HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-07-09, Page 6ARTICLES FOR SALE 131,44 .5SWgW ql-TIUtRIES-- ftbigklant alen ,Ment. moreney .and 'Richmond :$94P. Pick. your ,own at WYnrove. Ridge. Farm,, located directly behind Marven Ellis, Stipertest gas.. etatiOn. on Highway 21 in Forest, Ont,. Allen F. Rrahn, Forest, ........,.............. ....... IYIONTMORZINCY CHERRIES M by July Ia. Bring con- tainers and pick your own,. Reduced rates on large quanti, ti es, Raspberries will be ready same time — pick your. own, Watson Fruit 'Fanins, 1. mile :north of Forest on 21 flighwaY, phone 873.5439. C USTOM WORK CARDS OF THANKS I Wish to. thank my friends and neighbors and relatives for ' their 'many acts of kindness while oa patient in Clinton Hos, Pita]. Special thanks to Mrs. Betty Wilkins, Dr, R. N. Street and Dr. Dollies, It was deeply appreciated, — MRS. JEAN .4NPR4WS, ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. J, 'Elmer flayter of Varna wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Norene, Ross Mon -Me- Bea.th son .of Mr, and Mrs, J. Alex No.13.eatti, of Kip-, pen. The wedding will take place July 11 at 4:30 pan, in Goshen United Church. IN .MEMORIAM. MEPD--41.1 loving memory of a dear husband and father, James Ernest Medd who passed away three years ago, July 10. ""'Tis sweet to know meet again,. Where tivubles are no mere, And that the one we loved so well Has just gone on before ---Sadly missed by 'wife and family. 2$b Classified Ads RBIVR7Dn41.4INA renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert- ly done, All Odd lobs ,ar9u14 the home. Kitchell clipboards a specialty. Phone 42-7676. Ken MeNairn, 23tfb Poise 6,—Clinton News-Record—Thurstiay, July 9, 1964 ARTICLES FOR SALE UNIQUE PIECI:1 OF PURNi- '1,TRE, revolving bookcase, holds a quantity of books in a enia.11 space, strongly and at- tractively built. Phone 482-9728. 28P EMPLOYMENT WANTED ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and, relatives for floWeirs, cards ;and treats while a patient in !Clinton Public Hospital,. Special thanks to' Rev. Mills, Dr, Oakes, Dr. New- land and Dr. Street for tlieh., services; also the nurses and. hospital staff. —RS, LORNA CRICH, 28p I Wish to express my thanks to neighbors, friends and rela- tives for cards, flowers and treats while a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to LOL 24, Barfield; RBP,. Varna, and LQI3A; Cline ton, Hey. E. J. B. Harrison, Rev. Pease, Dr. F. 0. Thomp- son, nurses and staff. .EM- ERSON HEARD. 2$b GRADE 9 STUDENT would like summer job on term. Phone 482-9238, 28b RELIABLE babysitter would like to babysit by the hour, day or week, Would also like housecleaning jobs in the even- ing. Phone 482.4092. 28b BABYSITTING by the day or week, Monday throu,gh Friday. References supplied. In town. Phone 482,7829. 28to31b YOUNG, married woman with excellent references from prev- ious satisfied employers seeks full or part-time position as assistant librarian, dictaphone typist, or receptionist. Can also be capable "Girl Friday". Please write Box 252, Clinton News- Record, 28x LOVELY 2-BEDROOM apart. Meta, 3-piece bath, Living room and kitchen with eating area. Free laundry facilities. Apply 201 King St., Apt, 1, or phone 482-9227, 2$tib FURNISHED .APAIMUNT Suitable for .couple. Apply 93 Httron Street, . -1.Qtetib, ....... SIVALT., .FURNTS.Hgp. .apart,, ment, ground floor, 'heated. L. G. Winter Real Estate,.., 200 High .Street, phone 4$2-6.09. HVGILL—In loving memory of Deborah Jean Hugill, who passed away July 11, 1962, "Each dawning day brings thoughts of you, Each eventide a Prayer; But in the hearts that loved you, You always will be there." —Lovingly remembered by par, puts, Mr, 'and Mrs. Ron Hugill and grandparents, 28p. DEATHS