HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-06-25, Page 7AUCTION E,�►4 ...:_ .E . AQ;ANDERSQN PQNY.R. F.A , Twilighf Pony Sale Saturd. 11 Saturday, p,111, 25 PONS J VRRQS Hwy, 81, 1 anile squth Qf Strathroy ?45 -b -8P ESTATE AUCTION SALE 'of .Property and Household Effects in the T9wn of Seaforth, John Street, on Saturday, June 27 at 1:00 p.m,. household Effects --Oak din- ing room suite, table, buffet, 6 chairs; vacuum cleaner; Heintz- rnan upright piano and bench; a record player; wall whatnot; number of rocking chairs; oc- casional chairs small tables; couch; electric' lamps; mantel radio;.card table;.Quebee hea- ter; cook stove; writing desk; desk and china cabinet; side- board; ideboard; book $helves; books; kitchen table and chairs; glass cupboard; Singer drop head sewing machine; 3 furnished bedrooms, dresser, wash stands, chest of drawers; hall rack and mirror; .6 antique clocks; pic- tures, dishes, ornaments, jar- dineers, kitchen utensils; 1950 Dodge sedan. Other articles too numerous to mention. Property—The property will be offered for sale at 3;00' p.m.' Parcel No. 1---7 room frame house situated on John Street, Seaforth, Excellent location, immediate possession, Parcel No. 2-100 acre farm, lot 1, con. 3, Hulett Twp.,95 acres workable land. Brick house, frame barn. Possession about October 1, 1964. Terms — 10% down, balance in 30 days, sold subject to re- serve bid. Chattels, cash. Prop.,- Estate of late Scott Hawthorne Auctioneer; Harold Jackson Clerk, George 'Powell For further particulars apply to Rev. Harold Snell and Hel- mer Snell, executors. 25-6b TENDERS WANTED TENDER N,o, 1 Tendons areinvited by 1lioir el•sinitii Sohool Area No. 1 for supplying of No. 2 Frnace Gil for ° Sohools .2.4-5.7.910 from September 1964 to June 1995, Price to be delivered to the schools, BNQiu No- 2; F S c 1 �' s 'pP Ying to ler ;Coo to Niq,. '$1$0.1101, "Egtnondville", from September 1964 to June 1965. Tenders tel be in the hands of the undersigned net t later than noon onuly� .8, . 4 and clearly marked Tender on envelope. --elven Forsyth, .Sec. Treas,, T•uckersmith Scheel Area, RR 2, Kippen• 2 b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARTHA MAR.iA CLAYTON, late of the 'town of Clinton In the County of Huron, Housewife, .deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 12th day of. May, A.D. 1,964, are re- quired 'to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of July, A.D. 1,964, after whieli date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only tee theclaims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, ,this 22nd day of June, A.D, 1904, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 26 -Sb N 'MEMORIAM •OHUTER In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand- mother, Shirley Elizabeth Chet- er, who passed away;one year ago, June 23, 1963: 'When: evening shades are falling, e And we sit 'in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes a longi tg, If she could only come home. Frienda may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile, But 'they little know the heartache Our smiles hide all the while." —Lovingly r e m e •m b e r e d by Wilfred and family. • 26p Attend Your Church This Sunday CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Sunday, June 28 11.15 a.m.-FAMILY WORSHIP Everyone Is Welcome At This Church Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, ILA, 9:45 a:ni.---Sunday School 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship TURNER'S CHURCH 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School Christian Reformed Church Sunday, June 28 10.00 a.m.---Service in English 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch Sunday, July 5. Both Services in English Every Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen. to "Back to God Hour." EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street 'GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 1.00 a.m,--Breaking of. Bread 3.00 pm. --Sunday School 7,00 p.m.