HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-06-11, Page 3.Memorial. Shop T. PRYDE and SON ,.,EnrER ,.sg*FORTH Open. ie.e.ry Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other time, cclitOCt. Representative,—A. W. Reep,482.0042 Restaurant Under New Management "TRAVELLER'S KITCHEN" Highway 4 Opening under the mana gement of PARKER HOUSE MOTEL on Monday, June 15 FREE COFFEE Graham and Bey Johnston — HOURS — Mon., thru Thurs. — 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Midnight Fri. and Sat. — 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.nl. BRIDGE CLUB PEACH TARTS Makes twelve 3V2-in. tarts or twenty 21/2 -in. tarts. 2 (15-oz.) cans "Can- ada Choice" Sliced Peaches 1'A cups peach syrup V4 cupcup sugar 2 tablespoons corn- starch A few grains salt 1/2 teaspoon almond flavouring I/2 pint dairy sour cream Whipped cream (optional) Drain peaches. Stir 1% cups peach syrup into sugar, corn- starch, salt combined in sauce- pan; thicken smoothly over medium heat stirring constant- ly. Cover and cook 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occas- ionally, Remove from heat and cool completely. Stir in almond flavouring and sour cream; fold in peach slices. Spoon into prepared tart shells. Chill. Serve topped with whipped cream if desired. This recipe prepared especial- ly for this series by Dairy Foods Service Bureatl. BRUCEFIELD Mrs.. 11, F, Perry,. Vorrespendent Miss Mary Allan recently gra.cluated from St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, strawberry supper will he Held. at Brucefield United Church on June 23. Mrs- Gus Wen and grand- daughter, Detroit, visited over the weekend with her mother, Kris. Lou Simpson and her aunt Mrs. M. Vaire, of Brucefiel[i. Rev. H. K, .1:lent attended London Presbytery meeting in London, last week Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, London, called on ,friends in the village on Saturday. Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer, called on her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Burdge on Sunday. Mn Richard Handcock has re- turned from, a business 'trip to Montreal. Mrs. V. Hargreaves and Miss Marie Elliott 'spent Thursday of last week with Mrs. Har- greaves' parents in Ingersoll. Mrs. N. Siliery and daughter, Mrs. Lorne Aitken, flew to Vancouver on Sunday to see Mrs. $ffiery's brother who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. David Triebner and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan spent a few days fishing up north this week. On Sunday morning at Bruce- field United Church, hymn books were dedicated in memory of the late Miss Maud McIntosh, Miss Tena Baird and Mrs. Ag- nes Baird, who were long-time members of the Missionary So- ciety. Rev. H. K. Plant 'and Mrs. Lorne Wilson dedicated the books. The Brucefield TJCVV. was host to ladies from Chiselhurst, Hensel]. United, Hensel]. Presby- terian and Kippen during An- ual Visitors' Day last Tuesday. A total of 115 ladies attended. Messengers More Than 30 Brucefield Messengers 'met Sunday for worship services. Transportation is being ar- ranged for the Wesley-Willis party on Saturday for eight- year-Olds, and the Hargreaves family was asked to conduct July worship. 0 MIDDLETON Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trick, Bob and Mrs. K. C. Cooke, at- tended the 'convocation at Uni- versity of Western Ontario re- cently where William T. Trick received his B.E.Sc. degree and was awarded the UWO Board of Governors' Silver Medal in Engineering. THUR., JUNE 11 th Hensall Community Park FOR THE BIG ONE ONE DAY ONLY TWICE DAILY 6 & 8 P.M. Doors open 1 hour before Sponsored By KINSMEN CLUB OF HENSALL LOW FAMILY PRICES Engagement Ring I p, $100.00 ti NEW .i Engagement Ring li Engagement Ring $150.00 0 $200.00 ' 10 THE LOVELIEST DIAMOND RING The new Rosemary design styled n kit by BLUEBIRD, guaranteed perfect. is BLUEBIRD Diamond and Wedding Rings Anstett Jewellers TRAINED ANIMAL