HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-04-02, Page 3JOHN BACH FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS and ACCESSORIES IH DEALER — PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 20tfb INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. - Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHPUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 40.7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7285 GARY COOPER Life Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 482-7200 Clinton H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones: Office 48?-9644 Res. 48%f-9787 001:HAIRichl • ONT, Dancing Every Saturday Night for the Young Crowd NO $!....iekcks QR BLUE 4E4145 THIS WEEK -1, APRIL 4 • "THE DEL-REPS"" 9:00 pan. toMidnight ADMISSION: 75c PER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, etc, For Rental infOrmation or Dial '.$24-9371 or 524-9264 1 TRY ATLANTIC'S 'THRIFTY FIFTY" 1411 $50.00 costs only 23c till pay day:, (ONE WEEK) Atlantic Finance CORPORATION MIKE ELAND 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Phone 482-3486 The Easter Sunday service of theclinton Vaptist Church year marked. a departure from the usual forms .of worship. The whole service was in the charge of the Baptist High Fellowship grettP, The 'young people pre- rented a simple scripture- drama .proltled, "For Us Men and Our The presentation was based .gpon the Biblical narrative of the Easter story and lacorPor, ated Easter music in the form of solos by Mr. Lorne. Salzban and congregational hymns, In the afternoon the Congregation of the Auburn Paptist Church .also participated 'in this act of worship, The pOrpose of the presenta- tion was to present the Easter message, which stands at the heart of Christianity, in a fresh and stimulating way. Members of the Baptist High Fellowship wh o participated were: Laverne ,Bezzo, Janet Carter, Shirley. Rupee; Sandra McCooeye, Wayne Dupee, Dan lVf0Cooeyek Dave McCooeye, Gary Murray, Dave Pugh. The director was Mr. Budd Kuehl, the .pianist Miss Cheryl Coch- rane. On Sunday, April 5 at 11:15 a.m. service of the 'Clinton Bap- tist Church, Pastor Craig Pet- ers and Rev. Q. S. SWaxen, Pro- testant chaplain at the RCAF station will Share with the con- gregation in the observance of the' ordinances of - Believer's Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Rev: Perry Allaby, a mission- ary on furlough from India, will be the guest of the Clin- ton Baptist Church on Tuesday, April 7, at 8:00 p.m. The pub- lic" is 'invited. 0 WO-IIE-LO UNIT • The Wo-He-Lo Unit of Wes- ley-Willis UCW will weet on Thursday, April 9 at 2:30 in the church. Baptist Youth Present Drama t Easter Service A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. 524-7562 DOES WASHDAYIEEP YOU ET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY Each month one lucky Customer wi ll, WIN $10.00 FREE CLEANING CREDIT TA the first issue of the NeWs-Record each month, a lucky nninber will be pub- lished, If the number is on your Clinton Laundry, and Dry ,Cleaners calendar, YOU roust phone Clinton Laundry at 482-704 and Claim your $10.00 Free: Cleaning Credit, The number will also be posted at the Coin Operated Laundry' Oa Albert Street, APRIL LUCKY NUMBER 1 4 6 0 USE THE NIGHT DEPOS. IT BOX At OUR STORE 63 ALetRt STREET FOR DRY CLEANING oil LAUNDRY. bROP YOUR .BUNDLE'B'ETWEEN 8 A.M. AND ig P.M, Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week We have all the Colours in the New POLYCOLOR HAIR TINT — $1.95 DuBarry's Color Foam Bath — $3.00 We also have a quantity of English-made Leather Billfolds at .1/i Price EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - - - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - - Clinton, Ontario WE ARE TPORNEDANZIST .7.ACT AT HOLLAND'S 482.6661 CLINTON ELTONE Hearing Aid Service Clinic SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, APRIL 9; / 1 'p.m., to p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Sfore Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID 'SERVICE 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener Huron, • Objective Is $18,000 You Can Help By Giving Generously When The Canvasser Calls On %I! CLINTON AND AREA BLITZ (Conducted by CHSS Students) THURSDAY, APRIL 16 HURON UNIT viddian Cancer. Society Business and Professional Directory FARM EQUIPMENT Plan Party for Messenger Group, Gifts Dedicated At