HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-16, Page 40 7tfb I Clinton News -Record. 34tfb IRFA?.t 1P0 ? Y uR *4AXR Serve Bartliffs Enriched Orea'd The Tasfiest Bread In Town OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY FROM OUR STORE ONLY Red. 666 ea. Boston Cream Pie .... Special 59c ed, Reg. 65a doz, Honey Dip Down Special 49e. dot Reg. 49b ea. Date & Nut Cake ...... Special 44e em -e 'y r�ti't B k r LIMIted Bakery ahil'kestautank 459.912 . 1 CLINTON phone 482-9411, 23tfb43tfb TIMEX WATCHES , - . Sold and Serviced at A N S T E T T JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 492-9625 IItfb I'OOKPIWI — Fort Chimo, EsId- mo, plush toys, an ori g-iriza Canadian product, only $2.95 each: Also Slippers and Xocasm Seals; Sealskin Belts; sins; Earrings; 'Tray Pla= ques, now at ELLWOOD 143PPS Sports Shop'King 9t Clinton, phone 482-9622. Have An Exfra Key Par Your Car , . House We Specialize in CUTTING KEYS Changing Cofnbinations Keying Looks Alike BALL and KAI ffCW .... ......... ...... ARTICLES. SALE HOLPWANTAO MAU . D94 , V -F4 I T "' 410 Track, W airl rp tJ o 00, yexipq c tb"Q • 0, bJJn!,9, bam' 4rapqrAep win, Page +,411"ton News-Rvcor4,_.Th4fs,. April 14, '1904 ARTICLE$ FOR 'SAL.[. iveJr—wi. P PpOdve 48 ry ACCQMMODATION PFT. 11T. RI�FRIQERATQR` .ACCOMMODATION early, Limited supply. Phone in good condition. Phon6 482 FOR RENT FOR RENT 7740. WANT . 1�� D, BOLT WO 01), pulp wood, C011d wood: Phone Obir TRAILER ELCONA 196i' a-iodel with ­rr room exten- LARGE AND SMALL trailers, "shea. ONE BEDROOM, furnished ap- ,f,41V'f B Trail- Becker's Tra a t" I _ Heated ed and. utilities . rtM044 s io 52'40'. -Phone 4$2,7666 er Court, Clinton, Wtfb paid. May Available. May L'Applk beth 652.3283 da y,� and London identification, in Auburn .Mr Mrs. Florence_ El)I iOb -Rat- Phone 5264551. 16 SIX ROOM HOUSE $60. per r ''Rhone tenbur, 4 y St. ;Nast, phone 82� PORTABLETYPEWRITERS— 1.75 S,64fprth, 9332. IQtfb , low d6i�,r4 VriderwooO, pay, O nt. 7tf 00 16b merits. +WSTIM JewQer$, 2-BEDROQM APARTMENT 'A S L �E, EP -T. N Q, Accommodation with full priv#e kitchen. p4 Clinton, -phone 4�g-9525, ' IQt New furnace, 01010 now, poses, CentrptllocatioA. 46 Prin- G9 FRIG; 2 Wood And Coal Phone 482-6075, 3tib Phone 482,49005. Pegs 'St. West., e Stoves. Ph one 4$,23284. 16t THREE-ROOM, UNFURNISH- 1$p-14tfb ,BOX SPRING And Inner Sprlplr ed aartment. Phone 482-7677. OR, t w o, bed- Mattress. $25 complete, Phone 5tfb room, heated apartment,, Avail- 482-7429. FURNISHED APARTMIENT— 11 . Uble May 1. Apply Ws. -F lor- WHITE MAR."YMAXIM Sweat, Suitable for couple. Apply 93 Huron Street. I qp,tfb once Elliott, 105 Rattenbury Past. Phone 482-9332, Street,pink e'r, lined, r size 12, price ,$5.00. A chiffon form4l dress, size I BEDROOM APARTMENT, APARTMENT, 15tfb 1042, price $7,00. Phone 489- 9�70, 16� 1961 METEOR, RIDEAU 500, furnished, heated. Van HOUSE FOR RENT. bed- 3 experts. Our work assures your Panime, 4$2-66$5, IZtfb, rooms, kitchen, diningroom, liv- ROYAL PORTABLE ty�p. wr* p It. 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, heat- ing room, bath,, full basement, new gas furnace. Available er, tape recorder, Gibson elec. +r tape guitar, Moped (small mo. ed, furnished, private bath. Suitable for . couple, Phone 482- May I, phone'482�6694. torcycle), fiddle. For informa. 9509 or 482-9500, 13-16p SELF-CONTAINED, Heated, tion phone Clinton 1$-6r 482,9223. 16t furnished apartment, I bed- - PIANO TUNING HEATED, 2-B1F=Q0M Dup- lex, available now. Dorothy room. Older -person or couple I prefqrkod- Apply. Chaptrian's, TRAVEL TRAILER, h o m e Marquis 79 John St., phone � ph(?ne 482-7082 or 482--,34#53, made, sleeps 2 adults, one child electr� 'oal wiring, some equip - 482 -955i evenings. Iotfb 16-7p merit Phone Bayfield, 41R2, S -ROOM APARTMENT, fur- APARTMENT,16-7r 2 BEDROOMS, nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth living room, kitcher I i and bath. Large cupboard space and faun- VACUUM CLSA _RS Ni 219..R. 15tfb y room dr facilities, Phone ne 482- Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo - TRAILER HOMEOR RENT, FOR 9227. 13tfb. ' dels of vacuum cleaners and I mile from Clinton. Large R UNFURNISHED APARTMENT conditio polishers. Reconditioned mach. lawn. Garden if desired. Phone 2 bedrooms, 'private bath,. pri� makes ines of all m for sale. 482-7291. 