Clinton News-Record, 1964-07-16, Page 1$4,00 .pe.r Year—.1.0 Copy,12. Pcgee No. 29—The Home Paper With The News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1964
Not A Mattress Ad
The tired tyke trying out the mattresses in
the above photo isn't promoting their sale. Phlip
Cook, aged 21/2 , is just a pooped participant in the
annual Bayfield Pioneer Park Rummage Sale held
at Bayfield Arena Tuesday night. For more photos
an? story,.please see Page Nine.
Cheryl Lee Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Stewart of Clinton watched with interest as
nurse Mrs. Shirley, Steepe of Holmesville gave her
the test. It was over in seconds.
(News-Record Photo by John Visser)
Officer Cadets Relax At Swimming Pool
It's not all• hot,• hard work for the 134 officer cadets attending a three-
week tOtlr,Se this summer ,at the RCAF Station Clinton, These four lovelieS
ar eenrolled it the Administration arid Construction trigineering course. From
the left: Judy Dobson, Cinette GiaSSon, tleatior Webber and Linda Cameron
prepare to dive into the pool at the Station, (1WA. Photo.)
...0me Councillors Claire
Cede .....e.ettled To Prevent
Shanty 'own Conditions
Clinton Town Council Monday night again
deferred implementation of a building code for the
Town Planning Board despite continued objections
from several councillors that such a code is needed
Planning board members ob-
jecting to the deferment claim-
ed the building code bylaw —
recommended more than four
years ago by an official of the
Ontario Department of Muni-
oipal Affairs—was needed be-
fore the Board can start or-
ginizing and developing Clin-
t Cril.
The bylaw issue came close
to -a show of hands, but after
lengthy discussion councillors
felt they should each have a
copy of The National Building
Code of Canada to study before
voting on the issue at the next
regular council meeting Aug-
ust 10.
Councillor Pleads
The revised copy of the Na-
tional Building Code of Can-
ada is the set of bylaws the
Planning Board seeks to have
adopted by council.
Pleading with councillors to
expedite 'acceptance of the
building code for Clinton,
councillor Duff Thompson said
"yOu must -give • the planning
board a tool to work with.
"This building code 'is simply
a tool. This tool assures you
that anything built here will
conform with the National
Housing Act or any ether set
of .codes. It . is 'needed before
builders, in Clinton can get any
kind of federal or other mart-
Shanty Town Ban
"This building code contains
no short cuts for anybody,"
councillor Thompson said. "It
has -no. fine print, no loopholes .
for fly-by-night contractors. It
is simply something construc-
tive and something that will
make us proud of our town..
"The way things stand right
now, Clinton could turn into a
shanty town. There are no reg-
ulations 'to prevent.. someone
from building a shack on the
main street."
Reeve M. J. Agnew claimed-
to .adopt as building code: for,
Clinton "would be setting up a
job for • - building inspector."--
He said such a man would have
to be paid "anywhere from
$5,000 to $8,000 a year."
•• Set Example
He said the towns of Gode-
rich, Sea-forth, Exeer and
Wingham "won't tough this idea
(Continued on Page Eight)
Fisherman wn r iel
It is unlikely 'an inquest will be held into the
drowning death of 51-year-old Goderich .fisherman
Harvey who died Monday near Bayfield, ,Johnston
• Huron
CroWn 'Attorney William Cochrane
told the News-Record Wednesday. -
It will be open to anyone
wishing the test from 2 p.m. to
5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m,
On Monday,- July 20, the clin-
ic will Move to Bayfiekl Town
Hall, and the next day it will
be held at Clinton RCAF Sta-
tion in 'the Ritchie Building.
The same hours apply.
Simple Test
The tuberculin test is a
simple—and painless'—, means
of determining -whether there
are tuberculosis germs in the
A harmless substance called
tuberculin is injected into the
skin, usually on the forearm
where the results can easily
be seen—if there are any.
From two to four days later,
the 'test is interpreted ,or
Few Reactions
In the great majority of
cases, nothing happens. This
means there are no tuberculosis
germs in the body and as long
Rev. ROy C. Cook
Rev. Roy C. Cook, son of
Mr.' and Mrs. W. W. Cook,
126 Maple Skeet, Clinton, re-
cently received his Doctor of
Divinity Degree (Honoris
Causa) at the convocation of
MelVfaSter University. Mr.
