HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-14, Page 4"I .1 �F'qqp 4-1 C.Iintpn dew; 4-Thqr,;,- 1.4, 1 964 AIR AS FOR SALE, CAR FREE the o y fuel cit r ag. A oxplo.plor, We give free Wrner service, 1w, & $ON, 941 � 4 h , ". e Ptf� 482-9928, Roy Tyndall, Service Calls 482479Z' A.41110,40AOR 'SALE 59NIKOYMONT, N0QQS REAL V0.4"T4 'A CMAX FRESH PEW WARMS, f or t)le fis�iarmpn. �Rlcky G �rigg, 143 Queen Street, -Clinton- 9( PLANNING 'Your VAC A'TIQN Xqw. 7, ry. -1pr and cp the Jcy Of oil WQcr pqpnQrqi the ­i0al W4 Y, by 04Y or week,. Phone 4�2�W4, 17,20b WANTED S$Iled MOBILE HOM.. AND TRAVEL. TRAILERS s 041 IT -PY Tbie QIde t, I'qrgest ­-, ­ I an nW 0 4t SpoctP4 Ma facturers, in 4he incl 4st ry 1, New Moo General, n, and' M9nq rich 196� QENMtA4. Mobile Home. 48'xlO'- Vpryre 'moilable, P hoz pe 482 4tfbforks, AUCTION Q NE BE pilfurni apartment, heated, With big; iying room, In School Apart, mems. QWel VanDamme, Ph 482r668 13tf -1117- 10,W TP�RAYI' Travel Trail d' ',r,,n,"4;,,'-9'4Ton, b 0 LARGE AND SMALL trailers, I fully furnished, 1.�.eckers Trail, er Court, Clinton. 37014 WAIN TWT: YEAR — Outside 'WlJ#9 paint only 499,ppr gal- 1p -Telephone o rd TUNIINO 7' M-4.,;PQNALP 4ECTRIC, Bp�pnoox pat .Aid. Ti �*40. street; b6semenq - 11" Als� built ,SALE t4e, 0stAto- of 1990011 V-41rAervice, WANTED — NIGH $CHOQL FURNISHED APARTMENT — Suitable f0 couple, Apply 93 Huron St Street, JOP-tfb ONE, BEPROOM-furnished ap-, ent. Heated 'And utilities Available May I. Apply FriF Florence E Hot 105 Rat- terthur At East phone 4JR2m ed. T� A, Dutton Applla;Wei, girl wants haoy�ftting jobs: for wee P, ONE FURNISHED, AND Q11TE w -In ..cup, '. of lmPle,m0i#s,,Fee4, stair walker, in good condition, 482-9509 or 4827,9500. Br o P eflelil, 482-�=, �90. -PhOne ,op41r§,;t.n0. House W,IrJng w. ,p, ld Vpnsioie ,41 .;ts �F'qqp 4-1 C.Iintpn dew; 4-Thqr,;,- 1.4, 1 964 AIR AS FOR SALE, CAR FREE the o y fuel cit r ag. A oxplo.plor, We give free Wrner service, 1w, & $ON, 941 � 4 h , ". e Ptf� 482-9928, Roy Tyndall, Service Calls 482479Z' W14 .1 0QMWer $4500 v'A's1h or 0,90.0 on. Pox". 14 $IOQQQ — 2-YoarnQ.10, "bed, room, wle,5 bous6 q vi�lago -o field thlrec� Bruce f , , wl. rection room -4 attached; 1/0 lor of latla 04, 1 ay 4. 1:)w -�'1'9W, 'Pei? s�ePlt7l bPen, tralls-ferrOd .444 W111 aeagqgolp�privileges --4.bearQcm, 1% -00rey $5j7QQ ­ ­ . InquIbrick; 3 -pp. bath, %. base-� m. lot. 'Q��d re* ppit; (36xJ32 de 'al 01W Apt, TWO-Y19A1?t,-Q1X, 3-booirioom brick verivqr 14. Wilpter Court- double 'pe garage, oft heat. I.414X n itge, payment includes p oipol and, in . restt, $76 a mont h OW o d gi,�p . iler r. ovillg An c4p early ppssessI6 . 0 H!, gliway 4; 2 - oam brick cottage, small bedroom an a, Aotiqtw f1mm. lot 17'. co".10, 04,1100 TW -P., 0nites opirth Q Citap) 1144 9 pilles eaof b. Of Xo"Oes qr Of -$9 M t4r4*Y,M0Y at 1� 1v pk upon er.r -qtional g ormi.11 tractor; tractor plow; tandem, dtsc,, pl4tfom, s6ales; shovels '.And n . 111ner0w other ar%oles 414diuOing o. qi;=- Vijy -of L lumber. F."O—quantfty,of baled .1, hay and, 4 1 to , APPM n of mixed gral. -arm -tit, V"roltorp--A I . - quan Y It q ser , chests 0 off4rntare dres,"...s f beds, tables, desl ftwers, w, school bed, -orga y dishes 10 antiques. Teirms —'04sb Mrs. rairservilce, Edward W� :Elliott Au tioneer At R RENT ACCOMMODATION FOR -it ENT ACCOMMODATION �F OR RENT FRESH PEW WARMS, f or t)le fis�iarmpn. �Rlcky G �rigg, 143 Queen Street, -Clinton- 9( PLANNING 'Your VAC A'TIQN Xqw. 7, ry. -1pr and cp the Jcy Of oil WQcr pqpnQrqi the ­i0al W4 Y, by 04Y or week,. Phone 4�2�W4, 17,20b LET 'US AE, AIR AND X, E,, AK , your 'ringp and Jewo jlpiy like 1PIam 49vy rings rooie Wed. 4Lnd -#9nis.afely see It4kg chances,, 9xpPr-t Work. CW6 vewolWy to yopr,44t cti-44. Watch pe pairs and pe rl pe- a s N. CQunt "�Qtfb S$Iled MOBILE HOM.. AND TRAVEL. TRAILERS s 041 IT -PY Tbie QIde t, I'qrgest ­-, ­ I an nW 0 4t SpoctP4 Ma facturers, in 4he incl 4st ry 1, New Moo General, n, and' M9nq rich 196� QENMtA4. Mobile Home. 48'xlO'- Vpryre 'moilable, P hoz pe 482 4tfbforks, AOQM FOR RENT KitclidA .9 Ph 482 ptiorkal, 9648., 0�7tfb Q NE BE pilfurni apartment, heated, With big; iying room, In School Apart, mems. QWel VanDamme, Ph 482r668 13tf HELP WANTE 10,W TP�RAYI' Travel Trail d' ',r,,n,"4;,,'-9'4Ton, b 0 LARGE AND SMALL trailers, I fully furnished, 1.