HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-14, Page 5 .May 14, 1964--Clinton fipws,Recorj,poge..5' ItEPEEAE[S MANCE. MEETING DATE The .next regular meeting or, Tf uromc Rebekah Lodge will be held ori Wecln4..aclaY, May gQ, at 8 p.m. Please note change of date.. I i[ViIRDNYIEW AUXIa4ARY TO WET TUESDAY The Ladies Auxiliary to lie- rellview. Will Meet in the arts and ,crafts room, Tuesday, May 19, 'at e:30 pm. Please note change of date, Furnace Cleaning Time We are no starting to clean and summer recondition the furnaces of our CHAMPION oil customers. If you would like us to do your furnace don't hesitate to contact Ms and tell us when it would be convenient for you, We have our own furnace man and complete stock of parte and equipment to insure our customers they won't have to ALSO Our Parts .Are Priced The Lowest and an Extra 10% Is Deducted If Our Fuel Oil Is Used A Free Oil Filter Is Supplied With All Cleanouts (Our Customers Only) If You Are Not A Customer Of Ours Novi, Contact Us And Have Your Name Placed On Our List For Furnace Cleaning. "We Now Offer Complete Oil Heating Service" A. G. GRIGG Et Son PHONE 482-9411 CLINTON 19tfb Quality & Service Pansy, Petunia, Snapdragon, Aster, Salida, Alyssum Carnations, Lobelia, Marigold, Zinnia, 50C Ageratum, Verbena, Stocks, Per Box of Phlox, Celosia, Dahlia, 12 Plants GERANIUMS -- BEGONIAS TOMATO -- CABBAGE . CAULIFLOWER -- PEPPER 40c box K. C. COOKE FLORIST 61 Orange St. S.-Clinton, Ont.-Phone 482-7012 LEGAL NOTICE Extract From BY-LAW NUMBER 11 for 1964 4. That no person in the TOwn of Clinton shall own, possess or harbour a dog' unless or until he shall procure a license so to do, prior to the first day of March in each year, and every person so licensed shall be subject to the, provisions of this by-law. 6. (2) The fallowing annual license fee shall be paid to the said Town Assessor by the person obtaining the license at the time the license is issued, viz; for a male dog, if only one is kept, $2.00, for each additional male dog $4.00, for a female dog, if only one is kept, $4.00, for each additional female dog, $5.00; provided when a certificate in writing of a veterinary surgeon is produced showing that a female dog has been spayed, the license fee for such female dog shall be the same as for a male dog; owner of a kennel of purebred dogs registered in the register of the Canadian Kennel Club, Incorporated, who is not licensed as a keeper of a shop or place where animals or birds for use as pets are sold or kept for sale, $10.00. 10. For the purpose of this by-law, a dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found in a highway or other public place and not under the control of any person. 11. No person shall suffer or permit any dog of which he is the owner or harbourer to run at large in the Town of Clinton during the months of May, June, July or August. 12. Every dog within the Town of Clinton, when not confined to the dwelling or to the property of the owner or of the person having the'care or custody of the same, shall at all times during the time or times referred' to in Section 11, be restrained upon leash in charge of some person. Owners and persons having the care and custody of any dog which is not so restrained shall be guilty of an offence. 14. The owner of any dog impounded as provided 'by this by-law, within seventy4wo home after such dog shall have been delivered to the Poundkeeper, claim such dog on application to the Poundkeeper and proof of his ownership and on payment to the Poundkeeper of the sum of nee dollars pound fee plus one dollar per day or portion thereof for board, 15. If such dog be not reclaimed by the owner thereof within the time limited, the Poundkeeper may retain the same for such further time as, he may consider proper and during such time may sell the same her such price as he may consider proper. If such dog is not sold within five days the Poundkeeper may kill such dog. 17. Any person conVicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this by-laW shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion Of the =evicting Magistrate a penalty not exceeding (exclusive of costs) the sum of Fifty Dollars for each offence, and the same shall be recoverable under the prOVIsione of The Sumniary Convictions Act. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk, Town -of Clinton, Attend Your Church This Sunday CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist. Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Thursday, May 14 - Congregational Meeting, 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 17 - 10.00 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.15 a.m.-FAMILY WORSHIP: "Conceerated Madness" 7.00 p.m.-Visit to' Goderich Baptist Church Anniversary Saturday, and Monday-Work Camp at,Hermosa. Everyone Is Welcome At This Church Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, May 17 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Morning, Worship TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.-Church Service 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School Cameras Printing & Developing Films Veterinary Medicines Prescri ptions NEWCOMBE Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario Television RYDER TV SALES and SERVICE 245 VICTORIA ST.-CLINTON-Phone 482-9320 FOR SALE. 3 .....,. . CHICKEN'SHELTERS,.$0,0Q each. Bab Baker, Ieendeehorp, pherte -4$Pe9899,Ob ' FOR SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON Your Bean and Cor11 FERTILIZER Get in touch with your ELMIRA BRAND FERTILIZER DEALER Available in bag or bulk at Elmira, Exeter or Brucefield Inquire about the application of AQUA AMMONIA (25% Nitrogen) to your corn fields. LOCAL DEALERS: Clinton Farm Supply Aldie Mustard, Brucefield or Robert Taylor Sales Representative For Reads Fertilizer Ltd. FARMERS! Since we have been apopinted Dealers For MINNEAPOLIS , MOLINE Be sure to see us for your Farm Machinery Requirements Also featuring the RENAULT LINE of TRACTORS, outstanding in the import field. Hawk Manure Spreaders Aktiv Mowers M. C. Grain Dryers FOR SALE TIMOTHY,' AND ALFALFA Baled Hay. A, L. Shanahan, RR' Clinton. 1.5tfl SALES AND SERVICE, Vik- ing Separators, Milkers. Black- smith and Welding Shop, Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone 4§2-91.31. 6-22p PIONEER 450 CHAIN SAW. Ideal for peening, fencing, light wood cutting, at a new low price. Call Robert Glen, Pion- eer Saws, phone 482-9909 Clin- ton. 17-20p READY-TO-LAY K137 Khn- ber Leghorn pullets. These pul- lets are just coming into pro- duction and will have quality plus A large egg size this sum- mer. They are vaccinated, de- beaked, ee-wormeq and will be delivered. We will show you the pullets if you care to come to the farm. For immediate delieery or later. Andrew's Poultry Farm, RR 3, Seaforth. Phone 600W3, Seaforth. 19-201) LIVESTOCK FOk SALE 16 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Call Bob Stirling' 482-9950. 20b 8 LITTLE PIGS, 8 weeks old. Bob Glen, phone 482-9909. 20b 6 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, ready, to breed. John Zwaan, 482-7481. 20p 11 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply Geoirge Bayley, phone 482- 9853. 20b SHORTHORN BULL, 12 mos. old. Ken Preszcator, phone Seaforth 860R13. 20b SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence '262-C-63 7-tfb AUCTION SALE of Property and Househpld Effects_ at Pert lot P. Eastern Section/ la the. Village of Auburn on Saturday. May 23 at 1:80 tem. Household affects Chrorne kitchen 'table and 4 chairs; 4 burner Dominion electric range; International Harvester refrig- orator; studio Pouch; Phillips 21" TV; small desk; desk and chair; 4 evoking chairs; 2 a= chairs; buffet; floor lamp; table lamp; fernery; double bed and dresser; mattress; 2 . beds; mattreeses; bureau; w a s stand; coat 'rack; small table; 2 lawn chairs; clothes rack; portable electric 'heater; quant- ity of dishes; cooking utensils and numerous other articles. Property-A five room house with 2 bedrooms, a 3-pc. bath and oil furnace, This house was built in 1955 and is lin good condition. 'household effects, cash; on property, 10% down on date, of sale and balanee in 30 days with the property offer- ed for sale subject to a reserve bid. Mrs. Elizabeth 11IcLartY,' Lloyd MeLartY, proprietors Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer . 20-21b Christian Reformed Church ^ Sunday, May 17 10.00 a.m.