—Gospel Service 8.00 pate Thursday= --Prayer Meeting and Bible Readin Maple Street GOSPEL HALL , CLINTON Sunday, June 28 9A5 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School 8.00 p.m. ---Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Mr. John Aiken, Shelburne Tuesday -8 p.m. --Prayer Meet- ing and Bible Study. Mr. John Martin, Hawkesville, guest speaker. Sunday, July 5 Guest Speaker: Mr. John Rea, London. Ali Welcome St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M. 3. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 28 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a.tn.-11'Iornirig Worship EVERYONE WELCOME eeleg-illis-`ulxttraitille guiteiz flillxtrclles REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister UTNE GOSPEL OF SUMMER" ReV. Austin Gay, B,A:= HOLMEsVILLE 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00.a,•m. Church Service WESLEY-WILLIS 9:45 a tit, ---Church Service 11:00 air. ---Sunday School All .duritig the month of July, our people will worship in Ontario Streit United' Church" ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Hes,. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mrs W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Organlist TRINITY V SUNDAY, JUNE 28 TRiNITY Vi SUNDAY JULY 5' $:30 a ni e -Holy Comriiunion 11:00 a.m.-4T oly Communion Tues., June 30 — Little Yelpers Service rind Iicnii, Pariah Hall, 8;00 BAYPIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, Bruce Eaton ' Sunday, June Z8 10.00 a.m.--Stuiday school. 11.00 a.rn,-e-Morning Worship 7.3G pane,--EvangeIistic EOM' .. Gout speaker, Rett. Gordon Oha'tribers Stratford, Friday, 5.00 p.me.- Prayer Seri'Ilwe July 441&-.1 wily Vacation Bible School Yon Are Cordiatiy Wilted to Alt Of TheSe 3brvic'eis.,. BIRTHS AtAN413,p •-.- In Clinton pub, 11c Nita on Thursday,. June- 1S, 1904 ter fir. .and Mrs. George Bernard, fatd,. U naso VY' tcT . K1J$13A4L?Irr Clinton Pub - file Hospital 4n S.aturda)y, June 20, 4964, to Mr, and Mrs. Qeor,ge Halt_ard,. IAN_ •a .daughter. HUBEI .— Tn :Clinton POW Hospital on Wednoscley, June 17, 1.964, ,to Cpl and Mrs" $, Hubei, :Gi>nten, -a d'alxghte'r. :JOHNSTON — In Clinton Fula 10 Hospital on Tlrursd'ay.. Je � 18, 1964,. n Mr, and Mi _., .. < 01inettel , Bayfle d, a Son, LIVIN•GSTON - Tn Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, June 18, 1964, te Mr. and Mrs, D. LiYin!gston, Seaforth, a son, MORGAN—In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, June 19 1964, If;o Mr, and Mrs. Doug Morgan, Clinton, a son, PETERSON—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, June 21, • 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peterson, Clinton, a daughter, S'HANAHAN—In Clinton•Pub- lic Hospital on Saturday, June 20, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs, Pat- rick Shanahan, Clinton, a son. CARDS OF THANKS Our sincere thanks to all for cards, phone calls and personal call's, rernemberin'g us, on Dur fiftieth wedding anniversary.--' WXLLIAUV.i and LAURA PER- DUE. 26b I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with visits, treats, cards, letters, flowers, while I was a patient in C11m, ton Public Hospital—CATHER- INE 'HARPER, 26p We wish to thank all our relatives, neighbours and friends for all the gifts and good wishes extended to ars on our fiftieth wedding anniversary. -- ALICE and GARNET- CORNISH. 26p I wish to thank all friends and neighbours for card's and flowers while a 'patient in Clin- ton Pubic Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Oakes, nurses and etaff,---MRS. CLEM REYNOLDS. 265 I wish to express my thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for flowers, cards and treats while a patient in 'Clin- ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and the nuring .staff. — MRS. MARY GLEN. 26p I would (like to thank my friends, relatives and my old neighbours, 'for their kindnesses shown to me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Sin- cere thanks 'to my special nur- ses, also Dr. Oakes for his care_ ---MRS. JEAN HEBDEN. 