HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-28, Page 3US., Editors • To :Tour Ontario • ./ For the 21at time 4 group. of editors :.from the United States will tottr this pt7ovince 'guests tl,f the Ontario Otov, ertrient, The party of . from as MenY' StateS 4.e. Otte to ,411:1Ye Windsor June 7 for the .,tart of their 14-day, good- will by hug, train -and ship,. En route be .feted by a host of rnuM'eipalities and,. other erganiZationS oceoperate Purpose of the trip is to. get them to "Knew Ontario 'Better" :and to chronicle their impressions for readers- back home. , CLINTON SPRING FAIR • FRIDAY EVENING MAY 29 13:00 p.m.—Clinton RCAF Trumpet Band Appearing with the kind permission of Stratford Musicians Association, local 418 AF of M. 9 to 11—Modern Square Danc- ing — Art Shepherd, Caller — All Square Dance Clubs invited to take part No Admission MIDWAY FRIDAY NIGHT AND ALL 'DAY SATURDAY PLUS FREE INSURANCE WHILE IN STORAGE In Clinton Laundry's Modern, Safe Fur Storage Vault. Year Round Insurance Available Through • Our Plant While Your Furs Are In Storage In Our Vaults, In your Home or • While Travelling. tob.)11,7ithmietilsiVs LIMITED CLINTON Tel. 482-7064 I • Joe lieffro4 WAS best man- and xxShers were Robert Nes- bitt,, brother of the groona, and Dougherty, :brother 4f the For P. trip. the bride donned a dress white, and. gold organza. The couple will live .in :St, ,C4t1WhIeS ,140CTP moving to 'the groom'4 farm near Myth.. 31st BIRTHDAY TAG SALE Ends Sat. Night IN a brand new 1964 PONTIAC or one of 30 OTHER. PRIZES Plenty of Specials We Stock a Full Line of FRANKLIN SERUMS MAICO HEARING AID Serviced & Sold EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.13, ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - - - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - - - Clinton, Ontario • AT bei A raw THE SQUARE—GODERICH THE PA Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. Now Playing — May 28-29-30 — Special! Burl Ives, Hayley Mills and Dorothy, McGuire Walt Disney's tale of small town: based on the book "Mother Carey's Chickens" by Kate D. Wiggins "SUMMER MAGIC" - In Color MON., TUES., WED. — June 1-2-3 Starting at 8:00 p.m. "KING OF KINGS" -- Color -- Samuel Bronson's production depicts the life and times of Jesus Christ against a background of Roman paganism. Filmed in Spain. All Star Cast! One show only each night THUR., FRI., SAT. -- Jam 4-5-6 "HOTTENANNY HOOT" With Peter. Breck, Pam Austin, Ruta Lee and Joby Baker A Iringading-zinger, packed with romance and TV shennanigans. COMING—Sidney Poitier in "LILIES OF THE FIELD" At times like this... you'll like Black Label Beer sAyt"MAP,EL, ./s BLACK LABEL!" FREE DRAW WAD RA es PEAT b8 VEREE T M8 EGRN TREE anti Many more Order May 26 to Juno 6 0111101110..11110., BOX PLANTS 40c & 50c • Geraniums, Fuchsias, Begonias ......., 55c Hardy "Mums and Dahlias ....... 50c Potted Doses, Evergreens, Shade Trees Open Every Night and Day For the Month at May ALSO OPEN SUNDAY Clinton Greenhouse and Garden Centre Phone 48-7168 ittg Chureh St. John Steete Smith BURNED UP ABOUT HEATING SERVICE MOVING OR PLANNING TO MOVE r" Call Imperial Oil now...and in 48 hours you'll have the savings and service you want NOW'SJHE TIME TO SWITCH TO ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE ... Canada's first—and finest—home heating plan, In 48 hoUrs are Esso Home Heat Service specialist will thoroughly check your heating equip- ment, or the heating equipment in your new home if you are Moving, make all the necessary acijtistments and completely condition it for peak perforniance next winter, YOU PAY NO MORE FOR ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE but there's a world of differelice in the' value. Your heating, equipment is serviced and maintained by Canada's finest heating Specialists; hand-picked and chaistantly trained by Imperial Oil. Their quality of service