HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-27, Page 9Present Awards at Scouting Banquet ‘. Five members of Clinton's Cub Pack were a- warded their second stars in a presentation at the Legion hall, Wednesday. The five from the left are: Bruce Craig, Robert Delaney, Brian Edgar; Grant Delaney, and. Dave Fawcett. The Delaney boys are twins,• Besides the stars, the five iads. also received and engraved axe and stand. In the back on the left and right are Len Fawcett and Tom Darling, Cub leaders, and in the centre is Stewart Taylor, chairman of the scout committee. Father S. E. McGuire of St. Peter's Roman. Cath- olic Church was guest speaker at the event. (News-Record Photo) By Mrs. F. McCullough. The UCW of Holmesville United Church met in the Sun- day school room to observe World Day of Prayer. The meeting wass.in the charge of group two with Mrs. Stewart Farquhar in the 'chair, NQW ON DON'T MISS THE BIG 26th ANNUAL Farm Show ENDS SAT. FEB. 29 O Afternoon and Evening Programs 0 The latest in Farm Machinery & Equipment The Show ADMISSION for the 50c Farm Children 'te with Adults Family Admitted Free .................." See the Show in the New PROGRESS BUILDING WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS LONDON were presented at the roll call. The study period was taken by the leaders, with Mrs. Francis Cantelon conducting a. craft period. Sharon Potter gave' the grace. before lunch was served by Mrs. Gerald Blake, Nancy Ginn and Glenda Blake. The World Friends were given out by Mar- lene Yeo, ,. Personals Mrs. M. Stock is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, following a fall at her home, when she broke her hip. Mrs. Wallace Avery is a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, following surgery. Ted McCullough has, returned to Sundridge, Ontario, after spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank McCullough. Ted has resigned from 'the staff of the Royal Bank in Sundridge, and will start in his new position with the ,Huron Co-operative Medical Services in Clinton, early in March. Mr,,, and, Mrs. D. E. Gliddon spent the weekend in Detroit, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown. Miss Eleanor Yea, Toronto, spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo. Grace Church UCW Complete Quilt At February Meeting By Mrs. Don Harris, RR 2, hayfield The February' meeting 'of the United Church Women of Grace Church, was held on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Harry Torrance. The president, Mrs. William Cox, presided over 'the meeting. Seripture- lesson was read by Mrs. Austin Harris and Mrs. William Townshend led in pray- er. A chapter from the study book was taken, by Mrs. Tom Sowerby, Roll call was answered with a verse containing the word "Love". Secretary's and treas- urer's reports were given and correspondence read. During the business period, plans were made for the ladies to appear on "Ladies' Day" on CFPL- London in April. A crib quilt was quilted dur- ing the afternoon, Personals Mr, and Mrs. James Dttrnin and Brian, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris and family. Bruce Betties who .has been a patient in 'Clinton Hospital due to . a leg injury received Playing 'hockey last Monday night was able to return home on Sunday. ACZZECNIMMIIENIERk Drop in Now for your Spring Needs Or Phone 103 Collect We With to Help E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED Phone,1 03 HENSALL MALTING ARLEY WHIR (IS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied BETZE Yields Good — Grades Well High Test Weight Short, Stiff Straw Less Lodging With increased demand for 2-Rowed Barley for Malting, we again offer this excellent variety BEAN SEED Excellent quality Ontario Registered Sea- way, SanilOc, Saginew and Michelite '62 Bean Seed grown from Foundation Stock. Michigan Certified Sanilac Seed Beans. Bean Contracts Available Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Excellent Bean Demand Creates Good Prices Consider Beans as a Cash Crop 1111•••mbl. ‘rmelummii .1N1 1.1=1.00msommonamineow EXCITING NEW PROFIT OPPORTIINITIES From calves that grow & grow & grow! You can grow calves for the profitable veal calf' market in only 9-11 weeks with SHUR-GAIN Vealer. Less than 200 pounds of this exciting new product will raise a calf to market weight . . . calves that will grt!ade "good" to "choice". FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS and .with a special high fat level, SHUR-GAIN Vealer gives you amazingly low feed conversions. TEST FEED YOUR NEXT CALF ON SHUR-GAIN Vealer and learn for your- self about the exciting new profit opportunities from feeding for the Veal Calf Market. ASK US TO-DAY FOR THE EASY FEEDING PROGRAM, AND A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE RECORD CARD. Clinton Feed Mill 28 Huron Street CLINTON Phones: 482-3815 and 482-3484 WHAM DIVISION mmemm calf feeds $ Got the order, got a bank loan—we're all set" On the evening of February to view the radar and fire 3.6, the 'rd, Goderieb Royer crew fighting, installations at the visited RCAF station Clinton laa$e. 60detia Rover .Crew .tojoys Visit TO. RCM Radar And fire -JOstallations Hoimesville Ladies, Youth Busy • Mrs, Farquhar took 'the lead in the prepared program, with Mrs, William Yeo at the piano. Those assisting Mrs. Farquhar with, the program were; Mrs. Harry Williams, Mrs, Orville Blake, 'Mrs. John Huller rand MrS. Carman Tebbutt. Mrs. William Norman gave a medi- tation on prayer. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Lloyd Bond. The minute's of the Janu- ary meeting 'were read by Mrs. Harry 'Cudmore and Mrs, Harry Williams read the correspond- ence. The Holmesville UCW will again canvass for the Cancer Drive, with the volunteer can- vassers being Mrs. Harry Wil- liams, Mrs. William Norman, Mrs. Edward Grigg, Mrs. Car- man Tebbutt, Mrs: Kenneth Harris and Mrs. William Ben- der. Mrs. Jack Yea gave the re- port for the treasurer, Mrs. D. E. Gliddon reported for the buying 'committee and Mrs. El- don Yeo reported- for the sup- ply committee. It was passed to cater for a father and son banquet on April l. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Stewart' Farqu- har. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. Francis Cantelon, Mrs:- D. E. Gliddon, Mrs. Kenneth Harris and Mrs. Reg Miller. Messengers Meet The Messengers of Holmes- vile United Church met in the Sunday school room for their regular meeting. The call to worship was given by the lead- er; Mrs. Ray Potter, following the theme of "Peace". The scripture lesson was read *by Gary Potter and Wendy Miller led in prayer, with Mrs. Potter giving a prayer for peace. Laurde Ginn received the offering. The business' was conducted by the president, Janice Tre- wartha, and Messenger buttons Clinton Member Named Head Of Orange Group The South Huron County Loyal Orange Lodge held its annual meeting and election, of officers in the Varna Orange hall on Tuesday evening of last week with representatives of the various lodges present. The annual celebration will be held, this year in the town of Mitchell on Saturday, July 11. Henry Pattison, Deputy County Master of North Huron, conducted the election and in- stallation of the 'officers for 1964. The officers elected are as follows: WM, Harry Crieh, Clin ton; DM, Wm. Mcllwain, Bay= field, ,chaplain, Frank Falconer, Clinton; recording secretary, Fred McClymont, Varna; fin- ancial secretary, John Hender.: son, Brucefield; treasurer, Charles Ruf fell, Goderich. First lecturer, Fred Jamieson, Wooclham; second lecturer, Clayton Hodgins, Clinton; mar- shall, Doug Triebner, Exeter; deputy marshall, Wayne Smith, Hensall; auditors, George Dav- is, Exeter and Marvyn Falconer, Seaforth. Township of Hullett Gravel Tenders Sealed Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb- ruray 29, 1964, for crushing and hauling 12,000 cubic yards of gravel, more or less for township roads, on 'a flat rate per cubic yard. 3/4 " screen to be used on crush- er. Contract to be completed by October, 15 1964. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the road superintendent. A certified cheque for $300.00 to accompany ten- der. For further particulars con- tact the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.' LEN CALDWELL Road Superintendent RR 1, Londesboro 8-9b **yin's .V1.010.