HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-14, Page 7AUBURN Mrs. Geol"gegP,matcat is vises; iltiing Mints Week with her -014••• trues at .Se4fOrtil and Bruce- field, Was Mitch .and Wt.*. Ilia- Y04401,4 were guests on IVfoncl0; .Of Mrs, WUiliam T,' Robison at 'Mar" Mr. and Mr* Andl.W. POP401 and .11.114g Diane eour,41. )4404 On Sunday their son, Mr. NANO - Kirk., eonnell, .Mrs, WrIseoP4011, ,,Eorrald .grogory Paul, in •Gotleric,a. They also *tend- ed the .441)4%1'40 service in Knox Presbyterian Chtlrgli, .C7Oderich for Gregory Pant bnd Mrs. Stewart.Toll, Warren and. Term were 'recent visitors with; lids' father, Mr, Fred Toil and his mother who is a patient in Clinton hospital. Mr. Charles Scott sPent. the Weekend with' friends an Ter- mite. Al/Wee4004 • , . ACTION-PACKED OLDSMOBILE —21 models in 5 series AMENS emp eror RIDING POWER MOWERS AMENS EMPEROR DELUXE VI Big, powerful deluxe model with 6 h.p. engine, foam rubber bucket seat, back rest. Choice 32" or 26" rotary mower. Safety chute. Pneu- matic front tires; wide-tread, Traction Terra Tires on rear wheels. . CHOICE OF 3 MODELS 4 h.p. OR 6 h.p. REAR- MOUNTED ENGINESI AVAILABLE FROM Ray Pottier and Sons RR 3, Clinton Phone 482-9997 Clinton Area Dealer for Ariens Emperor Riding Power Mowers The • UCW of Brumfield Un- ited Church met last week; 30 ladies were present. Unit 4 had charge of the study and worship on India; Mrs. Vic Hargreaves and Mrs. o• Fred McGregor were dressed an And Plan Events At Busy Meeting Clinton 'NCO's Promoted RCAF Ifeadcmrtei's recently artnolgiced the promotion of four Clinton RCAF NCO's,, left to right, Corporal D, A. liorning (promoted from LAC) ; Sergeants S. T. Eslinger, J. A, McSherry and F. C. Pyke (promoted from Corporal). (RCAF Photo) Brutefield UCW Accepts Int:Rath:On INSTA-H1TCH ATTACHMENTS • AVAILABLE .pv1110004. .4PO4,N Visitors with 'Mr, and Mrs,. :dent, .p.lan Carter, presitl,- Charlie 911. StInday were .0, opening with a poem. She Mrs. pert PAO. 4.11c1 04ve. an •i4tprpo04g: sketch. of vemliy,. Mr, -end Mrs, Sack Pipe the 50.th: celebsatlim of 444 ohiitiren ,etkcl groot 0414ightfg .IYA1114171 geroPDPA: Win:Own. . Mrs. 4.4rY.Py H41.1kitig -Aittent10' tlicAMP•441 ;WA ofil $.441-rtlay bell4 in ilOtKillr of her.0.nenci,,- 21401te,r, .;141§4 mks Mi)nre, at the home of her mciiihor -0.oflorion, The wecl(lIng WIli Mice place in 'the -11e4' fnttire, Mr. .404 Mns. Bohert TligroP- SPTI spent Sioncley with the, tatters parents in Mcigefieldt WI Meets The WOMPII'S Institute held their .111,4Y meeting on Wednes- d4Y _eyenir0 The • liPNY ?ktirps "" Tor Voeir n del by patronizing your own Organization,., SilP, COLLECT X9 • tstegisted WareboAp No. 1. fvC KrA YVeStnt), Ontopo?..k . 'AOnifaiii sacks ••'14)opfchargie.A.ign. hi? lei , i liz• 4 NEWS OF LONDESBORQ RUS$EL1. MANSON f, (Shearer) Zurich POW:P.:MINT .144Jr 28, 'Mr To IVirs, IletTeY Taylor, Mrs.. Vtlwm Wood AN Mrs, Olen. Carter were Appointed, The neat 'meting will ptt -TneScla-Y.. tune 2 (note change' Dungannon .1.004t4t which she 40), HARRISTON FERTILIZER LTD., CLINTON Available from your Niagara Dealer attended recently, Thum, May 14, 1904-4,1Won _4ews,Rgcgr4,--Payo 7 Pelegetes were' .appointed to. -1110mpsori gave the work. far the Attend'. the ,,(11#0,ot .444441 • • • ••••• .0 0 splendid PAM 'WhAt P94, ovugea good home life in 'the- PQM:M.411W Mrs, Ipave Alderson iAtrPl:19O, ed the gne4t. Weaker, Mr;. On tale:' staff )the, PTitkvio 1-0011141, .P9c1g401, Pf native dress. A tape recording on Indian Women was heard. and greatly enjoyed. Joan Al- lan assisted by Mrs. Plant led. in, discussions.. - Mrs. Allan; Hill, Mrs. Arnold. Taylor and Mrs. Plant conduc- ted the .worship service. Offer- ing was received and dedicated and Mrs. Hill led in closing pr- ayer. MrS, H. Taylor, first