2615 I would like to thank all who remembered ane; with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient hi Clinton Public Hos- pital; also my nurses for their care. Spe'ci'al thanks to Dr. Oakes and Rev. Morrison — JOSEPH POSTILL. 26p The family of the late Mrte Matilda Fairservice wish to thank the many friends and relatives for the beautiful flor- al tributes and the many acts of kindnessshown in 'their re- cent sad bereavement, and spec- ial thanks to Ball and Mutteh funeral 'home, Rev. Carson, Lon- desboro United Church, and ladies of Londesboro United Church Women. 26p We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and rela- tives for the acts of kindness, Mass cards, floral tributes and messages of sympathy during our sad bereavement. Special thanks to Father McGuire, Fa- ther Graham, pallbearers, flow- er bearers ,and. Ball and Mutch funeral directors. — M.R. AND MRS. W, E. MANAGHAN, and BILL and DOROTHY. 26p The family of 'the late Martha Ann MacDonald would like to thank friends, neighbours and relatives for their many acts of kindness, their 'visits, beautiful floral tributes, manorial dona- ttions'and messages of sympathy in the loss of a loved one. We would, .especially, express our appree'ialtion. to Dr. Newland', assistant superintendent Miss Elliott, special nurses Mrs. De Jong, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Dohoo; to Reny. Howard Plant for his comforting message; to pall- bearers and flower bearers;; to Beattie funeral home and 'to :th e United Church Women, Unit One, of Brucefieldt United Ch- urch, 26b McKeever= Pulford Jessie Mae Fulford and Char- les Moffatt McKeever e Clin- ton were married May 18 at Clinton Anglican Church. The couple Was attended by Mr. and Mrs, John Thompson of Centralia: PIONEER SEED CORN Varieties of Seed Corti Suitable for this area are almost StAd out, Make Sure that you place your order right ,away with your' P`iaryeer Dealer. KEITH LOVELL K$PPEN Phone 'Hermit 265%11 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BI UCEFIEL - Pltbhe Hansaf f 34611 1'.tf1' A E �EN� � M l/,.�E NT,.S .ANN. VNCEP. Mr and Mrs Sam Seen, 1 4 wish l t h. a an« 1✓ zr.. -CPA. � n w .. t , ngunce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Mary to ,Mr, Melvin Henry Hubert, son of Mr. and Mrs. N'orunan Hubert, $, eaforth, The wedding to baiie place n ,S t, Joseph Polaian Oath olio Ckrupeh, Clinton, on. Saturday, July 11, 4964,. ,at 11 o'cleele a;m, 26x' The :engagement Is an- noun'ced ,of Marion Eliza' beth, daughter of Mrs, Agnes Dale and the late Charles Pale,,Clinton, to ly$ai'ceika Douglae Ciarke, son .of Mr. and Mrs. Wil. liapn Clarke, Varna, The wedding to take place at two o'clock on Saturday, July 25 at St. Paul's Ang- iicen :Church, Clinton, 26x Mr, .and Mrs, Fred Mac- Donald wish to- announce the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Elizabeth to John Perms,' Cathe as,' .St, C th er roes, marriage to take place Saturday, June 27, in St. Catherines, . 26p Mi'. and Mrs. Ward Knox, Clinton, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Shirley Louise to. Ross Stanley Carter, eldeet son of Mrs: Percy Carter and the late Mr, Carter, of Clinton. The wedding will Make place ,Saturday, July 18, at On- tario Street United Church, Clinton, at 3;00 p.m. 26p �0 DEATHS AUSPIN — At his home on Thursday, Alvin . R. Austin, 64, rural mail -carrier for 28 years. Survivors include a sister, Mr"s. Floyd Schell, St.. Petersburg, Fla,; brother, William, , of Seaferth• Fun- eral uneral was Monday from the R. S. Box funeral home, Sea - forth, with burial in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township, FITCH Jo'hn,' 97, of Howick Township, died Saturday at Huronview. Retired farmer. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Clark (Catherine) Renwick; Carriok Township; Mrs, Bar- ney (Mary) Keemer, Toron- to; Mrs, Harvey (Tena) Mc- Dermitft, •Listowel; Mrs. Jack (Aima) Pitcher, Morrisbank; Mrs. Lloyd (Ethel) Montgom- ery, East Wawanosh Town- ship; sons, Jim, Jack, Turn - berry and Malcolm, and sis- ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Smeltzer, of Regina. Service was Mon- day from R. A, Currie and Sons funeral home, Wing - halt, with burial in Wroxeter Cemetery. HARBURN-Dr. Foster, 85, of Seaforth, Friday at Huron - view, Cliiiton. Veterinary sur- geoh in Seaforth: since 1904, - Served a number of years on town -council and one term as mayor in 1919. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Irvin (Evelyn) Trewartha, of Seaforth. Fun- eral was Monday from. G. A. Whitney funeral home, Sea - forth, with burial in Maitland Bank Cemetery. JOHNSTON—Charles' Maitland, 43, of Blyth, Friday in Dres- den. Survived by his wife, Loretta, daughters, Mrs. James (Maly Lou) Lovett, London; Nancy, Shirley and Betty Ann, all at home, son Michael, at home; mother, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Huron view, u ronview, ,Clinton; brother Clark, aP Belgrave. Funeral was Monday from R. A. Currie and Sons funeral home, Wing - ham, with burial in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. o' Goderich Twp. South Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Johns- ton and Kerry of Toronto, spent the Weekend with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. McCartney, RR 2, Clinton, Kevin Switzer, three-year- ald son of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Switzer, 6th concession Gode- rich Twp., was struck by a car Monday while playing on the roadway. He was treated for minor in- juries at Clinton Public Hos- pital, and released: r Ma. y �Q,ers PM. Wedin Prior t , , o. her wedding earlier this n onth, Nies, ;On ford, Londeaboro, the former Brenda rgrace Homttth, was i)angre 1. at several S1QWe4' .. `The choir .t f St,. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, ;of which she was a rnem'ber, presented her with, a sett of cornflower candlestick holders, -Oyer '30 friends. attended .a in scelianechus slower for Bre-- da alt the home of Mrs, ..Robert Sin..ith,, Ontario ,Street, on Mal" 28. on S'aturday, May 23, Miss Nancy Johnston, who was a. b'radesniaid at the Radford- I-Iomuth wedding, field a mis- cellaneous Shower at 'the John- ston home in BBlytih, Mrs, William Binning, Mit- chell, a friend of Miss. Homuth, Was hostess for akitchen show- er prior to the wedding. �. VARNA The Varna United Church Explorers were entertained to a picnic at Rockery .Cabins, Bayfield, on Saturday last by their leaders, Mrs, William Clarke, Mrs. Roy Elliott, Mrs, A. J, Mustard. They were shown through the Siddal Fish, eries and sports were held, The results were: w•heeibar- row race, Mary Lou Johnston, Wendy RathwelI; necktie race, Mary Lou .Johnston, Lynn Tay- lor, Three - legged - race, Wendy Rathwel'l and Janice Clarke; candle scramble, Joanne Broeze; kick - the - slipper, Mary Lou Johnsaton, 0 Mrs, Fairservice vi , rser ce Buried On Sunday Mrs. Frances Matilda Fair - service died last Thursday at Thamesford. She was 83, She was ,born at Belgrave, but was a life-long resident of Londesibore, and a member of the Londesboro United Church. At the time of her death, she was staying with her daughter, Mrs. William (Gladys) Baigent. Funeral was Sunday from Londesboro United Church to Burns Cemetery. Mrs. Fairservice was the widow of Thomas, and is sur- vived by daughters: Mi' s. Baig- ent; Mrs. Albert (Beatrice) Shaddick; Mrs. Clifford (Violet) Cooper, both of Clanton;. Mrs. Chris (Joyce) Kennedy, of Londesboro. Pallbearers at the funeral were: Edgar Wiightman, liam - V"ancamp, Earl Noble, Ernest Noble, George Noble, Ernest Stevens, nephews, Flowerbearers were: Gary Cooper, Barry Baigent, Gerald Shaddick, Wayne Kennedy, Bradley Kennedy, Mark Ken- nedy, grandsons. I:R . .ned At Gr n e a" d B nid Thug•, JWne 2S. 1964Y--CI�:ntan IH ws40.;9 d'!a 4 " . inton, secretary of the Huron unt ed at - y I+,. er. icor of Agz'1'c!zl tire, attended the regi'.p i 4 eche*? e at r as Via. ney over Che � "... t weekend, WO2 and Mrs. 1Vlal'y Brazier oi' Middleton. P ch, •Trenton, visited with. Mr. and Mi"s, Len, $ebroe'ter, Kirk Street. Mr", and Mrs,. Rehm* Eckli,n of Hamilton, visited with Mr; and Mrs, Pavid. E'asom on .Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs;. Yvan" Hoggart and Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Hpg- Bart spent last Wed'nesda'y with Mr, and Mrs.. Gorden Cur�tss, Arkona.. A Clinton yo4th was fined 5 d 2 costswhen, $ •axtt.. o . �4 � n lx#te 15 he•pee d an 1?o1Ie court a?t' Orland fiend to face a 04140 .0' dvb 1:1ng 140 4, wa Pima s R, Allan Doherty, Wayne Heard„ of Bayfield, wlas. fined $$0 and :posts when _.he appeared in Grand gond to answer rte. the ea'rne .charge. KI.P. PEN Pepper sowon On Sunday. June 21, the Pep- per ;family .held their anniva, re -union in Seaforth Lions Park with a good at'tendanee. Conilpdttee members were as fellawe; president, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Pepper; secretary -treas- urer, Mr. and Mrs, Rags Gor- don; sports, Mr, and. Mrs, Bert, Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Mol Bali, Mr. and Mrs. Pon Crich; table committee Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Me and Mrs. Alex Pep, per, Mr, end Mrs. Harold Toy. A very successful Ilam and Strawberry Supper was 'held Friday in the Sunday school roomsd� the .an basement of St. Andrew's United Church, span- cored by the UCVV. Visitors during the week with Mr, Robert Thomson were: Mr. end Mrs. Lorne Schneider and Garry of Stratford, and on Father's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes and. Larry of London, Father's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Long included: Mrs. M. Uieh of Windsor, Mr, Oswald Brown, QC, and ,Mix's, Brown, Detroit,Mr. and .Mrs. James Armstrong, Staffa, and Mr, and Mrs. Ed 'Little, Marcia and Cheryl, of Hensel', Women's Institute Hears Mr. Bowman The Clinton Wornen's Insti- tute met in the agricultural of- fice board room, June 18. The president, Mrs. W. Colelougb opened the meeting with the opening ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer. The 'minutes of the last meet- ing `were read by the assistant secretary, Mrs. Ron MacDonald. Mrs. R. kremlin gave the trees- urer's report. Mrs. Wes Hoggart, the con- vener for the topic, "Agricul- ture", introduced Mr. Bowman, the summer 'assistant agricul- ture representative for Huron. Mrs. Charles Nelson gave a report of the District Annual meeting held in Belgrave. Mrs. Milton Wiltse spoke on the Mary Stewart Collect which really started as a prayer in 1904, Plans for lihe Ibus trip to Brantford, June 25, were dealt with until the meeting was brought to a close. Lunch was served by the hostesses of the month: Mrs. John Gibson, Mrs. Tom Lep- pington, Mrs. Beatrice .Shipley, Mrs. Ed Welsh and Mrs. H. S.loman. 1111111\041T LET I.M.T. ARRANGE YOUR MORTGAGE For almost three-quarters of a century we have offered a friendly, personal service in the first mortgage field. We can arrange a first mortgage for you on your biome, farm or business property. All enquiries welcome. ESTABLISHED 1889 ""'''`r THE iNQUSTRiAL MORTGAGE &TRUST COMPANY Head Office: Sarnia • Oflkes in Forest and Petrolia H. C. LAWSON, Clinton Phone: Business 482-9644 Residence 482-9787 Big Trade -In Allowances Now In Effect On 1964 22" and 34" Ir Frigidaire Ranges AT THE CLINTON STORE 61NGERICH Saks & Service Ltd, ONTARIO St'ttEE1' Near Main Corner Pone 482-9634 ' III nllllllllil((I„111(,,,1„1„ 91 11111 11110 PIIII,II 11r �IiIII10I It I IIIIIIV II II. G:IIIIIIIIIIIIII II I IIIIIIII IliliI1111iLllila1111111111 11111111 OM 111 ..t t I m uu'•: m” ,,nwuuu .