HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-27, Page 10Retires From RCAF A Mess Dinner which took, place at the Officers' Mess last Friday night was held in honour of F/L "Art" Shepherd who will shortly be retiring from the Air Force. For three and a half years Art has • been an instructor at the School of Instructional Technique, Station Clinton. At the dinner, the Commanding Officer Group Captain K, R. Green- away made a presentation -to both Art and his wife Blanche, who, together with their four daugh- ter, live at Goderich. F/L Shepherd is well-known for his Work in area square dance groups. (RCAF Photo) Reports Indicate Successful Past Year As Knox Presbyterians Stage Annual GOCIerigh TWPf• SOLO ,andre, Co:- has VeCevered from a. week .of :Oz. and has turned to Pleeees at. the Own, ship school . Her sister Patricia, a 3,8th grader; bee been notified that her Application to .enter training at' .Florence Nightin, gale 'Worsing :School, Toronto, has been approved. The girIS are - the :daaghters. .of Mr, and lvirs, Ray ,Cox,, Theron genies, After a stay of several months with hem of bia family in Vancouver; is now in Mieriel, Florida, guest of his aunt, Mrs, Jay Hih, man. Jack Stirling, Toronto; spent the weekend with relatives here,., When the item, in memory -of Robert proctor appeared in this • Aelvertieing helps to reduce 'consumer demapd for' scarce oommodities by diverting Ile demand to Other more avail-: able •eomenoditiee, BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER, FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect 482-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. DO IT NOW—, with au HFC Householder's Loan The time to put home Improvement Plana intg action is. now Service is better; peeps are lower. For money to cover the cost, barrow confidently Iror4 Get up to $2500 to do the work HOUSEHOLD FINANC G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A West sum* Tellephon• 524-7383 GODERICH Home need fixing.up.?. now; repair, remodel, redecorate, even replace worn-.out furniture and applieeeee, Repay cep- veniently, See HFC new. ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE iNSURANCE ON LOANS AT LOW GROUP RATES $100 $..,. $ $ 6.12 650 .,... 23.73 32,86 750 ..... 31.65 44.13 1000 41.45 58,11 1600 60.88 68.81 94.11 2200 88.71 94.62 129.41 2500 95.12 107.52 147.05 18 ononths ;9.46 51.24 69.21 91,56 146.o2 201.46 228.98 AIA01111E MONTHLY PAYMENT ruLms .2F.. 86 SO gO nsenths months month* NrMs Eariosiis 1114, •tid bard se NOMA mOsIsmok Sot de Ord Weds OM mst Ourrance. Elect Officers Officers for the coming year are: Session, Rev. R. U. Mac- Lean, B.A., minister; John Houston, Alfred Rollinson, Ken- neth Scott, Donald Haines, clerk; Managers, Major Young- blut, Alvin Leatherland, Roy Deer, Gordon Dobie, William Wagner and Ed Davies; trus- tees,' Arthur Youngblut, Har- vey McGee, Donald Haines; organists, Miss Margaret Hain- es and Miss Margaret Sander- son. Secretary, Donald Haines; treasurer, Mrs. Wes Bradnock; auditors, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son and Miss Luella Wagner; historian, Mrs. John Houston; work on 'their progress charts, wardrobe charts and, record books. EXCLUSIVE IN.TANK AGITATOR • p.r.o. OPERATED •100 GALLON BONDED TANK Designed for the new and future chemicals that twain? sanded Redick). Now trailer Mooting molds with 100 or 200 lop. pi tanks StE THEM N OW at - emulloj'• JOHN BEANE I At:0104nd ..._R gat Orittefield PhOne 4024150 3to18 GRAVEL TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For 'the crushing and hauling of approxiina,tely 16, 000 cu. yds., of gravel to township roads in 1964; %" screen to be used. Contractor to supply all requirements exeept gravel which Will be supplied by the township at 8 locations, Wert to be, completed by June 20, 1964, under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and subject to the approval of the Department of HighWaye of Ontario, Tenders to be clearly marked "Tenders — Gravel" and must be in the Road Superintendent's hands by 12' O'clock neon on March 2, 1964 and Will be opened and eon- siderecl on March 3, 1064 at a retie renders to be accompanied by a marked Cheque foe 8300.