HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-21, Page 16Page• 10-Clinton News-Record Thom" .May XII 1904 ins Field Central Huron. Secondary School Athletes brought back one champlonshiP and brolCe four records at the kitiron-Per41 Conference track and field Meet at St. Marys last ThiArts- daY. In all, ,22 records were broken at the Meet of over 1,000 students from; nine schools. Magee Champion Clare Magee mediate boys with 13 points firsts in hop, (40''/2') and • jump (18'10"), 220 yard dash. won the inter, championship . This included step and jump running broad and second in Dean Reid' of CHSS won 'the 100 yard dash and Clinton came in second in the 440 yard re- lay, MSS took second in the meet with 106 points, 12 behind St. Marys Collegiate, Goderach was third with 96 points. In senior boys class, Brian Lavis took first in 440 race (55.5) and Ed Land finished third. In the 880 race, Land and Levis finished second and third and both their times bet- tered 'the former record. Gow- ing of St. Marys was first in 2,10, Barry Elliott and Laurie Celquhoun finished first and second in the shot put. John Cooper was.second in the Pole vault and. Doug Macaulay iSbed third in the 220 Sane, af$S took second in the 440 yard relay, In boys junior competition, MSS 440 yard relay team set a new record •a 51.5, one half 'second off the former record. Bev. l3elc was Clinton's best in senior girls, •taking firgt in running broad jump (1.5.1A"), and third in standing broad jump- Jean Christiin was second in senior girls 220 yard dash and third in 'the '100 yard; Donna Peek 'took second in the high jump, and CHSS came, in third in the 440 yard relay. Record For Bonnie Bonnie Boyes was 'Milton's second top athlete of the day, She set a new record in winning the junior girls' running broad jump with a jump of 14'1114". This was 2%" 'better than. the previous record. Miss Boyes tied the record in •the high jhrim 'at 4'8". In the standing broad jump she placed third behind Linda Spano, second. Miss Spano placed third in the running broad jump. Corrie Idsinga was third in 'the softball throw, and the junior team took sec- ond place in the 440 yard relay. Win Catholic Church Mixed Bowling League Championship Members of the winning team in the Catholic Church Mixed Bowling League are shown here with their trophies at the league banquet in Hotel Clinton on Thursday. Seated, front, Bob Davey; standing, left to right, Frank Van Altena, Edna LeBeau, Tony VanDongen, Rita Flynn and Pete Jansen. Town of Clinton Recreation Committee REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR 1963 This committee is primarily a co-ordinating organization. In this capacity it encourages groups and individuals to operate recreational activities. Some activities are operated directly by the committee. The committee is also responsible for the im- provement and maintenance of •parklands except the Central Park which is under the jurisdiction of the Athletic Field Board. Following is a reasonably complete record of the year's activities: SUMMER PROGRAMME 1. Children's playgrounds held in 3 parks. 140 children partici- pated under 6 leaders. 2. Girls' town softball team. 3. Men's industrial softball •league. One team played in WOAA competition. 4. Community Concert end Marching Band. 5. Archery instruction. 6. Minor •baseball league: four teams sponsored by the Kinsmen, Legion, Lions and Fish and Game Club. The Kinsmen's Pee Wees Won the WOAA championship. 7. Grading and levelling at Pinecrest end Alma Grove parks. 8. 3 swings, 3 ,slides, 3 sets monkey bars provided, 9. The committee co-operates With the Community Centre Board in paying the employees Of the swimming and wading pools. WINTER PROGRAMME 1. Sponsored town Bantam-Midget Hockey League for boys not on other teams. 2. Adult industrial league hockey. 3, Figure skating ,dlub-75 children and teenagers participated. 4, Badminton leagues--a week night adult group and a teenage Saturday group. 5. Free skating time at Lion's Arena for Elernentary School students, 6. Adult Square Dancing Club-about 60 mernebrs 7. Indoor golf clinic prior to season opening. 8. Minor hockey league--four ,teams sponsored by Kinsmen, Legion, Fish and Game and Lions Club, The Legion Juveniles reached the Ontario finals. CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENT-1363 Receipts Payments Total $7,225.12 Balance on hand Dee, 31, 1963 543.09 $7,768.21 Municipal Auditor, The books Of the Committee have been audited by the Ri6Itard Oreinlin Chairinan Maitland td oar " Glenn Lockhni,t Secretary treasurer Balance oh hand Canadian Legion Kinsmen Club & Game Club Lions Club Town of Clinton(Grant) Department of Mica-, tion Grant Conitrinnity Centre Board Town. of Clinton (Lions Arena) Kinette Club (Tables) AdtiVitieS Receipts Kinsmen (Petit OcItliPt) 1,000.00 120.00 1,058.20 650.00 $'4768.21. $ 200.00 Swimming Pool staff $2,175.47 200,00 Lions Arena ..... .. 