HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-06-25, Page 11-5 E NEWS OF LONDIS0010 1;h4...011#0104111... MRS. .greMP 44.14$ 'Coilgratulations to Miss Mar-the .older :meMbers, gtie,rlte-1.,•yon who has been suceesSfUl. 'in passing with hen-. PrS at the 'Torrent* Qonserva, • tory, 'her gin* exam in Grade 5 P4,14740.a.Y and -Oracle 5 Counterpoint., Mr,. and Mrs.. liarry McBwan and 'their three sons of Ghat- ham spent last weekend with Mr. Will Gorier and Mrs, 'Webster-, Mr, 40 Mrs. Jahn Radford. returned home the end. of Inc week: after a two weeps . honey-moon. Mr- rand Mrs:. .Robert Thomo, Son visited with Mrs, 171-iomp., SOn'S parents, at Moorefield on Suns:4y, Mr. '444 Nat, Norman Grif-, Pith of Niagara spent SatnrdaY With Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Rad, ford, Snell 1[3,0-0100P, The .33rd annual Snell re, union 'was held at LontleshorD on Saturday, June 20, with 105 members present, The afternoon was spent in sports for the YoUOg members, while visiting c B.C. LATEX SATIN NOW REDUCED TO CLEAR QUARTS , GALLONS 1311.50 $5.00 L.B.C. SEMI-GLOSS REDUCED TO 'CLEAR QUARTS GALLONS $1.85 $5.50 D. KAY and SON Store Open Friday Evenings 33 Huron St. - CLINTON 482-9542 IbMil/VI IViNVINUIVIMMINMOVIVVIMINMEV IVPIENI VINIONIMMEIVION1 111•11, Secretary Mrs, Barry Page, reported more than P8,000 had been raised in the gone, with more than $4,000 from Clinton was, the favorite pastime with and Goderich groups. At 5 KA, SAWN' was served. In 'the basement of the Pmsident -grant Snell Waa.ehr airtnan, of the Amsrihe,ss payt of the IneOting. The 3rd BatUrdaY AMP was selected for the date for the 1965 reunion, Officers are; Prosident, Wallcer, Wirigharn; vice- president, POttglaS?.1. ell, Lon-. desboro; secretary treasurer,. Mrs, Robert Welsh, Bayfield; program. conveners, Bambara and Bonnie Snell, LOncleghoM Keith Snell spoke and offered prayer in memory. of those who passed away during the Year. ENzwR, ..-'•The ladies' ,PkuN.- Mary from zone CY, E.oyal Can- adian Legion, held their annual rally with Exeter auxiliary as hostesses. BRUCEFIELD (014S, .W4.4.4.)4 The; arihnal POPOratiell SerV, iO. --W.4 Plaee Pair 3's terY. .P4 jinle g$. g;P:i P.M, under. the ,auspices of BrUcefield Lodge TOOF; • Miss .Gaye finished her term Pi"( AlmaAlma7ahege, St, Th- POW ,all 'TinirsdaY of .laSt week, We are pleased ip report that mrs.. Grregor :McGreer was able to leave the .hospital and is convalescing at her home, Mr- and. 'MPS, Elgin ThOlnp, son are ,on a motor trip as far as Winflipeg. • " Mr :and Mn. Lorne Wilson - spent the weekend with. Mr, and. Mrs. Stewart Knox, $44:',. gr. land 'Mrs. John Moffatt and lVirs, Walter .Moffatt spent Sunday with .Mrs, John MO' fat's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Grow 04 Brantford. The pupils of SS No, .3, TuOkersmith accompanied by their teacher, Miss Papple, en- joyed a bus trip to Toronto on Monday, FOR THE FARMERS! FREE ESDAATES Delivered -in the Goderich-Blyth-Clinton Seaforth-Bayfield Areas for BARNYARD SURFACES -- WALKS , FLC)ORING -- FOOTINGS CONSTRUCTION' Phone ar Write:. HURON CONCRETE. SUPPLY LTD. GODERICH SEAFORTH 524-7361 868W2 '""welwrommenewinworww, 238 Albert St. CLINTON Phone 4824381 OFFER GOOD UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 27 ONLY T 2ND TIRE NEVI MIRACLE RORER FOR TIIOLISANDS OF EXTRA MILES CHOOSE FROM FOUR SUPER-STRONG NYL N T Pick-A.Pair of Firestone Nylon tires and get your second tire for HALF PRICE, All Firestone tires are made with exclusive Shock-Fortified Nylon cord and new SUP-R-TUF, rubber. Buy a pair now. Enjoy the ultimate in Nylon tire Safety and mileage while you count your savings, 4-F.:41"..