-Service in English 2.30 p.m.-Service in Dutch Every ,Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen to 'Tack ,to God Hone!. EVERYONE WELCOME • Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 11.00 a.m.-Breaking' of Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday. Schocil 7.00 p.m.--:-Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. Thursday-Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ANNOUNCED The .eppgemeht is. art- neeneed *Mee Grace, op4ghtpr My. :and Mrs, .ffornntb, Clinton, to Mr4 ,Tonti, Albert Radford, on of Mr„ and. Mrs. Gordon Radford, Londesboro. The mareiege to eeke eplace tearlynn June, 201) BIRTHS CUNNINGHAM. Tn. Cl, n, • Public Hospital on Sunday,. May,1,0,. 1964, to. and. Mrs. T. 'Cunningham, .114\1., hum, a daughter, MUSTARD- At TorontO Gen-' oral Hospital,. on May .6,.3.904,' to Mr, ":arid 'Mrs. Thornton Mustard, a daughter, a sister for David. POLLARD In Clinton• Public Hospital on Moneay,. May 11, 1064,. to , Mr, and Mrs. ,.J.' Pollard, RR i1, Blyth, a daughter, SMALE In Clinton Public Hoepital on Mother's Day, May 10, .1.964,.to Mr. and Mrs. Ottb Smale, Clinton, a daugh- ter (Darlene. Louise). Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON " Sunday, May 17 9.45 a.m.-Worship Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 8.00 p.m.-Gospel Service London, guest speaker. Mr. Eric Vetters, Tuesday-8 pin.-Prayer.IVIeet- ing and , Bible. Study ,,All Welcome . St. Andrew's' Presbyterian Church Rev. R. II, MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 17 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.-Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME MARRIAGES TAYLOR: HOFFMAN In .4vanOcflical P.niteCI Brethren 011.40ht PasnwOo.d. on :Satt.WH day, MAY 2,, 1904, Maxy jane, • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T, Harry Hoffman, Dasiewoed, was milted in marriage to Jahn Franklin, son of ieffe.exid Mee. eecerplel Tlaylor, EketeT, by Bey, Merrill.Janeee, They reside In Exeter, DEATHS BRAMPIDLD-At the Hendee- son General Hospital, Tues day, May 5, 1964, Joseph Beer-ea-0d of 206 Kensington Averele $21,41i, teloved :bus, band' of . the late Annabelle Nichols; dear father of Mrs, Douglas R. (Betty L) Beth- une, Dundee; brother of Mrs, Nell Fraser, Hamilton Mhh whom he. resided and Mrs. Mary :elemiri, Toronto; also 'surviving is a geandeon, Grant. 11ilethlw of Merritt Lodge, A.F. and .AM., of the Bell Telephone Company for 42 years, Member of the Bell Telephone Pioneers. Rested Marlatt funeral home, 615 Main Street East. Service 'in Marl'att memorial chapel on Thursday, May 7 at 1:00 p.m. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Wei, land. CLAYTON - In Clinton on Tuesday, May 12, 1964, Mar- tha M. Malian, beloved wife of Will Clayton, Ontario Street. Resting at the Beat- tie funeral home, 55 Ratten- bury Street East, where fun- eral service will .be held on Friday,' May '15 -e\t 2:00 p.m, Interment Will be in, Mait- land cemetery, Goderich. DUNLOP - At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, May 4, 1964, R. Torrance Dunlop, retired Bank of • Montreal manager in his 77th year, beloved husband of the late Elizabeth Rattenbury, 550 St. George Street, Lon- don; dear father of S. Harry, Toronto and Jack, Port, Cred- it. Funeral service was held in the Evans funeral home, Richmond Street, on Wed- nesday, May 6, at 1:30 pm. Interment in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. HAY-In South Huron Hospie tal, Exeter, on Monday, May 11, 1964, Mrs. George Hay (formerly Myrtle Anderson) in her 76th year. Service from the R. C. Dinney funer- al home, Exeter, to Exeter Cemetery, on Friday, May '8. McPHERSON - At his resi- dence, 208 .