HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-28, Page 8!'09,8.777C110.90 ,Ngws7RPF91417,7114rs.! May 1964
Bayfield Guides ,and Brownies
Mk Events;. tlear. of Resignations
Correspondent; MRS, AUDREY .RELL.c.HAMB.R.Phone Bayfield 38
Subscriptions, classified Advs., PIT* AdvP, and Job Printing
alJ accepted by the correspondent
Donald, Mr. And Mrs„ Ron VrAnc,4 :Hunt 41:14. ...1\444.411
Seatebineri. Mrs, .Joe :Hart,. Mrs, f,,yritie, .$eaforti4 M. ,gertlen
Alex Hatifiy, Clinton; Mrs. Hill .4o: Lynda. 'YAM,
POsigfled far POP NW to)d MW. thiln1001 thal mph" consfant
New Trail
•r 200
For PiChiCs, Tenting
Space at Jowett's
Grove, contact
RED SCOTT, Bayfield
phone 565-804 or
482-7711 or
A. GARON-482-7064
21-2b •
the graduation of her grandson
from University.
Mr. and Mrs. R, E,' Ashton,
London, 'were at their cottage
on Howard Street** weekend;
Mrs, R. 13, Johnston has re-
turned from spending a week
in Toronto and London. While
in Toronto she bod the pleasure
of seeing the famous Lippizan
horses of Vienna perform at
Maple Leaf Gardens.
Miss Jessie L. Metcalfe was
at her home in the village from
Friday till Sunday.
Richard Moore, Detroit, was
at his home, "Fairlawn" this
Mrs. David Bettye and son
Blair, St. 'Bruno', Quebec, are
visiting parent, Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Blair,
Mrs, Munroe Fisher and Sus-
an, Waterloo, were at their ent-
tage S'atur'day and 'SundlaY.
Accompanying them were Rob-
ert Botinaryle Philip Sigmund
and Isobel Gray, Miss' Gray,
who formerly attended Man-
chester 'University is now study-
ing at Waterloo.
Mrs. Fred' Erb and Mrs.
George Camtric, Birmingham,
Mich., were at their cottage on.
Lakeshore Road last Wednes-
day and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hughes,
Detroit, are spending this week
at their cottage in the Jewett
Recent visitors of D. L. At-
kinson, Bayfield, Terrace, were
his nephew, Stuart and wife and
their . 'two children, David and
Elizabeth, St. Clair Shores,
Mrs. 'W. R. &Owen: who is
staying with her daughter,
Mrs. LeRoy Poth, was . visited
by Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall
and John, Elmira, on Sunday.
Mr. 'and Mrs. J. R. Willock,
Cathie, Douglas and Ainslie, re-
turned to Toronto on Sunday.
Mrs Willock had spent Satur-
day and Sunday morning in
London where she attended. the
'St. Joseph's School of Nursing
graduates reunion celebration.
Mr. and Mrs., Chris Matta
were iart her parents home,
"Wheel Inn" this weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fryer,
Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs.
W.` R. Elliott on Sunday.
Mrs. Lyle North and Billy
North, Detroit, were at their
cottage over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Kallio, De-
treat, were at their cottage from
Friday till Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hutchinson
and family, Ingersoll; were
here for the weekend.
Mrs. Lloyd*S,ciatcbmer stayed
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We
will pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Sattirday nights.
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
F. E. Hunt, Shipper
Phone 856 R 14
White Bean Seed
59.50 per cwt.
Registered No. I, Second Generation
'Contracts Available
Refunds given on early purchases
Phone 24
Hensall. Ont.
Feed your young flock your own home-grown grains
fresh-mixed with profit-proven National Poultry
Developer Concentrate ! It's rich in meat meal
protein, so it forms a perfect balance with the
vegetable nutrients in the grains you supply.
Whether you have your own grains or we supply
them, we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix
you can buy—right here at the mill—using National
Concentrate, of course. (P. S. Ask about National's
pro fit-proven, Poultry Grower, a complete feed,
plain or medicated.)
A PRODUCT OF eitifiAbIAt4 maustrites LtiviivErE
If Cattle Pay Your Bills
Better cattle will pay Those bilk faster leaving you
more dollars for those 'extras that mean better
living for the farm family. So for
The price? Still only $5,00 on most tires.'
