Clinton News-Record, 1964-04-09, Page 2plete• and all 'members of the
Olin ton Auxiliary are
Registration will he at 11:04
P4P—at the Officers' Mess,
Rea- Station Clinton and aft-
PI,' a short business meeting,
lunch will be served there. The 4'
conference will reconvene- at
2;80 p.m. in 'the Nurses' Re§t-
dem% Clinton, at which time
there will be a symposium and
musical numbers by The Pil-
grim Singers, Clinton.
'The afternoon session will be
followed by a tea hour before
the ladles from gut of town
leave for the drive home,
Those wishing to attend
Please call Mrs, B. Menzies at
482-3475 before April 16.
11/2 Lbs. COOKEDYTE HA Per Ca'n si.35
Per Box $2.10
• 1/2 Lb. BACON
Dancing Every 'Saturday Night
• for the Young Crowd
THIS WEEK — April 11
9:00 p.m. to Midnight
Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, etc.
For Rental Information or Reservations
Dial 524-9,371 or 524-9264 15b
Hospitot Ladies .Report 400d Returns
From Popular Vanishing Parties
111:04- 004 Allen
The WX had their Sunshine .
Sister banquet in the church.
parlors on Tuesday evening,
with theljCW serving a eump-
tuous turkey dinner,
The program ,consisted cf
two contests, the Londesboro
Ladies Trio contributed two
lovely vocal numbers and Mrs,.
Don Sprung gave a -couple of
readings, followed by two old
favourites by the trio "Mother
McCree" and "Ye Banks and
A vote of thanks accompan-
ied with a gift, a "lazy susan"
was tendered the president of
the past two years, Mrs, Dave
Anderson, for her time and tal-
ente given so generously in
.making the Institute 'a sucess.
The disclosing or the
identity of the Sunshine Sis-
ters caused a good deal of
merriment, each one receiving
g gift.
On Thursday the members
met and motored to Clinton to
visit Cooke's .Greenhouse. On
their return the meeting re,
sunned. Minutes of last year's
annual meeting were read and
reports of the various commit-
tees were given..
The president gave a resume
of the Aictivities of the past
year, thanking all for their co-
operation and asking' that the
same be extended to the new
president, Mrs. Glen Carter.
An invitation to attend a
cooking school .in Walton on
April 15 at 8:30 o'clock was
received. Also an invitation to
attend the 50th anniversary of
the Dungannon Institute on
April 15.
Mrs. Durnin gave a humor-
ous reading, Mrs. Tom Allen
and Karen favored with a love-
ly duet and a reading by Mrs.
B, Allen on "Friendship" made
up the program.
Mrs. Tom Allen then con-
ducted the installation of the
officers for 1964 with a word of
thanks to the past officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross,
Seaforth, spent Wednesday
evening with Mrs, Bert Allen.
Mrs. Milley Bentham, who
has spent the past week with
her sister, Mrs. Townsend, re-,
turned to. her home in -Oshawa
On Sundey,.
Mr. and mrs, .$1:44 Sihthorpe,
Mitchell, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. *Pt Allen.
• The VOW are serving dinner
.for the senior choir, Sunday
school teachers., youth group
and junior congregation leaders
On Friday evening. At the close
of the dinner, the Messengers
are holding a bake sale to help.
out their finances.
The Explorer Girls are begin-
irMg a study of the history of
the church .and if .anyone .can
contribute any information or
news items -connection with
the past activities of the church
it will be Mach appreciated.
Hensall Council
Calls Tender
For Street Job
HENSALL—Tenders for pav-
ing four blocks in the west
end of Hensall have been called
by council with a deadline. of
May 1.
Thepaving is to be done on
Brock, Mill, Queen and Eliza-
beth streets. Clerk Earl Camp-
bell said the streets were grad-
ed and shaped for paving last
Monday night council passed
a motion setting Daylight Sav-
ing Time beginning at 1:00 a.m.
April 26 and ending a 1 a.m.
October 25. It also approved a
grant of $200 to the Hensall
Recreation Committee and $75
CO" the South Huron Agricultur-
al Association.
Applications for building per-
mits valued at (about $11,000
were approved by council. Mr.