1,000.00 200.00 Picnic Tables , 120.00 100.00 Park grading and main- 1,100,00 tertanaa 191.19 647.10 Community Band 250.00 Park Equipment 659,25 2,175.47 Activities Expenses , 2,829.21 S Send a ,Congratulation Card 'to the Graduate Gift Suggestions for the Graduate - Pens, Pen and Pencil Sets priced $1.95 to $25.00 Travel Alarm Clocks $11.95 Cameras and Sets ~ $10.95 to $29.95 Letter Case in leather $3.95 Attache Cases $5.75 to $22.50 Leather Shaving Kit , $5.50 to $8.95 Leather Jewel Case $6.95 Address Books 39c to $1.95 Autograph Books 40c to $1.50 MeEwatirs Giants Win Fi rst, 16-7 hi Peewee Baseball The Kinsmen pee wee base- ball league got undervvayl on Tuesday with the. Tigers de- feating 'the Giants 16-7, at the public school grounds. Next week's games are as follows: Monday, May 25, Ti- gers vs. Braves; WedneSclay, May 27, Giants vs. Indians, ciefmty zone commander; Mayor W. J. Miller, Rev, R. U. Mac- Lean, 1S-/L Ed, Wood and S/L Jim Cavanaugh of the -RCAF Station, -and Eric John- ston, Goderich, zone comman- der, who officially closed the meeting. top Bowlers In ,Catholic Mixed League . The individual winners in the Catholic! Church Mixed 'loWling League display their trophies after a banquet in Rotel Clinton last Thursday. Seated is. Frank VanAltena, men's high single, standing, left to right• Ted Ii,yder, 111011'S :, T men's averageony VanDongen, en's high triple: Kay Sharp, ladies' high triple: Yolanda Sytnick, ladies' high single; Mary Davey, ladies' High aVerage and Martin tirand, the most improved bowler., Band March-Past Concludes Inspection CHSS Band put on a colourful display of drills and marching at the conclusion of the annual cadet inspection in Clinton Community Park last Friday. They are shown here. in single file, with caps removed, parading off the field and passing' the official reviewing stand. (News-Record Photo) Read The Classified Advs Every Week Legion Entertains World War 1 Men And Hockey Team at YE Day Dinner Eighteen, .veterans .of World War I were guests' at the VE- Day banquet of Clinton- Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Leg- ion last Wednesday. Fred Sloman, another first World War veteran was the guest speaker. 'Mr, SIoman enlisted right out of Clinton high schbol in May 1915 and was on his way over- seas within 24 days. During his talk he said: "It is not good to be promoted from grade 13 out into a world at war". On his first attempt to enlist, Fred didn't get in; he wore glasses. But on May 2,1915, he' enlisted at Carling Heights, London, and was attached to. the 33rd Battalion. At that time Fred said there were five cars and trucks in Clinton and it was quite a sight to. see 29 trucks lined up on Carling Heights. He was made a lance corpor- al within three days. He made, two trips home from Landon before going overseas. On one of these trips he tried two ex- aans at high school, but only passed one. • Fred reminisced 'about the 15- day boat trip, his experiences during training and actual fighting in Europe. He was at- tached 'to the 4th Field Ambu- lance, and sopke 'of his exper- iences,as stretcher-bearer. He was invalided back to England and later to Canada and was stationed at the. prison farm at Guelph when war ended. He was advised not to go mask to books and school, but he did, He thought of the many illiterate boys he had met 'in the war, then wanted the teach. He 'taught in Blyth continuation schoel and for five . years in Northern Ontario. In 1927 he was made principal of a CNR travelling school car at 'Capreel. For 36 years he stayed with the school car "syStem in 'the north. The speaker was. introduced by J.. D. Thorndike and thanked by R. Roy Fitzsimons. The World War I veterans Who were guests included: J. B. "Cap" Cook, 3. K. Cornish, prank Reath. Howard Tait, M. Toms, Jim Makins, Lyle Hill, Harvey Taylor, Joe Silcock, J. Agnew, Ken Bennett, T. Go r don Scribbins, Maldolm Bert Brunsdon, Eph Snell, Frank Andrews, Alex Ha.ddy, George Wilson and Dr. Fred G. Thompson. Clin to n Legion's juvenile hockey team were also gueets and were individually introduc- ed by manager Doug Andrews. On display was their MIA juv- enile "B" finalists trophy. Chairman, president K. W. Colquhaun recalled that the same trophy was in Clinton in Entries Coming In For Spring Fair, Saturday, May 30 (Continued from Page One) gram "Focus" Friday evening, May 22 on CKNX-TV. Joyes Bros. midway will' be in the park on Friday evening, May 29, and all day May 30, Friday night, May 29 will fea- ture the. RCAF trumpet band from Station Clinton along with modern square dancink with Art Shepherd as caller. The directors of the fair wish to thank the Stratford Music- ians Association, Meal 418 AF of M for their