$ Earned
You on rely on A.1.
Proven sires to produce
those better cattle in
your herd.
$ Saved .
You can save the costs
of keeping a bull—feed-
ing, housing, labour,
fencing, insurance and
many others.
Your neighbours profit from using
Shouldn't You?
"Control almost 100%"
says Andy McLaughlin, Waterdown, Ontario
Now you can get
proven face-fly control--with
new Vaponae Insecticide
tw Vapona Insecticide gives you
the first really effective face-fly con-
trol,Vapona also controls hornflies, house-
flies, stable flies and mosquitoes. And,
when used according to label directions,
Vapona can be applied directly to lactatn
ing cows without creating residue prob-
lems. Here are more details.
Vapona's unique action
Most insecticides can kill only if they
contact flies, Vapona not only kills on
contact, but also gives off fly-killing
funies/rhese fumes spread through your
barn to kill flies completely out of reach
of conventional insecticides.
Cage history: face-fly Control helps
clean up pinkeye
Dairyman Prank Burger, Oakley, 111i-
tkoisi reports: 'Two years ago; 28 percent
. our herd required treatment for pinla,
eye. Last year; we used Vapona. Ve
didn't hAYq alittgIF case 2.k Pi*Ye,",
Face hies cut milk production. Vapona
gives effective control at low cost.
Economical to use
It takes only one to two fluid ounces of
a 1.0 percent Vapona solution per day to
protect each cow. This means you can
treat your herd at very low cost,
We Piave Vapona hi oil-based sprays.
Also in face-fly baits that you apply to
each animal's forehead with a small
paint bruak. COane in ot call us today,
238 Albert St. CLINTON Phone 4824381
Authorized blsa baeater Brucefield
SEE THEM NOW at ""imml.wi
BAYFIELD .:.The May meet,
big of the •Local Assoelation of
Q-nides And Brownies WAS lield
At the home of the .01107114n,
.Mrs. Wilfred Pastle, Commissioner Miss May Me,,
Wen, Captain Mrs, Reheat
MaleneY, Lieut. Mra, Donald
Warner were present but there
was a very small turnout of,
In, the absence of the secre-
tary, Mrs, Fred Weston, Mrs.
R. Roy FA.zsimeris read the
minutes of the previous meet,
1VIrs, F, E. ivieFadderi read
the treasurer's report, which
25 'Wedging Anniversary
' OF
Mr, and Mrs, Larne Lawson
Wednesday, June 3, 1964
Clarence Petrie and his
Night Hawks of Stratford
10:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.
showed a 1)44=e of $77,82;
Items of business that were
clisenssed were trarsportation
to coder lch on Saturday, MEW
30, for the Guides and leadera
fuldttal field clay, also Brownies
to the Brownie Revelle en Sat,
Sure 6 in Seeforth,
The annual Fly Up will be
held this year in the United
Church on June 29.
Resignations Were reed frionl.
Tawny Owl, Mrs. John Lindsay,
who has been very active as
a leader in Guides or Brownie
for many years; Brown Owl,
Mrs, Ken Brandon, or at least
replacement within a year; Cap-
tain, Mrs. Robert Maloney, but
Mrs. Maloney is willing to carry
on any summer activities that
'have already been arranged,
and also to take. the Guides to
camp, July 5 to 11..
There, will be a training ses-
sion eit RCAF Clinton os Sep-
tember 26. Guides are to start
working for their Gold Cord at
14 so that the work can be
completed when they are 16.
An historian is to be named
and secure 'local items of inter-
est and to be in the hands of
Miss McMillen by June 15.
Mrs, LeRoy Path and Mrs,
Aricell were at 111941P4 Tull on
Friday evening .attending the,
gradnatien, ceremonies of Mrs.
:Roth's niece, Elizabeth Nep4011,
of the Victoria Hospital School
of lfnursing, London.
The Seventh Regiment of
London Garrison, 101),E Chapter
numbering 23 nn all, were (the
luncheon guests of Mrs, F. A.
clift on. Tuesday, May .1.9,
Mr. 'and Mrs. G, H. Feather-
ston, Mrs. Agnes Jones and
Mrs. Grace. Spence, .Londer,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
G. N. Rivers.
Mrs. Edna Turner and KT'S,
Lawrence Turner, Livonia,
Mich., were guests of Mrs. B..