• Nation.witio NO LIMIT GUARANTEE MI Pirestone passenger tires ha passenger service- carry a NO LIMIT Hoed Hazard and quality Guarantee. &Jig% tirriiiE FREE MOUNTInli txptfiTs PICK-A.PAIR OF NYLON TIRE BARGAINS SIZE GRANS t:, TIRE REG. PRICE 2nd TIRE 45 PRICE YOU SAVE 6.00,16 Tube•Type *Woke Champion Nylon Safely Champion Nylon 514,90 16.85 20.20• $ 7.45 8.42 10.10 5 7.45 8,43 10.10 6,75.15 Tube•Type *Waite Chafrplon Nylon Safety Champion Nylon Nylon '5h0' $16.50 17.35 20.45 25.55 5 8.25 8.67 10.22 12.77 $ 8,25 8.68 10.23 12.78 7.50.14 TubOless Nylonairb Champion Nylon Safety Champion Nylon NylOn '500' $15.50 20.45 24,55 31.90' $ b./5 10.22 12.2/ 15.95 . \ $ 9.75 10.23 12,28 15.95 5.0544 Tobelool Wily Champion Nylon Nylon '100' l St.st 35.75 11 $13.92 17,87 $13.93 17.88 ALL SIZES - TYPES & WHITEWALLS ON SALE , SCRUTON FUELS 1961 SAFETY CHAMPION NYLON Canada's No, I rapiaaerntint ties 1963 NYLON '500' proolum quA ft) With 'race Or. leiturei CHAMPION NYLON A low price tire With a modern bladed tread NYLONAIRE our 4Itang yNylon soften, Benjamin .1\406te Paint Sale!. Exterior House , PAINT-Reg. $9.45 Now $6.95 TOP QUALITY LOW LOW PRICE .GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE Division of Goderich Mfg. Sales Ltd. Anglesea St. - GODERICH -- 524.8382 COTTAGE BUILDERS' SPECIAL! Assorted Windows and Sash of Various Sizes at our Actual Cost 'Price. Don't miss this clearance1, DISCONTINUED Top Line Sheet Rack Panelling Ideal for Cottage and Rec. Rooms Reg. 13c sq. f t.--BALE 'PRICE 10c 4. 10•11=1...11111/ •••••=10M, CULLIGAN. Water Conditioning pioudiv :. Announces The Offidal Opening Of Their New Plant 376 Bayfield Road TO COMMEMORATE THIS OCCASION AND OUR ' .10th YEAR IN .. BUSINESS WE ARE OFFERING FREE WITH YOUR ORDER 'FOR CULLIGAN SOFT WATER, A RAISED RELIEF WORLD GLOBE 17" HIGH OVER- ALL. A 06.00 VALUE. Calf today. For a limited time only, our new Culligan customers will receive this wonderful Rand McNally Globe. It is in three dimensiOn raised relief, in full color complete with 28 page Globe Handbook. Let this timely gift introduce your family to the luxury and economy of pure filtered 'soft water. WE SELL AND RENT, (WITH LEASE PURCHASE OPTION) FULL AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL WATER SOFTENERS or our portable exchange service is available at popular rates. Free water analysis And installation estimates, Problem water cleaned up, Sulphur, iron, sediment or bacteria, GUARANTEED SERVICE AND SALT DELIVERY . . OR SEND COUPON UCW Of Bayfield Sign Petitions Mors,. :H.pws.,,R.focotd. P000 11 ,11 JUST CALL AND SAY Bayfield Seniors Take London Trip Grant Turner, principal. of Barfield PUhlie Sabagil as-olated by Mrs. K. Eranclon, M. SturgeonandGrant Turner tOOk the Senior room pupils to London, Monday, June 22, The day was entertaining 414 .echleational, starting with a yiit thi'ough Silverwoods, Then 'a quick Shopping trip to The Mall,' followed by a 'tour of the cooa,-GOIa factory', ere they also saw a film on the history of the soft drink industry, After lunching at Storybook Gardens, they proceeded to Canada Bread and then to Kel logs and lastly to Fans. hawe Park, where many of them went !through the pioneer yid, lage. The day concluded with din- ner at the Knotty Pine. All returned home tired but happy`. Mr, and Mrs. Larry W. Chessell, Karen Faye Johnston, of Cl- with lily-point sleeves and a inton, 'and Larry W. Chessell, of Mitchell, were married on Saturday, June 13th art- St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin- ton. - The bride is the daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. Harold johns- ton, of Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr., and 'Mrs. Dalton Chessell Mitchell', The double ring ceremony was perforrried by Rev. R. Wenham, rector of St. Palls .Anglican Church, Clinton. The organist was Mr. A. McCulloch of London, uncle of the bride. Mr. McCullouch sang "I'll Walk Beside You". The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, - chose a floor-length gown of sheer norganza over bridal taffeta. The fitted bodice was styled Prior to her marriage, Ms's. Chessell was entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Gwen Yeats. Mrs. Alvin Cox was also hostess for a shower for the bride, 'assisted by Mrs. Jim Main A delightful kitchen shower was also held for the bride at the home of Mrs. Elmer Johnston. 