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Pone ,---Clinton, News,11.ccord,Thursday July '9f 1904
... .. .
Clinton Kinettes Executive For Next Year
The ladies shown above have been elected as the executive of the Clinton
Kinettes for the 1964-1965 term of office. They will assume their new duties
after installation in September. In the back row from the left: Mrs. Mait Ed-
gar, assistant bulletin editor; Mrs. Bill Fleming, vice-president; Mrs. Andy
Peterson, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank Cook, treasurer. Front row: Mrs.
Percy Pugh, Bulletin Editor; Mrs. Bill Ohowen, past-president; Mrs. Bill Fink,
president; Mrs. Bob Van Riesen, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Larry Jones,
registrar, (News-Record Photo)
back with a waterfall was best Man .for bis biv., tr4.1.11,
To bold her pure-
insion hand,rolled antique white
veil, the bride chose a 'Vittor-
ia), headdress of matching peau
de ,sole, fashioned to resemble.
her nurses' ‘Ap.. The bride car,
• ried a bouquet .ot pink sweet-
heart roses and
The maid of honor, Miss Ann.
Wilkins of Islington, wore a
street .- length dress of sour-
apPle green in peau de sole,
featuring an „empire waist and
a fly-away back panel, Her
headdress was a circlet ..and
tiny veil, of matching peau de
sole and she tarried a, bouquet
of yellow roses and ivy,
Flowergiris. were Cathy Cud,
more, of Clinton, cousin of the
groom and Fenny Hasson, of
Kitchener, cousin of the bride,
They were identically gowned
in empire,Waisted A-line dres-
ses, featuring side panel and
made of the same fabric as 'the
maid of honor, Their head
pieces were White flower wrea,
the with green bows, and they
carried balls of yellow roses
and stephanotis.
Harold Williams,, of Fuller-
ther, The ,ushers were Mr,
Yeo, brother of
bride and Mr, Donald William%
brother of the groom,
A garden reception followed
at the residence of the bride's
parents, The bride's mother re',
ceived the guests wearing. an
ensemble of blush rose with
black accessories, Her corsage
was of pale pink roses, She was
assisted by the groom's mother
wearing .4 pure silk aqua jacket
dress with white accessories,
Her corsage was of deep pMk
For travelling, the bride wore
a green silk print dress, green
mohair coat, white melon hat
and brown lizard shoes and
purse, Her corsage was a gar-
Mr. and 1V.Irs, Williams will
reside 'in St. Marys where mr.
Williams is on the staff of St,
Marys' District Collegiate In-
Mr. Williams is a graduate
of the Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph, and the for,
mor Miss Yeo is a graduate of
Royal Victoria Hospital, Mont-
This province-wide association of "Crest" Stores retailing quality hard-
ware,, furniture and appliances offer a wide selection of merchandise at pop-
ular prices.
You are invited to come in and browse around.
We offer a low rate "Family Finance Plan" for +hose wishing to use
House Brooms
89c ea.
Laundry Baskets
61c ea.
Glass Tumblers
2 for 25c
Screw Drivers
9c, 19c, 29c ea.
Following is a list of Cential Huron Secondary
School students from the Clinton district who have
been promoted following examinations last month.
The students are listed according to the grades
which they attended last year.
The marriage Was performed
by the Rev. G. Mills in a church
decorated with baskets Of white
flowers. Miss Loisl Grasby, of
Clinton, played the organ for
the service and M4s, Robert Le-
BCau, of Clinton, was the solo-
The bride those a white
sheath silk dress with a lace
overblouse with three-quarter
length sleeves. The bride's shOrt
veil was held in plate by a petal
headband. Red roses Made up
the bridal bouquet.
The maid of honour, Miss
IVfargaret Merrill, of Clinton,
wore a turqUalSe sheath dress
with a matching chiffon coat,
For her headdress she wore a
turquoiSe band of petals. She
carried a bouqUet of white ear-
na tions,
Arthur Seholey, of Guelph,
Was the bent Men. LYndon
ScholeY, of tracebridge, and
lVferrill, of Clinton,
Were ushers.
Township Students
Tour toncion Plants
The students' Af S No.
No, 1 and.No. •Stanley Town-
ship, held theirennual.bne- trip
to London on June
-The students visited Silver-
wood's Dairy Plant, Kellogg's.
pltmt, Coco. Cola bottling plant,
Victoria liouse Museum., and
.Springbenk Park.
mfrs,. N, 11.(mg*, CorrevQ0e4)
Communion service was ob,
served .SUeldaY in St, Andrew's
United Church gippen, Kr, end
Mrs, Charlie Hay .and Mrs..
Wayne McBride joined .the
Loeb by .certifieete,
Neison. Hood returned home
Saturday from Victoria Hosni
al, London and is much improv-
ed in health.
Grant Jones spent a Week
recently at the Ausable Con-
servation School held for stud-
eats from IISDHS and Parkhill
at Camp Sylvan
Miss . Mabelle Whiteman re-
tlerned to her home recently
since being a patient In Strat-
ford General Hospital.
