HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-03-12, Page 9HARRY WILLIAMS 11112-6633 IIR*2CLINTON HEATING OILS - GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR,OILS WHITE ROSE Kirkton Te cher Wins Jr. Farmer Trip For 11-We Tour Of Great Britain Marilyn Marshall, RR 1, Kirkton, has been awarded one of the four 11-week Junior Farmer Travelling Scholarships to Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The announcement was made Saturday .evening by Gordon Bennett, assistant deputy min- ister of agriculture at the ban- quet of the :annual provincial Junior Farmer conference held at the Ontario Agricultural College 'in Guelph. This scholarship, which is sponsored by the Ontario de- partment of agriculture, is the highest award given to a mem- ber of the Junior Farmer's Association. The other scholar- ships were awarded to Arthur McKague, Bruce County (Tees- water), Rosalyn Robertson, Lanark County and C. Mac- Kinnon, Emiry, Sudbury Dist- rict. Don Graham, agricultural representative for Brant County, will be the leader travelling with , these young people. Marilyn has been very active, in Junior Farmer work in Hur- on County. She has held most of the executive positions in her local club (South Huron) and several at the county level, of which she is now president. Marilyn's activities lately have included editing the Hur- on County Junior Farmer Newsletter and assisting with the establishment of 'the Huron Junior -Farmer. Choir. Mari- FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT at The Queen's Hotel SEAFORTH ALL THIS WEEK "Chef Adams" and "Miss Yvonne Ter" ry Corning Next Week: "BLUE GRASS TRIO': From Nashville, Tennessee• Huron Holsteins Among The Best Attesting to the claim that Huron County Holsteins are among the best in the world is the fact they are always among the top winners in various breed shows. This photo shows the Huron County herd which placed second at the Western Fair in London. This show attracts top cattle from across the Prov- ince and from other Provinces as well. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE eveW e'ehe ?rea Thurs,4 Morch -12, 1904 clintonNlows-Recon0 R M E 09e 9 Wa tyre 'OM PP! "I. rotate ovary MaaPPY for. united • P0-3PatatIva of :000010. and. VIPIIPIt >Nor ,ROtron000, .W0 there At• VOW!' form,. PIPOia -P171914 c9.14,P.PT not later Mot -otordoy nife.415.. Sector* .fanners, .Couoperativ.e H, S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 649 W-1 kiempum•••=.1. Club Hourishei From Humble Start; Huron Holstoins ateWith The Best • Wh en -Ong observes the Many fine herds or 'purehred mack and White Holstein pate !tie en Huron -county today, it is difficult to realize that just 25 years age, only nine breed-. era banded together to feem the Huron .County Holstein The _orgeni4440.1141 meeting .was held _July 20, AM, in, the • office of Agriealtural Repre, eentative„ Shearer at Clin- ton with Western Ontario • stein fieldman, Byron G, _Gene vey, of Ingersoll, in attendance, The, officers elected were; President, •Gordon Bisset, oocw rich; first vice-president, Colin Campbell, .Bayfield; second viceepresident, Willis VaitHg- morid, Clinton, and secretary- treasurer, Hume clutton, Ged-e- rich. Most of the 46 County Hol- stein. Clubs in Ontario have assisted iii the forrnatior of 4- H. Calf clubs, but ,curiously enough the usual pattern was reeereed in Huron, 'Where a Holstein Calf Club was formed early 'in 1939 under the auspices of ..the -Goderich Agricultural: Societye the :Heletein Club be- ing organized :later the same year to give support to the work of the Calf Club, Over the years, the club as a whole and 'individual mem here of it have maintained close relationehip with the Calf 010 movement in the County, Not • only has the ,club been concerned with providing guid- ance and suitable calves for Calf Club members, but in •giv- ing its members, .particulariy new breeders of Holstein cattle, a sound knowledge of the pre.C- tical aspects of breeding and developing superior •enimals,. Today's figure of 204 .mem- leers air' the Holstein-Fri esian Association -of Canada in the county, the high production Standards of the county,herds, the excellent Black and White show held annually and the achieveMents Of animals bred in Huron but now owned else- where, testify 'to the fine job that has been done. Had the first president, Gordon Bisset, been able tq forecast at the an- augural meeting, the progress of the past qearter century, he would have been well satisfied, Unmatched Accord Unquestionably, a great deal of credit for the achievements of the Black and White in Huron should go to Hume Clut- ton of Meadow Glade farm, Goderich. He was the first sec- retary-treasurer of the club and still maintains that posi- tion, a record unmatched by any other Holstein Club officer in Canada. Not -only has Hume been a lyres work was also outstand- ing in 4-H activities. She re- ceived her provincial honours in homemaking 'club work and completed eight agricultural clubs. Miss Marshall graduated from London Teachers' Col- lege and is now teaching in Usborne 'Township. Before she was nominated arrangements were made With 'the Usborne School Board for 'her to 'be given a leave of absence from teaching in the event that she should be awarded the scholar- ship, The last Huron winner was Bob Allen, Brucenield, who won a trip in 1954. 