HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-30, Page 12• - • . „, BROWNIE!$ Cartoon SAT MON, TUES., WEP. May 2 4 & 6 DOUBLE FRATOSE "Move Over Darling" DORIS DAY ,LAMES GARNER POLLY BERGEN Colour PLUS "30 YEARS OF FUN" with all the great comedians of the past. CHARLIE CHAPLIN BUSTER KEATON, Etc. Cartoon COMING NEXT: "WHO'S GOT THE ACTION" and "The Delicate' Delinquent" DRIVEM CLINTON THUR$PAY and FRIPAY April '40-May 1 "THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE" FRANK AINATRA .t-APFIgNcg HARVEY JANET LEIGH 1,44144 Entertainment by Rustcl; ft and Couffs for. Mother, Grandmother, Auntie, Godmother, Wife, Friend 10c to $2.00 SPECIAL Mother's Day BINGO CLINTON LEGION HALL, Thurs., May 7 AT 8.30 p.m, 15 Regular Games for $5.00-3 Share-The-Wealth Special Game For Mothers The Letter "Mr° For $50.00 CLOTHING VOUCHER Donated By IRWIN'S LADIES WEAR Legion Mothers Will Operate Bingo REGULAR 50c. ADMISSION VASES' in China, pottery and glass-assorted designs and colors 49c to 9.95 JAM JARS in I,2 and 3 sec- tions with aluminum lid and frame 2.00 to 3.50 COFFEE SETS - coffee pot, cream and sugar, mugs, tray . . ......... . . . . 7.75 each CUPS and 'SAUCERS-bone china 1.25 to 5.00 Kin Pee Wee BASEBALL TOWN' LEAGUE `Those boys 8-12 years old interested in playing in the Clinton Pee Wee House League are asked to fill out the following form and leave at Nevi's-Record office by Monday, May 11 by *:00 p.m, Birthday deadline is May i, 1951. NAME Phone girth Dote ..... ...... For further information phone Ken Cilyniek 48.1.9911 .:{WWW1ft SETS LOWEST PRICES RCA Victor Electrohome From $169.95 Plus. Your Old ,,Set GALBRAITH RADIO & TV CLINTON 482-3841 FirlaringraMINWSIMMIIMINFINININW Jack Scruton, of Scruton Firestone, Clinton, asks: "Will Your *Cay Pass The Dept. of . Transport Vehicle inspection Now In Progress In Clinton Area?" If you are In doubt; drive in today) or phone for ort appointment to Sawn's. Firestone rirestont FRONT END ALIGNMENT ecial REDUCES 'TIRE WEAR , IMPROVES STEERING INCREASES SAFETY „ .• • PRECISION WOW' BY EXPERTS ON OUR 4 JOHN BEAN ' VISUAUNE fielre't what we do. I. Correct caster ' 2. Correct camber, 3. Correct toe-in and foe. out---the main cause of tire wear 4. Inspect steering ASSETS BOOMING OVER $1,3009000.00 Life Insured Loans ' Life Insured Savings AND yo u can now make 5 1/2 % on' 2 year DEPOSITS AT CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED More for your savings dollar, Free Coin Purse To Every New Member In May MEN'S W.O.A.A, BASEBALL All those interested in playing WOAA Baseball are, asked to contact Len Fawcett, phone 482-7031 as soon as possible. Trade 'N' Travel Time RIGHT.NOW IS THE TIME TO TRADE UP. IF YOU REALLY CAN'T AFFORD A NEW ONE, HURRY FOR ONE OF THESE O.K. SELECTED SPECIALS. (Others to choose from of course.) '57 PONTIAC 2 DOOR - '58 BEL AIR SEDAN - '58 METEOR 2 DOOR - '59. CHEVROLET SEDAN - '59 CONSUL SEDAN - '60 OLDS. SEDAN - (Fully Equipped) '61 CHEV. BEL AIR -SEDAN '62 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN '62 ENVOY 4-cyl. SEDAN 62 CHEV. 8 SEDAN - $ 650 $1,050 750 $1,150 $ 750 $1,950 $1,895 $2,195 $1,250 $1,975 ON. Top Dolton for your' trade-in. Convenient GMAC terms, with a special plan for tanners. Came and see us Soon. We Ore in business to do business. CS8E OUR DISPLAY ON PAGE 9) Lorne Brown .Motors, Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldstnobile lit Envoy Dealer. ontirito Street CLINTON- Phone 482.9321 if Western Ontario Area Air Cadets Hold Competitions At RCAF Station Hensall Kinsmen Hold Anniversary, $22,600 Raised0 In Past Ten Years On StlndaY, April 