HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-07-23, Page 1IE p-
Council Accepts
$1,983 Road Bid
A tender freni Lavis Con-
struction Company of Clinton
for the reconStruetion and pav-
ing of Gibbings and Dinsky
Streets in the Eirrieunt of $7,983.50 was accepted Mondny night at a Meeting of Clinton
Town Council.
'MO tender was the only one
received. Clerk John Livermore
said Work on the project world
start as wen as amroval is
granted by the Ontario De-
pertinent Of IlighWaYS,
The Weather
1064 1963 'High Low High Low
JUly 15 14 60 68 62
16 84 56 72 86
17 88 58 80 38
18 91 67 89 62
19 84 69 77 69
20 02 88 80 58
21 84 65 82 60
22 86 60 81 58
AaInti .28" Mil: 50"
THE N'Vk gRA ,97th YE:4R
No, .1044.64 flome'SpOt. With th'P. News
t4I,N,T9t44. ONTARIO, ttik!R$PAY.s: JPVY 23; 964
.0.0 Per Year- -10.. Cents Pet .,COPY 2 Page;
Where Three Died'. Fourth Involved
Making Recovery;
ill "Serious
iss Maude Stirling R.N.
Dies At Bayfield Home
Searorth Hospital Sod Turne
Miss Annie Maude Stirling of Bayfield who
was decorated for her Red Cross service by King
George • V, died` peacefully Monday at her home,
She was 87,
SEAFORTH—The first sod was turned here
Friday for an $802,000, 47-bed "hospital.
The new building to be erected on a site
overlooking Silver Creek on Goderich Street East
will replace the 33-bed Scott Meinorial Hospital
now considered obsolete.
,Four officials of the Scott 'waxy president Malcolm Mc-
Kellar; property, chairman
James Scott; president of the
Start $802,000 Building Project
Residents of the Exeter area
have been warned by the On-
tario Provincial Police that a
grotip of house repair confi-
dence -men are reported in the
area selling a "deal" on alum-
inum siding. •
• Police said an elderly Hay
Township man was approached
with a proposal to have 'his
house done over, and the men
wanted to give him money to
let them do it,
It is not knoWn what type
of gimmick the men were us-
ing, but in most cases custom-
ers sign contracts and then find
out later have committed them-
selves to paying exorbitant
prices for all the work to be
Police have warned all Exe-
ter area residents — especially
elderly people — not to deal
With persons offering such at-
tractive propositions and they
have asked that similar MCI-
cleinces be reported to pollee.
No SiMilar incidents have
been reported in the Clinton
a rc sea
Touting Penny Carnival
George "'ii ht (left) and ,Jarle Fisher Were
busy on Wednesday ati.Vertighig e, Penny Carnival
which will be held this Friday at Community Parlt
The three playgrounds ;iire c Orkibirifrig to sponsor
the event, tiVeais-Recortt: Photo John risse)
and his air-American Daredevils stage an
The one-night-stand will be
sponsored by the Huron Cent-
re Agricultural Society which
hopes to erase more of the
1,/ society's f'd debt with the gate
An itivertisement in .. this
week's' News - Record provides
detaf s of the daredevil show. .-
Daredevils Here Aug. 4
It'll be thrills and spills at Clinton 'Community
Park on Tuesday, August 4, when Paul Riddell
During the show, the ladies
will again. operate a refresh-
ment booth:
During the regular meeting
of the` Huron Central Agricul-
tural Society, it was reported
the entire prize list from the
annual Clinton Spring Fair has
been paid.
Secretary-treasurer William
Riehl• reported the provincial
grant in the amount of $863.74
has been received and dona-
tions from interested parties
are still coming in.
Plans for the 1965 Clinton
Spring Fair are underway, the
society said.
Tour Marshall Ernest F.
Hockley Said he expects about
18 cars will participate in the
tour which will leave London at
8 a.m. and pass through Clin-
ton on its way to Kincardine.
The cars are expected to ar-
rive at Clinton about 10:30 and
the drivers will stop to enjoy
coffee and doughnuts compli-
ments of the Kum-In Restaur-
Antique Auto °biles
n Show Here Saturday
Clinton will take on a bit ,of that "Good Old
Days Look" on Saturday, wh(4.-d the Forest City
Chapter of Veteran Motor Car Club of America
makes its Saugeen Valley. Holiday Tour,
ant. While on their coffee
break, members will take ad-
vantage of free parking for
their cars at Bill's Taxi stand.'