�.eckers Trail, er Court, Clinton. 37014 -MALE OF. MALE, to h 0 with tushes, one or tmQ. nights K .. ­ � -PIANO during we. ken P.1one 482 %89, 20b PEI , ON TO REPORT pri co4- -1,S struption news in Huron 0o tilty, This !is a part time n position oil commission basis. 4arriled Woman or -retired gen- 1 1. tleman pref.prrgd, ear ess.0nfa TUNIINO 7' ONE, BEDROOM apartmen t, water ter And hydro free', $35 pe o )6rt'Street, m, nth, Apply 55 Alberti Phone 48�2 -730?. 1.9 I USED washing ')nachI iverts to sin I orin -,qh4ir, cm g e' bed. P 1 lone 482-1337. 1940 cI HO. SE NT. loc 4 QR Rl�, located Enle Street available lloW, 482 Phone -9457 Qb Y YOUR PIANO shoV 14, be to 'and phepWea f or moth damage a e and Qth...r U efects mgul� 1y.. I appreciate hp contmu p, prlv� Beige of s 'In' many Qf the -1 this . qipipr instruments 1 this area W., T.Pvi FURNISHED APARTMENT — Suitable f0 couple, Apply 93 Huron St Street, JOP-tfb ONE, BEPROOM-furnished ap-, ent. Heated 'And utilities Available May I. Apply FriF Florence E Hot 105 Rat- terthur At East phone 4JR2m BELL ANO for sale, Phone 482-324a -after .0.,,00 p.r or o weekends, GENDRON bi04 baby carriage, 10 'blueLonda converts to stro And Whitecon stroller ONE FURNISHED, AND Q11TE — unfurnished apartment. Pfi6ne �g32,lr 16 jM liR good condition, Phone 482- 482-9928, Roy Tyndall, 170b 9568 after 5:3 20b W� ;FURNISHED APARTMENT, FURNISHED AND HEATED private entrance 2 BEDROOM furnished, heated and -bath, opposite CUSS. Avail - SMALL COTTAGE on Maria apartment, self-coiltained. Also . APPLES —Good cocking g spys, Street, available now. Phone a smaller Centro apartment. J .50 your own $1 per bushel in 482-9815 evenings, 4-11P location. Available' now. 46 Prin- container at the farm. Stewart' 3 ROOM APARTMENT, fiest-I cess 'St, West, phone 482,9005. Middleton, 4n-7 �525 20-1b ed, furnished, private bath, 'PhoneGROUNDF em conveniences, private en - LLOYD BABY BUGGY with suitable for couple. mmt, f urnishod, . kitchen, bath, LOOR, two bed stair walker, in good condition, 482-9509 or 4827,9500. 20p-tfb room., heated apartment. Avail- price $25. Phone 482-957,0. 2 BEDROOM apartment, heat- able 144 1. Apply Mrs, Flor- encs 05 Rattenbury Elliott,I ed, available ow, large size Street, East,I I Phone 482-9332? ms. Phone zooms. 482-b463 or 482- Clinton Nems-Reoord. 20b 9568 after 5:3 20b Oil furnace; early possession., CLEARING ;FURNISHED APARTMENT, FURNISHED AND HEATED private entrance filg., stove -apartment, 'central location, sup- and -bath, opposite CUSS. Avail - plied, -Phone 482-9351, Her- Mees Wear.. 20b able now, Phone 482-3837. man's 18-21-b FARM HOUSE with modern conveniences. Available now, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, finished, Phone D'Arcy Pathwiell, Bruce- 20b full basement, modern kitchen facilities, at 282 Matilda Street, field, phone 482-3384. Gilbert McGraw, phone 482 - DUPLEX, ­ 3 BEDROOM, Furfur- 7584. 18tfb rushed, -available now, central- ly located. Phone 482-3491 HALF HOUSE for rent, un - 20b furnished, 3 bedrooms, all mod I em conveniences, private en - ONE BEDROOM uptown apart trance. One mile west of Clin- mmt, f urnishod, . kitchen, bath, ton on. Highway' 8, available $35 per -month. Phone 482-6694, now. Contact Barry Wilson :L8tfb phone 482-7439. :Letf� ONE BEDROOM Apaitment, TWO-BEDROOM famished, heated. Commercial UPSTAIRS Apts., Victoria Street, phone 1.2tfb 482-6685, 18tfb n - and stove, dining area, four , I , 19-20b at 1.2 olr oelt noon. piece bath, full basement, extra lot. Reasonable. down payment Phone 482-7626. S -ROOM APARTMENT, fur- GARDEN TILLERS for sale PART TIME HELP WANTED 'tem- or rent; also reasonable prices on T= and Majestic lawn June, July, August and Se b�eer, in local mail order plant. stl nished, available now, located UNFURNISHED* 330 King Street. Phone Seaforth Centrally Located 219..R. 35tfb Ample Parking Space TRAILER HOME FOR RENT, PHONE I mile from Clinton. Large 482-7661 or 482-6608 lawn. Garden if desired. Phone 20b 482-7291, . 