Campbell said six permits are
for home renovations and the
seventh is for construction of
a silo at Cook Brothers Feed
Mill on Wellington Street. The
silo is expected to cost about
Mrs. W. Johnston,
Native 'Of Stanley,
Dies In Hospital
BAYFIELD Following an
!illness of about three weeks,
Mrs. William H. Johnston, Hay-
field, died in Clinton Hospital
on Tuesday evening, March 31
in her 86th year.
Formerly Miss Flora May
Wild, she was born February
24, 1879 and was a life-long
resident of Stanley Township.
She .was the 'last surviving
member of the family of thir-
teen of Freida Sickle and Jos-
eph Wild, early pioneers who
settled on the Bronson Line
adjoining the village. -
On February 13, 1913, she
was married to William H.
Johnston. They made their
home on the groom's farm on
the Bayfield Boundary Road,
East, and then resided at Var-
na •for some time before re-
tiring to -Hayfield.
Surviving are her husband,
a daughter, Mrs. Angus (Aud-
rey) McRae, London; two sons,
Elmer, Galt and Ford, Varna;
seventeen grandchildren and
six great grandchildren. Walter
Johnston predeceased his mo-
ther in 1959.
The funeral, which was larg-
ely .attended, was held from
the Ball and Mutch funeral.
3, and interment made in Bay-
field Cemetery. The service was
in charge of the Reverend E.
J. B. Harrisonrison of Trinity Ang-
lican Church, Hayfield,
Pall bearers were: I E.
Hovey, Leslie Elliott, Fred
Watson, Emerson Heard, Rus-
sel Kerr and Cliff Utter.
Flower bearers; Gary johns-
ton, Barry Wild, Rex Johnston,
Douglas McRae;
Amongst those from a dist-
ance who attended the funeral
‘vere: Mr. 'and Mrs. Ken Mc-
Rae, Douglas McRae, Mrs. Ken
Kiinkman, Mrs. W. Black, Mr.
fifty lancers
Fra- FICAF ith
At Kids' Event
The Junior SWOSDA's
(South-Western Ontario Square
Dance Association) second an-
nual children's square dance
jamboree, held April 2, was a
huge success. The Bob Hay-
ward YM-YWCA, London, was
the meeting place for almost
300 children to dance to six
different tellers coming from
Woodstock, London, Henson
and Clinton,
The RCAF Clinton "Lads and
Lasses" were well represented
with 50 of a possible 63 chil-
dren travelling by bus and can
to participate.
A project Of this nature
would be impossible without
the co-operation of all the par-
ents of the children involVecl
P09104 2—Clinton NotO-Becord-r—Thursday. APO 9 1964
Londesboro liolds. Arm fete,
Identity Of 'Sisters'; 'Officers
Goderich YOuth Wins Trip To United Me;t2ons
Competing against seven other Huron County
high school students, 15-year-old Robbie Witmer,
Goderich, won himself a five-day trip to the Unit-
ed Nations headquarters at New York when he took
top place in the public speaking contest in CHSS
Friday: The contest was conducted- by the Huron
County IOOF and Rebekah Lodges, who will pay
his expenses on the outing, 'which also includes a
clay at the World's Fair. He is shown being con-
gratulated by fellow contestants and lodge, officials
who are, from left: Mrs. Abe Orpen, Noble Grand
of Huronic Rebekah. Lodge, Clinton; Dave 'Medd,
CHSS contestant; Robbie; Theresa Zablocki, CHSS
contestant; Ross Nichol, Brussels, District Deputy
Grand Master Huron District 8 and John Hamilton„
NOble Grand, Clinton IOOF. (News-Record Photo)
The Women's Au,tiliary to
the 01111tor. Public HOsPital„..met
IA the Nurses' Residence Tup,s,
day evening with Mrs. K. Wood,
president, in charge,
Mrs. P. .Baraiff gave 'the fin-
al report of "The Vanishing
Parties" stating that $404 had
been realized 'and the amount
put into the bursary fund
A citizen from the town kind-
ly dpnated a. sum of money to
the Auxiliary and it was de-
cided to buy an electric clock
for the scrub room of 'the hos-
pital with the money.
The membership drive has
been completed and the Aux-
Mary has 489 members,
The Auxiliary has instituted
a new venture in that they
new have their own hasti-notes
with a pictLlre of the hospital
on the front. These are pri-
marily for the hospital cart
but are available to all through
Mrs, D. Thompson.