ROBSON — John Rennie, 87, formerly of Middlesex County, died last week at Huronview, Clinton. Survivors include a sister, Miss Margaret, of Sax- pia; a hr other, James Stuart Robson of Sarnia. Service and burial was at Lakeview Come, tery, Sarnia, YAM—Mrs. Margaret, $0, of Brucefield, on July 5, 1964, at Clinton Public Hospital. She was the former Margaret R9.4- thron. Survivors include sist- ers, Mrs. Edith McMartin, of London; Mrs. Louise Simpson, of Hensall; brother, Fred G. Bonthron, of Hensall. Funeral was Tuesday at 2 .pan. from Bentheon Funeral Home, Hen- sall, with burial in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township. WATSON—Harry M., 65, of RR 3 Auburn, Monday in Wing- ham and District Hospital. A member of Colborne council since 1961. Survivors: wife, the former Pearl Johnston; son, Gordon, of Oakville; daughters, Mrs, Lloyd (Doris) Hodge, Dun- gannon; Mrs. William (Marie) Huff, Goderich; Mrs. Grant (Wilma) Chisholm, Lucknow; Mrs. Ross (Eleanor) McNeil, London; sisters, Mrs. Wilbur (Lillian) Johnston, RR 3 Au- burn; Mrs. Ralph (Marie) Hoover, Olds, Alta. Service was at 2 p.m. Wednesday at J. K. Arthur Funeral Home, Auburn, with burial in Dungannon Cemetery. WIGHT MAN—William Leslie, 70, of Blyth, died. Monday in Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sell. He was a retired farmer from East Wawa/lash Township. Survived by his wife, former Mary Helen Viponn; daughters, Mrs. Stanley (Eleanor) Hiseler, Welland; Mrs. Kenneth (Joan) Crawford, Winghain; Miss Sus- an, at home; brothers, Rennie, Mich.; Norman, Welland; sist- ers, Mrs, J .A. (Belle) Young, Lucan; Mrs. Rose (Bessie) King, Wingharn; Mrs. Frank (Grace) MacDonald, Goderich. Funeral at 1:30 p.m. Wednes- day from Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, with burial in Winghaan Cemetery. LARGE SIZE BABY'S CRIB and carriage. Phone 482-7192. 28b RALEIGH DUNDLT bicycles— all sizes, $44.95 at ELLWOOD EPPS SPORT SHOP, 2$b FRUIT FOR SALE — Mont- morency Cherries, 6 quart bas- ket, $1.00. Phone 482-9512. 28p TRAILER FOR SALE, cheap, sleeps 2. Call Ron Silk, 482- 9469. 26&8b Mr, and Mrs. William Rogerson, RR 3 Seaforth, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Joan Isabel, to Gregory K, McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs, Donald McDonald, 3 Victoria Blvd., RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, Ont. The mar, liege 'to take place at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Satur. day, July 18. 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE on outskirts of Own, available August 1. Phone 482,951.2. 26-Sp SPECIAL ZIG-ZAG CABINET MODEL MACHINE 149.95 Life Time Guaran- tee by SINGER. ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment, heated, with big living room. In School Apart- mente. Cerjel VanDamme, Phone 482-6685. 3.3tfb BEST CENTRAL residential location, unfurnished, large 2- bedroom apartment, self-con- tained, extra warm in winter, automatic gas heat, plenty of closet space, near swimming pool, schools, downtown. 63 Rattentury $t. E. Apply Mrs. P. Atkinson, RR 9, London, Ont,, phone 455-2298. 22tfb UNFURNISHED upstairs 'ap- artment 3 bedroorris, laiindey tubs in basement, available now. 72 victoria .St„ phone 0.2-700, " 20.00 OFF FLOOR POLISHERS 2-BEDROOM apartment, self- contained, ground. floor, avail- able August 1, phone 482-7345. 28b FOR SALE, GIRL'S BICYCLE, size 24%-in. with carrier, light, and 'horn. Phone 482-7801. 28b CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and relatives who re- membered me while I was a patient in .Clinton hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nurses. --MRS. LIAM STRAUGHAN. 