10tfb vate entrance, $65 per month, BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. BAC HELOR APARTMENT — Including heat and hydro. IY, miles from 1:�,CAFStati0n, Pre' Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 391) tfl: furnished, downstairs, heated. Commercial Apts.,.Cerlel Van schoolwage children preferred, MUST SELL to make room 7.tfb Damme, 482-6685, . Phone 482-3337. 16b I $00 -watt ham transmitter Ground APARTMENT — Ground, floor, FIVE -ROOM HOUSE, with heated sunporch. Newly, dec- housed in black metal cabinet Very reasonable in price. Phone one bedroom, self available May 1. . Phone 482, orated, full basement With 432,9465 London, or apply Win 443 l Mall, Lon. 9928, 'Roy Tyndall. 15tfb laundry tubs, Hardwood floors don. 16-17t tion RR 2, Clinton, phone 482-3287, and fireplace. Phone Seaforth salesman for John Bosveld, HOUSE FOR RENT an county 3. 15tfb SINGER SEWING road, all moderri conveniences. Avail -able May 15. Phone 482- HALF HOUSE for rent, un- CENTRE 3251. I6b furnished, 3 bedrooms, all mod- Sales and Service COSY I BEDROOM furnished em conveniences, private en- trance. One mile west of Clin- The Square, Goderich apartment for -rent. Hydro, ton on Highway 8, available Phone 524-8431 Water and 'heat paid. per month. Apply 55 Albert St�6et, 'now. Contact Barry Wilson phone 482-7439. 16tfb WOODS DEEP FREEZE; boy',, phone 482-7302. 16b I I INDUSTRIAL bicycle-, 30 -timbers; pre -teen ing room, dining room, Ochen, 3 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED skirt and vest, size 12; boy's DUPLEX , 2 bedroom, unfur- house, modern conveniences winter jacket, size 14; boy's 0Ys nisbed except gas stove and avadlable now, 4 miles iiT&-� and jacket pants, size 18; blue heater, available now. 46 RCAF Station Clinton on High- teen -coat, size 12, all like new, Princegs St. East, phone 482- way 8 between- Sea -forth and Phone 482-9597. 9390. 16tfb Clinton, Phone 482-9647 or 482- -gage can be arranged'. I STOREY NEW 3 be�koom, REMOVING STORM Windows 9358. -14tf b WEDDINC STA`I`IONERY- In - 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, newly Gas heating. Price $12,50(). vitations, reply cards, serviettes, decorated, -345 Matilda Street. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, matches; thank you cards, place Available May I. Apply 227 also one bedroom apartment, cards; two complete lines to Huron Street, phone 482-6610, both with private bath, furnish- choose from. When you pur- 16b ed, -heated; also washing fadil- chase your wedding stationery ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished sties, avaRladble soon•- Phone 482-3329 noontime or after 5 here, we insert your engage - ment free of charge. Take wed - apartment, heated, with big- i 16ttb ding stationery book out over living room. In School Apart- 16b night and choose your supplies meats. Ceriel VanDamme, ARTICLES FOR SALE in private. Clinton News - Phone 482-6685. 13tfb Record, 34tfb 2 HOUSES, modern convenienc- LADY -IS CCM -3 -Speed Bicycle, es, '2 aria 3 bedroom. Apply like new. Phone 482-9275. Mrs. Lloyd Lovell; Kippen, 16b MOBILE HOMES phone.265W1, Hensall. 16.;7-81> —12'08', can at easily GARAGE tsi y be moved. Phone Goderloh 524- AND HEATED APARTMENT, un-. furnished, two bedrooms, new- 0009..--. 16p TRAVEL. TRAILERS '1963 GENERAL Mobile Home. ly decorated, close to.- school. Available May 21. Phone Gode. rich 524-9151. Located at 115 48 x10: Very I reasonable. Phone 482-7,095, 3tfb :tB.61 It by: the oldest., 16rgest, Picton. St., Goderich.. 15tfb GAS CLOTHESDRYER in and most. respected) manu- FARM HOUSE, modern con- ondition. Phone God;ricli good ,condition. 524-9009. 16p i facturers n the ifidustry, General, New Moon veniences, oil furnace, public and high school buses avail- and Monarch MAPLE STR�P, $6.00 per. g able in May. Phone Blyth 523- 4237, Bruce Roy, Londesboro. 16tfb Phone 482-3214. Fred McCly- mont-and Son, Varna. 13tfb — London Terrace 2 -BEDROOM apartment,'maiTi BOY'S CLOTHES, size 10 to 14. Shirts, pants, underwear, b4l these beautiful homes floor, separate entrance, heated two jackets, one suit. Phone offers Available April 15, Phone 482- Dungannon 529-7864. with the lowest financing 6663 or 482-9568 evenings. 3..TIRES, 650x16, 6 ply and terms. Modern I Bedroom tubes-, Lloyd 'baby carriage in excellent condition: Phone 4824 Visit our display any time. APARTMENT 742" 16p 3001 Dundas St. East London BUSINESSMEN: It you use * Unfurnished any type of Moore business form, they can be ordered Call 451-8670 * Kitchen * through Clinton" News -Record, 482-3443. tfb Furniture, automobil6s Living Room phone taken in trade. * Dining Room * Bath GOLF CLUBS with 'bag, prac AVAILABLE NOW tically new. Right -band Camp - bell tournaments. Phone 482- CLiNTON 9150. 