HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-06-25, Page 12Holffiesville Field Day Winners The above photo shows the winners of the FIrst Annual Field Day of Holmesville Public School held Friday. From the left: Brian Potter, Senior'- Boys; Ivan Merrill, Intermediate boys; Marion Thompson, Junior girls; Susan Sowerby, Intermediate girls; Iris Millar, Senior girls; Jerry Steegstra, Junior boys. (News-Record - Photo by John Visser) Fteld.Day Held At. The Holmesville Public Soh- 001 held its First Annual Field Day en Friday, Arne 19, tinder the combined efforts of all seven teachers. The winners of each glass and the points they won, follow; Boys Winner Senior Boys: Brian Potter, 28; Doug Blacker, 22; Donald Johnston, 18; Bill Stirling, 18; Wayne Tebbutt) 18; Herbie Oakes, 18, Intermediate Boys: Ivan iVfer, rill, 23; Erie Sehilbe, 21; Mark Rathwell, 20. Junior Boys: Gerry Steegstra, 23; Doug Schilbe, 22; Brian Semple, 21. Girls. Winners Senior Girls; Iris Miller, 30; Alita' Steegstra, 25; Ann Mil- ler, 19, Intermediate Girls: Susan Sowerby, 29; Edda Steegstra, 22; Betty Ann McGinn, 21. Junior Girls; Marion Thompson, Glenda Blake, Alaida Van de Beld, (No points available). Enjoy 18 holes of MINIATURE GOLF AT BAYFIELD GIFT SHOP Now Open Committee Seeks Best Radar .1311 (c24tplw.0. Trqr4 Page tone) men. considered most eligible for the .pg4t4ph wonid be in- vitcd to appear before the corn- , rnit.tPe PO the Chief of Police, for an interview, he said, In the meantime, the lop& department is being :asaiSted COMING EVENTS Thur§day, June 25 — BINGO in Legion memorial Hall, Kirk St., at 8:30 p.m. 15 regular games for $5; 1 game for $25, letters L and T Bingoa apply on the- $25 game; 3 Share,the,' wealth games; jackpot $55 in 55 numbers. Admission 50c. Prialay, June 26 — Annual Rose Show, Clinton Horticultur- al Society, Council Chamber, 2.30 to 9.30 p.m. Door prize. Silver collection. Everyone wel- come, 26x Tuesday, June 30 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game, Jack- pot $57.00 . in 57 numbers. Six door prizes, 8.30 p.m. Wednesday, July 1.—I-Tam and turkey supper, Bayfield United Church, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults, $1.25 and children 75c. 26b ....Teeswater Lions .Clula All- Cash Bingo games start Friday June 26 in Teeswater Arena, and every second Friday for the summer. Commences at 9 p.m. Proceeds for community Welfare work. Adinission: $1.00; extra and special cards, or 5 for $1,00.. 26b Saturday, October 3—Annual Penny Sale, Women's Auxiliary to Clinton Public Hospital. Tickets available now. - -26b weekend WOO by spare ,gru* er4. from the Ontario 'Prov.14041. Pclice who .assists rn patrolling the town and providing a, de torrent to wpWci-be recltleaa and noisy drivers, BROWNIE'S DRIVEIN CLINTON Show starts at dusk Come as late as 11;00 and see complete shOw. P"... ••••, rr-* 4.'1* TH IS PROGRAM IS FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS Thursday and Ft** June 25-26 Top Family Entertainment "LASSIE'S GREAT ADVENTURE" Jane Lockhart Hugh Riley and Lassie In Color pius BugS Bunny "CARTOON CARNIVAL" Mr. and Mrs. Nott Mark Anniversary ' (Continued from Page One) 1943. The Notts have three where they farmed for another 20 years. They moved' into Clinton in daughters, Mrs. A. E. (Evelyn) Garrioch, of Windsor, Miss Leola Nott, of Detroit, and Mrs. Bent (Iva) Boyes, of Clinton. There are six grandchildren and one great grandichild. Queen _Semis Wishes Messages of congratulations were received from Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. Mrs. Nott is presently in hos- pital recovering from a broken leg she suffered in April on her 81st birthday. At the reception Saturday, the tea table was covered with a hand-crocheted cloth, centred with a silver bowl of roses, flanked by tall, lighted tapers. Mrs. Nott cut a tiered wed- ding cake, and Mrs. Mary Ross, of Clinton, poured tea. Mr. and Mrs. Nott took their tea from gold teacups. Middleton Couple Win Angus Honors THURS., JUNE 25 ONLY FREE POPCORN For Chieldren Before 9:30 Saturday and Monday June 27-29 "GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!" Elvis Presley -- Stella Stevens. Colour Cartoon Tuesday and Wednesday' June 30-July 1 "THE STRIPPER" Joanne Woodward Richard Beymer (Adult Entertainment) Cartoon 1 Show Tues.t aT 9;30 due to- midnight show Special Holiday. Midnight Show