10tfb " is; wicker fty-bed pupils. Oil furnace, good r -00m ch all play ground. Duties to coin- and settee; kitchen. tables; meirce September 1964. Apply many occasional tables; drop- stating qualifications, salary ex- leaf tables; beds (wood�eli, r , . 3 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED DW 3 BEDROOM ELLING; 2 house, modern conveniences, bedroom dwelling, available available now, 4 miles from now. H. C. Lawson, phone 482- RCAF Station Clinton on High - 9644. 20tf way 3 between Seaforth and BACHELOR APARTMENT --• I Clinton: Pre-school age children -- Phone 482-9647 or furnished, downstairs, heated ,,referred. 482-9358, 14tfb Commercial Apts., Ceriel Van 3 BEDROOM cottage, 2 -,pe. Darnme, 492-6685,' 7tfb .AIR CONDITIONED APARTMENT —. unfurnished, MODERN 2 -BEDROOM heated, kitchen, -bedroom, living MOWER room bath, garden available. APARTMENT Phone Percy Brown, 482-7716. 20tfb Coloured 3 -pe. hath,-JIallover ------ kitchen, laundry room with DUPLEX, 2 'bedroom, unfur- nished -except gas stove and heatir, available now. 46 centrally -heated. Apply 201 Princess St. East, phone 482- King St., Apt. 1, or phone 9390. 16tfb 482-9227. 19tfb 4• BEDROOM HOUSE on high- V.PPIDR. DUPLEX, 2 bedrooms, way. All modem conveniences, plenty of closet space, extra oil furnace, close to school. warm in winter, automatic gas Available now. Phone 482-3251. heat, best central residential 20b location; near schools, down - HEAT -ED APARTMENT ' un- ,town and swimming pool; avail - able June 1. 'yMrs. P. furnished, two bedrooms, new- do Atkinson, OR 9�Tponn, Oilt, ly decorated, close to school. Phone 45598. 20tfb ' -22 Available May 21. Phone Gode- rich 524-9151. Located at 115 Modern I and12 Bedroom. Picton St,., "Goderich. 15tfb, APARTMENT' n- STAIRS APARMMENT, un- district the oldest; and only NOTT-Profit Motor Club in On- furnished-' 2 bedrooms, living furnished; * Unfurnished room, bathroom and kitchen; * Kitchen $55 per month; available June * Living Room 1; located 162 Victoria Street. * Dining Room Phone 482-72.12 evenings. 20p * Bath FARM HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, AVAILABLE NOW living room, kitchen and bath, CLiNTON close to schools, large safe play yard, rent reasonable. Phone APARTMENTS Orville Workman, Hensall Phone 482-7740 264W-& - 20-1-2� 7tfb 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT— LOST AND FOUND newly decorated, famished and ACCOMMODATION heated, with private bath and dern kitchen, ollheating. Down washing facilities. Call at noon WANTED or after 5. Phone 482-3329. lie, white collar, named "Pal". 17'tfb 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE MODERN 2 BEDROOM apart- -wanted to rent by June I or 15. Phone 4827348. 20p ment, living room, -kitchen, 3- mortgage with monthly pay- ay- ments. $80.00 including taxes, piece bath, Storage room, cent-. 3 'BEDROOM HOUSE wanted ral location. Available now, to rent by June I or B. Perm - Phone 482,9649. W. N. Count- anent residents. Phone 482- er. 920DAM 7759 after 6p.m. 19-20b I%RFArt 0 OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY from Our Store Only APPLE SAUCE CARE Red. 450 each .... ................... Special 39c ea. ORAN MUFFINS fteg, 496 d6z..•......... Special 44c. d6z, PEANUT COOKIES Reg. ieqi 86o Oka. - ................... Special !Ic. pkg. '�"S B IL t1irr. _ak-ery Limited BalCety allid k6staum"t 489-9721 CLINTON 19-20b HOTPOINT G.E. refrigerator, 90.lb, freezing capacity and G.E. stove, 30" wide, complete 0! r' for both $150 Phone 9934. 2QP HAPPY Hoppers, $2.98 Blouses. froom- $1,98 to $4,98, Forty articles to choose from on our half-price rack. Bayfield Wool- len Shop, Bayfleld, •19-20b MEDIUM SIZE oil furnace nearly new; Morris Oxford en- gine, reconditioned; 2 tractor tires 10x36, Phone 482-3265. 20b USED SUMMER CLOTHING in excellent condition, size 16, shorts, dresses, blouses and slims. All articles worn very little. Phone. 