HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-06-11, Page 8�t VAR# FOR SALE MIXED GRAIN for ;sale, �d Mc�lymont, Valva, ,Picone 4$2b- 321.. 24. 'FARMERS For ali your Haying Requirements s see thhe new `WAGONS AKTIV MOWERS :RAKES reel. & wheel type i ELEVATORS. HAY CONDITIONERS Minneapolis -Moline and Foxl I'ORA(5E EQUIPMENT at. HAUGH BROS.,. FARM EQUIPMENT 1 ,Mile East of Brucefield 24-5.6b A. BE N GROWERS Control Mexican Bean Beefles, Aphids and Leaf Hoppers TH I,MET in the fertilizer at planting should do the job for the whole season without spray- ing. pray ing. ITION FOR S*L9. HIQ" CEDAR POSTS. James Storey, 482.,9258, 24-5p 40 HI -LINE PVLLF_,TS, now l,ay�irug. Brune Roy, LRndesboro, Lyhon e 523.42.37, Blyth, 24M 3 -BAR TNTBRNA'l'IONAL side. rake, Contact watt W014ea^, Varna, Ont, 241) CUi$TQK LOADER --,, gravel, diiit, manure and small exca- valtion. Phone 482,9258. :24-5p CUSTOM WORK, SPRAYING For all yourspraying require- ments: cattle spraying, crop, brush, barn cleaning,' white washing with the most modern equipment available, MURRAY . R'EID LON DE$.BORO Dial Blyth 523-1527 LIVESTOCK FOk SALE 32 PIGS, 7. weeks old. , Ralph Stryk{er, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 482.-3310, Clinton. 24,p SERVICES DITCHING Machine available. Efficient operator, Alex Irvine, phone 549W Seaforth, 21-2-3.4p DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS , Call Colleet DA- RLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2.7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb Novice To Creditors In the Estate of REVEREND DAVID JAMES LANE, Pres- byterian Minister, Deceased. All persons 'having claims against the Estate of the said Reverend David James. Lane, late of 118 Huron Street, Clin- ton, Ontario, who died on or about the 3rd day of February, A.D. 1964, are hereby notified -to send particulars 'of same to the undersigned on or Before the 15th day of June 1964, af- New Low Price ter which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under - Call signed shall theh have notice, and the undersigned will net be Harriston liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have . notice. Fertilizers Ltd. Dated at Toronto, this 28th day of May 1964. EASTERN & CIIARTERED Phone 4$2-9133 TRUST COMPANY, 21tfb 1901 Yonge Street, _ Toronto, Ontario, by its MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Solicitor Herein, Red only. "The better kind". E. Beecher Menzies, Esq,, Only, $1.13 (tax included). At Barristor, Solicitor, Clinton News -Record., 34tfb Clinton, Ontario. SHlERIFF°S SALE OF LANDS ` UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Supreme -Court of Ontario at Goderich, bearing date j the 25th day of October, 1962, to me directed, wherein Canadian mm Imperial Bank of Coerce is Plaintiff and Finlay .MacKenzie ,Samis is Defendant, I have seized and taken 'in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said Finlay MacKenzie Samis in and to the following property: l= I RS'TLY: All, and. Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Colborne inthe County of Huron and being composed of Lot 7, Concession 9, Western Division, in -the said Township of Colborne, containing 100 acres, all workable land, ON the :premises is said to be erected a Bank Barn, Silo and one storey Farm Nouse, SECONDLY: All and Singular that certain parcel ,or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of SeafoAh, in the County of Huron and being composed of 'parts of Lots Numbers 3 and 4 in Block "A" on Goderich Street in Beattie and 'Stark's Survey of said Town of Seaforth and more particularly .described as follows;Commencing, said