HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-07-16, Page 8Page 0. Clinton News-Record—Thars., July 16, 1964
lundreds OF Dog Owners
rea mg Clinton Tag Bylaw
New Salesman
Orland Johnston has join-
ed the sales staff of Lorne
Brown Motors Limited.
Formerly with Goderich
Motors Ltd., he is well known
in this area, having success-
fully conducted his own busi-
ness in Brucefield, and also
in Seaforth prior to moving
to Clinton.
Inquiries from his former
customers will be welcomed.
New customers will receive
the same courteous attention.
Clinton Community Credit Union
2,600 Members will tell you their
Savings For You On New
Cars While Present
Stock Lasts!
We have received our quota of new cars. Dealer stocks
are dwindling. If you are thinking of a new car, we urge you
to get in—fast! Substantial discounts to clear our stock.
CORVAIR Monza, model 927
Black with red interior
CHEVELLE 8 Two Door Hardtop
White with red interior
BEL AIR 6 Four Door Sedan
White with fawn interior
CH'EVY II 6 Station Wagon
Fawn with matching trim
CHEVELLE 8 Super Sport Two Door Hardtop
Black with red interior
OLDSMOBILE "88" Four Door Hardtop
Meadow Green Metallic
Saddle tan interior
TRUCKS Your Choice of Either Wideside
or Sfepside Models.
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
Your Filetidly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile & Envoy Dealer,
Ontario Street — CLINTON — Phone 482-9321
Council Defers Building
$2.95 to $4.75
4 Trays in Plum Glass
4 White Cups $4.SOset
SALAD BOWL /n china $3.75
In Wood — Bowl, 4, Serving
Bowls and Servers
With Magnet to
hold knife
In Round Metal with
Swinging Handle
To protect membership cards, 15c ea. licenses, permits, etc.
In Cut or Decorated
$7.75 & $1125
There are "hundreds" of dog owners in Clinton
liable for stiff fines if a lawn bylaw is ever en-forced.
Were $349,00 NOW
Was $239.95 NOW
MITCHELL — Watson Web-
ster, of Varna repeated history
on Saturday when he won the
best drummer award during
Glorious Twelfth celebrations
Mr. Webster was selected
from drummers attending from
42 Loyal Orange Lodges in
Perth, Huron and Bruce coun-
ties who were on hand to cele-
brate the 274th anniversary of
the Battle of the Boyne, a vic-
tory for William of Orange and
his Protestant forces over
King James in northern Ireland.
When the event was last held
in Mitchell, 37 years ago, Mr.
Welaster's father, Robert D.
Webster, also of Varna, won
the same honor.
On Saturday, Mr. Webster
was using the same drum sticks
his father used on that day.
Council Invites
By Ratepayers.,
Ratepayers should lake a
more active' interest in matters
Of cenenteritY concern, Clinton
Town councillors agreed Mon-
day night,
Connell stressed its regular
meetings are open 'to the Pub-
lic, but the public eppaeently
couldn't care less,
"They are euiek to complain
about things," one counciller
said, "but they themselves just
can't be bothered to come out
to peblie meetings and make
their complaints heard,"
Welcome Anyone
Councillors said the correct
procedure for ratepayers to fol-
low when they had complaints
was to write a formal letter to
council, and follow up the let-
ter by an appeerarice at the
next council meeting.
"We will welcome anyone
who wishes to attend council
sessions," Mayor Miller said,
"in fact we wish more people
would take a greater interest
in their community and attend
the meetings,"
SS No. 13 McKillop
Graduates Listed
Following is a list of students
who graduated this year from
SS No. 13 McKillop Township,
near Seaforth.
The names were released by
Miss Janet Tyndill, of Clinton,
the school teacher.,
Students' names appear after
the grade in which they are
registered for fall school open-
Grade Two: Faye Tunney;
Grade Four: Stuart Scott, Leo
Petersen; Grade Five: 'Sandea
Coleman, Bruce Scott; -
Grade S even: Else Petersen,
Bill Scott; Grade Nine: Judy
Haarbye, Jerry Coleman, Ken
Promoted to Grade 9
Bruce Bird, Sandra Erickson,
Carl Humphries, Teresa Mac-
Vicar, Thomas Pease; Barbara
Promoted To Grade 8
Karen Fitzsimons, Marion
Francis, Nancy Herd, " Penny
Howlett, Michael Gallant, Don-
ald Lindsay, Terry McClinchey,
Lions Elect
International President
Claude M. DeVorss of Wichita,
Kansas, was elected President oil
Lions International at the Asso-
ciation's 47th annual convention
in Toronto, Canada, July 8-11.
