Clinton News-Record, 1964-07-16, Page 10HOLLAND'S SERVICE COMPLETEAVNEUP. 'SERVICE 482.6661 CLINTON Her food, clothing and care hill ,be paid for by. nine -little girl's in Varna, who are mem- bers of the 'Varna United Oh- uroh Explorers group, The Explorers recently apt plied for adoption -of girl through the Christian Children's Fund of Canada, awl this week were advised Lee Ok Soon will he their ward.. $11,0.00 A goo): Lee Oh Soon .means "gentle”. The little girl's father died 14'1 year, and the mother and `three children wandered about the streets. as beggars until the mother died • 'several months ago. With no one to look to for help, the children were brought to the CCF affiliate home Where 142 children live. The little girls in Varna will pay $10 a month for th•e care of Lee Ok Soon. The home where she is now living is cal- led Taejon Ae yook Won, and she and' :the other children there are taught at city schools. Do House Chores All of them have chores to do around the home which Was set up some years ago by Lee Kyu Hak, a big-hearted man Who started the operation, with his own limited savings. Already, 'the Varna Explorers under their leaders, Mrs, A. 3, Mustard, Mrs, Roy Elliott and Mrs. William Clarke ,have rais- ed $50 which has been paid for the first five months care for the little orphan in Korea. The money was raised by a rummage sale, and the group leaders are 'planning anoth rummage sale for 'the fall. Plan To Write The Explorers meet each Sat- urday. At present there am Messengers Meet Well Attended The Brumfield MessengeLs had a good attendance at the July meeting. The worship ser- vice was conducted by th Hargreaves family. e Larry McGregor read a story about Indian names and thei meanings. Miss S. Haugh assisted with the. piano, and Mrs. R. Allan and Mrs. R. .,Dalrymple helped with the pre-schoolers. The August meeting will be held on the last Sunday of July. r RECEPTION and DANCE for MR. and MRS. JOHN RADFORD (nee Brenda Homuth) Friday, July 17 Londesboro Hall NORRIS ORCHESTRA LUNCH COUNTER 29b • The program is for children. from kindergarten: age up to 12 Years,. and includes "training in arts, crafts, music and games under supervision. ,Last year, by the end of the season, 127 children were en- rolled. Multi-Purpose The purpose of the play- ground program is to provide safe places for Children to play, to develop good health through outdoor activities, to teach so- cial, creative and, physical skills and :to build .dhildren's oharact- eis by proViding recognition an encouragement of acceptance of responsibilities. At the ,town's three play- grounds, the children already haye learned various new songs, active physical games, quiet mental games, Stories and crafts. In the Crafts Department, the Children have learned how to make paper bag hats, scratch boards, letter holders, name tags, and painted pictures. Never Too Young (In keeping up with :the •times, one youngster at the Alma Grove Park playground drew a picture of a girl in a topless bathing suit! ! ! Each Friday a special event is held to round off the week, and last Friday at Community Park and Hugh Hawkins INfrem- orital Park relay contests were held: The children, divided into teams, took part in such activ- ities as hopping, leap frog, over and under and heel and toe. A scavenger hunt was also held. • Costume Show Alma Grove Park children wound up their week with a parade of their costumers which had been 'made during the week. Judy MacDonald was- award- ed, a prize for making the pret- tiest costume; Cindy Stanley for the ,most original costume; Viki Schmidt for the most work done on a costume, and Fred MacDonald won the booby prize. Playground 'supervisors re- mind parents the playground facilities are not organized to supply handy and inexpensive baby sitting nor simply to keep the children off the streets. Summerhili Club 'Elects -Officers For °64 Term The members 'of the Summer- hill Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Percy Gibbings recently for their June meet- ing. The meeting was opened with a poem, read by Mrs. George Colciough. 'Following this. the Lord's Prayer and the Creed were recited. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved, Thank you notes were receiv- ed from Greg Ball, Ivan;'Heg- garth and Robert Smith. The treasurer's report was given and showed a balance of $60.65. Mrs. Mervin Lobb spoke about - the Vacation School and once again agreed to be leader with the assistance of some helpers The raffle was won by MrS. Roy Vodden. The July . meeting is to be held at 'the home of Mrs. Rus- sell Good. Those on the program com- mittee are: Mrs. Viola Farqu- har; Mrs. Neville Forbes and Mrs. Percy Gibbingi, Those on the lunch committee are: Edith Lovett, Mrs. Don McLean, Mrs. John Murch and Mrs. Wilfred Penfound. The new slate of officers is as folloWs: President, Mrs. Geo- rge Colclough; First Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. JIM Snell; Second Vice-President, Mrs.. Clayton Ellis; Secretary, Mrs. Russell Good; Treasurer, Mrs. Norman Wright; Serving, Mrs. Percy Gibbings and Mrs. Lloyd Stew- art; Buying,. Ida Wright and MTS. Percy Gibbings; Cards, Mrs. Clark Ball. 0 In 'the Middle ages printing, was considered a "genteel' oc- cupation, and 'to get, in the bus- iness, apprentices actually paid Master printers for their train- ing 'instead of being paid. Goderich Township South' pest wishes for a Speedy re- - eovery ,are. „extended te...Mr Sam Westlake, at present a Patient- in GoderiCh 4105pthei.. Miss Cathy Potter has joio,, ed the Staff of the Shearer Pen Co, in a secretarial gapags ity,. Her brother Ken is at- tending the OAC- in Guelph for a special .course. Joyce, ate small daughter of' Mr, and Mrs. Bill Malwain hes a right shoulder fracture due to a fall. 'Vr,r,..nr.gt Mrs, Irvine Tebbutt spent last Tuesday at thebeine• of their son Gerald in Foothill. Where he resides and is ernploy,, ed by the John Deere Co. in Welland, Mr. and Mrs, Carmen Tete butt have as -summer visitors, Mrs.-Lew Tebbutt and baby, of Woodstock. Lew is at present marking high school examine: tien papers, but will join his family at the parents' home as soon as 'the marking project is completed. A baby girl has arrived via Clinton Public Hospital to glad- den the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Ninhuys, the par- ents, and Mr. and-Mrs. John Van Ninhuys, grandparents, all of -RR 2 Bayfielci. Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire have their daughter, Mrs. John (Doreen) Nogalo, of Sault Ste. Marie, spending a few weeks with them, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Welsh, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Wal- lis and. daughter Katherine, are on a motor trip to Winnipeg. • Former 'Godenioh Townshipite Theron Betties made a farewell call on the Robert McIlwains, prior to his leaving for Haney, B.C., to visit members of his family. He is aecoMpanied by his grandson Gary Betties, of Winthrop. En route they will visit the Stampede at Calgary. Relatives from this township who attended the funeral of Miss Cheryl Ames, Monday, at Atwood, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yeo, Mrs. Florence Ghin. and Mrs. Ben Whiteley. Miss AmeS was the victim of a traf- fic accident the previous Sat- urday night. The Liscombe, family, now of Comox, B.C., former residents here advise that their 17-year- old son David won an award' as the best first-year air force cadet at the RCAF base there. 0 Local Witnesses To Attend Meet The Clinton congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has been invited to attend a . four-day convention at Memorial Gard- ens, Guelph, it was announced this week by H. McNally, pre- siding minister of • Jehovah's Witnesses at Clinton. The local delegation, headed by Mr. McNally, vill attend the convention from July 23 to 26. The convention is arranged by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for Jehovah's Witnesses, and more than 3,000 persons are expected to attend. 0 John Gutenberg, printed his famous Bible on a simple hand- operated machine which res- embled the old wine press of his time. ,P019g ,News-14.04-4kurs,, July 10, 1964 Fun and times 1n -Clinton. Playgrounds Three .locations Are Kept .Buzzing By 110 Children .Enrolled To Date About 110 children have been enrolled in Clin- ton's three playgrounds during the first week of the Summer Playgrounds program sponsored by the Clinton Recreation Committee. ' ilAYfIRD LIONS CLUB FR:OLIC WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 PARADE from Post Office at 7:45 p. with Bands, Floats, Costumes, Vehicles, BitycleS, etc. All Entries Welcome Prizes for Best RCAF BAND CONCERT at 8:00 p.m. DRAW FOR $250 