HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-07-30, Page 3HOTEL (LINTON Featuring 'Claud 9" Room SMORGASBORD Every Wednesday & Sunday 'Chicken in a Basket° Friday-Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday-Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Phone 482-7011 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions 0, Business and. Professional Directory L. FRIDAY. & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM :Merner Reunion Neil At:Zurich. The 1 ..th a n n g a 1 Mermen Mrs, Pot, Resehlm of laeta:ait, After a STOrIP',$)?PrV1 supper, a $.11Ort business SeSSiOn WAs . bold. It was OlgrOC11,4) 41*T the 1965 reunion on the third Sun- -44Y 41. jPly at. 1.4$04$ Park, Sea- forth.. 'amity Be.141.1911 'WAS.. held July 9 At COW. Grove, APOMOP, With about 100 embers in 13.-t0.11044c0. Sports for the .children was der the direction of 'Mr, and Clinton Memorial Shop PRYDE and SON CLINTON - EXETER SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative-A, W. Steep--402-6642 21,ttb HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIALS SAVE SSS SMOKED HAMS average 5 ib, 37c lb. CHICKEN LOAF MAC-CHEESE LOAF 49c lb. DEL MAR MARGARINE „. ............. 4 lbs. for 85c WIENERS -- 3 lbs. for $1.00 FREE DINNERWARE - Get your Free Coupons at our meat counter. This special offer valid .until Dec. 31. WOODS HOME FREEZERS - All. Sizes At Rock-Bottom Prices. PETER'S Meat Market dastral Far k Social Notes New Editor: Anne Aileron Phone HU 2-7349 Saturday Rites At United Church Unite Shirley Knox, Ross ;Carter Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter Shirley Louise Knox became the bride of Ross Stanley Carter , on Saturday, July 18th at 3.00 *p.m, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox of Clinton and the groom is the son of Mrs. Percy Carter of Clinton and the late Mr. Carter. AT PA THE SQUARE GODER101 THE Showtimes 7:30 49:30 pm. NOW THUR., FRI„SAT, ---,-lily 30-31-Aug. 1 Elyis Presley and Glenda Farrell in "KISSIN1 COUSINS(' - I n Colo r MON., TUES,, WED, August 3-4-5 Robert Goulet with Nancy Kwan and Jill St. John In his first motion picture. A story of two fancy-free guys in a .gal-filled resort. "HONEYMOON HOTEL" - Color THUR., FRI., SAT. - August 6-7-8 Richard . Wicimark, Suzy Parker and Yul Brynner . An adventure tale of Air Rescue Service in Japan during World War II "FLIGHT FROM ASHIYA" color Coming-"CLEOPATRA"-adult entertainment Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders This Week 53c 1.0.A. BRAND HEAVY GRADE MINERAL OIL 16 ounce-Regular 69c ODO-RO-NO Roll-On or Cream-1.09 value .... 98c WOODBURY Golden Rich Shampoo 1.25 value 79c CUTEX Polish Remover-75c value 55c DYNAPAN. FILM Black and White 3 for 99c J.D.A. Brand 8-oz.,. reg. 50c - CALAMINE LOTION 39c Always Choose I.D.A. Products . . all sold on a money-back guarantee! EPSOM SALT 16-oz. 29c STOMACH POWDER 4'4' 98c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8-". 35c MILK of MAGNESIA 16-i;z. 57c PAPER NAPKINS I.D.A. Brand-70s 19c TOOT BRUSH I.D.A.-with nylon bristles 35c 4•11NIM. GREEN CROSS Ant and Bug Killer, 1 pound 89c 40% Chlordane Emulsion, 8-oz. 1.53 Our professi n is pharmacy ... Our business is. serving your needs whether they be medical or incidental. You'll find accuracy and cleanli- ness in every aspect at your I.D.A. Drug Store. EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards - Mary E. Edwards, ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - Clinton, Ontario Save at These- Low Prices These SPECIAL PRICES Good Until August 1 AUGUST LUCKY NUMBER 870 USE The NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE ss ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR .BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P.M. WHILE THE WASH GETS DONE AT CLINTON LAUNDRY & CLEANERS Laundry-time is time to catch up on all the local news, now that we do our washing at Clinton Laundry .There is al- days machines available. Each month one lucky customer will WIN $10.00 FREE CLEANING CREDIT In the first issue of the News-Record each._ month, a lucky number will be pub- lished. • If the nun'ther is on yotir Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleariert calendar, you Must phone Clinton Latindry at 482-7064 and claim yortr $10.00 Free Cleaning Credit, The number will also be ,posted at the. Coin Operated Laundry at 68 Albert Street, )? OUR • soS IS T+IE ‘..tW WE RELAX Clinton. Telt 4824064 FOR SUPERB, FOOD ITS 74 Riast a RESTAURANT CLINTON'S F REMOST 482-9076 CLINTON A. NC HARPER CHARTERED AtcOliNtAt411 5.67 SOUTH ST,, TELEPHONE GOOERICI-1, ONT, 524-Y562 MOST AWES', WON /NTOGWU.PC riga TN/WV Nat ; ALTAR, 11 MN. :1 11104.111r 41 LET I.M.T. ArtRANGE 'YOUR MORTIGAGn For almost three-quarters or a tentttry