28b We wish to thank Dr. Addi- son, the nurses and staff .of Clinton Public Hospital for all their wonderful care and kind- ness they gave Sharon while she was a patient in the hospi- tal. —BETTY AND DAVE SPROTJL. 28b APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 105 Rattenbury Street. Mrs. Florence Elliott, phone 482-9332.. 26tfb 20.00 OFF VACUUM CLEANERS. CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb HELP WANTED ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE unfurnished apartment. Phone 482-992$, Roy Tyndall. 170.7 2-BEDROOM TRAILER for rent, reasonable. Apply North End Store, or phone 482-3323. 23-4-28b OFFICE WORK, pleasant work- ing conditions. Apply Highland Shoes, Seaforth. 28b TWO 8-INCH TABLE SAWS. One complete with stand, mo- tor, belts and 2 blades. In good condition. Phone 482-7676. 28p Up To 65.00 OFF Cabinet Model Sewing Machines. Shop Floor Demonstrators MODERN 2 BEDRQOM APARTMENT Many thanks to our neigh- bors, relatives and friends for the lovely gifts and good wishes extended to us on our golden wedding anniversary. —MARG- ARET AND DERWIN CART- ER. 28b VIOMMI FOR RENT HELP WANTED FEMALE TRAVEL TRAILER, 20'x8', in good 'condition, best offer. David Compton, 21 George Street, ph- one 482-9773. 25p-26-28b * Unfurnished • Kitchen • Living Room * Dining Room * Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 PLANNING Your VACATION Now? Try a tent-trailer and experience the joy of outdoor life teh economical way, by day or 'week. Phone 482-3364. 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, available now, large size rooms. Phone 482-6663 or 482- 9568 after 5:30 p.m. 23tfb Contact R. Sutton 482-9103 CLEANING LADY wanted, full time. Apply in person at Elm Haven Motor Hotel. 28b MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb SINGER Many thanks to my friends who remembered me kindly when I was in Clinton Public Hospital and since I have re- turned home. Special thanks to the nurses on the second floor of the hospital. MRS. STACKHOUSE, Brucefield. 28b WHEEL CHAIRS—The CP&T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheel chairs avail- able for loan. Contact Harold Tyndall, 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m. or Mrs. E. Trick, 482- 3221. 23b 2-BEDROOM modern house to rent in Goderich, oil furnace, close to school, rent $65 per month, available August 1. Phone 482-3343. 28b HELP WANTED MALE CO. OF CANADA 25-6-7b TIMEX WATCHES. Sold and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 lltfb WANTED. Man for profitable Rawleigh business. Good living at start. Write Rawleigh, Dept. G-169-101, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal, 28b AGAIN THIS YEAR — Outside white paint only $2.99 per gal- lon. Telephone orders accept- ed. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefieid, 482-3232. 19tfb 7tfb ONE BEDROOM apartment, 'water and hydro free, $35 per month. Apply 55 Albert Street, phone 482-7302, 19tfb 2 BEDROOM furnished, heated apartment, self-contained. Also a smaller apartment. Central location. Available now. 46 Prin- cess St. West, phone 482-9005. 19p-tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! CHERRIES—Black and White sweet cherries are now ready. Montmorency will be ready next week. Bring your containers and pick your own at Ridgeway Fruit Farm, Elmer Wells. Three miles south of Camp Ipperwash on the Gravel Road, 10th of Bosanquet. 28p LOST and FOUND ONE BEDROOM uptown apart- ment, furnished, kitchen, bath, $35 per month. Phone 482-6694. 1.8tfb RASPBERRIES for sale, pick- ed from Dick Jacob's patch, Orders now taken, phone 482- 9509 or 9308. 