HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-03-05, Page 4Classified A REAL ESTATE AUTOS FOR'SALE 3.963 , COMET,, black With red interior, Manitoba car, Radio, windshield washers' Seat belts, Will accept trade. Phone 482. 7693. Stfb BIRTHS CARTER — To Mn and Mrs. Ken Carter, .Kitchener, in St, Marys Hospital, on Saturday, February 29, 1964, a spa, Chriateliber Joseph Kenneth, a brother for Cathy, FORBES -- In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, March 2 M , 1964, to r, 'and Mrs, D. Forbes, Clinton, a son, Brad, ley .James, a brother for Paul and Ricky. HALEY—In Clinton Public Hos-. Pitai on Monday, Match 2, 1964, to LAC and Mrs. C. Haley, RCAF Clinton, a 7 daughter, SHEARER—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, March 3, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shearer, a son, Charles Stev- en. DEATHS c0R+SON:—n 0-eneral HeSpikal on Wei:Ines" day, Febrgary ham Freeland ,Corson,. 79,, former resident Clinton,-of and. member of Clinton mry Board, :Survived by his wife, Mrs. Charlotte (Regan) (Q91.79n,. St, Thoman two 'dap,- ghters, Mrs. Thomas .(Helen) Bo, St, Thomas; Mrs. G. Ralph (Harriet) Foster, St. Thomas; one +brother and two sisters, Service was held on Friday with interment in St, Thanio. McMILLAN — At Huronvlew, Robert W. 34014,1411,. 78, of ;Seafeeth. He was born and farmed in McKHlop. Township and is. .snrvived by one .hre., ther, Thomas W,, McKillop, WIT,LiSON--7.4n hospital Wey, Saek„ en February '46, Mrs: Ilene Emily Willson. Born and educated in Clinton, she was the eldest ehild of the late "Mr. acrd. Mrs, Alfred Miller, She was .predeceased by her husband, Walter P. Willson in 1961 'and by two brothers during the First World War. 'She is survived by one daughter Mrs. Ken (Ruth) Seidler, of Aegina; two grandsons and one sister, Miss. Doreen Stephenson, of Port Arthur, Opt, - Burial was on February 29 in Wolseley Cemetery, Vets Serve :Medi To Auxiliary In lAppreciationt' IN TeONDESEQRO, .seven-room Boise, on half :acre lot, price PAO, Peter Westerhotit; ph- 9.4e CllotQh 48 -93M 9tfb . TWO BEDROOM COWAGE, gas furnace, inclUding extra building int. 148, Victoria Ter- race. APPla Charrman'e, 482- 3463 or 482-7082, 1Qb .VQ.IATPWAQ.W, radio either accessories; •reasonable; only driven +montks;. Will take tra0P4X11 can be seen ,at hoole Dairy Ltd. ,daily until 3 po„ except -Wednesdays,. or phone Goderich 524-9057, Page News-Record--,Thurs., March 5, 1964 ACC OMMODATiON ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR. SALE SINGER SEWING CENTRE Soles and Service The Square, .Goderich Phone 524-8431 4 AQUARWMS, 3.4 gallon, 1-3 gallon, partially equipped (hea- ters, gravel, fillers, etc,), $35, or any 'reasonable offer. Phone 482-7283: 10-11b NOW IS,THE TIME to order your alum= windows and doors, free estimates without obligation, Russell Jervis, 482- 9390. 21tfb GE REFRIGERATOR, 49 lb. freezer, dial setting; 30" Ad- miral electric range, fully auto- matic, both items in excellent condition. Phone 4 2-7740, 10p WAs it the food? .4 night out ? er the novelty of being served by 'the men? that en-- ttoo,,Qcver 75 ladiee of Legtell, AnXiliary otlt. to aroaet P2Fric.,c'r-441tPhe7 Saturday aLnnisertItt.ive year,. Clinton. Legion members prepared, cooked, served, and even washed .all dishes and greasy pans, in putting on an appreciation barignet for the aP4'ial Thedinner itself was com- plete in every respect, Cock- 'tails were served before the ladies sat down to roast pOlc, gravy, vegetables, salad plates, cheese PlateS, desserts and air),-ner beverages, The more handsome Legion- Ore$ were pinked as waiters, in white shirts and bow ties. Kitchen help and dish washers included' prominent car dealers., plumbers, white collar office men and janitors, Who cooked and prepared, the food? Most prominent among 'the "chefs" were "Fire, man" William Chambers, chair- man of the affair and "Cook" Paul Cormier, Yes, Chambers is a fireman and Cormier a cook. They