482-7.003. 20b CHILD',S red metal tractor, chain driven with pedals, $10., also metal rocking horse on stand, $7; -both in excellent con- �R Z Phone 482-7656. 20b TV's—Sparton 17" with stand, $45.00; Philips 2111 with stand, $95.00; Westinghouse 21" on legs, $69,95. All televisions are 3 Months guaranteed. Phone Merrill's TV, 482-7021.. 20b VACUUM CLEANERS 'Sales and Service Repairs, 'hoses and bag's for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned rnacii- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PIECK, Varna' Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb 30" GURNEY electric range; 10.6 du. ft. Coldspot refrigera- tor; Easy -washing machine; chrome set, bedroom and liv- ing mom furniture. Phone 482. i 7846 after 6:00 P.M. 20b 25% - OFF OWALL Fishing Tackle On orders, - of $10.00 or more ELLWOOD EPPS. SPORTS SHOP . King StreeV— Clinton CHOICE VARIETY DAHLIA bulbs; shrubs;. large quantity of rhubarb at Its best; also good grade milk goat, fresh- ened a -few -weeks. Phone Mrs. Will McPherson, 482-9652. 20b Singer Co. of Canada SALES and SERVICE represented by Ron Sutton Phone 482-9103 Clinton. LIMOGES CHINA—plain gold band — six bread and butter plates, four breakfast plates. Also crys with 22K gold band, six goblets, five sherberts and three sherbert- yla!gcs Counter's Jewellery, op TIMEX WATCHES .,Sold and Serviced at A N- ST E T T JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 489-9626 11tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS,— Track curtain rods, venetian Plinds: bamboo draperies, win- d6W blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin Dry Goods. , .23tfb A-1 TOP SOIL DELIVEf . �Y AT ANY TIME L. G. WINTER REAL ESTATE 200 High Street, Clinton Phone 482-6692 17tfb CUSTOM-VAbE- a cabinet 23" TV,; stereo AM FM radio com- bilibutioft, NnfploVWith amen- na,-rotor sand AMM&%e control. Phone after &:00 -20 ' b Have An 5x+rb key Pot Yo We lgoeclallk6 In CUTTING KEYS OhArighitt tomblinailmd keiywd Looks Allk,6 BALL and MUTC14 IIHA 144fdWaft Phono 462A9So5 49A �1- e wry Store. ntiu cesision. 20p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRANCH1SE­­First time Offer- Z— ed, Huron County, fast, moving and repeating National -Food line. Tremendous growth poten- tial. Knowledge of snack food and grocery trade helpful. Ex- ceptional promotionsi well test- ed andproven. In one -week we have your area 50% developed for you. Substantial returns for man with initiative, ability and G A R N E L E N E desire to own busiriessi Investi- gate now. Please forward com- By plete resume to Box 201, Clh! - GARHETT'S OF ENGLAND ton News -Record. 20b Tbrylene and Wool Blehd M D CUSTOM WOW— Tailored by Progress Clothes Assorted Patterns 40 N LAWN ROLLING with heavy � t $8 28004b, roller, in Clinton and 101011,; district.. Phone Ray Potter, 4 ffl'01 9507, 15tf.b "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon, FOR New phone number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting 6. FUN IN THE SUN specialty. 48tfb BACKHOD IN0­9eptle Tanks weaper8, ancih6r posts, footings: SPORT SHIRTS Al>ply Ken or Bill Campbell RR I Dublin, phone SeaforFR JAC'SHIRTS SLACKS, SHORTS SEPTIC TAXICS OLEA'�W suits k ID swim Modem equipment used. All Work guaranteed.. Write or STRAW HATS, Efc. pbone EiJWt Blake, RR 2, Znv§. $619, phone 442W6, Brussels. 11-41p CLEARANCE AT HALF PRICE 'ELECTRIC MOTOR, ts=,� Cosdevide Sales and Spedial Group of SPORT SHIRTS, DOM MM 'RCUL T I INDU8TRTAtr. SHIRTS, SOX, PANTS, Efc. ART LEVETT & SONS 10 tAlE St. — CLINTON Ph6he 46z,6640 gtfb 09101t, STORE gel)Alr Work- WAtOtf00flug, Working` in PON ett C m 66wil ttds summ&i 0611tatt mt,411 I It" PoWI& M�Lsdniv Service, Bog A 0 110 WEAR 380, W- tahell ot call 349-6036 malti Ciiotv i-,- Clinton Phom 491,9131 I TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 19, 8:00 p.m. DST Auctioneee Leo EA Bird will sell without reserve a large selection of Finance Company Repossessions, Bankrupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizures, Personal