The Florence Nightingale tea
will be held -this year On Wed-
nesday, May 13 to which the
public is invited. -
The plans for the No'. 2 Reg-
ional Conference to be held in
Clinton,. on April 23 are coin-
Miss Claire Taylor, Blyth,
will present an evening of col-
oured slides and •movies of her
recent sojourn in Africa in St.
James Church, Middleton on
Friday, April 10 at 8:30 p.m.
The community is invited to
attend and see and hear a first-
hand account of this fabulous
The Easter. Thankoffering
meeting of Wesley-Willis UCW
will be held in the church. on
Sunday, APril ., 12 at 7:30 p.m.
The speaker will be Dr. Wini-
fred Bryce, a returned mission-
ary from India. There will be
a short social period at the con-
clusion of the meeting,
The 'Starlight Unit, Wesley-
Willis.,UCW, will meet Monday,
April 13, in the church at 8:00
The Fidelity Unit will meet
Tuesday, April 14 at 2:30 p.m.
at the church.
and Mrs. Allan Johnston, Lon-
don, Mrs, Wilfred McKittrick,
Sty Thomas; Miss Doreen Por-
ter, Galt, Miss Hilda King, Lon-
ebekahs Host
Noble Grand,
Dessert Euchre
The regular meeting of the
Huronic Rebekah lodge was
held Monday with Noble Grand,
Mrs. Abe Orpen, in the chair.
District Deputy President,
Mrs. Amos Osbaldeston, Gode-
rich, made her official visit to
the lodge. She was introduced
by Past Grand, Mrs. John Sut-
ter and presented with, a lovely
Reports were given on a very
successful dessert euchre and
two banquets. Plans were
made for the district meeting
to be 'held in Goclerich on
April 8, also for a Rebekah
workshop also to be held in
Goderich on April 29. ,
Following the meeting a few
games of euchre and bingo
were played and the April
group served a delicious lufich
of cake, ice cream and coffee.
Dessert Euchre,
A very pleasant afternoon
was spent at the IOOF
Wednesday where a. dessert eu-
chre took place. Many ladies
availed themselves of the op-•
portunity of partaking of some
very delicious desserts, and sp-
ent the remainder of the after-
noon playing progressive
Prizes for euchre were: high,
Mrs. Margaret Herd, Clinton;
low, Mrs. Ezra Ellis, RR 1,
Clinton; travelling prize, Mrs.
W. M. Nediger, Clinton; birth-
day prize, Mrs. Dan Gliddon,
Holm esville,
Kindergarten Classes
Parents are requested to register all children
eligible to attend KINDERGARTEN CLASSES, com-
mencing September 2, 1964.
To be eligible for Kindergarten enrolment, a
child must be five years of age on or before Decem-
ber 31, 1964. Registered by letter not later than
April 18, 1964.
On day of enrolment in September, definite
proof of age must be submitted to the principal
of the Public School.
Send applications stating name of pupil, birth
date and telephone number to:
J. A. GRAY, Principal,
Clinton, Ontario.
Pinecrest Subdivision
ots r le
Plan F r Spring Revue t RCAF Clint ;gin
The Adastral Park Spring Revue, which opens at the RCAF Station Clin-
ton Theatre on Sunday, is finalizing its production. Completing the costuming
are, from the left, Mrs. Charlotte McKenzie, Mrs. Joan Fehr and Miss Brenda
Greenaway. The program consists of a one-act play, several dance numbers
and a number of musical selections and comedy acts. (RCAF Photo)
Featuring "Cloud 9." Room
The April meeting of t h e
Madeleine' Lane Auxiliary of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church will be held in the Sun-
day school room of the church
on Tuesday evening, April 14
at 8:15 p.m.
At the conclusion of the meet-
lag, a demonstration of Stanley
products will be given. All
ladies of the congregation are
cordially invited to attend this
Monthly Meeting .of the
Ladies Auxiliary of the Cana-
dian Legion. Branch 140 will be
held on Monday, April 13 at
8;30 p.m, Mrs. McCann, Zone
- Commander, Will be present.
FridOr—SerVed horn 9:30 pati., to 12:30 O.*,
Sattirtioy Served from 930 pan. to ,
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