HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-03-26, Page 7CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm Stock and Machinery •f9ir Geer& 1alhrn,lee ee, egg, 2, We Wawelleek TWee 1 MHO We St 40 1 mile north, of APhurn M 1:00 P.m. TUESDAY APRIL / Cattle — i leurhem and Hereford ewe due time Of sale 12 Durham and Hereford year 5 beifers; 1Derham steer; 1 °ale 4 mos. old. eMaeleetere —1956 Ford trees tor; Fore. teeter manure load- er and ebains; treiler; tractor New Idea manure epreasier (5 yrs. Old); Ford mower; wagon and 'Melt (like 'new); 2 -furrow plow; post hole digger; scales; extension ladder; liar - Tows* forks; shovels; fanning mill;' 10x28 tractor tires and tubes; oat roller; 2 h.p. motor; other articles too numerous te mention, Farm sold, no reserve, Terms Cash Proprietor, George Milani Auctioneer, Harold anekson Clerk, George Powell AUCTION SALE • of Household Goods, Antiques, farm, Farm Implements and Tools will be held for Wilfred Larder, lots 34 and 35> Bayfield Con, 3 miles north of Varna, Goderiela Township SATURDAY, APRIL 4 at 1:30 pen - Kitchen cabinets; t able s chairs; breakfast suites; stoves; dining chairs; cabinets; •dress- ers; beds; springs; mattress; dining china cabinet; pillows; lamps; dishes. Antiques — Beds, tables, clocks, dishes, kettles, 6 -pc. parlor set with platform roels- er, copper and iron pot. Milk cans, grain auger, wag- on, hay rack, trailers, chain saw, cord saw, log hooks, chains, block and tackle, gas engine water pump, electric separator, scales, hog feeders, slush scraper and blade, Mc- Kee harvester shredder with wagon and pipes, No. 72 S.P. 10 -ft. combine with pickup. Many other articles. Farm—Reserve bid at 3:00 Terms Cash — Sales Tax Hector McNeil, Auctioneer 13-4b 10011111NOMMINIMM• clikARING. AUCTION SALE 60 Acre farm Machinery and. Household Effects an lgt 1 coo, 9 Morris Twpe flret fern) north of the erici9e, In of Blyth on Tuesday, March 11 at 1 PM - lviaohino.ary: ;I N;Q?..iffPienlifi 460 trac-' tor, liVe power take off, i0,polPt.' Iiitetir :draw bar, Pniley; •NevY ttlea manure loader (like .new), :snow bled; FergeSrin 20$5 traotor. .SP ,Cocksbutt combine t.g,00d condit190.; Spreadmaster ,Mantire Weeder, top PTO .(new)•;' .3 -point hitch Fero:sem mover,7sfe else PTO„ 2 Yrs, old; 3poinl ;hitch Her - eget milewatoe 12 -ft (new); Rolabar side rake (like now); MeIfbaler PTO; .3 -point 'bitch. JoDeere 2. -furrow plow (like new); Oliver 13 -run fer. tinter ,drill: Cockshutt .34qtrow plow on rubber; 4 section ;hars rime; 3 Section ,hanrows; Fairs bank Morris 10" •hammer International % ton truck; land ;packer; 2 feed carts; 2 rubber tired wagers; 2 17 -ft. racks; 1, 14 -ft. rack; 3 point Web 8 -ft. eultivater; TO weed sPnaYeri Mais scale; se r of clistreiset.or pipes for silo; bale stooker; 3 -nit Universal rnilk- ing .mechine, 2seylineer (like new); 244t. ,Smoker hay eleva- tor with h.p. motor; 21 -ft, Magrath hay eieveter, 41/2 h.p,• motor; 4" grain auger with 5/3 11,p. motor; rubber 'tired steel wheel barrow; 1 h.p. motor; 32 -ft. ,extension ladder; forks, shovels, chains, etc. • Hay and G rai n Quantity mixed grain: cern in crib; 1,600 bales hay; 500 .second cut hay. Household Effects: Kitchen chairs; buffet; gate leg table; coffee table; continental bed; dresser; 2 •chests of drawers; boOkease; toilet set.; chester- field suite; 6 -ft, step ladder; dishes, sealers. Other articles too numerous to mention, Farm; 60 acre farm more or less, part of lots 27 and 28, con. 14 Hullett Twp., 11/2 miles west o Blyth on county road; clay loam.. land, ;all workable; 17 acres plowed, remainder in hay and pasture; drilled well; windmill; spring. Terms: Property, le% down, balance in 30 de.ye; sold sub- ject to reserve bid. Chattels, cash. Proprietor, Clem Galbraith Auctioneer, Harold Jackson • Clerk, George Powell. 