HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-28, Page 10I FOR THE FARMERS! '6-0‘,iij760Wakt NLAMAK01,14:1.0'''''' lrl~1111111111 ;,,.:;\isIk'.."r470:771 ......4.‹,:1,1u.,r 41.11:7::::1...„1.."...t, tr...h ..,.- -vi,-....v.t.,—t --vit`.-0,,Z--'''''' ,W.":,--''' 44:4:4"'-i, '!!:::".r 't''''V;"'-' ,e-4-te.....eit, ,z, ,-. - ''‘\:-......„,,,,,:e..,i`enveee.,i,,,,,, 61,...:;2‘ -----...e---.—. I.e- -.eeeee ''?, - IL,..7_...„...,.,....._ ...„.,...„ ..—.......,.....,..„:1,,,.....a... _ . .,.......:tt,_. ..._......„,„ 111,111.11 WASI- I-- 4.4r. DINING ROOM et.e.ut-r,r WING ROOM vissismaismi closet CI 50J HALL PAINT ON PROTECTION AS YOU DECORATE YOUR MASONRY WALLS BATHROOM . isto• mosommommmillp BEDROOM linen clo el dose BEDROOM o.d• BALCONY BEDROOM 46 KING ST. CLINTON that building shipshape. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 482-7652 CHUTER HEATING & ELECTRIC EAVESTROUGHING REPAIRED or INSTALLED Now is the time ,to get Be Careful When You Choose Neighborhood For Your New Home 1 Delivered in the Goderich-Blyth-Clinton Seciforth-Bayfield Areas for P9l9P 10--Clinton News-Record Thurs., May 28Jr 1964 NOW '1S-, THE TIME: TO WE SPECIALIZE IN REMODEL MODERNIZE or ADD A ROOM MODERNIZING STORE FRONTS Some of our recent' .renovations TOTS and TEENS, GODERICH EATT g FURNITURE, CLINTON. ANSTETT JEWELLERS, -CLINTON. ,FAIRHol.mg DAIRY, V.,INTQN DON C. _COLQUHOUN: 200 ONTARIO STREET — CLINTON PHONE 482-9505 ASK FOR MASONRY PAINT J. W. COUNTER BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Corner Albert & Princess St., Clinton PHONE 482-9612 CONKLIN Building Materials — Home Improvements 21 HWY". GODERICH — 524-8321 111111101•1•1111111•110•1100•014‘ CUSTOM BUILT TO EXACTLY FIT YOUR HOME OR COTTAGEAT NO EXTRA CHARGE COMBINATION ALUMINUM It pays to buy your doors and windows from an established dealer who actually has the facilities to repair and service. Rernekber— We service what we sell. Call us today for free estimate without obligation. RUSSELL JERVIS Let Us Repair Your Broken Windows and Screens 63 Albert St. — CLINTON ---- Phone 482-9390 Neighborhood selection must be regarded as one of the most important considerations when building or buying a house, and the prospective home . owner should not make any firm de- cision until a careful study has been made of the community. You will be fortunate to find all the qualities of the ideal neighborhood in the communi- ties investigated. Older areas may be poorly planned while new communities, though well laid out, may still be Tacking in essential services. If the area has a planned future, early in- conveniences` can be . accepted but you should check with local authorities to ensure that pro- vision 'has been made for the services which are lacking. /Both 'the present suitability and future development of the area should be taken into' con- sideration by the home planner. Factors to be considered are building codes, zoning regula- tions, possible cOmmercial or in- dustrial expansion, and the ef- fect which the growth of adjoin- ing communities might have on the neighborhood. Communities of course vary in their charactenistics. But a drive around a residential dis- trict is a good way to judge its appearance and character, \In this way you Will be able to tell whether it fits in with 'Your living habits, Your new neighbors may also be taken as a guide to the social suitability of the area. Have they interests similar to your own? '''Do they live M. similar circumstances? Certainly any family will be 'happier living in a community where families are of about the same social and financial level. A vital consideration in selecting-the right neighborhood Will be your own family's needs and interests. The location of schools, churches, and sl5pping centres will therefore be of prime itnportance, They should all be within a reaschtable dis- tance, and it should be remem- bered that 'their location in re- lation to your property will have a definite bearing on its value. Geed transportation is also Standards 'Guard The Owner. And :Community' (Qanttnaecl .from. Page, 9) Many of these local. builds ig' CPCI.e4 are based.' on the Nail kinai Building "cop which, Om. been adopted, by some 200 ninnieip41- 4.14$ 40P.O$.4, 0.43.1444, use of a single ..code .,k)47 the entire ga44t.r.Y should. 04c-- 14ate•he w +k of Ibullders, r4441-04etwer4 ,0314. of building materials, real „estate agents and mortgage ancl once cen4P41:0P It is also forting to the prospective home pneehaser to know than: what-; ever house be selects, if it has • been finan'c'ed tbrPagb._am :f`TII 14514704, . 1944, it panfmna in general. rte the full .)7eqwelnenta self _ out in the N,R.C. Housing Staridarde, This bungalow, by architects Koyandee and Wright of Van, cower, is designed to take ad- ventage of a sloping site so that a prOpOsed study,, bedrOorn with washroOrn and recreation room, can be used to the greatest ad, vantage in the basement. The main floor is well laid- out with good segregation, of living and sleeping quarters. The master bedroom has its own washroom. The size of the entrance hall is increased by 'the inclusion of 'the stairway to basement. The kitchen is well organized and has an attached utility area. The front dear of this house should face north. The floor area is 1,503 square feet and the exterior dirnensions, are 33 feet three inches by 46 feet three inches.' Working drawings for this house, known as Design 2316, are available from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation at mini- mum cost. the ball or seat is often all that is needed to ensure