Cook was honored by the uni-
versity on the occasion of the
75th anniversary of the
foutuling of the Baptist' Con-
vention of Ontario and Rue-
Brusselt Nurse Tops
Barbara Turnbull, of RR 2,
Brussels, recently was present-
ed a diploma and CdrigratUla-
tions froni the Staff of Wing-
horn and District Hospital for
having the highest §oolasti9
standing in theory Mid clinical
as there are no TB germs, there
will be no tuberculosis. •
Simply the presence of TB
germs in the body does not
mean the person infected will
contact TB. But a person who
is positive to tuberculin should
have a chest x-ray at once. If
there is 'active TB it will be
found arid treatment can • then
be started,
If—es is usually the case—
there is no disease; a doctor
should be consulted for advice
about 'how often a check up is
Dangers Over 4 0
The Huron County Tuber-
eulossis Association says every
person should take the tuber-
culin test •-unless he has been
found to have a positive re-
action and is undergoing treat-
ment. The test is especially
important for those persons
over 40:
The tuberculin tests have been
held every four years in Huron
County since 1952, and in 1960,
an estimated 55 per cent of
the county's population turned
out for tests.
Few were found to be TB
carriers arid there are very few
cases — less than 10 in the
But officials of the associa-
tion said it is never known
. whether a new carrier might
'have moved to 'the area and be
spreading the TB germs,
Rye Comment
Follows Instant
Crop Of Barley
GODERICH — Bob alishohn
made only one comment re-
cently when a truck spilled 10
tons of barley on his lawn af-
ter a crash with a car:
"I've been working all =m-
iner trying to get a nice lawn—
now it looks like I'll get a crop
of barley."
The crash at Elgin Avenue
and South Street caused -$3,000
damage to both vobiolos,
ex' truck driver Robert Nagle
of St Paul's, Or Clifford Van:-
stone, of rtrt, 4 Coder:kb, were
The Joad of barley, titter be-
mg salvaged from Mr, Chit-
hohn's lawn, was taken back to
the aoderieh
Jim McCullough
Name Salesman,
Sports Editor,
To N-R Staff
The appointment of Jim
McCullough as Sports Editor
and advertising salesman for
the Clinton News-Record was
announced this week by pub-
lisher A. Laurie Colquhoun.
Mr. McCullough, 19, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-
Cullough, of RR 3 Clinton,
graduated from a special
commercial course at Central
Huron Secondary School.
His mother has been Hol-
mesville correspondent of the
News-Record for some time.
He will be covering all
forms of Sports in the Clinton
area and reporting on games
and other events to keep our
readers abreast of all devel-
opments' on the local 'sports-
tag scene.
Hospital Board Meet
The regular meeting of the
Clinton Hospital Board will be
held Monday at 8 p.m. in the
hospital board room..
Airmen Pay Fines
Joseph Belanger and Pierre
LeXernec, both of RCAF Sta-
tion Clinton, were each fined
$50 and costs of $2.50 when
they were convieted recently
at Grand Bend of drinking
while underage.
The' Weather
1964 1963
High Low High Low
July 6 84 39 69 41
10 83 52 75 56
11 .82 53 82 a
12 Si. Si 78 55.
18 76 56 88 '51
14 '68 55 75 60
Ralrir :s1" Rain1:1:0"
ticket vehicles blocking side-
walks since the owners of the
vehicles are in contravention
of a town bylaw.
Soft, 3-Day Rain
Helping Crops
Agricultural representative
Doug Miles reported - this
-week gentle rain over• three
days has aided all crops, esp-
ecially those in the central
part of the . county:
Some hay remains to be
harvested, some fall barley
has been cut and threshed,
and fall wheat is ripening
Mr. Cochrane said no deci8-
ion had been made, but "it is
unlikely we will hold an in-
quest because it is pretty well
known What happened."
First Day Out
Mr. Johnston was starting
his first day of work for Don,.
aid McLeod when the accident
According to Ontario Provin-
cial Police, Mr. Johnston. was
aboard the fishing tug W. J.