12-3b voregmusuismanotIC TO MY MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS: Having sold my bowling and billiard busi- ness to Bill German, 1 wish to thank the people of Clinton who haie patronized me so well for the last.four and one-half years and I hope you will do the same for Bill. -Thanks again, JIM ARMSTRONG Announcement Bill German wishes to announce that he' has purchased Jim Armstrong's Bowling and Billiard business on Isaac Street. e Open Bowling and Leagues Full Line of PIPES, TOBACCO and Sundries 24 HOUR SERVICE ON KODAK FILMS BILL'S BILLIARD and BOWLING 30 ISAAC STREET PHONE 482-9042 Giant 4 motion Sale AT T H Canadian Legion Hail Seaforth SATURDAY, MARCH 28th 1:30 p.m. Sharp Consisting of REPOSSESSIONS, BANKRUPT STOCKS, MANY, MANY PERSONAL CONSIGNMENTS and BRAND NEW FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, TV, CHINA- WARE, etc. Small Appliancesi Dishes (place settings), Wall Plaques and a large variety of merchanidse will be offered, for sale. FURNITURE — A 2-pieee C tern OPar5,7Chesterfield Siete, covered in s top grade nylon °Triezei) 2 cther assorted Chesterfield Suites with foam cusixteris; tWo 2 -piece Deeeno Suites (cerweet to sleepers); tWo 7-plece Coppettone Dinette Suites (6 chairs), 60" table; tWo 5,piece Dinette States (inlaid etborite tablee); a large 8 Chair Dinette State le Coppertone (72" teble); tele Bookcase Iiedrooni Suites, eernplete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and matching labx spring and Mat- tes; two sets of lamps consisting or a Tri -light and two Table Larrip8; two Continental Beds, eemplete with headboards and legs; tWo full size 54" spring -filled Mattresses; tWts Sets of Step and Coffee Tables; Hostess Chairs; Chrome Hi-thairs; Chrome Step Stools; Telepheise Tables; Odd Coffee Tables; Step Tables; Lamps, etc, APPLIANCES and TV -A large Refrigerator with full eros -top freeter; tWo electric RangeS; a Iterg skirt Walther With Plane; a Deep Vreete With over 600 lbe. capiteitY1 an Atitorriatic Dryer; Conibination Radio and Reccied Player aild a variety Of Guaranteed Trade Mine Televistene, CLEARING AUCTION SALE . Of Farm Machinery at let la, eon, 1, 09000 Twp., milesouth of Ooderich on fileeeseter Highway, on Monday, March 30 at pm Maseey Ferguson 50 tractor; Freeman loader; belt pulley; Mets s e y Ferguson .3 -lure -rev plovy; Massey Ferguson 3 point ititch mower; John Deere 8 - Plate onereSay dise; 3 section drag harrewe; Waterloo Side rake; lVlassey Fergeson e2 - plate lift disc; Dearborn 2 -row lift nuttier; Fairbaelts 1 -ton scale; NeW Idea traces'', eswheel sprea4er; 3-4rurn land roller; Massey Harris blower, 45 feet pipes arta down pipes; tinload- lug jack; 1 h.p, electric motor; Massey Harris clipper forage beryeeter, corn, hay attach- ments pick up, cutting bar with 6 -cylinder Continental motor; Giant Economy 6 -toe wagon; 1 slipper rubber tired steel frame .54oe wagon; 2 forage racks with hay and eorn enloaders; Massey Harris 10" plate grind- er; Dominion Road snow blow- er; Massey Harris 7 -ft, cut binder with good canvases; Lombart chain saw; 2 - row McCormick Deering corn. planter; Wood Bros. 26-46 threshing machine; 2 small mo- tors; cement mixer; electric pail; Keep iron; gas tank, 14.') gallon and pump; 45 Inter- national baler; 36 -ft. Smoker elevator (dike new) and bale stooker; 4 -wheel New Idea spreader on rubber; forks, shovels, chains, tools. Other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms Cash Proprietor, Norman Fuller Auctioneer, Harold Jackson 12-3b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock; Machinery and Household Effects, for Fred Wagner, lot 7, Mait- land, bloek, Hullett Twp, 21/2 miles south and one mile west of Auburn, on Friday, March 27 at 1:00 p.rn. Cattle: Purebred