HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-14, Page 2Lobb-Stevens Wedding ,Standards of white 'snap, `'dragons,. •baby yPa, low. roses ,decorated' St. ?aura Ang'liean Church, 0linto.n„. for file .wedding of Bruce ThOM46 end' aline Rev. Ronald Wenham, LiTho officiated at the double ring. PereIMMY for "the clal•Whtels of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Reginald Stevens, Clinton, and RCAF Station Centralia and .the ;$01 of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn L,ohb, RR -Oirttork, Given in Marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a ,tr...q.4itigpal floor-length gown of silk organza ,over taf- feta, The snuggiy fitted bodice fn bioned with a front bisection of lace, featured -two dainty ,shoulder bows. A watteau train bride for fibre occasion. by her POOP and 44411 Mr, .4na George li/dwfn ,Custard,, •.County gnglend, Mies Beryl Stevens, ipister of the bride, ,Was maid of honour and the bridesinailds- were Miss Jeannette . sister of the groom, anti Miss- Marie Lobb, cousin of the grtiern. They were identically gowned ' street, length dresses sot primrose yet- low organza over "taffeta :with shoes to Match 41)51 silk organza :headdresses, -They car, ried crescents of red roSeS, Miss Anne Sproul was flower girl and wore -white silk or.. ganza over taffeta with con- Vesting YelloW SASh and. bow, her headdress was a wedding band of matching material and she carried a posy of red roses "Here is 13 468 loor— now you can go to college." A frightening figure, you'll agree, but a conservative one. Your son or daughter will thank you and you will thank the Sun Life for guaranteeing the needed funds for a college education. However, these funds should be provided for NOW, With a un Life Education& Endatom6nt Policy, your child will be guaranteed funds for college, even If you should die in the meantime For further particulars, use the Coupon below. A. G. MEARES, BRANCH MANAGER, 397 COLBORNE ST., LONDON R. E. ARCHER, BRANCH SECRETARY, 397 COLBORNE ST., LONDON L. 13, GRIFFITHI, MORTGAGE MANAGER, 109 DUNDAS ST.. LONDON O hA n, un e Company of 01 . • • Stin Life's EduCatiOrial EndOW-nient • 111 4-Jlietei-irrvittIrdlitritw.o,i4.4 a• •-• • T IlI • lkairOSS ,i4.4i1.44-6$4,444,..444.4c4iiii4w4v$4w44.441,w44i ,sd,vwt4 t. III iii4i.V.V4 ,04 ,,i..VVi-4 ,1i444.,i44 ,,1irilfWVPVIV*1:i 1 iO 4 M 4, 144.*4 .;,v.i.A.,..k.ii.:,4,i.4,4-0,..A,,,,;.:...a.i.gu,i.i.4.,wi...4.giiii,Aipl.,ipeiaga...;..i,,,,„Ai.iielp,4.0.,A.4,iiiii‘i.Aj Otiri eiiiii4dta- 61 doildjd roil* the • .6:,4.4,, — Montreal, Ouobec 8 SU440/0/66 .„ Witheut:obligation, would like further intern-teflon on A• 018, Sun Life Building, Life Assurance Cotripany of Canad, iiiutOAL bomFiAtrt NewsPiRecOrd Amalgamated THE CLINTON NEriNti-RECORD 1924 Published every Thursday at the Heart of Huron County Clinton, Ontario — Population 3,369 • A. L. COLQUHOUN, Publisher • Signed tontributlosi in this publication, are the opinions of the writers only, end do not necessarily grew the views if the newspaper. Authorized as second class mall, Post Offic• Department. Ottawa. and for Payment of postage in cash SUISCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance Canada and Great Iritain: TAX a year; United States and Firoign: $5.50; Single Copies. Tess Cents THE CLINTON NEW ERA Est. 1865 6 O .• 44 L Est. 1881 CC NR Cherry Cream Squares (,Makes 9 -Peryinqs). -g cups fine .graham wafer crumbs 1 tablespeen brown §n/Or g .cup 44ttPrr /POW 114 teaspoons qoatifiq , 3 tablespoons water 0-oPnce package cream .cheese 1 cup sifted !Ong sugar 1 •teas.pogn !men riPq. -2 teaspoons lemon juice 14 Pint OA oPpS) whipping cream (20-oz.) can "Canada Choice" Cherry Pie Filling Coinhine. .crumbs, b r P. w A. sugar and butter, :Press half mixture in bottom of but, tered sq. peke pan, 4,r11141e gelatine Ayer Wateri • tat stand 5 mins, to soften anti dieSolve over hot water, Poet, Cre4r4 .cheegei grad4, ally' beat iin.lPing sugar, . 