HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-23, Page 9Visit To Capitals, ,Re-cent :Disaster rea
•Residents Prove Interesting To Baylield
and murals in all these build-
ings are most interesting when
explained by a guide, each re-
cording state or provincial his-
tory or symbolizing virtues.
As we -drove southwestward,
the corn and hogs of Indiana
end Illinois gave way to the
great cattle ranches of Okla-
home, then to the cotton of
Texas and the sagebrush and
pinon pines of New Mexico.
We detoured to Santa Fe
to see San Miguel Mission with
its silver-toned bell, the oldest
house in the US, the narrow
s tr eets, and the old world
Moorish type of buildings, then
.. • Realize the highest returns
for. your wool by patronizing
yourown tireanization.
,..0.ir,,RegisteDed Warehouse No, 1.
'eytaten, Ontario..„ •
sacicsi6d twine
-tbotifchairge frail -7 ,
WOOV; GRQWERS .Litviitzp
St. 'ClainhAieentie' East; • ' laronto„7 :Ontario,
Bean is
Seed and Fertilizer Supplied
Crop Accepted at Harvest
Ontario Registered---Sanilac
Michelite '62
Michigan Certified-=-Sanilac
AU Seed Grown From Fou ndation Stock
Seed Treated with Diazinon and Captain
Conrol of Seed Corn Maggots, Seed Maggots, Root
Maggots, Seed Rots and other Fungus [diseases. This
treatment recommended for use on "'Resistant" Seed
Phone 103 HENSALL ittfb
Ai ' ' '
seas markets which have re- The board's 1969 crop pur-
cently purchesed wheat, but did chases are nearing the 'record
state that there has been con- volume o f 3,-.59?,000 bushels
eiderable interest overseas in handled by the board in 1958,
recent weeks. the First year of its operation.
Thursday, April 23, 1964--,Clinton News-Record—Page 9
SEALED TENDERS will be received by the
undersigned up to and until 6 o'clock p.m. Friday,
May 1st, 1964.
For the preparing and placing asphalt pave.
ment 22 feet wide on approximately 2,500 feet on
Brock, Mill, Queen and Elizabeth Streets, To be
placed on in two courses. The base course to be one
and three-quarter inches thick of coarse material,
And the top course to be one and one-quarter inches
thick of fine material.
Contract prices to be submitted by the ton.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work
to be completed by September 1st, 1964.
For further information apply at the Clerk's
Designed for the new
and future chemicals
that, require constant
New Trailer Mounted
models with
100 or 200 Imp. gal.
SEE THEM NOW at wmamaignit CZ,
D ealer Brucefield
Phone 482-9250 3to18
Village of Hensel].
fertilizer service
Oluitte- 482.9411 Phones 482-3484 and 482.3485
The SHUR-GAIN Division of Canada Packers Ltd. is pleased
to announce that in co-operation with a well known local
Feed and Coal Dealer, A. G. Grigg & Son, a complete line
of fertilizer, both bagged and bulk is now available to the
farmers in the Clinton area.
A new bulk storage with a capacity of over 250 tons has just
been completed, located at Grigg 's Coal Yard. In conjunc-
tion with this installation, two fertilizer spreaders are avail-
able. One is a tractor drawn 4 ton capacity machine, the
other an 800 lb. capacity. Both spreaders are designed to
give you the utmost in precision spreading giving you the
best of fertilizer to spread.
The Clinton Feed Service Mill will continue to provide sales
and service in connection with this new fertilizer outlet
which will greatly enhance the addition of these new
May we suggest that before you buy fertilizer, bagged or
bulk, you investigate the advantages that SHUR-GAIN
Selected Granulated Fertilizer offers both from the stand-
point of quality and the standpoint of service in the Clinton
r rm rs
14 rea
to be appointed at distributors in this area for Shur-Gain
fertilizers, and we ore pleased to make the bulk fertilizer
service, with its obvious savings, available to the farmers
Of this area. We also carry lawn and garden fertilizers, with
Spreaders available at hat-nil-Rai cost.
We extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our new facilities,
Open Six days a Week,
A. G. .Grigg & Son.
king $treet
Phone 482-041I
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Ca-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We
will pick them up at your farm,
Please PHONE COLLECT ,tibt later than Saturday
Seaforth farmers Co-operative
F. E. Hunt, Shipper
Phone 856 R 14
Wheat Producers
Name Bolton As
New Chairman
Russell T. Bolton, RR 1,. See-
forth was elected chairman of
the Ontario Wheat Producer's
Marketing Board at the board's
inaugural meeting held in Tor-
onto over the weekend.
The newly elected chairman,
who farms about 200 acres 'in
Huron County and who has
been a director of the market-
ing hoard since its establish-
ment in 1958, succeeds A. R.
Coulter of RR 3, Campbellville.
Coulter held the position for
the past two years and. con-
tinues as past chairman on the
board's five-man executive com-
Also elected to the executive
committee were Peter MacKin-
non, RR 2, Bath, who moves to
the position of first vice-chair-
man, and Mr. James O'Shea,
RR 3, Granton, newly elected
as second vice-chairman, t h e
position preViously held by Mr.
M. R. McDougall, RR 2, Blen-
heim was re-elected as the fif-
th member of the "board's exec-
utive committee.
Affiliation appointments
made at the meeting resulted
in the following:
Ontario Federation 'of Agric-
ulture, A. R. Coulter; Winter
Wheat Improvement Conimit-
tee, M. R. McDougall and K.
A. Standing, secretary-manager
of the board.
In a position of purchase and
sales report also announced 'by
the board,, it was revealed that
to date the board has bought
3,127,865 bushels of surplus
wheat since harvest time last
Of the total wheat bought,
2,340,584 bushels have been
sold 'on the export market by
the board,
Of the balance of about 700,-
000 bushels, which is located'
at Sarnia, Toronto,, Kingston
and Montreal, all but 100,000
bushels have been sold for ex-
port for shipment in the near
future. Stocks outside of Mon-
treal are being moved into ter-
minals there as navigation gets
underway. •
The board' did not release
statistics on prices and over-
(Continued from page 4)
In regard to the comments
on the school question, we
again point out that students
in Bayfield and Egm'ondville
would 'be required to spend no
more time on buses than their
rural friends, as they could fill
a bus and go directly to a pro-
posed site at Brucefield.
We doubt that such a trip
would require an hour as Brig-
adier Clift suggests.
He is partially correct in his
statement that given good and
dedicated teachers there is no
reason why first class elemen-
tary education cannot be pro-
vided a three or four room
local school.
However, the problem is sec-
uring good and dedicated tea-•
chers who will choose teaching
all 'these various grades when
they can enjoy so many more
benefits while only teaching
one grade at the many central
schools that progressive areas
are erecting on the basis of
knoWledgeable information be-
ing provided by government and
education authorities.
In conclusion may we say
once again how pleased we are
Mat ,Brigadier Clift has taken
time from his busy life to write
this letter to- the editor.
His dedicated service to his
new home community 'in Bay-
field should prove invaluable
and we are certain our succes-
sor would appreciate it if he
continued. to present his valu-
able and concise opinions on
many of the subjects confront-
ing the area in future letters
to this newspaper.
Brigadier Oft
Gives Answers
On Incorporation
On Monday, January 20,; we streets.
seen 'in the capital cities ef of the California redwoods.
back 'to Highway 66 and, to
NeXt erneeed. the centin.-
entel Divide (MO ,feet) and
headed fpr- cirq114p, "'tare
cApital of the WOW where
We intended .epending the night.
.Uttle 'did we knee, that We .
would spend not only erie, hitt
eleven nights there, part of
them in the local hospital, clue
•.to a Colonel With his mind on
mattere ether than his car
driving across our patb..