Lotat the South- westerly angle of said Lot 4, Thence Easterly along the South- erly boundaries. of s 4. and 3 a distance of 118 feet 10 inches to the Southeasterly angle of said Lot 3, Thence Northerly along the Easterly limit of said Lot 3 a distance of 65 feet -to a point on said boundary; Thence westerly parallel with Southerly limits of said Lots 3 and 4 a distance of 118feet. 10 inches -to a point on the Westerly limit of said Lot 4; Alienee Southerly along said Westerly limit a distance of 65 feet to the ,place .of beginning. ON ,the premises Is said to be erected a Service Station, cncr to block cons trtCtian-4 X 5 . THIRbLY- All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land _ and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of parts of Lot Number H613 on the North side of Delevan :Street in the Village of Bayfield, more .particularly described as follows:+ Firstly --Commencing at a point in the Northerly limit of Delevan Street distant eighty-one feet three inches (8113') measured Westerly ifrom .the Southeast angle of the said Lot; Thence Northerly and parallel to .the Easterly limit of the said Lot, eighty feet (801) to the Northerly limit of the said Lot; Thence in a Southwesterly direction, along the said. Northerly limit seventy -•four (74') ,to a point; Thence Southeasterly, twenty- seven feet six inches (27'6") to a 'point in the Northerly _limit of Delevan Street, distant forty-four feet nine inches (44'9") Westerly from the place of beginning} Thence Easterly along the said Northerly limit of Delevan Street' forty-four feet nine inches (44'9") to the place of beginning. Secondly—Commencing at the. Northeast angle of said Lot; Thence Westerly along the Northerly limit of the said Lot, eighty feet (80) to a point; Thence Easterly, sixty feet :(60') more or less to a point on the Easterly dimit of the said Lot distant sixty-four feet (64') Southerly from the Northeast angle of the said Lot; Thence Northerly along the said Easterly limit, ssikc y -four feet (64') to the place of beginning, TOGETHER with a right of way at all time and for all purposes over and along the Westerly five .feet (5.) of the Iands immediately to a ( from r the ON the premises is said to be erected a Frame Cbtta' e main building 20'x20' With 2 9 0'x20' extension and '2 sun porches 1X30', ALL of Which said'right title, interest and equity of redemp� boil ,of the Said Finlay M. Scams,. defendant in the said lands and tenetnents; shall offer for, sale by pudic' audtioti in my, affic at t Co e he u Hbuse G � odeiich on Monday. the t July A.D. 1994 at 9:06 orclock to the aftemaori' t t 6 h dayof ` ,gkms 10% down :payment day of sale, Balance uX 30 14AMW L-d-§tUhaV 1§HERIFF, COUNTY OF HIbkON. BIRTHS Q S din Clrntof1 Public on Satuid'ay, -June to I.AC and Mrs, J. a Brapth Hospital, Montreal, on Friday,. June 5, 1.964, to Dr^s D, on and Mrs ?4?liroon nee 'Lisbeth. Sl'otnran) 4 daughter (Kv_4'garet Elizabeth). MYTEMA-14' Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, June 4, X964, to Mr, and lVtis Jahn Hoytema, RR 4 Qlinton, Ason, TZS—Tn 'C1iliton Public Hos, PINJ on Wednesday, June 10, 1564,, to Mr. and 1VTrS. If, G, 2vPs, RR 1 Blyth, a son, LAWSON -- In Clinton Public Hospital on S'arturclay, June 6, 1964, to Mr, • and hors, Reg, LaN son, RR 1 Clinton, iL Soli. S VO AAN -- In Vdctorla Hospi- tal, IAndon, on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs, Bill Slornan, ,London, a daughter (aTidy Lou), VER'BEEK — In Clinton Public Hospital on Thur�sdiay, June 4, 1964, to Mr ,and Mrs. Peter Verbeek, RR 1 Belg'rave, a daughter, DEATI"1S HABER At Los Angeles., 