HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-09, Page 51. H. A. HARDWARE CLINTON. Phone, 4824505 Albert Street .s PARADE OF IHA BARGAINS Ball & Match IHA Hardware ROSE BUSH Quality Economy BAMBOO RAKES Assorted Varieties SPECIAL,PRICE 2 for $1.59 BASEBALL GLOVES Leather Lined Professional, Deluxe Models ' Deep Pocket from $3.95 18,PIECE CHALLENGER WRENCH SET 1/2 " Square Drive, Polished Chrome Alloy. 13 Soekets, 6 & 12 Points. 7/16" to 1". 2 Extension Bars, Reverse Ratchet. Reg. Price $35.65 OUR SPECIAL PRICE $19.95 33 Prongs, 18" Head Width SPECIAL 59c BOW GARDEN RAKE 14 Tooth SPECIAL $1.49 FOLDING LAWN FENCE 18"xd' SPECIAL 89c BLACK & DECKER ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER $29.88 BALL & MUTCH FEATURE VALUE SPECIAL OFFS M RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING-et -IT CONCENTRATO • CLEANS ALL FAR RICS !MUMMY FOR YOUR HOME OR CAFI • k MONEY BACK allAILANtii Special at $1.37 Compare at $1.98 Spring is corning! rtra-la, Clean-up time, Mere work for Maw Make it easy with a Shan, poo Kit, Your 1.11,A. is where to buy Itt Kippen-Residents Mourn. toss Of Popular Woman Bazaar And Bake Sale Auspices: Order of the Eastern Star Clinton Chapter No. 266 COUNCIL CHAMBERS Saturday, April 11 at 2:00 p.m. • HOMEMADE BAKING and CANDY • WHITE ELEPHANT • TALENT TABLE • GOOD USED CLOTHING • DOOR PRIZE -C;grrePPPOent, MRS, N. l»9149 Miss .Janet McLaren_ Doig -Rased away quietly at Clinton on March .30 after a, long ill- nese, She was in her Gist year. Miss Doig was the daughter , Of .the late William M, Doig and the late Lydia Copley Doig, of .Kippen, She was born At Sault' Ste, Marie, Michigan, on :October 31, 1993, and in her fifth year was stricken with spinal mepingitis from which she made .a remarkable but incomplete recovery. _Since the age of 10, Miss Doig 'has lived on the family • farm near Kipper. She was of friendly oersonalitY and -devel- oped a wide circle of friends. She was kpown for her remark- able memory and could instant- ly recall 'the dates of hundreds of past events. Miss Doig was • a descendent of a pioneer family whose early members came to the Kippen area from Thornhill, Scotland in 1845. Miss Dolg is survived by a brother, John C, Doig, of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral. home, Hensall, on Wednesday, April 1, Rev, Harold ,Currie officiated.. Interment was at the Meleswortb Cemetery. Pallbearers were; Joe Mc- Lellan, Ross Broadfoot, Enter- son Kyle, Clarence Smillie and Personals Recent 'visitors with Mr. and Mrse Herbert Kercher were: Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery, Billy, Ruth and Judy,. Staffa; Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan, London; Mrs, Mary Ross, Kirk- ton. The grandchildren spent a few holidays with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Gra- ham and family, Novatp, • Cali- fornia, who have visited three weeks with the latter's- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson and other rela- tives, returned ' to their home Thursday. A family reunion Sunday of 59 guests combined with a birthday celebration honouring Ted Robinson's mother, Mrs. Rena Robinson, of Th—amesville, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson and family. An extra large birthday cake centred the table. Thirty- three grandchildren attended. The flowers at St. Andrew's United Church on. Sunday were in loving... memory of the late Janet, Doig and were given by her brother, John and sister-in- law, Velma Doig. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent Sunday with 'their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren and family, Hanover. 