But 'the kinclnese of the hos-
pital staff, Rom, the Sisters tq
the Indian and Spanish nerees,
of the Chinese doctor• and. his
Irish wife, and of many others
helped 'to make our stay in
Gallup..as • happy as possible
under the circumstances. And
it did give us oppertueity
to photograph the colourful In-
dian. costumes and to see the
beautiful jewellery created fr-
om silver and turquoise by the
Zuni and Navajo Indians.
Finally we headed westward
again, visiting the Painted Des-
ert in all its glory, the Pet-
Forest and its metal-like
logs. of many colours, arid the
awesome Grand Canyon where
anyone with the slighteet bit
of imagination can see Hindu
temples, fairy .eastle,s, and all
sorts of figures in the interest-
ing natural formations formed
by 'the Colorado River and exa
Next paint of interest was
one of man's great accomplieh-
ments — Hoover Dam, nestled
(Trip takpn by )1r, and Mrs. men, the excellent museum
Home, sweet home! Bayfield fhl homes many of them Along
There we visited the first Cathedral Grave where the
between on the bor-
der of Aniznna and Nevada,
and then, Lake Meade, a beau-
tifql deep shade of blue against
a background of .ninkish Mown
tains. Boelder City, a 'by-Prc-
dnet Of grlover Dam, Was an
oasis in the desert had
green grass!
We would like to have etayed
for a few days just to enjoy
that bit of green but ether
placee were nalling, the first
being one often in 'the news—
Las Vegas, which has to be
seen to be believed,
We gasped at 'the hundreds
of slot machines and other
gambling devices, one estab-
lishment after another, many
open 'to the street. And tted-
reds (or likely thousands) of
people, many far from young,
were pulling at the levexe hop-
ing, ever hoping, that they
would hit the, jackpot. What a
Finally 'we reached Ocean-
side, California, and settled
down for two weeks of rest
and short, sight-seeing jaunts.
California has many attractions
but one fault — too many
people. They are pouring in at
the rate of a thousand per day
and creating many problems.
Oceanside itself is still enjoy-
able as one can walk downtown
and to the ocean but the beorn
is on and land is selling at
fantastic prices.
Interesting side trips were to:
Palomar Observatory with its
huge telescope— but don't try
twisting your way up that
mountain if1 your nerves are
bad; San Diego where a har-
bour cruise is an education in
military ships and planes and
where one could spend days at
the combination park-museum-
zoo; Tijuana across the Mexi-
can border where one steps into
a different world — children
begging, povert y, sidewalk
hawkers, "theatres" where
dancers wiggle and singers
wail—words fail to describe the
general atmosphere; Knott's
Berry Farm where California's
past has been so vividly
brought 'back to life; and Dis-
neyland with its combination of
past, present and future.
Late in February we' began
our northern trek to British
Columbia. Sprawling Los Ang-
eles and suburbs takes hours
of driving just to get 'through
but is most interesting with its
fine new residential and busi-
ness districts, the homes of
many of the movie "greats",
the Will Rogers ranch, and
many other points seen so
easily on 'a guided bus tour.
Then one can have a ride on
"the shortest railway • in the
world"—a cable car taking pas-
sengers up to a different level
of the city. Next ,one may take
the elevator to the top of the
city hail where all the Los
Angeles area may be seen on
a clear day (there are a few
in spite of the smog) and where
one may see the mayor landing
in his helicopter on a part of
the city ball roof.
San Francisco is fascinating
and picturesque with its un-
nervingly steep streets, the
crookedest street in the world,
the garages under the houses,
the clanging cable cars, the
great harbour!, the Golden Gate
bridge, the beautiful parks, the
scenes from the hill-tops, and
the diamond-studded night view
from "The Top o' the Mark",
In Northern California we
drove through the forests of
huge, majestic redwood trees,
If one has any illusions of his
own importance, the grandeur
and age of these trees soon cuts
down 'to size. They have
Sem many, many generations
come and go and still they live
on. The California and Oregon
'oast-line is very scenic—some-
times high and rocky--some-
times low and sandy.
