HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-03-12, Page 6Classified Ads Page 6, -,-Clinton - News-Record—Thum, ...... March '12, 1964 Gl e ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT. FOR. RENT HEATED, 2-13E17100M Pun - lex, :available now, Dorothy Marquis, 79 John St, phone 482-9554 evenings, 10tfb 'FOR RENT—2 Bedroom apart, -rnent. Immediate possession, Phone 482,7345, 10--1p . . THREE-ROOM, VNFURNISFI ed apartment, Phone 482-7677,, .5tfb TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE. Immediate possession, Phone 482-9512. 11p FURNISHED APARTMENT — Suitable for couple. Apply 93 • Huron Street, 10p-tfb SIX ROOM HOUSE, $0 per month. Phone 1,75, Seaforth, Ont. 7tfb SFF.F-CONTAINED APART ment, .furnished or unfurnished, Available, soon. Apply Roy Tyn- dall, 482-9928, 11tfb SELF-CONTAINED Apartment, 2 bedrooms, large livingroonl, pleasant surroundings. Phone 141 Seaforth. 10-11b 2 -OR 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, oil furnace, modern convenien- ces. Available April 1. Phone 482-3221. lltfb ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen privileges optional. Phone 482- 9608. etfb SMALL, FURNISHED Apart- ment, Heated. L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High Street, phone 482-602. 11tfb. FURNISHED TRAILER for rent, 10x40', 2 bedrooms. Phone 482-3323. 51p1p-tfb 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 ring Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb TRAILER HOME. FOR RENT, 1mile from Clinton. Large lawn. Garden if desire& Phone 482-7291. 10tfb LARGE AND SMALL, trailers, fully furnished. Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 37tfb 2 -BEDROOM APARTMENT --- New furnace, Available now. Phone 482-6675. 3tfb 2- AND 3 -BEDROOM Houses, available now. Phone H. C. Lawson Real Estate, 482-9644. 10tfb 4 -BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 bath- rooms; oil heating, immediate Possession. Phone 482-96447tfb BACHELOR APARTMENT -- furnished, downstairs, heated. Commercial Apts., Ceriel Van Damme, 482-6685. 7tfb 2 -BEDROOM APARTMENT — unfurnished, downstairs, heat- ed. Commercial Apts., phone Ceriel VanDamme, 482-66885.. 0 SMALL APARTMENT, heated, newly decorated. $55 per mon- th. Phone 482-6663 or 482-9568 evenings. 2tfb APARTMENT, Two bedrooms, large living :room, .kitchen with eating area, bathroom, •central heating, freelaundry facilities. Apply 201 King Street, Apt. 1, phone 482-9227. lltfb 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED House, with modern conven- iences, available now. Four miles from RCAF Clinton on highway between Clinton and Seaforth. Phone 482-9822, 10tfb 1 BEDROOM ..APARTMENT, furnished .ox unfurnished, beat, ed, large laving: room,. kitchen and bath, Available April 1.. Phone 482-7057, Lloyd Batkin, 1Q-l.p 2 OR 3 BEvi2WQ1yf .HOUSE, all modern conveniences, ated in lJgmondville, Available ,April 1, Phorie Seaforth 3. 10tfb. 2-$TOREY HOUSE, 3 bedrooms upstairs. All modern conven- iences. Will rent partially fur- nished or .completely furnished. Available May 1, Apply at 233 Huron Street, phone 482-3825. 10tfb IN BAYFIELD, nearly new three bedroom, modern house, Close to stores, post office, Schools, church and high school bus stop, Available now. Con- tact L. 13, Smith, 1•Ioward St„ Bayfield, phone Bayfield 66r5. 6.9 -1Q -11b Modern 1 Bedroom APARTMENT Unfurnished * Kitchen * Living Room * Dining Room * Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 7tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC STOVE and 10 cu. ft. refrigerator. Phone 482- 7434. 11-2b REDUCING FOR QUICK Sale: 2 hauling trailers, 1956 Dodge, Phone 482-7626. 10tfb OUR OWN MAKE of Chocolate Easter Novelties. Priced frown 15c to $5.00. BARTLIFFS Bak- ery. 11b 170 YOUR RUBBER BOOTS leak? Invisible patching done at RAY'S Shoe Repair, 35 Hu- ron Street, Clinton. 