Brkefleid. Church Dedicate Gifts During Service At Middleton The service of Easter Com- munionin.Si. James ChtirCh was well attended, Easter lilies and daffodils provided a. lovely Spring atmos- phere, in sharp contrast to the. wintry outdoors. The rector the Rev- E. J. B, Harrison pr- eached an inspiring Easter mes- sage. Organ music was provided by Mrs. Joseph ,Stgrey and t h e soloist was Mr, James Storey. The reetor conducted a spe- cial service of dedication of the ten new prayer books and the lovely desk prayer book to the Glory 'of God and from the benevolence of the Women's Auxiliary. Personals The Women's Auxiliary of St. James. Church, Middleton, will meet Wednesday afternoon April 8,' at the home of Mrs. B. McCullough. The roll call word is "believe". Dr. and Mrs.' Andrew Grind- lay and family, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Master Robby and Tommy Campbell, Clinton, are spend- ing the Easter holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Mr. Stuart 1VicEwen, Coder- ich, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. 0 Conduct Canvass In Varna Area Fred' MeClymont Easter services were observ- ed in the United 'Church on Good Friday evening when a joint service was held in.Gosh- en United Church with the pastor, Rev. M. Morrison in charge. On Sunday morning a large congregation filled the church. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Robert Stirl- ing, sang an Easter anthem, Miss Carol Taylor and Miss Ann Stephenson sang a duet. In the evening service a num- ber of young people and Tyros assisted with the service. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Keys, London, called on relatives on Tuesday last: Mr. and Mrs. J. Argo, Toron- to, visited with relatives over -the weekend. Ward Forrest who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London, has returned to hlis home. The United Church Women will hold their April meeting on Wednesday evening April 8—instead of Thursday—at the home of Mrs; Mervyn Hayter. Red Cross Plans The annual meeting of the Varna Red Cross was held on Monday evening of this week. There will he the annual can- vass in the community in the near future. • The ,excutive would like to remind 'the community that their is a hbspital bed and wheel chair for anyone needing these and they are free of charge. Mrs. H. F. Broeze was re- elected president; first vice- president, John Aldington; second vice-president, John T. M c A s h; secretary-treasurer, Ernest Pollock. 0 Hensall Kinsmen Present Present To Past President HEN:SALL' — At the dinner meeting of Hensel]. Kinsmen Club, Ross Jinks, London, a recent"' past president of the club was presented with an en- graved desk set by Kinsman Harold Knight. Arrangements were diseussed for the celebrating of their 10th anniversary on April 23 When National Vice-PreSident, John Goldie, Toronto, will be a guest. Also several clubs will be invited and guest speakers, Kinsman Hill Nfickle will convene this project. On Saturday, April 4, from :00 to 4;30 there will be a Party in the church hail for Messengers who are betWeen the ages of for and eight. The older girls who attend the reg,. tilar meetings are asked to help. The children are asked to wear play clothes and each member is asked to bring four to Jaye •cookies, Wesley-Willis Messengers will be guests. Th e Messengers monthly Meeting will be held the first Sunday of the month instead of the final Sunday. It is hoped that not as many special ser- vices will fall on this Sunday. The dedication •to mission service has been arranged for April 26. Would the Messeng- ers who have been saving Goderich Township South Peter Harrison left last week to join his ship. Mrs, William McElwain has beep appointed enumerator for the Federal Government Bur- eau of Statistics replacing Mr. Bert Rowden who vacated to give his time to personal af- fairs. The Wilmer Harrisons, of Goderich, called on old friends in the neigborhood last week- end. Former neighbor, Mrs. Gor- don Liscombe and 'her sister,' Mrs. B. Williams, both secre- taries at the RCAF base, Con-F- ox, B,C., are just completing a French language course which brings the joy of added know- ledge, useful in their present employment. Meanwhile Mr. Liscombe in his 'spare time, goeS to Victoria and assists the brethren of his faith in erect- ing a place of worship. A hearty vote of commendation to his fine family. Sap is running and all