Crescent City was built on
a low !inlet so we can under-
stand why the tidal wave did
such damage there.
Landing at Swartz Bay on
Vancouver Island we drove
down to Victoria and settled
for two weeks. The weather
was not very kind but the rains
were mostly gentle and brie last
nays no attention to them—at
least they don't have .to be
Vittoria has Much to offer.
We enjoyed 'the air of English
restfulness, Shops (hot stores)
selling articles of 5.C, crafts
cause' such havoc.
For our crossing to Van-
couver, we chose the CPR ferry
because it is the only one sail-
ing under the Lions Gate
bridge, past Stanley Park, end
into the 'harbour right at 'the
downtown section. There was
considerable change hi Van-
couver since 1959—It is grow-
ing at en astonishing rate,
spreading up 'the mountains and
across the delta. We took a
number of interesting drives:
to Horseshoe Bay by 'the upper
level road, returning by 'the
lower level; up 'to' Capilano
Canyon to walk across the long
suspension bridge; around the
Marine Drive by New West-,
minster; across the delta and
down 'to the U.S. border; up
Little Mountain. The view from
that point by day or by night
is beyond despriptIon•
Conning imnoward, w.e could get through the Trans-Canada
Iiighw4y north of Hope .only
before 8:30 4.m. or after 5:00
P.M. AS tunnels are being
'blasted through the, mountains
40,carne by way of Manning'
Park and the beautiful Olcan-
agAn Valley, rejoining the
'T'an's-Canada ne or Salmon
Arms. ReVelatoke loeked very.
wintry, Golden less ein The
scenery was 'terrine With the
snow on the evergreens, the
baelcgrowl of snow on 'the
mountains, and the tewening
The roads were excellent
With slush only high up in the
PAWS, In the Regees Pass
there ..PXe, nine snoweheda and.
Many gun emplacement sites.
Where the howitaeln sit while
simile are being fired at heavy
masses of allow ^that might
cause avalanenes, 'Lake Louise
and the chateau were heaeti-
fel in their winter garb
(though desolate), !Banff was
more lively, with mountain
sheep 'feeding in groups on the
The trip .across the Prairies
was cold (below zero part of
'the time) but mostly sunny and
with dry roads except for 20
or 30 miles west of Moosejaw.
(We needed Fete Heard with
his 'salt and sand' there.)
East of Kenora we left 'the
Trans-Canada and travelled the
Great River Road toward Fort
Frances. From then we cross-
ed intoo. Minnesota at . Interna-
tional:Falls. Roads were clear
through that state, Wisconsin,
and Michigan.
Crossing the Mackinac
Bridge in the early morning,
March 24, and the Bluewater
Bridge in the afternoons, we
again reached Canadian soil and
soon were home. '
'And so the, holiday is over.
We hope that you 'have enjoyed
reading of our travels and that
some day, if you 'have not al-
ready 'done sa, you may 'have
the thrill of taking this, trip
we drive through our towns
and villages, -we will 'find hous-
es built fifty, seventy-five or
a hundred years ago are no bet-
ter than farm houses built in
the same period.
The last ten years seems to-
have changed the trend. Very
few new houses are being built
by the fk-mer and those that
are being built are much less
impressive 'than that of 'his
counterpart in the urban cen-
The decline of the farmer's
status follows very closely the
drop in the percentage of the
consumer's dollar that finds its
way back to the producer's
In 1951 the producer of live-
stock received 67.5% of 'the con-
sumer's dollar but by 19 61
only 38.9%,
For many years the total em-
phasis has been on increased
and more efficient production.
There has been no correspond-
ing improvement in returns.