'Calif., where she had been living with her brother, Elgin Mason, for the past year, Mrs. Berne Mason Haber. Mrs. Haber, 'the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason, of Clinton, had been Irving in Romeo, Mich„ near Detroit. She died April 29, --• WALKER At Huronv'iew on June 4, 1964, Miss Minnie Walker, in her 92nd year. Funeral Was held June 6 wM Rev. C. G, Park of1;i!c- lati.ng, with burial in Baird's Cemetery; pall, -bearers: Frauk Andrews, Frank McGregor, N. Shepherd, Gregor McGregor, Epholam Snell, J. R. Makins, CARDS OF THANKS. Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Lawson wish -tto . thank their neighbors and friends for the gifts, cards, and making their 25th aIver nary party an enjoyable even- ing, 24p I would lake to thank all: my friends and neighbors.. for cards', gifts and flowers while a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital, Special -thanks, to Dr. Oakeis, nurses rand s;taPf.—DENNIS BISBACK. 24b I wish to express my thanks to friends and r4atives for flowers, card's and treats while a patient in Clinton Public Hos- Ata1l. Special ithanks to Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff. —LON MATTHEWS. 24p We wish to express our thianks and appreciation to all our friends and relatives, for the many lovely cards, flowers and treats we received while patients in. 'Clinton hospital. A special thank you to the doc- tors -'and nursing staff for all their . kindness: It • was, very much appreciated. EMERSON AND MAE HESK. 24p 1 wish to thank all my friends 'and neighbors who ire - membered me with flowers, cards and treats while a pat- ient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal.. Special thanks to Drs. Brady and M•alkus', nurses, UCW and CGIT of Brucefiedd United Church, All was deeply BURDGEed. — MRS. FRED, We wish to express our sin- cere thank. yod to all who have helped m any way over the past months with visits, card's, treats and flowers while Fred was in hospital. Also for all assistance •during our more re- cent bereavement, for the beau- tiful flora Orr butes, ala help and kindness shown, especially the W Filling Workers of Bayfield United iChurch, the Rev. A. G, Pease and all who gave him care in Victoria Hospital, Lon.. don and during 'has stay in Clinton •Public Haspibal.—NOR- MA,. GERRY, CATHY WALLTS, 24b Notice To Creditors and others, in the Estate of JANET MCLAREN IDOIG. All persons hav&.ng cliakm5 against the estate of Janet Mc- Laren Doig, late of the Town. shipa ck f Tu ersm,it'ti in the , County of Huron, who died on or about :the 30th day of March, 1964, are hereby no'tAieid to send parlticulars' of, same to the undersigned at $66 Bay Street, Toronto,. on or before -the 13th day of July, 1964, after Which date the estate will be distri- buted we t1th regard only to !the claims of Which the undersign- ed shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall ;loot be table to any person of all whose claims they shall not then halve notice. Dated, at Toronto this ilth day of June, 1964: Quaraniy Trust Company Of Canada by: $ell and Laughton, I Solicitors r iii. Its as ail,o s ho e 24-5-6b Clinfon Community Auction► Eames EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30' 06V60nMerit ili6peoted $calm Cattle Sotd- 'by Weight ,TERMS—.CASH CbR,ESi' JOE , Sties 14kanager ,.. N A �TS Mi,.lnd Mrs, ,ar4"y Arm 'thl•1r furrows,. of stiratfard, f i., I � .. ,.,.. ��:�•� Tbu . �ni 1.11t _ 1S64,. .... .. .ANNOUNCED .. �� ': '�': �n�: to _....._ ... R Shoppoo to ,eceiived a long distance phone , -- .. gagement of their daughter, 4 iI - " o fnee June Rozell) at Port Lily JoAnne to Mr. Roy J 4�' nn�:ar� 1 l . a de l o d so of Ae�c n.. x Te.