0 A Matter Of Principle ('Continued from Page Four) cost of services demanded by the consumer that has increas- ed drastically. The price of fluid milk -would have to increase about forty cents per hundred to 'the pro- ducer for the cost of milk -to raise the price of a quart by one cent. If we turn to meat products the same is true though at is much more difficult to pin point particular costs. How much , cost is there in putting up meat in half lb. packages? How much does curing and pre- cooking add to what the con- sumer pays ? We are told that the label on a can of tomatoes costs the consumers more than the :to- matoes in, the can and that the plastic bag that ,holds the carrots costs more than the carrots. Tf the consumer wants these things it is his privilege to de- mand this kind of service, but, it seems unfair to state that the increased "food" costs caused an increase in the cost of living index. 0- CLA.SSITJED ADS DR/NG QUICE RESULTS zealous, faithful ,supporter` •of the elgh, hat he has shown .the way by developinga OP herd of In 1949, he was presented with .4 Master Breed- ee• Shield by the Holstein-Fries-, Ian Association Pf Canada, the hegheet honour that a Holstein breeder in Canada Pale achieve.. Previously only3 such awards had been made in the entire country. . Tn his, 'meadow .Grade herd, he developed remarkable family of femalee headed by 'an 4'EXPellent;" cow, Meadow-Glade Mottle Peeen Who had five' ""Very Good" daughters, This was the first such family zrouP in ca4404. Herne Clutton is still keenly interested in the affairs of the club, Recently he said, "I be-. eieve that -breeders' clubs, such as ours, can be _extremely use= fel to all dairymen and partic- ularly to those just :standing by supplying the sound practical information that is needed to make a success of breeding livestock. There is always something new in this field and in my opinion the herd .evaluation program recently sponsored by the club with the assistance of field/nen, Gordon Bell, is one of the most educational pro- jects that we have yet offered to our members". Early Herds One of the notable early herds in the county was that of Bisset Bros. at Goderich. This was a large 'herd and many outstanding individuals were bred there, including a cow that later was Grand Champion at Michigan State Fair at Detroit. It is interesting to note thatthe first picnic sponsored by the club was held at Bisset Bros. farm in 1940 with J. J. E. Mc- Cague, owner of the famous Glenafton Farms at Allis ton, as speaker. A banquet had been :held the :previous fall with I-Ion. Russell T. Kelly, the Ontario Minister of Health, as the speaker, Cows classified "Excellent" for body conformation are few and far between lathe Holstein. breed only about 40 out of 'the 30,000 animals classified an- nually in Canada achieving this rating. These are the true "glamour girls" of the breed. Huron has had its share of such exception- al individuals. Two have been bred in the herd of • Thomas and George Hayden, of Gorrie, one of them 'becoming a six Star Brood Cow and the other having been sold last year for $6,000. Glen Walden of Luck- now, also bred an "Excellent" cow that sold for $2,500 in 1962. At his sale in 1963, Har- old Badley, of Godeeich, sold an "Excellent" cow that had been bred by Willis VanEg- mond, of Clinton. Fame Abroad Carrying the. fame of Huron abroad was Queenbush Dinah bred by Walter Woad, Wing- ham, who was first prize three- year-old last fall at the Inter- national Dairy Show -at Chic- ago for 'her present owner Har- vey Nelson Son, Union Grove, Wise. While the annual Black and White: Day is the 'high spot of the season for Holsteins in the County, yet many honors have been won by Huron cattle at the Western Ontario Champ- ionship Show held in connec- tion with Western Fair, Lon- don, Although this show -attracts entries from all ten counties ATTENTION FARMERS Contracts to grow cucum- bers for the H. J. Heinz Company of Canada Ltd, in the Clinton district are now available. Call Mr. Robert Johnston RR 1, Clinton Phone 482-9135 7 tfb elemoommeemeseweimmematelesem of Western. Ontario, which hae 01-r9.1.