HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-21, Page 14Mr, end Mrs, Maitland Allen ted by Robert Arthur, Ralph Manro, The hake table under the eon" venership ef. Mrs. William. J. Craig brought NMI; .the booth, With Ms, BertCrale in .ebarge br'ou'ght.ande the ing in charge Of Mr's, noelt assisted by Mr. Robert Phillips, brought :f$40,14. .Arthur younghlut was in oharge of the auction assisted by members the hall board, ONTO Officers E. -F, Wheeler, District' Field Secretary for the Buren dis, triot for the • Canadian Nation,- al Institute for the Blind was in cnarge of a meeting belch in the Auburn Public Library, Of-ficers were elected to carry on a campaign the last two weeks of September; Mr. Wheeler told about the work of the CNIB .and demon- steateF1 the talking book which gives hours of reading to the sightless people of Canada. The Cassette holds a one-half-inch tape which hae 18 tracks on. it, Which will produce about n hours of reading. Officers are: chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. .Rollinson,; treasurer, , Bert Marsh; collec- toys, William Straughan, Jam- es Jackson, George Million, Mrs. Gordon Miller, Miss Laura Phillips 'and Mrs. Wes Brad- nook. Lunch was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin- son. Mr. and Mie. Rollinson at- tended. a 'banquet in Seaforth on Monday evening. Bible School Representatives from t he four churches in the village met in Knox Presbyterian Church to discuss having a daily vaca- tion Bible school, this summer. Rev. R. U. MacLean, Clinton, was chairman, Prayer was by Craig Peters: . Minutes were read by secretary, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, The financial state- ment showed a balance Of $36.44. On motion of Mr. Peters and Rev. Robert Meally it was de- cided to again hold a Bible school beginning July 6. Onen- ing exercises will be held in. St. Mark's Anglican Church With classes held in the Sunday school rooms of the. 'three other churches. Rev. Charles Lewis displayed a kit of Bible school materiel and a .discussion took place On the' material that Was supplied on this planned program. - It was decided to secure other pro- grams 'and the leaders will distitss them at a later meet- ing. Mrs. , Wes Bradnock was named ' .seeretary and Bert Marsh was chosen treasurer. The kindergarten superintend- ent will be Mrs. .Wilfred San- derson and the junior superin- tendent . will be Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys. returned on the weekend from several weeks spent in Flint) Mich., with hor sister Mrs, W. N. cpatps, and Mr; Cnatea. Mr, Peter Brown., Riverside, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mrs $1.(1Pey .T4ausiug spent the weekend in London with her imsband who is, a patient in Victoria Hospital.' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig, Vera and Jeff, Ilderton, visited nn Sunday with. bas, parents', Mr, and Mrs. William J, Craig, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer 'arrived home last weekend after several weeks a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig attended the church eer- Vice at Wesley-Willis Church, Clinton on ' Sunday evening when members of their family The Craig Trio, were the guest singers. , Members of the Auburn CGIT made plans for their an- nual mother and daughter ban,- qttet to be held on May 26, at their social 'evening last week. They enjoyed a Hare and Hound Chase and lunch was served in the Sunday • school room , of Knox Presbyterian Church by Miss Laura Phillips and Mrs, Karl Tiechert. -pictures Of Nassau Pictures of Nassau were' shown by Misses Shirley Brown, Crystal Straughan, Benmiller and Donna McNee in the Orange Hall last Friday .evening, These teachers bad enjoyed a conducted tour 'to this country 'during Easter holi- days. Miss Brawn had -also novelties and souvenirs,. straw hats and bags on display. Rev, Robert Meally, rector of St. Mark's Church thanked the girls for their interesting pic- tures and comments. The even- ing was sponsored by St. Mark's choir and Misses Diane Kirkconnell and Nancy Brown received the silver collection. (Intended For Last Week) , Two Baptisms • The sacrament of holy . bap- tism was achninistered Mother's Day by Rev. R. U. MacLean at Knox Presbyterian Church to Michael William Andrews, in- fant son of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Andrews and Terrence Douglas, infant son of Mr: and Mrs. William Brown, RR 1; Dungannon. Hall Auction Auburn Community Memor- ial Hall Board held a rummage sale recently with total receipts $232.83. The auction by George Nesbit, Blyth, brought $86.93. Clerk was Gordon Dobie, assis- MR. AND MRS, GEORGE MILLIAN World War I Veterans