Durham bull, 2 yrs. old; 2 Holstein cows fresh; 5 Durham cows, fresh and rebred; 4 2 -yr. -old Durham steers; 4 heifers ready for mar- ket; 6 .Durham year-old steers; 2 Durham year-old heifers; 7 young Durham calves. Pigs: 1 York sow with 13 pigs; 1 York saw due time of sale; 16 hogs almost ready for market. Poultry: 125 young hybrid hens; 165 hybrid hens, 6 mos. old. Machinery: 44 Massey diesel tractor, fully equipped; Massey Harris Super Six loader; Mas- sey Rawls No, 30 tractor; George White threshing mach- ine, 28-60 fully equipped; drive belt; New Idea tractor spread- er (like new); 1 compressor; Jahn Deere 8 -plate one-way disc; l‘leClEvrinick Deering hy- draulic 3 -furrow plow; Massey Harris 8 -ft, spring tooth culti- vator; IVIassey Harris 28 -plate tractor disc; Massey Harris 8 - ft. binder; Cunningham hay fluffer; McCormick 7 -ft. trac- tor mower; 5 section diamond' harrows; drill; horse disc; cul- tivator; 2 -wheel trailer; circular saw; cement mixer; grain aug- er with motor; faxming mill and motor; grin grinder; rubber tired wagon and 2 hay racks; trailer; McCormick baler, 3 yrs. old; Massey Harris 6 -bar side rake (new); 26 -ft. Smoker ele- vator, h.p, motor; quantity grass seed; planer and rip saw; bag truck; steel barrels; trac- tor oil; block and tackle; fence posts; 2,000 lb. scales; sap pans; sap buckets; . forks; shovels; chains; fence stretchers; set double harness; set single har- ness; household effects; other articles too numerous to men- tion. Noreserve, farm sold. Terms Cash Proprietor, Fred Wagner . Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell. 12-3b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARGARET JANE WELLS, late of the Vil- lage of Londesboro in the County of Huron, Married Wo- man. ALL persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of April, 1964, atter which date the assets will be distributed, DONNELLY; DONNELLY 4.fs MURPHY, 18 The Stelae, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estete. 13-4-6b rot yeUt financing ceriethieriee Terms Oh Oil Porthatat can be arranged after or at any tikne during sa e, ALL APPLIANCES are odd witti 30 DAY WAlutOrritt DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SAL5 ALittiONEER tiERT PEPPER eloques Accepted 3% Soles, Tax In Effect ANNOUNCEMENTS The family of Mr. end KM James ,Scett Sr., wish toe» Melia" levitates' to 411 their friends ;and relatives to come to Londesboro COM,. =mite Hall on Wednesday eVeeing, lied le to help tnenl• eelebrate their e5th wedding :anniversary. Dancing 10;00 Pere to 1:30 ant. Ladies please bring luneh, lab Notice To Creditors 41 the Istate of ‘BIABPL 44TIfwV1414, late of the Town of Clinton lei the County ot Huron, epiaster „ ileeettsed. ALL Parsons having elahn$ Against the EState of the above named, vsho died on the 23rd day of FebruarY) AD 1964, are required to fee full par- ticulars thereof with the ease eeSigned on or before the 13th day of .401 AP 1964, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard QMY to the claims of which the end-- ersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Onterke this 19th day of IVIarele AD 1964. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Optarlo. Solicitor for the said Estate, 13-4-5b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MINNIE MAY PROCTOR, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 29th day of February, AD 1964, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the lath day of April, AD 1964, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted, having regard only to the claims of which the under- eigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton Ontario, this 19th day of March, AD. 1964. E. 13. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 13-4-5b ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Machinery and Household Effects at lot 30, con. 1, East Wawa - nosh Twp., 11/4 miles north- east of Auburn on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 • at 1:00 pan. Machinery — Case model D tractor; John Deere tractor with loader; rubber tired wag- on with rack; New Idea hay loader; McCormick horse drawn mower; McCormick 3 -furrow plow; Massey Harris 2-4urrow plow; manure spreader; electric cream separator; set sleighs; llehoe seed drill; 3 section sp- ring tooth harrows; set drag harrows; trailer; fanning mill; set scales; colony house; gal- vanized water trough. Household Effects — Coffee table; • studio eeottehr organ; leather upholstered chair s; rockers, cane roeker; 2 arm chairs; child's rocking chair; parlour table; wall mIrror; radio; buffet; chrome table; Gilson refrigerator; television and aerial; vacuum cleaner (Filter Queen); 7 chairs; anti- que dishes; sealers; bedroom furniture; bedding; washing machine; electric stove; kitchen chair s; cooking utensils; trunks; gas iron; Coleman larnp; picture frames; electric drill; 2 step ladders; quantity of wood; .22 calibre rifle. Oth- er articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash Proprietor, Estate of late Louis Ruddy Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy, Soeicitors 13-4b 41.11•11MW PIONEER SEED \CORN Varieties of Seed Corn suitable for this area are almost 'sold out, Make sure that you place your order right away with your Pioneer Dealer. KEITH LOVELL KIPPEN Phone Hensel! 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCEFIELD Phone Hensel! 346J1 leth Siorminiarammrmrinii.' You'll Never Take Them Off/ 4)11) ihiShPupPieS $ 95. only *sr Well, hardly evert Huth Puppies fit se comfortablyand fif so many occasionyou'll want to weer them WI the titnel Huth Puppies are casual Shoes, yet so smartly styled Men wear them to the officel Genuine brushed pigskin team e up with a smOoth crepe Stile to 'make Hush Puppies as flexible as .your feetl eay to clean, toti# Jut 6 brushing's all it takes to clean Hush Puppies like newt Corte in for a fitting, There's a stylei SI20 and tolotir te suit youl IKEN,s SHOES and LUGGAGE ORDS OF 'THANKS: P .,44.w.P.111.101:41r..c4,441,414, tthiatewits44-tflo:1 Calledon i.is en our go1dn weee' Oleg .04Y; We: express -istes sin - LC thanica,---4,OfIN 4; RUBY- TiQU$.17QN, . I.& wish to thank 411 friends for.. eardS, Anti visite• .4talyAn.sgig.05crt.11.41wct esteoli94. ;1100.Sperie, ,Addieen, The :staff of -Clinton PubllcHospital and the infirm- arY staff at RCAF Station Pintea, —13.ILL. HULLS,. 131). Many thank to friends end neigabellee reis' treats', flowers and eerds. sent to me while Patient in Clintoii Fablie Hee- Pitele Special 'tleiteke to the Lions Club, and Bayfield Church :Guild for flowers, — MD AHHFL,L,. I31 I wish 40 express my .singere thanks and appreciation to my kind neighbours and frie1$ for their lOodnesses, words of comfort, and floral tributes dur- ing the loss of my husband, Special thanks. to -Dr, Addison ..arki first floor "turees. of Clinton Public Hospital — MRS. ISABEL ROWCLIFFE, - 13P The family of the tete' .Robert Fairservice wish to express their sincere thanks and 4P- premation to all their friends, relatives and neig•lesorsfor their many act s of kindness and floral tributes. Special thanks to the nurses of Clinton Palle Hospital, Dr, 'Walden, Dr, New- land, Rev, Carson for his Com- forting words, and to the Ball and Mach funeral home. 13b The family of the late Wil- liam Ross wish to express their sincere thanks for the many ex- pressiens of Sympathy and acts of kindness she them during their recent sad bereavement, by their 'relatives, friends and nelghbours; and for the beauti- ful floral tributes. Special. thanks to. Rev. W. Carson, Dr, Addison, pallbearers:, flower - bearers, Londesboro UCW, and the Bali and Mutch funeral home, - 13p ARDS OF THANKS would like to take this opportunity to thank my neigh - beers, relatives and, friends, joe Cergy, Bert Pepper, Roble Thollepetel, end all bidders and buYers, which made .our sale an outstanding sueoess.