HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-05-07, Page 7a
of 60Dalry cogs
at John Walker's Farm, 4 %Iles
east .of Aylmer on No.
Frilogy glonir*.o. may .6
TYil'k. '0h5 corriplete #ierd oaune'
from Huron County,
TermEs- �1ash
or 36 Monthly
Pam- el* at reasonable 5.nt;erest
For credit, please apply . o
John Walker, ;;;ales :onager,
one day previous to sale,
Phone 129W, Aylmer
Xles Shackleton •-- Bnl Johnson
,qf the Estate of
Robert Fairservice
of Implements, Feed,.
Household Effects
and .Antiques
from lot 17, con, 10, Hallett
'Twp., 6 miles nortk of Clinton
and 2 miles east of. L• ondesboaro
on Saturday, May' 16
at 12 01010'ek noon
Tmplements — Intematdpnal
F'arinal'l tractor; tractor platy';
tandem disc: .platform. scales;
forks, shovels and! numerous
other articles, including a quan-
•fity of lumber.
Feed—Quantity of 'baled 'hay
and Straw; approx. 1 ton of
mixed grain.
Furniture --A large quantity
of fu'rrAt u re—dressers, chests .of
drawers, beds, taibles, desks,
school bed, organ, fancy dishes
and antiques.
Pterins -- Cash
Mrs. Myrtle Fairseivice,
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer
of Farm Stock, Imiplements,
Feed and Household Effects.
at lot 28, Bayfield Concession,
4 miles west and 2 miles
south of Clinton or 1 mile
north of Varna
on Tuesday, May 12
at 1.:00 P.M.
Horses—Clyde mare (aged);
Clyde horse 0aged).
Cattle --White cow, 10 yrs.
o'ld, due in June; Durham., cow,
7 yrs. old, frk*Aened 3 Wks -4
Durham cow,, 8 yrs. old, fresh-
ened 'ane .month; Jersey cowl
(reg.), 7 yrs, old, freshened one
month; Hereford cow, 7 yrs. ofd,
fresh 5 wks. ; Hereford cow, 8
yes old, fresh 5 wks.; Hereford
let calf heifer with calf at foot;
Durham 1st calf :heifer whith
" calf, at -foot;, Hererford co(V, 10
yrs. 4d with calf at 'foot; 3
yearling heifews': 2 yearling.
steers; 6 young. caaver,
Poultry, etc. -- 300 'hybrid'
hens, 1yr. old; 'a 4 'bulb heat
larrvp; 4 range shelters; chicken
feeders and water tfountaiars.
Feed -- Approx. 300 'bushels
of Garry oats.
Implements — David Brown
Super Cropmaster'tractor; Dav
id Brown 3 furrow hydraulic
plow; J. J. Case 22"x36" 'thresh-
Ping machbie with shredder; Me -
Cormick Deering binder, 7 -ft.
cut; 3 section spring to&h drag
Marrows; 4 section diamond
ha'>, 9ws ; M=H -manure spread.-
er;. Deeding mower, 6 -fit. cut;
McCorrrlick Deering iMay loader;
steal 'land roller; rubber 'rias
waggon; rack; Hypra weed
sprayer; M eCuRou'gh chain 'saw
(24-4n.); Lgtz grain grinder;
2,000 lb. National. scales; Me-.
Cormick Deering cream tsepar-
ator; fanning mull; emery stone;
sap pan; quantity of lumber;
cedar posts; 200 ft. of lh-lin•
wire cable; circular s'aw; forks,
sh'ovel's• and numerous, other
Furniture -•= Some hous'efidd
effects, 'including dressers, Stu-
dio, couch., Doherty organ and
stool, writing desk, dairy churn,
butter bow' and print, etc.
Terris — Cash
No reserve as farm IS solei
Russell W. Colclough, Prof.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer
Varieties of Seed Corn
suitable for this aridd are
almost sold but, Make
sure that you place your
order,right away with
your ioneer Dealer,
Phone Hensdll 26SW1
Phone tientall 340i ll
,1tfbSincere thanlcs . to the ruts,
ing staff of Clinton Public
Hospital, Dr, Oakes and ,the
Huronview 'staff and manage-
mEnt ifor the treatmentand
kindness shown to Mr; W. IL
Middleton when he was a pat
lent 'there. We would also like
to thank friends, neighbosars
who sent cards, floral tributes,
loaned cans and helped in any
at ,itis. death.---RELEN
` The officers and .directors
1 of Hurpn Central Agri ultural.