proper closing of the valve. But if the ball is losing its resiliency or if the rubber is cracked or die- integrating, Another common failure which causes the outlet valve to leak is a 'bent or sticky lift wire. This will prevent the ball from falling all the way down the valve opening. Straighten- ing the wire or rotating the guide arm through which the 'Wire Is threaded will usually correct this condition. The tank will have to be emptied and the intake valve' closed during 'this operation. Wateir can be prevented from entering the tank by maintaining the float in the "up" position. If the trouble is with the in- take Valve, the float may be binding againdt the wallS of the 'tank, or the float itself may be leaking or waterlogged. Binding can be corrected by bending the float arm and free- ing the float. However, if the float is punctured or is no longer serviceable it will have 'to be replaced. When the water continually spills into the overflow pipe a warn-out washer in the in- take valve may 'be suspected. To make : the repair 'the main shutoff valve on the water sup- ply line will have to be closed The washer can be 'reached by removing the screws that hold down the flinger. The 'ring cap which holds' the washer may also have to be replaced if it, 'is defective. Vacuum Grills At least once a year dust should be vacuumed out of hot air grills 'to permit clean cir- culation especially when they are located in the floor. If in- flammable objects such as combs or plastic toys have been dropped in the hot air registers they should be removed before the heating system is put into operation again. The oil 'tank should be filled at the close of the beating season to prevent undue con- densation inside the tank dar- ing the summer. Condensation gives rise to corrosion and setli- inept PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTORY Ttli I S PLUMBING-HEATIN ELECTRIC 4824062 CLINTON Vot$ELL -BROTHERS PLUMBING - 'KA-TINS , HARDWARE 122 The .Square-- GODERICH ,524479.47 • W. MacDonald Electric COMPANY LIMITED Power and Lighting Electricians Joseph Doer, Clinton Mgr, 12 HURON ST. — CLINTON 482-7702 FINK PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. ELECTRICAL SERVICE ED, FINK, Hensall Mgt,—BILL FINK, Clinton Mgr. Phone 36 482-7682 410 0 DER NOW For Spring and Summer Delivery Aluminum Doors and Windows In ' Several Baked Enamel Colors Awnings • Siding No Money Down—Nothing to Pay `til June 1, 1964 ALL WORK GUARANTEED STEWART'S ALUMINUM SALES 101 Victoria Street — Goderich Dial 524-8821 Collect 15tfb er! sv BALL - MACAULAY Ltd Builders' Supplies Of Alt Kinds 60 King St. CLINTON — 48/-9S14 essential. Ready access by streetcar or :bus to the urban areas is most important for all members of the family, Closely allied with transportation is safety. Has the 'neighborhood a 'good record with regard to traffic accidents? Is there ade- quate police and fire protection? Amusement centres are,. pre- requisites for any modern com- munity. Facilities for both in- door and outdoor sports should be readily available. - Under the headings of serv- ices, utilities, and improvements investigate such matters as gar- bage collection, telephone eer- vice, electricity, water supply, and road conditions. Careful consideration should be given before you invest your future. in a community. The location of your house deter- mines the accessibility of work and play, and fixes the condi- tions of light, air and sunshine. It also provides neighborhood associates' and activities. Thus careful examination of the community before building or buying 'is a form of investment insurance that pays dividends in greater living satisfaction 'for you in the future. Say Flush Toilet Mechanism Simple The flush tank toilet is stan- dard in nearly all Canadian homes. Its mechanism and op- eration is simple and repairs can often be made by the home owner himself. Briefly, it consists of a float that rises or falls with the water level in the tank, closing, or opening the water intake valve by means of a lever to which it is attached. A second lever, called the trip lever, .is ,operated manually. It is con- nected 'to a 'rubber ball that seals 'the waiter outlet when down, and releases the flow of water into the bowl when raised. Suction hold's the ball tight against the outlet when 'in the down position. An over- flow pipe drains the excess water into the bowl after the proper level has been reached. Nomially the intake Valve is adjusted to close when the waiter 'reaches a point an inch or so below the top the the' overflow drain. 4 A leak at either the intake valve or the outlet can be sus- pected if thee water is heard running through the pipes, The rubber 'ball in the outlet valve may not be snaking water-tight contact against the valve seat, er there may be Some foreign matter adhering 'to the ball. Removing the sediment from DRAINAGE PIPE AND FITTING NO-CORODE AND TRANSITE see Your Local Dealer or visit Hearn Wholesale Limited, Highway No. 8 East of Clinton. You will find a full range of Water and Drainage Pipe and Fittings. Also Piston, Jet and Subtnersibie Pumps. 32 aobtilIdti 5g4.860 ART ELLIOTT O p In ▪ COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • ADVERTISING • CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHY • :CPMMERcIAL • jN. f)t),STRiA4 ART ELLIOTT 2 EastQ DE FtIGIM 0244002 KITCHEN CABINETS BARNYARD SURF •ACES -- WALKS FLOORING -- FOOTINGS CONSTRUCTION Phone or Write: This Spacious ShowroomGiYet- You .The 'Widest •Soiection, THE HEARN WHOLESALE LTD. AND C. H. EPPS MFG, LTD, 4824826 SEAFORTH 524.7361 868W2