0 RCAF Experts Visit Local Base For Evaluation Squadron Leader "Don" Noble of Training Command Headquarters, Winnipeg, chair- ed an "Ad Hoc" Committee on Programmed Learning at RCAF Station Clinton on Monday. The committee has been set up by the 'RCAF to discuss, investiagte and evaluate the use of Programmed Learning or "Teaching Machines" in the Air Force. Several experiments in this field have been carried out by Clinton and Centralia officers: F/L Jerry Smith of Radar & Correnunicationi School, Clin- ton and Squadron Leader Bill Farrell of Officers School, Centralia. Both officers are members of the committee. The Americans are making extensive use of this type of teaching in their civil and Mili- tary schools. Since the method is known as a cost saver, the RCAF are investigating the use of Teaching Machines. Attending officers were: Squadron Leader Joe Freeman, Air Force Headquarters; Squad- ron Leader Don Noble, Train» ing Command Headquarters; Squadron Leader Bill Farrell, Centralia; Flight Lieutenant Doug Timms, Camp Borden; Flight Lieutenant Jerry Smith, Radar & Conimunications School, Clinton; Flight Lieuten- ant td Knight, Trenton.; Flight Lieutenant Jim Hardy, Winni- peg and Flight Lieutenant jehn Harder, School of Instructional Technique, Clinton. Ag Rep Reports Good Sap Run The' only activity on theIand is the application of fertiliXer on fall wheat and hay and pas- three, A big percentage df fall. Wheat fields are not showing ninth growth. The- goad. hernple syrup run has been ONTARIO ST. 'UGW MEETS, ON MONDAY Unit three of Ontario Street United Church WohiCII Will Meet Oh Monday, April 13 at 8:86. NIL Mrs. Gates, Sr,, who is a rettirtied rhiSsietnry holm India, will give •the study book, Top League Bowlers Top individual bowlers in the Clinton Public Hospital loop were Mrs. Paul Watson, left, high single, and Mrs. Robert McDonald, high average. The high triple of the year went to Mrs. Don Han- ley, who was not able to attend the banquet last week. (News-Record Photo) Thursday, April 9, 1964—Clinton News-Record—=Page 5 Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service ant Don McDonald aws Con- ducting Officer for 30 princi- pals and guidance counsellors from Newfoundland. Each group 'was welcomed by Group Captain K. R. Green- away, CD, Commanding Offic- er of RCAF Station Clinton and then visited Radar & Com- munications School, School of Food Services and School of Instructional Technique. Lun- cheon was served in the Of- ficers' Mess. Bowlers Cop Trophy The winning team in the Clinton Public Hos- pital loop received their trophies at a banquet held at Hotel Clinton last week. From the left are: Mrs. In Hospital Loop , Allan Amy, Mrs. Don Hurst, Mrs, William Phinney, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, who made the presentation; Jane Vanbaaren, captain; Margaret Porter. Special Values and Reminders This Week MOTH KILLER 49c FLORIENT AIR FRESHENER $1.39 BAN DEODORANT 89c • BRECK CREME RINSE 98c TRIG DEODORANT • 89c VITALIS-1 2-oz. $1.49 BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP 95c BUFFERED IDASAL 59c EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards — Mary ADMIRAL PHOTO Prescriptions - • Animal Dial 482-6626 - - E, Edwards, Phm.B.- SERVICE Health Supplies Clinton, Ontario Educators From East And West Tour RCAF Base In the course of its regular activities, RCAF Station Clin- ton plays host to a variety of visiting groups, all anxious to see how the Air Force trains its radar technicians, communi- cators, cooks, stewards and in-' structors. Recently educators from oth- er provinces have been in the majority, and last week was no exception. On March 31, Flight Lieutenant "Kim" Bally was Conducting Officer for a group of 16 school principals and guidance counsellors from Win- nipeg, Manitoba. These were: Mr. Olson, Nee- pawa; Mr, McGill, Killarney; Mr. Frazer, Brandon; Mr. Rif- kin, Transcona; Mr.' Bock, Charleswood; Mr, Sigurjonsson, Selkirk; Mr. Slater, Mr. Rytk- man, Mr. Scarrow, Mr. Shearer, Mr. Kormylo and Mr, Well- wood, all from Winnipeg. On April. 