J, Society wish to thank f�e buslitti
;Etat• nesses and rndivrduals (bona
'iublic town and rtxn41) for the foh
on Wednesday, May lowing donations, C l i p t o n
t9. lY1r..and Mrs, How- Sl�xing Fair, Saturday, May $0,
riard,. Bltlssels, a .dau- Y964; "
Town :of 01intan .............<,.$250
'ETR --14 0100A P,tubNc
prtal on Thursdax, April'
X964, r0 Mr, and Mrs,
flucfher, 'R?R $ Wakton,
way'ror, #tri ;5 wart:on, 'a _eau
ANLOR -• In Crljntou Public
Hospital on Tuesday, May 5;
1964, to Mr. ,and Mrs., M61,145
Traylor, Varna, :a daughter,
AN SPENGEN — In ,Clinton
Public Hospital on Thumsdav
May 7,. 1964, to Mr, and Mrs.
J, 'Van Spengen, . RR. 4 ,Clin-
ton, a daughter,
BOLTON In Alexandra Mar-
and General HosVital,
Goderioh, on Wednesday, April
1 29, 1.964, Mrs. Susan
(Carter) Bolton, of Goderich,
in her 76th year, Wddow at
William .Bolton, Surviao";
son, George, Goderlich: dau;;h-
ter, Mrs, Harry (Willa) W11
hams arms, RR 2 Clinton: 'half-
siiist;exs, Mrs. , Melvin Martin,
Goderich; Miss Sarah Carter,
Clinton. Funeral service was
held at 2 p.m., Saturday, May
, 2, from the. Lodge funeral'
home, God'erich, with burial
in Maitland cemetery, G'ode-
McP,HERSON — At his home,
Cowper Street, Clinton, an
Tuesday, May 5, 1964, Wal -
Ham John' McPherson, for-
merly of Hibbert Township,
retired farmer, in his 75th
year. Survivors: wife; sons,
Ross, Stratford; Cannan and
Harold, both of ,Clihton; Mur-
ray, London . Funeral service
held today. (Thursday)
at 2 p.m., from the Beattie
funeral home, Rattenbury St.,
u4th interment 'in Clinton
I would like to thank all
my relatives amd friends for
flowers, cards, treats and vis-
its. Thanks also to all who
were so kind to me while I
was in Clinton Public. Hospital.
I wish ,to express my sincere
thanks to. everyone for gifts,
flowers, .cards and visits, while
in . Clinton Public Hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. Addison
and the nursing staff and Rev.
C. Park. Your: thoughtfulness
was appreciated: —MRS, •MAB=
I wish to thanlc all any
friends who remembered me
with flowers, cards, treats and
visits while I was a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London.
These kind 'acts were much
appreciated. —MRS. PEARL
I wish to expresss my sincere
thanks to everyone .for their
kindness to me during past
three months while in hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. Street,
Rev: Carson, Mrs. Roy and the
nurses on first floor —JOHN
SNELL. 19b
I wish to express my sincere
thanks to all those who sent
flowers and gifts and visited
me while being a patient in
Clinton P•ubIic Hospital and
Victoria Hospital, London.
Special thanks to -nursing staff,
doctors ,and Rev. Plant, MRS.
.For the many kindnesses
shown me by my friends dur-
ing many :months in Clinton
hospital,. Z wish to say "Thank
You", Special appreciation
goes to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Walden
and Rev, • Park; the nurses
have all been good to me, too,
I wish to express my sin-
cere thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbours for
cards, flowers and visits while
I was inhospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr.
Newland, Dr. Addison, Mrs,
Phinney and. .staff, Mrs. Roy
and :Rev. Mills, who were all
so kind to me, --MRS. AMY
CRIOM 19p .
T would like to itheaik all my
friends and relati3es who, visit-
ed me and sent cards and gifts
while a patient in Clinton Pub-
lic hospital andthose who help-
ed in any way at my car acci-
dent, Special thanks to Dr.
Ciiliton Community
Auetioh Saler
a -
� 30 gym,
Gov6rhrhen4,Irtbpected Sol&
Cattlb /Sold by Weight .
