HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-02-27, Page 5FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT at The Queen's Hotel SEAFORTH ALL THIS WEEK "The Singing Sweetheart Direct From Toronto NO WAITING TO LAUNDER EACH LOAD So many washers at your disposal that all your, wash can be processed at one time! USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 13 A.M. AND 12 P. M. V.1.22211:1111111118 CLINTON Tel. 482-7064 ff $25.00 CASH given away On a KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER If your trade-in is less than 15 years old and with a sealed unit and across-the-top freezer in working order, Special Prices on GAS DRYERS During This One-Day Sale ligail l , -------4°----1",----- — ,... -,. i Lw2j 41 6 . namoonowei! mon :-.1.-------,.., QCSOR LEAP YEAR SPECIALS on KELVINATOR RANGES GEMINI'S CLINTON ZURICH and SEAFORTH YOU WON'T SEE A SALE LIKE IT FOR ANOTHER FOUR YEARS ! At All Three Stores — Saturday. February 29 Only On Keivinator ppliances $25.00 CASH over Special Sale Price if your trade- in is 15 years or more old. Trade-in must be in working order. Fully Automatic 30-INCH KELVINATOR RANGE for Only $180.00 WITH TRADE PLUS $25.00 CASH — if your trade-in is over 15 years old arid in working order. $25.00 CASH and $50.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON THE PURCHASE WASHER and DRYER OF A NEW During This Once In . Every 4 Years Sale 61 Mft GODERICH ONT. Dancing Every Saturday Night for the Young Crowd NO SLACKS OR BLUE JEANS THIS. WEEK — "Johnny 'Stevens and the BEL-AIRES" 9:00 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION: 75c PER PERSON Hootenany Show—Sunday, March 29, 8.15 p.m. "Jay Boyle and Group 1" and "The Brewery Bay 4" Advance tickets only EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B, ADMIRAL . PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 - Clinton, Ontario Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week MacLean's Tooth Paste, reg 1.39 for 1.09 BrOnchicla .95 Heavy Mineral Oil, 16 oz. .53 Helene Curtis Spray Net, reg 98c for Quellida Decongestant Tabs. 1.29 Colgate Tooth Paste, reg 1.09 for .94 Completely Re-Decorated I. an 1.1 Re-Opening Friday Feb: 28 MEAD BUNS ROLLS CAKES PIES COOKIES cry' i Gallons FOR THIS ONLY WEEKEND Bartliffs Bakery and Restaurant Limited Corner of Albert and Rattenbury Streets CLINTON Phone 482,9727 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN (3 Pieces) FRENCH FRIES SALAD BUTTERED ROLL And BEVERAGE Join Our COFFEE CLUB Specials In All WEEKEND SPECIALS Every Morning And Afternoon 390 I CHOCOLATE BROWNIES CHOP SUEY LOAF 'for 330 each 890 for 490 each CHOCOLATE CHIFFON CAKE for 390 each BLUEBERRY MUFFINS for 43e doz. for 4 each for 436 doz. for 210 doz. for 436 each HONEY DIP DO-NUTS PLAIN OATMEAL COOKIES BANANA LAYER CAKE COCOANUT CREAM PIES FRIDAY and SATURDAY — From Our Store Only Regularly 49c each Regularly 55c doz. Regularly 59c each Regularly 55c doz. Regularly 33c doz. Regularly 55c each Regularly 39c each Regularly 65c each ,,,,,,,,,, epartments This Week Good Quality Assorted Chocolates Only 4 lb. v • V BAR -RIFFS W For Our WEEKEND SPECIALS Every Friday And Saturday . Specialize .ln Making And Decorating • WEDDING CAKES BIRTHDAY and • ANNIVERSARY di CAKES. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Only HAMBURGER FRENCH FRIES And PEPSI 0 FRIDAY -- SATURDAY and SUNDAY In Our DINING ROOM 0 FRUIT BAR COOKIES for 3310 pkg. Regularly 39c pkg. APPLE SAUCE CAKE Regularly 45c each ...... ......f or 370 each Regularly Sell at 85c lb. Trinity WA Learns That High .Costs ballot. 'Up Profits from Pancakes .Gode'rich Py Ttfrs, Oa The S.$ No. 4 Community Club- met at the one .of Mr Morgan -Jones for the. .Febru., ary meeting. Mrs, Murray For, hes .presided at the .meeting, reinntes were read by Mrs, Lorne -Tyridali and the roll pall was "my favourite supper dish. and recipe for same", and was Tespond,ed to by 15 mem- bers, ,Mrs, Donald Forbes read the treasurer's report, which. show" ed a balance Of $1.04,12, Mrs, Stewart Farquhar .con ducted a contest and .MrS, JaM- es Lobb read two poems, Lunch was served by the hos, teSs, with Mrs, S. Farquhar and Mrs-, J, Lobb .'assisting, The next meeting will be at the home of •Mrs. James Lobb, and the roll -call is to be "MY fav, write. cookie recipe, and one dozen cookies to be sold by auction". Forum Tongs .Contrc1 The SS "'77. .l lerichTQW4- ship Farm Forum, met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Thompson on Monday night, with Pine members .present. The tois):0 was "Who Will. Control Agriculture ?'' Question' What commodities do you and, by cam, modity, how would you like to see them marketed? (a) vate. iiterprise; (b). Co,onera- tives; .(e) Marketing Boards, Answer: Milk by marketing board, pork lay marketing board, eggs by marketing board, beef by auction, corn by private en- terprise, wheat by marketing board.' Question: What advantages or disadvantages do you see in regulated marketing? Answer: Perishable produce requires regulation. 'Following t h e discussion "500" was. played, and lunch was served, The next meeting -will be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lobb. Correspondent, MRS, N. LONG Mr. Stanley Jackson, Kippen, left Tuesday morning from Lon- don Airport via 'TCA for At- lanta, Georgia, to attend the Hereford show 'and sale held at Covington, Georgia, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys spent Friday evening in Exeter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman. Rev, H. Plant conducted 'a cottage meeting Wednesday evening at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cooper with 14 in attendance. The Misses Margaret Elgie and Sharon McBride and. David Cooper of the University of Western Ontario are spending this week at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson and family, Wroxeter, spent Sunday at the home of !the for- mer's sister, Mrs. W. L. Mellis and Mr. Mellis. Edgar McBride left Tuesday of last week with Ed Little, Hensall, for a trip to HalifaX. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Brown, Detroit, and Mrs. Marguerite Uldh, Windsor, who spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little, Henson, visited Sunday with Mrs. Ulch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Long, ' "Thrifty Kippenettes" The fourth. meeting of the 4-1-I club was held at the home *me!: Donaldson Power Pioneer PAYFIELP.— A residentn.f .Qoderich for 4Q years, 'James Donaldson, 91, ...tiled at his. halite 9.3 North .Street, • on Friday morning following a lengthy ili- neS5 Born in BitieVale, ,April 3.373, he was the second son ..of James. Donaldson -and Mary Millar. As e, child he. came to reside on the Bronson Line, Stanley Township; with his parents, and later moved to Bayfield With them when they left the farm. to Bayfield, he and his fail), er operated a saw mill in the old Drill shed, In 1894, he in- stalled a dynamo in the shed which. was powered .by refuse from the mill. This supplied the first oleo- trio lights in .Bayfield. After two end one-half years he sold it, . building contractor 'and'fire insurance adjuster, he had liv- ed in Sault Ste. Marie and Es- panola before settling in node- rich. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, James Donaldson was .three, times married; First to Hen- of Mrs. Robert Bell on Satur- day afternoon. Nine members answered the roll call. Marlon Roberts read the min- utes of the last meeting and the next secretary will be Ruth Anne Coleman and the pianist is to be Ruth Anne. Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse told 'those present how to prepare the material, shorten a pattern and also lengthen it. The next meeting is to be Saturday, February 29 at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Ern- est Whitehouse. 11111111111111, )34yrmu7)----TrillIty .Brarich Women 'S Auxiliary met at "The Iint". on Thursday afternoon last, second vice, president, Chaired the meeting, The Rev, B. J. B, Harrison. led in. the Litany god prayers, Mrs. Emerson Heard road the sc'ri'p and Mrs. R. 13, jOhn- ston substituted as secretary for Mrs, J. B. Higgins, Mrs, R, l-, F. Gairtiner gave the financial statement and also an interesting report of the . pancake supper, .Comparing it with, the two rietta Fraser who died in 1935; then to Jessie Foster who pre- deceased him 'in 1945,, and to Alice Grey who survives him, Surviving also are a niece and two nephews. The funeral was held (from the Lodge funeral home on Sat- urday 'afternoon, February 22, 1.964, and was in the charge of Rev. G. L. Royal, Goderich. Interment was made in Bay- f e 1.d Cemetery. Pallbearers were: George MacEwan, Frank Clark, Graham Inglis, Adelbert Gardner, Gordon DOnaldson and M. J. Ainslie, previous years the attendance. Was up, but in keeping with the rise in the cost of living, so were the _expenses, The 'Rev, B. J. B. Harrison react "`Mutual Responsibility and litterdep.endence in the Body of Christ". This pointed out that first the Anglicans in Canada had been dependent on the mother church in England; then -.came our .indePenclerice when mis- sionarY support was cut off during the Second World. War.; and now since the Anglican, Congress in Toronto in 1963, we have realized that we must be inter-dependent; . that the new churches in various lands need our support and prayers just as did our early Canadian churches,, Stressed was our duty; To witness, to obey and to serve. Mrs, H. K. King read a letter from our Prayer Partner, .Sis- ter Dorothy Dykes in Nigeria, and led in prayer for her, and all missionaries, Mr, Harrison offered a pray- er for the sick in the Parish and .closed the meeting with the benediction. Host .,Heiubbors At -Opening. Of' Area .Restaurant. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Norval Relsner, owners of Trucker's Haven,. on Highway Si east of Clinton, played host to. 35 friends and, neighbours, when they held a banquet in their honour, Previous tq the meal, grace was pronounced. by the minister of Exeter Pentecostal Church, and after the meal, Mr. Rols- ner introduced his guests. He expressed his thanks to many for kindnesses and help given .While be was constructing his place of business. r • 't of those pre! ent,, Blil extPrided .a ivtf. of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Rols- .ner for their 'hospitality, lJ e a is o. expressed the 'thoughts of ,eve.r.)'one present,. when he wished them every success in their new business. Rev. H. Kendrick, Senforth, spoke briefly, and he also gated the new building,. held weeks ago, Mr. Rolsner held open house for the .children of the neighbourhood All -visi- tors were served free potato chips, hot dogs and hot chow- 14t% That same evening, members of Clinton and Seaforth .juvenile hockey teams were also guests after a .gatne in Clinton. oyinship 'Groups Meet Thurs., '.f.pb. 41,„. 1944,01.09n ,News.,,Rv;9r4,-.4999. 5- Only at GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. 90 ONTARIO STREE'T', CLINTON- --And also at the Zurich and Seaforth Stores, can you get CASH -Plusa Liberal Trade-lri Allowarico on ALL KELVINATOR APPLIANCES, during this One-Day SALE. CLINTON STORE Phone 482-9634 ZURICH ,STORE Phone 34 SEAFORTH STORE Phone 585 Kippen Resident Flies To Georgia Sale, Students Enjoy Study Week At Home RTLIFFS BAKE Y an ST