� IIII iiiipistal null ••un, Mrs, Ames Livermore spending a holiday in Essex and Grand Bend,. The. Hebden picnic was n'eid et the :home of Mrs �'ee n, Hob. don axed Mary Muir, 96 Vice boric Street on .Sunday, June 21, with. 16 people _In atteneb arice, Tile afternoon was epent in renewing Old acquaintances and. at the alone of 'the picnic a beaviiy-laden -table of goodies wa's 'enjoyed, People attended from Ingersoll and Leaden,. Harry Weypnouth and R. Ben- son Setter are re'Aresentixrg• C1440.11 IOU X4o'dge No. 83 at the meetimg of GrandLodge in Toronto, ?it is wcpected that Mr, Sutter will be appointed dist riot deputy grand master .of the local district. ' Mrs. Florence Elliott, of ,Cl, Police Probing Two Breakins Two cases of break, enter and 'theft are under investiga- tion Iby Clinton Police Depart- ment,. ent,. Both Were reported Mon-. day morning. An Air Chief eight transist- or pertteble radio in a black leather case was stolen from S•cruton's Firestone and Fuel Oil et 238 Albert Street, The thief or thieves gained entry by prying open an east window. The radio was valued et $29.95. The premises were ransacked, but only the radio was missing. Between $25 and $30 in ch- ange was stolen fiiom. Dory's Supertest Station, 89, Albert Street, by a thief or thieves who pried open a rear door. The piaata'c drawer from the till containing a quantity of silver was stolen. The investigations continue. Hobby Exhibition Planned Sept, 19 Unit One of the United :Ch- urch Women of Wesley: Willis United Church of =Ciinton are planning a }tabby and -Craft Exhxbitron for September 19. The big show will be held between .2:30 p.in. and 1,0;00 p,m. in the Clinton Legion Hall. Exhibition officials amoune- ed this week no more entries can be handled at the present time, although there is room yet far a few entries in the children's classes, Murray Draper, of Clinton, will be displaying his antique organs and music boxes, scouts, guides, brownies and .cubs will . display their camp crafts, and Daphne Manns will have her loom in operation throughout 'the show. The Huron Counity Numis- matic Club, 'the Ceramic Club of .Exeter, and the Art Club of Goderich all will be participat- ing in the exhibition. Adnlistsi'on cherges to the show cif 75c 'far adults and 25c for children will be used for missionary work and the UCW's allocation to' the church, Quality & Service COSMETIC SPECTACULAR OF . HAZEL BISHOP Lipsticks -6 shades Reg. $1,25 .,.. 59e Compact Make Up -5 shades Reg. $1.00 53c Nait Polish -9 shades Reg. 59c 28c Lash Builder -2 shades Reg. $1,00 • 53c Hair Spray -12 -oz. Reg. 97c 76o This Sale For A Limited Time Only --Stock Up Now POLYMULSI0N ‘24 -oz. -- reg, $6.50 for $4.19 4 -oz. — reg. $1.75 for 99c ORANGE TAG SALE SPECIALS A -S-A Headache Tablets 100's -reg. 69c for 49c 500's—reg. $2.49 for $1.13 Hair Spray 20-oz.—reg, $2,50 for $1.89 Tiffany Deodorant 51.25 for 98c — $1.85 for $1.29 Dusting Powder Reg. $2.00 for 51.49 Blue Lined Envelopes 50's—reg. 55c for 39c Zori Sandals Ladies—reg, 89c for 57c Children's --.reg. 68e for 440 Tooth Brushes reg. 69e — 2 for 970 -. Nait Polish 8 shades, reg. 59c for 35c Rubber Gloves reg. 98e for 88c This is only a few of the 300 items in the Orange Tag Sale. Come in and see us. NEWCOMBE Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario HELPYOUR RED CROSS A Few Minutes of YOUR time Can Mean a LIFE -TIME for Someone Else— BE A BLOOD DONOR • Now is the time to share your good health • Fresh Blood is needed every day • Blood is supplied free to those who need it ---when they need it --through arrange- ments made by the Canadian Red Cross, Blood Donor Clinic Tuesday, June 30 Ontario street United Church ,,,,,, mm�milltinlili na'iuuh,lp,unnu „ (CHRISTIAN EDUCATION WING) 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. REME MBER- The Life You Save May be Your Own I' !