HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-03-12, Page 10"Beatles" Entertain At Shower Although it was an enjoyable evening in ,its own right, the shower held in Auburn for Miss Rose Marie Haggitt last Week turned into an even mord sparkling occasion when the famous "Beatles" appeared on the stage. How- ever, the English lads weren't actually guests at the event, but were imperson- ated by four teenage lassies, complete with dark suits and moppy hair styles. On the drums is Jannett Dobie, while the others from the left are: Barbara Sanderson„ Carole Brown and Lynda Andrews. (Bradnock Photo) • Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 Strong 'Winds Take .Door, Roof from Kippen Shed correspondent, MRS. N. L.PNC The sixth meeting of the 4-I-i Club was held at the home Of 'Vila. Ernest Whitehowe Sot- trday afternoon. Ten members answered the roll call. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Gwen McLean and 'rhea Van Nickerk is the new secretary. Donna vv'hit,chouse was elected vice- president in the place of Grace Riley. AChievement day was diseus- sed and Mrs. Robert Bell, told how to put the facings on and the fitting of the blouse. The next meeting will be held Sat- urday, March 21 at 2:00 p.m. at •the home of Mrs. E. White- house. Personals Recent visitors who spent a few days with Mr. W. R., Coop er included: Mr. R. G. Cooper and son, Garry, and George NICEchaxi, of Toronto. During last Thursday's wind storm the doors were taken off the barn, and the roof off the shed, at Russell Faber's farm. att.ACE. MEET TUESDAY The United Church Women of Grace Church will meet Or Tuesday afternoon, March 17 at the home of Mrs. William Cox. Please note this meetinr as one day earlier than pre- viously announced. • .He'll even get around to his ears and fingernails with the help of the Friendly Fuel Little boys have never doubted the proposition that baths are for playing in. Mothers lean to another theory: baths are for washing in. He'll get around to both, as long as there is plenty of hot water. There always is with Natural Gas, the Friendly Natural Gas heaters make certain you have all the hot water you need, all the time. The more hot water you draw, the harder the heater works. Natural Gas means faster heat than any other method. Natural Gas water heating is more than fast and automatic. It's inexpensive... costs mere pennies a day. So install a Natural Gas water heater now: Visit your plumber dealer or departinent store. And don't worry about Junior. Eventually he'll get around to the back of his neck. Home-owners are happier with Natural Gas UNION SCOMPANY NATURAL THE FRIENDLY FUEL H Plumbing, Heating FINK Plumbing, eating & Electrical Services CHUTER and Electric We Specialize In Sales & Service Limited Gas Furnace Installations, Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Installations 84 Wellington Si., Clinton-482-7682 After hours phone Bill Fink 482-7682 48 King St. Clinton 482-7652 Gas Appliances on Display at ART'S Appliance Centre BRUCEFIELD (Open Evenings till 9 p.m.) Phone 482-3232 WICF Plumbing & Heating '41 Li Clinton, Ontario 262 Bayfield Road -- Phone 482-7062 Your Local ANTHES Dealer MER TV MK Authorized Philips Dealer Radio — TV and Appliance Repairs 215 Victorio Street ---- — Phone HU 2-7021 "Nervict, 1:3 Our fltti/ICM" LET ARRANGE YOUR MORTGAGE For almost three-quarters of a century we have offered a friendly, personal service in the first mortgage field. We can arrange a first mortgage for you on your home, farm or business property. All enquiries welcome. STA131,1pIEE! 1889 "'"nr tlIE INDUSTRIA. MORTGAGE &MUST MOM Head Office: Sarnia, Offices in 'Forest* and Petrolia H. C. LAWSON, Clinton Phone: Business 482-9644 Residence 482-9787 ..teaR Girls Plan Program For Achievement Day Members of the Auburn 4-H Homemakers Club have been busy in the past few weeks working on their blouses in the winter project, "What shall I wear?" and are now nearing completion in read- iness for the annual Achievement Day. The girls will also pi-ovide a skit at the event and four of the members are pictured here planning for this. Stand- ing from the left are Marian Hickey and Barbara Sanderson, while seated are Jannett Dobie and,Mar- ilyn Daer. (Bradnock Photo) The Librarian of the Auburn Public Library requests all County Library Books be in by Saturday, March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Al- len returned last weekend after a two-week visit with Mr. George. Timm and also with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Koch, all of Gorrie. Correction—I wish to have the name of Tom Cunningham added to the list of those who received their diplomas and stars at the Knox United Church Sunday school last week. Torn received his 15- year seal. Sorry Torn, with that record everyone is proud of you. Congratulations are extend- ed to Ma'. and Mrs. Heinz Rut- kowicz the birth of their infant daughter in Goderich hospital on Friday, March 6. A sister for 'Sylvia, Angela and Auburn 4-H Girls To Present Skit, On. Shopping Trip Planned 11* topic, shopping trip was the , Auburn 4-H Meeting W a el-in theY.Met for the sixth time. with the president, Barbara Sanderson in charge. The girls named. Marian Hic, keY,..