—FILEP IX BEAU, 13p I wish to thank those who visited me, tont flowers, cards and treats while 1 was a Pe- te/It in, Clinton Public Hospi- tal. .Special thanks to Rey. Father McGuire, Dr, Oakes, Mrs. Phinney, eurses and toff of first fie-me—EDDIE PLORs IAN. 13b I wish to express my sincere thanks Axel appreciation to see friends and neighbors for new- ers, cards And letters while I was a patient in Victoria Hos, pital and Clinton Hoenital, sale° Rev, G. Mills, UCW and unit one of Ontanio Street Church, and Women's Institute. Special thank e 'to Dr. Oakes and the nurses of Clinton Hoapital. I wish to thank Dr. Grace while a patient in Victoria Hospital. The any acts of kindnees shown my husband by 'mar neighbours And friends, —MR.% EARL LAWSON. 13p IN. MEMORIAM 1‘10fil0LT:, — In memory of Harold; Morrell, who died Mar- e') 23, 196Q; "Amid the busy noon; day, The quiet of eventide, In silence we remember," —By Wife and Family, 3A1VIIESON—In loving mem- ory of a dear tmbaad. and Dad, Lewrence (Red) Jamies- on, who passed away .suddenly March 31, 1963 at Wingharn, "This 'meth is here with deep regret, It brings back a day we will never forget. He fell aspleep without say- ing goodbye, But our.rnerseriry of him ll wi never —Sadly missed by his wife Jean and family. 13b ATTEND THE . . S76 GI 1- ettOttr SSEIVVIGS t„, Planned in YOUR Church This Week CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada). Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Sunday, March 29 10.00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.15 a.m.—An Easter Drama Everyone Is Welcome At This Church o"....-••••••••,..,••••••*, Ontario Street United Church 'THE FRIENDLY CHURCH' Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Good Friday 11.00 a.m.—Communion Service Guest Speaker: Rev. S. E. Lewis, Exeter. Everyone welcome, Sunday, March 29 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Easter Service Music by Junior and Senior Choirs TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.—Easter Service 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Good Friday 8.00 p.m.—Worship Service Easter Sunday, March 29 10.00 ,a.m.--Special Easter Service in English 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch Eery Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas, Listen to "Back to God Hour." EVERYON-E WELCOME • Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of leread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7,00 l.m,—Gospel Service 8.00 p.m, Thursday—Prayer Meeting and BibIe Reading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, March 29 9.45 am.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m,--Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Service Mr. Carl Irchber, Waterloo, guest speaker. TueSday: Prayer & Bible Study Ali Welcome • St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. R. U. MacLean. B.A. Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, March 29 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a.m.—Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME Atifeb. Ciiiptrches REV. CLIFFORD G, PARK, M.A., Minister GOOD FRIDAY 11,00 aln.--Soint United Church Neareunion Ser- vice in Ontario Street Church. Speaker; ReV. S. E. Lewis, M,A., BM., Exeter, WESLEY-WILLIS EASTER THEME: "WHERE IS HE NOW" 8.30 6,tn.—Holy Corrutunioe and Reception of Members. 0.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 ane—EaSter Service HOLMESVILLE 1,00 pen.