Consignments consisting of Modern Household Furhiture, Television Sets,* Appliances and Brand New Clothing for, the entire family. THIS IS JUST A PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD FURNITURE --a 2 -piece Che%tabed living room suite that folds out to a full % size bed with spring -filled mattress built inside; a 2 -piece French Provincial Chesterfield Suite covered with a top grade nylon cover; 2 other -assorted Chesterfield Suites with foam cushions; 2 2 -piece Davenport Suites with swivel rockers; two 9 -piece chrome or coppertone Kitchen Dinette Suites; 2 7 -apiece suites and one 5-plece Deluxe Copper - tone Dinette Suite; 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and matching box spring and mattress; 2 sets of lamps consisting of a trilight lamp and 2 table lamps to each set; I set of colonial step and coffee tables in natural maple finish; other stop and coffee tables; 2 30"' Continental beds complete with headboards and legs; one 54" Continental bed complete, 4 full size spring filled mattresses; 2 -hostess chairs; platform rocker,, 9x12 rugs; Ill chair; telephone table; kitchen step stool; chrome rocker; writing desk; A.M. and F.M. Mantel Radio, and many other items, APPLIANCES AND TELEVISION — a large refrigerator with full cross -top freezer; 2 electric ranges one being a deluxe model; a long skirt washer with pump; a 15 cu. ft Deep Freeze that holds over 500 lbs. of frozen food; automatic washer and dryer (niatching pair); combination radio and record player,, 7 different television sets 2111 models that •have all been checked over and are in Ai working condition, CLOTHING — Ladies and Teenagers — blouses, skirts' dresses, suits, slims, slacks, nylons; Meda — socks ties, under - Wear, sports shirts, dress shirts, work shirts, dress pants'"T" shirts; Boys', Girls' Babies' — sweater sets, crawler sets, sleepers, jeans, jackets, socks, sldrts, blouses, slims, shirts, dresses, girls' 3 -piece Pop sets, coat and hat sets, sleep andplay sets and many, many, other items -too numerous to inefilion. AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD TERMS CASH . CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 9% 'Sales '"tax in effect 1 Credit Terms Are Now I CREDIT APPLICATION I Name... "•'+ +„+. I for this coming sale and every' Age ............... PhW6­.............. auction sale conducted by 14,o, E. Bird. Complete the credit ........................................ application form and mail it Credit reference ... ............... to !Leo E. Bird, :614 06i'dol! Ave., London, Ont, and five vinafide Co..,...,,...,.......,.. hini mail you an OJt. Credit l3arik .......... . ...... Card which n%keg you elig. able to buy Items With no ....... down payment said take up Signature fd w months to paY4 Direct inquiries to Box 201, XCAL ESTATE 10x20 hen, house; 1, qi�r Wage; offers these'lappwtiful hQmes. Clinton Nems-Reoord. 20b Oil furnace; early possession., CLEARING HELP WANTED I Yz STOREY frame house, 7 rooms, suitable for 2 apart, with the lowest' financing $%$00 10 -year-old, 2 -,bed, AUCTION SALE "DOM I bmL terms, FOM AR,nlcnih, men 2 car garage. P119fie '1''i ;)b 482-3465: 20 room 'cott age with of the Estate Of Robert apartment rented f lFairs of ervice '10yase$b'q0ai,& Wsit,opr dis la any ti 9 y Imp., . 0$1 hot Water , a Collection of Old. Fwniture, MIDDLE -AGE WOMAN to do 'my PERN COTTAGE for River, M �wirn. East beatioug; - �8xl 8 78 lot; immediate A possession. ntiques, Household Effects. 3001 Purioas'St. Lo" don bob ting in own home ights two al per week. Phon' bng on aitland good ming and fishing, 3 -piece both, pereene d porch, $3,500, . P Phone irnplempots,and Feed m lot 17, on. 10 fro c Hallett K. W. COLQUHOUN 482,960.5. 