Mr. !and Mrs. RiChard Car-
ntah, David and Cindy, of God-
erich, 'visited Sunday with the
latter's father, Mr. Rpbert
win, Murray McBride,Brian
-Marmen e Linda Nesbitt,
Shirley Norman, David Par-
ker, Nick Poppenk, Gloria
Prest, Carol Reichert, Jeffrey
Shaddick, Gertie Van Latntnere
en, Douglas Yeo, ,Bertha Zon,
Class 10A3,1
Business and Commerce
Charles Andrews, Linda Dales,
William Estabrooks, Linda
Gemeinhardt, Carolyn Langille,
Douglas McCann,
Elaine McMichael Bev. (F)
MacDonald, Joyce Rath, Jim
Smith, Cheryl Toll.
Class 10A3-11
S.- T, and T.
John Broeze, Danny Camp-
bell, Ron Carter, James Cooper,
Paul Dixon, Grant Elliott, David
Graham, Kenneth Hantilton,
Wayne Hamilton, Doug, Hyde,
Larry McKinley, Mike Malon-
ey, Raymond • Radford, Tom
Riley, William Robinson, Wil-
liam Strong, Ron Sytnick, Brian
Grade 10A4
Home Ec. Option
Cheryl Barnes, Rosalie Brd-
clue Ruth Blysma, Rowena
sCorey, Bonnie Cox, Linda Do-
boo, Helen Good,
Judith' Johnston, Sandra
Lander, Helen Livermore, Ma..e
Lobb, 'Sharon Middleton- JetiM
For a wedding trip to Nor-
tham Ontario and the United
States the bride chose a two-
piece dress of figured turquoise,
with white accessories. She
wore a corsage of red roses.
M. and Mrs. Scholey Will 're-
side in Toronto.
Shop At . .
"Where You Get Quality"
Heels Put On In 3 Minutes
Weekend Special:
Reg. Value $17.95
Weekend Special $11.95
At Ray's Shoe Repair
Grade 9A1
Graham Amy, Case Buffinga,
Judy BuSh, Rick Clark, Jack
Colquhoun, Brian Cox, Rich
Dolan, Wallace East, MerVern
Erb, John Irwin, Harold John-
son, Elaine Kennedy.
Brenda , Lange Ile, Jeannette
Ldbb, Gregory McCarty, Esther
Martin, Margaret Mosselman
Wayne Peck, Linda Radford,
Doreen Riley, Betty Salverda;
Heather Snell, Barbara Swan,
Heather Vanriesen, Johanne
Walinga, Frances Zondervan,
Grade 9A2
Jo-Ann ,Aldwinckle, Isaac
Bottema, Claire Boyle, Sandra
Buruma, Gregory Crowe, Harry
Greydanus, Beverley Jewitt,
Brian Koene, Sharon Little,
Bernice Lobb, Irla Martin,
Brenda Nesbitt, Robert Peter-
son, Janey Roast, Frederick
Shuman, Linda Stirling, Steven
Thompson, William Tyndall,
Graham Yeats.
Grade 9A3
B e r na r d Baker, Sharon
Brown, Charles Burke, Heath-
er Cleland, Lynda Cooke, Ar-
lene Dutot, Paul Griffin, James
Henry, Allen Howes, MiChelle
Stephen Kechnie, David Mc-
Cullough, Judy Ann Milton,
Frannie Paquette, Leslie Palm-
er, Bonnie Robinson, Patrick
Rousseau, • S b. a r i Sabouein,
James Ulch, Roy Vodden, Rose-
mary Wild.
Grade 9A4
Sharon Baird, Eleanor Cook,
Jean Dale, Stephen Grant,
Gwenneth Hendrick, Kenneth
Jolley, William Mackay, Karen
Douglas Mermen, Faye Mer-
rill, Lynda Pierson, Ronald
Scott, Dianne Shepherd, Larry
Snell, Carolyn. Sytnick, Krystin
Grade 9A5
Douglas Archambault, Lynn
Bail, Wibbina Bylsma, Marie
Cox, _Heather Darling, Janet
Falconer, Mary Ann. Hymens,
Joy Langdon, Janice Little,
Jane McConnell.
David McCooele, . Milda Ann
Pepper, Suzanne Pugh, Elmer
Sanderson, Elaine Scruton,
Robert Shaer, Dianne Switzer,
Lia Wammes, William Yeo.
Grade 9B1
Nellie Blok, Sherran Bierdge,
Ruth Marie Cuchnore, Karen
Dautn, Wanda Fremlin, Dianne
Hanley, Kathy Howard, Linda
Anne McCurdy, Sally Mc-
Mahon, Jacqueline Peck, Norma
Schultz, Linda Switzer, Bonnie
Taylor, Marion Youngblut.
Grade 9B2
Janet M. Adam, Peter Black,
Alan W. Caldwell, Kristen
Engelstad, Richard Finch, Eva
'C. Gibson, Bryan Lightfoot.
