HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-06-11, Page 9NW 9—Clinton News-,Record—ThUrs.,lne 11. 1964 BEAVTIFV1, 0,13,EZY 1 I ,,,, ., , By BEIA,CHANIBER B., , . .. ' . . „ .. ,... PERSONAL ITEMS . CHURCH SEWS 0 CLUB ACTIVITIES . VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent MRS, AUDREY BELLOHAMBER —,— Phone Ba y, fi eld 38 SPIDScriations, Classified Adys,, Display Advs. and Jab Printing ' all accepted by the Eiayfield correspondent CHSS Student Conned r 1964-1965 These four young -Clintonians will make up the student government of Central Iiuron Secondary School during the next school year. From the left; Lynn Rees, secretary; Richard Shaddick, president; 'Michael Scotchmer, treasurer; Lorraine Deveau, vice-president, Surprise Party Honors Talbot Mr. and Mrs. William Talbot, Bayfield, went .to' the Wild- wood Restaurant on Saturday evening expecting to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary quietly with a daughter.' On their arrival they noticed that preparations had been made for a more elaborate celebration. Even then they were unaware of the significance -of the three- tier wedding cake and tables tastefully decorated with mauve and white flowers. They were quickly joined by 17 members of their immediate family who had carefully plan- ned a memorable evening in their honour. Those Present Among those present were, sons Dewar and William, Jr., and daughters Lorraine (Mrs. Telford, Simcoe), and Mary (Mrs. Rathwell, Goderich Twp.) After dinner they all repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Talbot where the family pre- sented therai with gifts to mark the occasion. ' Mr. Talbot is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, and his bride, the former Eva Dewar, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. Dewar, Blue- water Highway. They were married by the late Rev, A, MacFarlane at his residence on Delevan Street, home of the late Mrs. Annie Campbell and her daughter Mrs. R. Scotchmer who were wit- nesses to their marriage. NOTICE EXTRA MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE BETZE SEED Delivery Accepted At Harvest Contact E. L. MIME & SON LIMITED Phone 103 He-NsAu. xatth JAMES I. McINTOSH, Treasurer. 23-4 41,1111•1111111111111MONIIIIMMININIEN11011117111111111•••••••10•011111MM IIIMMIONIONOWINIIMNIMMEMINOMMINNIMMIMIMMIc Surplus Machinery At Invoice Prices 1—B414 Diesel Tractor with 14.9x28x6 ply tires and power steering 1—No. 101 Manure Spreader 1—No. 103 Manure Spreader 1—No. 37-81/2 ft. Dist Harrow 1—No. 2A Hay Conditioner 1—No. 100 Mower Rotary Weeders and Disc Milers USED MACHINES Pickup Attachment for New Holland Forage Harvester 8-Ft. Mewl, Spring TdOth Cultivator 10-Ft. IH Cultivator IH Fast Hitch Mower McCormick Deering No. 62 Combine Twin Draulic Manure Loader IH Combined Side Rake and Tedder 30-Plate Ilissel Disc Your Leading Ports and Accessories Depot JOHN BACH PHONE 17 SEAFORTH V FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative F. E. Hunt, Shipper Phone 856 R. 14 COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LT White Bean Seed $9.50 per cwt. Registered No. I ,t Second Generation SANILAC -- SEAWAY — MICHELITE 62 SAGINAW Contracts Available Refunds given on early purchases Phone 24 Hensall, Ont. GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER PORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER ALES seRvrct INSTALLATION JOHN BEANEI Jr. Phone . dolled 482-9256 BRUEFIELD, ONT. DRAINAGE TENDER Township of Hullett TENDERS will be received by the Township of Hullett for the construction of a municipal drain known as: "THE STOREY MUNICIPAL DRAIN" The extent of the work is as follows: 10,053 Lineal Feet of Open Drain Spreading Excavated Material and Removing Brush and Trees. Plans and specifications fox the above construction may be examined at the clerk's office, Lot 16, Con. 8, Hullett Township, • Tenders are to be in the clerk's office not later than 6:00 o'clock p.m., June 20, 1964. All tenders must be clearly marked as to contents and be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk-Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 24-5b The Township of Hullett Federal-Provincial CENTENNIAL GRANTS PROGRAM The Council of the Township of Hullett will receive suggestions from individuals and delega- tions from groups and organizations for a suitable Centennial Project' for Hullett Township under the provisions of the Centennial