Lions International, with 720,000
members in 124 countries, is the
world's largest service club or-
Lions International is best
known for its many youth pro-
grams, community service proj-
ects, sight conservation activities
and aid to the blind. Last year
Lions Clubs around the globe
completed more than 400,000 in-
dividual community projects.
Winners Named
After Swim Meet
The folloWing is a list of the
results of the Clinton Swim
Meet which was held last Sat-
urday, ,Tiny 11.
Ten and under: Mike An-
stett and Brian Delowski (tie),
Terry Hawkins, Robert And-
rews, Paul Anstett;
12 and under: Dennis Deline,
Mike Elliott, Ove Christensen;
14 and under: Gamy Deline,
Richard Dixon, Rick Frendin,
Rick Hunter;
17 and under: ,Butch Fleet,
Charles Andrews (tie), Gary
bel'ine, Rick Hunter; Rick
Ten and Joanne
Bates, `Wendy Smith, Hay
Grace Sctrohg;
12 and underr. Nancy Pie-
kett, Francis Bettertia, Geette
Burns, Patsy Priest*:
14 and under: Elaine Ken-
nedy, Betty Hunter, Judy Col-
lins, Linda Nip;
17 and under: Betty Hunter,
Elaine .Kennedy, Linda Nip,
Nancy Pickett
Calvin Scotchmer, Joyce Scott,
Ray Scott, Buddy Sturgeon.
Promoted To Grade 7
Lynn. Brandon, Gary Darn-
bOrough, Monica Gemeinhardt,
Shamon Heard, Cathy McLeod,
Lorne lVferner, Allan Pease,
David Pease, Patricia Sparks,
Rhea Sturgeon, Kathy Weston.
Promoted To Grade 6
Robert Erickson, Vicky Gal-
lant, Brenda Makins, Robert
MacVean, Colleen Merrier,
Linda Sparks, Delores Telfeed.
Promoted To Grade 5
Mary Lou Castle, Ralph Eck-
ert, Kelso Fitzsimons, Randy
McClinchey, Patricia Payne,
Bradley Turner.
Promoted To Grade 4
Michael Eckert, Stephen Gal-
lant, Brian Makins, Louise Mac-
Vean, Lorilie McClinchey, Mary
McFadden, Lean Ann McLeod,
Sandra Telford.
Promoted To Grade 3
Karen Brandon, Wayne Eck-
ert, Dirk Ferguson, Paul Payne,
Richard Peterson, David Mac-
Promoted To Grade 2
Patrick Brandon, Nancy feetle,
Richard Fraser, Karen Gemein-
hardt, Kathryn. Logan, •Karen
MacRae, Peter MacVean, Debra
MacVicar, Daniel McLeod, Kel-
vin Merrier, Robert Pease, and
David Renner.
Rides On Ponies
Highlights Meet
Of Doubles Club
The Happy Doubles Club of
Ontario Street United Church
met with their families at Clin-
ton Park June 21, at 2:30 p.m.
The children enjoyed' riding
ponies brought along by Cecil
Elliott and Frank Patter.
Races were conducted by Eil-
een and Frank Potter, Isobel
and Art Colson and Marianne
and George Colclough.
Race Winners
A peanut scramble for all un-
der eight years was held. Susan
Tyndall won the race held foe
children five and under and
Bonnie Gates and Sharon Coal=
slough placed fir et and second
for the and seven year-old
girls in their race,
Karen Tyndall and Esther
Merrill placed second and third
respectively for eight, nine and
tereyear-old girls, and David
Aiken and Paul Wheeler won in
the boys' class.
A three-legged race for girls
and boys was won by Lois Mer-
rill and Wendy Gates and sec-
ond prize went 'to Greg Potter
and Ron Tyndall,
The holder of the lucky plate
at slipper time was Gordon
Merrill ad the birthday clos-
est this day was Rev: G.