McLeod 'about one and -a half
miles south Of Bayfield and one
half mile off-shore when he fell
Drag For Body
The Crown Attorney said Mr.
McLe'od told him he had sent
Mr, Johnston to' the stern of
'the boat to haul in a buoy.
When he did not return in a
few minutes Mr: McLeod went
to the stern of the boat and
was unable to -find his assist-
Ontario Provincial Police
were called and carried out
dragging operations for about
half an hour before the body
Leroy Oesoh, 45, of Paris,
Ont., has been appointed by
council to fill the post, and
will Start Monday.
Mr. Oesch, who has had 20
years' police experience at St.
Catharines, -and Paris, Will be
on six months probation at a
salary of $3,700 per year.
He will also be given a $100
allowance for clothes for the
balance of 1964.
Was Recommended
The hiring of a fourth police
Officer was recommended by
the Executive and Police Com-
mittee of Clinton Town Coun-
cil June 1 in a special report
Which also recommended the
purchase of radar equipmeht
.and the seeking of provincial
The Police Comnatte resolu-
tion followed complaints of
Your Honor?
Your Worship?
Your Majesty?
Reeve M. J. Agnew told
Clinton Town Council at
Monday plight's meeting he
had received a complaint
about "something" from a
"But he didn't approach
me in the right way so I'll
say nothing about his com-
plaint" Reeve Agnew said,
have to teach peo-
ple to speak to the Reeve the
right way,'" he sad&
Reeve Agnew' then declar-
ed the council meeting clos-
ed, rose freril his chair and
walked from council cham-
Several minutes after he
left, cannel:I was offirbily
was recovered.
Hold Post Morten
Mr, Cochrane, said a post
inortern' conducted by Dr. E,
A. McMaster of Grand Bend
showed death was due .drown,.
He said there "definitely"
was no question of foul play
or other factors. , "It appar-
ently was just an unfortunate
accident," he said.
town 'citizens brought before
council by 'councillor George
Wonch, and published in the
News-Record in a letter writ-
ten by Mr. Wonch.
In his letter Mr. Wench
charged "maniac drivers" and
"brainless idiots" were using
Clinton streets as drag racing
OPP Patrol
, He said in certain parts of
town the noise of squealing car
tires on weekend evenings pre-
vented many residents from
getting a full night's sleep.
Following the Police Com-
mittee's resolution June 1, On-
tario •PrOviincial Police have
been patrolling Clinton streets
at intervals.
Mayor W. J. Miller said rad-
ar sets are being tried out,
although none has yet been
bought by the town.
S/L E. A. Ireland
Squadron Leader B. A, Ire-
land, TelecomMunications Of-
fticer -at Radar and Cennottni-
cationS School; Clinton, has
been transferred as dont-
mending offdCeir tb11CAF
Moosonee effective .141.1Y 17.
(RCAF Photo)
Free Tuberculin Tests Being Made
At Town Hall Thursday and Friday
Huron County's free Tuberculosis detection
clinic opened a three-day visit to Clinton on Wed-
nesday at the Town Hall. The clinic will remain
here Thursday and Friday.
Simmered Down
His letter sparked the Police
Committee to bring down a
three-point resolution which has
since been ' almost completely
Monday he told council the
situation "still exists but to a
much lesser degree than it did
a few months ago."
He said several ratepayers
at Of Rubber?
'Tire S ue !silting
Clinton's tire squealers have either run out of
tire tread or they are getting cautious about no-
...nonsense policing of Clinton these days.
Councillor George Won& had complained to him of veh-
told council Monday night he idles - parked on sidewalks,
-has had very few complaints Council agreed police should
about reckless driving in town
during the past month.
In May, Councillor Wonch
wrote a strong letter to the
News-Record in which he cheat-
ed "brainless idiots" were using
Clinton streets as "drag rac-
ing" strips much to the annoy-
ance of nanny reSidents.
Leroy Oesch Appointed
Council Names New. Policeman)
To Bolster Town's Department
Announcement of the appointment of a fourth
police officer for the Clinton Police Departrnent
was made Monday night during the regular session
of Clinton Town Council.