Guests At VE-Day Dinner Eighteen veterans of World War I were special guests at the VE-Day banquet of Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion on Wednesday, ,,May 13. Pictured here are some of them who stayed to reminisce, front row, from the left: Alex Haddy, Ken Bennett, George Wilson, J. E. "Cap" Cook, Frank Andrews, Malcolm Toms and. Lyle Hill. Back row, from the left; Harvey Taylor, Howard Tait, Fred Sloman, who was guest speaker; K. Colquhoun, Legion president; and J. K. Cornish, who acted as spokesman for the first war veterans, (News-Record Photo) AUBURN-Bouquets -of yel- lqw roses, tulips and chrysan- themums made an attractive setting for 'the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Millian, Goderieh St., Auburn, last Saturday, May 16. Open house was held during the afternoon, arid evening and many friends and relatives call- ed to extend congratulations to this popular couple. Receiving the guests was Mrs. Frank Treble, London, and she also was in charge of the register. The attractive tea' table was centred with a three-tired wed- ding cake made by Mrs. Frank Treble, London. The cake, at- tractively decorated for the oc- caSiOn, was decorated by an- other daughter, Mrs. Carl Thomson, Stratford. Lon g lighted tapers flanked the cake and pouring tea were Mrs. Harry Watson and Mrs. Edith Mc- Phee. Assisting in serving the SPRING SALE on ADMIRAL FREEZERS es,seee'&*eikeece .. • 21 cu. ft. Admiral deep freeze • All copper -tubing • Fast freeze throughout 'freezer • 5-year compressor warranty • 5-year food spoilage insurance Beg. $329.00 Sale Price $235.00 Groves & Son Electric TV and APPLIANCES Huron Street .,--6 CLINTON 482-9414 Auburn Knox WMS Meets In Clinton Manse AUBURN-Knox '• Presbyter- ian. Women's Missionary 'Society were guests of Mrs. R, U. Mac- .Lean at the manse in Clinton, for their May meeting. The first vice-president, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland gave the call to worship and led 'the meeting. The .call to worship dwelt with the motto of the WMS "The World for Christ", The Glad Tidings prayer was. taken by MisS Winnie Leggitt. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Frank Raithby. The scripture lesson was from Isaiah and her meditation was on the theme, "We Have Time", followed by prayer. 'A reading, "Good Nature" was given by kfre, 'Roy Deer, The study book was the study of a missionary nurse an India-that of Miss Ida White whose home is in Goderich. Assisting Mrs. Leatherland the presentation was Mrs. ,Ed.: Davies and Miss Minnie Wag-. ner. The roll call was answered by a Bible verse containing the word, "Evening". The minutes • were read by the secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines and a discussion follow- ed on the bale and supply fund. An invitation to attend the -Clinton WMS on April 20 was accepted and also an invitation from St. Mark's Guild for June 12. A letter was read from Mrs. C. Dobie and other thank- you notes read. Mrs. Frank Raithley closed • the meeting with prayer. The Ladies Aid of Knox Pres- byterian Church met with the president, Mrs. Davies i n Charge. The correspondence was read by the secretary, Mrs. Roy Daer. • A card of thanks, was read from Mr. and Mrs. John Houston for the gift re- ceived on the occasion of their golden wedding. It was decided to send a girl to camp this summer. Mrs. MacLean served a dainty lunch. their parents, Mn and Mrs. Al- fred Roilinson. Mr. and Mrs. Rollinson returned with them for a week's visit. JET STAR 3 NEW '64 Straight Line Styling Shift on the go, mph- tore, 10 speed 2 reverse drive, Easier shifting ball and socket shift lever. DeluXe team Seat. One piece trans- mission ease belted to engine forming rigid, strong, solid assembly that holds gears firealy in line, Large modern disc brakes. Short turn- ing, high arch front end that turns as short as most roW crops for row crop work and tight corner loading when equipped With L 8 0 0 loader. For The Price Of 3. $6 Horse Power rilit 4 Piew Pewer Ray Potter and Sons Located 11/2 Milts West of Clinton South Phone 482-9997 SO months 20 months is months HOUSEHOLD FINANC GODERICH 35A West Street-Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Need appliance money Get an HFC Big Purchase Loan For any important purchase, you're better off buying with cash. You can shop anywhere for the best bargains, take advantage of cash savings. Get that cash from HFC. Bor- row confidently- repay conveniently. Call us now. 60.88 83.71 95.12 Above payments include principal and interest and are bused a prompt repayment, but do not include the cost of life Insurance. AMOUNT OF LOAN 36 months $550 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT LANS ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE AT LOW GROUP RATES $23.73 $ 6.12 $ 32.86 59 1..24 46 31.65 44.13 69.21 41.45 58.11 91.56 68.81 94.11 146.52 94.62 129.41 201.46 107.52 147.05 228.93 Ontario has all the bigness, all the variety for one of the most exciting vacations of:your life. Ontario covers 415,009 square miles, packed with fas- cinating things to see. Like old Castles and othedrals, art gal' leries, and !Ong sandy beacheS, red coated Mounties and mag., nificent wilderness, cannons and charting sidc-walk otos. Your Ontario is a stirring, exciting plate. Take this sum- met to explore. Vor mote information write, Ontario pepartment of Travel,Room 270, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario. HONOURABLE AM ES AVIA Mintsrefr POsle )4 clIntah News,R,Ocooll-,-- yin 31. 1964 $t. Mark's Guild Hear Topic On Confirmation MR,S, .WES, ORAptiOcK,,cotospondent,,Phoron 044$90. Mr. Mrs. George '' =illian Celebrate Golden Anniversary, Open House Auburn Horticulture Group To Help Choose Canada's Centennial Rose AUBURN - Over 165 'teen- age girls of Hun= County at- tended the CGIT rally • held in St. Mark's United Church, Blyth, on Saturday afternoon. The theme of the rally was "Giving Our Best" and the afternoon session began with we. Mn, and Mrs, Harry- Eye, Leeside, 'event the weekendbere and visited with he mother, Herbert govier, who iS patient in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Miss lielen youngblut, towel, Slient.tbe weekend With her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mal- or Younghlut and family. Mr, and Mrs.. , Donald King and .family, Strathroy, visited on the holiday with his father, Mr, Russel King and Mrs, Icing, Mrs, Marguerite Chopin, IV:Ingham, visited on Sunday With Miss Margaret R. Jack- son. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston and Mr. Murray Rollinson, Tor- onto, visited on _Sunday With registration in charge of the Blyth CGIT, followed by a live- ly sing-song led by Mrs. B. Cornin, Wingham and Mrs. Ar- thur Jackson, Belgrave, as pianist. Greetings •to Blyth were ex- tended by Miss Jane Pollard. The worship period in charge of Grand Bend group followed the theme and spoke on "Time, Talents and Possessions", A panel discussion headed by Mrs. J. Reavie, Wingham, dwelt on "What is my life going to be-your ability, your talents and your opportunity". Three high school girls questioned a high school teacher, a nurse and a social worker, as to educa- tion required for such careers, The girls were divided into three groups for Bible/ drama, games, crafts, leadership train- ing in games and tips for teens, and the leaders met for fellow- ship under the guidance of Mrs. R. S. Hilts, Exeter. A short business period was held and they rallied Mrs. Hilts the president of the Huron County •CGIT interdenomina- tional groups, and Mrs. Ruth Stover, Exeter, the secretary. Miss Dulcie Ventham, mis- sionary nurse on furlough from India, showed pictures of the country and Modelled the dif- ferent dresses on display. Sup- per was served by members of the Blyth UCW group. The CGIT graduation service was in charge of Mrs. R. S. Hilts, Exeter, assisted by Rev. Evan McLagan, Blyth. Con- ducting the candle-lighting graduation service was Mrs. K. Fisher, Benm Men Those graduating were: Joyce Procter and Doreen Pat- tison, Exeter; Melba Stiles and .Than Stephens, North Street, Goderich; Margaret Kemptter, Knox, Goderich; Susan Spry, Roetie Schipper, Noreen Michel, Nancy Donaldson and Bonnie jardie, Wingham; Helen Brown, Carolyn EagIestm. anti Kaye. Hutchison, GreenWay; Janice jewitt and Glenyee Sewitt, Con-, stance. The guest speaker of the evening was Rest( Anne Ora- harn, assistant minister of Metropolitan United Church; London. She gage art inspiring message on the theme, "Giving Our rest'', AUBURN-Members of the Auburn. Horticultural Society will 'have an opportunity to help choose Canada's centen- nial rose at its meeting on June 1 in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall at 8:30 p,m. The ballots are prepared by the Canadian Centennial Rose committee and members will have to choose the coral, red or yellow variety which, the sec- retary has the pictures for all to see. There will also be spec- ial musical numbers by some of the festival winners in the community. At the June meeting the members are asked to bring spring floral 'arrangements and Mrs. Gordon Taylor as in charge of the three prizes for these arrangements. T h e ''m, u rn tfr guests were Mrs. Carl Thom- son, Mrs. Charles McGee, Mrs. Charles Millian, Miss Patsy Millian and Mrs. Douglas Mc- Neill. Gifts, letters and cards were received by this bridal couple