Clinton News-Record, 1964-07-09, Page 11NOTIC E TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL, .DUMP will ,be open until further • notice on Wednesday and Saturday ofternoons; from 1:00 to 5;30 p,rn, No wire fencing, old con- crete, or cor bodies per- mitted, J. I. McIntosh., Clerk 1.8tfb A GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE Division of Goderich Mfg. Sales Ltd. Anglesea St. -- GODERICH 524-8382 SPECIAL! / i 445c8" and 3 /16x41x7' Unfinished V-Grooved Mahogany Panelling per sq, ft. 12c COTTAGE. BOILDERS1. SPECIAL! Assorted Windows and Sash of Various. Sizes at our Actual Cost 'Price. DOW* miss this clearance DISCONTINUED • Top Line Sheet Rock Panelling Ideal for Cottage and. Rec. Rooms , Reg. 13c sq. ft.—SALE PRICE Oc 0•1111001111111, Town Of Clinton Auditors Report May 26, 1964 The Mayor, Members of Council and Ratepayers, The Corporation of the Town of Clinton, Clinton, Ontario. Dear Sirs: I have audited the accounts and records of the Town of Clinton for the year ended December 31, 1963 and have prepared therefrom the statements listed in the index accom- panying this report. OPERATIONS The operations of the general 'account for the year ended December 31, 1963, resulted in a surplus of $1,938.93 com- pared with a deficit of $2,401.01 for the year ended December 31, 1962. Presented herewith is a condensed, comparative statement of revenue 'and expenditure for the three years ended December 31, 1963, 1962 and 1961. Year ended December 31, Revenue 1963 1962 1961 Taxation , 215,036.33 205,328.17 196,047.99 Debenture debt charges recoverable 65,969.26 66,065.40 66,716.77 Grants, Province of Ontario 36,699.30 35,121.57 28,297,64 Grants, Dominion of Canada 1,145.00 1,123.00 1,159.00 Licenses and permits 41584.00 4,265.75 2,297.50 Interest and tax penalties ..., 1,275.43 1,266.77 1,148.33 Rents, concessions, franchise 388.00 226.00 256.00 Fines and service charges 1,806.60 1,714.32 2,014.42 County of Huron— Road and other rebates 9,255,38 9,082.14 7.633.07 Miscellaneous 1,372.73 2,199.52 1,676,82 337,532.03 326,392,64 307,247.54 Expenditure General Government 18,789.15 16,114.45 16,401.82 Protection to persons and property 25,969.07 24,399.88 23,489.95 Public works 4,74 .49 47,795.84 38,800.14 Sanitation and waste 'removal 3,333.82 3,623.46 2,1.29.21 Conservation of health 32.14 35.42 27.73 Social welfare 1,712.68 2,523.75 4,268.32 Education 101,264.81 97,500.02 93,755.17 Recreation, community service 11,101,10 - 9,520.04 7,974.02 Debt Charges 76,625,04 71,540.87 72,608.18 Sewerage debt chgs. paid out of taxation 6,611.25 16,937.50 8,650.00 Taxes written off by Court of Revision ..„.. ................. ...„ 1,312.04 1,325,57 1,620.73 Capital expenditure out of current revenue 5,628.95 2,045.22 3,914.00 County rates 36,067,55 34,119.97 33,063.96 Miscellaneous 210.53 15.60 Deficit from previous year ,.. 2,401,01 1,101.13 1,629,84 335,593.10 328,793.65 308,348.67 - Surplus or (deficit) for year 1,938.93 (2,401,01) (1,101,13 The operations of the other Boards and Commissions for 1963 were as follows: Public Utilities Commissien Water Supply System deficit $ 1,541.49 Hydro surplus $15,824.82 Sewerage deficit $ 381.02 Public Library Board surplus $ 598.69 Community Athletic Field Board deficit $ 516.22 Clinton Community Swimming Pool surplus $ 8.20 Clinton Recreational Committee surplus $ 363.15 Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board surplus $ 7,986.81 Clinton Public School Board .............. —deficit $ 4,788.70 Clinton Separate School Board surplus $ 7,646.19 Clinton •Cemetery Board surplus $ 457,35 GENERAL I would like to bring to your attention Section 302 of the Municipal Act Which outlines the types of securities in which surplus funds may be invested. The investment of surplus waterworks funds in Sterling Trust Certificates and Town of Clinton debentures does not comply with this sec- tion of the Act. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Clinton Separate School. Board is not bonded as required by Section 46 of the Schools Administration Act. I would like to thank Mr. John Livermore and the other employees of the Town of Clinton with whom I deal in the course of our audit for their kind co-operation. AUDITOR'S OPINION Subject to the foregoing, I hereby report that in my opinion (1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice have been within the powers of the Municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1963, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Date of filing June 3, 1964. A. M. HARPER, License No. 2544 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1963 ASSETS ,-General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) $ 63,508.22 Due from Schools (for debentures) Public and Continuation ,..„, ............. $232,100.00 Collegiate and High 110,458.15 342,558,15 Due from Utilities Water Supply System $ 5,034,67 Electric Light and Power 42,500.00 Housing 8,152,92 Sewerage 57,000.00 112,687.59 Due from Other Municipalities 328,041,85 Due from Sinking Fund 665,33 LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured General—Sewers $ 15,500.00 Schools—Public and Continuation $232,100.00 Collegiate and High 438,500.00 670,600.00 Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises Water Supply System $ 5,700.00 Electric Light and Power 42,500.00 Housing 8,152.92 Sewerage 57,000.00 113,352.92 Total $799,452.92 Investment in Capital Assets 48,008,22 $847,461,14 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1963 $847,461.14 ASSETS Cash on Hand .............. ....... Cash in Bank Due from Province of Ontario' 11,009.21 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) . .... • 28;064.57 Otheri Assets—Deferred Charges 317.63 Accrued interest on investment 180.00 Total Assets $ 57,688,65 LIABILITIES Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) $ 17,500.00 Accounts Payable ........ .......... . ..... ............ .„...„.„ , 3,396.65 DebentureS, Coupons Due---Principal 5 3,500.00 Interest 2,722.75 6,222,75 Reserve for Water Supply System--Surplus 4,409.51 Other Liabilities—Prepaid Business TaX 295.22 Surplus (Form C) .. .. ....„„„„ ...... 25,864,52 Total Liabilities and Surplus $ 57,688.65 Investmentt .... Accounts Receivable—Sundry 339.37 12,856,10 $ 13,195.47 3,800.00 621.77 STATEMENT OF REVEUNE AND EXPENDITURE Per the year ended December 31, 1963 ExotNorrurte Actual Budget General. C.loVerritnent ..... ... ,„,$ 18,789,15 $ 18,650.00 ProteatiOn to Persons and Preperty .,.. 25,969.0725,'!.71.42 public• 38,000.00 Sanitation and Waste Works--..Roads, 3:383.'82 4,000.00 Conservation of Realth 82,14 Social Welfare 012,68 2,200,00 Education, inelnding debt bliarges ,; 101,264.81 100,180,71 Recreation & Cerntrulnity SerVides 11,101.10 10,154.00 Debt ChargeS „— ..—.—„ ...................... 76,625.04 76,524.58 Public Utilities---Sewerage .--„, .... „, 6,611.25 Takes written off ... . . ..„„„ 1,312.04 1,300.00 Capital Bitpenditures out of Revenue 5,628.95 5,629.00 Joint DePendittires—Connty Rates ..