HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-03-12, Page 2Page 2—Clinton News-Record—Thurs.," March 12, 1964
PETER'S Meat Market
ilL61 ST E AK
TURKEY LEGS — — lb- 49
SPORK or SPAM 2 for The
by W.' W. Haysom
your telephone manager
How much does YOUR home telephone cost you a day?
10c? 15c? 20c? let you in on a secret: It's considerably
less than the price of a small pack of cigarettes, less than
the price of most magazines, less than the price of a fancy
soda. In fact, when you consider all that , the telephone does
for you, you realize that the small monthly charge cannot
fairly be said to represent the VALUE of your service, That
cannot be measured until someone can put a price on calls
that say, "It's a girl," "The job is yours," or, "Come quickly,
doctor." And that cannot be 'done until our hearts are made
of stone.
Almost any homemaker around town will tell you one of
the most tiring parts of running a home is "running" from
room to room. '"Room-to-room" travel is the way one good
lady described it, the other day. I'm no adviser on home
economics, but was able to tell her a good way to save
steps: Have additional telephones installed, where they are
most needed, like the kitchen, bedroom and den. I pointed
out how the smart decorator colours would blend, contrast
or harmonize with her own colour .schemes, If YOU need
additional phones, just call our BuSiness office and place
your order. They cost so little—less than a nickel a day,
plus a one-time charge for colour and installation.
Installation and Repair Foreman, for the GOderich Ter-
ritory, with office at Clinton, from where he is responsible
for Plant forces for Gode-
, rich, Clinton, Seiforth,
Hensel!, Exeter, Crediton
and Centralia.
"Herb" started with
our Company in February
1943, and after the 'Navy'
in World War II, returned
to the 'BOP in Toronto as
station installer, repair-
man, from then as cable
repairman, tester, a n d
Forernan in London, Herb
has gained much exper-
ience in the torninunIcaQ
tions field to aid him in
his retponsibilities here.
Married to Ellen, has
four children, Ken, 11;
Gary, 8; Karen and' Shark
On (twins), for pets;
goldfish, Toni, Dick, Harry
and Moe. The family re-
tide in Goderich Where Herb is a tealOtis orker—,devoting his off time to Boy ScoUt Work, in his church and doMmuflity,
Clinton Airmen Win
Four young airmen from RCAF Clinton won
the second draw in the Sifto Salt bonspiel held in
the new' curling rink at Goderich last week. They
are shown here receiving their blankets frdin A: p.
Boutilier, left, manager of the fine salt division of,
Bonspiel at Goderich
Sifto Salt and Gordon Muir, right, manager Of the
mine.,' inemher'sifroth The'left'are: 1,,etoy
Jones, s ip;' Alan, gbnes; Vice, slip; JAek"Spa:rrow,
gedond; 'Garyl-Teigfi, lead:
(Goderich Signal-Star)
Approve Budgpt,
Name Relegates
rucefield UCW •
It's impossible to hang a price tag on this bottle of blood. Fortunately,
in this country., no one ever does. Your Canadian Red Cross provides
whole blood and blood products absolutely free to almost 300,000
victims of illness, accident and disaster every year. All that's ever asked
is your support. The Blood Transfusion Service is one of the many
-t*tys the Red Cross serves this community, this nation and the world.
Through the Red Cross your help (lees so much for so many,
Clinton Canvass Tieing Made
burin§ Week of March 6 to 14
Mrs, W. A, Oakes
Clinton Chairman VEInt STEP OV THE WAY
Before The Extra 4% 'Sales Tax
Goes On All Building and Decor-
ating Mat!rials on April 1, 1964.
o. 0
A Spring Decorating
Special . .
Style - Tex
.110 '2RPITZt.IsiSROLL On I y 630
33 Huron Street — CLINTON — Phone 482-9542
Decorating Accessories
Paints -- Wallpapers -- Draperies
Council Hears Plan
Miffed With
Legion Ladies Plan. Athletic Wings,
Learn. 'Milo, Decoration. At Hall.
He noted that tin comparison
to 'other municipalities in the
watershed, Clinton' was too
highly -assessed
'We have every grounds to
refuse thorn," he stated,
-However, Clerk John Liver-
more replied that the way the
act was . set up governing -the
conser=vation group, Clinton 'was
"sucked irt".
Mayor _Miller agreed in part
with this thinking, rioting that
the Lower Thames Conserva-
tion Authority was at present
attempting 'to get two delin-
quent municipalities tO pay
their fees,
He quoted a news report stat-
ing that 'an official of the con-
servation group had said he
hoped the two 'towns would pay
without the Lower Thames
group being forced into "ex-
treme measures" to collect the
Mayor Miller noted he was in
favour of conservation groups
as well, and, even. indicated he
would like 'to see the Bayfield
River watershed taken into one
Of the two area authorities,
However, he stated there was
no -interest_ in either Stanley
or Tuckersmith. Townships for
such •a move, although •he said
council should perhaps consid-
er stirring up some interest
with these two municipalities
in the Bayfield River water-
Further discussion 'will un-
doubtedly be held when the
assessment for the year is re-
ceived from the Maitland River
Conservation Authority.