began work at 11 o'clock in the morning and never let up all day. Throughout the afternoon, and evening many Legionaires helped or gave advice. Legion president K. W. -Col- quhoun was chairman of the. banquet. Mrs, Robert Burke thanked the then for the din- ner and 'her remarks were en- larged on by councillor Mrs. F. G, Thompson, a charter member of the auxiliary. FOR SALE' OR RENT, lovely red brick home With double garage.Central location near post office Clinton. Fein good Weed 'bedrooms, -1:)ie,e bath uP, 2-piece clnwn. Hardwood floors, Priced far below its value, Ap- ply PC Box 353, Meaford, Ont, 9tfb HEATED, 2-BEDROOM Dup- lex, available Ate* PorethY Marquis, 79 john St„ phone 02,9554 evenings, - 10tfb FOA RENT-2 Bedroom apart, mein. Immediate poSsession. Phone 482-7345, 10b 4ROOM HOUSE, full base, ment, gas heated. Apply 344 James Street, Clinton. 3-01) THREE-ROOM, UNFURNISI-1- ed apartment. Phone 482-7677. 5tfb 2 OR 3- BEDROOM HOUSE,' all modern conveniences, loo, ated in. Egrnondville, ,AY4i1Ole April 1, Phone .Seaforth 3. 1.0ttb TWO GR,QUND-FLOOR apart- Ments, .one furnished, heated, with private bath and fire, piece. L. G, Winter 'Real Eat- ate, Pbone 482-6692, 200 High Street. . .511:fh 2-STOREY HOUSE, 3 bedrooms upstairs, All ,modern eonven, ienees. Will rent pertially fur, MOW or completely furnished. Available May` 1. Apply at 233 Huron Street, phone 4824825, 10tfb 1953 Lincoln * P9wer Seat Power Windows * Power Brakes * PowerfUl- Motor ' Pewerful Radio * Rear Speaker * Black with Chrome * Little Rust • $200.00 Apply at: CIANTQN APARTMENTS 61 PRINCESS ST. WEST Apt. 4, Clinton, Ont. 10b FRAME HOUSE, freshly Painted eXterior, ' aluminum stem win, doWs andl doors; gas furnace, one year old; one and a half 'Weeks 'from the traffic lights. Immediate posseseion. Apply to William Edgar," Bill's Taxi, phone 482-9036, 10b TENDERS WANTED Are caed for the urchase .f swill and for the purchas e of Kitchen By-Products from . RCAF -$0,tion Clinton 'for the period April 1st, 1964 to March .31st, 1965. Closing date for tenders is Mareh 23rd, 1964. Tenderers for the removal of swill are to quote price per 100 pounds. The successful tenderer will be required to remove all swill daily and to provide all containers ,and maintain them in a sanitary condition. Tend- erers must hold a license from the Department of Agriculture . to feed kitchen by-products to animals. Tenderers for the purchase of Kitchen By-Products are to quote a price per 100 pounds for each of trimmed bones, cooked bones, rough fat, suet and grease. The .successful tend, erer will be rewired 'to remove by-products at least once a week and 'to provide all containers andemaintain them in a sani, tary condition.ry Any questions regarding ten- ders are to be referred to the Senior Supply Officer, .RCAF Station Clinton, 10b MODERN 3-BEDROOM RED- wood house, spacions kitchen and living area, built-in oven and stove, dining area, fonr- piece 'b'ath, full basement, extra lot. Reasonable down payment. Phone 4824626. 8tfb 'SALESMEN WANTED .FURNISHED APARTMENT 77. Suitable for couple. Apply 93 ' Huron .Street. '10p-tfb SIX ROOM HOUSE, $60 per month. Phew 175, Seaforth, Ont. 7tfb BOARD AND ROOM CAREFREE HEATING .--- For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb IN BAYFIELD, nearly new three bedroom, modern house. Close to stores, post office, schools, church and high seller)l bus stop, Available now. Con-, tact L. B. Smith,, Howard St., Bayfield, phone 13ayfield 66r5, 6-9-10-1113 ACCOMMODATION foe male roomers. Phone 482-9376. 10-11b SELF-CONTAINED Apartment, 2' bedrooms, large livin.groom, pleasant •surroundings, Phone 141 Seaforth. 10-11b 3 DAYS TRAVEL 4 days at home. Man over 40 for short trips near Clinton., VVorth up to $4,000 to $6,000 in a year, Write W. S. Swallow, Pres., South- western Petroleum Corp., 534 No, Main St., Ft. Worth 1, Texas. lab CUSTOM WORK CARDS OF THANKS R. L. IVfacMILLEN wishes to thank 'friends and neighbours for their cards while a patient in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to the Fitzsimons family and Wilfred Heard. 