20 Call 451-1111670 2ob Twp.. 6 m0es north of Clinton GIRL OR WOMAN wanted to do housework, permanent posi. Furniture, automobiles . MODERN 3 -BEDROOM RED and �Z east of Estate insurance . miles Real Londes . boro Office Phone 482-9747 ,taken in trade. ox tion, good wages. Write Box wood house, spacious kitchen and living area, built-! oven built-in Res, Phone 489-7804 on Saturday, May 16 1.2tfb 210, Clinton Newq-Recoro- 20-11) n - and stove, dining area, four , I , 19-20b at 1.2 olr oelt noon. piece bath, full basement, extra lot. Reasonable. down payment Phone 482-7626. Furniture and Antiques, Ch es ts of drawers,, wash stands;, drawers'; I TEACHERS WANTED olre$sers; china. cabixiets; side - GARDEN TILLERS for sale PART TIME HELP WANTED 'tem- or rent; also reasonable prices on T= and Majestic lawn June, July, August and Se b�eer, in local mail order plant. stl bwwds; hall racks; desks; 11b, — - mowers, Wheel Horse . garden Waite to Box .200, Clinton News- 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE PROTI=ANT TEACH R for rarY tables; Vilictorlian sofa; love tractors. Contact Robert Glen, Record. 20b bungalow, in Brucefield, all modern conveniences,* 1/.- acre. SS No. 6 Hallett, Huron seats'; ca'4e-b0tt0rn chairs; rock - County, -rural 8 grade school, ing chairs; kitchen and di ting HELP WANTED MALE BREAD;ALESMAN. Must be Pioneer Saws, phone 4821-9909. 17. 20p -21x of land. Please contact Ray18-20 MeNall, Fergus, On -t.,. phone phone 843-.1186. 17-8-9-20b " is; wicker fty-bed pupils. Oil furnace, good r -00m ch all play ground. Duties to coin- and settee; kitchen. tables; meirce September 1964. Apply many occasional tables; drop- stating qualifications, salary ex- leaf tables; beds (wood�eli, r LA WK -MOWERS and and reliable. In to Bartliffs and last in or to spindle and orna�nental iron) ins , and Garden Tillers Apply person Bakery Ltd. 20b 3 BEDROOM lakefront cot- 'lot. - r I rage, wooded taxes $I'D, John H. McEwing, Sec.�Treas., antique -child!s en1b; trunk Jahn RR 1, Blyth, On�arlo, 1.8-21b chests; bookcases; clocks; clock drilled water system, complert- ely furnished. Price $6,500. shelves; mirrors; pidures; pie hire frames; bird cages; organ; r SCIJOOLBOY to work as bak- Repairs To All Makes er's helper during July and August. Apply in to 3 BEDROOM cottage, 2 -,pe. Notice T6 CreditorS ?�,4 books; crockery jugs and LONDESBOK,0 person Bartliffs Bakery Ltd, 20b bath, close to lake, furnished. This is a real good buy, $4,500. ohurns; Ivan kottles; ox In the Estate of GEORGE yoke; sphining fteel; butter MOWER MAN for evenings and week- LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE Adam. Flowers HENRY JOHNSTON, deceased. All persons having claims bowls and prints; coal mil, Sales & SerVice ERVIN JOHNSTON ends at Sports Centre, near RCAF Clinton; to operate Go- Phone 83 ­ Bayfield Box 41 against the estate of George lamps (Plain and fancy); num- Henry Johnston,late of the emus dishes; large school bell; Kart Track. Apply 1 n person bencilles and Township of Stanley, in the numerous other MODERN 2,STOREY, 4 bed- Phone Blyth 523-4328 to Reg Ball at Sports Centre. County of Huron, Retired Far- articles lincluding, an Easy (Evenings and Saturdays) 20&22b room home in good co condition 41ocation, washing machine, kitchen uteri- in who died on or about the 911 14th day of April, 1964, are re- sits and some lawn -furyu MAN WANTED. Unexpecie7d- change causes vacancy in Har- onCounty,. Splendid oppor�,un- ity for year-round income. For convenient full base. rent, gas furnace, large let, for sale by owner, Phone 482- 9716. 20p quired to file particulars of Implements and Feed—Inter- 4�t r same with Bell & Laughton, naltiOnal Farnlall tra 0r; it ac - Solicitors of Exeter, Ontarlo,by for plow; tandern disc; platforan ARTICLES WANTED details write Rawleigh, Dept. ,E -169-901, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 20b the 23rd day of May 1964, after scales; forks, shweli, gaws, Which date the estate iwffl be tools of •-all kinds; electric,hand- WANTED---iLarger size tricycle, I STOREY, 3 bedrooms, liv. Phone 482-7004. 20b ing room, din -Ing room,- kitchen 3 -pe. bath; oil heating. Located near schools. Price $6,000— distributed !having regard only old -11; used lumber; -a quantity to -those claims of which notice Of baled hay and straw; UPPOOx. has been received. 