28-9p LOST—Reward for lost green and yellow budgie bird. Very tame. Answers to name of "Chippy". Phone 482-9197, after 6 p.m. 28p UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, un- furnished; 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom and kitchen; $55.00 per month. Apartment heated, water supplied. Avail- able now. Located, 162 Victoria Street. Phone 482-7212 even- ings. 23p-tfb 4-BEDROOM HOUSE on high- way, all modern conveniences, oil furnace, close to school. Av- ailable now. Phone 482-3251. 28b TARP for Volkswagen, pickup, nearly new, $50, Lloyd Hol- land, phone 482-9613, evenings call 482-7700. 28b LIVESTOCK FOk SALE FOR SALE LOST—Black wallet, lost in downtown area on Monday, containing sum of money and personal articles. Phone Mrs. Priscilla Elliott, 20 Rattenbury Street. 28b ARTICLES WANTED 16 PIGS for sale, 7 weeks old. Ken Dupee, phone 482-3370. 28b USED ROTOR TILLER, 21/2 h.p. Briggs and Stratton motor. Price $30. Carl Johnson, RR 5, Clinton, London Road near Huronview. 28p LLOYD'S TWIN STROLLER— Super model, one year old, in good condition, $20. Phone 482- 7033. 28b 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb PIANO WANTED, preferably small. Phone 482-7322. 28p FOR RENT: 4 bedroom brick home, 3-piece bathroom. up- stairs, 2-piece down. Spacious kitchen, large size dining room. Central location in Clinton. Double garage. Apply C. Bur- uma, RR 2, Clinton, phone 482- 3287. 24tfb FOR SALE-9 PIGS, ready to wean. Arnold Keys, RR 1, Varna. 28p WANTED'— LIVE PIGEONS, 35c each. Phone Collect Lam- beth 652-3283 days and London 432-8531 evenings. 14tfb LOST—Size 8 girl's red cardi- gan, between St. Joseph's School and Ontario St., June 24 or 25. Phone 482-3333. 28b LAWN MOWERS and Garden Tillers • Repairs To All Makes LONDESBORO MOWER SALES & SERVICE ERVIN JOHNSTON Phone Blyth 523-4328 (Evenings and Saturdays) 24-29-33b 3 ROOM APARTMENT, heated, furnished, private bath, suitable for couple. Phone 482-9509 or 482-9500. 20p-tfb 20 PIGS, 7 weeks old. John Kassies, phone 482-9957. 28b 10 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply George Bayley, phone 482- 9853. 28p For Your Grain Harvesting WANTED — PLAY PEN and high chair in good condition. Phone 482-7491. 28b MISCELLANEOUS 2 HOUSES — one 3-bedroom, $60 monthly. one 2-bedroom, $50 monthly; or sell. Call God- erich 524-7937. 28b APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms, central location, fur- nished, frig. and stove, suitable for couple. Apply Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 Requirements 6 REGISTERED Hereford bulls, 3 of serviceable age. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, phone 523- 4237, Blyth. 26&8p WANTED TO BUY — Child's stroller in good condition. Phone 482-7869, 28p SELF-CONTAINED downstair apartment, heated, one bedroom, large living room, kitchen and bath. Available June 1. Phone 482-7057, Lloyd Batkin. 21tfb From the New M-M COMBINES ' To The Continuous Flow M-C GRAIN DRYERS CLEAR VISION COMBINE CABS GRAVITY FLOW STEEL BOXES WAGONS -- AUGERS PIANO WANTED — any con- dition, state height, make and asking price; will pay cash. Write Box 251, Clinton News- Record. 25-29p ACCOMMODATION WANTED CUSTOM WORK 29tfb CUSTOM BALING. John Zwaan, phone 482-7481. 26-8-9-30p FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished, red-brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern conveniences, $75 monthly, on Hwy No. 8, between Seaforth and Clinton. Phone 482-9647. 25tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb "EASY" AUTOMATIC WASH- er and Dryer (matched set). Good condition. Reasonable. E. McLagan, Blyth, phone first, 523-4363. 28b 4-BEDROOM house wanted immediately in Clinton, vicinity, pre-school age children. Phone 482-7607. 28p-tfb AUTOS FOR SALE 1954 FORD 2-dr., in fair con- dition. $200. Set of snow tires extra. Phone 482-7491. 