16P CAREFREE HEATING — For APARTMENTS MAGIC MARKERS—Black and the only fuel oil insured against Phone 482-7740 Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, 7tfb I Clinton News -Record. 34tfb IRFA?.t 1P0 ? Y uR *4AXR Serve Bartliffs Enriched Orea'd The Tasfiest Bread In Town OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY FROM OUR STORE ONLY Red. 666 ea. Boston Cream Pie .... Special 59c ed, Reg. 65a doz, Honey Dip Down Special 49e. dot Reg. 49b ea. Date & Nut Cake ...... Special 44e em -e 'y r�ti't B k r LIMIted Bakery ahil'kestautank 459.912 . 1 CLINTON phone 482-9411, 23tfb43tfb TIMEX WATCHES , - . Sold and Serviced at A N S T E T T JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 492-9625 IItfb I'OOKPIWI — Fort Chimo, EsId- mo, plush toys, an ori g-iriza Canadian product, only $2.95 each: Also Slippers and Xocasm Seals; Sealskin Belts; sins; Earrings; 'Tray Pla= ques, now at ELLWOOD 143PPS Sports Shop'King 9t Clinton, phone 482-9622. Have An Exfra Key Par Your Car , . House We Specialize in CUTTING KEYS Changing Cofnbinations Keying Looks Alike BALL and KAI ffCW .... ......... ...... ARTICLES. SALE HOLPWANTAO MAU . D94 , V -F4 I T "' 410 Track, W airl rp tJ o 00, yexipq c tb"Q "D40. A Raw_qigh 1>e 0, bJJn!,9, bam' 4rapqrAep win, ,w 11 d -,do b n S, Friee estimates for Huron County. Over 1,000 iveJr—wi. P PpOdve 48 ry families., Where Prpduqts� h a. Ism e sold or many ye4 been . f rg. Rppl My fox! POrInA4ent, pro,r early, Limited supply. Phone 4RTIC LOS WANTED , ,Jp work. Start prorriptly, neat and reliable, Apply In Write R.1 w leigh, Dept. D -169 - 232; 4005 Ridiielipg St,, St, I.. Henry, Montreal, 16b WANT . 1�� D, BOLT WO 01), pulp wood, C011d wood: Phone Obir 'LOST and FOUND ton 4$2-7214 evenings.. MALE OPP109 CL=, <, age 81166 affd service WANTED —' LIVE PTQEQNS, FOUNP—Part Labrador ft, $5c each. P.hofi6'QW!eqt'Lain- light' I),rown, N, pound� no 'area, beth 652.3283 da y,� and London identification, in Auburn 432-8531 evenlrt4. 14tf b Phone 5264551. 16 QNg BOY'S BICY LE f( 10_ bicycle MISCELLANEOUS year-old; also one girls for 12 -year-old. . Apply 55 At- M-PcQQNALD bert Street, phone 482.7302.- 16b KEOTRIC AUTOS FOR SALE Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wirl"'g Service Calls 4824702 19543 METEOR sedan stickshift, 41,000 ,miles, runs well. A061Y 00ii Mnzie, RR cU2.33 29ta phone 1, Bayfield, phor 6. 16b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Plamond rings renewed idstones 1961 VOLKSWAGENDeluxe, radio, seat cover,,;. backup safely secured—don't light. Also, roof rack and tarr take chances.. Expert Work done . Paulin. Immediate sale, $goo. reasonably to our satisfaction, . Contact D. B . Williams, 19 Rat, Watch repairs and pearl re- teury East, , 01int stringing. W. N. Counter, 16-7p w 20tf b 1961 METEOR, RIDEAU 500, WATCH REPAIR is a job for 4 -door sedan, V-8, automatic experts. Our work assures your "satisfaction, custom radio, many other ex, eras, A clean car in excellent Counter's Jeweller Y, Huron County's Oldest Esta, C( condition. Would accept I t I rade, blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb PET STOCK Apply Box 153, Clintoxi.News, Record. 15-6p BOARD AND ROOM REGISTERED GERMAN Shep. herd, with papers, 1% years, excellent with children. Phone ROOM for,2 boarders or room- ers. Phone 482-9540. 16p 482,9223. 16t ROOM FOR REI -4T. Phone - PIANO TUNING 482,3496, 16p -1 CUSTOM WNW— YOUR PIANO' should be tuned and checked for moth. damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv, PLOWING, discing -and culti. eating gardens.. Phone 482. ilege of servicing many of the 9426. 16-7b instruments In this area. George W. Cox, phou(-'482-3870. LAWN ROLLING with heavy 2$00-11'b, roller, in Clinton. and TT= district. Phone Ray Potter, 482. REAL ESTATE 9991. 15M "THE, PIXIE" Beauty Salon, LOTS or by the acre, 1% miles New phone number 482-7792. from Clinton in Goderich Perms, tinting, hair cutting a Township, phone 482-3265. 16b specialty. 918tfb — MODERN 3 -BEDROOM RED - wood house, spacious kitchen . SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem equipment used. All and living area, built-in oven work guaranteed. Write or and stove, dining area, four - ph -one Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus• piece bath, full basement; extra sels, phone 442W6, Brussels. lot. Reasonable down payment. II -41p Phone 482-7626. Stfb CIGARETTE BURNS,, math FARMS FOR SALE — We holes, 'cuts,, tears, invisibly have a choice list of farms for mended by reweaving. Free sale, large and small, in Huron estimates. Mrs. Mary Vanstee- County: Contact C. Buruma, landt, No. 5 Zablockils Trailer RR 2, Clinton, phone 482-3287, Park, near RCAF Station. salesman for John Bosveld, 15-6p Realtor. 