Show Place? •
Reeve Morgan Agnew was
given permission to investigate
plans for improving the town
shed after he told council he
wanted to make it "a show
He noted that a ceiling
should be put in the building
and a gas furnace installed to
not only improve the premises,
but also to reduce' the mam-
moth fuel
Agnew also stated the out-
side walls should be white-
He noted with these improve-
ments, visitors would be im-
pressed with the structure.
Councillor Don Symons inter-
jected one of has monthly
"plugs" for electrical 'heating
and said the town would have
something of Which they could
really be proud if 'they could
tell visitors the building was
heated electrically.
Symons noted coal was an
inadequate and costly way of
heating the building.
Duff Thompson agreed, not-
ing under the present setup the
fire May as well be out in the
middle of the yard for all the
good it did.
Agnew was asked to bring in
his recornmendations for irn-,
provements. '
In other btisiness,
' Appointed Mrs. Mice Tharn.p-
son to the committees of which
her predecessor, Allan Elliot,
had been a member.
Gave authorization for work-
ing together with the Clinton
and District Chamber of Corn-
memo in the preparation and
printing Of a new brochure, ad-
vertising Clinton. --
j rees
Approved building permits
for: Sparling Hardware, a $300
sign; N. J. Snider, $20 sign;
A. J. Grigg and Son, $3,000
Mrs, Gordon Elliott had
charge of the March meeting of
the Brucefield UCW on Tues-
day and roll call was answered
by 23 ladies.
The treasurer's repOrt show-
ed a balance of $521.67.
Mrs. Berry reported for the
cards and flower committee.
and the group learned they
had received invitations 'to at-
tend meetings in Clinton, Hen-
sall and Egmonclville.
Due to the fact the Thank-
offering has been planned for
April 2, 'the invitation to Wes-
ley-Willis UCW could not be
Kippen UCW and the Bar-
bara Kirkman group from Sea-
forth Presbyterian Church will
be guests at the Thankoffer-
Mrs. Bell reported for the
manse committee 'that the bath-
room 'has been re-decorated and
the finance committee budget
of $1,900, was accepted on the
motion of Mrs. Plant and
Mrs. Elgin Thompson..
Mrs. Plan t, Mrs. John
Broadfoot Mrs. J. A. McEwan,
Mrs. G. Elliott and Mrs. A.
McBeath were named as dele-
gates 'to the Presbyterial in
Exeter on March 18.
The worship service was und-
er the leadership of group three
and was taken by Mrs. W.
Scott, Mrs. McEwan and. Mrs.
Elliott, 'Who also conducted a
Mrs, Plant showed a film
and Mrs. R. Scott led in prayer.
Mrs. Scott thanked Mrs.
aoweisrsse -eiqn .ratv aoj meld
in preparing such a lovely Eas-
ter program.
Roy Jewell of CFPL will
show slides of his trip to
Europe in the church on March
The meeting of the
Ladies AttNiliary to the Cana,
diAn Legion was .1104. on Mon,
day .With the president, Mrs,
Robert Burke, presiding,
A. number of events will, be
Mrs. Jennie .Patterson.
Death claimed one of Sea-
forth's oldest residents Mon-
MarCh 2, at 1-11-irOnvieW,.
Clinton, in the Person of June
Wardrope Cutnill, widow of the
late 4ohn A. Patterson, in her
92nd year, She was +the daugh-
ter Of the late John Quthilland
Dixon Arbudkle- Of ScOtlantV.
-Mrs. Patterson. learned 'the
dressmaking Seaforth' and
continued 'her -trade her -entire
life: She' Was married in' 1895
to John A, Patterson, of Shel-
don," North. Dakota, 'where she
lived till the -death, of tier hus,
band in '1011, when she return-
ed'• to 'SeafOrth - with her - five
children. • —
She is survived by one son,
Eigie, "of Blue Ridge, Alberta;
Mrs. R. K."°(Pearl) McFarlane,
Seaforth,- and Mrs, 'W, • C.
(Irene) Bennett, 'Clinton. She
Wlas predeceased by` two sons,
Claude of Fargo, N.D., hi
1961, and Vincent in 1923. A
brother, William Cuthill, of
Bountiful, Utah, - also survives,
besides 20 grandchildren, 39
great-grandchildren and one
great-great-grandchild, as well
as nephews and nieces, ,
The funeral: was held from
the G. A. Whitney funeral home
on Wednesday and was con-
ducted by her minister, Rev. D.
Pallbearers were Ronald
Bennett, - Walton; Bruce Wal-
ters, London; Oscar and Wil-
mer Cuthill, Seaforth; Thin
Watson, London, and A, Y. Mc-
Lean, Seaforth.