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, AN bREW 'HOUSTON, Road Stmeeintendent, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario b • DRAINAGE TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For the construction of the Swan Drainage Works, According to the Engineer's profile and Specifications. Tenders, clearly marked "Tender—Drainage", will be received by the undersigned' until March 2, 1964, at 12:00 o'clock noon. ' 1,840 lineal feet of 10, e, and 6 inch tile and pipe to dig, lay and backfill, also 2 catch basins and 50 cu. yds. of topsoil for additional cover over tile. Contractor to push the steel pipe underneath No. 4 highway, without disrupting the surface of the road. Con- , tractor to contact the Department of Highways, Stratford. Township to supply tile and pipe. A marked cheque for ten percent with a minimum of $100 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender, not necessarily accepted. Plan, profile and specifications and tender forms may be seen at the Clerk's office. JAMES 1. McINTOSH, Clerk, 8-9 b RR 3, Seaforth, Ontahia Page, 10—Clinton i.lewsLRecord--Thurs., Feb. 27, 1964 WARBICIDE TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For approximately 600 lbs. of warbicide for spraying cattle for Warble Fly. Tenders to state pnice per 15 lb. bag delivered to Township Shed in hamlet of Egmondville, Ontario, Tenders to be clearly marked "Tenders — Warbicide" and in the Clerk's hands by 12 o'clock noon March 2, 1964 and will •be opened and considered on March 3, 1964 at 2:00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES 1. McINTOSH, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario 8-9 b WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For spraying cattle for warble fly in 1964. Tenders to state price per head per spray. Work to be done under the direction of the Inspector in accordance with the regulations of the Warble Fly Act. Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender —, Warble Fly Spraying." Tenders to be in Clerk's hands by, 12 o'clock noon on March 2, 1964 and will be opened and considered on Mar- ch 3, 1964 at 2;30 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario 8-9 b S Special Bonus Award! Trade in your old water heater right now and you'll receive a special bonus cheque for $10.00 (no strings attached) ! This special offer is good only up to and in- cluding March 31st, 1964. So choose now from a variety of leading makes and models. All carry the Canadian Gas Associaticti Seal of Approval. TradeuptoNATURAL048...THEFRIENDLY FUEL. Hospitals and hotels, laundries and car washes, beauty parlors, and res- taurants wherever plenty of hot water is needed for commerce, you'll find natural gas the first-choice fuel. Home-owners, too, are happier with natural gas . . . the fastest, cleanest, most dependable way to heat water. • Modern natural gas water heaters are fully automatic —and marvel- lously economical ! Make the change to natural gas water heating now. Trade-ins have never been better! UNION SCOMPANY Visit your plumber dealer or department store WISE Plumbing & Heating Clinton, Ontario 262 Bayfield Road Phone 482-7062 Your Local ANTFIES Deafer [ H C UTER HeatingPluTri We Specialize In Electr i c Gas Furnace Installations, Pliiiienbitim Heating and Electrical- Inttallations 48 King St. Clinton 482./662 AUBURN — Knox Presbyter- ian Church, held a successful year by all reports received at the annual meeting held in the Sunday school room of the church with the minister, Rev. R. U, MacLean, in charge. Rev, MacLean opened 'the meeting with a scripture lesson, short meditation and prayer. The minutes of last year's meeting were read by the church secretary, Donald Hain- es, and, the correspondence was also read. The clerk of Session, Donald Haines, presented the Session report, stating that there are 47 members and 20 families on the communion roll. Four chil- dren were baptized during the year and one death, the late William Watson who had been clerk of session since 1952. Two new members had been elected to 'the Session, William Wagner and Arthur Youngblut, and they will be ordained for their office soon. The Managers' report was presented by Major Youngblut, stating