„ 36,067.55 35,666.32 Gross Total :Okpenditure .. ..... $338,192.09 $318,356.03 Deficit for Previous Year Levied for 2,401.01 2,401.01 $335,803.1.0 $320,757.04 Surplus for the Year 1,938,03 14.31 Total Expenditure Section $331531;03 $320,771.85 Total geveinte- geotion ... . ..... „...5831,532.03 $320,771.35 amts—Canada ...... ..... Ontario Couhty of Huron, etc. LicenseS and Permits Interests Tax Penalties, Ote* s Other Revenues Miseellartenus ................ REVENUE Actual Budget Total Revenue froin Taxation .,....$215,036.33 $212,418.53 Lorig-Terin Debt digs. recoverable „., 65,069,26 60,034.05 1,123,0 31,449.43 9,201.34 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,550.00 ,145.00 36,699.80 9,255.38 4,584.00 1,275.48 2,197,85 1,369.48 L I Mrs, 'waiter Sphl ortainerl 94 friends recently at her home on Goderich Street to honor Miss Josette Delbergtle prior to her marriage. The evening was .spent en- joying contests given by Miss Gwen Mc-B.iowell and prizes were given to the winners. Many gifts were presented by Miss Brigitte Sehliehting and Miss Pelbenue. thanked her friends for the gifts and for the party. .Lunch was .served by Mrs., Soldiehting assisted. by. Mrs, Kenneth Scott and Miss Brigitte Schlichting. patient 'in Clinton. Ptiblie Kos- pital, having fractured-her wrist in a fall down the cellar steps, Mr. -and Mrs. Thomas john, ston, Miss Laura Phillips and S/L Los Phillips visited on Sunday with Mrs. Eliza 'Tebbutt sit Hurenview and Mn, and Mrs, Roy Farrow and Mr. and Mrs, Toni Jordan at Mitchell. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Wes Bradnock were Mrs, Charles ,StraugbAn; Mir. and: Mrs. Harald Nicholson and Gary of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Bennett, John, Jill' and Jim and Mr. Bruce Bennett of Port Al- bert. Mr :and Mrs. Bob Craig and family of Ilderten spent Sunday With his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Craig, The amnia/ school picrifc was held on 'the .school grounds at S$ No. 9 Hullett, with a large attendance of parents and child- ren of the section, The teacher, 'Miss Irene Pfrinnner was in charge of the' races. iMr„ and Mrs. .Sawn Russel of Scarbero spent the weekend With Mr, and Mr's, Ralph D. Munro. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William &roughen were Mr. and Mrs, William Meek, Sandra and Timmy of Kitchener and Mrs, Thomas Jardin and•-fartilly of Wingharn. Mr. and Mrs-. Ronald Pent- land of North Bay are visiting this week with her /nether, Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mn, and Mrs. Ed Davies left on - Monday morning for the -Canadian West where they will take 'in the Calgary Stampede before going to the west coast. Mrs. Donald Haines went as far as Winnipeg with. Mr. and Mrs. Davies. Mr. Peter Brown of River- side is visiting with his cousin,. Mr, and .Urs. Maitland Allen Prier to taking his vacation in Scotland where he will visit his. father and .sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ivtitn, ro and Miss Zola_ Mutch left on Tuesday morning for a trip to Calgary to visit Mrs. Mun- son, Glen Youngblut and Mrs, Youngblut, Guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, William J. Craig were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Graviston• of Woodstock, former residents of this village. VCW Annual Dirtliday party Bouquets of roses and peoniee eleoorated Knox United Church for the annual birthday party of the TICWe Unit Three was in charge of the