HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-07-09, Page 331 Air Marshal Campbel School Grads Receive Dipl mas CANADIAN NATIONAL. Tie For General Proficiency Diploma These pert misses made RCAF Station Clinton history this year when they tied for the honor of winning the Air Marshal Campbell Trophy for gen- eral proficiency. Susan Cole (left) and Elizabeth Vinnicombe were presented their trophies by Group Captain K. R. Greenaway. Principal Clarence Trott is at right. (RCAF Photo) SUNSET DRIVE-IN GODERICH — Highway 8 Shows Start At Dusk Children under 12, in cars, FREE Now Playing—July 9-10-11 Vincent Price & Joan Freeman 'The Tower of London' Plus "Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy" MON., TUES., WED. July 13-14-15 (Adult, Entertainment) "The Return Of Peytoli Place" - Setif* and Color Carol Lynley A, Jeff Chandler Specially Selected Stars THURS., FRI., SAT. July i6-17.18 Turco PirSt-itUri Features Molly Bee & Rod Lauren "The Young Swingers" and Broderick Crawford in "Square Vitae-nee" domino:. ti-VIS PRESLEY" 41OLLOW 'halt DREAM" TRY ATLANTIC'S "THRIFTY FIFTY" (ONE WEEK) $5000 costs only 23c till pay .day. Phone 482-3486 Atlantic Finance CORPORATION JOHN HARPER 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep-482-6642 21tfb AT PARK THE SQUARE—GODERICH' THE Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. NOW PLAYING — JULY 9-10-11 Peter Sellers as "DR. STRANGELOVE" or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb! Plus the Special color featurette: "NAHANNI" MON., TUES., WED.--JULY 13-14-15 (Adult Entertainment) The Greatest Of All Musicals Returns To Our Screen "SOUTH PACIFIt"In Color Worth seeing and hearing over and over!! Starring Mitzi Gaynor and Rossano Brazzi ONE SHOW NIGHTLY—Starting at 8:15 p.m. THURS., FRI., SAT.—JULY 16-17-18 Buddy Ebsen, Kier Dullea and Lois Nettleton Present •a fun-tale of the old West, in Technicolor "MAIL ORDER BRIDE" Special Short: "CORNET AT NIGHT" DO -1T-YOURSELF AT OUR CO/4'- Op OtiDeer Take Advantage of our Coin-Operated Laundry at 63 Albert St. and you'11 save time and money. USE THE NIGHT DEPOS. IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND •12 P.M. PROFESSIONAL COIN-OP DRY-CLEANING Have all out - of - season clothing cleaned before stor- ing at only 25o per pound, 4 pounds for $1.00, 10 pounds for $2.00. FOR FAST SERVICE take orders to our plant at 166 Beech St., across from Drive-in Theatre. PROFESSIONAL PRES- SERS available for articles you may wish to press (while you wait). no, flargi CLEANERS LAUNDRY LIMITED %.ae .0, care ce, Clinton Tel: 482-7064 The smart way to save and travel I Extra coach car conveniences to make your trip more comfortable. For other economy White & Blue Fares call ... Your Local CN Agent TO HALIFAX SMORGASBORD Every Wednesday & Sunday 9 WHITE FARE ONE WAY Tony Bird, Nancy Fawcett, Brenda Forbes, William Gem- mel, Kim Hodgins, William Huckins, Micheal Howard, Nancy Koene, Ernest Lobb, Judith Ann Mathers, Brenda McClinchey, Debra Mosselman, Beverly Porter, Carolyn Porter, Penny Riehi, Richard Shipp, Jerry Steegstra, James Thompson. Laurie Tyn- dall, Alaida Van de Beld, Dianne Wise. Grade Three B l 11 y Atkinson, Laurelanne Bond, Kathy De Jong, Connie Forbes, David Geddes, Sherry Hodgins, Bonnie Jones, Debra Mero, Drew Middleton, Allan Pocock, Jo-Ann Potter, Sharon Pot- ter, Dennis Powell, Mark Rad- ford, Beth Rathwell, Jim Strati- elan, Gerald Trewartha, Carole Weber, Catherine Wise, Karen Wise. Grade Four Bobby Atkinson, Fred Bird, Eddie Bowmen, Gwen Berry, Glenda