HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-21, Page 10Orr A BARN. CLEANER SILO UNLOADER BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANS, Jr. Phone Collect 482-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 4,4 Your neighbours profit from using AT AZ1 E* gip Shouldn't You? "Control is excellent wouldn't be without it!" Says George F. Morris, Merlin, Ontario. "I used an over-all spray of Atrazine on 200 acres of picking corn and 50 acres of silage corn" says Mr. Morris. "Control of Weeds and grasses bee been excellent without ahy culti- vation. I would hate to have to go back to getting along Without it." Atrazine treatment is normal routine with successful corn groWer's. Your neighbours, who have Used Atrazine, will tell you they woultlh't grow corn without it. brie application of Atrazine controls weeds all season long Including those in the rows which can't be reached by cuiiiva- }ion. Start using Atrazine this year ...discover hear profitable corn prodUctio,n can be, Ask your farm supply dealer for an instructional leaflet on the new, more eolieentratbd formula, Atrazine 65W. Place your order now and get your aprayer ready on time. far good fakfroing 11(4cfe /POrk r 1Rr09900forutel#Pisonslcanade)Lialited , •••••••••••••••••=marammii";: t P urchase ATRA2INE at IL F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Mary Street — CLINTON--- Phone 4824792 we are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Far ers to-operative F. E. Hunt, Shipper Ph ne 856 R 14 oesimearinimar Arammimmariumumoramommetei I' sassasaaaaaW • ,sassaazaM ; aaMa saassaaitaaa- XI:445:4:;:ww:44.:Xf:. •." Broil at eye level—with the broiler door closed. No smoke—no warm-up time—and beat of ail, that true barbeeue flaVourthat only a clean gas flame can pie? Gas range styling goes versatile with this side-open-ing door. Swing it right out of your way fOr easier access, easier cleaning. New Directions in Gas Cooking brings you new features. .nevi ideas .new values! Modern gas ranges give you heat that's sensi- tive, heat that's immediate. The burners, the broiler} the oven all respond instantly to your direction —you get automation, where it's most etteCtiVa, personal control where you really need it. And the manufacturers of today's gas ranges have dreamed up a dozen ways at making gas- cooking even more enjoyable They're all on display now:We call them NEW mitECTIONs 111 CA3 COOkING. UNION SC .,..OMPANY this is the time to trade! You've never seen value like OR before,- PRICES on all-new automatic gas ranges AREIHE LOWEST EVER OFFERED! Aturyou get highest trade,in allowances- now until June 13th,1964! See your Gas Appliance Dealer, Department Store or your Gas Company Pone News-Rem31,--Thurs. May 214 1964 RCAF Clinton Cubs "Going Up" Three Cubs of the 1st RCAF Clinton Mohawk Pack are shown here during a "Going Up" to Boy Scouts ceremony at the statiOnlast week. From the left: Cubmaster, Sgt.-John Marshall; Brian MacDonald, 'son of Cpl, and Mrs. Larry MacDonald; Lyle Moody, son of Sgt. and Mrs. Calvin Moody; and Bob Betts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. (RCAF Photo) Residents Learn About Electricity At Oldies' "Hydro Showtime" VI WE'RE THE Firm YOU SHOULD CALL. FOR REAL SATISFACTION ... Grow White Beans "Going Up" To Scouts cub Derek Poire, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Poire, RCAF Clinton, is shown here receiving a badge from Cubmaster John Marshall at a "Going Up" to Scouts investiture last week at the station. (RCAF Photo) SATURDAY, MAY 30 PARADE At 1 p.m. from Clinton Legion Hall, featuring Six-Horse Tandem Hitches - 'Floats Bands. OPENING At 2 p.m. by Hoff. John G. Diefenbaker. Judging All Afternoon. BABY SHOW At 4 p.m.