1 ton of mixed grain. Lunch. Will be available — RETIRED MAN or man 44th spare tkne to -represent din your WOULD LUKE TO BUY chest of drawers, in good con- dition. Phone 482-3339. 20b district the oldest; and only NOTT-Profit Motor Club in On- $3,000 down, balance on month- ly payments. I BELL & LAUGHTON, , Solicitors for the Executor, Terms •--Cash --- tarlo. Write . to Mr. Don Me- SPLIT LEVEL, built, in 1961 ' Exeter, Ontario,. Mrs. Myrtle Fairservice, 19-20-21b ExecutrLx 1 WOULD LIKE TO BUY used garden Rotor Tiller, 3 h.p. if Millan, Supervisor, Ontario Motor League, Blue Water 7 rooms, including basement apt., 4 -pc. bath, hot Water gas Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer Possible. Phone. 482-7353. 19-20b Club, Box 518, Owen Sound, Ontario. 20bi heating; attached garage, Price $12,000 --mortgage can be ar- PIONEER WANTED — LIVE PIGEONS, ranged. F4 35c each. Phone Collect Lam. beth. 652-3283 days and London LOST AND FOUND I STOREY, 3 bedroom, built in 1961. Large living room, mo- F n SEED CORN., 432-8531 'evenings 14tfb dern kitchen, ollheating. Down . I 'DigT—Black Scotch male col- lie, white collar, named "Pal". payment $2,300, balance NHA Varieties of Seed Corn I AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS Wondered from Zurich home May 5. Reward. Phone 168 mortgage with monthly pay- ay- ments. $80.00 including taxes, suitable for this area are suitable for this area are Zurich, collect. 20b near schools, 2 STOREY b riclf, 4 bedrooms, almost Bold out. Make Sure that you place your 1957 4 -DOM CHEV., original 1 mileage 52,000, above average NOTICE 4 -pc. bath up; double living order right away with condition. Phone 482-7309. 20p . room, large kitch6n, bedroom or den, 2 -pe, bath down. Large lot with garage. your Pioneer Dealer. Clinton Community KEITH LOVELL. Auction Sales 1953 PLYMOUTH, in good con dition, For TED—Two working girls to share two bedroom, newly further informa- tion contact Maria Kobza, 14 furnished apartment, in Lon- 1% STOREY brick,. with liv- -KIPPEN Erie Street. 20p don facilities, free laundry price reasonable. Phone 264J4, Hensall. 20tfb ing room, dining room, family room, modern kitchen, 3 -pe. bath down; 3 bedrooms, 2.,pe- bath up; heating; large ,l&. Phone Hensall 26SWI EVERY FRIDAY MALCOLM at'7:30 pm. 1.960 FALCON, imitation hard- top, good clean car, good tires plus 2 new snow tires, Will PET STOCK oil Good location. DAVIDSON sell reasonable, Phone Clinton 482-3374. 20.1p 2 STOREY brick (1/2 double Government Inspected Scales BRUCEFIELD Cattle Sold by Weight PUREBRED BEAGLE -PUPS or -sale $10 each. ChatIes house), living dining room, den and kitchen down; 5 Phone Hensall 3416.1i TERMS: CASH 1962 BEL AIR I -door sedan, one owner, law mileage.Priced Brandon, RR 4, Clinton, On- bedrooms, 3 -pc- bath up; oil Itfb JOE COREY, Sales Manager right .to sell. W. A Scott tar10- 20b heating; garage. Good condi- -M—ISCtLLANEOU t Bowling Alley, Victoria Street: Clinton. tion. Price, $8,000. 20b H. C. LAWSON AUCTION SALE 1960 WINDOW VAN VOLM- WATCH REPAIR is for Wagen, 12,000 miles oil motor, Good condition. Price $7()0. a job experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. REAL ESTATE -INSURANCE at the Herb MacAdam, RR 2, Gode- rich 1 --ifl g 0, -P A, Huron County's Oldest Esta, 11,11, -U -A T-- 1i Phone 482-9644 I CLINTON LEGION HALL �1- e wry Store. ntiu cesision. 20p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRANCH1SE­­First time Offer- Z— ed, Huron County, fast, moving and repeating National -Food line. Tremendous growth poten- tial. Knowledge of snack food and grocery trade helpful. Ex- ceptional promotionsi well test- ed andproven. In one -week we have your area 50% developed for you. Substantial returns for man with initiative, ability and G A R N E L E N E desire to own busiriessi Investi- gate now. Please forward com- By plete resume to Box 201, Clh! - GARHETT'S OF ENGLAND ton News -Record. 