About 60 persons sat down to
a delicious smorgasbord supper,
"1 think we should send post
card warnings to dog owners
,who haven't Paid their taxes,
and try to scare them into pay-
Already Warned
Councillor H, F. Noonan re,
minded council several notices
have already appeared in the
News-Record this year "and so
we don't have, to give them
any more warnings, What we
do have to do now is make
sure the bylaw is, enforced,"
Council agreed no further
warnings would be ,given deg
owners, but nothing was pro-
posed in relation to hew the
offending pet owners would be
tracked down, and prosecuted.
During Monday night's reg-
ular session of Clinton Town
Council, Mayor W, J. Miller
was authorized to sign a war,
rant instructing the treasurer
to sell lands liable for tax ar-
rears in 1964.
The !treasurer was also in-
structed to take court action to
collect unpaid business taxes.
$1,500 Park Trot
London Raceway
Featured Event
The Brussels Driving Park
Trot will be featured on the
race program of Wednesday,
July 22, at London's Western
Fair Raceway.
The event, which will go for
a purse of $1,500 is an early-
closing affair conditioned for
non-winners of $3,000 in 1963.
This race is sponsored in
honour of the Brussels Driving
Park Association, owners of
one of the charters being used
to race under-at Western On-
tario's harness racing head-
quarters in London.
To help celebrate the event
all race fans from this 'area
are being invited, and a coupon
in today's paper offers free
admission to 'anyone bringing
it with' them.
Post time for the first race
on Wednesday night will be
7:45 p.m. EDST.
Campers and boaters often
carry extra gas, using plastic
containers origbrally intended
for household 'bleaches or other
liquids. On a hot day the heat
and gas may cause the plantic
to disintegrate' or take fire. The
temperature in a car trunk or
boat may reach 150 degrees.
Special plastic containers for
gas are obtainable but those
designed for household chemi-
cals 'are .unsafe for gasoline.
Civic Nokia
Clinton Town Council Mon-
day night declared Moeda)",
August 3 a civic holiday'..
Mayor W, J, Miller was auth-
orised by councillors to issue a
Proclamation to this effect
Pay Part Grant
Clinton Town Council Mon-
day night voted in favor of
granting e •request from the
Clinton Recreation Committee
for one half of the annual awn-
ell grant.
A motion proposed by Coun-
cillor George Worich that $580
of the grant be paid to the
committee was carried, and
clerk John Livermore was in-
structed to issue a cheque M.
that amount to the committee,
Thursday, July 16 — BINGO
in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk
St., at 8:30 p.m. 15 regular
games for $5; 1 game for $25,
letters L and T Bingos apply
on the $25 game; 3 share-the-
wealth games; jackpot $55 in 55
numbers. Admission 50c.
' Tuesday, July 21 —BINGO,
at Huron Fish an Game. Jack-
pot $57,00 in 57 numbers. Six
door prizes, 8.30 p.m.
Friday, July 17 -,- Reception
and dance for Mr. and Mrs.
John Radford (nee Brenda Ho-
muth), Londesboro Hall, Norris
Orchestra. Lunch counter.
Sunday, July 19 — Rathwell
Reunion, Seaforth Lions Park,
dinner 12.30 p.m. 29b
Wednesday, July 22—Ham &
salad supper, Grace Church,
Porter's Hill, served from 5 to
8 p.m. Admission: Adults $1,
children 50c, 29b
Motoriets, ifyou pick up an
unknown hitch-hiker you run
the risk of robbery, assault and
even murder. You can't be sure
a picked-up 'stranger is harm-
less until he leaves, says the
Ontario Safety League.
.Accept Bide
A tender 9‘.14?(). for pp,
clothing from lemur's. M,-
Wear Clinton was accep
Monday night by Clinton T.,
Show starts at dusk
Come as late as 11:00 P.
and see complete show.
Thursday and Friday
July 16-17
Chuck 'Connors
Luke Halpin
Colour Cartoon
Saturday and Monday
July 18-20
Paul Newman
Patricia Neal
Melvyn Douglas
(Adult Entertainment)
Tuesday and Wednesday
July 21-22
"What Ever
Happened To
Baby Jane"
Bette Davis
Joan Crawford
(Adult Entertainment)
(Continued from Page One)
of a building code."