111111.1111.1111 LAWN-Boy VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT with exclusive new, clog-proof, easy emptying grasscatcher. PINGER-tip START reduces starting effort 94% DELUXE 19" DELUXE 21" $93.50 $98.50 With grasscatcher as shown $11.00 extra of 'the stu Y book led ranch cii$9U3004. It was decided one evil thElit 31101,11(1 IreteStecl against was the over-.abundance of beer advertising On TV and Accordingly,, a petition was signed, "to be' sent to the GPO- and the > card of .Divadcast Governors, xeciiievting that ac- tion be -taken to eliminate _mach of this type of advertising, especially rduring sports pro- gram aimed art young people. The ,Tline meeting of $t, An- drew's United Church. Women, Unit 1, was held ThUrSdaY ev-ening, June 4, at tile• home of Mrs. Gordon Stotoluner, with an attendance of 26, The chapter "God and 3,/iir SEAFORTH - Ron Eyre of Seaforth was elected president of the Ontario Men Teachers' Federation, Huron Branch 15A, at the annual meeting held here this week. Other officers are: pa0-pres- Went Ron , McKay, of Clinton; vice-president, Richard Kilpat- rick, of RR 1, Gorrie and sec- retary-treasurer Irwin Johns- inn, of •Seaforth. , Committee ,chairmen• named included: superannuation, Gary Jewitt, of Clinton; education Howard •Seotchmer, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton; insurance, Cam Addison, Holmesville. scooped neckline accented with Guipure lace, The bouffant skirt was appliqued with lace and swept into a chapel train 1-1ei-7 • French illusion veil was held in place by a crown of sequins and pearls... The bride carried white carnations with blue tulle trailing ivy. The maid of honor was Miss Nancy Johnston, sister of the bride, and the bridesmaids were Miss Gwen. Yeats of Clinton and Miss Susan Ohessell-, sister of the groom, of Mitchell, They. were 'dressed in identically- styled 'street-length dresses of blue nylon organza with lace .bodices and matching veiled headpieces. They carried White shasta daisies, The groomsman was Dennis Boyd of Mitchell, and the ush- ers were Ken Johnston, broth- er of 'the bride, and Stanley .Ahrens of Mitchell. A reception follOwed, in the Church hall which was decor- ated with blue iris end orange blossoms. . The 'bride's mother wore a dress of mint green: linen with white accessories and a corsage of White carnations. The groom's Mother wore a two-piece beige dress with • toast-coloured ..accessories- and wore a corsage of baby white 'mums. For 'her trip 'to Niagara, Buf- falo, and points east, the bride chose a pink linen suit with White accessories and wore a corsage of white. carnations. Mr, and Mrs. Chessell will make their home in Stratford. Against Beer Ads radio. Sign ratan') 1- _ .,.,..... „,... __ _ -i 1 Culligan Water Conditioning I 1 37"6 Bayfield Rd0, Godeiich I ri i. ey builitpri Mani I would like to know More about 1 '[ Soft Water, and your free offer of a Rand McNally 1 1 World Globe. AUTO ELECTRIC Sit :King St:,.-Chntott SUNOCO PRODUCTS Ptiono 48148$1 GODERICH 524-95/1 COL ;EcT NAME .. ;;I.A1.1,•41, 444444 4444444 V ttt t 444444 4 4 44 '1"ItEtT or ft.R. N. rktr$or kr rkr T OWN44444 .11 111"1“.0111110.41101.1.. 4444 'pHtst4