assutes :ecOnonly through trouble-free performance. Yeti get more heat...rat reduced cbSt through Imperial service, • •ImPotiAi; OIL LIMITED Harold M. Matk-269 James Stree, Ciinton--,Phone 48240/3 1-7-7717.7- Horticultural Topic t Auburn. Meeting. — Lena Margaret. Ruth Dougherty, 4angliter lVfn and MPS, Russell Dougherty of l3iytti, became bride Carl .George Albert Nesbitt, .song of Mrs, Richard Weatherbead, ROPPS\rille) .and John Nesbitt,' Ripley, at P. ceremony in Blyth thilited Church on May 9. MeLaion. oftfelated. The bride .01.Q0. a flOprrlengtb • gown of White faille with .dial?- billy We 14Qtlice• featuring lily,. Point sleeves and 'Wean neck— line dipping to a back V frorn .•,,II4en 'a chapel train of ehan, tidy lace, extended. Her, double yell of, 'illha.10 was 'held by croWn of aurora borealis eiystals• and she carried a. crescent of roses in yellow Wile, Miss ).onnie. Thomason, LOP, dr_'Sboro, was maid of honor and !bridesmaids were Miss Vicki , Fowler and Miss Patsy Dough- ert.y., sister of the bride. They wore identical gowns of gold brocade. A white nylon frock was worn by -flowergiri. Kim 41.1PURN—The May nteettPg of Auburn Women's Institute was held in the Community Memoria1 hall with -guests from the Tiger Dunlop branch and the Clinton branch, • The President, Mrs. Bert Cr- alg Was in, charge of the meet- ing and Mrs. William J. Craig at the piano, The minutes were approved as read by the sec, retary, Mrs, 'Thomas ,Haggitt, She also presented the flpancial statement, The members voted on the short courses which are 'available through the Depart- ment, Two ladies, Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Frank Ralithby were named delegates :to the District Annual to be held 'in Happy Workers To Meet Third Wednesday The Happy Workers meeting took place at the home of Mrs. Clifford. Glazier on the even- ting, of May 13. The roll call was .answered by the nine .mmt- hers, and one. visitor, The meet- ing opened with the Ode and, Lord's Prayer. The treasury re- port was read and the tea money was collected. The lucky draw Was won by Mrs. Gordon Dale, Business' was discussed, and a thank-you card was read. It was decided to have the meet- ings the third WedneSclay of each month. The next meeting will be June 17. Roll ..call will be, "Donate a nickel for every tune it rains until the next meeting." A game of cards was played and • a nice lunch was ,served by the hostess, Pelgrave on May 2ath, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor „spole. of 'the new spealcer In the WA sneaker in. the hall and it was decided to donate $25.00 the hall hoard. Mrs. Andrew Xireenreli, .PenVeher of the card committee reported and read the thanlc-you mites. A .reading,. "St, Peter at the Golden gate" was &len by Mrs, .Terence -Tnnter. mot- to, "Plant 'the .seeds.rof charact. car in YoPr home 444 blossom out in the community," was given by Mr's. Ed Davies. Mrs. Wilfred Colelougm gayc monologue, 'When f became en, gaged.' Mrs. Ernest ROgie con- ducted a geography match and Mrs. •Rieltard Budhanan's side won. Horticulture was the topic for the afternoon and the guest speaker, Mrs. William Moore- head, Benmiiller, Was introduegb, by the president of the Hort,. icelture Society, Mrs. Wes Wednock, Mrs. Moorehead sp- oke of the' extended course wh- ich she had attended at the Royal Bon'tanieal Gardens at Hamilton on floral arrange- merits and the judging of flow- ers. Mrs. Moorehead in her inter- esting and informative way told how to prepare and plan floral arrangements- to design and height. She stressed that plans should be made before starting the arrangement. She made 12 attractive bou- quets of flowers from her gard- en and also from flowers don- ated to the WI by Denomme's flower shop in Godenich. Mrs. Donald Haines thanked Mrs. Moorehead and on behalf of the branch presented her With a gift. Mrs. Ernest Rad- ford played