HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-30, Page 4Page.4.---.Clinton Naleo-Record,---Thur April a 190 EditoriaU A Timely Message To Parents CLINTON AREA, and the GmelPh- l3reslau area had tragic accidents this Past Weekend. 13oth were similar i that they happened at railway bridges. We reprint below a release from the Public relations department of the Nat- ional Safety League of Canada. The release, requesting that May 3 be ob- served as "Child Safety pay" possibly could not have prevented the two child- ren's death, but we hope parents take some heed of the warning, "Can heartbreak be any greater than when we watch the needless suffer- ing or death of an innocent child?" ask- ed P. G. McLaren, general manager of the National Safety League of Canada. Mr. McLaren called attention to the nation's one-day campaign to alert ev- eryone to the need for protecting and guiding children through the menaces of modern-day existence, "Child Safety Day," he said, "will be observed from coaSt to coast on Sun- day, May 3, We hope it will bring to all parents a full realization of their deep responsibility to eliminate needless agony and death among Canada's young" seers, not only for a single day, but ev- ery day, every minute of every year," In the one-to-14-year age group, he pointed out, accidents clairned more lives than the four leading diseases combined. "Most of this need not be," he said. "If we take the simple precautions of teach- ing children safety when they are young, and learning, ourselves, to be wary of children as they play their carefree way through the early years, the record can improve.' He called on all Canadians to make May 3 the day to begin training themselves and their children to 'live longer and to enjoy the added years that training can bring. Another Warning To Our Children HERE ARE three words that could save a child's life: "WALK, DON'T RUN!" Accident statistics show an ap- palling number of tragedies caused by children running into the path of a car (usually from between parked ve- hides). The Ontario Safety League ap- peals to parents to teach their child- ren, by constant repetition, that they must never run onto a roadway. Walk, don't run! Walk, don't run! Walk, don't run! Clinton News-Record Amalgamated THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 1924 Published every Thursday at the Est. 1881 Heart of Huron County Clinton, Ontario — Population 3,369 • A. L. COLQUHOUN, Publisher 0 Signed contributions In this publication, are the Li LA opinions of the writers only, and do not necessarily express the views of the newspaper. Authorised as second class mail, Post Office Department. Ottawa, and for payment of postage In cash SUSSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great eaten: $4.00 a year; United States and Foresign: 1.5.601 Single Copies Ten Cents The Bank oPlifontreal really got us started! THE CLINTON NEW ERA Eat, 1865 4.% g * • And the Bank of Montreal can get you started on .your dream vacation, too! So why delay any longer when you can finance your trip on the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan? Thousands of people every year take advantage of this low-cost, life-insured plan to finance all kinds of carefree vacations—from a trip through Europe to a holiday in the sunny south. Make it a point to visit your nearest Bank of Montreal branch today. Our people will be glad to show you how a Family Finance Plan loan can help you. Then, plans can be settled, reservations made, and ;y ou're on your way. Isn't it time we got you started? / „ ,13ANX OF MONTIttAL 1 1 Fami 9Finance an Europe or the Sunny South? BE SURE TO TAKE ONE OF THESE WITH YOU. — Whether you're heading for the Old World or the New, your cur- rency problems can be solved by one of these neat, convenient cur- rency guides. Available free at any branch of the Bank of Montreal, 1.0 Dade rbrt inOmt.s.ra TO •;$,ViMi*,510;:p0 THIS ABOVE ALL., Before you go, put your travel funds into Travellers Cheques available at the Bank of Montreal. They can be cashed easily and quicklywhereveryougo—butonly by you. They cost so little, but your travel funds are as safe- as money in the bank. AVAILABLE AT THE 6 OF M BRANCH IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD '61lritOn ... it .6, tt Matiager Station (SUb4geneY) t.. Open .Dally Londeglidt0 (Sub-Agency)-. open 'Mon, &Thtlit, frrt,,ariCs VIVIZMUSENSIMAIE CCNR "MY BANK' rojvwmemon course in modern refrigeration. Cadet inspection will be held at CDCI on May 8 at 2:00 p.m. Rover Scouts, Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and Girl Guides at- tended church parade at St. Paul's Church. Color bearers were Jean Morgan, Bill Carter and Don. Haddy. Rev. A. H. O'Neil's sermon was "A Chal- lenge to Youth for -Christian Service". 