Tour Power Plant
exciting W/C "Lew' Lomas
To RCAF Clinton
Wing Commander "Lew"
Lomas, CD, was welcomed
thiS week as new Chief Ad-
ministrationOffieer at RCAF
Station Clinton.
Wing Commander 33. R.
"Bruce" Ha-fuse, CD, Acting
Commanding Officer wel-
comed the veteran pilot tbd,
his new position.
Wing Commander Lomas
spent the last four years on
the staff of NORAD (North
American Air Defence)'Head-
quarters, •Colorado Springs.
NORAD, he was Ekeen-
;live Assistant to Mr Marshal
C. H. Siernon, Deputy Coin-
Mandel' of the combined.
Amerkan-Canadian complex.
During the Second World
War he was a coastal com-
mand pilot in West Africa.
and India.
Auburn Man Hurt
In Highway. Crash
James E. Schneider, 22, of
RatI Auburn, was reported in
satiSfaCtOry condition in Alex-
andra Marine and General Hos-
pital this week where he was
admitted following a ear-truck
crash last Week.
Mr. Schneider suffered chest
in:11111es when the Car he was
driving collided With trailer
being honied by tractor on
County Road 25, carat of Car-
'lo v.
Warterier McIntyre, 53, of
P.11. '5 Goderich, clriv&e a the
traCter Suffered face eats and
the trailer WaS loaded WW1
400 fern tiles, Datttage was
eStintated at Mere than $2,000',
- Miss Stirling who was loved
by many and held in.
ly esteem by all who low her,
was born on the Fourth Con-
cession of Goderich Township
on November 10, 1877. She
was the daughter of William
Stirling and the former Re-
becca J.- Colwell. • She spent the greater part
of her life in rendering. service
to others and began her life of
service as a school teacher for
six years.
Trained at Toronto
At the age of 24 she entered
Toronto General Hospital • to
study nursing and after gradu-
ation nursed in Toronto until
the outbreak of the First
World War.
Miss Stirling joined No. 4
University Base Hospital-gas- ,a,
nursing sister and served in
Salonica, Greece, Malta, _Eng-
land, and ,on hospital ships on
convoy day.
From Folkestone, England,
she was assigned to Buxton on
a special course in massage as-
an aid to the 'recovery of the
wounded, a new medical in-
Bucket in Time
Might Have Saved
Barn At Mitchell
MITCHELL -RR 4 Mitchell
farmer john Witschi thought
one bucket of water would be.
sufficient to douse a small blaze
he discovered in his barn last
But by the time he and his
son Erwin, 17, returned with
the water, flames had spread
out of control and developed
into a $20,000 fire.
Mr. Witschi said he had been
working on farm equipment
when he noticed flames. It was
not known how the blaze start-
novation at that time.
Decorated By George V
While serving there, she was
summoned to Buckingham
Palace by His Majesty, Kling
George V to receive the Royal
Red Cross, a rarely - awarded
Before her discharge from
the service in 1920, Miss Stir-
ling was mentioned in dispat-
ches on three occasions.
(Continued on Page Eight)
Hosted At Tea
By Hews-Record
Nine county correspondents
of the Clinton News-Record
gathered for tea Saturday at
the home of Mrs, Jack Van-
They were guests of News-
Record publisher A. Laurie
Colquhoun, Mrs, VanEgmond,
N-R secretary, and Editor and
Mrs. David Scott.
Tea was served under shade
trees and the afternoon was
spent chatting about social and
business matters.
Present were; Mrs. Audrey
Belichamber; Bayfield; Mrs.
Frank McCullough, Holmes-
villa; Fred McClymont, Varna;
Mrs. Bert Allen, Londesboro;
Mrs. Stewart Middleton, Mid-
dleton; Mrs. Lucille Haspeck,
who writes Under :the byline
Anne Aileron; Mrs. Don Harris,
Porter's Hill; Catherine Plum-
tree, a former N-R employee,
and Mrs, Lucy Diehl, author of
"Rambling With Lucy," of Bay-
field, end her husband, Carl.
Also attending the tea were
Arthur Currie, secretary-treas-
urer of the News-Record, and
Jim McCullough, sports writer
and advertising 'aalesman.