Interment was in the Ritz
Memorial Mausoleum, Mitchell,.
12 at 8:30 p.m. Lunch will be
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross
and Mrs. Gordon Elliott attend-
ed the ice cream 'convention
in Toronto on Monday.
Miss Mary.Allan returned to
Kitchener Hospital on •Sunday
after spending two weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
gar Allan.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ball'
and Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Camp-
bell and family, Mitchell, vis-
ited Mrs. C. Clifton on Sun-
coming up which the ladies of
'the Auxiliary are lOndly Te-
qmosIted to keep in mind.
On. March 17, the Fish mid
BowlingGmbanreaegt 114e banndthqe ul\let l ixeds
scheduled for April 10. All help
is welcomed.
The Auxiliary has invitations
to Participate in a number of
sports events; a card party,
Seaforth, March 18; a mixed
bowling tournament, Kincar-
dine, April 4; ladies hoWling
tournament, Walkerton, Apdil
Theenter aAuxteaThiliarayn also
pprleainims into.
aries of the Provincial Legion
howling tournament. All lad-
les"interested, in; any 0 'the
preceding events please contact
Nis, William Holland or Mrs.
Ron MacDonald.
A very 'successful dessert
euchre and bake sale was, •held
on- March 4. It was noted, the
new blinds have been hung and
will prove very 'prantical as
well as decorative with the new
Along with the fine paint job
and new wall lights, 'the hall is
very much improved in •the
last year.
A letter of thanks will be
sent to the Legion men for the
excellent dinner served by them
which the ladies so enjoyed on
February 29.
An interesting demonstration
on the many different cuts of
meat was given by Mr. Ed, Mc-
Hugh, supervisor for IGA
meats. Prizes of a fine Toast
and thick steaks donated by
Clinton IGA were won by Mrs.
K. W. Colquhoun and Mrs. P.
Cormier. Other prizes of pota-
to chips and soft drinks were
given out.
Mrs. George Knights won the
monthly mystery prize.
A lunch of doughnuts and
coffee was enjoyed.
The Huronyiew Ladies Aux-
iliary will meet at the home
on Monday, March 16 'at 2:30
D. A, KAY and SON
sir gg,sts
Lusterglaze Permanent Finish
Pride-of-Paris DRAPERIES
Draperies - Bedspreads - Slip Covers
Sold by the yard , , or we can have them
-Custom-made . Come in and
check our prices.
Limited Quantity -- No Exchanges -- No Whites
LATEX or FLAT PAINT .... per quart 75c
ENAMEL PAINT per quart $1:00
FLAT PAINT per Gallon $2.50
GLOSS PAINT per Gallon $3.00
Monday to Saturday
MARCH 9 to 14
Clinton council indicated
Monday night they may at-
tempt to hold back their 1964
fees for the Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority unless
there is an alteration made in
the assessment.
Although their assessment
has not been received, council
discussed the matter on the
apparent grounds that 'the fig-
ure would be at least the same
as last yeai% when they were
billed $343.00,
At that time they paid the
fees under protest, asking for
a survey to determine the
amount of land in the munici-
pality which drains into the
"I'm not opposed to member-
ship (in the Authority)," coun-
cillor Don Symons stated, but
added he was opposed to the
way in which. Clinton was as-
12-Month Parts
Do Drops
Best Betts
Rowdy Rivals
Show Offs
Saucy Seven
High single, Jennie Trynchuk;
268; high triple, Jennie Tryn-
chuk, 577; high average, Caryl
Ranger, 187.
Scores over 200: Jennie Tryn-
chuk, 268; Dorothy McEwan,
237,- 236; Eva McDonald, 234;
Joyce Hubei, 228; Caryl Rang-
en 226; Rooney Christian, 221;
Yvette Rousseau, 215; Noreen
Cote, 211; Sheila Anderson,
210; Bea Bowman, 20$; Trev
Richardson, 201.
The longer life and greater dependability of all tubes and
components by the 'advanced Westinghouse "Instant-On"
design allows an extension of the parts warranty from
90 days to 12 months for all "Instant-On" Westinghouse
TV sets, WESTINGHOUSE ... a step ahead in television
(Upton lectric Shop
D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor
"Your Westinghouse Dealer"
482-6646 Clinton
Farms Residential -- Commercial
E8TAI3LISkti) 1889
Contact out. Representative
, PHONE 482-0644 CLINTON, 'ONT
St. Andrew's Ward — Canvassed by Clinton Lions Club
St. James' Ward -- Canvassed by Clinton Legion
St. John's Ward — Canvassed by Clinton Kinsmen Club'
St. George's Ward Canvassed by Fish and Game Club.
If you were missed in the canvass, you may leave your donation at the Royal
Bank,, or Bank of Montreal.