28, Growl? Ceptiain GreenaWaY, OP, by W/C N. C. Viinni.Cembe, F/O F, Hebert and WQ1 C. Reid of Station. Clinton The remaining events got underwey after .the noon meal. The judg"' ens fer the eernPetitiortS Were the Parent Unit Liaison Officers; F/L 3. A. Hopkins (Kitchener- Waterloo), V/I, R, Cribb ford), F/O 13. M. Nlady (Guelph), WC) J. F, Flebert (Galt), and F/O J, 13. Hart (Brantford). The basketball, volleyball and lbowling were suPervised by F/O R, W. Al- lan and his recreational staff and the rifle competition was under tile direetion of F/O W. S. Edgson, The results of the activities were posted at the end of the day and trophies awarded to the winning squadrons, The trophy for the highest over-all score was presented to .616 RCAC Squadron Brantford, as well as the Mdividual trophies for basketball and the rifle Competition, The trophy' for the best drill team was awarded to 121 RCAC Squadron Guelph, as well as the bowling trophy. The honors in the volleyball competition were awarded to 19 RCAC Squadron Stratford. The day organized and direct- ed by S/L H. E. Booth, Senior Unit Liaison Officer, was term- fed a success in the closing Te- 1 marks given by .Mr. Irvin Erb of the Air Cadet League of Canada who expressed his thanks to RCAF Station Clin- ton, on behalf of the cadets, officers, sponsoring committees and the parents who attended. Clinton Legion Will Bid On Post Office Lot (Continued from Page One) for thr6e prizes totalling $175, Other Legion events coming include: The annual Early Bird golf tournament at Oakwood Inn course; Grand Bend, on Sun- day, May 3, beginning at 8:00. a.m.; entries are still being ac- cepted; A special social evening on Saturday ,May 9, with "name" entertainment and a special prize of "A Second Himeymoon Weekend" at Hotel London; And the ladies zone bowling tournament in Clinton, May 16. The Legion will enter a float depicting the branch's cenotaph project, in the parade on Spring Fair day, May 30. Eleven and one-hallf tons of Waste paper was collected at the paper drive on April 15, for which the Legion received $69. Sports Report Sports chairman Harold Mc- Pherson announced 'that the Legion would again sponsor a juvenile baseball team. 'The Committee• is going to start building two sets of horseshoe pits at the. hall. . J. Edward Dale represented the Legion at the WOAA spring meeting last night (Wednesday) in Wingham. Two other local Legionaires, 3. D. Thorndike and Douglas And- rews are on the WOAA exec- utive. Robert Hicks won the at- tendance draw, and Jack Tyn- dall won the regular monthly dirakv, HENSALL - Nearly 100 tp. Kinsmen front Stratford, Sim- coe, Essex, London, Exeter and Clinton attended the 10th an- niversary of Hensel]. Kinsmen Club, at the Hensel]. Commun- ity Centre Thursday, April 23. Head table guests. were Dr. D. J. McKel;le, Essex, charter pre- sident of Hensel]. Club; John Goldie, Toronto, national vice- president; John Kinney, Toron- to, general secretary of Kim- men Association; H. F. 'Tag- gart, London, Governor of Dis- trict 11 Eithan Durant, Deputy Governor, Zone D, Simcoe; Norman H. Jones, reeve of Hensall. Harold Knight past president of Hensall Club, gave the his- tory of the Hensall Kinsmen Merchants . Prefer Paper AdvertiSing Did it „produce sales? Sales are .the only ultimate answer to the effectiveness of any ad- vertisement,. or any advertising medium. Main street merchants aren't philanthropists . . . news- paper advertising is the back- bone of their approach to the prospective buyer because it brings in the sales. Club over the past 10 years. He pointed out that $22,600 had