two piano solos. Plans were made for the June meeting which will be iheld un the evening in charge of the convener of health, Mrs. Ken- neth: Scott. A successful auction of plants and bulbs was held with Mrs. Donald Haines in charge. Mrs. Lloyd -Humphreys and Mrs, Ed, Davies were in charge of dis- tributing the floral arrange- ments to those holding the lucky tickets, They were given to Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs, James Horton, Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Harvey FiSher, Mrs. Ernest Bogie, Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs. Rod Bogie. Lunch was served by Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs. Leonard Archambault. Thanks for the pleasant after-. noon wa,s expressed ' by - Mrs. Richard Buchanan of the Tiger Dunlop branch and Mrs. Wil- fred Colclaugh of the Clinton branch - BRUCEFIELD Another Protest On TV Beer Advs. Mrs. Anna Aldevinkle was hostess for the monthly meet- ing of Unit Four of Brucefield UCW last Wednesday 'evening. Mrs. Betty St. Louis gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Ken Scott, the card report. Mrs. Bob Dalrymple gave the treas- urer's report, Mrs. Welland condudted the business. A petition opposing the ad- SUNSET DRIVE-IN THUR., FRI., SAT. May 28-29-30 Debbie Reynolds John Saxon Color — rThis Happy Feeling" Plus Michael Keith in "King Kong vs. Godzilla" — Color MON., TUES., WED. Jane 1-2-1 Stewart Granger -- Pier Angell In the great biblical speetadle "Sodom and Gomorrah" Scope and Celor 111 1. Lima. sm: THUR., OM., SAT. June 4-5.6 Twin Feature Pregrain ,-- SteeVe Reeves -- Julie tviayniel "Tile Trojan Horse"' Joanne 'den " Mark Stevens "September Storm" Both in teohrdeeler McVittie-Radford Miss Karen Lynn Radford, daughter of Mr. and Ma's, L,en Radford, Londesboro, and Rob- ert Ernest McVittie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne McVittle, RR 3, Blyth, exchanged wed- ding vows in a' ceremony in Blyth United ChurcIeSaturday, May 16. Rev. R. Evan McLag- an, minister of the church of- ficiated. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white , peau de sole fashioned with a full skirt and fitted bodice trimmed with se- quins, scalloped neckline, long sleeves, and a shoulder-length veil, with a corsage of pink roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Wilma Spears, Goderich, chose an or- chid nylon over taffeta dress with a full skirt and fitted bodice, white accessories and a corsage of white' roses. The groomsman was Clare Vincent, Londesboro. A reception and luncheon was held at the home of 'the bride's parents. The couple left lager on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, On their return they will reside at RR 2, Blyth. vertising of beer on TV for sport progeams was signed, A White Elephant Sale is to be held at next meeting. Mrs. Howard Plant introduc- ed Mrs. Hiltz, who spoke on the New Curriculum. She ex- plained a Sunday School lesson by the new method and how to use the new books. Mrs. Joan Allan thanked the guest speaker. Mrs. Lorne Thompson a n d Mrs. James' Aikenhead, were in charge of the worship ser- vice. - Mrs. Bruce Walker had the entertainment and Miss Margaret McQueen was hostess and served a delicious lunch. We are sorry to report that Mrs, W. Stackhouse is a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital, A large crowd from. Kippen and Brucefield attended the YPT1 anniversary in Brucefield United Church last , Sunday morning when Miss Phyllis Lobb, Mr. Douglas ,McBeath and Mr. Brian Triebner had charge of the service. Rev. M. Mor- rison of Varna, was guest speaker. The choir, assisted by the young people rendered an anthem. Mr. and Mrs. William Pater- son, Montreal, are visiting with Mr. Alex Paterson and Mrs. Petersen this week. Mr, Richard Handco'ck is on course in Montreal at the pre- sent time. Miss Than Mc.Naughton