HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-06-25, Page 2Larry, Gordon Edwards Visit Parents Larry Edwards (left) and his brother, Gordon, .,visited their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs,. Alan Edwards, of Vietoria Street, Clinton, over the' past weekend, Larry left early this week fbr _Gainesville, Fla., where he will spend a year specializing in Pathology at the University of Florida Hospital. Gordon receiv, ed his. M.A. last week from the University of Chicago, and earlier received his MSc from 'LT of C. He will spend the summer working as an actuary with an insurance company, and in the fall will start lecturing in mathematics at the University of Western Ontario. . • Missionary Group Holds Elections The Jime meeting of 'St. Andrew's Presbyterian Wom- ens Missionary Society was held in the Sunday school room of the church with Mrs. Farquhar in charge of the devotional ex- ercises. She opened the meeting with call to worship and a hymn. The scripture lesson was taken from 1st Cor. followed by .prayer. Mrs. Lobb and Jeanette sang a duet, -the offering was re.- ceived, an. dedicated. The topic, "Outlook through Evangelism" was given by'lVtrs. Makins with Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs. Lobb taking part in, a panel discus- Sion. Mrs. Lobb spoke on Christ- ian Education which had been discussed at the Presbyterial. Roll call was answered ,by each member giving one of God's promises. Business was discussed and the meeting closed with a psalm and prayer by Mrs. Far- quhar. After the meeting closed the Mission Band gathered and entertained the WMS with a program which was much en- - joyed. Lunch was served by t h e mothers of Mission. Band mem- bers and a vote of thanks was tendered them by Mrs. McKen- zie. WRITING TO ANYONE? your envelope should show: The name of the person you are addressing. 4,1 The street number,' street name, or post office box number, apartment br business block, suite, if any. City, town or village, and postal zone, if in use, province, too, Your name and your complete address in the upper left corner. please don't make the postman guess— be sure to write the correct address. 3 4 OSTe‘p CANADA 40 0 Wet#Wisi atatt.rsdeogoo°1"4"4` ktif oaeolasio,00."'""** oppEizticm cpNT, Dancing Every Saturday Night For The Young Crowd NO SLACKS, BL,UE JEANS OR SHORTS THIS WEEK-- • "THE DES.-KEYS" 9:00 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION: 75o PER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial $241-9371 or 524-9264 2.1.tfb Such an important gift ps a diamond should be chosen with special Care. Phone 482-9525 For an appointment Take time to choose your diamond in privacy . . . in our lovely diamond selection room. Over 100 Diamonds to choose from. ANSTETT Jewellers Ltd. =Clinton et. HOTEL (UNTO Featuring 'Cloud 9" Room SMORGASBOR, EVerY, Wednesday & Stiriday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OAR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a Basket' Friday Servedfrom 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday---Served front 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Phone 482-7011 for ReservatiOns • Wo Dater to Dinner Partiet-And Wedding Reeeptiona ioirodk SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, JULY Hearing Aid Service Clinic t p.m. to 3 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phone for tree Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OP HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener "rills. TRYATLANTIC'S- THRIFTY FIFTY" (.ORR WEas) $50,00 .costs only 23e7ho.ntig".41512-1f4 '45:3110 yi Atlantic Finance cpiipaRATIPN JOHN HARPER 7 RATTgNat.IRY• Branch Manager CLINTON,, PNT, WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerator-Freezer MODEL RLE31 12.8 cu. ft., two-door Refrigerator-Freezer; Separate 105 lb. Freezer; Cold Injector Cooling System gives completely automatic defrosting; 10-position adjustable shelves; 13-lb. porcelain meat keeper and twin humidrawers. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor "Your Westinghouse Dealer" 482-6646 Clinton Phone 482-7621 Clinton We Are Please That We Now Offer You A Convenient Credit Plan. Simply "Choose and Charge" POLE LAMPS Standard B' Ceiling, Brown/Brass, Brown Pole, White Poly Bul,lets on Brass Swivel. Reg: $13.79 $1159 EA. STEDCO BICYCLES BOYS' and GIRLS' Frame Size 22x20, Single Bar, 'Metglic Red, White Mudguards.' Reg, $49.95 DUSTY TWEED RUGS FOAM BACK BOUND EDGES COLORS — Brown, Beige, Green Reg. CASH $1 9.95 $23.79 PRICE NO DOWN OR' PAYMENT PAYMENT MO NTH 5 Open A oday. FEATURING: et Account No Down Payment. 2. Easy Monthly Teems 3. Initial Purchase of $15.00 or more. .4. Add to you account with $8.00 or more, 5. Rebates for prepayment's of accounts, ASK „ANT' MEMBER. OF OUR 'STAFF-FOR DETAILS. Page Baptist. Pastor 'Wins Three Major Awards. .craig Peters, paStOr, of Cl,,' $404 Apaz,04`r,ch4rell, recently was awarded three major es at the co.mmeTleeme40 of McMaster uhiversity ancl Master Divinity College. PROFESSIONAL COIN-OP DRY-CLEANING Have all out - of - season clothing cleaned before stor- ing at only 25c per pound, 4 pounds for $1.00, 10 pounds for $2.00. FOR FAST SERVICE take orders to our plant at 166 Beech St., across from Drive-in Theatre. PROFESSIONAL PRES- SERS available for articles you may wish to press (while you wait). JULY LUCKY NUMBER 1 740 1•11010.1.1•••11•10111MONS On Wednesday, June 17, 1964 a Music Recital was presented by the pupils of Mrs. A. Lang- -doll, =Vs Nancy Olde and Miss Lois Grasby at Ontario Street United Church. Mrs. Langdon's pupils, Jean Falconer and Dick Jewson, played a Minuet by Bach and a waltz by Ward, and Schub- ert's Ecossaise. Edward Stelcks Mark Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. EdWard Stelck, formerly of Dashwood, celebrat- ed their 58th wedding anniver- sary on Saturday, June 13, at Goderich Park. Their son Mervyn -and his wife of Brantford, their daugh- ter Patsy, With husband and two boys Peter and Evan of Toronto, were present as well .as Mr. and Mrs..Lioyd 'Hey of Crediton, niece and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Stelck.. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Stelck'S son treated his par- ents to a long car ride 'to see the beauty of the countryside. During the week they were visited by relatives including: Dr. and Mrs. Catt of Edmonton, Mrs, Walter Fassold, Mrs. Ada Ratz of London, (Mrs. Ratz was the flower girl when they were married in 1907), Mr. Wil- liam Hey of Dashwood, brother of Mrs. Stelck, was the best than and Miss Margaret Stelck of California was bridesmaid, and these attendants are all living. &relict& Party Marks Birthdays The Hurondale. Institute had charge of the June birthday party at HuronvieW on. June 17. The residents with birthdays in the month of June Sat ar- ound a large birthday cake while birthday pictures were taken. There were 19 birthdays to be celebrated: Mrs. Griffith; Mary Young; William Cole; Mrs, Corey; Mrs. Wiltse; Mrs. Weir; Hugh Walker; ' George McClinchey; Charles Wey- mouth; Mrs. Reid; Miss Ellacot Mrs. Shapton; Mrs. Vremlin; William Mair; David Clark; Mrs. Litt; Isaac McGaVin; Mrs, Oakley and Mrs. Pollard. Each received a birthday gift from the Institute, Mrs. Brock was chairman for the short program which start- ed with a sing-song followed by a comic skit, a reading by Mrs, Brock and a duet by Mrs. Pooley and Mrs. Squires. Lunch