2, Flight Lieuten- ,., TIME-TO.THINK.OF FERTILIZER FOR YOUR LAWN • 10.6-4 PLANT FOOD • 6-9-6 EVERGREEN • 12-6-6 GOLF GREEN • MILORGANIT'E • COMPOST HUMUS 100% Organic Fertilizer • PEAT MOSS • BONE MEAL • 26% SUPERPHOSPHATE • SHEEP MANURE • 4.12-10 For Vegetablea, Trees and Flowers • LAWN GRASS SEED Spreader to ctittoniers for appiyiig fertilizer, Et F. VIETTLAVER: FEED MILL Phohe 481.002 Maile .St. Economy Cushioned-Action Washer • Washes up to 9-lb. Load. • New combination lint filter and detergent dispenser. • Safety release with reset.. • 5-year Warranty on Main transmission. '• Self lubricating roll bearings. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor "Your Westinghouse Dealer" 482-6646 Clinton 4111•1111111.111111, Rummage Sale Council Chambers Saturday, April 18-2 p.m. Auspices: RCAF WOMEN'S AUXILIARY 15-6b PAST "SUPER CONTINENTAL SERVICE FROM CLINTON CN "Super Continental",.-featUring:, Reclining Coach Seate 11.111111111111011.1111111.1 (all reserved in advance) et he extra cost ; Ceaoh attendants • Feat rail service Convenient arrivals and departures at prinelpal Points Ilefreshinenta and IMMO facilities Meals $43 00 • Courtesy pillows Scheduled ,"un 1-tours" for Children, In- _ at Pitlinag i311 Up to 15°' lbS• of bgage tileked free (MEW' lltD FARE TO VANOUVER* gill dANA IAN NMI NAL, chiding free 'Bingo lot adults; 8,qually low fared applicable for sleeping car travel, With added feature of corn plinientary * WHITE Days 0,00; OLue DayS $51.00 For further irlfattriatiOrt tOntOct your local dN agent. Dohoo: • Plans were discussed for the canvassing of the Park on April 16 for the Cancer Fund Drive. Rummage will be collected on the same day for the sale to be held at the town hall, Clin- ton on April 18. Four new members were wel, corned: ' Mrs. Barnes, Mrs, Louch, Mrs. Malenfant and Mrs. MeHendry, Mrs. Gehring was presented with a souvenir spoon from the WA members. The entertainment committee had arranged for a profession- al beautician to demonstrate the art of applying make-up. Two ladies volunteered to act as models and Mrs. Millson in- structed these two as to the correct use of cosmetics. All the ladies enjoyed this display and the president thanked Mrs. Millson, then presented her with a gift on 'behalf of the WA. Refreshments were the lunch committee demonstration. Personals LAC and Mrs. Rose Bevan have moved to RCAF Station North Bay. Cpl. and Mrs. Barry Powell and their three boys have taken up residence in London. Mrs, John Brennan entertain- ed some friends and neighbors at a farewell party for Mrs. Jack 'Scott. The guest of hon- our was presented with a crys- tal bracelet. F/Sgt. and Mrs. Don Kerr had a, weekend visit to MM. Kerr's sister, Miis Marion Mills and a friend Miss Betty Vaughn from Detroit, Michigan,. On Wednesday, April 1; the Girl Guides had a partial hike and trail laying test. They also had a cook-out (cooked inside and eaten outside). Twenty-one girls participated and in spite of the cold and snow, most of the girls passed at least one of their tests, On April 12 and 13 -the Adas- tral Park players present a gala Variety Show in the sta- tion theatre. The evening's en- tertainment will include sing- ing, comedy, instrumentals, novelty numbers, skits, etc., etc. served by after the 0 Last Session For Radio Forum The final meeting of the sea- son for the Goderich Township Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Merrill. The program on radio gave an interesting review of the season's programs from each of the provinces. As there were no questions for discussion, the remainder of the evening was spent in games, etc. Progressive "500" was played, and a botintiful lunch, including pie, cake, and ice cream was provided by the ladies. During lunch time, Fred Lobb and Robert Thompson agreed to be responsible for getting the meetings started in the fall season, The chairman, Irvine Tebbutt made a few remarks, and a gift Was preSented to the sec- retary, Mrs. Ira Merrill, for her work done dering the