-2 Classes: Under 6 months arid 6 months to one year. Display of Farm Machinery, Cars and Trucks Afternoon Admission: 50o; Grandstand 25c; Cars 25c; Children in Parade Free $5.00 Prize For Largest Family 7:00 p.m. — EVENING HORSE SHOW Judging Teams in Harness, Single Roadsters, Ponies 2 Bands: CHSS Band and Legion Pipe Band DRAW FOR 3 CASH PRIZES Evening' Admission: 500; Children Free; Cars 25c WISE WORDS FROM WILL Everybody is writing, about Shakespeare these- days. , The only sour note in the fanfare of acclaim marking his 400th anniversary is a deep, Tumbling sound that has many people baffled. A few romantics claim it is the ghostly applause of nearly four centuries of playgoers, echoing clown the years. A few realists assert that it is the mutinous mumbling of 20 gen- erations: of students who had to memorize chunks from his works. Personally, I think the dis- cordant nate. is caused by the rapid rotation in his grave of the bones of The Bard, a shrewd businessman, as be agonizes over all those royalties he is not collecting. Otherwise, things are going swimmingly as the critics and professors of English peer and peek and poke among the mag- nificent debris, and the inane argument about who really wrote his plays waxes once more with futile fury. But I'm not concerned with that There are enough people plodding about through his works, trampling poetry under- foot as they search for clues to prove that he was really Bacon or Marlowe or the Earl of Something.: Let's leok for a moment at the real Will Shakespeare. We find him in the hundreds Hensall Dancers End Season With Program HENSALL The Hensall Area Children Square Dance Club had its final darice for the season at the Hensall Ar- ena. Parents =and families of the dancers were elatertained during the evening 'by the ch- ildren. A short program was put on by the dancers. The program included Lynda Haugh on the accordion; Lynda and Swat Ferguson, piano duet; Lynda. and Barbara Dou- gall singing duet actompanied on 'the piano by Mrs. A. Dou- gall; Robin Lambie, piano solo; .Kerr and Grant. Jones, the sing- ing swinging beetles; Lynda Hay, Dolma Forrest, .Peter Wil- liams, and Doug Mock as the betties. Ltmeh. 'was served daring wh- ich Dot and Bob Lambie were presented with gifts in apprec- Mimi for the season's fun of square dancing. After lunch Ken and Grant Jones on the guitars led the group, in a sing song, of brief passages that have come ringing down 'the years with their universal truths. He had to put them in the mouths of others, of course, but the man himself .is there, warm, alive, grinning, scowling, scold- ing, exulting. What could be more human, for example, than - his prude in his own success? When the. opening night performance of Hamlet Showed that the play was, a smash, he deftly inserted in the last scene, and on the spur of 'the moment, the joyful line, "A hit, a very palpable hit!" We can see his amused toler-' ance of his wife's lack of muscle in another famous line. She'd been spring cleaning and had slipped a disc while trying to move an old trunk full of son- nets. "Frailty, thy name is wo- man'," quipped Will. We can sympathize with his honest rage (this was before dry-cleaning) as he scrubbed the 'gravy-,stain on his silk bree- ches and bellowed, "Out, datnn- LETTER TO EDITOR Sugar and Spice Criticized The Editor, The Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario. Dear Sir: On the basis of Mr. Smiley's story about heaven appearing the April 30th edition of your paper, I would suggest you dis- continue printing his writings. By 'the 'above mentioned story, Mr. Smiley displays a complete lack of fear of God and .does not understand the meaning of God :and Heaven. This is a too serious a /natter to be joking about. Yours truly, T. Bruinsma, Clinton, Ont,, May 2, 1964. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This is the 'first complaint we have had in aver a year regarding Mr. ,Srniley's column, We are sending your original letter on to the columnist. The column appears in over 100 Weekly newspapers in 'Canada and the U.S.A. audience ..of over .00, at- tended the ,afternoon and aaer, ing Preaentationa at Hydro Owt#ne, early In May in Vegia.4 Hall, The demonstration, sponsored. by The .MI*1 Pub* was Paalea 'the AUKACPS Of the -Cliarten Kinette 13R1, Nall of the .1dyclaesalame- maker'a sea vice Was the the master of ceremonies,. Ho, sliowed Mal the .pleasure of house- iseeping in a. medallion .all-elec.'s, tile home. Miss -Gwen Row, home .coon- cooked, a complete .oven-- meal and prepared .several other food items, demonstrating the use. and care of many per,,, table • appliances available. for the homemaker, Legion Auxiliary Names Delegates To :Convention Mrs, Robert Burke presided- for the monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion on May 11. Five new members were initiat- ed: Mrs. W. "Red" Scott, Mrs. John' Fisher, Mrs, Ted Szwaba, Mrs. Hector Kingswell and Mrs. Dick Frernlin. Delegates