€.,r , .....,n ... .u.$ i. , ��,,.�.. _ ..,. ... , .. M 112r, and Mrs,. :Fred .,36b Telford; 'Wed- , ,.,,, .:: o. e folks tali it . m. to k . e e as . Y .A at4irdaY but t e r. of Ba' f'iel'd.. .. 1, }shel fanny of Wintereoulrt Subdiv <si ' Cli ton,. i a take a 2:00 d ilg t to _ p..ace t _ . . • :.:, :: 4 1144 baasu. snyg I day-, July h11 a PSul's Anglican Carch, .9i 3aQim..S d�dai ghtr PSt carts ithin i the ?tLenS, Pi ,P !tlna•, tfSorad#u, 24b vly;ta�aheactic nsiviisz k6dal for' proficiendy,an glade MEDICO PIPES $2.56to$5.95 chase thoggh lthe Clinton TGA Pamela went throu'g'h the. - —.-,-- Mr. and Mrs• Richard 4f > * :. store, craWM#19 .as much as She could 24tU shopping cants, -Store Systematically, pausing longest at ,the q tee, canmect. Harland,lin+ton, wigli to announce the engagement ,ri' Later in the day, MM..Fisher in and. tdilletries sections, of of r heir daughter, Anne !< , was busy try ing to figure out :to put worth of Bill Gilfuilan, of Tuckey Bev, - Lanolin,. to Manley �Ci;a'1`- ince Sadler, son o'f Mr, and � .,$164.60 groce'r'ies and .other goods her erages, blew whistles to start and end Pam's shopping Mrs. Clarence Sadler, RR daughter had managed to stuff ree sp .'. , but vat before she had 4, St, Thomas. The weddnng „•. t; a "� i into the carts .dpil her rt'hreer minute she in spree.. pP g cramTned almost eve ixig m tivall talce. place Saturday, .: �. �r# � .p a Pamela a 10th grader at arms reach into a number, of June 13, in Wesley -Wallis ,� �x .- , h��a� ' , Central Seccrgdary Sell, cax!ts.. United Church, Clinton, at ,,�, ,U., •,, <� (���' ". :: ,. > µ <`" " •Huron cal was the lucky winner ori the Her haul included a s4eeping 2 1 is 1.. a c ocl noon. 24x : , >: ;'.;x .. k . �, • �: °� 3 Tuckey Beverages (Pepsi-Cola ba g, 100 aunds of sugar, .about p , .:.�� :�, a K., Company) Exeter, conte's't wh- dozen . of • a '' spray, a Dans a hair p y, Mr. and Mrs. John W , Y 5 • r ., � � .. ,ret has. been going on in this year's supply of instant coffee ' o RR Z Hann x x x i a area since April 13, and catito'ns of Pepsi and. Teens wish to unceGther en gagemertt of their eldest Ran�e�q .Fi'aher pidn' lsdy The Bill Her fiirst prize was ail the soft drinks, NKr. Gill' liar ;said four stoic- daughter, Phyllis M'ariilyn, goodies ssbe could cram inita ------�-•-� ping sprees had already been James Andrew Laid.. to 14>;r, J Pm dew ,law, son of Afr. and Mrs. Clinton /��t vnton Minister Report Albert Louis Bromley held in this area. lin the con- test whiich continues for two Jdhn K. Laidlaw, RR 7, AlbertLouks Bromley, 19- more weeks. London. The wedding will: ,take July 4, 1964 at •! Proceedings Of London Conference year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. « The previous high, cost for -the grabs was $94.00.. place Charles Bromley, of Hullett 3:00 p.m, in Grace United Church, Porters Hill, 24b Rev, Clifford G. Park of Wesley -Willis United Township, died Saturday un Vic- ,toric Hospital, London', o-' Church, Clinton, became immediate past president. The funeral was' held ftom R -- Homuth Mr, Charles R. Merrill, , of the London Conference of he ,United Church of t Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth,� m pn `adford RR 1, Clinton, announces Canada last Tuesday when Rev. George Wishart, with burial in Blyth Union >3renda. Grace Honlulth and the engagement of 'his eld minister of Windsors "Emmanuel UnitedChtxrCll, Cemetery, .john: Albert Radford were mar - est dau'gh:ter; Patricia Ruth was elected new president, He Bks survived by his parents, ried Friday in Londesboro Unit - • 'to Mr. Charles