HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-28, Page 9OD The most noticeable thing about this split-level house, de- signed by architects K. R. D. Pratt and S. E. Lindgren of Winnipeg, is the courtyard en- trance. The courtyard is overlooked by the living room. The coml.- or type kitchen with the laun- dry at one end has a back door leading out to "the garden. In the lower part of the house, be- low the bedroom wings, there is. space fora games room. All the ceilings are sloping ones except in the bathroom.. For the best orientation the front of the house should have a south-west- erly exposure. The floor area is 914 square feet and the exterior dimens- ions are 39 feet by 26 feet six inches. Working drawings of this house, known as Design 701 are available from. Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora- tion at minimum cast. ale , range :Mt n br. erg closet a. BEDROOM 0% Ste KITCHEN I 6.-4"! etc rofrig: DINING e'- 9" HALL BATHROOM 6.-Er x closet closet 1111 .4 VEST colts ii knee *Z1,01,0 This three-bedroom, split- level house by architect A. Ban- ells of Toronto, has the carport so arranged that entrance through both the front door or the kitchen is under cover. The staircase is open and this, together with the slope of the living room ceiling which 'fol- lows the roof line, increases the apparent size of the living room. There 'is a separate dining area which could be screened off from the living area. Two of the bedrooms are large and the master bedroom also has a separate entrance to the cen- trally located bathroom. The front door of this house should face north. The floor area is 1,200 square feet, excluding the carport, and the exterior dimensions are 47 feet by 34 feet. Working draw- ings for this house known as Design 769, are available from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation at minimum cost. ead The Classified Advs Every Week IF YOU CAN LIFT A FINGER YOU CAN START THE NEW LAWN-B A' new starter and twin spark ignition makes the '64 Lawn:•13oy engine the world's easiest to start. Try It, VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT. Lawn-Boy's new, easy- emptying, clog-proof grasscatcher eliminates raking spring, summer and fall. LAN-B DELUXE 19" $93.50 LAWN-BOY DELUXE 21" $98.50 With Grasscatcher as shown $11.00 extra Wells Auto Electric .4` 54 King St., Clinton Phone 4823851 SUNOCO PRODUCTS "THE ORIGINAL- MOTOR TUNE-UP. Si-1100i, ip?2oo..7, LIVING ROOM I7= 0"x 12=0* BEDROOM !2!•0' x 9.-0" Now Only 100 Each ASSORTED WINDOW SHASH Odd Lots Priced To Clear GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE 0 CARPORT Division of Goderich Mfg. Sales Ltd. Anglesea St. GODERICH — 524-8382 (onkhn. Lumber Sells Trusses Buy Pon Ready Made! PRICE PER TRUSS COMPLETELY FABRICATED 5/12 Pitch 20' span—$12.83 24' span—$13.57 28' span—$15.06 32' span—$19.55 BUDGET TERMS FREE DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES ONE-STOP SHOPPING FOR HOME. FARM BUILDING BUILDING MATERIALS AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS PHONE 524.8321 GODERICH 21 HWY. SOUTH Trussco saves money—cut's labour costs by 30 percent. Clear floor area. Easier partition layout. No builder losses on material waste in wrong measurement, cutting. No missing material. Clear spans 18' and up. Will engineer ,for any snow load. ILDIHG SECTION -7,7717, LIMING-HEATING ELECTRIC 48277062 CLINTON ton News-Record THURSDAY, MAY 4,190, .c.ONTON ONTARIO . Electric Motor SAI-ES & sgRvice Wagner — Leland Motors For Sole Art Lovett 8{ Sons PHONE 482-6640 139 ERIE ST,CLI,NTON EDITORIAL ' By ART ELLIOTT News-Record Building Editor Comfortable Living The home has taken on a new dimension with the introduction of modern services — heating systems that you never have to touch apart from the service man's yearly inspection — modern copper plumbing with soldered joints that is prac- tically trouble free for the life of the house— electrical power that does your washing, drying and ironing, sweeps the floor, opens tin cans, cooks your Meals, washes the dishes then provides you with an evening of entertainment. The modern home has been improved not only through the relief of household chores but through better building materials and building techniques as well. Graded lumber, rust proof nails, long lasting paints, water-proof bonded plywoods, built-in storm sash, mineral 'wall insulation, these and many other advanced features add to the comfort of living in the modern home. In fact the home buyer today gets more value for his money than ever before, considering the increase in the average income for Canadians has kept pace with the increase in costs of the average Canadian home. Canadian homes today are among the best in the world and are serving •as models for observers from other countries. • DON'T MISS THIS CEILING TILE SPECIAL! 1111111111 11 1141.4. Discontinued Lines of. Ceiling Tile, Plain or Perforated--12"x 12" Standards Guard The Owner And Community Building standards for resi- dential construction help the home owner in a, number of ways. They not only 'ensure the structural safety of t h e house and the satisfactory per- formance' of equipment but also. help to provide' adequate shel- ter, comfort and fire protection. The appearance. of 'the house 'itself, both exterior and inter- ior, can be enhanced by set- ting certain standards of qual- ity and workmanship. Minimum housing standards prescribed by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation f o r houses financed under the Nat- ional Housing Act have' been set up with a further aim in mind. They establish a norm of acceptable construction in order to 'protect the lender's in- vestment. Housing standards prescribed by CMHC are prepared by the DiviSion of Building Research, National Research Council, and cover the requirements for planning, construction and Mat- erials for detached 'houses, semi, - detached 'houses, duplex houses and row housing. For apartment buildings oonstructed with NHA finariting the Apart- ment Building Standards' are applicable. Other Codes There are also provincial and municipal codes governing the building 'of houses and the in- stallation of Serviees such as plumbing, electrical SystemS and gm. In some cases these are even Mare exacting than 'the standards presetibed by CMHC, 'but no Confliction ar- iSes since the Corporation rec.- egniZes that the higher stand- ar& midst apply, (Continued on Page Ten)