1639C6REY, Sates Manager
Versatile is just one word to
describe newspaper Advertising.
Almost every kind of product,
every type of service and every
size of bitsi5ie'ss is pr'ese'nted to
an lfttewtbt d 4udiende tltrottgh
the newspaper advet•t"rs'ing c&-
ron ,,,,,,.,,,
n� . ..............
VIP Hiroo • .,.
Is�on Fexttizei '„ .,.
alconer, Shorthorns
'yn Lobb, Director ......
McLean, Seaforth ....
on New.
5 -Record
& Mutch IHA Hd'w•
7olsne Dairy
r. Counter, Lumber ....
liffs Bakery Ltd.. ..."..
rid Swan. Groc r_v
S Elliott, Y V$ ,..,.,
:aulay Ltd ...........
Murphy Ltd ........
pntracting Co,
,s Book Store
ay&Son ...............
Clinton Body & Radiator ,. ]
McKerlie Automotive
T, Lelper, Reeve of Hullett I
Aiken Bros ..........................
J. Deeves, past ,pres. 7
Lorne Brown Motors ....... I
Edward's Pharmacy]
Elm Haven. Motor Hotel ,,.,
Clinton Farm Supply ... I
Siiorty's B/A Station I
Canadian Legion
Carnation Co. Ltd, I
Hotel Clinton ...................... I
Herb's Food Market ............ I
Parker House Motel I
F. Mudie Builders Supplies I
Moyes Farm Supply, Seaforth 7
I. Potter, Cities Service Oil I
Ralph Jewell, Warden .... I
Roy Cullen, Surge Agent a
J. Bean Jr,, Brucefield 3
Robbie Burns, Londesboro 7
R. Potter& Sons, M -M dealer
IGA .Food Market ..............
Stedman Stores
Goderleb Twp. F. of A.......
Watkins Homestead Acres
Norman Pepper, Barber ....
Thomas Pryde & Son .......
McPehrson Bros. Garage ....
Harold King, White Rose
Martins Dept. Store . „
Clinton Electric .....,,,,.
Roy Pepper, Shorthorns ....
Beactcrest Farms .........
Daves Cities .Service ..........
W, R. "Bert" Lobb . ...
Pickett & Campbell Ltd.....
IH.. E. Kingswell Welding ..
Giant Irwin & Art Colson
N. Counter Jeweller ........
Cornies Red & White .
J. Corey ,Community Sales
Arnold Riley, barber .,.... ...
Fitzsimons Food Fair ..
Cliff Lobb Shoes
Dory's Super -test ...............
Groves Electric ....................
Wholesale Furniture &App.
Gliddon ';Cleaners
Mouse of .Bargains Ltd. ....
Bill ,Hough, Director .....
Merrill's TV .....
Bert Pepper, Auctioneer ....
Dr. W, A. Oakes ........
Clinton Laundry & Cleaners,
Blake Welding.........
Mayor W. J. ,Miller.... __...
W. G. Thompson & Son .,,,
Frank ,Chapman, barber ....
Beatbie Furniture ................
Epps .Sport Shop ................
C J Livermore ...,....
Chief H. R. Thompson ......
Wells Auto Electric
H. Carter, CN'R Agent .....:
Clinton Greenhouse J. Smith
Holland Sunoco Station ....
Newcombe's Rexall Drugs
Irwin's Ladies' Wear ........
S'parling's Hardware ........
Dr, X. S. Wood, Chiropractor
Garrett's Shoes .
Anstett. Jewellers Ltd
Dbcon Auto Supply ...
E. B. Menzies, Barrister ...
G. Lawson, Smoke Shop ..
Sutter -Perdue Hdw ,.,.....
Jervis Sales & Service .......
Hearn Wholesale Ltd
Bill Gerrittts, Director .....,.,
Scrutton 'Firestone ..............
Brucefield Farm Supply ,...
Ross Scott Ltd., Sunoco ...:
Hensall Dist Co-op, Brucefield
K, W Colquhoun, Ins ,,.,
Par Knit Hosiery , ...
Guenther Tuckey Transport
F, Van.A,ltena, barber
Clinton Cab....... .
Twin P Restaurant..........
W. H. Dalrymple .& Son.,;,,
Mliaey Mee Restaurant
Herman's Men's Wear ......