Asked by Councillor Don Sy-
mons what he meant when he
said those four towns "wouldn't
touch' a - building code, Reeve
Agnew replied: "They've been
preaching the gospel of Jesus
Christ for 2,000 years, but some
still don't believe in it." He
'did not elaborate.
Mr. Symons said perhaps a
building code adopted by Clin-
ton could set the example and
pace for other towns in Huron
•County which could then bene-
fit as a - whole by following.
End Hodge, Podge
Answering the, question of
Whether a building inspector
would be needed, Councillor
Thompson said "just because
we have a bylaw doesn't mean
we need an inspector.
"Let the Planning Board
have a building code. If the
board later asks for a building
inspector which the town can't
afford—then veto the board's
requests. You are the fellows
who have the say about what
the planning board does.
"But let us have a tool to
work with. Are we to continue
with this hodge-podge way of
Little Leaguers Sport New Togs
Adastral Park Little League (baseball) staged its official 1.964 opening
at Adastral Diamonds over the weekend and new uniforms were the order
of the day, The four teams are sponsored by: Allied Insurance, Bayfield; Elm
Haven Motor Hotel and Hinton the Mover, both of Clinton, and Queen's Hotel,
Seaforth. Baseballers in the above photo are; front row, left to right: Darryl
Borden, Ricky Sears, Guy Ghoulx, Ricky Tonogai, Brian Silk, Eric Balder',
Brian Doyle, Billy McAndrews, Bob George, Danny MacKay, Bobby Dieroff,
Barry Silk; centre row: Bruce Schelegle, Danny Sears, Gordon Bowles, Dan
Marier, George Salt, Dale Marsh, Mark Baiden, Steve Williams, Mike Thuot,
Doug Silk, Kenny Robertson, Wayne Barr, Bobby Hiemstra; back row: Ken
Schelegle, Bob Estabrooks, Danny George, Bobby Thuot, Bobby Tonogai, Mike
Pacquet, Jimmy Adams, Clement Royer, Jean Pacquet, Steve MacKay; Coach-
es; Cpl. Gordy Salt, Cpl. Lou Borden, Sgt. Dave Doyle, Cpl. Yvonne Ouellette,
Sgt: Robert Sears. (RCAF Photo)
Entertaining Needs
doing things, or are we going to
go forward?"
Industry Foil
Mr. ThOmrpeen. said Clinton
now is in no posit:len to invite
industry to locate. "Where
would you suggest they build?"
he asked council. "Right now
they, can build anywhere, but
they have no idea of knowing
what the land around them
could later be used for."
Discussion was cut short by
Mayor Miller: "If you gentle-
men haven't read this (the Na-
tional Building Code) you- can-
not vote on whether or not we
should have it here. You would
be voting on something you
know nothing about."
Mr. Thompson told council he
had been trained as an engineer
and had 30-odd years exper-
ience in the field and still found
it difficult to follow all the
technicalities of the Building
Expert Reconunended
"Why can't you take the
word of an expert that this
code is what we need to get
the ball rolling. We have had
experts in here to talk to us
and 'to advise us and the first
thing they recommend to help
Code Vote
the town—you balk at."
eecee than four years ago,
John Pearson from the Com-
munity Planning Branch of the
Ontario Department of Muni-
cipal Affairs spoke to Clinton
Town Council and recommend-
ed the four area townships
should be involved with the
planning board.
• He also recommended Clin-
ton should be zoned for various
uses, and that a building code
be adopted.
Order Copies
On a motion by Councillor, H.
F. Noonan, clerk John Liver-
more was instructed to order
copies of the National Building
Code of Canada proposed for
'adoption as a Clinton bylaw so
that all councillors could read
the code and decide whether
such a code would be benefic-
ial to Clinton.
"You all promise you'll read
the code?" Mayor Miller asked
councillors before learning the
code was more than 70 pages
Councillors agreed they would
read the code and vote on the
motion at the next council
Mr. Thompson told council
zoning of Clinton could be done
as soon as a building code was
adopted, but not before.
Watson Webster
Repeats History
With Drum Award
Council was told Monday
night that so far this year only
107 doe owners have bought
tags for their pets.
"feet's face it," councillor
Duff Thompson told council,
"there are more than 107 dogs
in Clinton. What is the use of
having bylaws if they aren't
Bayfield Public School Results
Announced For June Examinations