10-1b 1963 GENERAL Mobile Home. 48'x10'. Very reasonable. Phone 482.7091 ' 0 3tfb BEIGE 2-PXECE KROEHLER Suite, in very good condition. 62 Orange Street, phone 482- 9537. 11b MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News -Record. 34tfb BUSINESSMEN: If you use any type of, Moore business form, .they can be ordered through Clinton News-Retord, phone 482-3443. tfb CAREFREE HEATING -- For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service, A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb TiMEX WATCHES'. Sold and Serviced at AN.STETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 lltfb AMANA 2 -DOOR Refrigerator - Freezer, lower freezer with 300 Ib. capacity, $130,00; pine buf- fet, $3.00; metal single bed, $3.00; oak hall seat, $2.00. Phone 482-9693. • 11b Choose From Our Delicious And Tempting Variety, Of Baked Goods . . OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS Friday Saturday a a Ft6rri Our Stbre Only---- ROLLS LLS Re . Only— JELLY O Special FRUIT BAR COOKIES Reg. . 39c pkg. Special , , .. 35c pkg. SOT CROSS ' NS BUNS Reg:. 59c doz. Special , . , . 54c dot. 45c ea. 39c ea. Bartliffs Ba • Limited • ....:.. , .. : Res ou "unt ,� � et Eak air t ey 482-9t2i CLINTON ARTICLES FOR SAIA. COTTAGE TENT, 8x10; girl':s. bicycle, Phone 482-9641. 11b SINGiER SEWING CENTi;E Spies and Service. The Square, Poder.jc5 Phooie 524-8431 Bicycle Repairs - The Season Is He . . , Now is the time to have your bike overhauled. Avoid the 'r1.4s11, At ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop 80 Ding Street -,-4$2-9622 11b NOW IS THE O'flAV to. order your aluminum windows and ' doors, free estimates without obligation. Russell .Jervis, 482- 9390, 21,tfb Have An Extra. Key For Your Car , House We Specialize in CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and 'MUTCH IHA Hardware Phone 482-•9505 49tfb FiLTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb We Specialize 'tn Furnace Installations Heating Service ' Electric Wiring Appliance' Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET CLINTON Phone 482-7652 24tfb 5 OCTIVE ROHNER portable electric a piano, complete with carrying case, $250; Phillips 400 4 -track stereo tape recorder, plus 20 tapes, $285, complete. Phone 482-7283. 10-11b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb 4 AQUARIUMS, 3-4 gallon, 1-3 gallon, partially equipped (hea- ters, gravel, fillers, etc.), $35, or any reasonable offer. Phone 482-7283. 10-11b WEDDING STATIONERY: In vitations,reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards, place cards; two complete lines to choose from. When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- ment free of charge. Take wed- ding stationery book out over- night and choose your supplies in private, Clinton News - Record, 34tfb M6~1% 4111111111111 ARTICLES WANTED A BOY'S BICYCLE, must be in good. condition. Phone 482- 9564 after 7:00 p.m. 11b WANTED TO BUY -A Child's -large size wagon, in reasonable condition. Phone 482-3200 after 6 p.in. lip LARGE SIZE TRICYCLE, in good condition; good used type - Writer. Phone 482-9001 even- ings. 11p AUTOS FOR SALE FEMALE VW, 1962, 20,000 miles, deluxe, many extras, $1,350. Phone 524-9908, 11-2p 1952 DODGE SEDAN, best of- fer. Apply 64 Albert Street, Clinton. 1lb 1949. DODGE pick-up truck, in good running ` order, priced reasonable. Lyle Montgomery, RR 3, Clinton, phone 482-7231. 1iib 1963 COMET, black with red interior. Manitoba car, Radio, windshield washers, seat belts. ill accept trade, Phone 482- 8.1951 GMC good running condition. Also a 1950 GMC half••ton, good tires .and 30'7 r, Phone Gordon I492 1964 `V•OLTSWAGEN, radio & other . accessories; reasonable; Only driven 8 Months; will take trade-in; can be seen at Fair- helme Dairy Ltd, daily until 3 p.m. except Wednesdays, or phone' Goderich 524,9057. 