'T'ravellers' Kitchen ............
Elmer Frey .Fina Service ....
X, Crich, Macklin, Sask. ,,,,
Boyes Transport Ltd, ......
Galbraith Radio & TV
I=T, C. Lawson, Ins, .........,
1•tay's Shoe Repair ,,,...,,...
Roawrd Brunsdon .. ... l;
Irene's Laundromat ............
Ruby..&'Bill's Restaurant
Tedder TV. ,
Len I•Teard, barber.... .......
Dr'. D. B, Palmer, Dentist
.T Amsing ... , ,., ......
Palmer's Beauty Lounge ....
Charles' House of Beauty
.Murray. Gaunt, MPP ,,,.,.,,,,
Mise Mummbing & Heating
MWI Cabinets ........ . . .......
Donors of Merdhandlse
Eatons of Canada .. ..$3
Edward's Pharmacy , 1
Simpson Sears Co Ltd. , 1
Baintons Ltd,, .Blyth ,. . 1
United Dairy Co op
W, G. Riehl I
John Anstettt„ ,
Lee's Ladies & Men's Weer
14. J. Heinz Co.. Canada Ltd.
are able ,0 offer A
Retailers p'refi�'r riowspapei^s, �
m1ey have the kneat research
system ever devised'to check on
advertising effectiveness . ,
the clash register. Riamember,.
611 busing Is local, turd sales
are made 4t the local Teirel,
=-==_ `W11th 1f 'd single exception 6f.
iE' bftl laws prohibit the sad spwk16kg, n'o &adiei -mane,
trf Ilheger than: tft £64t d firework is &8,19 1W
IfiC les 16hg And tine - laud .itet or' int0i6ed 16 b(e lielUln 'ti b
inch in dlalti*ter. hdlicl.
Thursday, .May 7, 1964,•-41intoi'! News-Kwoyd Page 7
ANNO 'Valley Authoest. W �tNO NOED. •
Mr, And Mrs, Reinder
S/� /{/7��/��! $014
� ��ii►�MS
ens 'arid A1vin &rgth _rl' Twn-.
berry `Towirehip The $45;29,0,
1Yii'ddel RR 3 Listowel.
_... ;y! ... .A a7M! T T Y ,A M
repreSenbs a. Shav;rrtg of aver
wi's'h to announce ,the en,
gagerpent of their da�lgl7ter
Tile Maitland Valle Conner- .f'Qupty of OM -4 4ises a :differ,
vatic, r
$S,OW, bin tthe prelr►ruinary
gdt `0t a or11 ar o,
Batty Middy to l3,erbgn
n , Aufh. , got' '1bs 196 eat xiran.. a'1 for ens x+
o. lty ..... 4 u.. assessment at
budget nt $45;29Q and oa¢ne poses than lobe Cotii7ty of
The only .coattail ependittlrc
Tolsma, Hamilton, Ton of
Mr. and Mrs. G, olsm ,
with'in:$385 of. -holding these oUtinicipailities in Perth ply
total. as last H'alf tlhe
provided. for was $8,000 for
of iatre 229aa , Fang.
Hamilton. The Wedding M1v!ll
yea ; on g ,hv$he+r basis than neigh-
amount Wil be raised among bouriog rnwiclip.4itres in 1-Iur-
Reserve `tract near Goderlch and
take place gat the Christlart
Reform Church, Listowel,
the 29 member, m'uniig1pal ties ozr,” Np,4iApd A-eeve Carson•
114,the MaiUland Ovate rshed and „ feel
aRlather $2,OOQ for p4 -, , l'rai' -of
the' site, Admn►sbrato n cam
on Saturday, may 23, 1964,
. We a<n ecivalizatiion of
equ. 1 amount wial be �` assess¢nents should be made."
an a1'
for , 27,$75; conservation ser..
at 2 o'claclt.
calved through provincial g wr
vices, hncluding farm ,pond spb-
ernment grants, Authority chairman Robert
This :means ,that the mun cr- Wenger, Wingham, advised than
s'i�lies, �5,a50 and maintenance
1 00..