been raised by the Club, during the 10 years, and Hensall Kin-. ette ChM had raised over $5,000. Many past mernbers of the Hensall Club attended. Paul Brothers' and Shirley of Kirkton, provided entertain- ment and Amber Rebekah Lodge, catered for the 'banquet. Town council held their an- nual discussion regarding dogs, at the council meeting earlier this month and after consider- able "buck-passing" the matter was left up to the 'protection to persons and property com- mittee to find a solution, Discussion ranged from join- ing, forces with a neighboring community to hire a dog catch- er for, both, to asking the local Police to look after the mat- ter. Councillor D o n Symons, whose committee will tackle the job, pointed out the present town bylaw didn't have "enough teeth" to give a 'dog catcher enough authority. Home And School Hears Teacher (Continued from page one) Laurie Slade and Mrs, Ruth Kellam; social convener, Mrs. Alvin Lobb; membership con- vener, Mrs. R. B. Campbell. During the business, Bert Gray, principal of Clinton Pub- lic School, came in at the board's request and asked how many' felt a kindergarten was necessary in a school this size. The response was a unanimous yes. ":What can we do so it will be good for us and good for the •town?", he questioned. He also stated that if people realized why dogs had to be tied up and accepted this re- sponsibility, there wouldn't be any problems. Deputy-Reeve Sutter noted the police control the situation in Seaforth, where clogs must be tied up for. 'the entire 12 months of the year. Symons replied this may be the answer because the police would have, more authority in the matter. Reeve Agnew also Suggested it could be a job for the police in view of the raise they had been given this year. However, he noted that such a position f or a policeman would be considered derogatory to his dignity, Much of the discussion had been light-hearted', but Mayor Miller reminded council it was no joke. The committee was given au- thority 'to take any steps they deem necessary as the bylaw controlling dogs is supposed to go into effect on May 1. COMING EVENTS Thursday, ApriI .,4Q-BINGO in Legion, lviernertal irk Street, at li:K/P44, 4-5 'regular games for $5; 1 game for letter L T bingos on the .$25 'game; three .gharerthe- wealth games; laeltpet. in 5.0 ;numbers, Admission 50c,. 9c14frmlay,, April .49 - Night, Nr.o.. Beyfield, 8.15 P.M, Pictures and"..com, mentary by Mr, .and. Mrs, stew-, Art Middleton, Silver collection, .AtIspieW Trinity Club, 1.7-$1). Vri4y, May J, - COV1YW. Dance at Ritchie Building, RCAF Clinton, 9 P.M, tO1 danclng to the 1;),r).Amie5. See. note In Adastral Park news re dress. 1.5b SatOrday, May g Sale of used clothing, miscellaneous articles; St. Paul's Parish. Hall„ 1.0,$0 a.m. Sponsors: Go-Get- ters ClUb. 17-81) Saturday, May 2-Final card party, Orange Hail, 'Clinton, 8:30 p.m. Sponsors, LOL and. LOBA. Free door prize. 18b Tuesday, May 5 BINGO at Huron Fish and Game. Jack-. pot, $59.00 in 59 numbers, Six door prizes, 8.30 p.m. ' Thursday, May 7 - General . meeting of Wheel 'N Dealers, .C7E-IS'S, 8:30 p.m., regular dance . night. All members requested present. 18-9p Wed., May 9-1-lyctro Cooking School, Legion HaN., afternoon and evening. Sponsors: Kinette Club of Clinton. Tickets avail- able from any Kinette. 