10p I would like to thank my many friends for flowers, cards, treats and visits while in hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr, Thompson, Dr. Oakes, Dr, Newland, and nurses. —AL- BERT JAMES, • 10p My sincere thanks to my friends for cards, flowers, Vis- its 'While a patient in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Addison and nursing staff. —MRS. GORD- ON WESTLAKE, 10p I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits' while a patient in 'Clinton Public ,Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing staff. —NICHOLAS HODGINS; 101) • I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends, neigh- bours and relatives for flowers, cards, treats and visits, Special thanks to, Dr. Thompson, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Addison and nursing staff. — MRS. JESSIE FUL- FORD. 10 The family of the 'late Mabel Rathwell wish to thank all their relatives, friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness,, expressions of sym- pathy, and floral tributes. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Oakes, Clin- ton hospital nursing staff, Rev. Mills, Ball and Mutch funeral home, and the pallbearers, 10p TWO 30"6 CONTINENTAL Beds, used three weeks. Ideal for children's room. M. A. Craig, phone 482-7206. 10b Have An Extra Key For Your Car . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH IHA Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb EXPERIENCED Alterations in men's and women's clothing, Phone 482-7606. 8-9-0-lp ROOM 'FOR RENT, kitchen privileges optional. Phone 482- 9608. 6tfh, Modern 1 Bedroom APARTMENT "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon, New phone number 482-7792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialty. 48tfb 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, private bath, heated, suitable for couple. Phone 482- 9509 or 9500. 'a 10p 'TRAVEL SERVICE Unfurnished * Kitchen * Living Room Dining Room Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 Electric Motor STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St„ Strat- ford, For all airlines, steam- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas. Call 271-5710. 10b FURNISHED TRAILER for rent, 10x40', '2 bedrooms. Phone 482-3323. 51p1p-tfb Sales and Service Domestic -- Commercial Industrial TRAILER HOME FOR RENT, 1 mile from Clinton. Large lawn. Garden if desired, Phone 482-7291. 10tfb Art Levett & Sons AMMUNITION SPECIAL The new • Mark 5, 12 gauge, Super Trap Load, box of 25; reg. $2.95, Special, While They Last, $2.00, at ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King, St., Clinton. 10b 7tfb LARGE AND' SMALL trailere, fully furnished. Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 37tfb ''.1111=111111.1011,11MINIMIMIIII ATTENTION FARMERS! 139 ERIE ST. — CLINTON Phone 482-6640 ARTICLES FOR SALE Enjoy Party At Baird's School House 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT — New furnace. Available now. Phone 482-6675. 3tfb REDUCING FOR QUICK Sale: 2 hauling trailere, 1956 Dodge. Phone 482-7626. 10tfb HELP WANTED 2- AND 3-BEDROOM Houses, available now. Phone H. C. Lawson Real, Estate, 482-9644. 10tfb FILTER-QUEEN Sates and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Henson 352w2 29 to 39p tfb DO YOUR RUBBER BOOTS leak? Invisible patching done at 'RAY'S Shoe Repair, 35 Hu- ron Street, Clinton. 10-1b PART-TIME HELPER, Male or female. Phone 482-7011 or contact Hotel Clinton. 