HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-21, Page 5TURNER S CHURCH
SUNDAY, MAY 24 2:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker and Soloist
Netson McClinchey
Rochester, New York
Clinton Laundry's Modern, Safe
Fur Storage Vault.
Availalale Through Our Pant While
Your Furs Are in Storage In Our
Vaults, in Your Home or`
While Travelling.
CLINTON Tel 4824064
Living At RR 3, Exeter
Mr. and Mrs, Martin Wilts were married in
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth, on Fri-
day evening, May 8.The bride is Janie Verburg,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verburg, RR 1,
Auburn and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Siebrand Wilts, RR 1, Londesboro. They are re-
siding at RR 3, Exeter. (Photo by Doerr)
THE it u Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m.'
Now Playing = THUR., FRI., SAT.
Doris Day, James Garner and Arlene Francis
Ina Technicolor fun-film about a TV pitch-girl
MON., TUES., WED. — May 25-26-27
(Adult Entertainment)
Joanne Woodward, Carol Lynley, Claire Trevor
Richard Beymer and Gypsy Rose Lee
An interesting carnival story based on the play
"A Loss of Roses" by William Inge
— In Color .
THUR., FRI., SAT. — May 28-29-30
Hayley Mills and Burl Ives
Present the appealing Walt Disney attraction
"SUMMER MAGIC" — In Colour
Delightfully New Snack Servers
2 piece set only 9.50
ONLY s59,2 95 CHEST
CLINTON 482-9525
you'll like
Black Label
Beer .
Let us assist you with your
plans for that till important
wedding day.
Select your wedding liwitotient, announcement;
and Accessories with complete Confidence as lb
(finality and torteetness Of feria,
AND tAkt tOXtt
t ;
Clinton. cod
56 Albert Street -CLINTON .Phone HU .24441 \.6,4.4bt
• l•
• . • t • A*/ •
Your choice of various paper stocks, type
styles and sizes.
ask fa). . .
At times like this...
CHSS Special Commercial Classes
Tour "Big Offices" In Toronto -
5,30 when we went to a shop-
ping centre. While on 'the tour
we saw such. places as O'Keefe
Centre, Maple Leaf Gardens,
Casa Lorna, City Hall, Exhibi-
tion grounds and many fact-
ories, offices, -houses and pep-
On the way home we passed
the airport. Mr, Hunter and
Mr. Welsh helped a great deal
by telling us what we were see-
ing. We enjoyed very much
driving around seeing the city.
We arrived home about ten
o'clock tired, but pleased with
our field trip. Many thanks to
Mrs. • Munroe, Mr. .Hunter and
Mr. Welsh for putting up with
our nonsense.
Business Management
Course At CHSS
Lion Bill MacArthur, the
commercial department director
at CI-ISS explained to the Clin-
ton Lions meeting- last week,
a proposed. 10-week course of
Study for small businesses. Un-
der the direction of the depart-
ment of education, the -night
classe.S. would be held :at CHSS
beginning in September, with
a high school. teacher as in-
The suggested course on bus.
Mess management would be
called "Planning For Profit",
with a $25 registration fee.
Mr. MacArthur has written to
neighbouring Lions Clubs seek-
ing their interest in such a
course. Any businessman or ex-
ecutive could enroll. These
courses have only been con-
-ducted in cities up to the pres-
ent time,
If iroireTIRED
Now and then overybody gets
4 'titecl.out"..feelitig, end may be
'bothered by baeltachet..Perbtpt tibth
ing seriously Virettg'i just a tentpdtafte
cohdition caused by urinary itritiltionef
blhddet discomfort. Thittrs. the time to
takeDedcl't Kidney Nit, 1:1Othltit Delp
ttitholatb the kicliieys to relieve this •
condition tray often cause bh1t 4.,
ache Mitt tirptl. feeling. Then you feel
better.o:t4est 'bettet',. 'work, bettef, Get
DeatEt Itiitoey. Pella new. Leek fot the
blot: bolt with the -tad band at all drug
Fdrst :Comniii4on.
t Pours
1n Class •
.St, 'Friendship GuP
met in the parish, hall op Wed-
n'es'day evening, May Iat with
the ladies of the -congreOrtliOn
as guests,. . 'rho meeting opened
with the singing of a hymn,
Mowed by the -guitd, prayer
and the Lord's prayer in unison,
The president, Mrs. X E,
Thompson' asked for volunteers
for the hospital cart for the
balance of the month,
Mrs. A, Crozier introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs. Stew.-
art Middleton, who showed
many beautiful slides of their
trip to Ireland: and the Gant,'
inept, Her Commentary, as us-
ual, wa5 most Intere$Iting and
enjoyed by .everyone present.