'Winter's Bowling Alley was entered through a rear window and' $75 loot was taken. Exeter and Seaforth also' had robberies on 'the weekend. Middleton Church AYPA were declared winners of a dra- matic contest at Goderich. St. Paul's Dramatic Club are also competing in the Deanery of • Huron dramatic contest Their comedy '"In Doubt About Daisy" has the following cast: Mrs, J. C. Shearer, W. Draper, Eileen McGown, Gordon. Mon- teith, Mrs. 3. C. McLay, Tom Cooke, with Mrs, A. H. O'Neil, director. 15 Years Ago Thursday, April 28, 1949 W. H. Robinson, manager of Bank of Montreal and chairman of civic affairs committee of Clinton C of C, and Mayor Ro- bert Y. Hattin, on behalf of town council, 'are spearheading a clean-up campaign for Clin- ton. Ernest G. 'Clarke, grandson of Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Epps, won a $1,000 fellowship from the University of Chicago, • Hugh R. Hawkins, E. Per- due and A. E. Rurnball at- tended the Canadian section Of the American 'Waterworks As- sociation convention in Quebec City earlier this week. Leslie M. Frost was elected leader of the Ontario PC party yesterday. Delegates to the convention for this area includ- ed: Mrs. N. Trewartha, J. S. Zapfe, joe Murphy, Dr. G. S. Elliott,. Wilmot Haa,cke, Ken Verner, Robert G. Smith, El- mer Webster and. .1ra Rap- son, The Huron.Perth candid- SUGAR and, SPICE (By W. B. T, simtrxv) tie. 5.ar t3P, Public Meeting A meeting is being called for the purpose 'of considering the formation of an HISTORICAL SOCIETY on WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1964 at 2:00 p.m. D.S.T. in lb, Council Chambers, Court House Goderich, Ontario All interested citizens welcome. John G. Berry, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. 17-8b Business and 'Professional Directory OPTOMETRY FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN BACH FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and ACCESSORIES 1H DEALER — PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 20tfb , • INSURANCE • H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 4I12-7804 JOHN WISE, Salestnan Phone 482-7265 GARY COOPER Life Insurance ez Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 482-7200 Clintcin H. C. LAWSON Flrat Mortgage Money Available LoweSit Current Interest Rates IniMMANCE - REAL ESTATE iNVESTMtNtS Phones: Office 482-9644 Res. 481.9767 J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST--OPTICIAN Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 ltfb PHOTOGRAPHY HADDEN'S STUDIO PORTRAIT WEbD(NG and CHILDREN 118 St, David's St. 524.87871, Goderich 6-18p alallula11111111.11 11116,1111111010.10 TELEVISION TED RYDER TV SALES & SERVICE Your Etnerson Dealer 245 Victoria St, Phone 482-9320 18-tria A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 'S5-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 524-7562 World-Travellips Former Clinton Man Receives Unque ertilicate From Airline NEW YORK—Now Shipper in The World Society of Skip- pers of (the FlAng Dachtrian is John E. Cuninghame, Technical Sales Director for Air Pefense Systems, Europe and Par East, for the Military counramica- thms Department of the Gen- eral Electric CopipanY, $37174- CiASe, N.Y, His certificate in the honorary organization was presented by Frank Stirling, New York district sales repre- sentative for KLM, Mr: Cuninghaxne, wile is 4 native. born Clintornan, and Who attended the Clinton Pub- lic School and Collegiate, is a son. of 11/r, and Mrs. Gordon W. Cuninghame, of Rattenbtiry St. West. According. to the "Windmill", official Royal Dutch. Airlines publication, John has flown on some 50 to. 60 , international flights with KLM. The purpose of these trips is to present technical proposals to the gov- ernments of friendly and allied nations, for the implementation of modern electronically con- trolled Air Defense and Weap- ons Control Systems. Although this work is carried out by General Electric, St is very care- fully and, fully co-erdinated with the United States Depart- ment of Defense and the State Department. Mr. Cuninghame, on many occassions, especially when go- ing to a country for the first time, takes along a team of 40 Years Ago Thursday, May 1, 1924 • Fred Elliott and his mother, Mrs, W. J, Elliott, were in Owen Sound on Monday at a banquet honoring the junior championship hockey team of which Fred was de,member. The players received hand bags. A free tuberculosis clinic will be held in Clinton Public Hos- pital on May 6-7-8. Mr,- W. C. Muir who is the new general manager of Cana--: dian National Express, is an old Clinton boy and learned the ex- press business with John Cun- Ingham° back in the eighties. Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Cooper motored to Toronto to attend graduation exercises at the uni- versity. Their only son was be- ing graduated in the year's class, Mr. Jack Bawden returned Monday to resume his duties at Hamilton Normal School. John Pease, a Bayfield mer- chant, has called a meeting to organize a baseball team the village. 25 Years Ago Thursday, April 27, 1939 Harold Wise returned home from Toronto after spending eight weeks there taking a Easter Seal Committee Appreciation The Editor, Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario. Dear Sir: am delighted to send to you and your newspaper the sincere appreciation of the On- tario Society for Crippled Chil- dren for the generous support you have given 'to our Easter Seal Campaign. Our annual appeal to the public iS simply a letter in- viting their financial assistance, With your help in reininding and encouraging a responte, our campaigns haVe been success- ful. I send this expression of thankS on behalf of Our cam- paign volunteers throughout Ontario , and especially for crippled children, Sincerely yours, J. )C, Preston, Chairman, Provincial in taster Seal doinittee, Interesting experiences while en his world travels, .and although: this ,Citation was bestowed upon' him for firjs., .contribution to in,. ternational air travel by' KW( he has also received, 'similar awards from other .airlines. In the course of his work, John has travelled. extensively On practically all the major inter national airlines, On one trip, which 'took him completely around the world, he accident- ally met up with an ex-RCAF efficer friend, Mike Icachtik, golf course with emerald 'fair- ways and velvet greens, 18 holes a day in which they sliced not, nor did they hook, and a good game of poker at the 19th, with the bar handy. Many sober citizens I know would be happy in heaven for ever afterwards, if they could be guaranteed (and get it in writing) that their wives (or husbands) would be in the other place, permanently, Alcoholics would not only be in heaven, but the seventh of the same name, if their crock ranneth over, perpetually, and somebody else was looking after things, A few millionaires, once they had admitted they couldn't take it with 'them, would be serene in a place Where there were no taxes, no labor movements, no wages to pay, and nobody ask- ing them to donate to some- thing every 12 minutes, My personal fantasy is a simple one. I'd. go like a shot if someone would promise me, unconditionally, a dark swirling trout stream, impregnable to invasion by Women, telephones and other nuisances. I can see it now. Swift, deep, crooked, ending in a vast, silent, mysterious beaver pond, loaded with lunkers. I can hear. ate, J. E. McKinley also at- tended. A federal election has been called for • June 27 by Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, 10 -Years Ago Thursday, April 29, 1954 The Clinton, C of C elected 11 directors at the seventh an- nual meeting in Hotel Clinton, Monday. Mrs. Sarah Cooper celebrate her 92nd birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Bond, East St. The public, parking area be- hind , the town hall has been enlarged. Deputy Reeve Mel Crich has been in charge, The, added Space was made avail- able when Clinton Hospital As- sociation donated a strip of the former Rance property to the town. Clinton Hospital Auxiliary made plans for a penny sale in October. Eleven young folk were pre- sented for confirmation at Trinity Church, Bayfield. Offic- iating was Rt. Rev. W. T. T. Hallam, assistant Bishop of Huron, Clayton Grant Stirling and Brenda Ann Makins were bap.; tized St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield by Rev. Peter Renner. Gordon Herman was elected secretary of Clinton Legion, due to the transfer of Stan Hardy. The Legion planned a monster carnival and car draw. HAYFIELD Intended for Last 'Week Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, Johnny, Cathy and Mary Beth Chatharri, were with Mrs. Poun- der's family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer and Howard over the weekend. Miss Irene Hammond, a member of the nursing staff of Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston, is spending a few days With her sister, Mrs, Jack Fras- er, formerly from, Toronto, while they were in 13angicolc, Thal, land. Mike haPpenecl, chance, to be the captain of the big I7,C, a jet, which, .next day, flew John .on, to Tokyo by way of the Phillipines and . directly over the fighting area of Vietnam. John .witnessed one of 'the recent .Royal Visits. to 1144)40' vas yin Vienna during the Kennedy-Khrushchev tal);:s;, was in Pannutnjorn during a Kprean Peace Conference and has, participated in NATO 0- it: the exciting mutter of a small dam just around the bend; the splosh of a startled frog; the sudden, heart-stopping takeoff of a disturbed partridge, the whack Of a beaver tail, However, since my chances of getting to heaven are just about as slim as my chances of a personal trout stream , if I did get there, I guess I'll set- tle for Opening Day, for my old haunt, the Secret Place Where The Big Ones Are. Not a soul knows about it, except me. And the 900 noisy charac- ters who have heard about it since last year. Heaven, thou art distant, yet, I would work like heck to get There, if thou could condone A stream for me—and me alone. fense discussions in Paris, oleMotrr'OnCi4444 srers4f'sror .7st 44 hood hobby and experiments carved out in his home work- s the early hop in In 44C444 t.41,9431 the4r Canadian . goVerninent :granted 'NM. the first amateur :radjo trallSrigt- ting license ever issued to a .clinfttoerniagn1,,A.V0Eaatli4. irom ton Collegiate be attended the Capitol Radio Engineering In- stitute in Washington, D-C.; fol- lowed by wartime service for the duration ,of World War II as a Radar Engineering Officer with the rank of Flight 1,;ieut, enant in the RCAF, This service included a period as. a Radar Engineering Staff Officer at 'the RCAF Head- quarters hr Ottawa; for a short period he instructed at the RAF !Station near his home town of Clinton; at 23 years of age he was made Commanding Officer of a RAF Station, which he established and manned, on the mountains near Reykjavik, Iceland, But his chief services Were in England, and latterly, after "D Day" on continental Europe till (the close of the war. In between world trips and Washington conferences, John finds time to relax and enjoy his favourite sport, that of sail- ing on Georgian Bay with his Wife,. the former Peggy Par- sons of Goderich, and their four children. John keeps his eruis-' in'g sailboat in Owen Sound at the Georgian Yacht Club, which helped found in 1946, at Which time he was elected 'the club's first Commodore, In his early teens, John be- came a member of Wesley-Wil- lis United 'Church in Clinton. He is now a 'frequent visitor at his parents' home, 116 Rat- tenbury St. W., which is also his birthplace. From Our Early. Files . • • Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLtNTON — EXETER SEAFORTIHr Open Every Mfernoon PHONE HU 24712 At Other times contact Local kepresentatiYe,-,-A, W. Steep,-,-482-6642 zli ..maimmemeememiewimei. adviserS representing legal, finanee and engineering. Oceas- ienallY the General rtectric team is accompanied by a rep- resentative frOm the Pentagon, to monitor and advise and thns make certain that recommenda- tions for the procurement of technical military eettiPMent is not contrary to the political and, military policies of the United States governtnent to- ward the foreign government in question. Mr. Cuninghtune has many What would you like to find, most, When you go to heaven? Let's assume, for one wild, ex- hilarated moment, that we're all going to get there. Some people would plump for a meeting with loved ones, This I can never understand. It's like a fellow who has serv- ed -a life' sentence waiting to be greeted by the warden when he hits the pearly gates. Others, sad souls, would be overjoyed if they could "just be happy". Not me, Being happy all the time would be a real drag. I thoroughly enjoy being miserable on this orb, so that when something good happens, my pleasure is intensified. Quite a few, who suffer from physical ailments, would be sat- isfied with peace and comfort, The insomniac imagines days and nights of solid slumber. The I arthritic dreams of being -able to scratch his opposite ear with- out feeling as though his arm was being severed at the shoul- der by a red-hot iron. Flat-chested girls would set- tle for a mammoth bosom. They forget that none of the rest of us would be interested. Some chaps I know would be perfectly happy to leave any- time if they could count on a