28b SPRAYING AUCTIO SALE A. C. ANDERSON PONY FARM Twilight Pony Sale For all your spraying require- ments: cattle spraying, . crop, brush, barn cleaning, white- washing with the most modern equipment available. MURRAY REID LONDESBORO Dial Blyth 523-4527 FURNISHED HOUSE, 2 bed- rooms, in Clinton area,. Write to Box 281, Clinton News-Rec- ord. 28p RADIO CLEARANCE. 4 only to fit 62-64 Chevy II. One each for Oldsmobile and Chev- elle. See "Pere" for a special buy. Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. 28b 1957 CHEVROLET 4-dr, hard- top, Bel Air, in good condition, rebuilt motor. Call after 6:00 p.m., 482-7484. 28p 1 OR 2-BEDROOM apartments, furnished or unfurnished, heat- ed, with private bath and wash- ing facilities, large lawn and near schools. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5. 26&28p-tfb See NOTICE HAUGH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT ARTICLES FOR SALE TRUCK — 1958 International A150, 12' plywood box, heavy duty hoist, new tires. Ideal for grain. Box 280, Clinton News- Record. 28b WANTED—Two working girls to share two bedroom, newly furnished apartment, in Lon- don, free laundry facilities, price reasonable. Phone 264J4, Hensall. 20tfb PIANO TUNING FREE — To Hard of Hearing. Thorough audiometric test at our store or in your home any time, day or evening, by Maico audiologist. All batteries and accessories available. Edward's Pharmacy. 23tfb LARGE 3 - BEDROOM apart- ment. Centrally heated. 51 Al- bert Street. Available immedi- ately. Phone 482-9752 or 482- 3475 after 5:30 p.m. 22tfb 3-ROOM APARTMENT and Bath in recent New House overlooking Lovely River. Phone 482-7716 28-29b DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb Saturday, July 11 6:30 p.m. 25 PONIES 2 BURROS Hwy. 81, 1 mile south of Strathroy 25-6-8p PIONEER SEED CORN 1 Mile East of Brucefield 28tfb 1952 CHEVROLET one ton truck, covered box. Reason- able. In good condition. Phone 482-9206 or Seaforth 847 R 21. 28-9b STERLING SILVER, 1/2 Price. Stradivari, Louis XV, Pine Tree, Reigning Beauty, Enchan- tress, Lasting Spring, Wild Rose. Sale applies to items in stock. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD., phone 482-9525. 28b HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times. John Bach, LH, Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. 28tfb Varieties of Seed Corn suitable for this area are almost sold out. Make sure that you place your order right away with your Pioneer .Dealer. KEITH LOVELL KIPPEN Phone Hensall 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCEFIELD Phone Hensall 34611 ltfb YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and, other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb 1957 BUICK, 2-dr, hardtop in good condition, •phone 524-9120, Goderich. Phone between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. 28p SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING BOARD AND ROOM 4-ROOM unfurnished apart- ment, hardwood floors, self- contained, private bath and ent- rance, 13 Albert St., phone 482-9090. 28p-tfb 3-BEDROOM house, unfurnish- ed, available August 1. Apply 309 Albert Street, phone 482- 9080. 28-9b PAINT SALE REAL ESTATE ACCOMMODATION for board- ers and roomers. Phone Mrs. Carl McClinchey, 10 William Street. 482-3844. 25-6-8b BEAN GROWERS Discontinued Lines MARTIN SENOUR Villa Brand Semi Gloss Villa Brand Latex Canada's most remarkable butterfly thief is still eluding the RCMP although two years have passed since his master stroke. 2-STOREY BRICK HOME, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, base- ment, also garage. Phone 523- 9287, Blyth. ' 28-9p Control Mexican Bean Beetles, Aphids and Leaf Hoppers & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb CUSTOM WORK 30% Discount "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. New phone number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialtY. 