PRIZES at 11:00 p.m. cash BINGO prizes AduIt9 25c Children tree /ohm Violeiz PHOTOGRAPHER Announces the Opening of his new' studio at 2Q ISAAC ST., CLINTON Next to Riley's Barber Shop on FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1964 In the large photo above, children from Alma Grove Park playground display the costumes they made during the week. Smaller' photo, a closer view of some of the outfits. From the left: Vicky Grey, Kim Fink, Barbara, Butler, Brenda Butler. The children made their costumes from paper, vardboard, string and other materials readily available. (News-Record Photos by John Visser) ed., July 22 is russels Night AT WESTERN FAIR POST TIME 1:45 FREE PARKING See the BRUSSELS DRIVING PARK TROT YOU are invited to be guests of the Raceway for this event CLIP THIS- COUPON FOR I YOUR FREE. ADMISSION GOOD FOR ONE ADMISSION WEDNESDAY, JULY. 22 ONLY 1%4Annk.ai p.e ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,•.,,,.,,.,..„..,..,.,,...... .... viG.6 ADDRESS AT WESTERN FAIR LONDON "W6sfern Ontario's Friendly Track" Explorers A dopts Ko fn far-flung Taejon, j, A i3O-year'-old - girl who misery and poverty wg)n and ..eared for. LET I.M.T. ARRANGE YOUR - MOIVEGAGE rm. almost throe-quarters of a century Ice have offered a friendly, personal service in the first mortgage field, We can arrange a first mortgage for you on your borne, farm Or business property. All enquiries welcome. EstAntasinn 1889 THEINDUSTRIALMORTGARE&TRUSY COMPANY tril 1104d OlBco: Sarnia Offices in Porest and Attalla 1-1, Co LAWsCoN, Clinton Pholue \-tlOsiness 452.9544 Rosidetice 482-9787 F r Verna rean %,.iri test east of Seoul, has known only e*, in a Korea, life of , will be well fed, clothed go only nine girls, aged nine to 1,2 an the group, but more are expected to join in the fan, Tile group holds regUlar meet- ings from SePterober to June. Mrs, Mustard said the Ex- plovers planned 'to write to Lee Ok Soon once a month, The letter would be sent to an a,g- i • I ency of the CCF where it will, t, be tnnSlated. to Korean, and sent to the little girl. Orphanage officials M. Tae- ^i jon Will make sure Lee Ok Soon ,, answers 'the letter which in turn" will be translated to Eng- Lee Oh Soon Ugh on its way 'to Varna. Has New Home Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH I Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep -482-6642 21.1:tb ,- ,c / Aliktffitaatit (I, GODERICH , ONT. , Dancing Every Saturday Night For The Young Crowd NO SLACKS, BLUE JEANS OR SHORTS THIS WEEK — "THE DEL I 1 9:00 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION: 75c PER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524.9371 or 524-9264 21tfb [ House of Bargains Ltd. Across from Bank of Montreal 12 ISAAC ST. PHONE 482-7735 - MID -SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE -, rA it A g,.,, ,...Summer , 4 - \ C ! 1 I 111,i on cuing ail ), , . ,„ 4 i . 110 The Store Where Your Dollar Buys The Most Come in and prove this for yourself Business and Professional Directory - FARM EQUIPMENT INSURANCE JOHN BACH K. W. COLQUHOUN FARM EQUIPMENT INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE PARTS and ACCESSORIES Phones: Office 482-9747 IH DEALER — PHONE 17 Res. 4E2.7804 SEAFORTH JOHN WISE, Salesman 20Lfb Phone 482-7265 OPTOMETRY GARY COOPER - J. E. LONGSTAFF Life Insurance & Annuities OPTOMETRIST Representing Mondays and •Wednesdays • GRAWRIgin LIFE CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 482-7200 Clinton H C. LAWSON _ SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 . G. B. CLANCY, O.D. --OPTOMETRIST»- FuolnitwesMtocurtgrreagentMIonnteeyrefts.tvaRilasge For Appointment INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS— Phone 524-7251 Phones: Office 48'Z-9644 GODERICH Res. 48424787 ' ,3841b R. W; BELL PHOTOGRAPHY OPTOMETRIST HADDEN'S STUDIO Fr. T. ARMSTRONG PORTRAIT -- WEDDING Car:Suiting Optometrist and CHILDREN The. Square, GODERICH 118 St. David's St. 524-7661 itfb Dial 524.8787f Goderith 6-13p INSURANCE PORTRAITS — WEDDINGS H. E. HARTLEY COMMERCIAL All Types of Life 69044 qh.4444 Tenn insurance --- Annuitied 20 Isaac Street CANADA LIFE Friday and Saturdayy 2 to 9 p.m. ASSURANCE CO. Phone 482-9654 after , 6 p.m. Clinton,- Ontario for appointments A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS SS-57 $OUTH T. TELEPHONE GODER ICHi ONT, , 524-756/ ,.._._