HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-14, Page 3•gq BRUCEFIELD NEWS Thurs., May 14? 1904 Photon ,News-Recurit,,Puvu Clinton Memorial Shop PRYDE and SON , CLINTON EXETER - SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon • PHONE HU 2-7712 ••• 13.0sines$. and Directory (1/4r$ H. Bert'y, PPFritsPondept) The Rev,. H. N. .plant deliver- ed an Inspiring message to the large .con.gregatinn attending Brneefield United Church on. Sunday morning.. Receiving the sacrament of GPtisni Were line Bernice, Joseph. Ar..'nokl and Burton IVIcKay,' the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lc•bb; $41ly Jane, infant daughter of. Mr. and Mrs Donald Bredie and Ronald Elgin, son of Mr, and Mrs. 'Lorne. Thomson. Mrs, Gordon Elliott, Mrs. George Griffith, Stratford, re- turned home by plane on Friday after attending the funeral of their father, Mr, E, Smith, Portland, Oregon. The service and burial took place in. For- tuna, North Dakota, Mr. and Mrs, Brodie, Chat- ham, visited Mr. and Mrs, Don- ald Brodie and attended the baptism of their .granddaughter in the Brucefield United Ch- urch. on Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. James Pater- son, London; Mrs. Ron pater- son; 'Clinton, spent . Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood - Stack- house spent Mother's Day with Mrs. W. Stackhouse, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smi- ley, Erin, visited for as week with their cousin, Mrs. H. F. Berry. The Young People's Society will hold their 'anniversary in Brucefield 'United Church on May 24 at 11. a.m. Miss Martha • McDonald is not as well as her many friends would like 'to see her. Visiting with Mrs. Ella Din- nin on . Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dinnin, Joan and Donald, Clarkson, and Wilma Dinnin, Grand Bend. FARM EQUIPMENT INSURANCE H E. HARTLEY All Types; of Life Term Insurance - Antipitiet3 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO, Clinton, Ontario At other times 'contact Local Representative-A. W. Steep-482-6642 21tfb JOHN BACH FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and 'ACCESSORIES 1/4 DEALER - PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 20tfb K. W. cOLQUHOUN INSURANCE lei REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 4E:2-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman phone 482-7265 The Students of Central. Huron Secondary School, Clinton, present OPTOMETRY J. E. LONG STAFF OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 Drama-Choral Night GARY COOPER Life. Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 482-7200 Clinton 2 One-Act Plays Selections by.the School Choir FRIDAY, MAY 15.- 8:30 p.m. G. B. CLANCY, 0,D, OPTOMETRIST - For Appointment Phone 524.7251 GODERICH 38-tfb H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Phones: Office 482:9644 ReS. 489.-9787 CHSS AUDITORIUM Tickets from CHSS Students or at the door GENERAL ADMISSION: 50c RESERVE: 75c 19-20b R. W. BELL PHOTOGRAPHY OPTOMETRIST..., F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square. GODERICH 524-7661 ltfb Top Girl Soloists at Hallett 'Festival Above are ,the first ,prize winners in girls' solo classes at Hullett Music .Festival last week, Photo was taken in Londesboro United Church after the concert of first and second prize winners Friday evening. Front row, left to right, Shelley Grange, USS 5, under 11 years class; Jill Scott, SS 7, under 7; Karen Tyndall, USS 2, under 9; Vicki Welbanks, USS 10, under 12; back row, left to right, Liu Shaddick; SS11, under 13; and Brigitte Schlichting, . USS 5, ,under 14. (News-Record Photo) HADDEN'S STUDIO PORTRAIT -- WEDDING and CHILDREN 118 St. David's St. Dial 524-8787, Goderich 6-13p AT PARK THE SQUARE-GODERICH THE Showtimes 7:30 '& 9:30 p.m. THUR., FRI.,SAT. --May 14-15-16 (Ault Entertainment) James Stewart and Sandra Dee In the father-daughter comedy that has everyone chuckling .131.111•Slik TELEVISION PORTRAITS -- WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL TED RYDER /aim Vid4e4 "TAKE HER, SHE'S MINE" TV SALES & SERVICE Your Emerson Dealer 245 Victoria St. Phone 482-9320 16-tfb Hospital Staff And Friends Honour Two Departing Nurses 15A Victoria