W. Scholey, The election was held at rite holds an annual. brothers William, Robert Bruce , , ed Church.. son of Mr, Wilfred G. S�choley, RR 1, Bracebrid'ge, annual London Conference of The London Conn. erence iii- the United Church during which eludes about 303,000 United Brian, Bradley, and sister Betty Jean, all at home; grandparenits, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert J, Ifo- Onita 10 and the late Mrs. , Rev. Carman Hazelwood, also churchmen from the eight mass Mr, and Mrs. Wilham'Bro�mle 5', mirth, of Clinton. � $dholey. The wedding will °f Windsor, succeeded Mr. Wars- �ves!terly counties of Ontario; of Hullett Township. The groom is the sen of Mx, I take place July 4, 1969, at hart as secretary. from Windsor in the west .oto '--"—�— and Mrs. .Gordon Radford, .of Iao � o. i 3:00 p,m, yin Ontabl�a .Street 'i United UliiRirch, Clinton. 24x 'Princeton near Woodstock Joe Srnkdtr of Goderich, was ' ' Councillor Raps es The double -ring ceremony re-elected treasurer, the .east, and Sault Ste. Maxie was performed at 7:30 p.m. by "Huge .Success" In the north. The five -cat conference Was • Fair Officials Rev. Wdlliam Carson, and the • Ma^s Frank Bevil t_ Bentley, of Mon i real, real, 'her Siamese Mr, Park called the Confer- held • at Westminster College, bride was, given away by her and cast, "Sulci", =Ived b car in Clin- y ence attended by about 500 London. delegates "a huge success•," :and ('Continued from Page One) father. A Tec ti , � 'on followed in the ton this week to Visit for three The ministers' seminar was the culmination of "a lot Of ed for sale at $1,000 but Mr. ' , church basement. weeks with Mrs. BeOtley's' sis- ter, Mrs. John held Monday afternoon, during hard work" on. his, part. which Very Rev. Angus J. Noonan noted repairs ' of iliac sweeper in 1963 alone had been The new Mrs. Radford is an Mackay, 201 The Conference is one of five MacQueen, past moderator of $5;440. honor graduate of Stratford King Street• in the rmduce each of which ch p w the United Church of Canada, Councillors felt such an an Teachers' College and will teach and lar. M. C. MacDonald, sec- I- vestment would call for near- next year in Wingham Public School. retary of Home Missions for the prohibitive maintenancecosts The couple plan to live in �i Attend United Church of -Canada, spoke. Your Church and would not justify the ex- Londesboro. . R.C. Welcome penditures, Mayor a--- ---- On Tuesday,' delegates were T • (� ,] London by Most ms Sunday Miller was granted $15 expenses to cover the cost of taking his car to Preston. Explorer Girls - t Rev. G. Emmettto Rev. G. ECarter, Roman Catholic Bishop of London, and Rev. Kenneth B. Keefe; dean Green Light 4 Invite Mothers of St. Paul's Anglican Cathed- CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH ral, London. Clinton. Council gave Dairy On Wednesday eventing, May (Baptist Federation of Canada) Three new ministers were- or- Day the green light for its. pro - posed events on et 8. 27, the Explorer Girls c On - teri a Street eir>ited Church e Pastor: Craig Peters, s.A, dained Thursday in Metropoli- tan United Church. Ordained Tom Deeves appeared before pear a terbakned their northers at a Sunday, June 14 11.15 a.m.—FAMILY WORSHIP were: Earl Burr, Grand Bend; oouncil at its meeting to ask Council's • e niUsdoni to operate p p Mother and Daughter party in charge of the leaders, Miss Topic:. "The, i Christian and the World" Leslie McSpadden, Win-dirop and John Adolph Sallmen, of concession boaths during Dairy Olive Johnson and Mass Marg - 17--4: 0Q pm.