10-1'.2-p BLUE & WHITE '58 CHEV. Moor, 6-cyl., standard. Clean and in good Condition Contact by phone at 482=9890 after 6:$0 datilV. ,11» BOARD AND ROOM ACCOM1VlbbATI�31�t for male roomers, Phone 42G37610. .11b . CPSTOM.. WORK. EXPERIENCED Alterations Irl men's and •wornea's clothing, Phone 482-7606. 8.9-0-1ia FOR; CUSTOM SLAUGI-ITER., Ina, and p, ocessing neat ,con- tact Peters Meat Market, ph one 432-9731„ 7,1.11 sEI' rTO TAMSS CLEANED Modern,equipment used, A11 work l guaranteed. Write •or. Phone Louis Blake, RR 2, 13rus-. sell, phone 442 W 6, Brussels, 1141,p "TILE l?IIE" Beauty Salon, New .phone number 482,7792„ Perms, tinting, flair ,cutting d specialty, 48tib ELECTRIQ MOTOR Sales and Service DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL, ART LEVETT & SONS 139 ERIE ST. _-- CLINTON Phone 482.6640 3tfb HELP WANTED FEWIALE HOUSEKEEPER to live in and take fuli charge 2 home; Gucci school children, pe age,. Good wages for the Might person. Weekends free. Phone Seaforth 867W3 after 5 p.m, or write Box 124, Seaforth, 11p HELP WANTED MALE RELIABLE MAN to work in service station. Phone 482- 9079. 11-12p MEN WANTED. Good open- ing. Sell Rawleigh Products. Year round, steady. work. Good profits, Write Rawleigi?, Dept. C-169-137, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 11b LOST and FOUND LOST — Part Persian cat, white with orange spots, male, children's pet. Phone 482-7316. 11p LOST—Black and. Tan Hound, in 13/. mules northeast of Clin- ton about February 15. Notify Ross Cooper, Exeter, 235-2807. 11-2b LOST—GERMAN SHEPHERD x Labrador Retriever dog, male, nearly a11' black; lost in Landes - bora vicinity. Reward. Finder please •phone 482-3339, Jim Carter. 11b Mi1SCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store, 20tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done your ser isf cti reasonably to n. t a r Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Under -Spray Davidson's Texaco Service. No. 8 Highway. Goderich Phone 524-7231 MacDONALD ELECTRIC, Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 29tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. MEAL ESTATE IN LONDESBORO, seven -room house, on half acre lot, price $3,000. Peter Westerhout, ph- one. Clinton 482-9812. 9tfb HOUSE FOR SALE—Kitchen, living room, two bedrooms and bath, basement, • gas forced air furnace. Best offer accepted. Apply Box 110, Clinton News - Record, 11-2-3b FARM FOR SALE --• 80 acres, edge of Auburn. Good build, Ings, six room insul-brick house With furnace, new bath- room, new cupboards, water on pressure throughout. Immedi- ate possession. Contact Dave McClinchey, Phone Auburn 526-7521. 1112-13p MODERN 3 -BEDROOM RED - wood kitchen wood house, p en and living area, built-in oven and stove, dining area, four- piece bath, full basement, extra lot. Reasonable down payment. Phone 482.7626. 3tfb Stucco Home MODERNIZEDme in Clinton. 2 bedrooms each With closet, living room, kitchen, bathroom sun porch and base- ment, Solid vinyl floors,' newly shingled roof, Has high perfor•� niatiee water heater. Iteeentl r decorated inside, Centrally lo; Gated, on large lot. Phone 482,- 9693. 11b FOR SALE Olt RENT, lovely red brick home with double garage. Central location near Post office, Clinton. Four good sized bedrooms 3 -piece bath tip, 2 -piece down. Hardwood floors. Prided far below :its value, Ap- ply PO Box 353, Meaford, Ont. 9tfb 80 ACRE FARM, 1/ n lie's from Goderich on No, 8 Elia '- why 4 bedroom red brie house, tale floors, bath, oil fur- nace, all int/dem corivennences barer 50160 in good condition; 3 decker hen hoose to barn, Artesian Well and pressure sus{ tett. Phone 524.7003, Gode'riolt, ilii REAL ESTATE Il A1. BARGAIN * 2 storey white