Miss Evelyn Hail most grac
iously 'thanked Mrs. Middleton
on behalf of "the guild and pre-
sented her with a gift, Rev, R.
W. Wenham closed 'the meet-
ing Wnh prayer.
The collection for the evening
was for the African Appeal for
The hostesses, Mrs, R. Camp-
bell, Mrs, E. C. Reichert, Mrs.
Eric Switzer -and Mrs. M. Mc-
Adam served a dainty lunch.
A bale of children's clothing
for the Children's Aid Society
will be packed at the next
meeting,. May 27,
Mrs. Ensha Townsend
Word has been received of
the death of Mrs.,,Elisba Town-
send 'in the Montreal General
Hospital, on Thursday, May 7.
She was 'the former Margaret
Ann Bradley, and the widow of
James Amin]. She and Mr.
Townsend were married just
'eight months ago.
Mr. Townsend is a former
Clinton resident.
,Survivingbesides. 'her husband
are a son, Elliott and a dau-
ghter, Gwendolyn (Mrs. Robert
Interment was in Merivale
Cemetery, Montreal.
parents. .of 'the groom,
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride obese an „origi-
nal lloor,tength gown of white
pare peon do faille with 'a
Controlled skirt, The bodice fea ,
tared a lace Appliqued inset
and_ the chapel train fell from
above 'the inset at the back of
the gown. A circlet of peau de
faille „petals 'held her shoulder-
length veil, She carried a eas,
cade of white roses, stephano-
tis and ivy.
IVirS. Dennis IVTQC1{,' Tiensal-1,
as matron of bonourl Miss Eve-
lyn Newboulcl, Guelph and Miss
Dorothy Jamieson, 1347t, 4, Clin-
ton, as bridesMaids and Miss
Joan Goddard, Hensall, - as.
flower girl, were gowned alike
in .floor-length dresses' of dusty
pink silk penis de faille in a
style similar to the bride's'
gown, The bridesmaids carried
crescents of pink 'mums and
green leaves and the flower girl
carried a nosegay of white rose
buds and stephanotis.
Bill . Broadworth, Peterbo-
rough, was best man and Larry
Campbell, Ottawa; Dennis
Mock, Hensall; Leonard Jamie-
son, RR 4, Clinton, and John
Goddard, Hensall, were ushers.
Mrs. Robert Pryde, Hensel],
played the wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Mr.
Allan Elston, Centralia, who
sang "The Lord's Prayer" and
"The Wedding Hymn".
A reception was held in the.
Church rooms where the bride's
mother received in a dusty rose
faille dress -with matching flow-
er hat, mink brown accessories
and a corsage of white roses.
She was 'assisted by the groom's
mother in a turquoise shantung
suit with beige accessories and
a -Corsage of pale pink roses.
For a honeymoon trip to Eas-
tern Ontario and Quebec, the
bride donned a yellow three-
piece suit, with matching flower
hat and black patent accessor-
ies. Her corsage was of Talis-
man roses, The couple will re-
side in St. Catharines.
Guests attended the wedding
from Toronto-, London, Guelph,
Kelowna, B:C.; Michigan, Exe-
ter, Clinton and Seaforth.
o .
All children enjoy fireworks
but they should be instructed
to handle them with respect.
.Clinton HoVitol AWcilliary
:met in the nhrses' residence
with Mrs. -S, WOod presiding,
Minutes were road by -.secretary
P. J. Coehrane, Treashreri
Mrs. Puff Thompson reported.
that the Vanishing Parties had
profited the- :auxiliary by KO.4.
Members-VP -eornmittee report-
ed a total of .09 members and
fees of S142.75 have been re,,
Mrs. Beecher Menzies report,
ed on the regional meeting at
RCAF Station Clinton and the
nurses' residence in Clinton.
May 21-22-23
Cameron Mitchell and
the Kessler Twins
"Eric the Conqueror"
'Gay Paree"
A cartoon featuring the voices
of Robert Gotilet and
Judy Garland
May 25-26-27
Natalie Wood and
Robert Wagner
"All The Fine
Young Cannibals"
Scope and Color
Plus a THee Stooge Comedy
and other shorts
May 28-29-30
. Debbie Reynolds and
John Saxon
"This H'i'ppy Feeling"
Pius Michael Keith in
the thrilling
"King Kong vs.
Both In Color —
Lades Auxiliary
To Guides Plans
Summer Events:
The wigs ..Apxotw tto
Guides and TirOWIlieS met last
week in Clinton Legion with
Commissioner Mrs :Maynard.
Come presiding, The treasurer's
report showed a bank balance
of *4:91.,
The Council ,Fee of 'T4,00,.