10b A euchre party and dance were held at SS 1, Stanley (Baird's School), Friday. Eu- chre winners were: ladies, Mrs. Stanley Collins, Mrs, Norman. Baird; men, Stanley Collins and Bobby Collins. A raffle took place and the winner was Master Ron Broad- foot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Broadfoot During lunch hour, a nicely decorated cake was enjoyed by those present in honour of Leonard Hunter who celebrat- ed hie birthday on February 29. Other lucky prize winners' were as' follows: lucky cup, Bill Jenkins; door prize, Mrs. Earl Rowe,Hensall; spot dance, Mr. and rs. Lorne Tyndall. Tap dancing numbers given by Sandra, Janet and Ronnie Graham, children of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Graham, were much enjoyed. FOR SALE FOR SALE 4-BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 bath- rooms, oil heating, immediate possession. Phone 482-9644. 7tfb 1.963 GENERAL Mobile Home. 48'x10'. Very reasonable. Phone 482-7095, 3tfb • HELP WANTED . FEMALE 1,000 BALES OF GOOD HAY. Contact Mrs. Bert Middegaal, phone Blyth 523-4486, 10-1-2p A QUANTITY of Birdsfoot Trefoil seed. Robert LaWson, RR 5, Clinton, phone 482-9947. 9-10-11b SPRAYED APPLES — Cook- ing and eating apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF homes. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont and' Sons, Varna, 46p-tfb HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC range with combined coal and wood annex, Phone 482-9888 after 6 p.m. 10b BACHELOR APARTMENT — furnished; downstairs, heated. Commercial Apts., Ceriel Van Demme, 482-6685, 7tfb STEADY EMPLOYMENT for a cook, also for a tray girl. Good working conditions. Prev- ious experience not necessary. Kilbarohan Nursing Home, phone Seaforth 498. 10-lb INQUIRE at Wettlaufer's Feed Mill about new MASTER Hog Contract Plan. ,Phone 482-9792. 9-10-11b TIMOTHY AND ALFALFA Baled Hay. A. L. Shanahan, RR 1 Clinton. Scow MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT -- unfurnished, downstairs, heat- ed. Commercial.Apts., phone Ceriel yanDamne, 482-6685. 10tfb SHOP AT RAY'S SHOE Re- pair for fast shoe •repair service. Many values in boots and shoes. We now 'have men's and boys' rubber boots in stock. 10b FARMERS, SALES AND SERVICE, Vik- ing Separators, Milkers. Black- smith and Welding Shop, Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone, 482-9131. 6-22p RECEPTIONIST-Bookkeeper— Must know Clinton and area people. Married or older `single person preferred. Typing and neat writing essential. Pleas- ant, interesting work. Steady work, but hours can be arrang- ed. This is an ideal' position in one of Clinton's oldest and best known businesses. Apply in own handwriting only, to Box 105, Clinton News-Record. All replies will be kept in strictest con- fidence, and replied to or con- tacted as soon as possible, 1()b BE SURE YOU GET THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON ALL YOUR FARM TIRE REQUIREMENTS. HAUGH BROS. Farm Equipment One only new: 12x26, 6-ply Tire — $55.00. 1% miles East of, BruCefield 10-lb Get Your BEATLE PINS. Yea! Yea! Yea!, only $1.00 at AN- STETT Jewellers. Limited, Clin- ton . 10b SMALL APARTMENT, heated, newly decotated. $55 .per. mon- th. Phone 482-6663 or 482-9568 evenings. 2tfb DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds, Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. • 23tfb LARGE TONAGE feed carrots. Contact Klondyke Gardens Co- op, phone 238-2321, Grand Bend. 8-9-10b BUSINESSMEN: , If you use any type of Moore business form, they can be ordered through Clinton News-Record, phone 482-3443. tfb ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED heated apartment, with private bath.. Central location. 46 Prin. , cess St. West. Phone 482-9005. 10p-lltfb The family of the late J. Benjamin Rathwell wish to ex- press their thanks' and apprec- iation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy shown during their sad bereavement, also for the 'beautiful floral tributes, do- nations to the Cancer Society, cards and other expressions of sympathy. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, the nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital, Rev. A. G, Pease, the flower-bear- ers, the members of LOL 1035 who acted as pallbearers, mem- bers of the LOL 1035, and RBP 1025 attending the special ser- vices and 'the Beattie funeral home, - ,,10p 85 TONS of good feed barley @ $51 per ton, and 190 tons Kiln Dried Corn @ '$53.25 per ton: Trucking can be arranged. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., phone 24, Hensall. 8-9-10b We Specialize in . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing,, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET CLINTON Phone 482-7652 24tfb 1 BULKY KNIT SWEATER, size 42, brown with diamond design, reasonably priced, Phone 526-7737 Auburn, 10p 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb HAY FOR SALE. Some good quality mixed hay in square bales. Contact Irvine Tebbutt, RR 2 Clinton, phone 482-7474. 10-lb WARNER ELEC.CRIC Live- stock feed cookers. Boil your feed conveniently and safely in- side buildings. Automatic, HEPC approved. Cooks 2 •bush- els of beans or grain for 25c. Pamphlet and prices on re- quest. H. E. Warner, Alvinston, Ont., phone 898-2994, 8.9-10b HELP WANTED MALE MEN'S INTER-TOWN LEA`ClUE W L IITPts. Cloud 9 83 32 18 184 Jim's Selects 73 42 16 162 Little Bowl 60.55 12 132 Chapman TV 56 59 10 122 Itchy Six 55 55 12 122 Brophy Goodyear 45 60 11 101 Dominion Hotel 45 70 5 95 Guenther Turkey 33 77 6 72 High single, C. Williams, 401; high five, B. Nicol, 1546; high average, Ron Burbridge, 254. 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED House, with modern conven- iences, available how. Four miles from RCAF Clinton on highway between Clinton and Seaforth. Phone 482-9822. 10tfb PIONEER SEED CORN WANTED. Man for steady travel among consumers in Hu- ron County. Permanent connec- tion with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler consider- ed. Write Rawleigh, Dept. C- 169-131, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal, 10b SPRING FERTILIZERS Varieties of Seed Corn suitable for this area are almost sold out. Make sure that you place your order right away with your Pioneer Dealer. . KEITH LOVELL KIPPEN Phone Hensall 265W1 MALCOLM DAVIDSON BRUCEFIELD Phone Hensall 346J1 ltfb We Suggest You Contact Harristont Fertilizers Ltd., Clinton or your local Harriston agent and plan your spring' fertilizer requirements now. Cheek our complete Bulk Hand- ling Facilities, Services and. Prices before you buy your re- quirements. Special March Discounts and Cash Discounts PHONE: CLINTON PLANT 482-9133, Clinton FRANK PEARCE 396, Seaforth DON HOCKING 155 r 20, Kirkton 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished, heat- ed, large living room, kitchen and bath. Available April 1. Phone 482-7057, Lloyd Batkin, 10-1p LIVESTOCK FOk SALE AGGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN with imagination and writing ability to sell advertising to re- tail merchants 'for lively week- ly newspaper in Southwestern Ontario. Opportunity sound, permanent. Dream up two ads and •send us your sketches and wording along with your ideas on selling. $70 a week to start, lots of potential. Write Box 90, 'Clinton News-Record, 9-10 MISCELLANEOUS 5 OCTIVE HORNER portable electric piano, complete with carrying case, $250; Phillips 400 4-track stereo tape recorder, phi's 20 tapes, $285,, complete. Phone .482-7283. 10-11b 8 YORK CHUNKS. John. Wat- son, Bayfield, 58r13. 9p-10x 16 PIGS, 8-weeks old, Apply Peter Huizinga, RR 3, Sea- forth, phone 482-9252, 10b IN MEMORIAM HAYTER—In loving memory of a loving brother, Lloyd Samuel Hayter, who passed away one year ago, March 5, 1963: "This month is here with deep regret, It brings back a day we will never forget; He fell asleep without saying goodbye, But memories of him will never die." —Lovingly remembered by his sisters and brothers. 10b CHOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES VACUUM CLEANERS Sales ana Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels, of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned' mach- ines of all snakes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb 3 HOLSTEIN COWS, due right now. Ted Sjaarda, phone 482-9882, highway 8, east of Clinton. 