we have offered a frier*, personal service in the first mortgage field. We can arrange first mortgage for you oti your home, UM or husinesS property. All enquiries Weltorne, 4,:trAntasittri too Tit INDUSTRIAL MORTOAGE &TRUST comet gead Otficet 8arn lit, O chsluFoostandptak 14, C. LAWSON, Clinton Phone; Eltialneat 482-0844 Reaidenee 482.9187 GODERICH , ONT, Dancing Every Saturday Night For The Young Crowd NO SLACKS, BLUE JEANS OR SHORTS THIS WEEK "THE DEL-KEYS 11 9:00 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION: 75o PER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, eta. . For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 21tfb Summer Sale (EFFECTIVE JULY 30 to AUGUST 5 iNCLUSIVE) Quaker Pak-O-Ten Cereals pkg. 39c Kadana Tea Bags-100's 69c M.H. Instant Coffee Bonus 12-0%. jar $1.75 Gold Ribbon Dog Food 3 15-oz. tins 25c Schneiders Picnic Shoulder Tin $1.29 PROCTOR & GAMBLE SPECIAL! KING SIZE TIDE - Only 1.29 WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF FREEZER PAPER, WAX CARTONS and POLY BAGS FRESH STOCK! WHITE or CIDER VINEGAR (In Your Container) SAVE! ................ 65c gal, FINE SALT (Notlodixed For Pickling) ... 5 Ibs.10c PHONE 482-5445 FREE DELIVERY Herb's Food Market SAVE SLACK DIAMOND STAMPS Mark Anniversary Clinton Couple X. Mr-, and Mrs. Art Colson of 201 Townsend ,Street .celebrat- ed their Silver Wedding ainti- vermry last Saturday night With a (1111ms'. •at Maitland Country Club, -Goderieb. ' The 30 -guests froth two fam- ilies were greeted by Nancy and Ken, the Colson's daughter and son. A euchre game at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. .171arty Sturdy, at Goderich, followed the din- ner. Mrs. Colson • is the former Isobel Jamieson of Hullebt Township. The families of FtSgt. N, SorVos, FtSgt. I. Fehr and ,agt, Frank Potts .ere camping .Or) the shores of Xaake 1-10040 near Goderich.. F/Sgt, ;Fehr fractur,.. 0 big •right arm. last - week, Mr- and Mrs, Keith RAiDert- pen. and their children from spent a few dos at cli 7hUltIm 41.01Y 3O. 1904,rn-1090 •NcYo-RoccK4,Pfige 3. 44 , r PHOTOGRAPHY HADDEN'S STUDIO PORTRAIT -- WEDDING and CHILDREN 118 St. David's St. Dial 524-8787, Goderich 6-13p .PORTRAITS -- WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL /oho likuei 20 Isaac Street Friday and Saturday 2 to 9 p.m. -Phone 482-9654 after 6 p.m. for appointments OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAPF OPTOMETRIST Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON 1VIE4DICAL C'ElstritE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. •--6 OPTOMETRIST For A.pPointlitent Phone 524-251 GODERICH 3s-tth R. W. BELL OPTOM ETR I ST F. T. A11111STRONO Consulting Optometrist The Square., GODERial 624-7661 tie ltfb INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 4t 2-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 4824265 GARY COOPER Life Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 482-7200 Clinton H. C. LAWSON First MoptgsQe Money Aviiiiible Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE REAL ESTATE . INVESTMENTS Phones: Office 4874644 Res. 40-9787 H. E. HARTLEY All TyPte of !lie Tem UM:dance --- Annuities 'CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO, Clinton, Ontaiie the first automatic baits introduced it Holland at the end of the 16th century Wore limited to narrow ribbon and lace. Applications received until Friday, August 14, 1964 Apply in writing to JOHN G. BERRY, Secretary Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 31-2b RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Bill Falconer (nee Edith Dowson) Sat., August 1 Zurich Community Centre DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA LUNCH PROVIDED LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND TWIST - MONDAYS 9:00 p.m. to 12 Midnite THE CLASSICS Spectacular New Group WED. and FRI. 9:00 p.m. to 12 Midnite THE DEL-REYS SATURDAYS 9:00 p.m. to 12 Midnite LIONEL THORNTON and his CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Correspondent. MRS, N. LONG Grace .Olifton and Alice Wal- ker of Omni:arty have returned home from a 20-day bus trip to Vancouver. En route they vis- ited the Calgary Stampede, Sian Francisco, Los Angeles, Okla- homa City, Coney Island„ and friends in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kins- man of Staples visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kins- man and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. VanDamon and their three children, of. St. Fauls, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Long. 0 Bride.Elect Feted By Harlock-Friends Miss Shirley Knox was guest of honor at a shower held in Harlock School, Tuesday even- ing, July 1.4. hostesses of the evening were Mrs. John Me- Ewing, Mrs. Leslie Reid, Mrs. Watson Reid; Mrs. James Mc- Ewing and Mrs. Wesley Roe. Mrs. John McEwing escorted Shirley to a chair beneath a decorated arch art the front with her Mother and the groom's mother, Mrs, Percy Carter, on each side of her. Her aunt, Mrs. Elgin Norbt and the groom's grandmother, MTS. the George Robertsons before proceeding to. .Gttove, WO :arid Mrs. Alex yellemen .are -e4nwing at .Onwho. The Robert' Peterson 'ftn'Ouy. is 3oolog 'them. this Week for their vacation. Sgt. R. 