—Church . Picnic Essex County, Day- axet Skov. Everyone Everyone Is Welcome At This Church Commissioners elected to gat- Councillor Norm • Livermore ,. The graduwt'ion ceremony was Ontario Sfreef United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" a Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A.. PA 9:45 ;a:m,—Sunday School �, +t 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship TURNER'S CHURCH "9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship 10;45 a.m.—Sunday School Christian Reformed Church Sunday, June 14 10.00 a.m.—Servsce in English 2.30 p.m. --Service in Dutch Every Sunday' 6.15 p.m., Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen to `Back to God Hour." EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 pmm.--Gospel Service 8.00 p=. Thursday—Prayer r Meeting and Bible Reading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, June 14 9.45 a.m.--Worship Service 11.00 a.m.-=Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Service Guest speaker: Mr. John Rea, London. Tuesday --8 p.m.—Prayer Meet- ing and Bible Study. .Mr. John Martin, Hawkesville, guest •speaker. All Welcome St: Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. R. ir, MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M: J. Agnew, Organikt and Choir Leader Su da n June 14 Y� 9.45 a.m.--Sunday. School" 10.45 a,m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME �eei��-IUs--aimee�ilie �nite� fflll�rcles REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, KA., Minister FLOWER SUNDAY IUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY AT BOTH CHURCHES Anniversary Speaker- Rev. Terrance Storey, $.A, HOt;MESVI LLE 9:45 a.m.--S.S. Anniversary and Children's Choir Address by Mr. Storey. (Regular S.S. withdrawn) WESLEY -WILLIE 9;45 a.m.---Sunday School (Kindergarten Primary cone 0:45 a.m.). with flowers at 1Jr.1:00 a.m.—S.S. Anniversary with Massed J'and Sr. Choir Address by Mr.Storey. CZGroups will, pre- serit their Mission Offerings, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. A. W. Wenhom, L'Th., Reotoe Mr. W. H. Si§hop, F.R.C.O.r A.R.G.M., Organlst TDINiTY iI SUNDAY,. JUNE 14 8,30 a.xxi:oly Communion 8:35 a,m.-HolyCommunion 1:1:00 a.rn,­Morning Prayer and Church School, . The Loyal Orange Association will parade and wdrship with St. Pauls Congregation at 11 a.m Te`.� . home u s, June 16 W.A. meets at Of Mrs. Tett Clark, 2:45 p.m. Tllurs., June 19 - -Chancel Guild pot luck sup'pek, Airs. T. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, June 14 10.00 a fYi.--Sunday School 1.1,00 a.m.—Moniing Worship Mr, Don Ferguson 1.86 p:t9ir, t%kangelistic Hour Guest speaker, Mr. Wnl. Hutton, London tend the United Church"s told councrl he felt all co-ap- gen- eration should be extended by eral council this September at _.us to help in the Dairy Day Sit. John's, Nfld., included the .operatkon," following Huron County Pres- Council voted unanimously in bytery representatives: Rev. support of helping rthe opera - Park; Rev. Grant Mills; Rev. tion and said permission would Williian ten Hoopen, of .Gode- be granted for the concessions, rich; Sam Scott and Joe Snid- er, laymen for Huron County, Trees Hazard President's Report During Mr. Park's presiden- Council Monday night read tial report to ithe conference; he a letter from William D. Wells told delegates he had travelled of 141 Rattenbury Street East more than 8,500 miles during 'asking that two trees in front the year .on his presidential of his prapevty be removed since duties, an had attended in they constituted a potential some capacity 75 meetings, at hazard to passersby. 