Blake, Helen Colclough, Diane Collins, Sandra Cox, Le Roy DeJong, Katherine Forbes, Mary Heard, John HoWard, Brenda Johnston, Eleanor Lobb, Gerald Lobb, Ray Mathetr's, Ricky McClinchey, Bobby Mc- Ctillough, Roseanne Middleton, Larry Mosselman, Marni O'Sullivan, Karen Mote, David Pocock, Ricky Powell, Robbie Rathweli, Cam Holmesville Public School-Promotions Following is a list of the promotions of -Holmes- ville Public School students. The names appear according to the grades in which pupils will be enrolled at the opening of school, in September. Grade-Two These 31. students of Grade Eight at Air Mar, shal Campbell School at. Mastral Park were recently presented with their diplomas by Flight Lieutenant • C. H. Hawthorne, CD, chairman of the school board. In the rear row, from the left: Bill'McCurdy, Bruce Bingham; Melvin. Homer, Denis. Haspeck, Bill Muise, Bob Spano, Dennis Bally, Helmut Preston, John Estabrooks, Wesley Chambers, John Paul, Gary • MacKay; centre. row: Vicki. Stumpf, Elizabeth Vin- nicombe, Mary Ellen Booth, Mary Cuthbert, Shirley Christian, Joan Davies, Dianne Moody, Judy Sut- cliffe, Cheryl Pyke; front row: Lorraine McDonald, Gail Vestrurn, Donna Rees, Mary-Beth Harland, '• Judy Leader, Louis Betts,, Susan Cole, Jane Hebert, Brenda Conroy, Linda 'Sutton. (RCAF Photo) Reder, Jim Riddell, Jimmy Riehl, Doug Schilbe, John Schilbe, Brian Semple Semple, Cathy Steepe, Eddie .Steegstra, Clay Stirling, Robert Stirling, David SWitzer, Marian Thompson, Ruby. Van de Beld, Ralph Welsh. Grade Five Brian Atkinson, Randy Blake, Dinah Blok, Billie Collins, Nick Hodgins, Elizabeth Jones, Ken Leibold, Don Mcllwain, Jan 1Vlosselman, Mary Jane Oskam. • Laurie Potter, Darwin Porter, Nancy Porter, Heather Price, Paul Radford, Debbie Riehl, Cathy Schilbe, Ricky Schilbe, Isabel Shipp, Janice Sowerby, Carol Steepe ,Wayne Straugh- an, Marlene Switzer, Donny Rugger, Dianne Tyndall,. Jo- anne Williams, Marilynne Wise, Doug Wise. • Grade Six Lesley Blacker, Frances . Bur- lima, Brenda Colclough; Larry Colclough, Dorothy Collins; Doyle Cullen, Ken • Cook, Jane Eendenburg, Richard Harland, Connie. Harris, Jim Heard, Susan Lobb, Tom Labb, Chery Potter, Ivan .Mer- Greg Montgomery, Mark Rathvvell, Wendy RathWell, Ronnie Stirling, Edda Steegstra, -Dale George Thanip- ton, Larry Tyndall, .Ricky. Tyn- dall, Janet Wain, Torn White- Man, Mary Wilson, Faye Wil- son, Ronnie Wise. Grade One Coble Amsing, Carol Anil. An- drews, Brian Arsenau, Neil. Astles, David Barton, Barbara Butler, David Clynick, Neil Calquhoun, Kim Calquhotm Jackie Cook, David Counter, Jim Cudmore, Debbie Daer, Shiela Dalgliesh, Jim Dennis, Paul Doney, Dar- lene Dorian, Sharon Dupee, Beverley Edgar, Billy Engel. Nancy Fawcett, Kim Pink, Brenda Galachiuk, Norma Gar- rett, Randy Ganrow, Wendy Gibbings, Leslie Griffith, Step- hen Haaksman, Heather Hart,' Dean Hawthorne. Karen Hebron, Johnnie Hog- gartt, Catherine Hopf, Cheryl Jefferson, Brenda Johnson, Cliff Keller, Stephen Kenny, Nancy. Kuehl, Ralph Kuiper, Debbie Ladd. Joyce Leppington, Douglas Lester, Michael Marmen, Rob- bie Menzies, Susan Merlo, Dana Morgan, Ronnie Morioff, Mary Helen Munro, Deborah Nice, Mark Nicholson. Nancy ,Osborn, 'Karen Peder- sen, Donald Peterson, Pamela Peterson, Cathy Pickard, Cel- este Pray, Billy Proctor, Doug- las Riehl, Michael Riley, Kathy Ross. Viki S c h rni d t, Douglas Schoenhals, Stephen Selmenci, Beverley Slade, Barbara Smith, Bradley Snell, Shelly Stanley, Steven Steepe, Joanne Stenhen- TsohnDorn'o pillslonaclys, TJTauhdtly.boTutieOsmt, a,TaDuayrP:. othy