Tuesday, June 30 Only at.12:00 Midnight — DOUBLE FEATURE — "THE YOUNG SWINGERS" Rod Lauren -- Molly Bee Plus . "PLAY IT COOL" Billy Fury -- Bobby Vee * * * * * * * * Come Early Tuesday Night * * and see "THE STRIPPER" * * plus Midnight Show for * * regular admission price *' * * * * * * Thursday and Friday July 2-3 "THE COURTSHIP Of EDDIE'S FATHER"' Glenn Ford -- Shirley Jones Colour Cartoon SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY July -6-7 "The Great Escape Steve McQueen, Jas. Garner and Richard Attenborough 1 Show Nightly at 9:30 Colour Cartoon Wednesday, Thursday and FRIDAY July 8-9-10 "UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE" Jack Lemmon Carol Lynley and Edie Adams (Adult Entertainment) Colour Cartoon If 'Off To A Fine Start! You are probably going on holidays soon. How does your present car stack up? If there's any doubt in your mind. "TRADE-N-SAVE" here. 62 FORD FAIRLANE "500" SEDAN 61 METEOR 6 TWO DOOR 60 FORD FAIRLANE "500" SEDAN 59 METEOR 'SEDAN .61 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 58 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 60 NASH RAMBLER SEDAN 60 DODGE 8 POLARIS TWO-DOOR HARDTOP 57 PONTIAC 6 TWO DOOR. 56 BUICK 8 SEDAN 60 ENVOY SEDAN 62 ENVOY SEDAN 59 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN 60 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN 61 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN 62 CHEVROLET 8 BISCAYNE SEDAN 62 CHEVROLET 6 BISCAYNE SEDAN 60 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 61 OLDS. F85 STATION WAGON OTHERS ARE COMING IN. IF WHAT YOU WANT IS NOT LISTED OR NOW ON THE LOT, YOUR INQUIRIES WILL BE WELCOMED. Did You Know? 04 That the security of Free Life Insurance is added to the security of Saving ... and of Borrowing ... at your Credit Union? CLINTON COMMUNITY \ CREDIT UNION LIMITED SPECIAL RATES — •Mon., Tues., Wed. afteriloons FAMILY NIGHT -every Monday night Special Rates For Clubs GOLFLAND ON HIGHWAY 4 NEAR RCAF STATION Reg. Ball, firop. M d orne rown otors I • Your Friendly Cheyrotet, Oldsmobile & Envoy Dealer. Ontario Street CLINTON --- Phone 482-9321 Clinton Recreation Committee Names Summer Playground Leaders, Helpers' Pgrge.'12,-- Linton News7Kecor071rhur!.,!.447e,.:24„,._1904 The Clinton RePreatien Com- mittee. net Thu'rsd'ay evening and Wetted PlanTO'llnd lead, era fOr the summer. Karen Sellefter. is the super- visor, and. Ipa4e,r4 include: Lynn, Brown, lieverly• Pet*, Eleanor. Wright, Lynne Shaer, Lloy Ann Rutherford. The girls are -presently at- tending a five day training. course at a camp sponsored by the Lake Huron ZiOne Reerea- tion Council, Pamela :Fisher and Betty Livermore were .ap- pointea as helpera. )(Wk. Improvements The committee agreed cer- tain improvements would be Made at Alma Grove .and Hugh Hawkins Memorial Parks in- eluding vdrnishing picnic tables, Butting the grass and painting the swings, teeters and monkey Ladies . Softball, Scores To. Date The Clinton Ladies team bow- ed to a 24-7 thrashing at the hands, of a pitcher-strong Bruce- field team in a game in Clinton last Monday night, The power on the mound, for the Visitors came from Betty Graham and Bev Wright. Cleo Langdon pitched the game for Clinton. The league standings as of Wednesday, June 24 are as follows: W L T Pts RCAF BrUcefield Clinton Exeter bars. The parks will be ready for Opera/On July Unifoinis. Will be purchased for the Clinton-Girls' Softball Team since the team is not sponsored and needa assistance in order to keep operating, Dave Hallman is team manager, Seek Grant Wiley The committee acknowledged reeeipit of a .$100-grant from the Kinsmen Club of Clinton and the Huron Fish and Game Can- aervation AsSociation towards the slimmer program, Also acknowledged was the passing by Town Council of the reqnested grant of .