* $,000 purebred Helatein breeders, deneeet, PelMiatinie of B1aok. 411C1 White beeedene in the Americas,, yet Huron County 44 ,.consistently clo.r4e wilt topping; ita Achievements withsecond plape -win in 1962. The Buck and .W4itg Deer. sponsored by the Club was held in cenneellien . with Pocierich - pAir la lop with go Pelee* wiltleh were judged la- TIT474.1P. Thompson of Pau s.. pare '01141,7401 the .entry 140 head shown by 21 exhibitors at -the Black And White Pay held connection with Sea forth. Fair last Here the Grand Champion bull was Banelle. Perfection Fa- • yourite Shown jointly by George Hayden and Thomas. Hein 4 Sons, Woodham, while Edward. Bell of Blyth *MO, the Senior and Grand. Champion, male, Mary View Leteie .Reflee- igen •Teheen. Thomas Hayden 4 Son won Premier Breeder hollers and: Geoege Hayden„ Premier Exhibitor honors while the judge was Mac Logae of Curries. Since 1961; Ross Marshall of Kirkton, has been peoViding leadership for the entire Hol- stein featereity through .pee position as a National Director of the Holstein-Friesian Assoc- nation of Canada. He is one of four such Directors elected by the breeders in Western On- tario, National Surge Coincident with the develop- ment of the Holstein breed in Huron has been a similar for- remeevaaavavaervavotemewereeeee 4:QUalitY AND Dire Service" THEY CAN TRULY CLAIM IS THE SECRET TO THEIR FAME wArd .s.nme elsewhere In -Cane eda, "There- are 13,$37 ,mehibors: of the gelatein-Friesien AJ.P40.0* atien. of Canada in the Peellene ion •These represent three out every tour purebred dairy cattle breeders in the _country Black, and WhItes. -from Canade have developed An enviable reputation 'abroad And seed stock. has been shipped to 33 ogrgrgAt countries. -Se illePert!ent, 'has ex- port market become, that an, proNimAtely. one M four of All . purebred heifers that reach calving 'age are sold for exposit, This, of ;course, provide es 'a welceme• source .of eddi- revenee ,the dairymen, driving just became. That's because Oldsmobile's famous Hydra-Matic Drive, Roto-Matic Power Steering and Pedal-Ease Power Brakes (optional at extra cost on some models) take on the effort, and leave you the fun. Sooner or later, you'll get that Oldsmobile feeling. And when you do, your Olds dealer is the man to see. He has 21 variations on the Oldsmobile action and value theme. Buying any one makes very good sense. WHERETHEAOTION IS1 &MTH EXCLUSIVE IN TANK AGITATOR a P.T.O. OPERATED 'MO GALLON BONDED TANK Designed for the neW and future chemicals that require Constant agitation. New Trailer Mounted models With 100 or 200 lop. 1. Wks 0 DE tr NOW Aluminum Doors and Windows For Spring and Summer Delivery In Several Baked Enamel Colors Awnings * Siding SAVE 4% All Products Go Up 4% On April 1st' No Meeley Down—Nothing to Pay 'tit June 1, 1964 ALL WORK GUARANTEED ,e,,wx$A44 Point an Oldsmobile toward the horizon and let her go. That's Rocket power you feel pushing you deeper into your seat. And every Olds has it in good measure. How good? Up to 345 hp with the Starfire V8. Now, take Olds over back roads. Yes, those are bumps you see but don't feel. Oldsmobile's balanced coil spring suspension takes care of that. Pilot an Oldsmobile into a crowded city can- yon. Notice 'how smooth and relaxing downtown Dynamic 88 Holiday Coupe' pg tow4 ;17 4:r 488waitaliaurit447:7 4 eeeeee eieeeeie4e• You can grow calves for the profitable veal calf market in only 9-11 weeks with SHUR-GAIN \feeler. Less than 200 pounds of this exciting new product will raise a calf to market weight , calves that will grade "good" to "choice". FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS and with a special high fat level, SHUR-GAIN dealer gives you amazingly low feed conversions, TEST FEED YOUR NEXT CALF ON SHUR-GAIN Vernier and learn for your- self about the exciting new profit opportunities from feeding for the Veal Calf Market. • ASK US TO-DAY FOR THE EASY FEEDING PROGRAM, AND A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE RECORD CARD, EXCITING' NEW PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES From calves that grow & grow & grow! %IQ:" Clinton Feed Mill feeds 28 Huron Street CLINTON Phones: 482-3484 and 482-3485 OLDS-a sure feel for action -a solid sense devalue! eas "e eeeeeeeeeeateeeeareeer di eeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeeeeeeeee epeeaeeeseOZOMeeaWeaeeeZeeeee,aeeWe, SNUOVINDIVISION mmemm SEE THEM NOW (121).- 1011WBEANEE-1114, Authodzed -WS( thitefidlci 'Phone '4,81-42.50 STEWART'S ALUMINUM SALES 101 Victoria Street Goderich Dial 524-8821 Collect Stfb ci-464-e BE SURE 7C? SEE BONANZA EACH SUNDAY ON ME cac-tv NETWORK. antic YOUR LOCAL LIMING FOR CHANNEL AND tliVIEr LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED ,.10 Ontario Street Clinton. 00.4824321 atualiemismian gtoiS