-.Cowper 'Street, Clinton, on Tuesday after- noon, May 5, 1964, William John McPherson, beloved hus- band of Mary 'Mice, Switzer, in his 75th year. . Service from the Beattie funeral home, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday afternoan, May 7. PENNEBAKER-In Clinton on Friday, May 8, 1964, Frank Burrows Pennebaker, belov- ed husband of the former Reah Ferrol Higgins, in his 67th year. Funeral from the Ball and - Mutch fUneral .home, on Monday, May 11 to Clinton cemetery. Other sur- vivors include: two nephews, Albert Watts, Toronto; Wil- liam Watts, Oshawa; three nieces, Mrs. Charles (Verna) Charlton, Mrs. J oseph E. (Margaret) Elliott; Mrs. Richard (Florence) Newell and one brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Watts, all Of Oshawa. TOWNSEND - At the Mont- real General Hospital, on Thursday, May 7, 1964, Mar- garet Ann Bradley, beloved wife of the late James Ardill, and of Elisha A. Townsend, Montreal, in her 76th year. Service in Montreal, and in- terment in Merivale ceme- tery. CARDS OF THANKS To all 'those who made our 10th anniversary a success, we thank RESTAURANT. 1a ou. -M 20 ILT & MABEL I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone for their many kindnesses to me while a patient in Clinton hospital. -MRS. ETHEL SPARKS. 20p I wish to express my sincere 'thanks' 'to everyone' for gifts, flowers, cards and visits, while in Clinton Public Hospital. Special 'thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing staff and Rev. C. Park. Your 'thoughtfulness was appreciated. -MRS. MAB- EL MOFFATT'. , 20x I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone far their kindness to me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London; for their cards, flowers, gifts and visits, and to all who helped at home. These kind acts were greatly appreciated. '-OLIVE LEAR. 20b I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends for flow- ers, cards and visits, while I was a patient in Clinton hospe- tai. Special thanks Jed Father McGuire,, Dr. Oakes,Dr, Wal- den, Mre, Phieiney, Mrs. Roy, and the nurses and staff on first and second floors Thank you all for being so very nice to me. -BEATRICE ZAKOVA. 20p The family of the late Frank B. Pennebaker wishes to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives and friends for floral tributes and sympathy cards and other acts of kindness in the recent be- reavement in the loss of a loV- Mg husband and uncle. Special thanks to Reet. C. G, Park, pall- bearers, flower-bearers, neigh- bours and Mende on for mer R a et en b u r y St E. and on Isaac Street, Clin- ton Lions Club, Clinton Lodge AF & AM No, 84, Mrs, Ida Martin and Mrs. .Percy, Liver- more and all who helped in any way, also Hall and Mitch funeral home and Mrs. Reg. Smith. -Signed MRS. FRANK PENNEBAKER AND wgrrs FAMILY, 20p Personals Mr, and Mrs. Gordon O•ta- ingnarne visited last week among relatives and friends in Tprento while ,gteeets In the home of their daughter, that pf Prof. and Mrs. Thome g, Hall, of that city.. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Adams, Tenant°, visited the former 's mother, Mre. Ada Adams 9h Mother's Day. Mr. Robert Hattin, 116 Mary Street 'is receiving medical' tr. eatment Westminister Hos., pital, London. His many friende with him a sPeedY recovery, Judge Frank Fingland is" a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital where he is recovering from a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Joe ,Carter and daughter, Faye, ;motored to Kitchener on Sunday. They at- tended a baptismal service in Forest Hill United Church at which their grandson, Chris- topher Joseph Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter was baptised. CENTENNIAL OF WMS AT ST. ANDREW'S The Women's Missionary So- ciety of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church will meet in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p,m., May 20. Mr's. Taylor of Goderich, will be guest speaker at this meeting which is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the WMS. All ladies of the congregation are invited and guests are ex- petted from Auburn, Blyth •and Herreall. Clinton Lions Hear RCAF Speaker (Continued from page one) basing i his talk on was: All types must be used for overall effectiveness and profitability to business or whatever the particular endeavour. Mr. Rudd was introduced by Lion Al. Eades, also of RCAF Clinton, and thanked by Bob Hunter and Ken' McRae Who was a classmate of the speaker at OAC some years ago. • President Jack .Soruton was in charge of 'the business meet- ing. The Lions will enter a float in the Spring Fair par- ade, May 30 and plans are be- ing made to 'hold a huge rum- mage , sale at