—Zaster Service 2.00 p.m,---Sundav School ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenlietti, Lere., Rector Charles Merrill, Oeganist GOOD PAI ['JAY 10,00 enn.—Litany and Sermon „ eastElt DAY 8.80 ant—Holy Communion 0.45 ani.„—Iloly Commlinion, ItCAV Station 11,00 Cerrientrelort 8.00 p.m.—Holy Corinnunion (Shut -int) 7.00 p.rrivetiirtg Prayer see-se...see BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH 8011/410AV, mAritH 10.00 atie—Stleday SOhool 11.00 itelleaLIVIoreing Worehip 1,80 p.nt. Roues Rea. aesideis Chad., here, Steatfold, Pottirtied 1141Stionary from caago, Wednesday, 8 telelealertieer Serelee • ,teccro„ Ajt..0•1, Th„ete Thara•A March 26, 1964—Clinton N#Ws-Record—Page 7 BIRTH Pel30Eft — In Clinton Public Hospital on TheiretlaY„ March 19, 1964, toMr. and gm Tony PeESoer, BR 3, l3lYth, A eon. HANNA — In Clinton Public Hospital 04 Sunday, March 22, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, Ro- bert U mina, Centoe, a datigh- ter. HOWE — In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, March 22, 1964, to LAC and Mrs, Carl Howe, Brueeteld, a son. HUNT—In Clinton Public Hos pital onSaturdaY, March 21, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Herit, RR 1, Erecefiele, daughter, JEFFERSON — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, March 23, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs, Wes jefferson, Bel - grave, a son. IsEYELIIINE —In St. Themes Elgin General Hoepital on Saturday, March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Art Leyburne, 16 Meehan Street, St, Thomas, a daughter, Lisa Margaret, a sister for Wendy and David, ROORDA — Iri Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, Mareb 19, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs, Jack Roorda, RR 5, Clinton, a son. 0 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Forest, RR 4, Clinton, spent last week visiting M Detroit and Livonia, • Mich. Recent visitors with Mrs. Jean Hebden andIVLiss Muir, 96 Victoria Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Brown, London; Mr, and Mrs. Alex 1VIultr, Lakeside, cal- led on their aunts on Sunday; Mrs, Jim Muir, Georgetown, sp- ent last week with her sisters- in-law. DEATHS cAllTR—C. March. 24,. 1964, 4.011,10011,'„4 War Memorial Hospttal, London, Craig Alan Carter, 10-rnonthold son pf iVft, and Mrs, Ronald Carter (nee Verne, Potter) Cif:4erie:11, Surviving 'betides parents are sister Peggy Louis e and grapdmotherS. 'RING IS HERE AveldthyeouSroreald Rushnw coioon4 bring CIteZtee. 0dand T We ore ready for you. o 0 o WE SELL ALL SEEDS, AS Barley - Oats ad $pring Wheat Grass and Clover Seeds • Fertilizer, Etc. • 0 ID We can serve you better for grinding as you may now bring your grain loose to the VARNA FEED MILL J. H. F, Broeze, prop. Phone Clinton 482-9219 13-4.-5b Quality & Service REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS EASTER CARDS 5c to $1.00 SEND AN EASTER CARD EASTER CHOCOLATES — Gift Wrapped by Smiles 'n Chuckles and Jenny Lind — 55c to $2.50 EASTER NOVELTIES Cream -filled Egg 1 Doz. Eggs—boxed Fancy Eggs Chooclate Eggs Egg in Fancy Basket 450 50c $1.0e 89c $1.00 SPECIALS FRUIT and NUT EASTER EGG 5 -oz. 6,5c Icing for egg in box. Put your own name on your Easter Egg. • Cara Nome Nait Polish Reg. 590 for 35c Corn Whisks Only 49c Special Value -6 Dish Cloths Reg. 59c for 37c Triple Action Room Vaporizer Reg. $1.39 for ....... $1.19 Halibut Liver Oil Caps. -100's Reg. $1.89 for . .. .....,.... $1.29 Super D Cold Tablets 98c & $1.79 NEWEUMBE Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS one inton, ntario Pinecrest Subdivision Lots For Sale Also 3 Lots on High Street—,Nos. 9-10-1 1—West of Smith Stet TOWN APPROVED N.H.A. APPROVD Limited Kurnbei. of Choice1 Fully Serviced Lots Avciilable CdhgtlifairiOnS Oh Bolidirog and Pirtahcihg L. G Winter - 200 HIGH STitEtt 482-6692