sea- son, The meetings in the fall be- gin the first Monday in No- vember. tiNcefield Messgingers Host Clinton At :Party Featuring Loyal Talent ti (MRS, in Easter boijeeyee, • don, spent the weekend with The Breceeield Messengeee The sympathy of l3rucefield her bretheee, William and Ross had a good atteletlanCe at their _and eominenity- is extended to.! Seeet. meeting on Sunday. Mr. and ilVIrs„ Lorne Wilson Mr, and, Mrs. Bert McKay, The 'worship • service on .the end family in the 1:04$ of `their London, spent the weekend theme 'Serving the, Lord with daughter, ,Mrs. lavelyn Merrill, with relatives and attended the gladness" was capably ,cendttet, Mr, and Mrs, Don $traughan 'funeral of their niece, Mrs. eel by Sandra, ,Jeelet and Reee- have moved 'to Luck:now ,and • gvelyn. .pie Graham, assisted by Brenda Mr, and Mrs. Louis Ai ielle have Mrs, Y. Aldwigleioe, Jo-Ann Ann _Hargreaves at the .piann moved to the .apariment vacat- and Gerald, 'ment _Saturday hi and Jeffrey Mustard who help- _ea by the Straughan family. London with her sisters, Mrs, ed with the dedication of the The TJCW of SrUcefield Un Abe Zaiibfe and Miss Margaret offering. ited Church will bold their Aikenhead. Miss Aikenbead Janet graham _and Burt Lahti Easter Thenkoefering. on Sere. left on .Saturday on a two were Asked: •te eepresent Mess» clay,. April n at when Kip- months trip to Europe. engers at the Dedication of Kis» pee pow and Seaforth Pres- Master 'Bradley Hargreaves sion Service on April 26. The byterian ladies will be guests. spent the Easter • holidays in May worship is in. charge of Miss Ellen May Scott, Lon- St. Thomas. ache Mustard family, The film strip "Choti Goes To School" showed how Cheti and his sister 'went by bullock cart to a Christian school in dastral ..P.ark e city near the village. Ways that education is similar 'to ours and ways that 'it differs, were shown. The influence of the .Ceneietien Church was .also part of the filmstrip. The second chapter of "The Buffalo and the Bell" was re- viewed. Kiran and her mother asked God's forgiveness as Kir- an had been negligent in car- ing .for her baby brother and mother realized she had' been spending so much thought and time on ibaby brother that she hadn't' shown Kiran how much she also loved her, Kiran felt, after praying, that God, bad Persons wishing to drive as "pushed her .sin over the West- far as the station theatre will ern skyline". he admitted through the main The work of the potter in gate, provided they show proof India was discussed. The assi.s. of car insurance, The corn» tame of Mrs, V. Hargreaves missioner will give directions was appreciated, from there on. At the Messenger party on Both the Cathodic- Women's SaturOay, games were enjoyed. League and - the Protestant The Graham sisters danced and Ladies Chapel Guild have their Lyall Hill sang. Poetry and general meeting on Monday, singing by Wesley-Willis ehil- April 13. The CWL meet at dren were appreciated. 8:00 p.m. and the Guild at 8:30 Refreshments were served. by" p.m. Mr, Robert Hunter, CHSS Gwen and Beth Hill and San- teacher, will be the . special &a Graham. Mrs. William speaker for that evening. Murch and the Clinton children See Demonstration expressed their appreciation. The Women's Auxiliary held Miss M. McQueen's help was its monthly meeting in the appreciated. Ritchie Building on April 6. Personals Mrs. Ronnie presided. The sec- Mrs. Hazzard, Toronto,. visit- retary's report was given by ed with her daughter, Mrs. .}1, Mrs. Marshall and the treasur- K. Plant and Rev. Plant 'our- er's report was read by Mrs. The big Fashion Show spon- sored by the CWL will take place on April. 15 at 8:30 p.m. at the station theatre. Hudson's of London will present a selec- tion pf the latest fashions de- signed to meet the needs of everyone. Tickets are available from CWL members and Bartliffs in town. Social Notes News Editor: Anne. Aileron Phone HU 2-7349