St., Clinton Friday and Saturday 2 to 9 p.m. Phone 482-9654 after 6 p.m. for appointments In Technicolor - Special Shorts BAYFIELD LADY WINS BLANKET The draw for the electric blanket of the Altar Society of St. Joseph's Church was won by Mrs. William Dykstra, RR. 1, Bayfield. The draw was held recently. MON., TUES., WED. - May 18-19-20 (Adult Entertainment) Paul Newman, Diane Baker and Elka Sommer A dramatic story of intrigue and sinister influences centred among Nobel Prize winners in Stockholm. • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 524-7562 ones of Scandinavia. Mrs. Middleton was 'assisted by Mrs. Milton Steepe, who ran the projector. This Was an evening of gifts. The •speaker was presented with a lovely gift. Then followed the highlights of the evening. First, Miss Mc- Donald was presented with a beautiful .set of binoculars . by her friends and associates, wish- ing her "bon voyage". Miss McDonald replied, thanking her friends for their thoughtfulness. Miss Betty Middell was escorted to :a gaily decorated bridal chair and. presented with The Nurses' Residence of the Clinton Public HosPital was the scene of a very happy social evening on Saturday evening, May 9, when many nurses and friend's gathered together -to honour two members Ofr their staff who are 'embarking on new adventures. Miss Edna McDonald, the head nurse of the operating room of the hospital is leaving soon on 'an extended European tour and Mis's BettyHidden - will shortly become the bride of 'Mr. Gerben Tolsma, of Hamil- ton. She is also a member of the Pilgrim. Singers choir. The first part' of the evening was spent in viewing pictures presented by Mrs. Stewart Mid- dleton on their 1963 trip to Ireland and Scandinavia. There were also lovely col- oured educational slides taken in England, Holland, Germany, Italy and Monaco. These were much enjoyed, especially 'the many beautiful gifts. She, in turn, 'thanked those who had surprised her so delightfully. Each-honoured girl thought she had come to a party 'in honour of the other! A delicious lunch rounded out a very pleasant evening. 0 "THE PRIZE" - Colour 0 Family Service At Hoimesville United Church THUR., FRI., SAT. --- May 21-22-23 Doris Day, James Garner and Arlene Francis Shape a sprightly comedy around TV sales-pitches "THE THRILL OF IT ALL" -Colour LONDESOORO Coming - "THE STRIPPER" - Colour (Adult Entertainment) Don 1VIeNall has disposed of his farm to Carl Nesbitt, who will soon he taking possession. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nes- bitt to the community. Don and Marjory will be missed and best wishes go with them to their new home int Blyth. Christian Family Sunday was observed in Holmesville United Church on Sunday, May 10, with a large congregation pre- sent, Mr. Kenneth _Trewartha, Sunday 'schoolsuperintendent, was leader, -and Rev. C. G. Park, minister .of the church, preadhed the sermon. Rev. Park also baptized David Murray Clifford, son fa Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clifford, Kit- chener, and Ruth Marie, dough-. ter of Mr. and Mrs. John De Ruy ter. The scripture, lesson was read by Brian 'Patter, John G11111, Connie Harris and Marlene Yee. The Loth family, Jim and Verna and 'their four children, Leonard, Tommy, Eleanor , and Ernie. sang "Brighten The Corn- er Where You Are" wiith. Ernie, the youngest taking the solo. part. The children's. story, "Mak- ing Things Right" was told by Mrs. Frank McCullough. Mrs. Lloyd Bond was the organist. Personals Little Linda Cunningham, Auburn, is visiting with 'her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg. Mr. Ted McCullough spent the weekend in. Beanisville; guest of Mr. and Mrs. Don Staf- ford. While there he was a guest 'at a, wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clifford and David, KitChener; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murray, Dundalk, and Mr. Frank Bisset, Gode- rich, were guests on the week- end of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and ,children, London, spent the weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Glidden. girm make you think you have a maid/ GODERICH , o Dancing Every Saturday Night For The Young Crowd NO SLACKS, BLUE JEANS OR SHORTS Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service The work is gone, silver !