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I 1.0;0 Representative-,—A, f•eep---482-4642
C~intQn Memorial :Shot!
Open ,efiery Afternoon
RHONE Hti 2-771A
W. '6, ROS14. 90/.
Farmed In Hulett
for About Years.
Funeral ,Service was held on March 21 for William Gait*
Ross, RR 1, 1.,ondesborot who
passed -away followin
weelt heart ailment.
He was in his 91st year and
had been a resident of Hullett,
Township for the past 50 years,.
after moving there from West
Wawanosh Township, •
Mr, Ross was predeceased by
h is wife, the .former Martha
Ann Mains, WhOM be married
on March 27, 1901,
The deceased was a member
of 'Lendesboro :united .Chnrch
and the funeral was conducted
by the minister,. Rev, W. Mc
Surviving are twO sons, WU,
liar, at home; Thomas, Hunts,.
3 ine; :daughters, Mrs. Walter
(Margaret) Somerville, Wel-
ton; Kiss. Mary, at home; nine
grandchildren and two great
The funeral was held from
the Ball and Mutch funeral
home and temporary .entomb,
meat was in the Clinton mau-
soleum, with, burial to follow
in the Maitland Bank ceme-
tery, Seaforth.
• pallbearers included Jack
Lee, Hugh Miller, :Joseph Shad,
dick; Allen Shaddick, Carman
Moon and Len Caldwell,
Ivan Carter, Arthur Wey-
mouth, Charlie Scanlon and
Edwin Woods were flower-
QMRIC171 "They pay 10
percent of the grant And want
90 percent of the say," Tema*:
ed Reeve A. 1.), Smith, :of Turn-
berry, chairman .of the: Hurob
County PrOPerty committee,
discussing its report as related
to the county Jam •
"We have met with repre-
sentatives :of the Department'
of Reform Institutions arid are
prepared to MOO certain.rene-
vatiena," the. report stated. "We
have discussed the heating pro,
blem both with an Ophitect"
and with officials of 'Union,
Gas; we expect further meet•-:
trigs,. and a -solution to the pro,
blem by early summer.
"Regarding the alarm SYS-
tern !recommended by the Fire
Marshal's office, we have in,
vestigated the cost, which
could be $1;000 or hetter,. but
have taken no action, and the
problem is still under consid-
-eration, Similarly, regarding
additional :staff, we have taken
no action at the moment.
"We do not feel that a public
address system is justified' in
the council chamber, and have
taken 'no action. However, we
have recommended that a lec-
tern be plirchaSed,
"Plans are well under way
for the formation of a Huron
County Historical Society, with
the organization meeting plan-
ned for Wednesday, May 6.
"We are considering moving
the general office of the Chil-
dren's Aid Society to a new
IoViort :and partitioning the
-present general office for two
private offices,"-
'We had • a Meeting this.
morning," Mr, Smith. added,.
"and doolded to go ,ahead with
renovations. The board has
accepted our offer to renovate
the place .and givethem an,
ether offiee,"
A 'minimum 'salary of ',$4,1(19
has been established for public
health nurses, it ~was announced
in the health pith report, pre,
sented„ by Reeve .Glenn Fisher,
of gxeter,
Classified Ads
Bring Quick .
. Results
Contracts to grow ot4um,
1?ers for the H. J, Heinz
Compony of Conodo
Ltd. in the Clinton
district are now
civoilelble,. Coll
Mr. 'Robert Johnston
RR •1, Clinton
.Phone 482-9135
7 tfb
County To Renovate SAS Office&
but Take Adion'On Jai4 ?A *tem
101 Victoria Street — Goderich
Dial 524-8821 Collect
Thursday, ApOi. 7, 1944 .41/11t9n, ,N,..0w540;901,4090.