15-6-7-8b BRICK, STONE Repair Work: ON LOCATION, McGinness Waterproofing. Workingin mobile home, 8'x21', in nice town this summer. Contact condition. Has two rooms, Fowler Mbsonry Service, Box fully equipped. The lot is 66'x 369, Mitchell or call 348-aO35 66' with new utility house S'x collect. 15-20p 10'. Trees, sidewalk, fence, etc, Just a few steps from up - town. Priced to sell quick. Ap- ELECTRIC MOTOR Sales and Service illy William Hamm, Blyth (no undays please). 164-8p DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL I STOREY, 3 bedroom liv- I I INDUSTRIAL ART. LEVETT & SONS ing room, dining room, Ochen, 139 ERIE ST. — CLINTON oil heating, located near schools, Phone 482-6640 3tfb Price: $6,500. VILLAGE OF VARNA—I% storey, 5,room. dwelllrig, with EMPLOYMENT WANTED hydro, water available from village system. Price: $3,209. SPLIT LEVEL—Built 1961, 7 rooms, including basement ODD JOBS wanted, phone 482- 9777. 15P apartment; 4 -piece bath; hot Water gas heating; attached EXPERIENCED CLERK-TYP. 4 ift desires full or part-time 6m.. garage. Price: $12,0011. Mort- ployment. Ph -one 482-7617. 15b -gage can be arranged'. I STOREY NEW 3 be�koom, REMOVING STORM Windows and doors and other house re- living room, modern kitchen with dining area; 4-plece bath. pair jobs wanted. Phone 482- 6610. 16P Gas heating. Price $12,50(). Down payment $1,500, balance on mortgage. Immediate pos- -HELP WANTED, session. . FEMALE I STOREY, 3 bedroom, built in 1961, Large living room, —modern kitchen, oil heating. Down payment $1,500, balance YOUNG WOMAN wanted to look After businessman's mo- monthly payments $80.00. dame in, Goderich. One -adult. Liberal time off. Reply H. C. LAWSON to Box 216, Goderich, Ontario. 16b REAL ESTATE Phone 482-9644 PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST for photo studio in Clinton. 16b Must have good personality, 17-�& person Clin- ton, to 9:00 P.M. 16b LADIE 9- 14AVE YOU EVER THOT63iT ABOUT SELLING AVON? It costs nothing to find out the details. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave,, London., or call collect 451-0541. evenings. 16-18b 'Clerk -Typist Typing essential, knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. Flive-day, 40 -hour work Week, paid vacation; sick time allow- ance and other fringe benefits. Reply tot THOMAS A. STEEP, Business Afabaget, Cltnfon Public Hospif al ClintohOntario INA Hardware 15tfb Phone 481-905 49ttbHELP WANTED MALE FOR YOUR GAAbEN- Rabbit MAN FOR, A'OTOMATIC car Manure, $5.06J& load (120 cu, ;a(, WaghIffig and genetal garago deliver t Or- The beg, Work, Lorne Brown Motors Janie fertilizier and soil. con- t 1 A ner you can buy. Order Ltd, 161 early, Limited supply. Phone tREAD 8ALtgMAX. Must be 4%-9291, J. W. V�nttgmond,. neat and reliable, Apply In 14=5-6p person to 'Baftliffs Bakery,Ltd. 15-6b ITIL*ttR 4IUEkN MALE OPP109 CL=, <, age 81166 affd service 17 to 0, steady emp'l6mellf, five day week, group insurance ' `666 PE6K, RR i, Zurich pension, otd, Contact L. b'd Gbahilifif ets6fixibi hial!lagerj ponmid, 9166d macfilfioy Co. 0td390t(b'Jttdi$ Godeiithj Ont, 15-6b TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER for Ss No. 6 Mullett, Huron County. Rural. school. 15 pupils. Oil furnace. Duties to commence September 1964. Apply stating qualifications, last inspector- and salary expected, to John H. A1 , ngi , secretarytreasuret, Blyth, Ont. 14,5-13b SALESMAN WANTED MAN 46 to 60. Handle sales territory surrounding Clinton. Worth up to $12,000 in a year, , plus bonus. Write Vice -?"res., Dept, B4 P.O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto 17,, Ontario, 16b PIONEER SEED CORN Varieties of Seed Coen suitable for this area ate almost sold out. Make sure that YOU place y6ue ordefright away with your Pione& Dealee, KEITH LOVELL klpptN Phone liensall 16SWI MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCIEPIMb Phone l4en9dil 3401 .'. 