polities will ,haye to contribute trhe e�eetxtive agrees k'n prin-
$22,645 X192 more ,*an they dale with the Wallace protest
MANN -,-•.fn loving memory
did In 1963. but eaop1g4ied that dealing with
Week ail and week .opt, neWs-
of our dear farther and mother,
Mr. and Mrs, George Mann ,
. assessments is outside an aulih-
Changes, ",however, Sarre 'vVd- ority's jurisdiction, of can
paper readership remains
steady. The reason, Your
who .Passed away 20 years . g. ,
April 28 .1944 and May 6, 1944'
.dent in the assessments !la° only taake the figures provudcd
municipalities„ Thig VCsulted for us bY. the rnunicipal Clerks
weekly newsp4pe retinas a
freshness and newness:, News-
and ear sister Lulu (Minn)from
Crittenden, passed. away
The equalliza'tion Program ,,.
or by the Municipal Directory,
in Perth County which 'upped
paper ;advertising benefits from
Au t 14 '1948
is aa1 Listowel �represenbative on
this consistent interest.
gas , , property ayse 5mern. un
".Wishing today as we wished intinicipaRties. A number of fhey Maitland, O, M,t Nickel,
before municipalities in Huron ColMty f _-
fir' mayor, , countered n eyed wit
That God could, have spared consequently will be paying a resolution calling for all you many more years, less •than they did a year ago, cour4es �w'iutthin, an authority to}In our .hearts your memo despite the $'light increase in adc0t th'e s'a'tire manual for Ouali1lip is k . t. r3'ep the budget., assessiavg purposes so that con,To .love, to cherish and to servation levies for membernever forget:, Announcement o+f the'swtitol� in balance ho' wever brought i7z�- muryvoipa�lvtiles may be equa'1,"& c ryi _e --Always remembered by the LI..r.
•, mediate repercu's'sions, WallacerilHis resolution,was Ova's seconded !
Family, 19b Township Council 'tabled a p1'o- by Harold Cosens, Wallace
test and Listowel representative Towirslup representative .and � MOTHER'S DAY is -Next $4nd May,111)
Y mor O, M. Nii'ekeil followed With a in nledlate past Authority c'ha'ir- N ay' y Q
HA TER ---In loving memory Y '
of a .dear husband, father and
resolution calling, for all coup-, ram, Given umanimaus support Remember Her with a Mother's Day Card
grandfather, William Hayter, ties within an authority to use from the executive, the resolu- Sc to $1.06%
who passed away five years ago the same assessmen. t masiu�rl. Barr will be directed .to the
on may 8 X959, bienniail conference of the As -
Y : ReeveAlbert Carson referred Mother's Day Gift Yardley Colognes ,,., 7$o to $5,00
<, sociation of Conservation Aufh-
Alwa s ,a thought and many to the protest, tabled ray Coun, Cover Girl Lipsticks
a '.tear, critics of Ontario, Suggestions s shades .... $1.00•& $1.35
Weldon Scha'de and Hard d Gift Chocolates .,.,..., 55c to $2.00 "" ....
For one we miss and love so Good, and said at won unard- Copies ure -also to be directed Kleinuts Spray -on Shield
dear' mous support from his council, to: the county councils of Well_ Chanel Cologne ................. $3.75 retards perspiration stains $1.69
The sudden way you had to ¢ngitan, Huron and Perth, which Perfume ................ $5.25 Noxzema Sun Tan
die In effect the protest claimed
We shall always remember there is an injustice in `tlhe comprise. the Maitland AUtih-- Desert Flower Cologne and Lotion ........................ 25c & $1.25
omit and also to area
mem Bath, Powder reg. 2.25 for $1.50 ,
and wonder why. Authority's system of levying Y, i T S NEW—
To of -the Provincial Parlia- busting Powder
To know we never said good- far municipalities on the assess- MISS SPRAYNET
'bye basis, ment, ' by Rubinstein ...................... $2.50 For The Teenagers
3` meet basis contending. khat the g rs
Will 'always bring regrets; Bath Salts ......... 65c to $2.00 590 & 900,
The Authority budget. was ^ •• �
But the.hearts that loved you Ready -to -buy prospects con- Bath Powder Mitts ........ $1.25 p $1,00
dearly, adopted on motion of Mr. Cos- � Lint Pick-up Roller
Are the ones than don't for suit their newspaper ads for Yardley Soaps Rolls away lint, dust, fuzz,
et„ brand, model, style and price Boxes of 4's . $1.75 pet hairs
Always remembered and sadly of an item they intend to buy,
missed by wife and family and Newspaper advertising tells BOX NUMBERS: We will give you a Free 'Film (B & �N 127, 124, 620)
grandchildren. 19b your complete story. 1. News -Record box num- when you leave your film for processing ;
b d
Attend Your Chureb
This Sunday
(Baptist Federation of Canada)
Pastor: Craig Peters, R.A.
