HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-30, Page 7AUCTION :SALE of Household 'Effects fl'OMl i1R 41 -bele Rotel . ilepyflele on Saturday, .May 9 ee 449 p,ltl consistlr{g: of R Peneinion !:nano (mahogany),:;; Eatey organ. (walnut); eels- b0ar d; 'booltcaeel 2 dialing room tables; a large number ;ing' room chairs; a large nuns- 'ber of dining room chairs; man tables; eherir chest of drawers; wardrobe;: wash stands; beds;; dressers; pine cupboard; ogler .cupboarelee 5 verandah eeeleis; 2 bar roo;n chairs; 2 gun stock chairs; 3 kiteben 'tables; oil burner; dishes, silverware; plc, tures; some ant'iciues and oat, lectors items; numerous other articles, No reserve, the hotel is sold, Teens -- Cash E'roprietresses, Mts. A. M. Bassett a 4 Miss E. MacKay Auctioneer, Edw;trcl W. Elliott 18-9b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household .Effects for Gordon Orr, lot 15, con. 4, Goderich Twp., 3V2 miles south and 1 mile east of Goderich on Wednesday, May 6 at 1:00 p.m. Cattle --4 Hereford and Dur- ham ,cows; .4 Hereford heifers with calves at foot; 1 farrow cow; Hereford ,heifer due time of sale; 18 Hereford steers and heifers rising 1 yr. old; 1 fat heifer. Machinery ---McCormick Deer, ing H tractor; manure loader; 2row McCormick Deering s'cuf- Fier for H tractor; McCormick Deering hay baler; 20 -ft. bale elevator; 1VfcCormiek Deering power mower; McCormick 2 row corn planter; corn binder with loader; Massey Harris 2 furrow plow; McCormick Deer- ing :hammer mill; 100 -ft. belt; 7 -ft. McCormick Deering bin- der (like new) ; George White No. 6 24 -in. threshing machine; 3 section spring tooth ,harrows; 200 gal. gas drum; Ye b.p. mo- tor; • 1/A, ih.p. motor; hay rope and pulleys; 2,000-1b. scales; bag truck; rubber hired wheel barrow; saw end emery with motor; shot gun barrels; small air compressor; 2 electric fenc- ers; rails; 5 ton cob corn; forks, shovels, chains. Household Effects—, Chester- field suite; bedroom suite; bed- room china; radio; lawn furni- ture; tables; chairs; dishes. Other articles too numerous to mention. No Reserve --Farm Sold Terms — Cash Proprietor, Gordon Orr Auctioneer, Harold Jackson 17-8b CLEARING AUCTION SALE a'of Machinery, Household Effects at Lot 35, Con. 5, East Wawa - nosh, first farm east of Westfield, for Alvin Snell on Monday, May 4 at 1:30 pan. Machinery—International B- 250 tractor, Al condition, 1,200 hrs.; Ford tractor wlvth 2 fur- row plow; 3 wagons, 1 with good flat rack; Oliver tractor manure spreader; IHC manure spreader; 5 section drag har- rows, nearly new; 2 wheel cur- tivvators; 1 disc;.3 section spring tooth harrows 3 point .hitch 3 furrow plow; Geo. White No. 6 threshing machine; Case forage harvester with hay and corn attachments; New Holland No. 66 power take off baler; Gehl hay conditioner, nearly new; IHC hammer mill; GM % ton truck; Graham chisel plow, 3 point hitch; Massey Harris elec- tric cream separator; Disston chain saw; set of scales; quan- tity of lumber; cedar posts; fuel tank with hose; hanging hen feeders, nearly new. Household Effects -17" tele- vision in working order, tables, chairs, stoves, crib, storm and screen doors, ladders, chains, shovels, etc., and other articles. Terms — Cash 3% Sales Tax in effect No reserve, farm sold, Live- stock sold 'at previous pure- bred sale. Proprietor, Alvin Snell Auctioneer, Bob LIenry 18b BREW -NO -LASS DRIED BREWERS GRAINS AND MOLASSES -- 20 PROTEIN -- $58.00 PER TON DELIVERED Phone or Write; E. C. PERKIN RR 1, ARVA THORNDALE 11R71 17-'1$13 PIONEER SEED • CORN Varieties of Seed (morn suitable for this area dee' di no. t sold but. Make sure that you place your Order Fight dwey with your Pioneer Dealer, KEITH LOVELL itIPPEN Phone Henson 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON ltiCtUart LD Phone Rhin& 346►Ji Ztfb EN AG:,EMENT ANNQUNCED. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Royes with to announce ;he e:ngagent'enit of their dough ter, ,Helen Margaret, t4 John Ralph Consitt,. son .of Mrs, Eileen Consitt, 2urfch a'nd 'th,e tate Russell' Consitt• The wed- ding to take place at the Egmondville'Uniited Church, May 23, 1964, at 3;00 pen, 18b ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs, T.. A. Stevens will enter', twin at a 'trousseau, tea rn hon,- our of her daughter, Elizabeth Diane at her home, 220 Town- send Street, on Wednesday, May 6 from 2:0Q to 4;30 p.m, and after 7:00 p.m. Friends please accept this invitation, 18b BIRTHS • BO1,7MAN — In Clinton Pubiic liospi'tal on Tuesday April 28, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Botnn'an, RR .2, Bay- field, a daughter, BRAND` In 'Clinton Public. Hespital on Tileursday, April 23, 1964, to 1Vfr. and Mrs .J. - Brand, Orinton• a daughter. HYMERS -- In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, April. 24, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, M. Hy- tn'ers, Clinton, a 'dk.�ughtnr, LEMIEUX —In, Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, Ansi 29, 1964, to ,LAC and Mrs, Guy Lemieux, Clinton, a son. eecEWAN — In Chatham Gen, er'al Hospital on Saturday, Apaiil 28, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray McFwan, Both- well (nee Janet Reder), a daughter (Kernberlee Ann) a si!sber far Kevin. DEATHS METCALFE—Suddenly at bis late residence, Montreal, Que., an Monday, April 27, 1964, William Lovering Metcalfe, dearly beloved husband of Elva Dewar and dear brother of Miss Jessie L. Metcalfe of Detroit, Michigan, Funeral service was held in Montreal on Tuesday evening. Inter- ment will be in Bayfield Cemetery on Thursday, April 30, at 2:00: p.m, MIDDLETON--In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital on Friday, April 24, 1964, William H. Middle - tone RR 3, Clinton, in his 82nd year. Funeral service from ,the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home; on Monday, April 27, with burial in Bayfield ceaneteiy. PERDUE—In Huron Commun- ity Health Centre, Bad Axe, Mich„ on Monday, April 27, 1964, John Perdue, of Bad Axe. He •waa- ,born. in Gode- rich Township, July 22; 1885, he went to Michigan with his parents ' when only seven year old. Surviving. are two sons and 'three daughters, 28 grand'ehildren and eight great grandchildren. He was a fleet cousin of William E. Perdue, Huron Street, r Clinton. TULLY—Maxwell James Tully, of 663 Chamberlain .Street, Peterborough, on April el4, 1964. Surviving are his wife, the former Lorna Aikenhead, of Brucefield, 'and five sons, Donald, Gerald, Royden, Wes- ley and Richard. Burial Was in Laikefiieid Cemetery. CARDS OF pTHANIKS My sincere thanks to iny good friends of the Clinton Horticul- tural ,Society who honored me so 'sighally with. the Service Diploma last Friday night. It was .a delightful surprise. —GRACE MIDDLETON. 18x I wish to thank all those who sent flowers, cards, treats and t h e Sumrnerhiill Community Club for their kindness while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, —ROBERT G. SMITH. 18b I wish ti express my sincere thanks to every one for their gifts, flowers, cards, letters and visits, Also to Dr. Street and all 'the nurses for their kind- ness, 'while I was in the hos- pital. —MRS, LENA PLAET= ZER. 181) For the many kindnesses shown me by my friends dur- ing niy Weeks in Clinton Hos- pital, S wish to s'ay "Thank you". Special appreciation goes to Drs, Addison and Newland, Mrs. Roy, the nurses (mention- ing especially 1trs. Grace For- bes), and Rev. Clifford Park. —BOB PEARSON. 