vice- president; conducted t he bus- iness meeting and expressed the sympathy of 'the UCW to the president, Mrs. Elliott on the loss of her father. Notes from Miss Tena Mc- Naughton, Mrs, Brodie, Mrs. Clara Dutot, were read. Mrs. L, Wilson also expressed thanks far cards received, An invita- tion from Clinton Hospital for Visitors Day, May 13, was read, Also an Invitation from Goshen UCW far 'their evening Thank- offering, May 20, was accepted When Miss McLachliti will be the speaker. A letter was received from Mrs: Robert 1VICKereher regard- ing petition about advertising the sale of beer on TV; each group 'to deal with this petit- ion. School for leaders at Alma College was discussed with. Unit 4 to look into this. Moved by Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Triebner that two ,delegates :be sent. Group one is to be visiting comanittee for May;GrouptWo for lune. Mrs. Plant gave a short report of the Presbyterial held in Exeter. Supply committee to- look 'af- ter packing and shipping of a -bale and social committee 'to look after lunch. for Vacation School in July. Visitors day will be 'held on June 2. Hex-mall and Seaforth United Church guests. - Mrs. Scott invited the ladies to iher 'home -in Ba.yfield for a picnic, July 4 with Group 4 to look, after children's sports; Clete McGregor, s'eni'ors. GET A tr.'4 • ....r t t&P,' BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND . LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES • SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANS, Jr. Phone Collett 482-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT, patients 4nci: the wowierf41.eere they are receiving, Anyone is 'welcome to visit the .P.a0P.144 apy time, as. them 'ere lonely sonis who have no relatives And a visit brightens the flay for them And. is much Apprepigpo., ' ' by, t'' or y,wrioNg ,crw CANADIAN CO-OPER A 'WE` WOOL".GROWERS 40 St. Clair Mienue East, • Toronto 7, Ontario. MAY & BAKER (CAN'ADA) LIMITED. , 180 aellarrnin Strept, Montreal-it Telephoner: onnontl-3939 An PA B brand Agricultural Proclact Manufactured by MAX & BAKER LTD. * .DAGEN4,4t . ENGLAND -I M t 51 JET-SMOOTH LUXURY CHEVROLET 15 models in 4 series 11 models in 3 series ,, ••••••• ....... '••• • . '•:::••••••••••:•:,?g ttfttAtt k SPORTY CORVAIR —9 models in 5 series FOR LESS THAN 10 0 • A DAY YOU CAN OWN A NEW ESSO OIL BURNER, • :p/TING CORVETTE ort Coupe or Convertible ............ tgliMipmfrow4. X:iiXiSiA • OLDSMOBILE F-85 —9 models in 3 series SMALL WONDER —ENVOY EPIC —standard or Deluxe "1.0;••,.%••;:"1:::•'0•• FOR AS LITTLE AS $1.85 PER MONTH FOR AS LITTLE AS $4.95* PER MONTH (and no down Payment) (and no down paythent) YOU CAN OWN A YOU CAN OWN A NEW ESSO OIL BURNER NEW,COMPLETE MO OIL FURNACEUNIT *Installed id your existing ductwork. Additions or rnodffitationS to your duct Wofis can also be financed New Esse Heating Equipment Finance Plan. Makes it so easy for you to own the kind of equipinent that assures safetyi cornfert and convert, ictice--Esso beating equipment. Or No down payment—you have 10 yearb to pay it Esso heating' equiptnent is fully guatanteed by Imperial Oil Easy budget tains are Also available on other makes of beating etitiip, iteat tlitaugh your Esso heating equil)tnent dealer, SOEClAt INTEREST: If you arc consideritig renting heating tquipthent, be ante you investigate the econotn-. lea'chrefully, Vdr pennies a clay,yett Cad don your OVVii heating equipitzent and &roll the advantages of Eggs Home Heat Service' Step up today to the az-horn-kat safety and comfort of ES801•16ine Heat SetViee, IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED CALL NOW 'Harold Ma, Mack .269 games Strop, dilintorpi4ilione 482.3011 • • ”•V"64%.4'. LORNE BROWN MOTORS. LIMITED, 30. OntariO Stroet, Clinton, Ontario HU 2.931