4pm, on rind and juice, gelatine into stiffly whippe4 PreaMl fold into cheese MP.O• tore. Spread, .half geese mixture over ernMbs in 94.4.e pan, Carefully spread cherry filling on top, Add remain- ing cheese mixture and - 4prinic,IP with remaining crumb Snixture. Chill and serve cut in -squares. This recipe preparekespecial- ly for 'this series by Dairy Foods Service Bureau. RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canade Choice j~anned SPRING SALE on ADMIRAL FREEZERS mmommovrirtmlmmmmommwm- • 21 cu. ft. Admiral deep freeze • All copper tubing • Fasf freeze throughout freezer • 5-year compressor warranty • 5-year food spoilage insurance Reg, $329.00 Sale Price 323 Groves 14 Sob ric TV and APPLIANCES Huron Street CLINTON -- 48;24414 NJ.IIMMININIMIMMIIIIMMOMINIMMININIMMINI•11111•••10.111MMINIOMMOMMEY SPRING HOP i n Blyth Memorial Hall ttri FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1964 music by "The Beaumonts" PRIZES Sponsored by' 13LYTH YOUNG ADULTS proceeds for Crippled Children Admission : NOW Paces LUNCH is the only heating system that offers you all these important advantages: flameless clean safe quiet a thermostat in every room s more living space economy Electric heating is one of the many comfort features of thee, fanzous Medallion all-electric hones. For full information, consult a qualified electric heating contractor or your Hydro your hydro ELEC EA7 MC oug arm Sold Back To Original Family 1VITPIWON—With the pur- chaSe of the ResSell colP101.1 fa' r4 by Mr, 4iex PA M-4, 'V.,‘arnal. We isee 4n rold established. farm, returning to a figsoptgl, ant pg• tits original ,PWAPfr. Alex's mother 14 the former Dorothy RathWeli, ,datIghter of' the late Penjumin AatimPli And gra, ,14thwell. This farm. was. owned ,originally by Benjamin's. PareiltS, Mr, and Mrs, Sam RethWea, Bruce T. Lobb and white stephanotis. Capt. W. H. Bishop, FRCO, Goderieh, played traditional wedding music, among which was a piece of his own composi- tion. He also accompanied the. choir of St: Paul's Church who sang the Canticle "Jubilate Deo" and the hymn "0 Perfect Love". Mr. Murray Webster Lobb was beet man, and the guests from as far away as England; Ohio, U.S.A.; Hamilton., • Tor- onto, 'Oshawa; -St. Thomhs Lori-! don and Leaside were ushered by Mr. Hugh Labia, brother of the groom, and Mr. Stephen Gnimstead, St. Thomas, -cousin of the bride. A reception was' held in the Community Centre, RCAF Sta- tion Centralia, The bride's mother wore a delphinium blue silk shantung dress and jacket ensemble with white and pale blue accessories with a corsage of deep pink roses. She was assisted in receiving 'the guests by the groom's mother who chose a biege brocade dress and jacket with 'a o- hat of swathed chiffon on fine straw. Her cor- sage consisted of yellow roses. For a wedding trip to Penn- sylvania, U.S.A., the bride don- ned a pink ensemble with white patent -accessories. Her oorsa.ge was a beautiful matching flow- er pin, given 'to her by .her grandmother visiting from the U.K. for the occasion. The bride is a graduate of Durham Commercial. College, Durham, England, and is em- ployed by the Department of National Defence at the School of Instructional Technique, RCAF Station Clinton. The groom is a -graduate of Ryerson Institute of Technology, Tor- onto, ,and is an inspector with the Huron County Health Unit, God-erich, The newly married couple will reside in HolmesVille, RR 2, Clinton. Honour Bride Pallor to her marriage, Diane's mother, Mrs. Thomas Reginald Stevens, entertained -at a trous- •seau tea . given in her honour at her home, 220 Townsend Street, Clinton. A beautifOl . cut-Work cloth covered the table and was The Wotp.eit Auxiliary .of ;fumes' Chureh, motocm, met Wednesday evening, May the home of 'Mrs. Arnold Miller with 31 members, 'two Visitors, And 'the rector, the Rev. P,. Harrisen, present, The Treeklertt, Mrs, Ray Wisp • opened -the meeting with a missionary poeM "Be- cadre YOI•1 •PrVecl". The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs., lvllill and file mApp.os by Mks.,,' Jobe .C41#g• • Mrs, Putot gave the treestirer's 'report. The president read the 'pro- gramme .of tile Deanery of1-1u- ran .Spring Sessions to be held in Oorole on Wednesday, May 20, with the Bi's'hop of Huron.