the talent of past years is on the job gathering, boiling and de- livering. A newcomer is Ger- ard Stirling who has put his scholarly hands to the job and alone and undaunted has gar- nered an ample supply for the family use. * John Gliddon has been dis- charged from Godericb. Hospi- tal and is convalescing at the home of his sister, Mrs. Clara Bennett. Last Friday saw the demoli- tion- of a one-time excellent barn on the Cut Line, on a farm owned by pioneer George, Sterling, a native of Fife-Shire; Scotlan. The property was in- herited by his daughter who married Archibald McPhail Who bailed from Rannock in the Scottish Highlands. A stately brick home was erected Which was razed about 30 years ago. A family of three sons and three daughters were reared there and there is quite a his tory of laVish entertainment ex tended 'to visitors from far and near. After the death of the parents, the family sold to Wil- fred Cox—and two or three years ago the present owner 'took over. Money to 'aid -Christian medical • work at Veliore and. 1,0111444 please arrange to leave their cant/1141*ns 'with, the leader' by April 25, personals • Mr. and MrS. J. -Tyvitcholl, London, wereweekend .guessts Of Mr, and Mrs. O. Horton, Mr..and Mrs. Earl Denyke, Petri*, spent EaSter with Mr. and Mrs. ..Calvin 'Horton, Mr, and Mrs. James Bough- en and Wenda, Trenton, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Har- g'reaves spent Easter with Mrs, Hargreaves' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Henderson, Inger- soll, Mr.. and Mrs. James Pater- son, London, were Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. .Paterson. „ s Jean igeNattghten, Guelph, spent Easter holidays With 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James McNaughtnn, • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- Veath spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Mcl3eath. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adair and family were Easter visitors with Mrs. Adair's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Lawerence Sm- iley, Erin, are visiting with their cousin, 'Mrs. H. Berry, DeWayne Elliott, London, and Miss Gayne Elliott, S t Thomas, were at their home for Easter holidays. Miss Elizabeth Scott, Lond- on, spent the weekend with Mrs. E. Forrest. • Mrs. John R. Murdock left. on Wednesday, of last week for Florida where she will' spend some time visiting her daught- er. Easter was fittingly observed in the Brucetield United Chur- ch on Sunday when the Rev. H. K. Plant dedicated a com- munion table cross, in memory of the late John A. MeEwen, by the family. Thmrsdp.y, Apyik 190:4,Clintoa Sews,Rccol4. ;toe 3 Save Old' Papers Now „ For CLINTON LEGION PAPER DRIVE ed. April 15 Have Papers Securely Tied in annclles at Curb by 1:00 p.m. 4, ARK THE SQUARE--GODERICH THE Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m, Now Playing — Waft Pisney's "PINOCCHIO" Plus a Special Featurette "THE BORN HUNTER" MON., TUES., WED. -- April 6-7.8 (Adult Entertainment) Charlton Heston, Elsa Martinelti and Baccaloni Mist riotous war-comedy features a carrier pigeon on active service during World War II. Filmed in Rome. "THE PIGEON THAT TOOK ROME" SIX DAYS—Thurs., April 9 to Wed., April 15 — In Technicolor — Doris Day, James Garner and Polly Bergen In the great hit fun-show that has everyone chuckling "MOVE OVER DARLING", (Adult Entertainment) SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY—Laurel and Hardy In Bonnie Scotland -- Plus Two Special Cartoons Grand Opening of the JOHN VISSER Photo Studio 15A VICTORIA STREET — CLINTON Saturdays April 4 at 2 o'clock • PORTRAITS • WEDDINGS • COMMERCIAL OPENING SPECIAL • ,ONE. WEEK ONLY . HALF PRICE ON PORTRAITS PHOTO STUDIO HOURS: Friday and Saturday — 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Evenings by Appointment For information phone 482-9654 after 6:00 p.m. weekdays. OPTOMETRY J. E. LONG STAFF OPTOMETRIST—OPTICIAN Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 ' G. B. CLANCY, O.O. — 'OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 pODERICH 38-tfb R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square. GODERICH 524-7661 ltfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY — PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone 524-552.1 Box 478 PHOTOGRAPHY HADDEN'S STUDIO PORTRAIT -- WEDDING and CHILDREN 118 St. David's St. Dial 524-8787, Goderich 6-13p f ?.•