R. Menerey on Tuesday and
Wednesday. •
Mr. and Mrs, Newton Stur-
geon, Port Dover, visited'
Oster, Mrs. 1, Hammond on
Sunday and also called on
friends. and relatives in the
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spra-
gue and Mr, and Mrs. Prim,
Detroit, were et Holley Lodge
for the weekend. Mrs. Spra-
gue leaves on June 3 to visit
her daughter, Mrs: Richard
Stephenson; Redlands, Califor-
nia. While there she will attend
Cubs Attend
Drumhead Event
At Seaforth
• BAYFIELD — Seven, Bay-
field Cubs were guests of Perth
District Boy Scouts of Canada
at the drumhead service held in
Seaforth on Sunday.
The service was' attended by
about 500 Cubs, Scouts, Rovers,
Brownies, Guides and Rangers,
As Bayfield is in Huron Plata-let
there was of course no obliga-
tions on the part of our pack
to • attend.
• Cubmaster J. H. Gallant
trict Commissioner, Huron Dis-
trict) was quick to seize on this
opportunity to show the boys
that Scouting means "Service
to God" in 'addition to "Good
Turns to 'Others" and' the fun
of camping,
Bayfield , Cubs were. not the
only guests from other dis-
tricts and the boys saw badges
from Clinton, H61=11 and
Brucefield, as well as Strat-
ford District Crests.
o •
The UCW of Grace Church
met Wednesday, last, at the
horne of Mrs, Donald Harris.
Seventeen ladies were present.
President, Mrs. William Cox,
was in Charge. Psalm 104, was
read by Mrs. Donald Harris
and Mrs. Austin Harris led in
The chapter "Miracles" in the
study book was taken by Mrs.
Elgin Cox. Secretary and treas-
urer's reports were given and
correspondence read. Roll call
was answered by giving "Mo-
ther's maiden name 'and birth-
place". The ' colour of the
month drawn was green.
Mrs. Chester Sturdy was ap-
pointed to contact a painter
'and get prices on the painting
of the outside trim of the
A petition was signed by all
ladies against the advertising
of beer and ale on sports pro-
grams on television.
A report was given on the
parsonage board meeting held
in Bayfield the week previous.
Committees were named to
act for both the catering at a
wedding in July and alma the
July 22 supper. A crib quilt
was quilted during the after-
in .C3nalthant from Sunday rto
Friday while her .daughter
'son-irOaw, Mr. And Mrs.,
Pounder attended a convention
On. Toronto, On her return to.
Bayfiald they L aecompanlea her
together with their children,
Cathy and NWT Beth,
lyfr. and Mrs, J. Brown. Hign
gins had 'as weekend:atteats,
and Mrs. Ivan 7K, _13;11m, Feri,.
ton, Mach.
Mir, 'arta Mrs. G. ?puller and
son Monty, Ottawa; Mr. 'and
Mrs. J. Charles Monteith end
Rick, Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs,
G, G.- Monteith, Mary, Phil end
Eleanor, Lakeside; •Mr, and
Mrs. John Taylor and Miss
Susan Kentsch, Stratford; Mr.
Don Monteith, Toronto, Were
guests at a family reunion at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, G.
N. Rivers on Saturday,
During the evening pictures
of South Africa were shown
'and a tape recording heard.
These were 'sent 'by Mr., and
Mrs. G, H. Wright; Johannes-
burg, South Africa. Mrs.
Wright is a sister of Mrs. Rev-
ers. Pictures were, taken here
and all present participated, in
making a tape record for re-
turn to South Africa.
James Higgins, Toronto, spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Hig-
Mr 'and Mrs. Carl MacAeley,
Rexdaile, are at their ,village
home for the week.
Recent guests at the Little
Inn were: Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Muir, Franklin, Mich.; Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Vallean, Collier St.,
Toronto; Mrs. 3a, Seroggins,
Galt; Mrs. Adam Wilson, Galt;
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rose, Ann
Arbor, Mich.; Mrs. H. Arm-
strong, Toronto; Mrs. J. W.
Babbitt, .Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
W, Robertson, Richmond Hill;
Wallace Rutherford, Browns-
ville; Elizabeth Logan, Ottawa;
'Dthawyn Damude, London.