—Janhott Dobie, Marilyn Daer .Ond .,.13arbara Sanderson to present their §kit, "A plami- ed,;shOpping at. Achieve-, merit day, to be held i.n Auburn on, ,April. 25. • Roll call was answered by the girls giving suggestions fOr this skit. A demonstration on Making bias binding was given by -Mrs. W. Bradneek and Mrs. Dobie demenatrated how to make, the folded binding which is used to finish garments and Used for trimming.. A discussion followed on wardrobe planning . and the girls worked on their blouses. everyone Will attend at least one house meeting regardless of what denomination they represent. Following the opening dinner meeting a reception will be held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Lewis for the visi- tors and the committees. House meetings will be held on Friday, Saturday afternoons and evenings with a special youth social program on Satur- day evening. On Sunday the visitors will attend all service of the Auburn charge and be on Sing-Time on CKNX. The committees in charge are: billeting, Mrs. Oliver Anderson; dinners, Mrs. Bert Craig; pub- licity, Mr. Lawrence Plaetzer; house meetings, Mr. Ted Mills, Mr. Lloyd Walden; youth, Miss Lynda Andrews, Mr. Don Mc- Dowell. GROWING BEANS! E. L. MICKLEO NT and SON LIMITED FOR QUALITY SEED and BEAN CONTRACTS Ontario Regisfered—SANILAC SEAWAY SAGINAW MICHELITE '62 Michigan Certified—SANILAC All Seed Grown From Foundation Stock BEAN CONTRACTS . SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. CROP ACCEPTED AT HARVEST. Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS SEED and FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. WE OFFER the Popular 2-Rowed, High-Yielding, Excellent Grading BETZE BARLEY. We Carry SPRING GRAIN SEED for Sale E. L. NUM & SON LIMITED Phoup 1Q3 HENSALL CLINTON REPRESENTATIVE—Louis Taylor, Varna Phone 482-3250 1.11..fb Clinton. Heinz, Jr. Mrs. Lewis Ruddy is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Carl Govier, Mr. Govier and family. Mrs. William Andrews re- joined the . staff at this branch of .the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nes- bit and Michael spent the weekend in Toronto with her sister, Miss Margaret Clark. Master Stephen Nesbit stayed with his grandparents, Mr. and Mat. Fordyce Clark and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and son Mark, and nephew Ronald Arthur attended the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, last Wednes- day evening. Many friends and relatives in this district attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Har- vey Wells at Londesboro last Saturday. Explorers Conduct Study On Prayers Enjoy Using Many Different Tongues AU,BURN — A new explora- tion—the study of the Lord's Prayer—was started at the Ex- plorer meeting held in the Sun- day School room of Knox Unit- ed Church, Mrs. Robert Arthur told the Young People Talk 'Temperance, Plan Outings AUBURN—The AYPA of St. Mark's Anglican Church and the XPS, of Knox Presbyterian Church met at the home of Johnny Nesbit with 20 present. Floyd Smith opened the meeting and Rev. Robert Meally read the scripture lesson and led in prayers. Judy Arthur, the secretary-treasurer,• •gave her reports. Plans were made to attend the Deanery meeting to be held on April 2 in London. The topic on temperance was taken by Margaret Sanderson. Her topic dealt with the teenage problem with alcohol and a lively discussion followed, led by Mr, Meally. Lunch was served by Mrs. Nesbit, assisted by Johnny. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Brucefield, visited on Sunday girls about the need for prayer and a discussion followed when each member told what was her favorite prayer. The different versions—the New English and the King James—of the Lord's Prayer were read and also this prayer as related in the gospels in modern English, by J. B. Phillips. Mrs. Arthur Grange taught the girls the song, Teach Me To Pray. The story of The Knotted Rope, which told how a little boy learned to pray, was told and all members start- ed on their posters; showing the first line of the Lord's Pray- er in as many languages as possible. Call to worship was given by Linda Sproul and the scripture lesson was read by Linda Snow- den and Shelley Grange. The offering was received by Linda Reed and Donna Chamney and dedicated. Karen East closed the meeting. with his sister, Mrs. George Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Scot Wilson and Mrs. Mabel Stackhouse, Bruce- field, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Thomas Johnston is a pa- tient in Goderich •hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. OVERHAULED GOOD USED POWER LAWN MOWERS T'-"e first inquiries will get t'ese good Used mowers which hove been thorouhly overhauled, rebuilt and painted, Have Your Present Power Garden and Lawn Equiprnent overhauled NOW - - - before spring rush We will pickup and deliver in Clinton and immediate area. Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone 4$24851 KING STREET CLINTON Sunoco Products Goodyear Tire Dealer • •:::5;r:i: ORIGINAL NITRITE SERVICE PARTS BU FRO AFIR YOU KNO ,41.10. white 'streamers,. •ccilourfUl halleena. and two de- Perated chairs made an attrac- tive setting for the bridal show,. er for Miss Rose Marie Hag- gitt last • Saturday evening. This event was held in the Sunday school room of Knox United Church", .Receiving ..the ,..guests were Mra. .jatries. Craig, Misses Marie Leatherland, Barbara Santleraon„ Gail Miller and Bet- ty Moss, • In charge of the guests' fay, Oft? recipes, which Were pre- sented with the gifts, was Miss Mary Sanderson: The program commenced with a aing-aeng led by Miss Margaret. „ Haines with Miss. Bernice McDougall at the Pi- an(L The Beatles made a smashing hit with the large, audience. When they., sang two numbers.. The four girls in appropriate dress even ,to the wigs, guitars and the drums—acted 'otit two' well-known songs of that farn, Mia quartette. The records were spun, by. Mrs. Gordon Dobie. The four girls . were Misses Jannett Dobie, Barbara Sand-. erson, Carole Brown and Lyn- da Andrews... A piano. solo was 'played by Miss Laura Daer and a read- ing was given. by Miss Marie Leatherland. A duet was sung by Misses Martie Koopmans and Kiaske Koopmans accomp- anied by Miss McDougall. An elimination contest was conduc- ted by Miss Margaret Haines, and the winners were Miss anted by Miss Margaret HaltleS, William Robertson.. The chair- man for the program was Mrs. Wes, Bradnock, the I-loggia was .escorted to the .pla.tforin by Miss Marilyn 'Dger who pinned a corsage On her. Mrs. Grant Holmes es, corted Mrs. Gordon Powell, ala, ter of, the bride elect; and pin- Tied a coraage on her,. 'Mrs.. John Seers. read the ad, dress of congratulations and the many gifts. were presented by members of the ,Auburn LT. Misses Marie Leatherland and Marilyn Daer. assisted in unwrapping the gifts. Mrs, pradriock expressed re- gret at Miss Haggitt's depart, nre from the community before the graduation ceremony of the • of which Rose Marie has been A faithful member for the past six years.. All members of the CaLT: stood While . their president, Marian Youngblut, pinned on the pin which had been purchased by Miss Laura Phillips and Mra. Bradnock. Miss Jannett Dobie placed an attractive • ribbon hat on Rose Marie • which she had made out of the ribbon cor- sages on the many parcels. Miss Haggitt thanked her fri- ends for the many gifts. Convener of the program was Mrs. Clifford Brown. A • del- icious lunch was served by Mrs. William L, Craig, Mrs. Arn- old Craig, Mrs. Keith Arthur, Mrs. Gordon Chamney, Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs. William J. Craig, and Mrs. Arthur Grange. Toronto ClOk To kitikt IkProjed To Reach Residents In Own Homes Pagg10,011.14*.S.P.,o-Reord.hurs.,,March.17 1964 Beatile Impersonators. Steal Show As ,Friends Honor :Bride-Elect AUBURN—A newt/ 'Venture for the, Auburn-BlYth district in the. Faitli Mission which,be carried . out in this cortniitinity froth Thiiiiday Appil 2,,. to Sunday,. April 5, under the Mission Co-conven- ers, Rev. ,Charles W. Lewis and R V. R. E. MeLagan. .his is new type, of Christ- ian experience with the purpose of reaching all, who will allow themselves to be reached in the informal atmosphere of the liv- ing-room. Teams of visitors under the direction of Rev. Gordon Hunt- er, Toronto, have been invited to spend the weekend in the area. These visitors would like to meet with residents in the pleasant surroundings of the .home and would like to tell how they found the secret of life, and diseuss how we might all make our faith work. These informal gatherings are called House Meetings. This team does not come to turn a living room into a pul- pit, but rather to stimulate a friendly informal discussion. This is to be organized on a neighborhood basis rather than Merely people of the United Church, This four-day program will start with a community dinner in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall with the Rev. Gordon Hunter as the guest speaker. Everyone in the com- munity is invited to attend this dinner and it is hoped that Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have been doing business in Western Ontario for many years. Cust- omers know :they can be de- pended upon to provide quality seed that's true to variety at a reasonable price. Since seeds are Jones, MacNaughton Seeds only business they are experts in buying, cleaning and merch- andising seed. ' Because they know whereto buy and when to buy they can sell to you at wor- thwhile savings. Always ask for Jones, MacNaughton seeds for service . . satisfaction . . savings. From your local dealer, or Jones, Mactlatight n Seeds Exeter Crediton London 235-0363 2346363 432-2258 11 & 141) AniamiumurAmsmain ' H. F. WETTLAUFElt FEED MILL Is Clinton Area 'Dealer for - JONES, MacNAUGHTON SUDS nil 4E12.9792 '.Mary St.Clinton