10; new nose and saw; ,� aWel; and 1.. .4 and 500 gal, steel. PL bitch cas.p., T 7-Ift. binder; grinder; CoLse 'N 4-tfqrrow, ace T -H 3 -furrow scuffler; weed 's heavy duty pump; IQ It. 27 -ft, truck iriiia;w4f. endless Pugh; $24t, ex- 50 104t, sheets iin roofing; race 444fitY of new r; Disstorichain A . steel cable tie sugar kettle; to niontion, in Orain and Corn. — Apprvxii* ,00y 1,000 ibus W. mixed, grain; 4 _ppr toll of rcob ,crn . Hpusobq.10 Effects. —, A. -few, h0usebold aritiq'qps including a spliroqig' wheel, T44rM§, Cash Fred, l IM, Proprietor go. C.Orpy, Clerk Pert P 'ppper, A;;#Io.nqqr Also Wednqsdgy, ly -13 Fre pav W111sof his o nllr#her OP 4prpr04reg- .stored an.e! eat Corey's: .Sales Barn,, C.Iintq.np. 16h i,Qn Wagon; 4 rlApper tl,rqc dar pos4,. Ag� 1A44tity oX cefour ons; -dual, w . Wheeled. trailer with � spo -barbed wire; 4 sibepts grain, box; 3 forage i tr'a'iler _ oohs of racks; new of plywood; cream separator; AUCTION. $ALE 10 -ft, Case double disc mount- Stewart *0telectric. clippers; e P. qg�in ,a 6n rubber.; 10 -ft, tity of new baler twine; -tattoo. Oil B40019S, ProPertyj Ira A;'ir Vator; I -H _=Oure spreader; outfit; two Yh-P. .V 0riin, VIpvator E.qu ie p oipn t,6 -ft, Case engine driven com'11.P. motor;, pipe threader Trucksand Miscellaneous gine; side deliveryto V% tilt 4rbpr bench saw; AxtivIos of th ,r4ke, � section Case ]ever large qugnt!ty of scrap Iron; EttofjqhnWarXo2 wheeled trailer many more i9ft ]VIA,00i the Grain Elevator, sit, uatQd at. the CXA Tracks, "., jOinJJ'g the Stock Vsrds'ai�4 off N� 4 Highway, Clinton, -0- ATTENTION � a $aturjay, April 25 at I p.m,,, at 1:00, P.m. sharp, N At 3:0.0 p.rn. .the Buildings *7� and --�d Property will be offered F.A. R X E. 'a for sale, subject to the folloW* 0. .. .. I ing terms;* and conditions: 100/0 of the purchaset ii, datO prjc� o FOR SALE FOR SALE. Of sale and balance in 30 days• and sold subject to reserve Wd. RED CLOVER .SEED. Apply 2 SURGE MILKING UNIT Other conditions made known ri .. Orville Workman, Kippen, in Al condition; also strainer, day of sale. phone Hensall 264W3, 164b Phone 482-7598. 16b BTTILDINQS; A frame building 52'x 521 with full cement base - TIMOTHY AND ALFALFA FARMALL TRACTOR, disc merit , opera I ted . as -a . grain ele- Baled Hay, A, L, Shanahan, and Plow, Contact Mrs, Robert vator and equipped with a Mon RR I Clinton. 15tfb Fairservice, phone Blyth 523- tier Seed Cleaner plant (cap - NEW IDEA push -bar hay load 16b tic•s 1,000 but, per hour), with er; one 12" Vess,ot grain grind- 3,000 BALES MIXED HAY at extra screens and, powered by er. Phone 482 . -.9855, �00 straw. a 10 h.p. electric motor; 3 grain 16b •30 cents; also 2,0 � bales Norris Sillery, RR 3, Seofort�* elevators, Powered lbya, 5 hip. TIMOTHY SEED, Arnold phone 482-3368, , I electric motor- a commercial, Jamieson, 482-9828. 16p I platform scale with a 21/fi ton 13-4-5-6b 1951 GMC I% TON TRUCK. caPaeftY. A frame storage shed Pour -speed transmission all 36'x26', with a cement block QUANTITY OF BALED HAY, steel platform, new %' inch foundation, These buildings will Timothy and Alfalfa, early cut. plywood racks, new rear -tires. be offered for sale in one par - Phone 482-7223, Martin Steen- This ds a good farm truck. Will cel. stra. 16P sell for $400 or best offer. Con- FARM: Farm consisgrig of ap. SALES AND SERVICE VIk- tact Percy Riley, 57 Picton proximately 51/2 acres of land ing Separators, Milkers. SERVICE, Street, Goderich. 16x on which is situated a frame smith and Welding Shop, Basil dwelling ,and other small fi-mne O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone LIVESTOCK FOk SALE buildings., (Lot nos. 61 to 65 482-9131. 6-22p !inclusive), This farm 'is situat- 23, LITTLE PIGS, seven weeks ed behind the Canada Paelcers El & N LEGHORN PULLETS old, Wilmer Reid, Varna, phone Poultry Plant, off No. 4 High - ready to lay April 16 to May 6. 482-9286. :Lrb way, Clinton. Dubbed, debeaked, vaccinated FQUIP31ENT, Etc.: 1952 Chev and wormed. Henderson's HEREFORD BULL, ready for % ton truck; 1952 Chev 1700 Started Chicks Ltd., $eaforth, service. Apply Robert - Taylor, stake truck; 1946 Dodge dump phone 558. 16-7-8p phone 482-9144. 16P truck with hydraulic box; Fer- guson 30-1951 txfactGr with 3 - HURON COUNTY'S Leading 12GOOD GRADE HOLSTETN pointhitchend- PTO; PTO pul- Parts and accessories depot. heifers bred from unit bulls ley; Ferguson tandem disc; 2 - Over 1,000 belts and hundreds and bred Polled Angus, due furrow Ferguson Plow; Danus- of pulleys, -bearings, spark within a month. Apply Edgar er Post Hole Digger; 50 ft belt plugs,+ plow shares, cultivator Rathwell, phone Clinton 482" drive elevator; cement, mixer; points, etc., plus thousands or 91.22. 