For Spring and Summer Delivery
Aluminum Doors and Windows
In Several faked colors
No Money Down—Nothing to Pay 'til June 1, 1964
T MURPHY Ltd. bodge-Valiant
At these ouality At these quality
Notooth-Valiant '
dealett"n"11 134 HURON STREET CLINTON ONTARIO PHONE 4024415 dealtrs.'"'d
Schools and wards -of altica,
Lion Act, except that there
shall be no appointed trustees,
Provided that where the 'num-
ber of trustees is fewer than
five or more than nine, the
minister on request of a maj,
ority of the councils of the
municipalities concerned may
determine the number of trus-
tees to be eleCted for each
municipality .and their- terms
of office,.
(12) The nintliciPality. or
municipalities that have more
than one,half the assessment
for public school latirneSeS in
the county school area, as
shown by the last revised as,
sessment roll, shall be deemed
to be a majority for the p.ur,
poses of subsection 11,
(14) A board of a county
school area has all the powers
and shall exercise all the duties
of a township school area beard,
County Plans To
Expropriate Lands
On Bayfield Road
GODERICH The county
road committee's program pro,'
vides for expenditure in 1964
of $1,705,000, btit the county's
portion is estimated at only
$548,000. The county levy, as
reported last week, will be
eight mills.
A by-law was passed at the
March session to expropriate
certain land on county road 13
from Clinton westerly for five
miles. This is needed in con-
nection with widening next
County road 4, between Cre-
diton and Highway 81, has been
designated a development road,
as reported some time ago, and
the pre-engineering and pre-
paration of contract documents
has now been awarded to B. M.
Ross, consulting engineer, Gode-
rich. It is expected construe-
don will commence in 1965.
On the current program,
mostly announced previously,
are the following road construc-
tion jobs:
Highway 4 to Winchelsea
(St. Marys road), paving 5,5
miles; Highway 4—Brussels, 7
miles, grading and granular
base, also land and fence; ap-'
proach to Varna bridge on road
31, grading and granular base,
one mile; road 5, Huron-Middle-
sex. boundary, prime and sur-
face, four miles; diversion, Lot
6, con. 3,, Colborne, grading and'
granular base, quarter-mile,
Bridge and culvert jobs in-
clude a 195-foot bridge on road
31 north of Varna; a 40-foot
bridge on road 13 and a 30-foot
bridge on road' 24 near Shep-
Junior Farmers
Name Committees
For Special• Events
-- The March meeting of the
Huron County Junior Farmers
was held on Wednesday, Mar-
ch. 25 in the Board Rooms in
Clinton. The president, Marilyn
Marshall, opened the meeting
followed by the roll call with
'20 members present.
The minutes of the • last
meeting were read by Murray
Hoover. - The treasurer's re-
port was given by Don Pullen.
Plans were made for activ-
ities for the forthcoming year.
Special committees were form-,
ed for such events as 'the Pet-
erboro exchange, field day and
winter sports evening.
The next meeting is to be
held on April 29 at the Board
Avcid the Spring Rush and
bring your seed now to
be Cleaned and
We are ready for you.
Barley - Oats and
Spring Wheat
Grass and Clover
Fertilizer, Etc.
We can serve yott better
for grinding as you
may now bring your
grain loose to the
.1, H, P. 1365618, ,prop,
Phone Clinton 412.244
Eduation Change inil.es
County May ':Be More Involved
GODERICH — Under legisla,:
Alen befere the present.session
at queen's Park it will become
mandatory for county councils
to appoint a. "public school
stiltative committee" 'which May
be directed to report on estab-
lishment of "county" school
or the
Younger Crowd
Seaforth Legion
`The Crescendos'
Admission: 75c
the township forms a part Shall,
by by-law passed before the 1st
day of July, 1964, attach such
Part or parts of the township
to a high school plistriet in ac-
cordence with subsection 1 of
Section 8, and such byelaw Shall
become -effective, notwithstand-
ing 'section 20, on the 1st day of
January, 1965,
Some new sections are as
13. (1) Every council of a
county shall appoint a public
schoolconsultative committee
of three or five nubile school
ratePaYerS, and a public school
inspector; designated by the
minister, shall be secretary of
the committee but not entitled
to vote .as a member.