appointed to the bi - annual convention in late September at North Bay were Mrs. Burke, Mrs, Douglass An- drews, vice-president and Mrs. Stuart Dick, secretary, Three bowling teams com- peted in Seafarth on May 7. Clinton lost the trophy this year. Mrs. William Harris won the runner-up award for high triple, and also several door prizes, A number of banquets are. scheduled for May and. June, Mrs. William Chambers, a past president, was nominated to„.'stand for election as Zone Commander, at the 'zone rally which will be held on June 3 in Exeter. A lunch of coffee and tarts was enjoyed., In 'the evening Mrs.'Bill Fink assisted in drawing the tickets fox 'the draw PriZea and tharac, ed' all theae who,bad helped. 'to make 'the program a success. Nrs. Herd won set of 'Pyrex Mbting Boyila donated by Simpson-Sears; . -a, coffee table donated by Wholesale Furniture, WAS. won by Mrs: Fremlin; Mrs, Bernice Mc- Queen received a pair of wall plaques from 13eatge Fnaniture. The :electric blendette donated by Fink plumbing and Heating was won by Mrs. Jack Tebbutt, Other draw prizes donated by local dealers' included; 4 hams from Clinton Meat Mar- keaFitzsimanon's Grocery, Car- rie's Red ,& White, Peter's Meat Market; 3 pounds of coffee don- ated by 'the IGA; light bulbs courtesy of Wise Plumbing and Heating. Tickets were also .drawn for 50 shopping. 'bags of groceries, donated by the following firms: Tuckey Beverages, Exeter; Car- nation Nfilk, Holmesville; A, J. Heinz Co.; Sifta Salt, Goderich; Mrs, Myrtle Hay (J3y faeasall ,Correspondent) Mrs. George ..Hay (formerfiy Myrtle Anderson), •gxeter, was 'buried on Exeter` . Cemetery,, ,on Monday, May Service was from 'the 13, C. Pinney :funeral home, l';Icet.er, Mrs, Iay ,lied in SoUth .ran hospital, Exeter, on Friday, May 8. She is survived by four dau- ghters, Mrs, Harold (Hazel) Murray,. 13Ierwiok, Mrs.. Victor (Mabel) Jeffrey,. borne Township; Mrs. Herman (Doris) Poumgr, ' Ws, Douglas (Patricia) Cook, sail; one broaher, • Charles, Leamington; 'Off° sisters, MPS. William (Ed'i'th) Cent rall'ai Mrs, Mervin (Ella) Brokenshire, H'agersville. Canada Packers Clintgra Wil liam Wrigley Jr, Co.; J. M. Schneider Co., Kitchener; Goad's Custard Cup, Clinton, ed spot! Out, I say!" What man's heart does not warm to The' Bard's forthright suggestion, 'in Henry VI, Part 2, "The first 'thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Is there a husband living who has not echoed, at some time, Shakespeare's immortal comment when -his wife came home front the butcher with a, stringy roast, "This is the most unkindest cut of all."? Many a man has wished he had the gift, and the nerve; that Will displayed the night he got home from the pub, tiddly and tardy-, and was confronted by his mother-in-law. Did he say, he was sorry and would never do it again? Nat be. He roared, "HoW now, you secret, black and midnight hags!" He knew men, as witness, " 'Tis sever common that men are merriest when 'they are from home." He knew womera too, "Thera was never, yet 'a fair woman but she made mouths in a glass," As this -piece of research ends, I can bear a multitude of Eng- lish :teachers saying, in unison, "For 'this relief Much thanks." Available export markets ensure you of a ready market. Registered No. 1, 2nd Generation Seed Available in . SANILAC -- SEAWAY -- SAGINAW MICHELITE 62 and RED KIDNEY DEANS MICHIGAN SEED also available in the above varieties. BEAN CONTRACTS Contract Your Crop Seed and Fertilizer Supplied CUSTOM TREATING Have your own, seed treated before planting. EPTAM Available for preplant weed control. COOK. BROS. MILLING CO, LTD. Phone 24 ore 249 Mensal!, Ontario. Uri-"l f3b SPRING FAIR HELP WANTED MEN & WOMEN To. Work During The Summer At vegetable Canning Pot:A.44y' of bay or :MO+ Work APPLY IN 'PERSON. TO CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED 210 WELLINGTON STREET WEST, EXETER, ONTARIO .22b In 'the afternoon, 'Mrs. WI. fp)11.0Wen drew- the tickets for the draw pI#es, They included; an eleetrie kettle donated by Mae/Donald PleOrie, won' by Mrs, M. McAdam A shopping bag of groaerias donated by Swan's Grocery waa wan by ,Mrs.. Pow FmerneA,NPS, Ron MacDonald, received, a set of Pyre bowls donated by utter- Perdne :Hardware. An electric a/rack donated by Ball & lVfatch 4ardWare was won by Mrs._ Torn Johriatcm. , "New ;$ Directions in t Gas Cooking