3.6 other service items in stock at P Moisture Meter Seed Tester all times. John Bach, Inter- 2 YORKSHIRE SOWS, bred (complete); Kemp Seed Treat- national Harvester dealer, Sea- Lacombe, due soon. Also third er (commercial type) with forthOntario. 16b litter sow with litter of 12 two gravity feed, and exhaust fan; , weeks old. Apply Arnold �am- Swamotor Sprayer With 3.50 FOR ieson, phone 482-9828. 16tffb gal. tank, a new pump and new Wisconsin -air cooled -motor, —Two, bulls, 11 mounted on a heavy duty tr- Spring'Seeding smonotus;,,othRrNees cows and one ailer; 100 ft. of high pressure t heifer due next month; several hose (now); Wisconsin. air cool... heifer calves suitable for 4-H ed (commercial) stationary Requiremen S work. Bert Pepper, RR 3, Sea- engine; -tank-type grease gun; forth, phone Clinton 482-7237. 32 ft. extension ladder; 22 ft. We Have Available: ' I 15-6p extension ladder; 3 heavy'dUty CERTIFIED GARRY OATS building jacks; 150 gal. oil CEPET. SELKIRK - WHEAT WANTED tank; metal frame buzz saw; CANADA No. I JUBILEE 2,000 1b, platform scale; small BARLEY. PASTURE FOR 15 HEAD, two air cooled motor; mandel With These are also put up in cereal year old cattle. Bernard Tighe, emery & brush -attached; %b.p. mixtures. phone 482-3812. Ift motor, steel bag truck; grain For All Seed Requirements WOULD LIKE; TO BUY A bucket cart; 2 'steel grain buck - Ask At quantity of cob corn. Jack Van- etsi -grain scoops and grain THE SEED PLANTEgniond, RR I Clinton, phone shovels; s.; power lawn mower; . 482-9231. Ift Page fence stretcher; 2 steel, LONDESBORO pig troughs; several 45 gal. I FARMS FOR RENT, for crop. drums; 2,step ladders; 2 cellar R. N. Aexander ing ng this summer; located 4th windows (4 light); 4 windows con., Goderich Township, in (6 light); large picture window Bayfield area. Phone Bayfield and frame; large, iron grate; 16-7b 74R4. 16p 825-20 truck tire; 750-20 truck time and xqm; numerous Dodge, To control caR scours use WANTED TO BUY Farm, 100 Chevrolet and Ford car rkns; NIXON'S NEW SCOUREX acres or more With good build- 400 lbs. of nails (2:Y2, 3 and TABLETS — 4 tablet vial — 1119s, in Clinton or Seaforth 4 finch); -carton of steel post $1,50. This product is one of area, Immediate , possession- staple clips; 5 cases,, 01 X-100 the most effective calf scour Reasonable down payment. Shell motor oil; 3 cases of anti - treatments available. Contact Contact Joe Verberne, St. freeze; quantity of house paint; Edward's Pharmacy in Clin- George St., Seaforth, P. O." quantity of floor tile. Numerous ton. Satisfactory results or _9 .. rI1hone 745J, 6-7b your money back. 16bgarden and -carpenter's'tools; SERVICES shmv case; quantity of Royal Purple stock tonic, kitchen cab - HAVE YOU MADE inet; chest of drawers; flat -top PLANS DEAD ANIMAL desk; upholstered arm chair; For Your Application Of REMOVAL Coleman large -size oil burner With blower attachment; quare- For DEAD or DISABLED tity of lumber (new and used) ANIMALS — Col., Collect 2x4's of timbers; 2 electric Elmira Brand stoves; 2 electric refrigerators; quantity of insulation. Fertilizer DA-RLING Terms on Chattels: Cash Mrs. Florence M.' Elliott Available in Bag or Bulk at &,Company George F. Elliott Of Canada Limited George S. Elliott Exeter; Elmira, Brucefield Phone Clinton 14U 2-7260 Executors of the Estate A new loading ramp and pay Licence 262-C-63 Edward W. Elliott, loader -has been added for our 7-tfb I Auctioneer 16-7b Brucefield customers, office 482-7241, res. 482-7435. For further information regarding prices, spreader rentals, applica" tion. of Liquid Nitrogen, Aero- prills, and soil testing BUYS Short Sleeve CALL for SPORT SHIRTS S. Your Local Dealer or ............ . . . . . . . . . ....... MEN 'TEE SHIRTS Robert Taylor 8u Two or Three 0:; '0& Sales Repeei-whtative For 8� These Today. React Fertilizers Ltd. Stock Up Now While Phone 481-9144 Selections Are Best. PO SUPERB ,1080" 6114Z'.. Y. iU1. ♦L 1, 9 Small -" Medium -- Large `i sli Reg, +o 5,95 To Clear '/2 Price 0 Spt� n., Wardrobe S tullt — COATS -- SPORT COATS SPORT SHIltTS.Mial SWEATERS SLACKS -, etci i e &Ca...... e I I MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Main Cotnev — Clinton'— hone 46141,31 I AUCTION $AW I -H land pack CLEARING, Niyp-ter tA _4K; ctiltivator" A,1 Qf form gqujp'.�rit, G m eql" essogrjajr� Ant' es ham er mg1; FP ,njey,T;W " . . p,, 2 01hto . I south of n !bottom p low plow; corn. "Milip go _High Wly 4, oil W90904Y,Aliril 22 sprayer; Mey piston P,.T,Q gain elev4fc trailer; ia Farm Eaulornent .