Valkenburg, 13.ebbie Van Loo, Peter Visser, Tommy Wai- ters, David Webster, Gwen Williams, David Wise. Grade Two Marlene 13akelaar, Brenda Ball, Douglas Bannian, David Bartliff, Ricky Bell, Faith Bland, Paul Bland, Raymond Bush, Gregory Butler, Danny Campbell. Gerald Cantelon, Carol Chow-, en, Joanne Cochrane, Cindy Collins, Carolyn Colquhoun, Debbie Colquhoun, Patsy Cook, Stephen Cook, Sandra Crich, Marion Doucette. Brenda Edgar, Katherine En- gel, Neil Falconer, Ronny Flet- cher, Paul Garrow, Geoffrey Gin, Steven Gibbings, Gordon Gilfillan, Cam Grigg, Linda Grigg. Debbie Hart, Brett Haw- thorne, Ricky Heenan, Karen. Hicks, Gregory Holmes, Alex Hopf, Rosemary Hunter, Cath- erine Irving, Billy Irwin, John Jackson. Tim-Jewson, Katherine John- son, Debbie Johnston, - Patti Kay, Danny Kellar, Bruce Kempsfon, Allan Lavis, Paul Ludlow, Robin McAdam, Nancy MacDonald. Barbara McKenzie, Steven. McPherson, Ruth Ann Neilans, Janice Osborn, Roddy Paterson, Eunice Reimer, Debby Ross, Stephen Ronnie, Martin Rut- ledge. Ricky Sommerville. Cindy Stanley, Lonnie Stan- ley, Debby Steep, Donald Tay- lor, Steven Warren, Jan e Worth. Grade Three Joe Bezzo, Brenda Boyce, Mary Jean Cameron, Henry Christenson, Keld Christenson, Brian Clegg, Janice Cole, Nancy 'Colson, Cathy Colquhoun, Clare Colquhoun. Bradley Cooper, Peggy Coop- er, Brenten Craig, Lloyd Crich, Cliffy Currie, Sheri Denis, Kevin Dutot, David Engel, Dangle Fawcett, Janie Fisher. Pamela Foga, Sandra Frem- lin, Bonnie. Gates,, Karen Gra- ham, Peter Grainger, David Hanley, Wendy HaWkins, Bill Hayter, Cathy Heenan, Paul Herman, Marilyn Holmes. Bruce Hough, Leslie Howatt, Billy Hull, Stuart Kellar, Del- ores Kearney, David Ketchesbn, Brian Keys, David Kuehl, Mary Lester, Judy Little. Robbie MacAulay, Judy Mac- Donald, Sharyl Marmen, Shel- ley Martin, Kith MathewS, Christopher McKenzie, Cathy Noble, Andrea Overboe, Jo- Anne Palmer, Britta Pederson, Danny Peterson, Patsy Proc- tor, Linda Riley, Gary Ross, Brenda Smith, Jane Smith, Nancy Smith, John Snell, Den- nis Steep, Geraldine Strong, Peggy Switzer, Lorrie Symons, Heather Thomson, Lynn Tien- kamp, Judy Tisdale, Peter Wal- den, Paid Wheeler, Bruce Wil- liams, Sharon Williams, Toni Williams, Linda Willis. Grade Four Cathy Aiken, Robert And- rews, Bernie Berman, Cathy Bartliff, Willie Bezzo, Rod Campbell, Beth Chowen, Cindy Colquhoun, Danny Colquhoun, Lynda Cook. Wanda Cox, Keith Critten- den, David Dalgliesh, Janet DelaWski, Holly Define, Terry Hawkins, Valerie Hebron, Leo Horbanuik, Bonnie Johnston, Debbie Johnston. Paul Kay, Brian Kennedy, Colleen Ketcheson2 Walter Leppington, Shari M a r tin, Karen MattheWs, Karl Mat- thewS, Kathleen McPherson, Esther Merrill, Holly Munroe. Joyce Nellans, Keith O'Con- nell, Doug Osborn, Dolug Peter- son, Catherine Pray, Bobby Riehi, Eldon Schmidt, Elizabeth Staffen, John Van Loo, Gail Woaungaig:, Sarah Walden, Glen Young Grade Five Beth Allan, George Allan, Chris Amy, Bobby Andrews, Janet Arnston, Rudy Bakelaar, Ileum Bellefleur, Jenny Brom- mer, George Brown, Robbie Brown, Donna Bush, Lynne Caldwell, Frank Cameron, Steven Carter, Anne Crittenden, Teddy Cud- more, Tom Dennis, `Barry Ed- gar, Barbara Elliott, Patsy El- Hatt. David Fawcett, Thinnie Plet- cher, Terry Fogo, Cal Freinlin, Jim Gilfillan, Deb re Glenn, Cathy Grigg, Beverley Harkes, Beverley Holmes, Brian. Hough. Nola Lee, Ray Labia, Freddy' MacDonald, Ken M arm en, Heather 1VIcAdam, Jon McKen-zie,. Danny Mercer, Tommy Mureh, Kathy Murphy, James Newland. Jim Overboe, Glenn, Reimer, Barbara Rudd, Peggy