•imateiry are more gleaming 1111111 than ever SPECIAL 4-HOUR HOLIDAY DANCE Saturday, May 16 Special Values and Reminders This Week SUNSET DRIVE-IN Specials Good MI May 16 2 BANDS "The Del-Reys and `Little Rick and The Revolaires' I.D.A. Brand 1-lb.-reg. 59c MOTH KILLER - - 47c Tarnish goes for months in just one easy polishing . first silver polish that effectively and invisibly prevents tarnish MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, May 17 Yvonne Claire and Chrys Lee "Terror of the Tongs" Plus a strange spine-tingler "Mothra". - Both In Colour - KOTEX Slenderline-12's-49c value a 45c SECURE Helene Curtis-$1.35 value $1.20 Desert Flower Roll-On Deodorant $2.50 value 2 for $1.25 HALO Shampoo-$1.19 value 99c LADY ESTHER 4-Purpose Cream-85c value 69c NESTLE SPRAZE-12-oz.-$1.39 value 99c INSTANTINE Tablets-30's--59c value 53c VASELINE Cream Hair 'Tonic-75c value 65c J. & J. BABY POWDER-25% more 45c • .......... .................... 8:00 p.m. to Midnight $1.00 Per Person Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 20b ......... .............................. Y. For regularly used flatware and serving pieces, just wash your silver with Hagerty Silver Foam. Tarnish, dirt and polish rinse away like magic THURS., FRI., SAT. May 14-15-1,6 Leslie Caron and David Niven in' "'Guns of Darkness" Marshall Thompson and Gaby Andre "East of Kilamanjaro" Colour Be Prepared For Summer with I.D.A. Guaranteed Products CALAMINE LOTION 4-oz. 30c; 8-oz. 50c CASCARA AROMATIC 3-oz. 50c; 6-oz. 85c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8-oz. 35c; 16-oz. 60c MILK of MAGNESIA 16-oz. 57c; 32-oz. 89c STOMACH POWDER 4-az. 98c ........ ... ....... ...... .... • .. ...... PLUS ..... .... a FREE INSURANCE Goderich Township South ............ MON., TUES., WED. May 18-19-20 Rory Calhoun and Mary Corday "The Raw Edge" Colour Rod Taylor and Alan Young "The Time Machine" Colour New, gentle formula cleans and restores a more- beautiful-than-ever gleam to your precious stones and jewelry and handy dip- basket makes It easier IDASORB for Summer Complaint-4-oz.-75c; 8-oz. 1.25 WHILE IN STORAGE In Clinton Laundry's Modern, Safe Fur Storage, Vault. • Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bender, Clifford, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs'. Garth Postill. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pestill, Brantford, were supper guests at the Garth Postill hotne last Tuesday. SHOP for these at I.D.A. BANTRON $1.50 CHASE'S K&L PILLS 69c CUSHION GRIP 98c, $2.25 FRUITATIVES 39c, 75c LANACANE $1.35, $2.29 NATURE'S REMEDY 29c, 59c, $1.19 NEUTROGENA SOAP $1.00 Year Round Insurance OBI) THUR., FRI., SAT. May 2.1-22-23 Cameron Mitchell and The Keuler Twins "Eric the Conqueror" Also "Gay Pare" a colour cartoon featuring the voices of Robert Goulet and Judy Garland Available Through Our Plant While Your Furs Are In Storage In Our Vaults, In Your Home or' While Travelling. No other three products save you the time, work and money of these three. Hagerty Tarnish Pre- ventive keeps silver free of tarnish 10 times longer than ordinary polishes means polishing only three or four times a year! Use Hagerty Silver Foam for easier care of flatware and pieces in daily use. Get these famous Hagerty products - all so easy to use. by Hagerty the world's first name In easter, finer care of silver and Jewohy BACKACHE? ..not me! -.„ ................. .......... 2 for 49c TOE-EEZ $1.00 TAT ANT TRAPS 1 tin 25c BAN SMOKE GUM 36's $1.98 For relief from haeltache or that tired-Ma feeling I depend on- EDWARDS PHARMACY. Anstett Jewellers Alan W. Edwards - Mary E. Edwards, Phrn,B. ' ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - - - Clinton, Ontario Single Shows. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thtirs, Double Shows Friday and Saturday nights LIMITED Phone 482-9525 CLINTON Tel. 482-7064 75 Albert Street 11•••••1111•1•111•1=1••••Ii Monday May 18 810 P.M. Goderich Memorial « rena Sponsored by Branch 109 Royal Canadian Legion 14 Games For $100 Admission. $1.00 In Aid of Senior Citizens Housing. Project