•»•.Fordson nni: P.ndlpqq It ! .'. 10; new nose and saw; ,� aWel; and 1.. .4 and 500 gal, steel. PL bitch cas.p., T 7-Ift. binder; grinder; CoLse 'N 4-tfqrrow, ace T -H 3 -furrow scuffler; weed 's heavy duty pump; IQ It. 27 -ft, truck iriiia;w4f. endless Pugh; $24t, ex- 50 104t, sheets iin roofing; race 444fitY of new r; Disstorichain A . steel cable tie sugar kettle; to niontion, in Orain and Corn. — Apprvxii* ,00y 1,000 ibus W. mixed, grain; 4 _ppr toll of rcob ,crn . Hpusobq.10 Effects. —, A. -few, h0usebold aritiq'qps including a spliroqig' wheel, T44rM§, Cash Fred, l IM, Proprietor go. C.Orpy, Clerk Pert P 'ppper, A;;#Io.nqqr Also Wednqsdgy, ly -13 Fre pav W111sof his o nllr#her OP 4prpr04reg- .stored an.e! eat Corey's: .Sales Barn,, C.Iintq.np. 16h i,Qn Wagon; 4 rlApper tl,rqc dar pos4,. Ag� 1A44tity oX cefour ons; -dual, w . Wheeled. trailer with � spo -barbed wire; 4 sibepts grain, box; 3 forage i tr'a'iler _ oohs of racks; new of plywood; cream separator; AUCTION. $ALE 10 -ft, Case double disc mount- Stewart *0telectric. clippers; e P. qg�in ,a 6n rubber.; 10 -ft, tity of new baler twine; -tattoo. Oil B40019S, ProPertyj Ira A;'ir Vator; I -H _=Oure spreader; outfit; two Yh-P. .V 0riin, VIpvator E.qu ie p oipn t,6 -ft, Case engine driven com'11.P. motor;, pipe threader Trucksand Miscellaneous gine; side deliveryto V% tilt 4rbpr bench saw; AxtivIos of th ,r4ke, � section Case ]ever large qugnt!ty of scrap Iron; EttofjqhnWarXo2 wheeled trailer many more i9ft ]VIA,00i the Grain Elevator, sit, uatQd at. the CXA Tracks, "., jOinJJ'g the Stock Vsrds'ai�4 off N� 4 Highway, Clinton, -0- ATTENTION � a $aturjay, April 25 at I p.m,,, at 1:00, P.m. sharp, N At 3:0.0 p.rn. .the Buildings *7� and --�d Property will be offered F.A. R X E. 'a for sale, subject to the folloW* 0. .. .. I ing terms;* and conditions: 100/0 of the purchaset ii, datO prjc� o FOR SALE FOR SALE. Of sale and balance in 30 days• and sold subject to reserve Wd. RED CLOVER .SEED. Apply 2 SURGE MILKING UNIT Other conditions made known ri .. Orville Workman, Kippen, in Al condition; also strainer, day of sale. phone Hensall 264W3, 164b Phone 482-7598. 16b BTTILDINQS; A frame building 52'x 521 with full cement base - TIMOTHY AND ALFALFA FARMALL TRACTOR, disc merit , opera I ted . as -a . grain ele- Baled Hay, A, L, Shanahan, and Plow, Contact Mrs, Robert vator and equipped with a Mon RR I Clinton. 15tfb Fairservice, phone Blyth 523- tier Seed Cleaner plant (cap - NEW IDEA push -bar hay load 16b tic•s 1,000 but, per hour), with er; one 12" Vess,ot grain grind- 3,000 BALES MIXED HAY at extra screens and, powered by er. Phone 482 . -.9855, �00 straw. a 10 h.p. electric motor; 3 grain 16b •30 cents; also 2,0 � bales Norris Sillery, RR 3, Seofort�* elevators, Powered lbya, 5 hip. TIMOTHY SEED, Arnold phone 482-3368, , I electric motor- a commercial, Jamieson, 482-9828. 16p I platform scale with a 21/fi ton 13-4-5-6b 1951 GMC I% TON TRUCK. caPaeftY. A frame storage shed Pour -speed transmission all 36'x26', with a cement block QUANTITY OF BALED HAY, steel platform, new %' inch foundation, These buildings will Timothy and Alfalfa, early cut. plywood racks, new rear -tires. be offered for sale in one par - Phone 482-7223, Martin Steen- This ds a good farm truck. Will cel. stra. 16P sell for $400 or best offer. Con- FARM: Farm consisgrig of ap. SALES AND SERVICE VIk- tact Percy Riley, 57 Picton proximately 51/2 acres of land ing Separators, Milkers. SERVICE, Street, Goderich. 16x on which is situated a frame smith and Welding Shop, Basil dwelling ,and other small fi-mne O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone LIVESTOCK FOk SALE buildings., (Lot nos. 61 to 65 482-9131. 6-22p !inclusive), This farm 'is situat- 23, LITTLE PIGS, seven weeks ed behind the Canada Paelcers El & N LEGHORN PULLETS old, Wilmer Reid, Varna, phone Poultry Plant, off No. 4 High - ready to lay April 16 to May 6. 482-9286. :Lrb way, Clinton. Dubbed, debeaked, vaccinated FQUIP31ENT, Etc.: 1952 Chev and wormed. Henderson's HEREFORD BULL, ready for % ton truck; 1952 Chev 1700 Started Chicks Ltd., $eaforth, service. Apply Robert - Taylor, stake truck; 1946 Dodge dump phone 558. 16-7-8p phone 482-9144. 