of 50 years. During the after- noon, daughter , Mildred, Mrs, Jack Gardner, Hudson Hope, called on the phone 'to her par- ents and members of her 'family also talked. Among the tele- grams wee one from a nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Minim, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and messages and plaques from gov- ernment officials. At noon on Saturday, a fam- ily dinner was served by Mrs. Millian's unit of the UCW an the Sunday school room of Knox United Church when ab- out 30 we're present. Mr. and Mrs. Millian were married at the home of the bride, 'the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhee, Colborne Township. Mr. Million is 'the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew IVfillian an'd' Mrs. Mil- lian is the former Florence Mc- Phee. Rev. Andrew Laing, minister of Auburn Knox Pres- byterian Church officiated for the wedding ceremony. Following their marriage they farmed in Colborne Township until two years ago when they retired 'to Auburn. They are both active members of Knox United which they have at- tended for 40 years, arid Mr. Millian has been a member of the session for many years. Mrs. Million is a member of the UCW, a past president of the Auburn Women's Institute and a member of 'the Horticultural Society. Mr. and Mrs. Millian have a family of six daughters: Mrs. Douglas (Minnie) McNeill, KR 6, Goderich; Mrs. Jack (Mil- dred) Gardner, Thicison Hope, B.C.; Mrs. Frank (Evelyn) Treble, London; Mrs. Charles Waite) Mitchell, RR 5, Gode- rich; Mrs. Charles (Colleen) McGee, Kintore; Mrs. Carl through the society. The execu- tive instructed 'the delegates to OHA how to vote on the am- endments 'ta• the by-laws. At the June meeting the OHA contests will be announc- ed and the posters on the clean- up campaign will be shown. ATJAVAII-St. l‘larWs ,can.Church .Q1.414 met for its Mai Meeting at Toot*, MO, can Church, T3Iyth r and opened wiith a Orlin, with, Mrs. • qgr, don R. Taylor as Prpl,*.t. Prayers were given by Rev, Robert Meally and the ecrinttliV lessea from the 'third chapter of 'St, John was read by Mrs, The topic of the afternoon Was on COnfionatical, Refer. Meaally .stressed the trite value of confirmation and stated that we May increase more and mom in the Hely Spirit until Ne.narne unto thy Everlasting Kingdom, Mrs, George Schneider read .an article from the Mes- sage on young girls giving up their summer vacation to travel on the Christian vans without salary, only their expenses paid. She .stated that teachers and university zraduates are accepted first. Readings on Re- ligion 'and Love and Mother's Day were given by Mrs. Thom, as Haggitt. Mrs. George Schneider, presi- dent, took charge of the besie ness period end the minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. John Deer. The finanCial statement was 'given 'by 'the treasurer, Mrs, Gordon R, Tay- lor, Mrs. IVfeelly reported that the had 'been laid for 'the new flooring at the rectory. - Plans were made to have Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, Goderich, the Dominion president of WA of the Anglican Church, to be the guest speaker and other church organizations will be invited on Friday, Aare 14 at 2:30 p.m. The roll call was answered by 'naming a Canadian mission- ary. The travelling apron was passed and a penny for each letter in confirmation was plac- ed by each member. lost over 40 years ago. This ring was found in the flower- bed in front of the Million home in .Coiborne, Township, in excellent condition. , 165 CGIT Girls Attend Blyth Rally, Hold Bible Study And Graduation (Ruth) Thomson, Stratford; 17 grandehildren and two great grandchildren. Their only son, Charles passed away one lyear ago. Mr. Millian is the last surviv- ing member of his family. Mrs. Millian has two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Peterson, New Westmin- ster, B,C., and Mrs. Lillian Watson, Gederidh. A happy event took place on the previous Mother's Day Sunday when Mrs. Charles Mil- lien presented her with her. wedding ring which had been plants and other small plants which have been ordered along with dahlia bulbs will be avail- able to the members. The social hour will be in the charge of Mrs. Robert Ar- thur, Mrs, Arthur Grange and Mrs. William Empey and each member will bring a pot luck lunch, The executive met in the lib- rary room foetheir May meet- ing to plan this June event, with the president, Mrs. W. Bradnock in charge. The trea- surer, Mrs. Beat Craig, an- nounced 62 members for this year so far and expressed hope that more would be joining the society. Mrs. Humphreys, sec- retary, announced that 288 be- gonias, 830 galdioli and 143 'mum plants had been ordered