that a new oil furnace had been installed in the manse and a new roof had been put on the church. The Sunday school report was presented by Mrs. Wes Bradnock and Mrs. Alvin Leatherland gave the fin- ancial statement for the. treas- urer, Edgar Leatherland, who, was absent. The CGIT report was given by Mrs. Major Youngblut stat- ing that there are 28 members of four denominations in this group. Mrs. Donald Haines pre- sented the WMS report which showed the most prosperous year financially and that three life-memberships had been pre- sented to members in the Aux- iliary. The 75th anniversary had been observed when the Huron Presbyterial had been held in September. The Ladies' Aid report was presented by Mrs. Roy Daer showing a good year and the budget report was accepted. The auditors, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son and Miss Luella Wagner gave their report. Mr. Haines spoke of the letters of introduc- tion sent to other congrega- tions for families who have left during the past year. Mrs. .Everett Tayier and Mrs, Peed Wagner .vieited. laet Week with. their brother, Mr, Elwin Rutledge .and Mrs. Rutledge in ' Detroit. Themes Johnston Went last week in Toronto attending the 'hardware convention, Mr. and Min's. Carl Gevier enjoyed a vacation last week with a trip down through the United Stetes. • , Robert Armstrong returned ,last week after a few days visit in Toronto, Misses Mary Houston, ton, and. Frances Houston, Lon-. don, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. ;Ton Houston., Keith 11/When and Kenneth McDougall purchased the estate• of the late ,Leuie Middy, the farm, one mile east of Auburn. William Robertson purchased the form. of Charles Thom in 'Colberne Township, Local viewer's of TV enjoyed Seeing the local teenagers when 'they ,appeared on snig.Orrie in the pellegiateehoir of .Goderich.. Also the sisters when they sang On Saturday evening on the progrpm, "In Times Like These", ..spensoreel by the pap- tist .churches, in this district, A fair .crowd attended the progressive euchre party sport- cored by the Auburn Com- munity Hall board. Bert. Craig was the master of ceremonies and wee..esSisted by Arthur Youngblut, Robert Arthur and Ed Haines, Prize winners were: men, high, Kenneth Haggitt; low, Sid Lansing and Wilfred Sanderson, tied, Mr, Lansing won ` the draw; ladies, high, Mrs. Donald Haines; low, .Mrs. Roy Easom and Mrs. W. Bradnock tied, Mrs., Easom WOD, the deaw, Lone hands, William. Robertson.. Crokinole, high, Ron Arthur; low, Ed -Baines. The door prige was won by Wes Bredrieck,lw Friends are pleased 'to know that Mrse Ted Mills was. able , ere eeee to --return home after several .cleYs in Clinton heepitql e Gordon Powell is. a, patient this week in Clinton hospital, Correction-4n, last week's re,' r,ort.of the _Girls' World pay of rrayer .Service, *be report eta, • ed +that Kisa M. Jackson urged the girls to be "infanunable",.. The word' should have been in- fallible. We regret the error: Mr, and Mrs, Don HeMPII- reye, .Kerry and Cheryl, and A. HOMPhreye, Paris,, and Mies., May Humphreys and Mr, Wel,: ter . Khiletilski, Brantferd, ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hpmphreys on Sunday, Mr, and lvfrs. Andrew Kirk- connell and. Diane visited their daughter, Mrs, Louis Blake of Brussels, who is a patient in Wingham hospital where she underwent surgery last week. Mr, and Mrs. John. Daer sp- ent the weekend at Mitchell with their daughter, Mrs, Ralph Jackson, Mr. Jackson, Sheet:el and Murray. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs, Ronald Rah- well, mr, Rathweii, .Michael and Janice' at Brantford. Mrs, William Straughan is visiting this week in Wingham with her daughter; Mrs. Thom- as Jardin, Mr, Jardin end fam- ily. Miss Margaret R. Jackson visited last week in Oakville with her niece, Mrs. Donald Kai and Mr. Kai. • Mr, and Mrs. Percy Young- blut and Mrs, Russel King at- tended the recent capping cere- mony when. Miss Betty Young- blut received her cap alt • the Stratford General hospital. ' Sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. William Craig and Mrs.. Robert Chim- ney on the death of their bro- ther, Mr. E. Craig, Goderich. Rev. and. Mrs. William Mains, Granton, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips. 0 Explorers Play Interesting Games Of foreign Lands AUBURN—The Auburn Ex- plorer girls began ,their meet- ing in the Sunday school room of the church with games, which they"had learned children from other countries had play- ed, under the direction of Mrs. Donald Young. The song period was led by Mrs. Arthur Grange and the exploration was opened by Chief Explorer Karen East. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary Shelley Grange and Donna Chamney gave the financial statement. The study book on the Gold- en Coin was completed and. Mrs. Humphreys related the closing chapter to the Explorers. Mrs. Robert Arthur was in charge of the- devotional period. The call to worship was given by Donna Baeohler and the offer- ing was received by Nancy Brown sand Gail Seers and dedi- cated. The scripture lesson was read by Laurie Johnston and Jean- ette Johnston led in prayer. A discussion followed on India and 'the exploration was 'closed by Karen East. 0 ushers, Gordon Dabie, Alvin Leatherland, Kenneth Scott, uc e Youngblut, Murray Youngblut and Donald Haines; Sunday school treasurer, Miss Margaret Haines. Following the business meet- ing, a social half-hour was en- joyed with lunch served by the ladies. 0 Usborne Woman Heads Executive Of Huron CAS Mrs. K. Johns, RR 1, Dash- wood, was elected president of the board of directors of the Huron County Children's Aid Society at the annual meeting of the society held in the Code- rich court house on Wednes- day. Others elected are: Reeve I Haskins, RR 1, Clifford, and Mrs. A. Taylor, Goderich, vice- presidents; J, G. Berry, Gode- rich, treasurer; assistant, Mrs. H. Klumpp, Dashwood; B. G. Hanly, Goderich, secretary. Mr. M. Oesch, Zurich, is County Council representative. The board's budget for 1964 is estimated at $98,000.' The 1963 budget amounted to $76,000. 0 In 1962, advertisers again spent more money in newspap- ers than in any other medium, and the newspaper remains overwhelmingly dominant as a local advertising medium. KNOW HAT YOU'RE GETTING! When you buy Jones, Mac- Naughton seed you know you are getting what you pay for. All Jones, MacNaughton seeds are true to variety, carefully cleaned 'and tested for germina- tion, Jones, MacNaughtori handle only seeds — for meny years they have been Western Ontarib's leading seed special- ists. When you buy from 'a loc- al firm you get 'service . . Satisfaction . . . savings! This year ask for Joliet, MacNaugh- ton seeds. From your local dealer, er Jones. IVIacNaughton Seeds Exeter Creditor London 235-0363 234.6363 432-2258 9-12-15b ,111•111•••••••1111111110MININ H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL is Clinton Area Dealer for JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS Dial 482,9/92 Mary St. dllataa ,rl aMeMeeee'eee.'teelee eMroMeeeeeeeeeeIr Auburn and District MRS. WES 001;iNOCK,Coryespowderst,PiOne- 120-749$ column, laat week the, name of the casket-bearers were not ]available ‘ Stiles funeral home hAs;atiyiactie that the group eon,. sieted of Rpm Whetstone,. Stan Penner, Paul Moss, . Jim Harrison, Bence Harris, Walter Bell. The flower bearers were .lireige Bettie: and Richard liar, risort, Township, clerk and Mrs._ Thompson and family had a holiday outing in I.,onclon eently, Angels Choose Colourful Patterns For New Blouses AUBURN—The Auburn Ang- els 4H Club met at the home of 'the leader, Mrs. W. Brad- nook with the president, Bar- bara Sanderson in the chair. The minute's were read by Mari- lyn Deer. The roll call was answered by each girl showing the mater- ial and pattern for her blouse and telling why she chose it, A demonstration and discussion period took place on the pre- paration of material and some of the 'senior members cut out their blouses. All 11 members exhibited a worked buttonhole and plans Were made for the members to come during the week to cut out their blouses, The home assignment was to FINK Plumbing, Heating 8 Electrical Services Sales & Service Limited 84 Wellington St, Clinton--482,7682 After hours phone Pink 482.7682 Gas Appliances on Display at ART'S Appliance Centre BRUCEFIELD (Open Evenings till 9 p.01./ Phone 482-3232