16P truck with hydraulic box; Fer- guson 30-1951 txfactGr with 3 - HURON COUNTY'S Leading 12GOOD GRADE HOLSTETN pointhitchend- PTO; PTO pul- Parts and accessories depot. heifers bred from unit bulls ley; Ferguson tandem disc; 2 - Over 1,000 belts and hundreds and bred Polled Angus, due furrow Ferguson Plow; Danus- of pulleys, -bearings, spark within a month. Apply Edgar er Post Hole Digger; 50 ft belt plugs,+ plow shares, cultivator Rathwell, phone Clinton 482" drive elevator; cement, mixer; points, etc., plus thousands or 91.22. 3.6 other service items in stock at P Moisture Meter Seed Tester all times. John Bach, Inter- 2 YORKSHIRE SOWS, bred (complete); Kemp Seed Treat- national Harvester dealer, Sea- Lacombe, due soon. Also third er (commercial type) with forthOntario. 16b litter sow with litter of 12 two gravity feed, and exhaust fan; , weeks old. Apply Arnold �am- Swamotor Sprayer With 3.50 FOR ieson, phone 482-9828. 16tffb gal. tank, a new pump and new Wisconsin -air cooled -motor, —Two, bulls, 11 mounted on a heavy duty tr- Spring'Seeding smonotus;,,othRrNees cows and one ailer; 100 ft. of high pressure t heifer due next month; several hose (now); Wisconsin. air cool... heifer calves suitable for 4-H ed (commercial) stationary Requiremen S work. Bert Pepper, RR 3, Sea- engine; -tank-type grease gun; forth, phone Clinton 482-7237. 32 ft. extension ladder; 22 ft. We Have Available: ' I 15-6p extension ladder; 3 heavy'dUty CERTIFIED GARRY OATS building jacks; 150 gal. oil CEPET. SELKIRK - WHEAT WANTED tank; metal frame buzz saw; CANADA No. I JUBILEE 2,000 1b, platform scale; small BARLEY. PASTURE FOR 15 HEAD, two air cooled motor; mandel With These are also put up in cereal year old cattle. Bernard Tighe, emery & brush -attached; %b.p. mixtures. phone 482-3812. Ift motor, steel bag truck; grain For All Seed Requirements WOULD LIKE; TO BUY A bucket cart; 2 'steel grain buck - Ask At quantity of cob corn. Jack Van- etsi -grain scoops and grain THE SEED PLANTEgniond, RR I Clinton, phone shovels; s.; power lawn mower; . 482-9231. Ift Page fence stretcher; 2 steel, LONDESBORO pig troughs; several 45 gal. I FARMS FOR RENT, for crop. drums; 2,step ladders; 2 cellar R. N. Aexander ing ng this summer; located 4th windows (4 light); 4 windows con., Goderich Township, in (6 light); large picture window Bayfield area. Phone Bayfield and frame; large, iron grate; 16-7b 74R4. 16p 825-20 truck tire; 750-20 truck time and xqm; numerous Dodge, To control caR scours use WANTED TO BUY Farm, 100 Chevrolet and Ford car rkns; NIXON'S NEW SCOUREX acres or more With good build- 400 lbs. of nails (2:Y2, 3 and TABLETS — 4 tablet vial — 1119s, in Clinton or Seaforth 4 finch); -carton of steel post $1,50. This product is one of area, Immediate , possession- staple clips; 5 cases,, 01 X-100 the most effective calf scour Reasonable down payment. Shell motor oil; 3 cases of anti - treatments available. Contact Contact Joe Verberne, St. freeze; quantity of house paint; Edward's Pharmacy in Clin- George St., Seaforth, P. O." quantity of floor tile. Numerous ton. Satisfactory results or _9 .. rI1hone 745J, 6-7b your money back. 16bgarden and -carpenter's'tools; SERVICES shmv case; quantity of Royal Purple stock tonic, kitchen cab - HAVE YOU MADE inet; chest of drawers; flat -top PLANS DEAD ANIMAL desk; upholstered arm chair; For Your Application Of REMOVAL Coleman large -size oil burner With blower attachment; quare- For DEAD or DISABLED tity of lumber (new and used) ANIMALS — Col., Collect 2x4's of timbers; 2 electric Elmira Brand stoves; 2 electric refrigerators; quantity of insulation. Fertilizer DA-RLING Terms on Chattels: Cash Mrs. Florence M.' Elliott Available in Bag or Bulk at &,Company George F. Elliott Of Canada Limited George S. Elliott Exeter; Elmira, Brucefield Phone Clinton 14U 2-7260 Executors of the Estate A new loading ramp and pay Licence 262-C-63 Edward W. Elliott, loader -has been added for our 7-tfb I Auctioneer 16-7b Brucefield customers, office 482-7241, res. 482-7435. For further information regarding prices, spreader rentals, applica" tion. of Liquid Nitrogen, Aero- prills, and soil testing BUYS Short Sleeve CALL for SPORT SHIRTS S. Your Local Dealer or ............ . . . . . . . . . ....... MEN 'TEE SHIRTS Robert Taylor 8u Two or Three 0:; '0& Sales Repeei-whtative For 8� These Today. React Fertilizers Ltd. Stock Up Now While Phone 481-9144 Selections Are Best. PO SUPERB ,1080" 6114Z'.. Y. iU1. ♦L 1, 9 Small -" Medium -- Large `i sli Reg, +o 5,95 To Clear '/2 Price 0 Spt� n., Wardrobe S tullt — COATS -- SPORT COATS SPORT SHIltTS.Mial SWEATERS SLACKS -, etci i e &Ca...... e I I MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Main Cotnev — Clinton'— hone 46141,31