frame. house,. consists frf modern 'kitchen with bulit-in cupboards,, living and dining room, pantry and ball; up- stairs ----3 bright bedrooms, 3, 'piece t, bathroom;.: . Si Z e bas - excellentoorifurnace,. gas water heater plus fully auto- matic water softener, Located 2 blocks from Main St. (in Town .of Seaforth) priced for quick sale, ,attral tiive °terms, `Lb see this Opportunity .contact Joe Verberne, George St,, Seaforth,. call 745J, ;apply. after U-1211 1 STQREY 3 bedroom, built lt in 1961. Large living roor,mg4- ern kitchen, full basement, qil heating. Down payment, 52,300, balance monthly payments $.80. roo2m-STed dwOREY, ellingsolid,ell bricheatk, ingS , lot 100x132, garage. 1 -STOREY, new, 3 bedrooms, 1pieceiving gap In gas hemodern tinkitchen, 4- , g, 1 -STOREY, 3 bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining ronin, kitchen, oil heating; located near schools, 1 -STOREY, 3 bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen, 4 - piece bath, recreation room, gas heating. H. C. IAWSON REAL ESTATE Phone 482-9644 SALESMEN WANTED SEM -RETIRED SALESMAN, Half . days contacting .custom- ers in Clinton area, Worth up to $600 in a month. Air mail reply, A, S. Garner, Vice -Pres„ TRC, Box 70, Station •R, Tor- onto 17, Ontario. 1.1b :Normo To Creditors. T y,yte,y111e ?Y sstatte rgo1 af!GkI;.IN .of ?�.. M#I.F3,M Ef441.Q-'r�+!•x, late f Town of tQlhitea la 1,11,4 ,p,OMO: ofiI.luron, Geatlernan, ciciceaseci. .ALL persons having olaums. against theEstate of the above-' named, who died on the 7th flay of February, A.D. 1.964,. Are required to lisle full par - tic ars :thereof with the under - „signed, der- si ned, fin or before the 3Qtii' .da of March, A,P, .1904, after which date the assets will be distributed, bavpng regard only to the .clatins qt which ,the un ermned shall then have notice, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this: 9th day of March, A,D, 1,964. MENZI S,. 1Jlitlton, Ontario, • Soliciter for the field ESttlte.' 1.1.2-3b SERVICES DEAD. ANIMAL . REMOVAL. For EA pi AB o >�. P q.r S ..LED ANIMALS —, Call Collect DARLING C Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU .2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb WANTED LAND WANTED — Wanted to rent a quantity of land suit- able for crop. Phone Lyle Montgomery, 482.7231, Clinton. 11-2-3b TIMBER AND LOGS Wanted. Hardwood bush and logs, We are paying top Cash prices for Hard Maple, Basswood, Cherry, Ash, Soft Maple and Beech. James T. Craig & Son, Auburn Sawmill, phone Auburn 526- 7220, 11-2-3b ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE MASSEY-HARRIS 7 -ft. binder, in new condition, very rarely used. Priced reasonable. F, W. Andrews, phone 482-3462 Clin- ton. 11-2p 1,000 ALES OF GOOD HAY. Contact Mrs. Bert Middegaal, phone Blyth 523-4486, 10-1-2p FILL GRAVEL for sale, Front- end loader work, light bulldoz- ing, back -filling. Lyle Mont- gomery, RR 3, Clinton, phone 482-7231. 11tfb A QUANTITY of Birdsfoot a'refoii seed, Robert Lawson, RR 5, Clinton, phone 482-9947. 9-10-11b INQUIRE at Wettlaufer's Feed' Mill about new MASTER Hog Contract Plan. Phone 482-9792. 9-10-11b FARMERS BE SURE YOU GET THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON ALL YOUR FARM TIRE REQUIREMENTS. HAUGH BROS. Farm Equipment 1%4 miles East of Brucefield 10 -lb 900 BALES OF GOOD HAY. K. Amsinga, RR 2, Goderich, phone 524-8057. 11b 300 BALES MIXED HAY for sale. Phone 482-9332, Mrs. Florence Elliott, 105 Rotten - bury Street East. 1113 YOURS FOR THE TAKINGi An 18`x24' Straw shed .tobe removed from the property of George W. ,Colclough, RR 1, Clinton, phone 482-3203. 1113 HAY FOR SALE. Some good quality mixed hay in square bales. Contact Irvine Tebbutt, RR 2 Clinton, phone 482-7474. 