Three persons were killed
and a fourth- was seriously
injured, early Saturday Morn-
ing when two late - model
cars _collided head on two
and a half miles west of
Walton, about 14 miles
nerth-west of Clinton,
The News-Record
Photos At Left
Dead are: Allen James Ci'aig,
26, and William Gordon Dodd,
27, both of Auburn, and Miss
Winnifrecl Lenore Griffith, 19,
of RR 1 Wroxeter.
The fourth victim, learry B.
Reddon, 21, of RR 2 Atwood, is
reported improving in Victoria
Hospital, London. He suffered
Miss Griffith died several hours
after the crash in Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital.
Constable D. A, Bowering of.
the Seatorth Detachment or
the Ontario Provincial Police
who investigated the collision,
said the accident took place
about 12:30 a.m. Saturday on a
level, straight stretch of paved
road about six miles east of
Mr. Dodd and Mr. Craig were
west-bound in a' 1962-model
car and Mr. Reddon was east-
bound in a 1964-model car
winch had been driven only a
little more than 2,000 miles.
Met Dead-On
The crash occurred in the
east-bound lane. Const, Bower.
ing Said the car's met exactly
dead-on and stopped at the
point of impact.
(Continued on Page ?Iva)
Mexican Beetle
Damaging Beans
On Huron Farms
. The harvest of fall wheat
and early spring crops is titi4
derway in Huron County, ac-
Cording' to Doug Miles, Agricttl*
tare Representative,
Corn and white beans are re-i
Ported making excellent
Array worms as inalOig its ap-
pearance only in small scatter.
end' areas,
The lite4cian Bears Beetle 16
stfeeting bean crops in may
areas of 'the codify. The peou-
kitten of the teah: neetle has
not yet Itede sPraStlitig hetet.,
say,- although the situeNioh as
reaching the breakhig point,
Mn Miles said,
Ladies, Auxiliary, Mrs. Fred
Cosford, and director of nurs-
ing, Miss Valerie Drope.
Hospital board president A.
Y. McLean was chairman of
the event. "
Other dignitaries attending
included: Dr. John .Nielson,
chairman, of the Ontario, Hospi-
sal Services Commission; 13. A.
Bohan, hospital administrator;
and representatives of the nine
municipalities to be served by
the new hospital.
Paid For Soon
Aside from the federal, pro-
vincial and. Huron County
grants, a total of $181,000 is
being raised by public subscrip-
tion to pay for the hospital.
The fund now stands at bet-
ter than $119,000, and it was
expected the total objective
would be reached in a few
The new hospital will serve
the Town of Seaforth and the
townships, of Tuckersmith, Mul-
lett, McKillop,_ Hibbert, Grey
Morris, Logan and Stanley.
The contractor is W. A. Mc-
Dougall, of London.
Thrills 'n Spills
From Clinton the group will
proceed to Kincardine where
members of the club will 'be.
guests of "Mac" MacKenzie at
the Bruce Inn, for lunch.
After lunch they will tour
the Douglas Point Nuclear
Power Plant and then travel
along' Lakeshore Road to
Southampton. En route they
will stop at Riverside Motel
for free coffee before going to
Port Elgin for supper.
They will stay overnight at
the Shamrock Hotel in Walk-
erton and that evening will be
guests of the local drive-in
Plan Car Games
Sunday morning in Walker-
ton's Agricultural Park mem-
bers of the club will participate
in Old Car Games involving
(Continued on Page Eight)
Manorial Hospital board did
the honors Friday at the new
85-acre site.
Dug With Shovels
- Wielding shovels were: hen-
RCAF Youngsters Get Swim Lessons
About 150 Adastral Park children are taking swimming lessons this sum-
mer at RCAF' Station Clinton under 'the direction of Sergeant "Hal" Rees,
co-ordinator of Summer Swimming for nependents Swim Classes. Lessons
are given in the OlYinpl:6-Size station pool After pasSing rigid tests, the young-
stets qualify. for Junior Swirnriairig Badges which allow thelfl to attend "free
periods, unaccompanied by parents. Above Sgt, Rees. and . Judy
BUsh give sere pointers, (RCF Photo)
severe chest injuries, multiple
fractures, concussion, and head
and facial lacerations.
Dead At Scene
The other two men were
pronounced dead at the scene
of the crash on County Roaqi;
25 by Huron County coroner
Dr. F. G, Thompson, Clinton.