Schoen- hals, Grace Strong Jimmy Switzer, Murray Taylor, Sharon Tisdale, Chary) Walters, George Wright. Grade Six David Aiken, Marilyn Aiken, Dru Andrews, Susan Bakelaar, Jo Ann Bates, Peggy Bartliff, Betty Bertrand, Laverne Bezzo, Lynn Boyce, Carol Bush. Peter Cameron, Tom Camp- bell, Ove Christensen, Randall Clegg, Lois Cooper, Susan Cox, Bruce Craig, Douglas Cricb, Paul Crittenden, Steve Currie. . Debra Davey, Brian. Delaw- ski, Dennis Donne, Brian Ed- gar, Donny Elliott,., Garry El- liott, Michael Elliott, Jim Engel, Jeff Falconer, Jay Fisher. Phyllis Fremlin, Lynne Gib- binge, Keith Harkes, Christine Hartley, Debbie Hopf, Leila lioniaamlik, Glenn Irwin, Ron, old Irwin, Mark Jenkins, Dick jeWson. Gordon Laves, Gary Lock- wood, Terry MacDonald, Rickey May, Marc McKenzie, AM Me- Kehie, Bob Mercer, Janice Merle, Brian Merrill, Frank Newland. Susan Palmer, Donna Reich- ert, Bonnie Riehl, Pamela Ross, David Slade, Donna Smith, Wendy Smith, Arthur Snell, Patsy Steffen, Leonard Steep. Stev en Switzer, Barbara Symons, Ruth Ann Twyford, Bryan Williams... Grade Seven. Paul Bartliff, Judy Canter, Beverley Cuclmore, Helen Cud- more, Denise Currie, John Dixon, Shirley Dupee, Judy Finley, Dennis Fleischauer, Larry Gibbings. Glenda Gray, Harold Harkes, Janice Herman, Donna Hog Bart, Wayne Hoy, David Jervis, Gregory Jervis, David Johnson, Marilyn Johnston, Robert Kay. (Continued on Page 9) HOTEL (LINTON Featuring 'Cloud 9" Room Phone 482-7011 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding ReceptIons FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a Basket Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m, to Midnight 1 BELTONE Hearing Aid Service Clinic SECOND tHoltsDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, JULY 16 1 p.m. to HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store • Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL ,MAZES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen st: Kitchener, Grade Seven Wendy Bird, Ken Colclough, Mary Lynn Forbes, John Hinde- marsh, Nancy Johnston, Leon- ard Lobb, Irene Manderson, Eugene Mathers, Cathy Mc,I1- wain, Janice Middleton, Herb Oakes, Eric Schilbe, SuSan Sowerby, Sam Shipp, Steven Rathwell, Bonnie Tyn- dall, Patsy Wilkins, Jariet Wil- liams, Pat Wraith, Alita. Steeg- stra, Grade Eight Agatha Blok, Jane Bauman, Tom Craig, Ron de Jong, Ricky Dubler, Malcolm Hoy, Jerry Johnston, Gordon Lobb, • Lillian MacDonald, Jim Manderson, Lois Merrill, Karen McClin- chey, Betty Ann McGinn, Cathy McLarty, Wayne McLean, Linda- Mere, Ann Millar, Janet Millar, Sam Mosselman, Matthea Osk- ar, Gordon Pickett, Gary Potter, Greg Potter, Ray Rueger, Bren- da Stirling, William Stirling, Wayne Tebbutt, Elizabeth Thompson, Ron Trewartha, Janice Tre- wartha, Ron Tyndall, Egbert Van de Beld, Following is a list of the promotions of Clinton Public School Students. The names appear according to the grades in which pupils will be enrolled at the opening of, school in September. ThMIrAdOyi .414.11f 9, 1964--Clinton .News-1(9.cprd,fage..1.: linton Public 'School Promotion List GODERICH ONT. Dancing Every Saturday Night For The Young Crowd NO SLACKS, BLUE JEANS OR SHORTS THIS WEEK — "THE DELREYS 9:00 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION: 75c PER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 21tfla FIRST MORTGAGES, .Farms -- Residential -- Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE 81 TRUST COMPANY ESTABLISHED. 1889 Contact atm Representative H. C. LAWSON 5 RATTENBURY STREET EAST PHONE 482-9644 CLINTON, ONT.