10-1b To stop calf scours and pre- vent their recurrence use NIX- ON'S SCOURER COMPOUND TABLETS. This product must work or youtr money will be refunded. 14 tablet bottle only $3.00, Available at Edward's Pharmacy lin Clinton. 11b SPRING FERTILIZERS We Suggest You Contact. Harriston Fertilizers Ltd, Clinton or your local Harriston agent and plan you,~ spring fertilizer requirements now. Check our complete Bulk Hand- ling' Facilities, Services and ]''rices before you buy your re- giiirements: Special March Discounts and Cash Discounts 'HC NE: CLI N1`ON PLANT 482-9133, Clinton FRANK PEARCE 396, Seisfbrth DON HOCKING 155 r 20, Kirktort PET STOCK COLLIE PtrPS, 10 weeks, old. cur Ives, RR 2, •Clinton, phone 524-6355. 11. 12ti IsUPS,TO ci AWAY' In,B•1;, 3 tYion:ths oict, nice Prett4.. Jetties Landsborough, RR .4 Sea,fotith, phinne Seaforth 665W1, lib FOR SALE 1,000 BALES WHEAT STRAW, 20c per bale. In Brucefield area. Must be removed, Wallace Ross, Phone 135J Seaforth, 11b 400 BALES OF OAT STRAW. Apply Milton Dale, phone 482- 7537, 11b QUANTITY of baled bay and straw. Mary Rathwell, RR 3, Clinton, phone 482-9105. 11p HAVE YOU MADE PLANS For Your Application A Ication Of Elmira Brand Fertilizer Available in Bag or Bulk at Exeter, Elmira, Brucefield A new loading ramp and pay loader has been added for our Brucefield customers. For further information regarding prices, spreader rentals, applica; tion of Liquid Nitrogen, soil testing . . , CALL Your Local Dealer or Robert Taylor Sales Representative For Read Fertilizers Ltd. Phone 482-9144 11-eow SALES AND SERVICE, Vik- ing Separators, Milkers. Black- smith and Welding Shop, Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone 482-9131. 6-22p ONE TD6 INTERNATIONAL Caterpillar with angle blade plus: automatic winch on back, in Al condition. Contact Dave McClinchey, phone Auburn 526- 7521. 11-12-13p Attention F Farmers' a I WHY WAIT FOR SPRING ORDER NOW BUY DIRECT AND SAVE, Barb Fencing Light, Heavy, Extra Heavy Hog and Cattle Fencing per rod Peeled 5” Cedar Posts 7-4. Steel Posts Electric Fencers Ele ... cers First Quality Only Another Membership Benefit ALLIED FARM SERVICES Your HUrbn County Agent CHARLES R. HARRIS Phone Bayfield 95 8 -1i -14b LIVESTOCK FOk SALE 10 PIGS, 7 VVDEKS OLD, York x Lacombe breed, Contact Jaynes 1Vtacbonald, x3ztcefield, phone 482750$, 11b HOLSTEIN C C7 W , freahen March 15, Phone Earl Coit,. 482-3343, 11p.: (PASTURE iFOR RENT PASTi)P1i FOIA RENT by the head. See A, L, Shanahan, 4th. Coneessitsn, Hullett, RR Clinton, • 11tfb. Complete •HQIstein Dispersal t Corey's Salic 1;,iln, Vliate , .Ontario Weiinesday, March 14 tit 1.:30 p4n, Consisting of4 Ho1srtein cows, mast -of which are Reg tisteied, 15. of these cows Will be fresh by sale time,. balance to freshen soon„ These cows have been bred to a Registered Hereford bull .and their black and white face calves will also be sold, Anyone wiskli?1g to purchase big young cows should plan. to attend this $ale, Also g not sold previous to sale day, we will :offer 2 surge units; also a 35 can bulk tank cooler in good a$ new condi- tion; also a .15 -run McCormick seed. dru1.. Anyone wishing to inspect these cows or equi'pnlent before sale -day :may do So at the farm of .Lebeau 1.3ros,, 1 •12111.e south of Clinton on No. 4 Idiighway- 1 PIONEER SEED CORN Varieties of Seed Corn suitable for this area are almost sold out. Make sure that you place your order right away with your Pioneer Dealer. KEITH LOVELL KIPPEN Phone Hensall 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCEFiELD Phone Hensall .346i1 itfb- PAIRY ,$Air AUCTION SALE sif ltl;olsteur UuW$ iota tiellerS Remail Sales Arena Sq#tu..rday, Marfh g.11 at 8;99 p,tn.. 35 Holstein cows and •Deiters,. due to freshen in March and fend, Teens: Up to 3 Years to pay, Terixis ban be arranged three days prior to sale.. Apwtioneers Uarold ,,Taelisol'l, • Victor I11argreavas Clinton 482-150 ITeetor McNelle. Stiles Manage Henson235 11-12b Classified Ads ss � dr s Bring Results 1 Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 a.m. 1 Government inspected Scales. Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager r FOR EASTER Choose your Easter Ward- robe now while Selections are best, SUITS COATS HATS SPORTCOATS SLACKS SHIRTS Saturday, March 14 is dead- line for Made -to -Measure suits for Easter. Order Now. Pickett & Campbell MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Main Corner --- Clinton -- Phone 482-9732 AUCTION SALE At The CLINTON LEGION HALL, Clinton, Ontario Saturday Afternoon, March 14 -- 1:30 share Consisting of REPOSSESSIONS, BANKRUPT STOCKS, and Many, Many Personal Consignments, consisting of Brand New Clothing — Furniture -- TV — Appliances. FURNITURE; A 2 -piece Chestabed Living Room Suite that folds out to a full ,%4 -size bed with spring -filled mattress built inside, A 2 -piece French ProvincialChesterfield Suite covered in a top grade nylon cover. 2 other assorted Chesterfield Suites with foam cushions. Two 2 -piece Davenport Suites with swivel rockers. Two 9 -piece Chrome or Coppertone Kitchen -Dinette Suites consisting of 8 chairs and 72" table. Two 7 -piece sets consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" stable with inlaid top. One Deluxe 5 -piece Coppertone Dinette . Suite.* Three Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and matching box -spring . and mattress. Two sets of Lamps consisting of a Trilight Lamp and 2` Table Lamps to each set. 1 set of Colonial Step and Coffee Tables in a natural Maple finish. Other step & coffee tables. Two 39" Continental Beds complete with head- boards & legs. One 54" Continental Bed complete. 4 full size 54" Mattresses (spring -filled). 2 Hostess Chairs, Platform Rocker, 9x12 Rug, Hi Chair, Telephone Table, Kitchen Step Stool, Chrome Rocker, AM, ;FIM Mantel Radio and 1 Writing Desk, APPLIANCES and TV: A Large Refrigerator with full cross - top freezer, 2 Electric Ranges one being a Deluxe model. A long Skirt Washer with pump. A 15 cu, ft, Deep Freeze that holds over 500 lbs. of frozen food. Automatic Washer and Dryer (mat- ching pair). Combination Radio and Record Player, 7 different Television Sets, 21" models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition. CLOTHING: Ladies' 2- and 3 -piece Suits, Dresses, Slims, Slacks and Nylons. Girl's Wool Dresses, Slims, Jeans, Socks, Coats, Jackets, • etc., as well as a variety of smaller children's clothing for all ages and sizes. Truly an outstanding selection of rand New Clothing. Note:- All the Appliances int this sale are guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up in your home. Don't Miss This Outstanding Auction Sale AUCTIONEER: LEO E. BiRD TERMS CASH—.Cheques accepted on furnittire-3%a sales tax in effect. SPECIAL NOTICE CREDIT TERMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE to anyone with a job, steady income and a good credit rating. If you qualify just fill in the application below and mail it to -day to Auctioneer Leo E. Bird, 614 Gordon Ave., London, Ontario. All approved applicants will receive immediately an O.K. CREDIT ,CARD which will enable them to bid on any item in the Auction Sale—pay no money down and take ti to 30 months to pay. Attend this and every other Auction Sale conducted by Auctioneer Leo Bird and BUY THE EASY WAY . , PAY YOUR OWN PRICE' , . . NO DOWN PAYMENT . . , UP TO 30 MON'ItHS TO PAY, CREDIT APPLICATION Name Age Address Phone Erhployer How Long Credit Reference Finance Company Finance Company Batik Other referenoesi Signature , ...,. *Or ,,,.,, i thisC you calci possibly If you 'mail application to -clay y qualify for Credit 13uy ing at this diming Auction Sale. 11b g