECIAL 44c ea. HONEY ORANGE MUFFINS Reg. 49c doz. , . SPECIAL 44c doz, MEN'S SUIT elealtageejl Federal-Mogul-Bower (Canada) Ltd. • 'OVER 100 MEN'S SUITS -TO CHOOSE FROM Going Camping ? Ellwood Epps Equipment Rentals MIN. WEEK MONTH Low-Priced Tent $5.00 $5.00 $15.00 Deluxe Tourist Tent ........ $5.00 $10.00 $25.00 Lanterns ' $1.00 $1.50r $4.00 Stoves ...... ... . ...... ......„, $1.50 $2.00 $6.00 Air Mattress (Progress) $1.00 $1.50 $400 Air Mattress (Traurnsland) ,„,„ $1,50 $2.00 $6.00 Coolers $2.00 $2.50 $5,00 OUTBOARD MOTORS 3 to 5 h.p. (New) $5.00 $15.00 $40.00 3 to 5 h.p, (Used) ..,. .. ... —,„ $2.50 $10.00 $25,00 71/2 to 10 h.p. (Used).. —' $5.00 $15.00 $40.00 93 h.P: (New) 325.00 .$35.00 $50.00 ELLWOOD EPPS SPORTS SHOP 80 King `St:-- CLINTON — 482-9622 MECHANICAL RUBBER DIVISION MITCHELL, ONTARIO Requires ALL SHADES — ALL SIZES Regularly Priced to $85.00 REMODELLING, renovations, roofing anti floor laying, expert- ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken lvIoN'airn. 23tfb Sale Priced from $39.95 to $59.95 MEN FOR STEADY WORK In Press Rooni No Previous Experience Necessary Apply in Person to. Plant in MITCHELL, ONTARIO 31,24b OUR MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ENDS SATURDAY, AUGUST I Bartliffs Bakery ELECTRIC MOTOR Sales and _Serv_lee _ DOMESTIC - COMIVIER,CIAL INDUSTRIAL ART LEVETT & SONS 139 ERIE ST—,CLINTON Phone 4826640 atfb Pickett & Campbell Limited Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9727 CLINTON Main Corner — CLINTON — 482-9732 30b