Was served. Miss Julia Walden .and Miss Martha Newland played a pi- ano duet, "Dancing Water". Wide Range Miss .01de's pupils, ' Nancy Neal :and David Aiken present- ed "Early One Morning". and Bach's Bouree. Teacher Mrs. Vi' Howes led the United Chorus of SS No. 11 Hullett in "Canada", Mrs. Mary Hearn sang two vocal solos, and Miss Sherry Coch- rane .played .Finlandia as an organ solo: Wendy Caldwell and Betty Snell played -a piano duet and Janet and Joyce .Felooner play- ed a piano duet also. Many Took Part Others of Miss Grasby's pup- ils Who. partidipated were: Hel- en and Glenyce Anderson, Betty Snell, Barbara Symons, Harris Snell, Paul Lavis, Marilyn Cut- ler, Patricia Brown, Janice Tre- wartha, Ruth Cutler, Ruth; Mur- phy, Linda Stirling, Gary Black, Beather -Snell, Lucille Bond,, Brian Cox, Frances Blacker, Pamela Servos, Sandra Middle- ton, and Cathie Potter. A piano trio ,was played by Lynda Cook, artha Newland and Julia Walden. 0 Golden Wedding Marked Quietly Mr. and Mrs. Derwin Carter of 147 Ontario Street quietly celebrated their Golden wed- ding Anniversary - yesterday (Wednesday). The Carters have lived in Clinton far the past 15 years when Mr. Carter retired from farming near Londesboro. They have a son, Lloyd,' of Toronto, and a daughter, Alma, wife of Dr. Mewhort, 'and two grandchildren. ,....nonsommeon• DANCING - Every Friday Night at BLUEWATER DANCELAND Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA .11 Area:manisis. Awarded Honors By-Conservatory total -of 26 area 111.14*1.4.114. were s..uceessful candidates in regent :piano examinations :held' in Clinton by the Royal servate7 of Music, Toronto. :gleYen thO Y o u 4 .g "dents scored honors, The, :Students who were successful are AS feiloWS, liSted by OOP.- ses, and in the order of merit, OP:ado X. .K.O4PrS: Sandra Middleton, Catherine Potter, pass; 'Frank Wheeler. Grade VIII Pass: James A. Traquair; Shirley J. Norman; FranCeS A. Blacker, Grade VII Pass: Kenneth .4. Jones, Grade V Pass: Ruth L. Murphy; Greg- ory McCarty; Jardce Marlene rrrewartha, Marie Trewaftha (equal); Linda F. East, Grade IV • Honors: Margaret F. Far- quhar, Martha J. Newland (eqUal); Kathleen MeEwing Pass: James J. Wright; Dawn Prest; Sandra Harder, Martha Hanley (equal); Dee Fisher. . .Grad.e III Honors: Cheryl Peck, Grade TI First Class Honors: Julia A. Walden. Honors: Diane R. Filion; Mary B, Harland; Peter Paul Filion. Grade I Honors: Mary J. Bertrand. Royal Conservatory of Music results in theory are as fol- lows: Grade II First Class Honors: - Bond; Heather Snell; Honors: Marilyn Cutler, Mar- ie Johnston. Grade. I First Class Honors: Patsy Brown. Television Rentals Repairs by week to all or month makes MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 ,Victoria St., Clinton Phone 482-7021 Area Music Students Give Recital At Ontario Street United Church Each month one lucky customer will WIN $10.00 FREE CLEANING, CREDIT In the first issue of the News-Record each month, a lucky number will be pub- lished. If the number is on your Clinon Laundry and Dry Cleaners calendar, you must phone Clinton Laundry at 482-7064 and claim your $10.00 Free ,Cleaning Credit, The number will also be posted at the Coin Operated Laundry at 63 Albert Street. USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY: DROP YOUR BUNDLE .IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P.M. Clinton NOwS,R9c0r0.----4h4.0.1 June 23, 1964 He won the Hoyes .4oyd Memorial Prize- in New •Teslia . meat -Qreel.q• •The John Mac. Neil, SchelarSbip in :Preaching award, APO ' g, Prank w4ght Seholarship.for General Prefigierey in New Testament. Studies, years I .4114 u. S. - LAUNDRY „„ EAKE R LIMITED atee"041:76-a€4,rwAm Tel: 482-7064