'Foubent of the .Porstal. ,Corps is flying from .Qt, %WA for his new $tation at AlkrrOld. Franm Mrs. Foubert .411:0 SOY/ W.14l join, him *ter .on. MISS Lynn HelVrt Aft:tended The New YQT".4'S ,Fair with carne friepds. and Mrs. E. A, -Ireland and their family ere on their Way to New Brunswick to .ylisit Mrs. Ireland's relatives. They will stop in Toronto 444 Mont- real to see friends and then on to Chatham, N.R. :Upon their return they will take up resi- dence in Moosonee, Ont. Sgt. and Mrs. Art. Vezina are visiting in Trenton and Ot- tawa. Cpl. and .Mrs: George °ever, ing and family are vacationing in -Taber, Alberta. Miss Gayle Coombs, Chat- ham, N.B., has been visiting friends lin Adastraa Park and in town, • F/Sgt. and Mrs. Dom. ,Trem- blay, daughter Louiseare pres- ently in Ottawa after which they 'Will go on. to Montreal and Quebec. CitY, Mrs, A. Vezina held a fare- well tea in honour of Mrs. A. Ireland and Mrs C. Royer. Each lady was presented with hand painted vases: one in 'the classic type and one in modern design. Ten guests attended this lawn party. Young people having birth- days-last week included Christ- ine Royer who was three years old and her brother Michel who was eleven years old; Gail Banks was eleven also and cele- brated Saturday with a movie party and then a barbecue, alt home. KIPPEN rOs. and white carnations Mn, and Mrs', .C441ter ,are both graduates. o' Stratford Teach', ero ;College and will reside in Clinton. Guests were present from Toronto, H.emtltOnr, London,. ,ZttnliOh., MAN 11044e57.),' Walkerton, .Seaforth,, Clinton - and Londesboro, COMING -:4,'AUgList.1349. Wu' WED, leopatra BROWNIE'S ,DRIVE-IN .CLINTON WANTED BY HURON COUNTY CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY A GROUP ti FOSTER HOME For School Aged Children Including Teenagers (up to six children) Ruby Steep were.alsoseated at the front. Corsages were pinned, on the guests by Mrs. Leslie Reid and Mrs. Watson Reid. Mrs. John. McEwing conducted contests and games. The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Grant L. Mills, in Ontario St. United Church in Clinton, The church was decorated with standards of white mums end snapdragons with pink 'gladioli a n d candelabra. Miss Lois Grasby of Clinton was 'the or- ganist, Mr. Mervin . Nati: of Seaforth, uncle of .the bride, was the soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor- length gown of silk organza over bridal taffeta fashioned With a square neckline. Guipure lace accented the lily-point sleeves and the very full skirt in panel effect going to the back and extending into "a chapel train and. topped by bows of organza. A crown of seed pearls held her three-tier- ed bouffant shoulder-length veil. She carried a crescent bouquet of pink delight rases and stephanotis entwined with ivy clusters. She wore a cultur- ed pearl necklace and earrings, gift of the -groom. Miss. Mary Louise Marshall of Toronto, cousin of the bride; attended as Maid of honour and the bridesmaids were Miss Kaye -Carter of Clinton, sister of the groom 'and Miss Barbara Nutt of Seaforth, cousin of the bride. They wore identical gowns fashioned in aqua silk organza, street length, with a front lace panel and matching, rosette headpieces. They each carried baskets of white carnations and pink tulle and decorated with white ribbon. The flower girl was Miss Geraldine Strong/ of Clinton, cousin of the groom. She wore a white organza dress with aqua trim and a matching head piece. She carried 'a basket of white carnations and pink de- light roses decorated with pink ribbon. Ronald Carter, brother of 'the groom, of Clinton, attended as groomsman. The ushers were Glen Nott, cousin of the bride and Paul Pickett, cousin of 'the groom, both of Clinton. A reception followed in the church auditorium. To receive guests the bride's mother wore a blue lace dress With white accessories and a corsage .of deep pink roses. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a beige printed silk sheath style. dress with matching accessor- ies and a corsage of deep pink roses. For a wedding trip to East- ern Canada, the bride donned a pink linen sheath style dress with a matching duster. She wore white accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart 1