Janet Lockhart, Linda M.
Overholt, Joan Rathwell, Dor-
othy I. Ross, Ivan Ste'ckle, Mar-
ianne Stryker, Philip Turner,
Marjorie. Youngblut.
Grade 983
Robert Bell, Larry Bennett,
Norman Conveney, Donald Glen,'
Johanne Leppington.
Ken MacDonald, David Riley,
John Steep, Donald Welsh.
Grade 964 0
Ashley Bevan, John Booth,
Ronald Crich, Lloyd Francis,
Robert Hayter, Murray Koet-
Garfield Merner, Peter Pos-
tai, John Robinson,. Kenneth
Grade 9135
Mike Fleury, Dennis Harris,
Bob Leppington, Paul McClin-
Ambrose Redmond, Maurice
Sauve, Russell Talbot, Doug
Trewartha, Bill Vincent, Doug
Grade 9C1
Mary Armstrong, Karen
Becker, Sharon Becker, Viola
Collins, Mary Coultis, _Sharon
Dawson, Catharine °feline, Mary
Ann Glidden, Nancy Johnston,
Marie Kathleen Keller, Bon-
nie Layton, Pat McCallum,
Marie McDougall, Paul Mor-
rison, Karon Oakes, Audrey
Grade 9C2
Douglas R. Deline, Robert P.
Gridzak, Charles R. Lee, Archie
Bruce Smith.
Grade 9C3
Dwight Cowan, Larry Hugill,
Lea Medd.
Grade 9C4--I
Linda 'Hoy, Katy Hussey,
Margaret. Ladd.
Grade 9C4 II
Patsy Edward, Joyce John-
Grade 9C5
Rod Daum, Wayne Dupee,
Don Taylor, Barry Wild.
Grade 9C6
Garry G, Dowson, Robert
Bruce Falconer, Richard H.
Grigg, John Johnston.
Grade 10A1
Penny Bateman, Richard Bell-
chamber, Elaine Clynick, Joan
Cooper, Helen. Corran, John
Cullen, Bert Dykstra, Bruce
Elliott, Pamela Fisher, Margie
Peter. Gahwiler, Gwen Hay,
Fred Jewson, Glenda Johnston,
Peter Land, Linda Little, Eliza-
beth Livermore, Grace Mc-
Adam, Paul McKenzie,
David McRae, David Over-
b,oe, Larry Pickett, Rolston
Steep, Theresa Zablocki.
Grade 10A2
Lynda Armstrong, Wayne
Bauer, Danny Bingham, Bonnie
Boyes, Rolfe Cooke, William
Cox, Grace Cullen, Bonnie Dal-
rymple, Fred Eckel,
Ralph Gingerich, Robert Har-
land, Rodger Hunter,. John Ix-
Central Huron Secondary School Grads
Merrill-Scholey Vows Exchanged
At Ontario Street United Church
Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, was the
setting on Saturday, July 4th for the marriage of
Patricia Ruth Merrill to Charles W. Scholey.
The bride is the daughter of A reception followed in the
Charles R, Merrill, of Clinton, parlour of the Ontario Street
and the late' Mrs. Merrill. The United Church,
groom is the son of Wilfrid G.
Scholey, of Bracebridge, and the
late Mrs. &holey.
The • Rev. Clifford G. Park
performed the double ring cere-
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, chose a fleet"-
Myrna Scott, Beverley Sparks,
Linda Spano, Carol Thompson,
Rosalie Westlake,
Grade 1081
Valerie Banman, Rosemary
Carter, Ethel Collins, Sharon
Daum, Dianne Elliott, Alfreda
Carol Xempston, Peggy Mc-
Ash, Linda McClinchey, Joan
Eleanor Yeo Marries David Williams
in Ceremony At Holmesvilie Church
The marriage was solemnized in Holmesville
United Church on June 20, 1964, of Evetta Eleanor
Yeo to David Leslie Williams. The bride is the only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Franklin Yeo, RR 3
Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alden L. Williams of. RR 1 Fullarton, Perth County.
length gown of antique white
ice peau de sole, simply styled
With a high scoop neckline, el-
bow length sleeves and an em-
pire waist, from which fell an
A-line skirt, highlighted at the
Moon, Marion porter, Ann
Stephenson, Ruth Warwick,
Barbara ,Whiting.
Grade 1082
Judy Arsenault, Marjorie
Biok, Della Ferguson, Jane
(Continued on Page Five)
Hamilton, Nancy Johnson, Pat-
ricia McKenzie,
Janice Mernee, Glenda Mere,
(Continued on Page Five)
CLINTON—Town Hall July 15 July 20
July 16 July 21
July 17 July 22
BAYFIELD Town Hall July 20 July 23
STN.—Ritchie Building July 21 July 24
lOperating from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.
each day, unless indicated otherwise,
Huron County Tuberculosis
"(rest" Now In Clinton
Bail and Mutch are pleased with the
enthusiasm shown by Clinton and District
shoppers at the opening of t eir 'Crest' st re.