is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospi Father McGuire Main Speaker at Holy Family Hour The Rev, S. E. McGuire, pas- tor at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church here, was main speaker at the sixth Family Holy Hour held by 'the Holy Name Society in London, last Sunday. The service, held alt Queen's Park before about 10,000 per- sons is the largest annual re- ligious undertaking by the Lon- don diocese of the Roman Cath- olic Church. Fr. McGuire told, the audience the church was not a substance:, or some definite substantial spiritual lump. "The church is an event — a happening in time and space involving God and man. It is the continuation of the Christ event and the great event of history is the Incarnation. Aron:md this all history con- verges because all previous history was a preparation and all subsequent 'history is a continuation," he said. Father McGuire said the great difficulty with people was they have been thinking for too long of churches as a substance and; as a retult it has "made us excessively legalistic, as well as ghetto-minded or concerned selfishly, only with oneself, and also lazy both intellectually and spiritually. The Virgin Mary was the type: of the 'church — the con- crete expression in flesh and blood of .the Incarnation and the concrete expression of the church, he said. "According to scripture, she is by faith, by her personal assent, the Mother of God. Her decision for Christ is the foun- tainhead of her real glory through her commitment to the Incarnation." Father McGuire said these points meant the church existed in them and 'the event must. 'happen in them. He called for members of the congregation to make their personal com- mitment 'to God and decide the church, carrying on the redemp- tion, will be made concrete and real in them. BACKACHE When kidneys fell to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidnbys to normal duty. You fool batter, sleep hotter, work better. SO Wilts-Verburg BLYTH—St, Andrew's Pres- byterian; Church, Blyth, was the setting for the' twilight wedding of Miss Janie Verburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph 'Verburg, RR 1, Auburn, and Martin Wilts, son of 1W, and Mrs. Siebrand Wilts, RR 1, Londesboro, on Friday, May 8. The officiating minister was Rev. Raymond J. Sikkema, -pas-- tor of the, Christian Reformed congregation at Blytii. The' bride wore a floor-length gown of white bridal satin with long sleeves. 'She wore a single string of pearls, and carried a white B ible crested with a dozen red roses. Her attendant was a flower- girl, Gi'ena Datema, who was wearing a dress of 'blue nylon with matching blue hat, and carried a basket of red roses and white baby chrysanthe- mums. The ushers were Tony Verburg, brother of the' bride, and Siebrand Wilts, brother of the groom, . The bride's Mother received guests wearing a green suit. She was assisted by the bride- groom's mother, who wore a. black suit. Each wore a cor- sage of pink carnations. Fol- lowing 'the ceremony and re- ception the wedding party 'and guests assembled in Memorial Hall, Blyth, where refreshments were served and 'an impromptu. program presented. Leaving on a-wedding trip to Quebec, the bride wore a three- piece .blue suit, and a corsage of pink and white carnations. They will make' their home on RR 3, Exeter. Cl ASSIemp ADS BRING, QUICK RESULTS Lovely Wedding In Henson • Mr. and MrS. John Douglas Jamieson were married in Hensall United Church on Saturday, May 16, by Rev. John G. Goddard, Kelowna, B.C., and Rev. H. F. Currie, Hensall. The bride, Elizabeth Anne Goddard is the daughter of Dr. and Ml's. John C. Goddard, Hensall and the groom is the son of • Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Jamieson, RR 4, Clinton. The young couple are residing in St. Catharines. (Photo by Doerr) Nesbitt Dougherty Thurs., May ;8, 1964 Clinton Npws-.R'<cord,--Page 3