18b Grateful thanks to my friends for 'their many acts of kindness and sympathy since the death of my mother on April 21, --CATHIE MacGREGOR } I$bG We wiSh to sincerely t enk all neighbours and friends fon their expressions of sympathy in our bereavement of beloved husband and father. ----MRS, ALVIN MIELI-IAUSI N AND SON WILLIAM, 1$p IN MEMORIAM aHtJ rOt .Ih loving memory of 'our dean rnOther, Susan Catherine Chtiter, who passed WO orae year ago, April 29, 1983, and of our dear father, Edwin George °hetet, Who passed away January 16, 1955: "There is r1.d paz'ting Prom those we 1oi;er Na distance can divide, For today in ntiehlei y's:garden We still walk side by side. Each dawning day a .thought of them, At eventide, a enterer, nor lihn the breads that loved they always will he there +- .8adty erriteed and tangle ,lovingly rr ieitebet ed` by 'their fatn11 e$ Clinton Boy Scuts Visit RCAF Fire Hall Lieutenant Robert Burke (far right, wearing RCAF Clinton Fire Hall on April 1A and were cap) is shown entertaining a, Troop of Boy Scouts given a talk on fire equipment at the station. from the Town of Clinton. The Troop visited the (RCA.F Photo) Tinton Hospital Auxiliary Plays Host o Western Ontario Region conference A 'symposium, arranged 'by Mrs. Frank Fingland, Clinton, president of Region 2, Women's Hospital Auxiliary Association,' highlighted the annual spr+iRng conference held in Clinton, April 23. A record attendance of 184 members, who registered from 14 of the 15 auxi'lia'ries in the region, heard detailed, informa- tive reports on public relations, service work and fund - rais- ing. Mrs. Fingland chaired 'the conference which convened with a business meeting, followed by a luncheon, in the Officers' Mess, Clinton RCAF station and concluded in 'the nurses re- sidence of Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mrs. Ken Wood, president of the Clinton WHA, welcomed members to the • conference for which Mr's, E. B. Menzies, pest president of the Clinton WHA, was social convener. Chaired by Mrs. Howard Cameron, of St. Joseph's WHA, London; the symposium includ- ed Mrs. Fred Cosford, president of Seaforth WHA; Mrs. R. G. McGugan, of Victoria Hospital WHA, London; Mrs. Spencer Hunter, of Woodstock, second vice -,president of Region ' 2, and Mrs. W. B: Hogarth, Tillson- burg, "How to get members out to meetings," was the topic pre- sented by Mrs. Cosford. More than 50 'members are on the ac- tive role in the Seaforth emelt- Attend Your Church This Sunday ALL SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, S.A. Sunday, May 3: 10.00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.15 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP Everyone Is Welcome At This Church Ontario Street United Church • "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, May 3 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.—Church Service 3.00 pare—Sunday School Christian Reformed Church Sunday, May 3 10.00 a.m.---Service in English 2.30 p.m. --Service irx English Every Sunday 6.15 p.rn., ;Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen to "Beek to God Hour." EVERYONE WELC(5ME Joseph Street .0SPEL HALL CLINTON 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School '7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service 8,00 p.m. Thursday --prayer Mggting and Bible Reading. Maple Street .GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, May 3 9.45 a.m.-Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Service Mr. John Aitken, Shelburne, guest speaker. Monday, 8.00 p.m. -Prayer Meeting Tuesday, 8.00 p.m. --- Mr. John Ferguson, California, will show slides of missionary work. All Welcome St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M. 3. Agnew, Organist . and Choir Leader Sunday, May 3 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.--Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME i1`eoleg-1:i3 ilio-- aIntesixille gniteir '(tillxtrciies REV; CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday', May 3 WESLEY-WILLIS Guest Minister: Bev. Gordon Legge, B,A.;B.b., Sarnia 9.45 a.m.--Sutiday Scho61 11.00 .a.m.—Church Service HOLMESVILLE 1.00 p.m.—Church Service, 2.00 p.m.—Sunda.' School . J ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R+ W. Wenham, L.TIr., 'Rector Charles Nlbrrltly Organist EA8'1-ER 5 ROGATION SUNDAY -=» MAY 3 .. 8.30 &ht—Holy Oorrimilnion .Servers Lres.ltast 11.00 a.in.--Chorsl Comtnunibn, Eveiriiig Prayer Suspended ret . 