$1,760. The Committee Will write council asking for payment of ailaotit one half the full amount of the grant, poo, by the end of June. Letters of thanks were read from the Badminton Club and the Square Dancing Club re- garding the winter programs which both clubs said they had enjoyed, The Square Dance Club said it hopes to start a beginner's program in 'the fall if space can be found, Chairman Robert Hunter re- ported he had attended a pre- liminaary meeting regarding night school possibilities at. OHS'S held by the night school committee of the Advisory 'Vo- cational Committee of the QDCI board. The Recreation Committee voted to recommend to Clinton Council that it apply for a Federal - Provincial Centennial grant „to renovate the present post office building into a rec- reational meeting hall partic- ularly for scout, cub, brownie and guide meetings. Central Huron Softball League There was little action in the Central Huron Softball League this week, Last Thursday night, Londesboro defeated Varna 4-3 in Londesboro, . On Mon'd'ay night, Londesboro added an- other win to their record when they trounced Winthrop 10-1. The league standings to date are as follows: W L Pts 6 2 12 Auburn Londesboro 5 3 10 Varna 4 '4 8 Holmesville 4 3 8 Winthrop 6 0 0 Upcoming Games June 25—Varna at Winthrop 26—Londesboro at Auburn 27—Holmesville at Varna 29----Varna at Holmesville 30—Londesbaro at Winthrop July 2—Holmesville at Auburn 0 Clinton Midgets Have Three Wins The .Clinton Midgets stretch- ed their win streak to three Clinton Teachers Voted To Office The annual banquet meeting of the Ontario Men. Teachers' Federation, Huron Branch 15A, was held in Seaforth Public School on Tuesday, June 16, with the 'teachers wives as special guests. The programme was provid- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart -Middleton of Clinton, who show- ed pictures of their Irish and Scandinavian tours of 1963. The business meeting follow- ed with Ron Eyre of Seaforith elected president. The past president is Mr. Ron McKay of Clinton. Other officers elected were: 'vice-president, Richard Kilpatrick, RR 1, Gorrie; sec- retary-treasurero Irwin Johns- ton, Seaforth. The committee chairmen are; superannuation, G. Jewift, Cl- inton; education, Mr. Howard Scotchmer, RCAF Clinton; and insurance, Cameron Addison of Hohnesville. White Wagon Herd Here For Survey There's a reason why those herds of White station wagons with the red lights 'on the roofs have been prowling around the Clinton area in recent days. The drivers are employees of Fischer Porter (Canada Litnit- ed) Traffic Division, and they have been placing 'traffic Met- era on roads and streets in the area to determine which streets and roads bear the Most traffic. Depending on their findings, the repairing 'and Widening of some streets will have priority Over ethers, based on the aim ()tint of use each enjoys, CREBITON TEAM FAILS tit) StioW Pon OAMJt The Juvenile gante between Creditari and Clinton scheduled for last Thursday night was postponed to a later date When the out-.of-town squad failed to make an appearance befere game time, Paul Schoenhals Patti L. Schoethals, son of Mr-. and IVirs, Stewart Sehoen- haIS, formerly of Clinton, re- cently received his Bachelor Of Education degree from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, where the Schoen- hats now live, I-le has accept- ed aposition loathing physical edtitatiOn and social-studies at a 8aSkatbert school, The Western Ontario . Aber- deen Angus Association held their 'annual field .day on Satur- day, June 20 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Moore of Area. A top Angus beef dinner was served to over 150 persons. The special speaker W,as W. R. Poole, Q.C., London, a prom- inent lawyer. His address was. followed by judging competi- tions with the president, Calvin Patrick of Ilderton, as master of ceremonies. Local Winners Stewart and Grace Middleton of Clinton, won the men's and women's 'cattle judging- classes and received cash prizes. The Kirkton Beef Calf Club team of Allan Hodgins. and Michael O'Shea won the 4-H cattle judging section. Also attending the Angus picnic from this area were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Edwards of Clinton; Mr. Gordon Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs, David Middle- ton and family, RR 3 Clinton, and daughter Louise spent the weekend in Trenton. Mrs. John Brennan is visiting her family in Cornwall, Ont., Miss Celine Tremblay, Sit Boni- face, Man., was a weekend visit- or with F/Sgt, and Mrs. Al Mc- Kenzie. Mrs. William Baptie is pres- ently a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London. Mrs. S. Ewasiuk is a patient at Clinton. Public Hospital. Congratulations to Sgt. and Mrs. Calvin Moody on the birth of a 'son', on June 15. Among the birthdays last week were those of Mary Cuth- bent, 14 years, and Julie Ven- ables, three years of 'age. V/L Richard BuSsey is