meeting, ' Mrs, Charles Lewis gave the call to worship, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. John Durnin, Mrs. Lewis gave a meditation on. Humility, A duet was sung by Mrs. Emmereon, Rodger and Mrs, Charles Lewis. Mrs, Ernest Durnin led in prayer. The of- fering was receivedby Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. Geo- rge Hallam and dediCated With prayer by Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Clare Vincent and Mrs. Thomas Allen both of Londesboro, sang a second duet. Mrs, Gordon McClinchey in- troduced the guest speaker of the afternoon, Mrs, W. M. Care son of Londesboro, She gave an address on the theme, "Joy", Mrs. Bert Craig, the president thanked Mrs. Corson for her message and on behalf of the UCW presented her with a gift. Mrs. Bert Craig thanked all Who had assisted with the meeting. Strawberry. shortcake and tea were served. Serrloo 1,. _040. fi,e,IPP.44.1 The aath annual Memorial. service Cemetery vas held on %,luday, June 2$: with a large nturiber of relatives and friends present, Bev. Robert MeallY was in charge of the service whiel) opened by observing .4 moment of Bouquets. of flowers were placed on the graves, The service of sang was led .12y the -choir of Knox Presby,, tenon Church with their organ- ist, Miss Margaret Haines. The chairman of the Come- tery Board, Norman McDow- ell, welcomed .all to the service and on - behalf of the Boardo. thanked all for their interest, Mr, McDowell reviewed the. year's work of the Board .and told of the work involved, in keeping the church and grounds in geed condition, He spoke of the $10,000 trust fund being formed to ensure Ball's Cemetery 'is kept good repair for future years, He said the fund is now only $1,000 short of its goal, He thanked all donors and said several bequests had been re- ceived, Rev. R. U. MacLean was the speaker of the afternoon, The offering was received by mem- bers of the Board, Norman McDowell, Frank Raithby, ham. Wegner and the superin- tenelent of the grounds, Robert Turner. • The benediction was pro- nounced by Craig Peters, of the Baptist. Church, SS 9 Hallett Promotions Promotion list of SS No. 9 Hallett, is as follows: Grade .8 to 9: Wendy Sch- neider, Shirley Hunking, Bren- da Ball; Grade 7 to 8.; Brenda Arch- amibault, Daryl Ball, Nancy Lapp, Daryk -Ball, Bob Sch- neider; Grade 5 'to 6: John Bakela.ar, Joyce Hallam, Kathy Schneider; Grade 4 to 5: Keith Lapp, Ralph Hallam; Grade 3 to 41 Arva Ball, Harry Vranken, Louise Hunk- ing; Grade 2 to 3: Ronnie Snyder, Rickey Archambault; Grade 1 to 2: -Margaret Fran- ken, Johnny Verwey, Ronnie Hunking. Teacher: Irene Pfrims mer. 4‘4444lrla ;$PhOel. W9tioct19.111s The Poll wing is the .sitahtli4g. of the pupils of No,. .0' fltillett. East And West Wawa nosh -(Atiburn);: Grade Brenda East, Brig, itte. ScbliChting, Ronald Arthur,. Allan McDougall;. tranS.ferregli 4;evelthe McIntyre, Grade` 8; Brian Craig. den nifer Grange, Dianne Kirkeort,, Joyce Leatherland, Boob' Lubbers, Robert Marian, Betty . Moss, Karl Teicliert, G ael:rd mark Arthur, Wayne Arthur, Ronald Brown, Karen East, Stephen. Ifaggitt, Lynda ,Longiturst, Potir,a Teichert. ` Oracle 6: Larry .0114mrICY/ Shelley Grange, Qeorge- berst Bandy 1V.Ittchan. Paul Marian, Grade 5; Dana, Bean, Naney Brown, George Collins, Sharon Collins, Donald -Marian, Marie Plunkett, Gail .Seers, Grade 4; Douglas McIntyre, Peter T,eichert, Paul Chamney, Doreen ,McOlinchey, Sherry Plaetzen. Grade St Michael Marian, Trudy Machan, Wanda zer„ Lyn4 -Turner, Henry hers, 'Warren Rodger, Jayne Arthur, Lorraine Chimney, Larry Plaetzer. Grade Wayne Powell, Mrs. Myrtle Munro 'is the teacher end the assistant teach- er is Mrs. Bertha Sanderson, 'Church Picnic Knox Uni't'ed ,Church joined with the Westfield urotoa 1,1110.:h to hold their annual at the Goderich Summer School grounds, north of Goderich, Swimming and a game of softball were enjoyed before the picnic supper, Races Were held under the direction of Miss Joan Mills assisted by several other Sunday School teachers, A scavenger hunt was held 4.4.4 finished the program ,Of sports. Kt Charles Scott, suppriii- tendont -of theA4bttrit :Sunday $0k0O1,. Pn behalf of Knox ;unit- Chur'oh, .thahicetl. Rev, 'Chas. Lewis -for his work 'in the,,eh- Arch and Sunday School, Mr ,Lloyd Walden, SttperiA, tencient of the Westfield $1,14- day School, also thanked Lewis for his service and. they presented. Mr ..and Mrs. Lewis with a chest of silver as a partihg gift Mr, Lewis thank- ed OverYone, for the gift. $$ 10 West Weweneelk Following is the promotion list which shows the grades in which the pupils will be in September at S$ No. 1.6 Bast Wawanosh: Grade Nine: Ross 'Wilson, John Henry, Larry Lockhart; Grade Bight; Ron Henry; Grade Seven: Willie. Noakes (honors), Margaret. Youngblut, Chris Cowan; -George Cowan, Grade Sik. Charlotte .Neshtt. khohorsl, PgPOPosst Billie Envoy, Clier n yl Patterson, Neil Lockhart grade Five; Ken FialP.Ar 'rade Four: aae.100 Homes, 1)ale. Patterson, Cynthia Rey (honors), Dianne PePp, Douglas Popp, Debbie P41)0- son; Grade T wo: Carol Gross, Barbara, rxtpey,,. Ma* Lock- bar]; all. with honors, Gilbert. NetherY; Grade ,one: Kathy McClinehey, .111elty Patterson, uburn and District MRS, WIP ARAPSNK,compp9m4orot_ Phopg 52 -7595 Mrs. William -mos$ and her daughter, Miss Betty Moss, attended the memorial service at Harvey cemetery, Logan Township, last Sunday. Mr, Robert Chamney is a patient in Goderich hospital. His many friends Wish hhn a speedy recovery, Little Miss Kristin -Singh of London is staying with her grandmother, Mrs, Arthur Grange and Miss Shelley Grange.. Miss- Colleen Wolfe of To- ronto is staying this week with lVfra, Mary Johnston and con- , ducting the senior class in the Daily Vacation Bible School. Rev. and Mrs: Charles Lewis and family 'left last week for their new home near St. Thom- Miss Gail Seers visited last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blake of Goderich. Miss Shirley Brown left this weekend for her summer posi- tion as director of the summer camp at Bolton. Mes., Margaret Clark is a T1114rsday, July 9, 1964,--Clinton News-Record.,„pale ii ORDER NOW for Spring and Summer Delivery Aluminum Doors and Windows In Several Baked Enamel Colors Awnings • Siding ALL WORK GUARANTEED STEWART'S ALUMINUM SALES WI Victoria Street Goderich Dial 524-8821 Collect 15tfb Try BLACKLASEL. and yon ll know wt* t`s Canadas ;Bestselling Boort fREE EgliMATES Proud Father, Happy Winner J. A. Plunkett of Aubutn poses with his nine- year-old daughter, Marie, who beat out more than 160 competitors in the annual Hullett Township Field Day at Londesboro recently. Marie ended the afternoon event with 41 points out of a possible 50. (News-Record Photo by Mrs. Wes Bradnock.) I3ARNYARb SURFAC ES — WALKS FLOORING — FOOTINGS CONSTRUCTION Phone Or Write: "; :. Delivered in the Goderich,Slyth-Clinton Seaforth-Boyfield Areas for err,. Grade Threin Marie Em- Robert Popp, Eric Nonkes. FOR THE FARMERS! .600011tH n SEAPORII4 5144161 868W2