Sunday, May 10;
10.00 a.m.---'SUNDAY SCHOOL
Everyone Is Welcome At. This Church
Ontario Street United Church
,0�o cyo, ,"IM FRIMMLY CVIURChi"
m Sunday, May 10
". 9,45 a.m,--Sunday School
" 11.00 am, Morning Worship
2.00 p.m,—Mother's Day Service
3.00 pm.—Sunday School
.Christian Reformed Maple Street
Sunday, May 10
10,00 ani.— Service in English Sunday, May 10
2,30 p.m.—Service in Dutch -9.45 a.m:—Worship Service
Every Sunda 6.15 m., Dial 11.00 a.m: Sunday School
680 CHLO, St, Thomas. Listen 800 p.m,—Gospel Service
to "Back to God Hour." MIr: . Max Mitchell,
All Welcome
Joseph Street
GOSPEL HALL St. Andrew's..
Rev. R. U*MacLean , B.A.,
11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread Mrs. W. J. Agnew, Organist
and Chair header
8.00 p.m. ---Sunday School
7.00 p.m,=Gospel.Service Sunday, :May 10
8.00 p.m, Thursday Prayer 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School
Meeting and Bible 10,45 a:m, 'Morning Worship
tesleg•-iillie�-uCmesiti:lle �ttiteb fttllta~rcil>es
REV. CLTFFOT%D G, PARK, M,A., Minister
Sunday, May 10
Christlah' Family. Day Theme --"Bots At Your House"
New Summer Schedule
9:45 a,m.--Mother''s Day Service With Infant
Baptism and Youth Participation.
10:45 A. .,—Sunday School. -
9:45 lwm.--••Sunday School with Film
11:00 a.m.-Mother's Day , Service with Infant,
Baptism and. Lay Leadership of `
Rev. A. W. Wllenhar'n, L.Th., Elector
Charles Merelli; Organist
8:30 am.—HOly Communion,
1.1:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
1,00 p.m.-'--Evenilig Prayer
Wed., May 13•--&riehd8hip Guild, I'atiStY Hall, $:15 Pah.
Speaker, Mrs, Stewart Middleton. All
bens are used y a -
vertisers in classified
advertising for their own
good reasons. Answers
must be written. The
News -Record' office is
not prepared to tell the
name of these advertisers
to anyone. Please do not
News -Record
Cameras Veterinary Supplies Films
Greeting Cards Magazines
1 1 1•
Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario
Prints of Pictures
appearing in the
Clinton News -Record .
(by staff photographers)
are available
Place Orders -:-PRICE LIST -:- Allow
at the Office 8 x i0 -- $1.50 Ten, Days
482-8448 4 x 4 '.7 For Delivery
Original Prints 50c
��� / ���Pl !�C 6N16 � f[�Gl�lLG92� e!%Z E�GB/t'GGLvIZQ
Let vs &icier you with your
pleat for that aU impottant
wedding day.
Your ehoio of ttriou) paper stods, type
itytes and rota:
tick, f `or .
Sblect yout Wedding 'ihvitattoM, am
and ate4ssories With complete ccrifi______
quality Andcorrcctnese of form.
Sunday, may 10 t
10.00 4.m.+ -Sunday' School W9 ALSO 909'PERSONALIZE6 WODtNC NAP60, MA'TGH$S�`�"
11..00 a.nrr--Morning Worship AND" CAKE IjOX>fS s.J't •'=�� «`� ,y. ,,
r 7:80 1S.rri..Evangelislie HtiilCr"' • i >. • i r -i �- .
pe " Mtn Either Cassidy,
Guests aker, , .. .
Vlied' eg... 8 rh . -Thayer etlwlce clont olt News ' cord
v coming art 'r;.Z May 1 -L -ire erorest wbib Quarto# ,,�
t6 Albert Street CLINTON .. Pheim HU I �44�
You Are Itordiblly l'i vifed "Co All # "mese Services