AND CIRCUS ACTS Under Mammoth Weatherproof Tent 23-4b LIMITED Albert Street Phone 482-9525 Good Only to Thurs., June 18 FINK PLUM111ING and HEATING LTD. Are Offering This Special Price on a 25-Gallon Gas HOT WATER HEATER 11,44PVCE Special Price $19.00 Fink Plumbing 8t-" Heating. ELECTRICAL SERVICES. MO fink, diiiiton Manager .Phone 404661 Page 2—Clinton News-Record--Thurs., June IL 190 009 110.1 PIRID — 006 s,,n,„ Gene Cody & Kipling Bros. 0 TRAINED ANIMAL 0 IRC 25 RECIPE OF THE MONTH By'the Ontario Tender Institute '"Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" 4 Mrs. Don Middleton read a letter of appreciation from Miss Claire Taylor for $20 for a chinese mission in which she is muoh interested. The highlight of the after- noon was the report of the 27th annual meeting of the Diocese of Huron held recently in Lon- don and this was ably present- ed by Mrs. R. J. Larson, of Hayfield. Mrs. Larson gave a detailed report of the various sessions and of the communion service in St. Paul's Cathedral where over 800 received the sacrament. The Rev. Orlo Miller, formerly of Hayfield, was one of the cele- brants. There were over 685 dele- gates from 155 branches. Not all branches were represented. Mrs. Fred Middleton moved a very sincere vote of thanks to Mrs. Larson. "Year after year, we are indebted to Hay- field for this annual report of the broader aspects of this our WA," stated Mrs. Middleton. Mrs. Don Middleton sang a solo entitled "His Eyes Are On the Swallow and I Know He Watches Me", with Mrs. J. Storey at the organ. Mr. Harrison pronounced the benediction after which all re- paired to the home of Mrs. Fred Middleton where the St. James ladies served a delicious tea. Mrs. Stewart Middleton "poured tea" at the beautifully-appoint- ed dining room table. All pre- sent report a very pleasant and instructive meeting. County Account Shows A Surplus Huron County Council record- ed a budget surplus .of a little more than $5,000 in the general account for the period ending March 31, clerk-treasurer John G. Berry told county council Monday. He said the financial picture would become more realistic during the second quarter of the year since many county programs were not underway When the financial report was prepared. Revenues in the general de- • count for the three-Month per,' lad totalled $145,504. KELL-COLE PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS Nat Kin IN PERSON - - - in "SIGHTS wild SotifikPostS" Nje 3..I.; Tickets $4.50, $4.00, $3.00 (Tax Included) All Seats Reserved * * * * * TICKETS ON SAL K AT BOX OFFICE GODERICH— CaraphelVe, The Sqbare CLINTON, Galbraith Radio is. TV 3 PerfairaiMees Only ThurSday thru Saturday Julie 25, 26, 27 -8:30 is.M. With PETE EiArtouTTi, NeW Comedy Sensation plus THE MERRY YOUNG SOULS and JOE ZITO'S 21-PIECE ORCHESTRA "Cole held• the audience in the paint of his hand with perfect interpre- tatioe— The Hollywood - Reporter—Calif. "He Is fascinating to watch . . a distin- guished artist"— Boston Retard American 00°. 4E6L'EAP41-1 0\ NE tEtUMCI4r74: °17 ' 4 :4; SPRING SALE on ADMIRAL FREEZERS •- " • • • • • .... ' • • Mi'rig4er • 2I cu. ft. Admiral deepfreeze • All copper tubing • Fast freeze throughout freezer • 5-year compressor warranty • 5-year foOd spoilage insurance Reg. $329.00 Sale Price S235.00 Groves & Son Electric TV and APPLIANCES Huron Street — CLINTON 482.9414 ERS., ED A Nsw • • SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS • SUMMER WEIGHT TROPICAL SLACKS • MEN'S SHORTS and SWIMWEAR • SHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS • HOSIERY -- NECK WEAR -- BELTS SPECIAL THUR.