(2) The council of a county
may direct, the committee to
report on petitions for the
establishments or enlargement
of county school areas and to
obtain information and make
recommendations in detail re-
garding (a) the desirability of
establishing or enlarging county
school areas, comprising two or
more municipalities or parts
thereof, and (b) any other mat-
ters affecting public school
education in the ,county.
Section 4 states that the
recommendations of the com-
mittee are not • binding upon
the minister, the county coun-
cil Or the public school "boards
having jurisdiction i n t h e
(6) The council of a county
'may, by by-law passed before
the 1st day of July in any year,
establish, as recommended by
the consultative committee, the
whole or any party of the
county as a county school area.
(7) The council of 'a county
may, by by-law passed before
the 1st day of July in any year,
include in a county school area
one or' more municipalities in
an adjoining county or coun-
ties if the council or councils ,
of the adjoining county or -ceun-
ties, by resolution, consent
within 60 days after the pass-
ing of the by-law,
(9) When a by-law passed
under subsection 6 comes into
force, every school section that
is wholly included.in the county
school area ceases to exist and
the board of such section is dis-
solved, and, all the real and
personal property vested in
such board is vested in the
board of the county school area.
(11) There shall be a board
of public school trustees for
every county school area, which
shall be. composed of the same
number--of trustees and elected
in the same manner as boards
of education under sections 55
and 56 of the Secondary'
This informaijion, whiCh caus-
ed. some puzzlement in Huron
county .council, was brought to
attention in a letter from Hugh
Grigg, former mayor of .1V.firni,
Ice, now secretary of the TrUs,
tees! and, Ratepayers' Associa-
tion, who warned that the pre-
posed changes would "put the
Counties more in the education.
He pointed out that—the mat-
ter would come up at the QR.A.
S.,essiens in Toronto and added,
"No doubt your council will
Want to take soiree action be-
fore July (mentioned in sev.,
gral sections of the new legis-
Deputy Reeve Tom Howard,
Of Ashfield, suggested that an
official from the department of
education be invited to come up .
and clarify the situation. Pre-'
senting the report of the coup-•
it's legislative and educational'
committees, be recommended.
that membership be taken this
year in the Ontario Education-
1 Association and that the
arden and clerk be delegates
o the convention.
"Under the proposed ..cliang-
,s," the report stated, "it would
ppear that county council may
.).ecome more involved in the
chool situation."
Bill 53 before the Legislature
:ontains only one amendment
o the Secondary Schools and
oards of Education Act: (la)
There any, part or parts of a
ownship are not inclUded in a
econdary school district, the
ouncil of the county of Which
at your Chrysler Canada Ilidealrs!
Year's greatest values on
It's value all the way—with Popularity Pay Off in
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Theae exciting 1964 cars are the sellingest, most
popular Chrysler products ever—that's why they're
•.:Mile•Nn.n0:tn::•::•..n..w.....:•,•••:.••-•••• • • • •
It never been easier to
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nobody beats Val ant for valut!
Feed your young chicks your own home-grown
grains fresh-mixed with ,profit-proven National
Chick Concentrate! It's rich in meat *eat protein,
so it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable .
nutrients, Whether you have your own grains or
we supply them, we can custom blend the finest
fresh-mix yott can buy--right here at the mill—
using National Concentrate, of course, (F.S.,Ask
about National's pro fit-proven Chick Starter
Crumbles, too plain or medicated!)
A ijittiOttet OP' tANAistAt4 mar t
J. H. P, Phone 481-0110'
WEItLAUttitl Otti1
Every 1964 Chrysler-built car and
truck 1S backed by the longest and
Priest warranty ever—the 5-year-
50,000-mile power-train warranty,
This ateliesilt Chrysler Canada Ltd,
warranty protects the engine and all
pump, transtuission$ drive shafts
universal joints, differentials rear
aide and' rear wheel. bearings. It in-
cludes both part§ and labOut And
it is honoured by every Chrysler
Canada, Ltd. dealer. This exclusive
warranty is yours oil every exciting
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Chrysler. So trade now—during
Popularity Pay OIL Make the mead-
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ighb. 401 CHRYSLER
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