the Lions arena on a date to be set later. Rev. Ronald Wenbam, of St. Paul's Anglican Church was in- itiated into the club by Herb Bridle and,.elitch McAdam., Election of Officers All. officers were elected •for 1964-65, term by acclamation, except 'the two .directors for a 'two-year term. In the ballot- ing, Bill MacArthur and . Alan Edwards won out over Al Eades and Robert 'Hunter. The complete executive for the new tee beginning in September is ,as follows: Les Ball, president; Jack Sc- ruton, past president; Duff Thompson, :fleet vice-president; Ken Ellett, second vice-presi- dent; Maynard Carrie, third vice-president; Fred Sloman, secretary and bulletin editor; Orville Engelstad, treasurer; Art Colson, Lion tamer; Ant- oine Garori, tail twister; Royce Macaulay, assistant tail twist- er. Two-year directorS, 13111 Mac- Arthur, Alan 'Edwards; , one- year directors, Howard Bruns- don, Bill Cook. CARDS OF THANKS Dear friends, your kind words and thoughts of sympathy were deeply appreciated in the loss of a father and brother. -e-MRS. ELSIE ELLIOTT AND VINA BERRY. 201a MRS. JESSIE WEBSTER would like to thank all those who remembered her with cards, flowers and visits, while she was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Thanks also to the doctor and nurses for their attentions. 20b Farm Tires Plus A Host of Other New Machines. HAUGH BROS, FARM EQUIPMENT 1 Mile East of Brucefield 20to23b ATTENTION FARMERS1 peoltu-Aftlis---Attimesirilie gnash (gliurclite REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK. M.A., Minister WESLEY-WILLIS ANNIVERSARY 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest preacher: Rev. Harold J. Snell, BA, BD, of London. Special music by the choir, with Guest Artists at both services. HOLMESVILLE 9:45 a.m.-Rev. H. J. Snell 10:45 a.m.-Sunday School ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Charles Merrill, Organist WHITSUNDAY - SUNDAY, MAY 17 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion 9:45 a.m.-Holy Communion, RCAF 11:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. Report on Synod by delegates. 7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer Tues., May 19-WA meets at the home of Mrs. Thomas Herman, 2:45 p.m. Thurs., May 21-Chancel Guild at the home of Mrs. M. Frame, 8:15 p.m. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, May 17 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 ana.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evangelistic Hour Guest speaker Tues., May 19-Briercrest Bible Quartet Speaker: Rev. 0. Swenson, Saskatchewan You Are Cordially invited To All Of These Services Wallace's itY PIES di id id 59c box FRESH - OVEN-READY CAPON CHICKENS . „, 55c lb. SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 39c lb.. EMPIRE BRAND SIDE BACON , „ 39c lb. MILKO 8-lb. box-52.39 3 LB. CHICKEN WINGS' 3 LB SAUSAGE 3 LB. BACON ENDS 'PETER'S Meat Market Suggested Needs for the Farmer PiLLAGREX SPRAY for Iron. Deficiency accurate dosage-complete formula - no spilling• or waste - costs less than 14c per dose KERATEX EYE-WOUND POWDER for Pink Eeye & Inflammation 11/2 -oz. -- $1.70 SCOUREX TABLETS 16's - $1.75 ANTI-MAST 17 effective against 17 Mastitis causing organisms 3x1'0 Gm Tubes - $2.50 4-oz. Liquid for Infusion--$4.50 Noxzema Skin Cream 10-oz. jar $1.45 Sun Tan Lotion 89c, $1.25 Lint Pick-up Rollers $1.00 Nylon Spot Cleaner 59c Try Sentor for Acne and Pimples $1.50 Wash 'N Dry 49c & 98c Guard Insect Repellent 75c-$1.25 Gillette Shave Cream with 6 stainless steel blades Reg. $1.32 for $1.00 Repoz-tor calming and relaxing the nerves $2.98 Yardley Roll-on Deodorant for men and women Reg. $1.50 Special 2 for $1.50 ROYAL BAN K Clinton Branch 0. L. Engelstad, Manager Royal Bank helps you manage your chequing, borrowing and other Personal finances in a business- like way at lowest cost. Our Two-Accolorr PLAN keeps you from raiding savings earmarked for Vaca- tion or other purposes; it also simplifies bill-paying by providing a special Personal Cheeeing Account. (Only 14 a chequel) And a Royal 4ithiceidai LOAN can often save you big money in interest. Re money. wise - bank at .yolot nearby Royal Bank Branch, Goderich 13ranCh ... 'H. G. Spring, Manager