-1;o Unit Hear Travelogue. The February meeting of the WoHeLo unit of Wesley-Willis United Church- UM , was' held in the Sunday school rooms which were beautifully decor- ated in a Valentine motif. Mrs. Reid read the scripture, Mrs, Mulholland recited a poem and Mrs. Stewart led in prayer. Roll call was answered with a Valentine verse and this was followed by reports of commit- tees, Mrs. T. Oliver gave a very humorous reading and Mrs. W, Wells rendered a selection on. the Mrs. K. Wood then introduc- ed Mrs. H, Ball who gave an interesting talk on her recent trip overseas. A Valentine luncheon con- clUded the meeting. 0 RESULTS OLASSiVIED ADS BRING QUICK THE STORY HAS REALLY GOTTEN AROUND:PIERRE TIRE BEST PLUMBERS THAT CAN BE FOUND FOR ALL TYPf.q.r., OF PLUMBINOtit 4a---•;.WO vI s taISE PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 4827062 CLINTON In the radar tower the boys were given a.demonstration of the intricacies of Modern radar eCltOPMent M operation,. Under the supervision of Cpl. J. Hat- ten and LAC Marozoff, the Rover read display scopes and examined 'the practical applica- tion of electronic principles they are learning in school. At the Fire Hall, Fire Chief F/S W. E. StumPf and his staff, who recently were award- ed tionourable/Piention. in a lire Prevention Week •Competi, tiorb conducted 4 series of ex- Pcr.irOPIttS to convince the boys of the serious :hazards of every. day .parelessness !sh.eti AS over fusing an electrical circuit, Modern fire alarm Sy0terrns were explained and yaripris types of fire fighting eguiprnen!t were On 'display. The ,woup of Goderich boys consisted of Queen's Spout Brian powds and Rovers David Watson, Paul Miller, John, ter, George :Q00., Roger Knight, Wayne Gliders,. Gary Keene, Leroy Harrison, Norman Belt and Brian IHOChhead. Provide Free ServiceS' 411 ex-service Personnel end; Foy ''Service 'Personnel their dependents are invited tq Ate4rv:ICIcaeC.,1V 7H,e, volcne,, • will be tfornonix44P1:47 hall, March 9, At .aA p.m.,. to give Skilled adViOe on veterans;. benefits, Anyone with questions, On War disability pension, W414' veterans' allowance (burnt-out pension), treatment, or hospi- tal care is urged to -Pall ,pt' write Carr proctor, 02.-9546, Clinton Service Bureau -Qfficer,. who will arrange an appointr; merit Thursu. fob, 1944,0099. 'News-14;9r4 P990 9. Ontario Beef Cattle Improvement Association 1964 SHOW and SALE f BEEF o BULIS March 10th & 12th, 1964 Hays Sales Arena, Trafalgar on Highway 5, north of Oakville 122 Herefords 26 Shorthorns 13 Angus HEREFORDS SELL ON MARCH 10th SHORTHORN'S & ANGUS SELL ON MARCH 12th Show at MO a.M. each day Both sales at 11:00 a,m. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Every Ontario Fernier purchasing a "qualified oix performance" tested ball will be eligible for a Preinitim of20% of purchase price but net ekceeding :$150.00 in acedtdanPe with the terri15 of the Mill Prernitien datatogues available freni the Secretary MctAogaoti draharri, PreSident, Sfitrataryreasurer Keeton Ontario Parliament BidOS.y tOrentci i Ontari o When a businessman wins an order or contract, he knows 'he can turn to his local bank for financial assistance. A loan may be needed for one or more reasons—to lay in a supply of raw materials, to buy new equipment, to meet a payroll, or to cover other costs until the firm receives payinent for its products or services. With bank credit, companies large and small can take on projects they couldn't handle if they had to depend on their own financial resources. More over, the chartered banks have steadily widened the scope of their commercial lending to serve new- or expanded short-term needs. Every day, local bank managers are lending to producers, manufac- turers, farmers, retailers and others, to help them develop opportunities, meet competition, keep men and machines busy. Commercial loans ate one of many essential services your local bank provides, to the benefit of everyone in the community, THE CHARTERED BANNS -SERVING TOUR COM1VIVNITY through fult,tange banking feoonsitye to growing, changing wag