at- tending a conference in St. Jean, and replacing him is Father Patrick Cavanaugh, St, Peter's Seminary, London. Several families are leaving Adastral Park ,,this month, among 'these are: Wing Com- mander C. Vinnieombe and Mrs. Vitinkombe, going to Waterloo; W01 and Mrs. A, H. Cole, 'to Greenwood, N,S.; F'`/Lt. M. M. Bingham land Mrs. Binghani, to Westwin, Man.; F/Sgt. and Mrs. McCaw to Whitehorse; F/Sgt. and Mrs. ,E. W. Robinson, to Barrie; Cpl. and Mrs. E. A. Muise are moving to London. "The anntral Chttrclt picnic was hold on. Saturday, June 20 at the Lions Park in Seaforth. Members of the Prcotesta.nt Church, the Ladies Guild and the young peOple of the Sunday Sdheal elasaeS. Were all .On hand n O.'the festivities. 4 2 0 8 3 0 1 7' 3 2 0 6 2 0 1 5 Brussels „ 2 1 0 4 Winthrop 1 2 0 2 Blyth 0 2 0 0 Goderich 0 3 0 0 Book Special Special Introductory Offer on Volumes 1-2-3 of series books "Starter Set" Sale HARDY BOYS -- NANCY DREW TOM SWIFT -- CHERRY AMES BPBBSEY TWINS -- FURY 3 Books Regularly $4.17 All 3 for $2.18 "HAPPY HOLLISTERS" Volumes 1 and 2—Reg. $2.98 Both for $1.49 1%/11clEwan's Clinton Recreation Committee Summer Playgrounds July 6 — August 14 ' Monday to Friday 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. 3 PARKS: (1) ALMA GROVE (Erie and Alma Streets) (2) HUGH HAWKINS MEMORIAL PARK (adjacent to Pinecrest Subdivision) (3) CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK (where swimmnig pool located) ACTIVITIES: ARTS, CRAFTS, MUSIC and GAMES Children are to go to park nearest to their home. FEES: 50c per child or. $1.00 per family Children froin kindergarten age up to 12 years old are invited to participate in the summer playground program. For Further Information Phone: Robert Mann 482-7663 or Miss Karen Schefter 482-7168 REGISTRATION CARD FOR JULY SWIMMING CLASSES Name Age Address • Telephone 1,1, ,.,.,,.,.., have given •4 t'' 'to (Signature of Parent) , ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, permission to attend (child's narrle) "swimming iessdris at the Clinton Swimming Pool Fill out above form and bring to Swimming PoOl 2:00 p.m. to two p.m. on Friday, June 26. 5.8b Marching Royals Face Stiff Test At Saturday Meet The Clinton Marching Royals, majorettes and colour pasty face their •stiffest test to date, when they take part in the newly-organized Waterloo Band Festival on Saturday, June 27, at Seagram Stadium in Kitch- ener. Included in the new festival are brass band test piece clas- ses, Pipe Band and Ontario Championship (Drum and Bugle Corps) as well as a gigantic parade in the early evening. The Royals will be competing in the newly-formed marching and maneuvering (brass and reed bands only) class which will also include Baden Buc- caneers, St. Marys Marching Band and the Burlington Boys and Girls Band. The Clinton group will be sporting their new band flag as well as other new equipment for this occasion. The group has been practis- ing three nights of this week and have in view a final re- hearsal at Waterloo before they compete. in a row by crushing the Lucan / The Royals, who also have team 15-2 in Lucan last Thurs- pending engagements at Milver- day night. Claire Magee led ton, St. Thomas and Teeswater, the team in 'batting with three singles while Jim Livermore knocked out a double and a single, - The winning battery was `Brad Dutat on the mound and Jim Livermore behind the plate. The next game 'is Saturday, at 6:30 when Clinton plays host to Mitchell. will leave by J & T Murphy Bus Lines promptly at 9,30 a.m. The bus will leave from 'the Town Hall. 0 Clinton -Student Gets Straight A's Alan Cochrane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cochrane' of Clinton, is a second year stud- ent in the Honor Biology Course at the University of Western Ontario, London, He received his marks this week, and found he had been awarded first class honors — for •having "A" standings in all his seven subjects. p BEAT WINGHAM 10-9 'Clinton scored, six runs in the bottom of the sixth inning to squeeze by the Wingham Geod- years 10-9 'in a game Played in Clinton last Monday night. Mrs. S. Servos was hostess at a farewell tea Oar Mrs. D. 'Cole on June 10. Twenty-five guests were present and Mrs. Cole was given a lovely crystal cake plate in "cornflower" design. F/Sgt. and Mrs. D. Tremblay Adastral Park Social Notes News Editor: Anne Aileron — Phone HU 2-7349