It is now time that farmers
expanded their efforts not for
less by producing More but rat-
her for a larger percentage of
returns on what they already
Since the spread between
producer and consumer is con-
tinually increasing, it w o ul El
seem. logical that the farmer
should earry his operation into
the processing field
This is not a new idea! Adam
Smith in his "Wealth of Na-
tions" pointed out the grave
dangers to both producer and
consumer when the "middle-.
man" permitted 'a free hand in
the distribution of goods.-
RCAF Personnel Decorated
Five Officers and NCOs at RCAF Clinton were recently presented with the
CD (Canadian Forces Decoration) by Group Captain K. R. Greenaway, CD,
Commanding Officer, The decoration is presented for long service in, the Arm,
ed Forces, From the left are; F/S R. Beggs, FiL G. W. Duguid, F/L R. A.
"Buzz" Round, WO2 A. A, —.glades and Sgt. L. Grenier, (RCAF PhotO
LeRoy Petit and Mr. and Mrs. (especially the Indian, section)
Lloyd Yfakins of Payfieldt) in the Legislative bending, ses-
sions of parliament, the beatitl-
looks pretty good to us after the water, the green geese and nearly 9,000 'miles of travel. the spring flowers of February And, witla today's traffic, be and. early March, the beautifel ing home safely end able to pink blossoms of the japan- wall on one's own two feet is eSe Ornamental .17'Inm and indeed cause for thankfulness. Cherry on nearly •a'hundred
four set out on the help we We drove northward on the
had dreamed of for years. Cr- ISland up the beautiful Malahat ossing the Bluewater Bridge Drive to visit Nenanno of for.
and on through Detroit, we mar eeel. • fame (stow mostly
then drove through the rolling important for lumber and pulp-,
Irish Hills section w i th its wood) and the twin cities of
many little lakes, and headed Alberni and Port Alberni,
for Indianapolis. reached after a drive through
of eleven Legislative Buildings giant Douglas firs reminded has
Indianapolis (Indiana), Spring- Nearly all of Alberni and the
field Jefferson City industrial area of Port Alberni
(Missouri), 'Topeka (Kansas), are about at water level so it
Oklahoma City (Oklahoma), is no wonder that the wave
Santa Fe (New Mexico), Sal- funnelling up the long canal
em (Oregon), Olympia (Wash- from the Pacific Ocean could
ingtorin Victoria (British Col -
=Wan Regina (Saskatehew-
an), and Winnipeg (Manitoba).
Each of these would cost a
fortune to replace with all their
various forms of marble hum
many states and from Italy and
each was interesting in its own
individual way. The Missouri
Capital building was'perhaps
the most unique in that where
ever one stands there is an
arch overhead but the Okla-
homa building has a feature
that many might envy — a
producing oil well underneath.
Victoria outlines its build-
ing with many hundreds of
bulbs; so at night it looks like
a fairy castle. And Winnipeg's
handsome edifice has Golden
Bog atop its huge dome and
two large buffalo to guard the
grand staircase. The paintings
Familiarity breeds contempt!
I wonder if this is the reason
that producers of food are so
often held in such low esteem.
It was not always thus. In
earlier days it was 'the mark of
a successful family to have the
cellar well stocked with veget-
ables and apples-shelves around
the wall were packed with jars
of "preserves" ,of all kinds. The
smoke house and pork barrel
were full to overflowing. It was
the pride and joy of the house-
wife to have a bountiful table,
well able to meet all emergenc-
A great number of people de-
voted their time to the product-
ion of food. Clothing and 'hous-
ing were secondary. It was only
'as food production: improved in
per man output that labour
was free to advance in other
lines. How many realize • that
the luxuries of life are only
possible because the farmer to-
day is able to feed so many
people than a few years ago.
The standard of living of
people is directly related to
the progress that has been made
in Agriculture and this relation-
ship will continue.
In low standard of living ar-
eas, farmers produce cereal
grains, fruits and vegetables. As
production improves, grain can
be fed to animals w h i c h
produce milk and meats. These
foods permit better nutrition
and healthier people. As labour
is freed from food production,
it can be applied to the man-
ufacture of clothing, housing
and related products:
For many years there was
advancement with basically
equal rewards for efforts. If
A Matter of