Grants Program. The following types of Projects will be considered under the Program: (a) The Acquisition and construction of buildings, parks, and other Capital works, (b) The acquisition of buildings of historic or architectural merit, and any furniture or furnishings therein, (c) The restoration of buildings of historical or architec- tural merit. (d) The writing and publishing of books. (e) The composition of musical works, and (f) The creation and completion of paintings and sculpture and other works of Art. All suggestions are to be submitted to the Council by Monday the 22nd day of June, 1964. The Council will meet at the Community Hall, Londesboro at the hour of 8;30 p.m. for the -purpose of considering suggestions and receiving delegations. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 24b TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. , No wire fencing, old con- crete, or 'car bodies per- mitted, I. McIntosh, Clerk latfb Mr, end .Mrs, Jim rasher and sans, of St. Agathe, were at their cottage for the Weekend. Mrs. Robert Young and Mrs. Clara Sayers with her grand-, son, Jay Rae; Sarnia, visited 'With Mrs, J. B. Rethwell on Tuesday, Me, :and Mrs, E. R,. Weston, of west Street, Gederiele wish to inform area friends of their son,, Clayton, that 'he has been discharged from hospital Chicago, and now is eactiperet, ing at 1964' Fargo Ave., 'Chic- ego. F/L and Mrs. R. A, Simone, Randy and Danielle, Downs- view, are spending a week's vacation at their home, "Shane gri-La". Wednesday, Mrs, Sim- ons is returning ta. Downsview to attend ,a dinner at the offic- ers' mess for wives of 436 equa- ly badges went to .Colleen Mer- rier, Brenda Maki*. and Pat- ricia Payne; Writers badges to Brenda Makins and. .Colleen Merner, The "Fly Up" followed; wings having been presented by the- Commissioner, Colleen Merner and Brenda Makins became Guides. After welcoming her new meiribers, the Guide Captain, MrS. R. Maloney) presented Ser vice $tars to various members of her company. A joint Brownie-Guide program follow- ed and 'the Commissioner, Miss McMillen, in a short address, thanked the Bayfield Company for inviting her and congratul- ated the girls 'on 'their achieve,- ments, the leaders for their de- voted services, and the Ladies • of the Local Association for their continued assistance. Brownies Mary Lou Castle and Patricia Payne responded. A closing prayer was offered by Rev. A, G. Pease and the evening concluded with refresh- ments, served by members . of the Local Association, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Br:I-seen Were in Detroit from Saturday 141 Thursday. and Mrs, .Spenoer Drone spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strong of Arhwright. Mr. and Mrs, ,.Cordon wag; Windsor, were at their cottage on Victoria Place for 'the week- end, Dr, and Mrs, Ray Flowers and children, London, were guests of Iris parents this week- end. Mrs. W, It, Aberhart end Mrs. F, A. Furter, London, spent Saturday at the former's cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. William Hut- ton, London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson at the weekend. Janis Galbraith, Clinton, was with her grandparents, Mr. arid Mee. Charles Bell aver the weekend. Stephen Scotchmer, Corn- wall, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Scotchmer for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chatter- ton and daughter Cassie, Yale, Mich., spent Sunday with. Mrs. Bruce R, Menerey. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Leonard, Mavis and •Kal, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Featherston. Mr. and Mrs. John Siertsema who have taken up residence in the village, 'have purchased the former Glenn Brandon prOperty. Mr, and Mrs. Frank, Ander- son and family, Science Hill, spent Sunday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Pence and two children, Troy, Mich., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Jack At- kinson. Mr. William Speed, her dau- ghter, Mrs. W. Brown, Dear- born, Mich., and Mrs. W. Davey with young son, of Lavonia, Mich., visited Mrs. R. H. F, Gairdner last week. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Williams of Sarnia and children Cindy and Michael, called at the Rect- ory, Sunday afternoon while visiting other friends in the village. Brig. F. A. Clift attended a drumhead service in Victoria Park, London, on Sunday. The memorial service was sponsor- ed by Zone-A6, Royal Canadian Legion, to mark the 20th anni- versary of D-Day. On Wednesday last, Mrs. Bruce R. Menerey attended the grad- uation of her niece, Miss Gaye Elliott, Alma College. Follow- ing the ceremony they both re- turned to Bayfield, where Miss Elliott spent a -few days with her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Lone and their daughter, Miss Mary O'Lone of Howell, Mich., are spending a fortnight at Mrs. Rogers' cottage, also staying with them is Mrs. Margaret Bruns, Mr. O'Lone's sister, of Berkley, Mich. Tom Logan Jr., London, spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs, Tom Logan. His young sister, Kathy, Is very happy to have brought home h'er new pony which has' spent the winter at Harold Peck's farm. - Miss Esther Conley, principal of the School for Crippled Children, Detroit, visited the Misses Drovin at Hillcrest cot- tage and Miss Adele Fetriette of Herrihaven cottage. She was accompanied 'by Miss Grace Wolkenden of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hughes, TillSoribtirg, were guests on, Thursday at The Little Ten; other registrations were: Miss Darntide, London,; Mr. and Mrs. B. Noble, Sarnia; Mrs. Natalia Couttes and Miss Marilyn Davis, London. Mr. James Cameron was in Toronto early last week, as the guest of Mr. J. L. McCullough, a retired •Supereiser of Educa- tion, and also attended the principal's dinhet at Hart House. He -spent the latter part of the Week et the home of his ton, Evans. On his return, Evans and daughter, Bonnie, aceonipabled him Mid , stayed With Mr. and MrS. J. Carneron fey the Week- end. Rev. Lorne Sparks Heads Bayfield Bible Society Group The Bible Society held a meeting at 'the United Church on Sunday evening, June 7, Rev. A. G Pease opened the meeting end asked Rev. B. J,B, Harrisen.to offer opening prey, erg, Mrs, Fred Weston, secretary- treasurer, read minutes of the 'previous meeting, held in 1961, The president, Donald MeKen- ale called for a new slate of officers, Those nominated were; Rev. Lorne Sparks, president; Mrs, R. 3. Larson., vice-presi- dent; Mrs. L, King, secretary- treasurers, The outgoing president then called for a Bible Society com- mittee member to be appointed by each participating church, After formal business, Rev. Pease introduced guest speaker, Rev, H. Donaldson, Seaforth, The meeting which was well attended, closed with prayer by Rev. A. G. Pease. Bayfield Brownies Attend Seaforth Annual Revel On Saturday, June 6, the 1st Bayfield Brownie Pack and the leaders went to Seaforth for the Annual • Brownie Revel. They arrived at Victoria Park, Seaforth, at 10:00 a.m. and joined other packs from Sea- forth, Egmondville, Brussels, Godexech, Clinton, Clinton RCAF, some 265 Brownies in all. From Victoria Park they marched ,to the Seaforth Lions Park, led by the Goderich Kilty Band. The theme for this year was Nursery Rhymes and on arriving at the park each pack was given a "Home" and here they put up a sign depicting their chosen nursery rhyme. Opening xereises The opening exercises- were the forming of the Fairy Ring, followed by Brownie Six Songs and Brownie Promise. ,. The Brown Owl from Egmondville introduced Miss Mary McMill- an, Division Commissioner. The remainder of the morning was spent in games. By noon all were ready for their picnic lunch, After a short rest period a few games were played before joining in Pow Wow. At this time each pack donned their simple but very illustrative cos- tumes for the nursery rhyme chosen, The song for ending Pow Wow was "This Little Brownie Light of Mine". This was followed by Brownie Pray- er and "God Save The Queen". Express Thanks And so 11 tired but happy Brownies arrived back in Bay- field at 3:00 p.m. The Brownie' leaders are very grateful to Mrs. M. MacFadden, Messrs, R. MacVean and G. Scotchmer for providing the transportation for the day. This ends 1st Bayfield Brownie Pack activitiet for the summer Months. Bayfield Firemen At Furnace Fire . Bayfield Volunteer Firemen were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Scotchmer early Saturday, May 30. A mechanical failure in the furnace caused an accumulation of fuel to ig- nite. Mr, Scotchmer had the fire under control before help ar- rived, but considerable damage from smoke and soot will neces- sitate extensive cleaning oper- ations. Ryerson Teachers Gather Here Before Parting On Friday evening, June 5, 32 members of the staff of Ryerson