10p SERVICES NOW ON DISPLAY Our Own Make . Made From The Finest Qualify Chocolate., DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD.or DISABLED ANIMALS Call Collect WATCH REPAIR is a jbla for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb "MmlIMINIONNONNIN, WEDDING STATIONERY: In- vitations, reply cards, serviettes, matches, thank you cards, place cards; two complete lines *to choose from. When you pur- chase your wedding stationery here, we insert your engage- inent flee of charge. Take wed- ding stationery book out over- night and choose your supplies in private. Clinton News- Record. 34,tfb DARLING LET US REPAIR AND MAKE youe rings and • jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expett work done reasonably to your satisfactam. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N." Counter. 20tfb & Company Of Canada Limited yhone Clinton. HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb 4tfb PREVENT OR TREAT ittle pig scours with NIXON'S PEL- LAGREX PASTE. This 'product is inexpensive'and effective, One and one-half ounce tube only $1.50 Available at 'EDWARDS Pharmacy in Clinton. Satis factory results or your money back. lOb ALL WEATHER COATS ARTICLES FOR RENT Mechanical and 06dy Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balancer Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone 524-72$1 0 U WEEKEND SPECIALS Friday & Saturday WANTED WHEEL CHAIRS—The CP&T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have' Wheel chairs avail- able for loan. Contact Harold Tyndall, 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m., or Mrs, E. Trick, 482- 3221, lOb QUALITY HAY required. Write to Box 878,, Goderich as to quantity and price. 8tfb COMPLETE, FARM TAX RETURNS put $12.00 See The Newest Styles and Patterns. Campus Playboy and Lanser models. FROM PASTURE WANTED for 12 yearling and 2 year old Hol- stein heifers. Phone J. C. Smil- lie, Hensel', 274,12. 9-10p ARTICLES WANTED From Our Store Only— MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor, Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 19.95 to 29.95 USED DINING ROOM Suite. Phone 482-9755. 10b COFFEE CAKES Reg, 39c each .. SPECIAL 34c each Raisin Oatmeal Cookies Reg 38c pkg, SPECIAL 33c pkg Strawberry Cream C Reg. 69c each SPECIAL k 59c ea. WANTED Aluminum exten- sion ladder, 32 feet or longer. H. McNally, phone 482-3271, • 9-10p SPRING SUITS We will have accurately pre- pared your monthly accounts; tax returns and a profit and loss statement. Another niembership benefit Of ALLIED FARM SERVICES Charles R. Harris Bayfield, Phone 96 paPm eq uiturtnt Leasing 7. 10, 13b 29tfli MAPLE SYRUP SAP PAN, Approximately 6'x3'. Contact Jake Reeler, RR 1 Bayfield, Phone 482-9166, 10b PET STOCK New Goods Are Arriving Daily, See The New Range of M-T-M Samples. BUY NOW FOR EASTER! PURE GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups; males, 5 months old; also sonic females, 1 year and old-er, priced reasonable. Apply Gerry Heyink, RR 1. Blyth, 523- 9208. lob PIANO TUNING AUTOS FOR SALE Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. 1957 V'ORD FAIRLANE 600, Needs 1904 plates, Phone 482- 7611, front 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 pan, 10b Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 402-9727 CLINTON rickett&Campbeil MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Main Corner — Clinton Phone 482-9732 1950 METEOR, with overdrive, 58,000 Miles. One owner ear, Call Aubtirri 626.7'737. '7tfb 1958 CHEV BEL-AIR SEDAN With radio, loW mileage, in, ex- celMnt • teliditien. Phone 482- 7548. 10b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked N. Moth damage and other defects regttlarl, • I appreciate the continued priV. liege of servicing many ,of the instrutrienta in this ,area, George W. Cox( phone 482-3870. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sall by weight TERMS: CASH ^' JOE COREY, Sales Manager A