The spring meeting of Huron
Deanery was held in St. Steph-
en's Anglican Church, Gorrie.
Attending from Bayfield were
Mr. 'and Mrs. E. A. Feather-
ston, Mrs. R. Larson, Mrs. Len
Srniith, Mrs. Brown Higgins, the
Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, Mrs.
Percy Weston, Mrs. W. Elliott
And Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Ervin Hintz
and baby, Waterloo, spent a few
days , at 'their cottage.
Mrs. A. M. Hall
BAY.b.tELD----Mrs, Anna May
Struthers Hall passed away
Wednesday, May 20, in. Orange-
ville, where she had resided
the past nine months.
Born in Bayfield, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Struthers
(nee Anna McKenzie) she was
a member of the Presbyterian
She became as kindergarten
teacher in Detroit and later
travelled throughout France,
Where she taught English in
Paris. Mrs. Hall was a person
of considerable literary ability
and had done much research
and writing.
Funeral service in Bolton
was conducted by the Rev.
Harvey Markle. Pallbearers hi-
eluded her grand-nephews, John
Chambers and James Sim-
Interment was in Bayfield
Cemetery on Friday afternoon,
May 22.
Predeceased by her husband
William Hall, she! had since liv-
ed in. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. and
Surviving are three nieces,
Henry Tows; Mrs. F, H. Cham-
bers; grand-niece, Mrs. James
Simmonds; cousins, Mrs. Tom
Kneeshaw, Miss Cecil McLeod.
Persons 'attending from. a dis-
tance included Mr. and Mrs,
James H. Simmonds, and Mrs,
James Sinimoncls, Wayne,
Mich,; Mr. and Mrs. F.
Chambers., Bolton, and Mrs. T.
KneeahaW, Goderich.
VA+ R. A. $1019,14 Was .apt
home Monday and 'Tuesday,
Ws. Frank .Anderson from
Selience entertained 'the
family to a !birthday dinner for
her father, lyfr gd, Sturgeon,
on Sunday. • .
Recent ea4ers at the klutz-
SixrmS bow have been; Mr,
And Mrs, Len geard, Mrs. Mary
Jordan, Mr, and Mrs, ROA Me,-
Bayfield Couple
Surprised On
25th Anniversary
BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs.
James Hutchings were pleas-
antly surprised on Saturday
evening, May 16, when' num-
erous relatives arrived un'expe'c-
tedly to honour them on the
occasion of their 25th wedding
Among those present were
Mrs. Hutching's mother, Mrs.
E.. Lindsay, sons Allan and
T on y and daughter-in-law
Grace, Brawn Lindsay, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bell, Harold. Bell,
NITS. George Bell, Mr. and Mrs.
William On', Mrs, Rebent
Mr. and Mrs. George Heard and
Larry, Mr. and Mrs. John Lind-
say, George, Ellen and Donald,
Mr. and Mrs, Alan Galbraith
and Janis, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Bell, Mark and Wendy, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Armstrong and
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings were
presented with a beautifully
decorated wedding cake, and a
chest of Leilane silverware.
In the evening Mr. Gal-
braith showed pictures of his
European tour.
They were also the recipients
Of many other beautiful gifts,
including flowers, a silver cream
and sugar tray, plaque, silver
butter dish, and a set of eight
silver four o'clock spoons and
.eight coffee spoons from close
relatives and friends. .
They Celebrated the actual
date of their wedding on May
20 in, Detroit with friends.
Phone 482-9250 3018
",`This was my first year using Atrazine and I am pleased with
the result," says Mr. McLaughlin. "I used a heavier applica-
tion on very grassy areas and got almost 100% control.
Atrazine treatment is normal routine with successful corn
growers. Your neighbours, who have used Atrazine, will tell
you they wouldn't grow corn without it.
One application of Atrazine controls weeds all season long
Including those in the rows which can't be reached by cultiva-
tion. Start using Atrazine this year ...discover how profitable
corn production can be.
Ask your farm supply dealer for an instructional leaflet on the
new, more concentrated formula, Atrazine 65W. Place your
order now and get your sprayer ready on time.
for good farming
*trade mark registered In Canada for use by Flsons (Canada) Limited
[ Mary Street — CLINTON -- Phone 482-9792 .01
Purchase ATRAZINE at