48tfb NEW MODERN HOUSE, with large 1/2 acre lot, suitable for any VLA purchaser. Phone Glenn Slavin, Goderieh 524- 7075, evenings. 28b Pateeily 9,:v.eaezza THIMET Also... Supreme Barn Red $3.99 gal. Supreme Exterior White $3.99 gal. Supreme Interior Latex $3.99 gal. CLAYT. DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7034 Zlifb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. W or phone Louis Blake, RA 2, rite Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 11-41p MODERN 3-BEDROOM RED- wood house, spacious kitchen and living area, built-in oven and stove, dining area, four- piece bath, full basement, extra lot. Reasonable down payment. Phone 482-7626. 8tfb Play It Cool ! in the fertilizer at planting should do the job for the whole season without spray- ing. New Low Price Our Weekend Specials FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, restyled, all new covers to choose from. Arthur E. Clark, RR 1, Auburn, phone 523-4528, Blyth. 24-5-6-7p WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store.- 20tfb Relax in Comfort In Cool, Casual Sports Clothing BEAUTIFUL 4-BEDROOM red brick home, sun porch, double garage, choice location, in Clin- ton. Full price $11,500; low down payment or willing to ex- change on other property any- where. Contact John Boaveld, Box 353, Meaford, Ont., phone 428. 22-3tfb Call Harriston Fertilizers Ltd. Friday and Saturday From Our Store Only SPORT SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVE CRISP COTTONS $2,95 to $6.00 We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations EavearOughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 V.L.A. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 3-bedroom, ranch style house in Brucefield; full basement; large lot. Please contact Ray McNall, 170 Union St., Fergus, or R. Anderson, V.L.A. Admin- istration Bldg., Goderich. 24-5-6.8p CHERRIES —Both black and white sweet cherries will be ready July 3. Montmorency cherries ready by July 12. Bring containers and •pick your own at Murray Bros., 31/2 miles southwest of Thedford on Ridge Road, Bosanquet Twp. 28-9p RASPBERRIES — Place your order with Ralph CorniSh, Bay- field 57r11. For canning conic and pick your' own fruit at 30c per quart. Bring your own berry boxes. Act now aS the Season may be short. 28b Phone 482-9133 Bran Muffins 21tfb Reg. 49c doz, Special 44c dox. SWIM SUITS The finest in style by Jantzen. .. Hawaiian or Boxer Styles. $4.00 up Chocolate Chiffon Cake Reg 49c ea Special 44c ea. 3-BEDROOM insul brick, 3- piece bath, modern kitchen, living room, all completely re- decorated; aluminum windows; double garage; small barn; good Well. 2 acres of land with fruit trees, 1 mite from Benmiller on the County ,Road. Taxes $60. Price $6,000. Phone 524-6402 before noon. 2811 -T-SHIRTS —. TROPICAL SLACKS STRAW HATS — WALKER SHORTS KNEE SOX — Etc. AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT Lemon Snow Buns Reg 39c Special 35c- Clinton Community Auction Sales. EVER"( FRIDAY at 74.30 p.m. doWeninent inspected Belie* Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH 36E CORM Salea Manager Electric Motor Have An Extra Key Bartliffs Bakery For Your Car House CUTTING KEYS We SpeCialize lh Changing domblnatians United keying Lacks Alike Art Levett & Sons Bakery and Restaurant BALL and' MUTCH 4824/27 CLINTON plitA Hardware '139 ERIE ST. —w. CLINTON Phone 482-6640 Sales and Service Domestic -- Commercial Industrial TRAVEL SERVICE STAN` BLOWES IltAVEL Ser- vice 32 Wellington St., Strat* fad. FOX' all airlines, steam., ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates On time payinent& Prepaids, arranged r fo rel C a al l 2 tives 71 v - isiting from over., seas. icing from & Campbell Limited Main Corner CLINTON 482-4732