• present. According to customs, the WA decided to extend an in, Vita-tic:An to -the ladies of Trill-, ity WA, Bayfield to -attend the June meeting, which will be held in .tho church. The lunch committee for this occasion i's, convener, Mrs. A. Miller and Mrs, J. Grigg and Mrs. K. Mil- ler, Mrs, Miller read a letter of thanks from the Diocesan sec- retarV, Mrs. Porter, The guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Doris Eatkin, Clinton, and her subject, "Sp- ring Finery". "lVfillinery," stated Mrs. Bat- kin, • "started out as a hobby With me, -and as so Often bap- tred with a floral decoration of yellow and white 'mums, and white candles: The guests -were received by the bride-eIect, her mother, and the groom's -mother, Mrs. Mer- vyn Loh)/ Showing the wedding gifts was Miss Beryl. Stevens, sister of the bride. The trous- seau was shown by Miss Jean- nette Lobb, sister of the :groom, and Miss Marie Lobb, cousin of -the groom, showed the show- er gifts. Pouring tea during the after- noon and evening were Mrs. Florence Custard, County Dur- ham, England, grandmother of the bride; Mrs.. Bert Lobb, grandmother of the groom; Mrs. Doug GrimStead, St. Thomas; Mrs. Lorne Salzman, Mrs, Mor- ley Counter and Mrs. Bob Drap- er. Mrs, George Wench, Mrs, "Red" Cooper and Mr's. John MeHeridry assisted. Showers 't-.FEriends feted the bride-elect with several showers 'prior to the wedding. A miscellaneous shower was hosted by Mrs. James .Sproul, RCAF Station Clinton. A kitchen shower was hosted by Mrs. Alvin Lobb, Misses Jeannette and Marie Lobb at the home of the former. A delightful surprise was ex- perienced by the bride after. Sunday classes May 3, when She was showered by fellow . teachers and her own Sunday Sdhool class at St, Paid's Ang- lican Church. A presentation was also made by the 'Chancel Guild in the -form of a lovely Cornflower cut 'crystal preserve pot. pens, it is now a blAsinCsS. With many Ptisrete- customers, when they -•d'esi're original models", An Able and enthusiastic eaker, Mrs. Tiatkin held heir .atldience as she eXplained and demon§tratpd 'the finer . poinU of the many model hats Placed on display. On display also was a Wealth Of !Materials from ieh a great variety gf styles could be evolved. "Millinery is a technique in itself", she slot, ed, and "taste and imagination are most 'important,". The latet hat styles Camp from New York, p,aptin had beau* .ful hat flowers Mader in Japan, ,The base of her OPMPP:sir4.- 004 is a balsa ,head-block into which, push pins help her whip up the latest fashion concoc- tions, Mrs, Betkin is no "novice" at The art of hat-making as she is a gradaate of three extensive millinery courses set up by the department at the OAC, Guelph. Mrs. Don Middleton moved an enthusiastic vote of :thanks to Mrs. Batkin for her interest- • ing and. instructienal demonst- ration. Mrs. Batkin was given her choice of plants before the plant-sale which followed the usual bounteous lunch, The rector closed the meeting with prayer, o. sl• Low Water At Bayfield Harbour BAYFIELD—The water level in 'the Great Lakes has been a topic of interest for some months. The largest fishing boats which operate from Bayfield are unable to berth in the har- bour, and those remaining have to enter close to the north pier, then cross to the south side and sd follow the deepest channel.. Capt. R. L. MaclVfillen states that the problem is -worse when an 'easterly wind blows. When this happens the lake becomes very Shallow in the vicinity of the harbour entrance, and larger craft must follow the channel out by the river to avoid the sand bars. Although the water level in the harbour is almost 3 feet lower than normal, most small pleasure draft should be able to operate without difficulty. This- Is important as Bayfleld is 'attracting more craft every year, being a picturesque anch- orage, well protected from the squalls w hi c h occasionally sweep the lake with consider- able force. PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST ClEiTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn 514% interest, payable half- yearly by cheque. • • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. 372 Bay St.,; 35 Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga E- Toronto Barrio Orillia Page NOws,Record,Thuls.) MQy 14, 1904 fr,r4r..: and Mrs. of ohantilly- lace fell gracefully from the shoulders. A wedding band 'overlaid, with lace and pearls held in place her . four- tiered silk illusion. veil and she carried a white prayer bock crested with red roses and stephanotis. The prayer book. was previonSly presented to the CLINTON LADY SPEAKER. Hobby N.w Business OPENING DANCE Inewater Danceland Holiday Weekend FRIDAY, MAY 15 Music by Desjardine Orchestra Dancing Every Friday Night for Balance of Season 20b