20b Tbrylene and Wool Blehd M D CUSTOM WOW— Tailored by Progress Clothes Assorted Patterns 40 N LAWN ROLLING with heavy � t $8 28004b, roller, in Clinton and 101011,; district.. Phone Ray Potter, 4 ffl'01 9507, 15tf.b "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon, FOR New phone number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting 6. FUN IN THE SUN specialty. 48tfb BACKHOD IN0­9eptle Tanks weaper8, ancih6r posts, footings: SPORT SHIRTS Al>ply Ken or Bill Campbell RR I Dublin, phone SeaforFR JAC'SHIRTS SLACKS, SHORTS SEPTIC TAXICS OLEA'�W suits k ID swim Modem equipment used. All Work guaranteed.. Write or STRAW HATS, Efc. pbone EiJWt Blake, RR 2, Znv§. $619, phone 442W6, Brussels. 11-41p CLEARANCE AT HALF PRICE 'ELECTRIC MOTOR, ts=,� Cosdevide Sales and Spedial Group of SPORT SHIRTS, DOM MM 'RCUL T I INDU8TRTAtr. SHIRTS, SOX, PANTS, Efc. ART LEVETT & SONS 10 tAlE St. — CLINTON Ph6he 46z,6640 gtfb 09101t, STORE gel)Alr Work- WAtOtf00flug, Working` in PON ett C m 66wil ttds summ&i 0611tatt mt,411 I It" PoWI& M�Lsdniv Service, Bog A 0 110 WEAR 380, W- tahell ot call 349-6036 malti Ciiotv i-,- Clinton Phom 491,9131 I TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 19, 8:00 p.m. DST Auctioneee Leo EA Bird will sell without reserve a large selection of Finance Company Repossessions, Bankrupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizures, Personal Consignments consisting of Modern Household Furhiture, Television Sets,* Appliances and Brand New Clothing for, the entire family. THIS IS JUST A PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD FURNITURE --a 2 -piece Che%tabed living room suite that folds out to a full % size bed with spring -filled mattress built inside; a 2 -piece French Provincial Chesterfield Suite covered with a top grade nylon cover; 2 other -assorted Chesterfield Suites with foam cushions; 2 2 -piece Davenport Suites with swivel rockers; two 9 -piece chrome or coppertone Kitchen Dinette Suites; 2 7 -apiece suites and one 5-plece Deluxe Copper - tone Dinette Suite; 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and matching box spring and mattress; 2 sets of lamps consisting of a trilight lamp and 2 table lamps to each set; I set of colonial step and coffee tables in natural maple finish; other stop and coffee tables; 2 30"' Continental beds complete with headboards and legs; one 54" Continental bed complete, 4 full size spring filled mattresses; 2 -hostess chairs; platform rocker,, 9x12 rugs; Ill chair; telephone table; kitchen step stool; chrome rocker; writing desk; A.M. and F.M. Mantel Radio, and many other items, APPLIANCES AND TELEVISION — a large refrigerator with full cross -top freezer; 2 electric ranges one being a deluxe model; a long skirt washer with pump; a 15 cu. ft Deep Freeze that holds over 500 lbs. of frozen food; automatic washer and dryer (niatching pair); combination radio and record player,, 7 different television sets 2111 models that •have all been checked over and are in Ai working condition, CLOTHING — Ladies and Teenagers — blouses, skirts' dresses, suits, slims, slacks, nylons; Meda — socks ties, under - Wear, sports shirts, dress shirts, work shirts, dress pants'"T" shirts; Boys', Girls' Babies' — sweater sets, crawler sets, sleepers, jeans, jackets, socks, sldrts, blouses, slims, shirts, dresses, girls' 3 -piece Pop sets, coat and hat sets, sleep andplay sets and many, many, other items -too numerous to inefilion. AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD TERMS CASH . CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 9% 'Sales '"tax in effect 1 Credit Terms Are Now I CREDIT APPLICATION I Name... "•'+ +„+. I for this coming sale and every' Age ............... PhW6­.............. auction sale conducted by 14,o, E. Bird. Complete the credit ........................................ application form and mail it Credit reference ... ............... to !Leo E. Bird, :614 06i'dol! Ave., London, Ont, and five vinafide Co..,...,,...,.......,.. hini mail you an OJt. Credit l3arik .......... . ...... Card which n%keg you elig. able to buy Items With no ....... down payment said take up Signature fd w months to paY4