16-7-8-b Every issue of the weekly newspaper has something of m- terest to every member of the family, consequently newspap- ers "live longer" in the home before they are discarded. They do not irritate; they invitingly await the reader's attention. Wins Kinsmen Club Stanley Cup Draw Barrett (Abe) Taylor, centre, is seen here receiving his $500 cheque, as the winner of the Clinton Kinsmen Club annual Stanley Cup draw, from Bill Fleming, chairman of the Ways and Means committee. On the right is Percy Pugh, who sold Mr. Taylor the winning ticket. The Kinsmen use proceeds of the draw for minor sport in Clinton and area. (News-Record Photo) goinznanding .Officer of RCAF. Station Clinton :and hi$ staff were hosts. to Royal Canadian Air Cadets from Brantford, Galt, Guelph, Kitehoner-Water, loo and Stratford, for their an nual inter-squadron .drill. and sports competition. . The squadrons upon their arrival at ,$.1:,.4tA00 qinton form- ed wing of squadrons under the command of S/L_ A. J. Westwood of 269 RCAC Squad- roil., Galt, The .squadrons were commanded by their Ind:M(1gal commanding Offi'cer's: F/L G. W, Gairod of 616 RCAC Squad- ron Brantford; F/1., P. A, Rob- 121 • RCAC Squadron Guelph; F/L Id. Hatch, 19 RCAC Squadron Stratford, and' VI,' 3, Donnelly, 80 RCAC Squadron Kitchener -'Waterloo. The cadets, officers and their guests were welcomed. 'to the station by .G/C Greenaway and the competition officially began, The ,first event was the drill competition which was judged Page 12-Clinton News-Record-Thurs., April 30, 1964 AUBURN - The monthly meeting of the United Church Women of Knox United Church met in the Sunday schoel room of the church with unit one 'in charge. A beautiful floral arrarogement of daffodils and forsythia: made an attractive setting for the meeting in the charge of Mrs. Roy Eason. She gave the call to worship and "Love Divine All Loves Excelling" was sung with Miss Elva Gross as the pianist. The RETAIL SERVICE CENTRE no ALBERT STREET ,,,.CLINTON- PHONE 4814681. The .hornier Hanover To:import Building Auburn UCW View Temperance Film, Near Reports, Pack $800 Bale scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and the meditation on the scripture was given by Mrs. Ted East. A solo was sung by Mrs, Gor- don Chamney, accompanied by Mrs. James Jackson. The offer- ing was received by Mrs. Wil- liam Drnpey and Mrs, Charles Straughan and dedicated. After singing "0 Love That Wilt Not Let Me Know", Mrs. Easoin closed the devotional• period with prayer. Mrs. Robert Arthur read a presentation address to .Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mrs. George Milli= pinned a Life Member- ship pin on her. Mrs. Lewis thanked the members for this gift. Mr, William L. Craig showed a film on temperance and Mrs, Bert Craig took charge of the business meeting. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell. 'The reports of 'the variouS coMmittees were received. It was announced that a bale val- ued at over $800 had been packed and sent Mrs, Charles Straughan clos- ed the meeting with prayer. ' • o Barrett Taylor Wins $500.00 Kinsmen Prize Barrett Taylor, 115 Queen Street, held the ticket bearing the exact tine at Which Tor-, onto Maple Leafs Won. the Stanley Cup over' Detroit Red 'Wings, in 'the Clinton Kinsnien Club annual draw. Mr. Tayier's ticket read: first period, third minute, fourth second, when Toronto scored their first goal in the 4-0 Vit- torY, He Won the only prise offered iti the draw, .$500,00. The Winning tieket Wks sold to Mr. Taylor, a newspaper de- livery man, by l'.c.irisInan Percy: Pugh, manager of the Brewer t' Reta5l Store In Clinton, The '<marten told neatly 1,800 tieiceta, and after ex sea and priek over. $1,000 Will be used to promote map& spoilt 'Clintoniri and area, LaSt‘,Year the Kin Olttb'S -Sport progitant CoSt hearly Council' Holds Annual Dog, Discussion, Present Bylaw Effective May 1