School, London, gath- ered at 'the summer home of the Right Rev. W, A. Town- shend, Suffragan Bishop of Huron. The occasion was the annual "get together" and valediction of staff members about to leave for various rea- sons. This year Bayfield has a special interest as Vicki Chaff and Jim Townshend were both among these so honoured. After dinner at The Little Inn, seven of the assembled company were presented with gifts. Receive Gifts Miss Vicki Cluff was given a sterling silver fruit bowl and J. Townshend was the recipient of a brief case. Mr. Townshend 'is leaving the staff -to become vice-principal of Princess Anne School, Lon- don. Miss Cluff who is to be. mar- ried this summer intends to teach in Toronto next fall. IT'S NEW! See it, test drive it today! JET STAR 3 TOUGH! STRONG! RESPONSIVE! FOR HAYING Fox Super 6 Forage Harvester Self Unloading Wagon CR2 Reciprocating Rake J610 Mower With rear take-off for M-M Conditioner • .4•••• mom. m.••• Lrid Post Hole Diggers and Rack Blades IYBYI Woirlers Finest tractors L0100 Manure Spreaders 1,3•64. 4i{imr *4, .4.+W .14:•;4 RAY POTTER AND SONS 482490 tLINToN Students Choose -Council for Next Year Central Hrprpp. Secondary School students have eleeted new slate of .ofileer, serve on St1,10ePit. council during the next eeireel year. Richard ,Sheddiek, the new president, succeeds _Bwie .and mice-president Ler-. mine Deveau succeeds Bran Lays, Michael Seotchmer whe was secretary last year, has been elected as treasurer this year, Loin Aces is the new secretary, Duties of the new .council. in, • elude such matters as .organiz-, ing various earepaignseeeuch as the .selling of school rings and sweaters, and the planning of dances and other events, The council also plans various money-making events and uses the money for school improve- mei-Its. One year, a' student council raised enough money to buy new bleachers for the school gymnasium o. • • Township of Tuckersmith TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1964 The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rote of 6% per annum from June 15th to December 15th on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office: Tuckersmith, RR 3, Seaforth. The' United Church was the scene of ,a happy ceremony on Friday evening, 'when two Bay , jielci Brownies, Brenda Makins and colleen Merrier joined their older 'sisters; the Grades, The evening opened With wel- coming remarks by Brown OW1, - Mrs. K. Brandon, who also in- trodUced the Conimiseiorien Miss Mary -McMillen. Starting as a, normal Brownie meeting, the importance of the event became apparent with 'the presentation of 'third year Ser. - vice Stars by Brown Owl to those about to. "fly up," Tawny Owl, Mrs. J. Lindsay, then presented "Golden Bars" 'to Dale Scotchmer, Mary Mc- Fadden Louise MacVean and Mary 'Lou Castle, Mary Lou was l'alsce the recipient of the "Golden Ladder", an unusual honour. Thrift badges were received by Colleen Merner, Brenda Makins and Patricia Payne, Skaters badges were awarded to Dale Sootchmer, Patricia Payne and 'Colleen Merner and Mary .McFadden; House Order- dron, personnel, who are tobe transferred at the! end of July.. Mrs, Joe Landenbach, David and Andrew, Montreal, stayed with her mother,. Mrs, E, J. Boner, of Kitchener, art her lakeside cottage this weekend,. Also seen 'at their cottages were: Mr, and Mrs, -George Fox, Birmingham, Mich., and Mr, and Mrs. E. McCauley and of Rexdale. Spending the weekend at their cottages were Mr and Mrs. E. Carson, Judy, Doug, Steven and Donna, London; Mn and Mrs, Martin Andrews and children, London; Mr. and Mrs, • Ileintze and baby daughter) of Waterloo; Mrs, Duggan. Miss Patricia Duggan and guests, Stratford; Mrs. Heideman and Miss Isabelle Heideman, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mm'... ray, Teronto, Two Bayfield Brownies Join Guides In Colorful "Hying Up" Ceremonies HENSALL TWILIGHT STOCK SHOW Heaviny Horses, Light Horses, Ponies IMPLEMENT SHOW WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1%4 6 o'clock p.m. . . FEATURING . • • 56 Prize Hereford Feeding Calves, to be Judged and Auctioned Baby Show (no entry fee) Prizes for all Contestants Centralia RCAF Trumpet Band CKNX Mobile Unit MIDWAY PROGRAMME MIDWAY TORY GREGG, MASTER 'Or CEREMONIES School Parade / p.m. Official Opening Y:30 Free braw for Ohlktren in SOW Parade MD p.m. A10101 Sale of calves 9:30 p.m* ADMISSION: 75o, students so°, Children •Free 24b —*will