- FRI. SAT. MEN'S TERYLENE and COTTON GOLF JACKETS Reg . $13,95 FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL $10.95 Sizes 36 to 44 JACK NICKLAUS GOLF SHIRTS By Forsyth All Sizes — 7 Shades Compieteiy Washable Ah ldeqI Father's Day Gift FATHER'S DAY= SUNDAY, JUNE 21 To Do oN MO al Herman's Men's Wear Tuesday 4ftethoon Joint Meeting . Held By .Bayfield, Middleton WAs 5;39 - 8;30 p.m. ADULTS $1.25 per plate CHILDREN 60c 24-51? HAM and STRAWBERRY SUPPER Brucefield United Church Tuesday,. June 23 LET I.M.T. ARRANGE YOUR MORTGAGE For almost three-quarters of a century we have offered a friendly, personal service in the first mortgage field. We can arrange a first mortgage for you on your borne, farm or business property. All enquiries welcome. ESTABLISHED 1889 THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE &TRUST COMPANY Head Office; Sarnia Offices in Forest and Petrol's H, C. LAWSON, Clinton Phone: Business 482-9644 Residence 482-9787 Ceitnj The annual joint meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Trin- ity Church, Hayfield, and St. James Church, Middleton, was held on Tuesday afternoon, June 2 in St. James Church. Lavishly decorated with large baskets of seasonal flowers, the little country church exuded a warm and fragrant welcome on this spedial occasion. This meeting was well at- tended with over 30 persons present, including five former members of St. James WA who now reside in Clinton. The president, Mrs. Ray Wise, welcomed the ladies and opened the meeting with 'the WA hymn, with Mrs. Edward Wise at the organ. The rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, conducted devotions and read the scripture lesscr, The secretary, Mrs. I. Grigg read the minutes and the cor- respondence, which included a "thank-you" letter from Mrs. Milton Steepe., The roll call was a Biblical verse containing the word "fruit". The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. A. Dutot. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Lawson Feted On 25th Anniversary Over 200 friends, neighbours and relatives gathered in Lond- esboro Hall on Wednesday ev- ening June 3, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson on their 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in dan- cing to Clarence Petrie and His Night Hawks, from Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson were married in Egmondviille United Church parsonage on June 3, 1939, 'by the Rev. A. W. Gard- iner. Mrs. Lawson is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eph- rain Clarke, of Seaforth, form- erly of Hullett township; Mr. Lawson is the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson of Hullett TownShip, Guests were present from Chatham, London, Hanover, Kitchener, Zurich, Varna, Blythe Clinton and Seaforth. St. Joseph's CWL Regular Meeting The Catholic Women's League of St. Joseph's Parish held its regular monthly meeting, June 1, in the Parish Hall. The meeting opened with the League prayer led by Rev. Father S. E. McGuire. It was voted that the July meeting be a pot luck supper, at 7:00 p.m, A motion was passed to hold the Anneal Parish Picnic some time in August. Details will be discussed at the next meeting. Father McGuire gave a talk on the value of spiritual exper- iences gained in making sum- mer retreats. He urged the League to con- tinue praying for vocations in the Diocese, and to encourage young members of the family to enter the religious life. Visiting committee for June is, Mrs. J. Boyle, Mrs. Goff Brand, Mrs. Joe Blake. The League received an invi- tation. from CWL, Seaforth, the tea and bake sale to be held in the Catholic Church rectory in Seaforth, from' 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. on June 17, DANCING Every Friday Hight at BLIENATER DANCELAND Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Golden Hand Winners Get Compasses Winners of GOlden Hand awards of the Fourth Clinton Brownie Pack were given compasses by the Clinton. Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion in recognition of their achievements. The Golden Hand award is the highest Brownie Award, and came to these three Brownies after three years of tests. From the left: Patsy Priestap, Dru Andrews, Mrs. George Wonch, leader, and Janet Arnston. (News-Record Photo)