'Phis. Sunday Tues., May 5—Ladies Guild Meet§ at the hc» ie Of Mrs. R. W. earn,2 45 ;p.m . BAYPIELb BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, May 3 10:0( as n •-•Sunday School 11.00 exile-Moe/lilt.Worship 7,30 p.m.. avango istic Hour^. Captain Walter ti ghee, fidetiton+ Weiinesday, $. P.M.-,-Praye'r :Service' DU _ . i'ou Arse Cordiatty invited Te Alt Of These Servit:es iary, she said, and an average of 40 attend monthly meetings, She attributed this to organiza- tional work on the part of the executive prior to the meeting date, Two sorter events are held annually as 'rewards for bhost who work actively in the auxiliary. Although the government in- suranceplan now covers opera- ting costs of ,h'osp'ital, the capi- tal, costs involved in building new hospitals and additions must be met, said Mrs. 1VIcGu- gan, speaking on how to main- tain good public relations. "Community hospitals f o r their very existence depend upon the good will and support of the people," she said. "We, as auxiliarymembers, have the responsibility of bringing to our meinbcrship, and 'through it rip the community at large, a clear picture of . the cost of hospital care, an awareness of our hos- pital's needs and an understand- ing of its entire program of treatment and research." ` She advised, however, that the .approval of the hospital ad- ministrator for the' committee's activities . is needed. Mrs. McGugan .said that :eaoh auxiliary, in the interests of good public relations, should strive to have a membership which will •reflect the total com- munity. Services to mental patients were described by Mrs. Hunter who said that the Woodstock WHA was the only group of its kind. Its volunteer ser eetes are for female patients suffer- ing from epilepsy. The volun- teers serve as a link between the world and the patient Whose illness is typified by withdrawal from a world with which she cannot cope. A discussion on gift table dis- plays, was led by Mrs. Hogarth, Tillsonburg, who reported that her auxiliary cleared more than $1,000 in a two-year period. Only handernade 'articles are sold. While the auxiliary has an active membership of 20, more than 200 volunteers in the com- munity sew and knit for the gift shop. All 14 auxiliaries answered roll call with a representative reporting on a major project undertaken in the past year. Newspapers arae flexible in size from an inch to multi- pages . . in copy from one word to thousands . . in dis- play from words to pictures ... from one ad to a yearly cam, pai'gn: MEN'S HIP 'WADERS From $9.95 to 04.95 rlrtiwiVi�ln11 FOO1'WtAR & did.b 14 N 482.9352 Other reports were given by Mrs. Harry Ball, Clinton, re- gional secretary, Mrs. K. R. Hillier, London, convener of the nominating committee, and Mrs. Hunter, historian. At the conclusion of the meet- ing tea. was served in the nurses residence with Mrs. Mary Phinney, hospital superinten- dent, Miss Kay Elliott, assistant superintendent, Mrs, Lillian Mc- Kinnon and Mrs, A. J. McMur- ray pouring tea. During the so- cial hour, Mr's. William Hearn gave several solos accompanied by Miss Lois Grasby. Huron To Have TB Survey In June, July A. mass tuberculosis survey in Huron County, the first in four years, is scheduled for June 22 to July 24, Mrs. Kenneth McRae; aerie ten, a public health nurse of the Huron County Health Unit, will act, as campaign chairman. The survey will be sponsored by the Huron County Tubercu- losis Association, in conjunction with the Ontario Department of Health, At an organizational meeting in Clinton, nitre district chair- men heard.G. E. Stockley, Tor- onto, provincial organizer On- tario' health department (divi- sion of TB prevention) , outline the survey. Twenty clinics will be 'held to test about 50,000 ,persons. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Dial 482-7012, Clinton Thum., Apt'ti:30 1964•-eCIieteln New;:-RecQr 4, - e Two X11 Round Cords..Presented At Mother And DaughterBanquet Two Ail :Round. Guide Cords were presented to Clinton girls at the mother and daughter banquet 'in Clinton. Legion hall last Wednesday evening, The recipients were Linda Nichoison..and Barbara Irwin, The' were . given by Miss Mary MacMillan, Goderich,. After a sang -song ' led by Mrs. Stevens, toasts were given. bee ' Linda Nichol son ,to the guide mothers, ,replied to by Mrs. Don Strong; to the Brow- nie mothers by Nola Lee. Captain of First Clinton Guide Company, Mrs. Don Bash, led 'in the Guide promise, as did Mrs. George Worch 'for. the Brow'n'ie promise. Thanks for the dinner was tendered by Guide Karen Schef- Clintonian Club Invited To Varna Th'e April meeting of the Ciintonian Club was held at the home'of Mrs'. Royce FretnLin. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read, correspondence was read and dealt with, and the treasurer's report was given. Sick and visiting comms mittee reported several calks made. Mrs. John Allington, Varna, offered 'her home for the May meeting. Mrs. J. Batkin won the Mes- tery prize. Lunch committee for May: Mrs: J. Edwards, Mrs. A. Robertson, Mrs. H. Sloman, Mrs, G. Glazier and Mrs, M. Glazier; program: Mrs. J. Wise and Mrs. J. Batkin. ter to the Legion Ladies Aux- ;navy.. Guest speaker was 'Mrs, feel- en Evans, introduced by Miss MaoMiilen and -thanked by'Mns, Maynard Qortie, In attendance Were the mat Clinton ,Gi4de Company and the First and Fourth Brownie Packs, and Guide and , rowid leaders from RCAF Clinton. The local .committee Sincerely thank Clinton citizens. ;and xner, cbants who made the coolaie day last Weekend asuccess; Anyone wishing more cookies s'houl'd phone Mrs, Womb at 482-7028 and cookies will. >ae delivered, Personals Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Lep- pington and family, Scarboro, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Torn Leppington, 177 Spencer Street. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson, Stettler, Alberta, spent the past week with Mr. Gibson's sister, Miss Beatrice Gibson, 147 King Street, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lock and. daughter, Suzanne, Georgetown, spent the weekend with Mrs, Lock's aunt, Miss Beatrice Gib- son. Mr. Ron Levett has accepted a position at Cobalt Refinery Co., in Cobalt, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn E. Cen- inghame. and family, Syracuse; New York, visited last weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon 'Cuninghame, Batten. - bury Street West, Clinton Legion Brnch 140 . Wishes to Thank the citizens of Clinfon for their co-operation in the recent paper drive. • Another Paper Drive In October, 1964 Please Start Now and Save All Papers and Magazines for the next paper drive in October. 17-18b Quality & Service FOCI, wr J eesei See Our Selection of Mother's Day Cards 5c to $1.00 SOLAR SUN GLASSES • For Men and Women Reg. 3.98 ' for only 1.9e CARA NOME NAIL POLISHES Asst. Colours Reg. 59c ,... :..... for 35c Lady's NYLON HAIR BRUSH and COMB 1.10 RUBINSTEIN SKIN DEW SET Reg. 10.25 for 6.00 Reg. 6.00 for 3.75 IT'S NEW NOXZEMA LIPSTICKS in 8 shades,. with case 1.35 —• refill 1.00 Noxzema INSTANT LATHER and Free After Shave Lotion both for 89c LINED RUBBER GLOVES S -M -L — 79c LADIES' HAIR NETS with elastic — 3 for 25c IT'S SPRING TUNE-UP TIME with SUPER PLENAMIN Vitamins 36's-2.89 72's-4.98 144's-7.98 288's-13.98 Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario ArAhrorti / aihOsokAe Ate ?Wake, t uikittond Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day.• eon IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION Ov ; i.. • •V d .04:11,6 • INIfITA'TIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFOi1MALS • ACCESSORIES. four dioi,e' ofvarious paper Sacks, type ytylei anil sixes. • • ,,,:44s`for e:. Jrly�'UC✓G. htea ,citta Select your wedding invitations, atiitouncements and tciicuoriet With comlilete toiifidence as tb quality ind to1rr'ociness of focal WE ALSO HAVE PEidor atig3 iktootrid litAi'iIdNS, MATCHES AND t:A1ZE 3oXEs i41 ClintonNews-Record 56 Albert Street CLINTON Phone HU 24443 •