Division Pee of :$15 and Camp
Fee of --$2.5. were 'to be paid,
It was decided 'to hold a bake
sale at the town hall on May
30 from 2:30 to. 5:00 p,m., the
baking to be In by one o'clock.
Mrs, G. Wonch volunteered to
convene the selling of the hak,
ine goods and to ask for assis-
tance. The telephone committee
was .to phone -all mothers and
ask , to bring baking.
The -Girl Guides field day is
in Goderich, May 30. The cam-
mittee and Blue Guides will
arrange transportatIon,,
The Brownie Revel 'is 'to be
het in .Seaterth, hare
Mrs. Mathews, ACA' wive-
se.ntatIve stated she and, Mrs.
Davies, RCAF representative,
wore purchasing articles to .re,
plenish the patrol box 4,4144y
to be used at :camp, The .ex-
Penaaa being shared by both
Conmtissioner ,Corrie stated
Brownie • leaders •were, needed
for the 1st Pack, It q-10 leaders
are obtained the `pack will. be •
,,Oiseontinned. The LA members-
were asked to be on the 'alert
for potential leaders and notify.
CP,mrl*sleher Conic .,of
We hope more and more mo,
them and interested ladies
would conic opt to These meet-
ings to help the Girl Guides
arid Brownies,
(By Bonita 'Gordon 1252)
One Friday morning early in
May found 12$1 and 1252
climbing sleepy-eyed. into a bus
to go to Toronto. Mr, Hunter
and Mrs, Munroe had arranged
this field trip as an aid to of'ffee
training and jou choosing,
We arrived in Toronto about
ten o'clock. Our first stop was
Ontario Hydro on University
-Avenue. We were given a. Con-
ducted 'tour of these offices.. We
got a good idea of large office
procedure. .0.
Ontario Hydro has several
IBM data processing machines;
• This is one room in itself. These
machines are very expensive
MAY 29
8:00 p.m.—Clinton RCAF
Trumpet Band
9 to II—Modern Square Danc-
ing — Art Shepherd,
Caller — All Square
Dance Clubs invited to
take part.
No Admission
Announce Wedding Plans
Wedding 'plans have been announced for August 1, 1964, by Jeanne Marie
Etue and Mr. Steven Scotchiner. The bride-elect is the eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Etue, Goderich, and her fiance is the eldest son of Mr.
Mrs. Alfred Scotclner, Bayneld, Miss Etue teaches at $t. Anne's in London,
Mr. Scotchmer attends Queeri's University, Kingston.
(Both Photos by Row of London)
and run 24 hours a day in order
to pay for themselves. This is
how our hydro bills are calcul-
ated. Each little hole on the
bill means something and the
machines read . this and put it
on a ticker tape' which is fed
through these huge machines.
We had dinner in a cafeteria
next door to Ontario Hydro.
After this our group was
divided in half, Some went to
the Ontario Art College and
the rest visited the Bank . of
Montreal head office. By air
reports the Art College was in-
teresting, but what we heard
mdst was "Oh, my aching feet."
These sam e well-selected
words also came- from the group
who visited the bank. . Thin
proved to he a very interesting
tour, As well as seeing the of-
fices, we also saw the vaults
and safety deposit boxes. While
in the, vault we saw many,
many millions of dollars of
money all stacked in a cup-
board. We were given the' op-
portunity to lift a gold brick,
but it was much too heavy for
most of- us, including Mr. Hun-
On the main figor‘ where all
the customers come we saw a
cheque for. about 12 million dol-
lars. We Visited 'the "Genie
Cehtre" here. This is where all
chequeS are .Sent 'to be cleared
A record is made of this, they
are sorted, counted, added up
and anything else necesolary,
then delivered back to the local
bank in one day. This gave us
a small idea of why there is a
service charge on our cheques.
Here at, the bank we were. giv-
en a light lunch.
We picked up the group from
the Art College -about 4 o'clock
'and toured the city until about .
Miy gi 1904. cI109A. HPW$4959141P-Oge•5 Jameson. Goddard
The 1,4-4teci awroh. Hensall, -
was the .Setting on 'Saturday,
May for the marriage
abeth Anne Goddard and
John Douglas janlieSon, Rev,.
.John, G, Goddard', of Kelowna,
grandfather of the bride,
and Rey, Harold P., Currie, offi-
The bride is the daughter of
Pr. and Mrs. Jahn C. ,Goddard,
Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Arn-
old Jamieson, RR 4, Clinton. are
06404 m rifa4;te;ae Ate ./Vrecia(ae, efli24,4ka
urses Residente
Scene Of Good
Auxiliary Event