HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-30, Page 10Page 1Q—Clinton Nuvs-Record Thum, April 30, 1964 Auburn and District MRS, WES! 13RAaNack,c9p.on4ent,Phone 5124-7595 HOLLAND'S 1)-AERVICE 482.6661 CLINTON 111011110101011100MNI_INNII TO VANCOUVER The smart_ way to save and travel I Extra coach car conveniences to make your trip more comfortable. For other economy Red, White & Blue Fares call ... YOUR LOCAL CN AGENT. CANADIAN NATION AL 17.6 4 Classified Ads Bring Results BEATTIE ''FURNITURE Clint- n Are Celebrating Their 10th ANNIVE SW SALE • +1, ikuburn..And Westfield friends • Honor Retired Teacher-farmer. Mr. .and, Mrs.. Robert Craig, C.,arqlyn, Vera and Jeff, ton, visited ron Saturday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, WO, Main d. Craig and Mr. Allan Craig. Mr. and Mrs. SOW - lie, Oakville, spent the week-. • AUBURN---Aubtirn Women's. Institute met for their monthly meeting in Auburn Community Memorial Ball with president, Mrs, Bert Craig in charge... Mrs. Ed. Davies, past presid- ent, Installed: the new officers for the coming year, Mrs, Cr- aig thanked the -members for their co-operation during the past year and asked for their continued support: The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt. It was announced that the executive would .attend the Dis- triot Executive meeting at God- erich on April 30. Mrs. William Jr. Craig prepared the resolution re the, high price of, diabetic food which was moved and pas- sed and will be sent .on. to the Sunshine Sister banquet on May 5, announced that it would be...held at the Colborne Town- ship Hall. Block Printing was the first choice of the members for the fall senior prdjeot with second choice being window treatment, and hooked rugs as third. • A letter was read from Mait- land Valley Conservation Auth, ority in answer to a request from the WI to in. mak- ing the river flats near the new bridge into a picnic area. The secretary was instructed to write to the village 'council in regards'to this matter. A letter was read from the Tiger Dunlop Club inviting all to attend the Hobby Show and it was announced that the rum- mage sale for the hall would be held May 9. Mrs. A. Kirkcon- nell reported for the card com- mittee and also gave a reading. end with his cousin, Mr. Dodd, Ws, Dodd. and Mrs. Margaret Clark.. Mr. and Mrs, Bd. Davies vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs, James Herably at Dublin last Satur- day. Mrs, Harry Eve, Leaside, 'vls- It was decided 'that an invitat, ion would be extended to the Clinton and Tiger Dunlop bran- ches 40 attend the May meet, ing Lunch was served by Mrs, Andrew .Kirconnell and Mrs, Worthy Young. 1.044 officers -The following is the list of new officers: Honorary presidents, Mrs. H. Moulage, Mrs. E. Lawson, mrs, W. 13racinotic, Mrs. Geor- ge Millian; Past president, Mrs. Ed. Davies; president, Mrs. Bert Craig; first-vice-president, Mrs. Donald Haines; second vice president, Mrs. Frank Raithby; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; assistant secretary treasurer, Mr s . .Thomas Lawler, District director, Mrs, Ed, Davies; pianists, Mrs. William J. Craig, Mrs. George Million; visiting committee, Mrs. An- drew Kirkconnell, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. Norman McDowell, Miss Viola Thompson; direc4 tors,. Mrs. Arnold Craig, Mrs, Harry Watson, Mrs. George Million; auditors Mrs. Keith Machan, Mrs. Gordon Chain- ney; nominating committee, Mrs. Worthy Young, Miss Viola Thompson, Mrs, Roy Daer. Standing committees conven- ers, agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Robert Turner; citizenship and education, -Mrs. Roy Easom; historical research and current events, Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys; home economics, Mrs. Gordon Chairmey; health, Mrs. Kenneth Scott; publiq re- fired. over the Weekend With her mother, Mrs. Herbert Govier W110 is still a Patient Clinton hospital. Mr, Sid Lansing was taken to London hOsPital last Satur- day, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland, Miss Winnie Leggitt and Mrs. Wes BradnoCleattended the WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church's $0th anniversary last o week. The members of the' Auburn Bowling , Club attended their annual banquet last Saturday evening in Clinton, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. William Seers on the birth of another daughter, a sister for Gall and Faye. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Machan, Randy, Trudy and Tracey mov- ed into their new farm, borne recently purchased from the Ruddy estate. lations, Mrs, Gordon Dobie; resolutions, Mrs, Keith MaChan; curator, Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor; Tweedsrouir book committee, Mrs. Robert J, Phillips, Mrs. Wiiliaxz7Straughan, ,Mrs, Wes Bradnock; honorary members, Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs, Edgar Lawson. AUWRN—The Weatfield, Se, liool in East Wawanosh Town- ship was the Keene of a happy gathering when former pupils, ileighhotirS and Auburn friendS honored a former teacher who had recently left thiscommun- tty, to Plaice their home iii W- end?, Forty yearS age. Mr, Ray-, mond Redmond taught schOel here and famed for many yearS in this school Section fol- lowing his retirement from the teaching professlon. Mr, Lloyd Walden was the chairman for the evening's pro- gram whiCh consisted of a sing-song, solos and the other musical entertainment, lvliss Margaret WightMall, gave an interesting account of her East, er holiday trip to Bermuda and showed picture? showing places of interest, Mr, Charles Scott spoke on behalf of the Auburn friends Present and thanked the West- field residents for inviting them all here to honor a friend, Mr,. Douglas Campbell, a former pupil, gave an address show- ing appreciation to a kind nei- ghbour, a true friend and a good teacher. Mr. McDowell of Auburn also a pupil of Mr, Red- mond's presented Mr, and Mrs. Redmond with a purse of mon- ey. In. thanking their friends, Mr. Redmond recalled how his pup- ils 40 year? ago took top hon- ors in certain subjects for all Hurtin County. At that time grade nine was also taught in this rural school. He 41)910 many of his pupils who had went out into the world and Made a. name for themselves and also made succes,sfill farm,' era iii the Westfield ddstrict also thanked them for the,sup- port they gave him 16.(hen be servo ,as, reeve of the township 777 i 77,77, Redmond saidt ."Thik is West- field,s retain your indentIty. key op Wootfield for yourselves., re- tain,. your ,clwreb. and your se- hool a.tccl life is brightened by f4en4,s„ IMP made." AUBURN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Plans Projects For Year, New Officers Instatied. Village Plans Horticulture Week In Auburn AUBURN — Horticulture week is to be observed in Auburn community the first week of May and plans are under way to have the poster contest to follow the theme; "Clean Up, Plant Up, Paint Up, Fix Up and Light Up." The poster is to be not smal- ler than 14" by 22" and is to be made on bristol board. There are two classes; junior, for pupils in grades 4, 5,. and 6; senior class for pupils in grades 7 and 8. This poster is to be in the hands of the secretary by 6 p.m. on May 2. Money -priz- es are being awarded and the winning posters will be on display in store windows. The storekeepers of the vill- -age are being asked to make window displays on this same theme. Mrs, Redmond also thanked her „friends for their .gift and the many acts of kindness for the past ten Yea-1'4 she moved into this .community „ Mr, and Mrs, Peter Verbeek were intrednee,d;„ they , having recently moved onto the mond ;farm they have- - .chase delistottS lunch was sewed by the ladies of the for many years. In closiogMr Westfield School Section, • 01114 MALTING BARLEY 1CONtiACIS .AVAILABLE BETZE SEED Delivery Accepted At Harvest Contact E. L. MIME & SON LIMITED Phone 103 HENSALL 16tfb Sealy and Simmons. MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS All Sizes -- Drastically Reduced FOR EXAMPLE: $59,50 Sealy Matrress or Box Spring — Sale. Priced Only $34.88 ea. (THIS Mattress has 252 Heavy Gauge Coil 3 Edge Guards, Supports, Scroll Quilt Top, Heavy Damask Ticking.) 180 Coil MATTRESSES All Sizes $19.88 12 Qualities of Mattresses and Box Springs To Choose From All Reduced SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 1111.111L. CONTINENTALS 39" Sizes, 9 Price Ranges., Brand Names. From $58.88 To $168.88 • Complete 39" — 4 Sets To Choose From All Colours. from $74.88 to $149.00 KROEHLER SUITES 2-CUSHION, 3-CUSHION and 4-CUSHION 7 OF THESE ATTRACTIVE SUITES IN GUARANTEED NYLONS AND DURACELS. From $179.00 to $235.00 28 Other Beautiful BRAND NAME SUITES To Choose From AD Specially Reduced To Make This The MOST SPECTACULAR SALE IN BEATTIE'S HISTORY! DAVENOS, 2-PC. DAVENPORTS, SLEEP OR LOUNGES, 2-PC. SUITES FROM $53.00 to $349,00, Use Your Old Suite As Down Payment, Shop Around, Then Come To BEATTIE'S And See What We Mean. P4t,414 4.4ir .1$ Ptd AP°4111,114 ' *0,4 Your Superior Water Heater delivers hot water 4 times faster than other automatic systems . costs less to operate too, Cheek all the features below „then see your Superior man about his amazingly low cost rental plan. • Autorilagic Temperntitre Control • Delivers over 25 gallons of hot water per hour M Clean, fast, low cost • Free installation o Vrea a utornAtie fuel delively • riee service 44. guperta PROPANE LTD. '166 Monteith Street 8tratford, Ontario. Phone 21/1.6810 Enhance Your Bedroom With A Quality Constructed BEDROOM SUITE From Beattie's 15 Bedroom Suites To Choose From --- AD Prices. EXAMPLE: 4-PC. SUITE • 4'6" Panel Bed, Dresser, MIrrat and Chiffoneer. Sale Specks' ..... $99.00 We Corry .Colkoiittii., Peoria' Provincial, Italian .PrOVititiai, Madtriti Traditional .and Spanish Influenced Styles by Brand We Names such as Kraehleri Kaufman Art, Grenieri, .beiltraft and Others. SHOP EARLY .61SAPPOINTED WILL -GUARANTEE YOU CAN'T titit FOR LESS. 4-pc. Colonial Bedroom Suite Spindle or Noir) 416" Pone) Bed, Double Dresser and Mirror, Spacious Chiffoheer Only .„„, ...... $169.00