kind co-opera- tion .in permitting the RCAF trumpet band of Clinton to play on this occasion. Saturday evening along with 'the evening horse shoW will be the Central Huron Secondary School Band and the Clinton Legion Pipe Band. Draw ticketS for . prizes of $100.00, $50.00 and $25.00 are available from directors of the Society and their families and the hope is that everyone gets a ticket on 'this lucky draw which will take place following the evening show, May 30. All children entering pets must register 'these entries with the secretary at the office op- posite 'the grandstand and ob- tain their exhibitor's number, This is a must, kids, Legion. Ladies Place fourth. In District Bowling A zone 'bowl-off td pick three 'teams 'to partiCipate iri. the Legion Ladies. Provincial Bawl- ing at Windsor on June 6 was held in Clinton on Saturday, May 16. Fourteens teams from. Sea, forth, Blyth, Wingham, Kincar- dine, •Goderich, Ripley, Exeter and Clinton were entered. Winners were: first, Exeter, Siasel Beavers, captain,. with .2,842, won travelling alarm clocks; second, • Goderich, Erma Henderson,. captain, With 2,795, won Avon compacts; third, Wingham, Marie Irvine _captain, with 2,766, won spring jewel- lery. A 'Clinton "team captained by Erma Hartley, scored 2,674 - and won 'two tickets each to Brownie's Low prize went to Doris Chambers and 'her team from Seaforth.. High single went to Helen Case/Imre, Wingham, with a score of 281a high triple to Norma Kingswell., Goderich, with a score of 722, Following the bowling a smorgasbord dinner Was held in 'the Legion Hall. The Clinton Ladies Auxiliary would like to thank all those who donated door prizes and bingo prizes; also the Clinton Automatic Bowling where the games were played. GIRLS' BASEBALL Any girls interested in playing baseball- for a Clinton team, please phone 482-7319 or 482-3871 anytime NO AGE LIMIT Practice Next Week COMING EVENTS -FrOPYr May ,22aaPoll't miss Dance 1,AegioP. 1,14.11, ten, featuring "The alr,oliers"' fronl London, 0109 to 12. Mom4.4Y, May 4 - CbarteP bus. leaving Clinton 11.00 a.m., travel north as far as wood, Anyone -desiring: this sightseeing tour phone Mrsi Wilfred Cololough, 4$2-7627. Spomors1 -clIntonlon 00," ?Th Tuesday, May 26 - grQ ntlTurop ish and Game, Saek, pot .857,00. in .57 Ann/hers. door prizes, 8,30 Saturday, May 24-Rununage and bake sale, new articles, Clinton ,council chamber, 1:30 p.m. Anspices of Units 1 and 3 of g.fueefiold UCW, 2¢x0 Tuesday, Anne :0 Drive-In Bingo, at Brownie's prive - In Theatre, sponsored by Clinton Legion, Bingo .starts. 8 p.m., games fox$10 prizes,. share- the-wealth gams, Movie; `!+.1i Majority of One" starring Ros- alind Ppssell and Alex Guinness, starts at dusk, $1.00 admission for both bingo and movie; •Tic, kets from Legion members. 21-2b BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 21-22 DOUBLE FEATURE - "THE YOUNG RACERS" MARK DAMON WILLIAM CAMPBELL PLUS "OPERATION BIKINI" TAB HUNTER FRANKIE AVALON SCOTT BRADY. SATURDAY and MONDAY MAY 23-25 - DOUBLE FEATURE - "NINE HOURS TO RAMA"' HORST BUCHHOLZ JOSE FERRER DIANE BAKER Plus Second Action Hit "HARBOUR LIGHTS" KENT TAYLOR Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 26-27 "STRAIGHT JACKET" JOAN CRAWFORD ANNE HELM Cartoon Coming-Next: "'MY. SIX LOVES" 1940-41. He introduced three Legionaires who were with him on that team. Team captain Borden M'cRao spoke for the young hockey team and 'invited Andrews to again be their manager next season, J. K. Cornish thanked the 1,egien for honoring his first War comrades. Mr. Cornish in- troduced the veterans, saying, "We may be small in quantity, but we're large in quality". Other head 'table guests in- eluded Al Nicholson, Seaforth, Another Ace At Bayfield Golf Course London. map., Buddy Dockers, has the of ,coping; We first hole--in- one at the 134),Paeld golf course this Season, He dropped the ace lir.tirrirber. :five men, laat osivg a AIM, iron.. TIP was playing with bl$ father, :alio. from London, 0 Take AdVantage Of Galbraith's SALE. Of Canadian Hand-Made' JEWELLERY 20% Off Hedy Hill Jewellery FOR ONE WEEK ONLY rL. Galbraith's RADIO and tY 4824841 It Takes All Kinds We Have Them. We haven't got a used Rolls Royce, but we do have practically everything else in an 'OK USED CAR. We do have a selction of "Cheapies" from $50 up. 'We do have the lowest-prices in Huron County. Selected To Move This Weekend 59 Chevrolet Sedan 62 Chev. Station Wagon Antomatio. Top quality. • 58 Chev. 8 Sedan 59 Consul Sedan 62 Ford Sedan 59 Meteor Sedan 60 Olds. Sedan Fully equipped. 57 Pontiac Sedan 52 Fargo 3 Ton Truck 56 Chev. I Ton Truck Our stock of New Chevrolets is dwindling. Buy now' while you have a choice. Four new., Chen. Pickups. On the' block this week. ome Brown Motors Lt Your Friendly Chevtotet) OldSrnabiie Dealer 48.9 .121 CLINTON