40 of which he was the, featur- ed Mr. Wells said the tree roots ed speaker. also were 'cracking flown side - He said!he was absent from the walks and his own. pulpit of his own church on A motion proposed by coup 12 Sundays, but had preached cillor Duff Thompson, referred 21 times in other churches on the matter :to the Public Works Sundays. He laid the corner- Committee w'hkch will investi- shone of Mt. Zion Church, Lon- gate and arrange ;for the trees don, dedicated churches at Am- to be cut down if they are her9tburg and %London;and found -to be on town property. church Balls at Innerkip, Lon- n By -Laws don and Watford. v eB Clinton Town Council. Mon- day night passed three new Personals town by-laws. Each was passed after being given three read= Mr. and Mrs. Albert McClin. rings. �heY> of Ottawa, were weekend Harold G'bbin gs i5 apo ute d ;nests of Mr. and Mrs'. Carl new trench inspector by by-law McClivehey, 10 William Street, No. 12. Mrs. A. S. McCullough, Re- By-law No. 13 authorizes gin�a, Saskatchewan, is Visiting 1964 expenditures- on town lies sister and brabher, Mr's. roads and streets Inthe amount Morden Howes and Bert F%d- of $10,200, and by-law No. '14 ey, prohibits and regulaites obsWuc- Mr, and .Mrs. W, C, P. Raft- 'tions or interference on town Eray, of Detildit, were recent road allowances. visitors at the home of Mr. and geld in: the. chapel. The Open - ng Ceremony was conducted )y Glenda Gray and the Clos- ng 'Ceremony by Bonnie Tyn- 1'all. The following eight girls gra iduated into the CGIT: Nancy Nckdtt, Cheryl Tyndall, Bon- iiie Tyndall, Brenda Tyndall, xlenda Gray, Linda Lavin, Mary Lynn Forbes and Denise Currie. Denise Smith. represented the GIT group, and Mrs. Jewson, CGIT leader, welcomed the girls and spoke briefly to ahem. Mss Olive Johnson was' in :Barge of the graduation' ser - dee and Miss Margaret Skov wesented 'the girls .With their ;Taduation ceiltifiaates and "E" gins. Flowers 4 AGt' Telegraphed K Anywhere �,,...�,*• K. C. Cooke P44RIST Dial 482-1012, Clinton Vias. W. E. Perdue while on a your of Ontario. Mrs. Albert Le bold, RR 2, 21rr>;�tai1 s thrilled e wa rl ed when she Quai�+ V I { � tw J Town 7 4 ,eceiived a long distance phone :all from, Mrs, Jack Grindan Service ❑ fnee June Rozell) at Port ill 1 Woody, 13.C., lash Th.ursdity. �... ._ lfrs. Grindon is formerly from :�intdn� r . GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR FATHERS DAY Mr. and Mrs, Bud Hayter Send Father a Greeting Card on His Day the Mrs. Carman: McPherson, 5o to $1.00 ill of Clinton, attended- grad'u= ution ceremonies at Alma Cot- L10f4TERS ............ 98oto$2.50 eLECTRIC TOOTH $13.95 ege, St, Thomas last Wednes- MANICURE SETS 986to $3.50 BRUSH :,,•<, ..........•..<,,.,. ELECTRIC. RAkORS lay, where, their daughter, z9 M13 BOARD ..,....,,„.. $5.95 HAI R BRUSHES ..., 98o to $3,00 daureen, was awarded • the 7'09AC60' POUCHES LEATHER SHAVING governor � General's Bronze $1.56 to $2.80 KITS- ...... ..<<. $4;98 k6dal for' proficiendy,an glade MEDICO PIPES $2.56to$5.95 PEN PENCIL SE`rS WALLEtS 3 95 to"$15 00 Weekend guests of the l38v4d Scotts included Mrs, W. S. Low, of Toronta,• Mr. AM Major; of Windsor; Mr. Mike prick, London, and Miss Mary Cboper, Wlndg&y Mrs. Low, Mrs. Scott's taWi- er, was a guest at Little 11%, Byfield, >�uitrng her visit rf Sa:tur'day to Tuesday. Mr. Vickers Is a. reporter' for the Landon Vree Press., 1VA'. Major, is ori editor of the Wind., CAMERAS ...,..,.$19.45to$32.95 SHULTON OLD SPICE bit -SK SE75.....:..................$7.95 SETS ,.,, ,.....,..,,..... $1.50 to $5.00 FILMS PR(IU'rmd &• bEV LOPING CAMERAS V9TItRINARY MEDICINES HEARING Alb EATTERIES GREETING CARDS Al t PRESCRIPTIONS Photio 482.9511 rvlirtlon, �nttir o